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HI rii. Hi; 101 THE EVENING VORLP, TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1920. II THRILLS OF JEWEL THIEF T (Continued From Vital Vast.) 13d Street and an Furglar liad no WmO Jib went to live temporarily With Whltely. Some time later Fur Rlar met a roan whoso Identity 1b un Jknonn. This man, learning of Kuc pu't acquaintance irlth Whltely nnd tte lattcra position In the Da Cunba '-"household, told Furslar ho had the tchAnoa of his llfo to make a haul. 4 , Xtfwaa not lonj titter that Furfflar nia' to Whltely .that he wanted to taker a bath. The negro suxsostcd the X)a Canbla homo an the place for especially as Mrs. Da Ctinbla was VwaV. After the bath, according to Iheeorrfoeilon made by Furglar, he TT6ni to Mrs. Da Cunbla'a dressing Voorrt pried open her Jewel box and teade off with the loot. , rA Uroadway npd 47th Street ho rAt the "unknown man" and there lalto met llamo, to whom the un Jcnotyn sold two necklaces and two nhcj lor $570, clvlns Furglar n'l but ?:0 and telling him to beat It. Furglar went at once to Leeriburg, Mlaa., and that night the theft was reported and the detectives started their hunt. Mr. Corrigan was not permitted by Mrs. Da Cunbla to cross-question the negro, but when she left later for Kurope the detec tives discovered In his possession a lottcf for Furglar from his grand toother In Woodvllle, Miss. After that, Whltely admitted that Furglar had taken the Jewels. jjThe detectives In command of Ren feurdes went first to New Orleans and iljenco 1o Woodvllle, but the grand mother knew nothing of Furglara whereabouts. Vent thy went to his mother's home mid she HCtit them on n wild goose chaso Into Texas. Tlnre tlio troll lead over the dwM, wlioin Murder Bot lost, and finally ltaek to the "mother's. Threat to ptucnrd her town, with "wanted" notice got fio'u lier A confession that her non was at n hotel In licesvllle, and tlirie the de tectives caught him. Tlio Jewelry so far recovered con sists o the cigarette ense, tho ruby ring, the cameo ring nnd the pearl bar pin. SMALLPOXJMRNING ISSUED. .Irt'rr llrnlth limit t.rgrm (irnrrnl Titrrlnntlon tm Averl liplHemlr. TItKNTO.V N .1. Jnn.i 1 Dr J c t'rlce. N'kw Jersey's Htslo Dlrrrlor of Health, Iretieil a ni(il1pu wsMung tn-ds and urged general varr umtioti to prevent an epidemic. He said that within six month the fltste Department- attention has been called to 111! dlieaia In ten munici palities. He raid that of 113 canes Invcdtlpatrd only three had been vac rlnaterl auccefiaftilly. aind In (h caaea the vaccination dated bi-l fourteen, forty anil forty-three yean. iVo Connection ITIIft Anu Other Store in tin City fdealL T 3arvf fli V X f Dlsnl Pp Tali li levator 36 WcBt 34th Street Oppotil OpTunhtim Collint SENSATIONAL SALE Dresses One of th All-Wool v.lour Wrap. ttt.1t 1 Value is emphasized In each one of these Dresics. This is on exceptional offering. A great combination of style, quality and economy. The materials are Silk Foulard, Taffetni, Crepes, Georgette, Satin. 14 .95 ENTIRE STOCK or SUITS. WRAPS. DRUSES. SKIMS HAS BEEN GREATLY REDUCED. Mr Ktne Quality Silk Foulard tti.U WRAPS AND SUITS Reduced to $15.95 $19.95 $24.75 Less than presont manufacturer's price LARSE TRICE CONCESSIONS ON ALL OTHER SUITS. COATS. WRAPS AND DRESSES This is , THE LAST WEEK of the GREAT SALE OF Phonograph with the master madeJiorn PHONOGRAPHS at big reductions 1 Save $29.50 $99.50 Cash Compares favorably with standard machines selling elsewhere on "terms" at $185.00 and more. ( Ava usual price is $129.00 cash) 3 Save $15.00 $74.50 Cash Compares favorably with standard machines selling elsewhere on "terms" at $150.00 and more. (sn usual pries is S89.50 Cash) On Saturday. June 5th. the GREAT POPULARITY SALE OF RU-STELLA PHONOGRAPHS will be brought to a close. Therefore this is THE LAST WEEK during which you can Actually save $15.00 or $29.50 Both machines are large cabinet size phonographs and compare favorably with machines selling $60.00 higher than the regular prices ol these Ru-stella models. At The Reduced Prices, The Saving Is Even Greater Some are in the fumed and golden oak finishes, but most are in the genuine mahogany finish. Before It Is Too Late, Do It Now ! Asars Mod Dept.. Fourth floor. MU Rlreel. Knar. tjrtipyC NEW YORK HERALD SQVARE We Acted as Bankers And Advanced Money to Manufac turers on These Goods Here are both Winter and Summer Lines in one Big Manufacturers5 Unloading Sale MEN'S PANTS 71TJ A. Ml at $ i .90 $6.50; CJL. As we've snid, wv ourselves have been selling similar grades at $0.50 and Uiut means lliul others sell the same grade at $7.50 or more. Fancy worsteds in sizes 28 lo 40; blue serges in sizes 'JU to 42; corduroys in sizes UO lo 42. 29c Socks Made lo Sell at 29c; Sale Prico 17c V boucht 200 dotcn of this irrado and every pair Is perfoct; "seanileaa atylc. black, cor ilovan anil blua. 3' lo 11H. Stockings M dc lo Sell a 55c: Ssle Prico 29c Fine or heavy rib atoclilnea; every pair peifpct and fast bluck; full m.umlesc; our box cun't have too many. Sizes 7 to 10. Wash Knee Pants 1 1 Made to at $1.50; fered in sale at sell Included are khaki pants, gray and tan cotton pants and stripes; "full cut and well made garments ; perfect and new ; guaranteed si by us; sizes 0 to 10. 6 th Avenue Between 15th and 16th Sta. Qrd Avenue N. W. Corner 83rd Street SSSSSSSSSSSSSSVilSSrAJBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Yonkers Store, 25 to 29 North Broadway j.fair trials ySND just once is a fair enough trial CJ for Tetley's 1 Just one cup of Tetley's Orange Pekoe Tea fragrant, deep colored and full-flavored and you straight way forget there ever was any other kind of tea. Tetley's becomes yours for life ! TETLEY'S TEA Mnkea good tea a certainty Everything about Tetley's is rljht It's peered rifiht K' blended rlcht, and It's packed just right It couldn't help being; good tea. Joiaph TstUjr & Co, aeH Naw Yoik FIRM False Teeth Dr. Wernet's Powder KEEPS THEM TIGHT Cordon ficBllworth Real , OBANGEMABMiUlVDE Only $3 a Week Wc feel sure that the only reason why so many music loving families are still without a Player Piano in their hemes is because they do not feel them selves financially able to pay cash for the instrument To make it possible for just such families to possess one of these beautiful Walters Players, an instru ment that every member of the family can play without any previous musical education, .and fill their homes with the joyous sound of music and song. Bloom ingdale Bros, have arranged a convenient, easy payment Plan which will allow you to have one of these new model Walters Players in your home and pay for it in easy weekly or monthly payments. Be sure to take advantage of this unusual opportunity by calling at our piano salesroom to-morrow to select your Player. The Walters Player is an instrument that stands in a class by itself. It is made in a beautiful mahogany cese, has a rich and mellow tone, and the player action has all the very latest devices, which allow you to absolutely control every musical selection you play on it. Free With Each Player r A Beautiful Music Roll Cabinet A Hand some Bench to Match $10 Worth of Music of Your Own Choice and Free Delivery. We Do Not Charge Interest Almost every business house that, sells an article on an easy payment plan charges 6 interest for" carrying the account, over and above the purchase price. In the purchase of a Player Piano this interest charge added to the purchase price would make the instrument much more expensive by the time it is paid in full. We, however, do not charge in terest After making your regular weekly or monthly payments until you have paid the advertised purchase price in full there will be absolutely, no further charge of any kind made. : 3 5 Send Name and Address for Full Particulars " - 5 Name ; ; 5 5 ADDRESS w.x M E 2 - KiLiUllLjjL3CjLLJi Ji nmrm3rvrvt inm it 11 if 11 ill 11 111 11 11 1LJji BLOOMINGDALES H ' . N n0thTO60thtS'rHliliT LEXINGTON TO 3D AVENUE - " - ; ' ' M " 7 . hi " m I Yot Can Buy Tlis Beaiftifiil ; I Play & on Convenient Terms I M m m 2 llrala Kura flunk ill) liwuman M.. VhlU, 1irl, An 1lh, Uush with mtt. Y.rV. illli-. IH. ASK FOR and GEY Hoiiick's Tho Original , Malted Milk for Infanta and Invalids Awli ZultattoBi ms4 SabitlUto ! for txiullful blu. ulillt DU luond. Call or wrtu Ma. Ci. .ho.lni. rottioVla titort. umrintr rvr llfinta witb n trr Dlt. mond paymrnt tirina fflailooi alrlct I, rcnfldrottal. lUp rcatiiatlx will rail. Stiri 0m Cunlaai Ualll It. 1 tt.10 AT Olt (TttEET ON lUtullf BUM lud Sill Uh Moult. tX rittUi. Quality and Value. Opm a Cliarii Acctunt. Gmwlal farllllUfl fnr ) Uii (or out of luvu iu- 31 Y.iv6l NtQr ffatti un na;Hr up. Paxil r.nalnd, auinvsv taiuuja kUMT Mraait , Vfsrrsn it. s tsva 'misH H To Make Your Hair Look Naturally 'Curly Juit apply uttl llQutd .llmerln. h,u a eltmi lnoih hm. 1'mnn with ha.r and yua wm hav. is b"i"VD 52 and wav a, jou could w,h fo Tn.! or windv wlhr w,. pamj, nomlcal lo u. It !lq U"9 at.