Newspaper Page Text
M'Wm m 5 8 ii'' trf mm, been alaln'-wlth da fence. a opportunity for 1 an fight i RECORD -aft WAR CARRANZA'S CAREER, KLWAYS STORMY; Antagonized u. s. i t-i HucT&moWasForcf-d Out of Presidency tWCen erals Turned on Him. m Many Notables Help Make Up jartJtiftrortlJlfcum8U.noii.. Qne Qf LarCfest LlSlS in 4 Ma native Btate, w.d later studied law t the Mexican capital. After fcetnx admitted t6 tb bar till eyei became a altocttd be could not roo !se uil bo returned homo to bocorna a tsadher. la nooauloa 3w then bocams a 13475 SAIL MfYIMeSmm for l Wa-ry m ueep sea commercial ueveiopmem or &wnmoj;e History of Port. . Tho largest passcngor salting atneo the World War begandndone of tho largest In tho history of Now York port, la talc la it plnco to-day whon Judge, a SanaUsr xnfl Anally Governor 0jejlt llaeri lcaT,f taking total of of CoanuUa, a. married and u ng.erl formerly liroa in SaWllo. OnootJiU ' , dstugntera, Virginia, married Gen. Anion tho passengers on tlie Cu Caatildo AgtHax. Ho owned & large ' nard llnor Maurctartla la Walter nMtt, s A Biecj&cr t Uo landed Karen, National open golf champion, artat icy and a wealthy man, J Other paascngera on tho nhlp, which Ha was oleoted FtraatdenV of Max-llacarrylnr only flrat and aocond'elaaa Jco March U. t' with a vote Of poaaenfara for the itrat tltno 'a Ua Nfn York has aupremo advanUffoa In ffottlnsr train hero by way of tho XfitoOOO, th large ver cast In a history, are Mr. and Mra. XH. l flax- Great Lakes and tbo Erie Canal, and should he equipped with tho moat Mexican presidential electlon. Hotter of tha Now YorU Athletlo Club: modorn appliances for transferring' It to ships In the harbor, Uut It Is had atopned' Into power orer the! Mr. and Mrs. Clarcnco Bowen, pub- paltlmoro which has the best equipped irraln s'toiajro and shipping plant BraTectaa.VletorianoHaerta,Uie usher) Blahop J. II. Darlineton and i",,he world. " handlos twlco ao much Brain a any other plant In Sr-Sff.U XcWa. Alterth"nflT.n.Y.B.DarllnIrtonorVenn. tco ud Is 100 year. In adnce of tho type of Kmln elevator provalont PresMbe&t Waerp Baaassinawm w sylyanla J Main EHlott, ueuu cpu j. The plant was built by tho Pennsylvania Railroad, replacing no Which Hnerti'a tuocots, Carrania aent vrord h refused to rococnlre Ilaorta and would resist him by force. rHa'ralUad a caaall band of 600 ft4 lorrer, wtrlea crotr Into a aiieobie fmy when tie won tho support of Fraadaoo Ylaa. lie naa rvea unaer C Faunlhrope, II. 1 Tupperberfer was deatroyed by Are In 1916. It haa a atorago, .capacity of about 6,000,000 with 62S tourists bound for tho soaoi ousueia or grain. . , , , athletlo mcotlnga In Pavu and M. Slmultantoualy, In ten hours, this plant can receive 400 cars of grain, Tamaehltl, shipping man of Japan, deliver MOO.OOO buahela of sraln to flvo ahlps, clean 600,000 buahols and dry On Uio White Star liner Baltic. dona w&er tbo dlrocUon and contro, of ono man tne which leaves at a o. cm" -Grain Dcspatchor." who by a aystem of automatic alpnal lights keops mander Branseilnfc Booth'of the sal. tracJt of every burhcl of raln entering or leaving; the riovator. Cars loaded with grain are run on a platform ana tne doors on ono aide ftUdero aa Minister of War and his rmy. Sophlo Braslau and Influence spread rapidly. rtelnald Worronrath of tho Mctropoll- H became Flrat Chief of tho revo- Un Dpera ComPany, Lambert Mur latla&ary movement la April, 1911, pty( B60Bt; le Keedlok, Mrs. In fellowlnx the aaaaairtnallon Of Ma- Kinaji, Lady Jeff and lady itro. Darwin. la ISM. the revolution auo- m.-i. .i.o n seeded Catranxa, Instead of holding I wnjon leaves at noon, aro Mlaa Pcsry , FoUT Children to Get 200,000 elections' and aoaepuar v Woodi jst. and Mrs. Bery Levy, atonal Presidency, aa required by the Harry BUvena, ilra. Washington old CoaaUtuUon, proclaimed blmaalf IXk1 R-d ftnd Mra Albert K. ns... rM.r nf thn Constltutlonallat .. . Party and for two years ruled Hex- othc vesseia wlUi their' leo Ylrtndty aa a lav nto himself. hcura tn 1r0land-Amerlca liner Cornmlsiloner and head of tho nrm of ' Taen, In 1M. bo was elected Preal- jjoordan. the Anchor Uno ataaraahip F. Blumenthal it Co. of No. 27 Cedar dent for a period of four years, the Columbia and the Italian liner Danto street, was filed to-day. It la under- CoaatltuUoB evolved durtas hla re- AlljMorLwaicb tho ,Mt stood the estate amounts to several . v. to mm ' " T'.. niiuona or aoiare. Pino 4.. - ion larnost iiutvugw iimm uu anoth'er term. lrled by the BaUto with 3.J15, and tho Oen. Adolfo de la Iluerta, Governor Coronla with Z.-J5, of tbo Gtato of Sonora, sianca ute i.3, ALLIED POWERS Movement Extends to Persia, Thrace, Syria, Mesopotamia and May Involve Egypt. ROME, iMny 22. Tho nature of the reported nlllanco between the Rut- alan Bolshcvlkl and the Turkish No tionalists appears to bo a gigantic plot against tho English, French arid -Greeks In Thrace, Byrln, Cllieln, Per sia and Mesopotamia, tho Epooha's .Constantinople correspondent said In a dispatch to-day. For tho present, tho correspondent said, 'tho Bolshevlkl aro endeavoring . , ., I to forward to the Nationalist large aro opened. The car la picked tip by glgdntlo arms, turned on Ita conslgnmenU of arms and nmmunl- luiu BiuiKcn lip ana uvwn w.uu tuiuwists unu oiuewisu uinii cuiviy, nucu . set back and pushed out of the way by tho noxt loaded car. m m im MS AND lUli l-lilTllGAINf l. bV I MUI III IV. I IP. tlon through Armenia, The UoUha-. Hv hi method, fnrtv Mr nn hiinr Art, mntillefl a tanU .bm a man vikl also' were reported In corrcspond- mlgbt empty basketa of npplea ono car evory fifteen second. t nco with Emir Felaat In an attempt Ono ship, or any number of ships up to-QVo, Cab bo loaded to capacity with a minimum of human aid. Tho grain pours Into tho holds In golden' streams. thev operation under control of the keen-eyed man watching the'-signal lights. .( Every phase of operation In the Immense plant Is 'driven,' by electricity. Tho builders used In construction 3,500''tons of 'structural steel and 3,500 tons of relnferccd steel. . Motors generating 7,600 horso power run the machinery, and tho belting required for grain movement would, placed end to end. 'extend a distance of ten miles. Tho erection of this ono elevator doubled tho grain handling capacity of the Port of Baltimore ULLMAN MILLIONS GO TO HIS WIDOW Each When They Reach Age of 25. , The will of the late Julian BUvenn sailing Ullman. former fourth Deputy Police LIVESTOCK PRICES SHOW DECREASES Men who knew him personally be lieved Carrara to be honest and Bin cere. At the same time be was ex tremely vain, and this combined with . t .-.t. Vim In Vint water with tho umted state and Downward Trend In Leading Mar otn er-worm powers, iia w otjwwj to anything and everything that any tn Government wanted. Xcslean Stoetta Up en Hews of Camuua Death. afczlean od stocks responded to newa olSTdeatli of Prealdent Carranxa wlBa CWchar epenlnga. .Rail ahowod pains or from 1-i to a full point. French. Inspected Drradnancht. Blveloffloers of the (French Navy, et- . 3 .... . k. . r-wt Atl Jewellry, peraonal property, city homo and country residences are left to tho widow, Mrs. Gertrude Olddetd Ull man. with a legacy of tt5,000 and a Ufa lncomo from the residence of the estate, after the payment of the Income from a. trust fund Of 1100,000 to a brother. On tho death of Mra. Tillman the eatato la to bedlvlded equally amoni four children, and to be held In tru' until the ourotest child reaches thirty flvo pears, when ono half ahall be pa'd kets Reported by Dept. of Agriculture. WASHINGTON. May JS Tho price to them and tho remaining halfihold NEW YORK IN DANGER OF LOSING SUPREMACY A A SH PP N P R I di scontinued From First Page.) even though sho should start right now to modernize ,her harbor It will take hor several years to reach tho point wo are at to-day and by that timo we hopo to bo so far In the lead that sho never will bo ablo to catch up." Tho Export and Import Board of Trado of Baltimore affords a shining cxamplo of why New lork Is losing her forclm and coastwise commerce while Baltimore Is forging ahead. In New York we are disposed to look ipon Baltimore as a slow, provincial ommunlty. Let us sou If our Impres sion Is well founded. aii. ia ln. In trut for their heirs. " ' "or to 1917 Baltimore followed the cuuing wavo wnicu is uwoopinjr w oxcutors are .rtreclod to pay to examnla of Nn York and other reaches twenty- buslnciis. Menkan A Griscom, attor. tlonal dockago and warohouso faclll- andod nvo tht 1 sSm oT $100,000 to start him In American ports by providing addl oortedtjy IaJ. J. W. Neaon. or the Dip- port or Department of Agrloulturo lomatio Corps, vJalted the Uade public to-day. ?rMtT ia. ache: . Although the combined rccelpU of msm AAanvtf TatnflllMie. luled to C9 into cominlajion on June catlie at Uo ten leadinf? markets of ?c;S, TfZoOtXE thor country decreased during tho 5tavaf Artllltry, Enirtneers-an-galjf week ended May 15, prices at all tho nT imiS. d yiuCmlnr markets except Kansas City showed Tarlcl. Ttury were atunro aibont by a general dectxaao, tho report stated, ch 1 WMtonntcSablnb1 Hog prlcea at four loading markeU AariAt IX 8 perry. ahowod a decrease ot from 25 to 75 cents on tbo hundred pounds, during country boa bit the livestock market onch child and prices during the week e Ofay i. were on a downward trend in .'0rNoTr WUlam. Btreet. 'flil the tu, several of tho lending market of tho will lmmr,V ,t . ,lm ,h h-,iw ""'"Jl v.-.a " I . - sann HM BAD CHECK CHARGE river until tho lino Is lost In the dts tant hazo la a atrtntr of vessels (lying many flags waiting for their turns at tuo docks. Compared with Baltimore, the New York methods of handling incoming and outgoing freight are archaic. Each of the three railroada and the Canton Com pany maintain a large snipping terminal, and the docks are equipped with all the latett de vices for loading and unloading. Every pier in the harbor haa a railroad connection. A number of piers are equipped with four railroad tracks. All the rest have two tracks. Loaded oara are run right along side the ships, and the loads are transferred with but one opera Incoming freight In carload lota Is handled the samo way. A slmplo but extenilva eystetn of connecting tracks permits the shifting of freight from the rail road termlnala ,to the ahip ter minals and vice versa with the minimum of car movement. There Elderly Church Worker Also Ac ' cused of Misappropriating $488 Entrusted to Her. Betty Lee, tho elderly church Mrs. of harbor Improvement In Baltimore had been dono by tho Pennsylvania, Baltimore and Ohio, and Western Maryland Railroads' and tho Canton Company, a private corporation, op erating docks and warehouses alonf, tho lines of tho Bush Terminal Com pany in New York. Municipal docka had been built and were under con struction but there had been little T Fl I (Continued From First Page.) Appeals did, not pass upon the ques tion. "In tho' prevailing opinion. It ap pears that tho decision was based upon tho fact that while the mother was a passenger tho child was not. inasmuch as the railroad company had no knowlcdgo of the existence of tho child, and henco nevorcontracted for Its cafe carriage. It seems to mo that tho harsh rule thcro applied should not bo ex tended, but rather confined strictly to tbo limits net In that caao. In uvuu, mo opinion' itoolf ia a strong argument for tho. validity of a claim lor damages to nn unborn Infant un dcr other than the particular clrcum 8 ..n.ces thcn under consideration. into a coal mo mamvniic. hhmi. In to reach Egypt through the Hadjoio. Thoro was danger, the corre spondent ' bctloircd,' that the' plot woutd,cxtond to Egypt. MOSCOW, May , Associated Press). The commtwlcatlon sent by Persia to Moscow a f aw weeks ago embodied an offer ia dispatch a mis sion to Russia and to "resume diplo matic relations, according to an nouncement here of a note sent by M. Tchltcharln, the Soviet Commissary for Foreign Affairs, to the Petslan Government. The new note annuls tho secret treaties negotiated under the Imperial regime, and tile Imperial concessions, aBiterts tho principle of non-lntcrfcr- enco and proclaims the freedom of the Caspian Sea and tho settlement of the boundaries by self determina tion of tho population. In addition tho note pledges Kussla not to organize, military, forces on Persian territory and to open Russia to free transit from Persia, LONDON, May 22. Official advices from Persia to-day state that tho Bolshevlkl who landed at Enzell, on the Caspian Sea, have cut the roadi leading to Rasht, twenty-Ovo miles southeast ot Enzoll. The British' force, which is a small one. was compenoa ia wimaniw iu Rasht. i T , REDS STIR TROUBLE IN BRITISH ARMY A MAN MUST LIVE HOW LONG TO DRINK 1,057 QUARTS OF RUM? 'is , " Judge barldis Figures it Out at 165 JYeafs, Therefore Owner Can't . ; iHave'a Single Drink. CHICAOO, May 23. JUDGE KENESAW MOUN TAIN LANDI8 of tho Fedoral Court, who haa disposed of many knotty problems lit hla clay, cornea to tho front with an an swer to tho question: How long would a man of flfty-thrco havo to' live In ordor to consume 1,057 quarts- of whis key?" Federal agents raided tho ea t loon of John JJpleea and found the liquor. Counsel for Bpless argued that tho stuff was for his client's personal use. Nobody else was ever gdlng to tasto It. For sale! Nevorl "How long do you expect to live?" Judgo Lnd!s asked JXplcsa. Bpless didn't know. ,"It, would tako you ICS year?." was tho Court'a decision, "to drink so much whiskey." Bpless will not got a drink ont . of the 1,057 quarts. Judge Zidndls denied hla petition .for the return . of the liquor. SalMtotreeper Held "Vp, worker who left Newark and the city a , . . . .... . . v nBn planning for the future r Buontuuu v wtuivt... " " - SUES FOR DIVORCE STuih WaUh. No. TXI Second Jurrmw, contlwued and- hos ttscelpta for tho And Benedict J. MoGk. 3io. 417 First ten market showed a moderate da- . m i WUU,III. L.IIh. AnJBlfit were Jtxrmisroa n iwmuib vjiuo rssw tMv mnA hVd tor Eunln&tion MjA,22l2l2f .UOHN R. KIMBALL OifcJSL aaloonisciapcr at No. 1(1 East KM Street lata last night. Cafoill Hentftted Qe snea aa bavtrig been two of fourho sttd hla place last night, bid Mn up tfi beat hun with Um butts of tbelr rerolvera wben frey wore unable to 3n th caab restetar. Mahlstfad Dlvarce Salt Xleopencd. At th motion ot tbe attorney for Un. Helena MsMstead, her ault for dlwree from ber husband, Jdhn T. Mablstoad. a tiow Rochelle lumber dealer, was re ooeaed 'before Justice Tomplctna of do SutiTftrofl court. Nrack this enornlns:. On Jtfoy 4 Justice Tompkma had dismissed I mien Qeuld Barkor Kimball. The r tbo vo ult -when It pame. before htm at l.m. TOxlte rUir. tfeclaruuc taa "It. was p - V.. tho week ended May 15, the report . Thuraday In the midst of a phllanthro- Qiicago and New York Danker Alleges Tlut His Wife Deserted Him. (BpKttl la n Xmdni Wol4) CSnCAOO, May 22,-Jottn Ritchto Kimball, Chloaco associate ot the Guar- only Trust Ccrapany of New York, haa filed suit for dlroroo from his wife, Mrs. plo campaign to erect an 1800,000 work ing women'a hotel under her manage-j ment, waa arrcated to-day In Trenton, N. J, She Is charged with misappro priating $188 entrusted to hor by C. Wenhom Smith, organist, to huy tickets to Europe for himself and hJs wife. Sho Is also charged with issuing worthless check to 'tho amount of about Sl.OOO. The chief of pollco of Trenton report ed to-day to Commissioner Ford of Nowark (who la a son-in-law of Wen han Smith) that Mrs. Lea had ut made arrangements to go to Wilming ton to undertako wolfare work for membera of the Du Pont family and waa greatly disappointed by tho Inter ruption of her plans. ot deserted pirn on Fob. SO, 1518. Both Kimball and bta wife are well known In Chicago and New York. They were married In May, 1518. Mr. Klmbsll Is a daughter of Mr. and Ura. Frank JV, Marker oi no. 4tz3 oroenwood Avenue. RETURN OF FEES ORDERED. tho clean! and cnuleit of all collusive dlvoros actions X have sen In eighteen yeara on Che bench." MaliWtad wtnt en tne stand cms snortung. justice Tomp kins Teeerroa decision. AJIcared aiayer af Edlter Arralgaed. Phllm Cooper, No. SOU Prospect Ave mia. tbe Bronx; waa arralfned before Judee Cram an General eessloM to-diy cbsreed with the murder of Morris Nlm koMcy. editor of Forward, who was stabbed tn 4eaU in Seward Perk on 3Sbv 7. Cooper nU be had no money to troptoy counsel The court ssslgned John M. Mlnton. No. M liberty RU-eet. and Zutnait Buahet. No. 309 Brosdway. Hwy entered a plea of not guilty, Cancbt 'WltU ISO allott t TVTiU-fcry. apRINOFIHU). Mau.. May 2d.-4iear I County aa "fete" by former super- the Coanecuout eute line arly to-day I visors in believed to have been officers stopped a touring car driven orougnt to a Close By yestcrday'i oc- by Anthony Xiombardo of New York t.,on lim Appellnto Dlvlalon of the taty. a chauSeur. conuinlng 120 if. fcupreme Court. Brooklyn, affirming loos of "awneblna" whiskey in fire- a verdict of (30,(38 against Dayton S1!0? - na P80 paateboard Jledgea. a member of the Board from cart"'- m 1HD to WIS. CrM to Qati KepiAUeaa Rational "r t'8Ul pKn ,n a ""Payers oult Vim so ws naueaai affolnat MVen guporvlaora on tho - "T... , , grouna tnat tney nod lncreoso,! Ihelr D08TON, May SI. Withdrawal of pay -under tho fno svatomlnln WIRE MAKES LIQUOR VANISH. Dry Aaenta Hay Device tn Brooklyn (Dumped Contraband In Cellar. Revenue agents wont Into tho plnco ot Henry Schmidt at No. S Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, to-day and allege they found a wire arrangement by which receptacles containing liquor could be Appellate Court Upholds Jada-mrnt dumped into the cellar by cutting the Acalnat flaOalk Ux-Sapervtaera. attachment They allege Schmidt did The nght Instituted seven yeara ago thU he found the agents In hU hv HnrrMn AM. T ntn . a... Place, scnmioi was nem in u folk County to compel the reatltutlon lot thousands of dollars alleged to liavo been Improperly taken from tho for examination by Unltod States Com mlasioncr McCabe on a cnarge ox sen In and pososslng liquor. August Wilson cC Iluntlnrton. U I. was held In 81,000 ball by Commit slonor McGoldrk-k on tho same charge. GAS REFUND IS DENIED. Jdstlee Tlerney llolda lie Cannot (Irder 9000,01)0 Ilrooklyii J'aymitnt. Supromq Court Justice John M. Tier ney deeded to-day that ha dkl not pan ess the power to order the Kings Wlntbrop Murray Crane an a memb abollahed bv a oolrnm of,r County Llirhtlng Company to distribute of the Republican National Commlaae In a alnglo year the foea of ono man at once among Brooklyn gas consumers 'il..' vi"".ii'"r.7'" 1 jumpea irom iou to ligoo.ogo. renresenunx ejxesa oouec "SitikitftrwiSiL" .8uH County hae won tudgmonts tlona over the rate allowed by atatute. air. Crana haa barn tha UuuriauMii ' .WO. or which W.000 already haa . An anneal bv tha aaa oonioany from member of tike National CommlUoo alrvca I been refunded. la iiunroine Court deoUlon In tho oass Jn lrai. i mii , , i fki tar iiftniiinK- in iiiu yiinmuaiu aviviiiuii. Thta must now be passed upon oeiore gas-users can iook tot a repaynronu Nev Trial Denied Vaesof. Justice Mitchell In, tho Supreme Court In Bronx County donlod to-day tho uv tlon of Martin W. Uttlelon for a new trial for Joncph Uaof whosa execu I rcc ennn in erAnmr Foad Cantatner BUI ruuu in OIUflHUC AWUNi", Mar Gov, Smith vetoed ... .. . ., to-day tho 6111 .providing that the con tents Of containers of foodstuffs ahall be indicated .on the outside. He ald it did not allow aumdent time to make ue cnanra der Last Year's Klirare. AJUHANT. May 11. Decided decreasea of rood products In wm publla ware houses of the State are shown by re- . davernar vioaa Halt's mil. I porta compiled by the Statu Dtnmm tlon has been set with three qtbwrs for MmXT. Vy S2 Bmltb to-day I . rma d market,. The $5281' oToaJlu!no, inar useaor was r?" -yin vJixios it, u' '"r-!.,.?"' ciuoing tne atateraeni ID. deswaea to confer uSaii unmclal 2T'l'ri"rn .V?"ae oetow not one ot tne ana wnicn - jL . -.W0 Kwrtds leas tho Intcrvalo Avenue station of tlie w-..r . ,T. . " fr,,.'. . . i."" 1 1 ".v' " ...-.ii. . . V iwav to attack Otto Klsla. v JI44ea for State o(Qca Micy e . . - 1 nax "a?, Fow the uruat num- dered In Nov. -SKKt.J!a(!!2!i jeajbeiits re- ovldenee" sums mhh i nf i 11 HOW BALTIMORE IS BUILDING UP HER FOREIGN BU8INE8S. Tho Immense export bualness created by the war caused Baltimore business men to sit up nnd take no tlco. A little morn than a year ago number of the leading financiers ot the city held a meeting and decided to launch a plan of harbor improve ment which would tako care of the needs of tho port beforo these needs actually knocked at tho door. Out of this meeting grew tho organira tion of flio Export and Import Board Trade. This organization la not composed men exclusively Interested In hipping. It embraces in its mem bership every lino of buslnoss In Bultlmore. Austin Molananan, ino leading banker of tho city, Is Presi dent. The object of tne organization Is to boom naltlmoro'o foreign ana coastwise shipping becauso the arowUi of shipping benoflta every linn of Industry In tho community, Casting about ror a man competent tn conduct tho new organization the nnwrh decided ucon W. M. Urlttaln former Bocretary or mo American Steamship Association of Now York. Mr. Urlttaln, nis osaisiani, v. wens T.iintr nnd the start started io work last MopioraDcr, ana m i"o months they have put Baltimore on ihn forelirn and coastwise trado mup. Acting on data rurnlahed by the nnri unit Tmnort Board of Trade, ino aiaryiujiu a.cbio"i.u,u .... act a abort time ago ompoworing tho ri( r Ralllmore to issue imnas io tho amount of 150.000,000 for harbor development. Tho bond Ismio is aub- Joct to a referendum vote, mu u is of Baltimore becauso tho project Is ao framed tnat it wiu noi cosi nAnnv In taxes. xrn nitrt or ma luun ia vu ua o pended until tho city has ontercd Into binding contractu mm ,cs.jiuii,om concerns for leasing tho dooiu, wore and otnor improvemeino un i rental basis at least equal to tho sum Af i in. nnnual interest on tho expen diture and me annual oumum lunu nccesaary to rotlro tho bonds. At the ...Ai.nn nf the leaslne period the tiropertlea are io revon iu mo unjr and tho rentals aro to be turnod Into tho City treasury. BIO DEMAND FOR DOCK LEA3E3 ALREADY IN EVIDENCE, Already the requests for leases as sura that tho construction projocts will be snapped up as fast aa thoy can be planned. The work will be nuned bocnusa the crowing business t .All - . ' . , . . ' . . 1 1 L'..l..'. ' " - , C 1 IB aircaay uums tuo port mciiiiies. UD llatllmnro to.dav Is about tho bual itiowaarnur- r '. i ... -.. m,... . ii. iu. was not. "new r,.r' T.TA: :nt to .enanite ana r- -'"" -'.ll.JLL. ..i .k, Wr"hy flSt t!meJ nlXr tlmoNWoes Jf-iK Fcsassia inraah.prrkThof iy sss boss s tovedpres nro all white, and tno l","" ."u. 10 m Uself officers of tho union, which Is com- g to progress pari -r.r n.irm unit white laborers, passu with civilization .and our ever- re also all whlto" growing humanltarlanism. Ahd It is . 1 ,-.i0. bt a manifestation of this spirit of WUrfrtnro nuLf in ntrwa".- me jaw io recognize the responsibility TO STRIKE. J tho defendant to this child now Tho wage scale hero is 80 cents nn SSu-T Injured Tn heV'M' hour. with 1.20 on hour for overtlmo f injured In head, body and ana nicnt worn, ino auinuum .njr Watrcs wore recenUy , A" motion ror judgment on tho In amlcablo confer- pleadings to thoroforo. denied with icavo to tne aeionuont to servo nn nnbwer within twenty days uuon payment of 110 costs." ftlphf hniir. Incr.mn1 utter nn amicable confer enco between tho stevedores' union and the shipping intcjeets. The 4,000 lonfjinoremen ana 1,000 employees in the towlno and liohterafle 'nduatry refused to strike In sympathy with tha New York harbor workera last Oeto ber and have refuted to ao outon other occasions alnce. Agitators euoh aa thoeo who work up the atrlkea and tie.upa In New York Harbor would meet with email auccest here, because 99 per cent, of the harbor workers In Balti more speak no language but Engliah. Tho amicable relatione between the harbor workers and employ era In Baltimore are refreshing -even astonlahinq to one familiar ulh rnnditlona in New York. Tn 1913 onlv twelve llnee of steam ships, reaching only fifteen foreign ports, operated In and out of Baltl- moro IlarDor. To-aay twcnty-nino teamshln lines cngagea in overseas service, operating 150 vewcls nnd reaching more man nriy loroign porta n nil nnrts or tno world. aocK in uiu- tlmoro. Other lines are coming in as rapidly aa docKago racnitics can do provmea. . , imports at Baltimore in ii were valued at $26,500,000 and ex ports at $92,000,000. Baltimore's imports last yoar were valued at $19,000 000 and her exports at $354,000,000. The coastwise re ceipts and ehlpmonta were muoh heavier. naltlmoro's growth aa a TJOrt. to great extent at the exponso of New Vnrk. Is flhown In the following flir- tires; In tho flrat three months of 1910. 371 registered foreign and coast wise vessels, carrying 595,091 net tons, ontored this nort. In tho correspond ing three months of this year, 487 foreign ana oousiwiao toibuih, curry ino- 1.223.204 net tons, arrived. Clearance ror tno nrst mree montlis In 1919 were 478 vessels, car. rylng 871,903 not tons. For tho first tbreo montns ot mis year clearances wero 593 vessels, carrying i,avi,&9 nc tons. To Move CoaM Oaard Illation (Spedil to Tht lnlns WotU.l 8AYVIU.E. U I Hay 21. Prep ant' tlona are being made for moving the V. S. Coast Guard Station at Fire Island Ilnach to tho ly side of tha beach. Irfst winter the U. S. Coastguards wore forcod to abandon their quarters by tide and waves whloh flooded the building, Stern Measures Said to Have Been Taken Against Agents of Russian Soviet. LONDON, May 21. DlsquleUng Inci denU affecting the 'discipline ot certain regiments pf the British army have oc curred recently, says the Dally Sketch and Investigation lias revealed the fact that axents of the Russian Soviet Gov eminent have perfected a plan to make the army a Tioioea oi aissension. Ktnnn mmsures to srnnrti this oriranl zatlon have been decided upon, the newspaper declares, and important nr rets are imminent. In addition, wtiolo ealo deportations are to no expected. AUDITORE'S WILL CONTEST TO GO ON Brother Says He Plans to' Have Body Exhumea to De termine Death Cause. Jamoa Auditore, a boas stevedore. brother of Joseph Auditore, another millionaire stevedore,' whoso death and testamentary bequests disclosed a oloso friendship with a Miss Jennie L- bonsky. In whose apartment he died, sold to-day that irrespective of what the widow might do, he Intends to have tho body of his brother exhumed and an autopsy performed if there be a way to accomplish these things. He said he wanted to have settled for ever ths question whether or not his brother died of natural causes, as the only "fair course toward those whose names havo been mentioned In connec tion with Joseph's last hours. He will contest Uie will to the limit, he added, to seo that the children received two thirds of the estate and the widow one third. Furthermore, he stated that ha would do his best to make Charles L Apfel step aside as executor and tht 180.000 bequest to Dr. Monae-Losser, for disposition as Instructed, set aside by tho courts. Auditore said: "I Intend that my brother's estate shall go where It be. tones, to his .widow and children." He explained that as executor Mr. Apfel wpuld receive at least 100,001 -for" eighteen years, and what be wanted waa the appointment of Mrs. Auditore. the widow, aa executrix, so that the foe might remain In tho family. Auditore also said that ho wanted to known what made Mre. Auditore and hU brvUior Frank oldctenly change Uml minds about Investigating the death of Joseph and breaking bis will. -'BAKER TAKES UP EERGDOLL ESCAPE MANY KILLED IN POGROM. WILSON PREPARING Feast of ShrbuotU Ilealna Toflcht "Shebuoth," or tho Jewish Feast ot tho Pwvtccowt, begins at sundown to' nlcht. celebrating .the giving of tho Law to Moses on Mount .Stnal. Ortbo fc Jews conUnue the commemoration tn two dayai tho reformed congrega,1 tlona maintain it for one day only, and dedicate it to coflrmatlon ot young per Outbreak in Hnnaarr Started by "IrresTnlar" Soldiers. LONDON, May 23. Many persons were allied ana wounaea in progroms which occurred In Budapest and Szol nok, fifty-four mllca southeast of Buda pest, on Thursday and Wednesday, an Exchange Telegraph despatch from KNOX PEACE VETO roVTiY. carton "IrreKUlax" soldiers, the despatch said. Police, amoa oy regular troops, WASHINGTON, May 22. Presi dent Wilson's thno la bolng largely taken up to-day In proparlng a veto of the Knox peace resolution, which passed tho Houso by a voto of 228 to 138, seventeen short of two-thirds. Eleven New York Domocrate voted with the Itopubllcon majority. Tho Senate voto last week waa 43 to S3. ( Nineteen Democrats voting for tho resolution wcro: Caldwell, Carew Cullen, Doollng, Qanly, Qoldfogle, Me Klniry, Maher, Mead, O'Connell and Sullivan, all of New York Aehbrook, O.i Evans, Nov.: Qallivan, Olney and Tague, Mass.i Hamill, N. J. Huddle- ston, Ala., and McLane, Pa. The resolution was devJsod to shift tho responsibility for tbo delay of peace from Ropubllcana of tho Senate to President Wilson. It was adopted by tho House April 9, and aa drawn then It elmply declared an end to tho state of war with Germany. The Senate broadened It to Include Aus tria-IIungary. Tho Houso concurred to avoid dolay of a conference. Ilnally restored order. Ebert liaises tate of Siege In Qermany. TVBltLilN. May 22. President Bbort hita Issued a proclamation raising the atate of siege in Berlin. Brandenburg RELIGIOUS NOTICE8. Did Not Authorize Moving cf Drafts Dodger, Who Said He Sought Hidden Money. WASHTNQTON. May 22. Orover Cleveland Bergdoll, rich draft dodger, who escaped from two array eenreaunli at PhlladelplUa yeterday, was per mitted to leave Fort Jay on represen tation .of lila counsel that he had eocret tl a large sum of money In a placo known only to himself, Secretary Baker said to-day. Mr. Baker denied reports that be had authorized tho moving of Bergdoll ml said his first knowledge that tbo prisoner had loft Fort Jay was when Adjt.- Core Harris reported tits escape. Tho Secretory added that he liad Gl and the roma nder of .finany immediate and thorough In Wherever it was in turcu, nituinuu uj districts of Saxony. vesUgatlon. That "GARDEN FRESHNESS" of the genuine TEA is perf 4ctly preserved in the sealed metal Pack ets. You will notice the difference at once Black, Green and Mixed. At yoar grocer's TOEE BYNAOOaUE. CAnHEarB II1J SUNDAY MOaXma 10.1S I'UOUIT. TirE JOINT CONK1I1MATION BIHIVIC15 OF A1J. Or T1IH DIVISIONS OK TUB I'ltus HYXAuooi'i: hiij. in: num. DU. W1HK Will. 1'llKAUt. ALLAUU WKLCOUK. LOST1, FOUND AND REWARDS. IOST ThuiwUr Tilns, Mir 3D, tUrrrildo Drln to UrvAwftr, on 7M t., two ikla tituo Simla ltd!'! cttl rtwird I2J. EL K Uubtr, 47 Otuumy HELP WANTEDFEMALE. tjethlnje aTtftar duwa i.Uo, ., lioNiioiurp-Autce. CAJirruiu. vu SCrtU'ruilK.' rftANCEa. Lying In ilt CAMrUBLl. X'-U.NKnAL. ClItHClf. TUIDIN(i8. WILUAM. CAMl'DCCT. FU. yanAi. cuiUAcix. auaitay, a i u,. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. WI1EN DEATH ENTERS YOUR HOME Call" Columbus 8200" At Any Hour, Day or Night Tho parting honors will bo paid in n way long to bo rcmcmDcrea wucn tne arrange . mcnta are In tho bands of Mr. Campbell. Call'1 Columbus 8200" Any Hour, Dayor Night FRANK E. CAMPBELL "THE .IUNE.CHURCaip. Broadway at 66 St. 23 Street at 8 Ave. Flowers for nil occasion. Artlstle Funeral Desums oar JiwUltr. It Makes Little Difference What You Need ? A World "Want" Ad. Will Go and Find It 1 a8ir,yfr,-rir-i-r--Tiati