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TUESDAY, Pin,'' 'THE EVENING WORLD, JtTNE 1920. Am St. 5 ' , . "."V"?' , - - . , - . " 1,- The Evening World's Kiddie Klub Korner Ownfes. Wlf Ska Tm ruCSAiBI Ok fXU Ta trmlii Varfa.1 Conducted by Eleanor Schorcr W call camala tha ahlpa ef tha land, And thty ar. They can traval aoroit tha hot aand, Oh, ao far. They Jutt leya tha warm oltma, Naed no food half tha tlma, And for water make littla demand. Mleter Muskrat llkea rivere the beet, Or alee atreame. On hot eanda he would be aore die traeaed, 6o It aeema. ..IJ .1 ! i nay weuia never euii mm. Deeauee where would he swim? And hla Ufa would be Joyleea at beet. r" HAU KtDpQSIcrNS: Teoterdoy our eiay contest closed. But no had n. Tjolld&v TMterdnv nnt w nnant It out In tha ann. nnvar fhlnltlnr a alog-le thought About tho contcat awards, no It la lmpoaslbla to soy who tha lucky kiddles are to be. Dy next Kiddie Khib Korner, thouch, we wfll know, triila mornlngr tlio mall was fat, with 1 now essays, and these, together with alj that were stowed away in the deepest desk drawer, covered the whole dutk and It ! a bis desk with composition!. Defore the work day is done we will have read every one of these at least once from be Klpnlnjr to end and Uio awards will have been decided upon. Tell me, how did you spend your yesterday, and did you have a cood time? I fiope you did, beoauae I did. jria easy to havo a cood. time out oC doors In any sort of weather and at any season of Ibe year. I expect jiervor to be loneln'or sad while there are great open spaces of country to play In. But this does not hrip me to know what you did. I shall watt far your letters to ten mo that. Affectionately. COUSIN ELEANOIL HOW TO JOIN THE KLUB AND OBTAIN. TOUfl PIN. Itt, cut rn tit of tb rmi. Pun-OS. 030. KM, OM, tf J end ft rtvt mtit llm to .Crftn KliaTMir, Cr. IUl i few, Ma Alt tftlklira rp to iltttrn yrara af it nu vtoim mmttotn. Tfct ixmtm la prwnrM fli Ui tiu Stub lla end tuuUtnrUs MTUfloatr. COUPON NO. 629 motlicr what hnd happened and her mother eald: "Do not cry, for tome day tho wicked fairy win he pun ished." LJLJJJWN BELIES! AN, nHea twelve years. LETTERS FROM KIDDIES. TiaAIUJ8T COUSIN BU2AXOR! IS Monday morning when I went to open the moll thorn was a foir. bulky letter addressed to me. I was so surprised I could hardly open It, and when I did nnd vw my pennant, for the minute I was no tunny and proud all I could do was look and look. I taoked It on the wall of my room. I m sAVlnc up coupons for the next Hve slrls, and even after that I Intend to kocp right on bringing girls In the Klub. Thanking you for the lovely pen nant and letter. Your lavtnjr Cousin, UTLLIAJM WI1IT.K. CUSTOMS FIFTY YEARS AGO. ' Who nmoiifr u would ny lo-dv, "I never ue a Dentifrice, 1 never lidie lo"f I Ycl fifty jtar apo, odd as it may ireeiii, not one person In 1,000 used u 1 Dentifrice or even n loolh brtinh. So to-day, after more than 80 years of persistent publicity of Allen s l'oot- l'.nfe, the Antiseptic l'owilcr for the I'eet. not ninny wrll-turned-out people care to confesn, "Vou khow I never have-to ute a Powder for the Feett" And vet. more'thnn One Million five hundrrd thousand pounds of Powder for the l-eet were used ny our Army end Nuvy during the war. The reason is thisi Conflnlnp; the feet in Leather or Canvas Shoes Is bound to create friction, more or less. Allen's Foot-Ease removes the fric tion from thr (hoes. You know what friction does to your motor-car axle. 1 1 Why not remove It from your foot-il wear by bhaking into your bhoes to day, Allen's Foot-Ease, the cleanly, wholesome, hettllng, Antiseptic pow der? Get the habit, Vs millions now have It, who Inhabit our, as yet, Im perfect world. O3 THE OLD FAIRY. lNCE upon a time there lived a Xlttlo old1 fairy, but no one knew she was a fairy. ITha fairy loved chl'dren very much, and tho children called her the Itttto old woman." ("mo day while tlhe was walking In the garden she saw a little girl cry livr. The old woman went over to her and sold: "What Is the matter, little glrir "I lost my don and don't know Where It Is." answered tho little girl. The old woman said: "Do not fear, some day you will And It again." The child toanked her and went to tell her mother about the fairy sho had seen. The next morning tho child woke and etood up In astonishment. Tho doll stood there, dressed In more beautiful clothes than before she hud been lost. Then the little girl re membered What the old woman hvd said and she ran to her mother, cry ing, "The old woman was a fairy. What irtie told mo is true. Mother, I Will take some food for her to eat." When tho child came book to the I douse wnere mo oia woman lived she opened the door and walked In. The "DANDERINE" Stops Harr Cffl3ngQut; Doubles Bcsuiy. woman said: "Dear child, I shall ope old tell you who I am. I am a fairy, and a wicked fairy ruined my llfo and I have to Buffer while slio enjoys her life." And the old woman died. The child went Siomo and told her A few cents burs After an application of "Danderlne." 'Donderine" you can not find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every bair shows new life,, vigor, brightness, more col or and thickness. Advt. Pain after Eating Loss of Appetite Gas jeartbum Acid Stomach Dizziness CoIicxpCramps Sure Relief mi n tit l Mi i i in 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief BE LL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION WORLD WANTS WORK WONDERS wniturefh(lfronment fjeledJ FERN STAND, finished In M. hogtny.'with cane pant) sides. TEA WAGON, finished In Ma removable metal flower box and hotiny. with rubber-tired whetl -unique water. fc 1 O 7 ?? fe 1 Q 7 C device... p I 7. J able tray.... p I Z.i J Kfl 'jOTHING co arouses one's appetite (or comfort-giving things as the knowledge I tlif fk. ... :ll.. L..! .li r .. m . r. ...- wc Euittutitiuiuy uuiauiauic oil a raymcni nan most convenient to the purchaser. It is for your home that we have arranged this display at nil. In-. V-...u:ilf:J...-L I ! Jt..l -r J. TL. JlJ..I - ii i , nm iiuu ncuaic ucai nunuiui or your neeai. i ne uispiay inis year will heighten the enthusiasm of those "Feathering New Nests." Our plan of v ft 1 PfV"18 a most convenient way to dissolve all hazy doubts about having an ideally furnished home. It is a very resourceful way to finance the purchasing of new furniture. When you use this service, you clearly see that the Spear organization hat a high-powered determination to eorve with all its might, each individual. Tryus. lUSi QUEEN ANNE AMERICAN WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE. 60-inch Buffet. 4Wnch Dining Table with 6-foot eiteruion, China Closet and dOOQ 7C Serving Table $jjO.D Spear Specials at About Present Wholesale Cost. AMERICAN WALNUT, or Mine any finish, rulliire Wood Bedsteads T. $29.75 BaSJ; ,ECf 3re T K for Metal or Wood Bedi. All 1 f''.'"!3. ft' IV1S1Btd' lilt. The 4 A i i 1 f" iniiui uiiui, uco. 9tt.o $55.75 Adam Drttur and Chiffonier In An tique Ivory: or Dreiter and Chiff orette Z.H $22.50 7-Piece Dining Room Set In Coldtn Otic; 45-inch Table, which extendi to b ft. Arm Chair and 5 Side Chiirs witli saddle seats or box iciU uphol itered in genuine fr CQ 7 C Spanish Leather... pJ7.i J GOLDEN OXK BUFFETS 40 inch .lie. $19.75 44 inch size, $26.75 48 Inch sue, $27.75 QUARTERED OAK BUFFETS 43 inch liw. $69.75 54 inch lire. $79.75 60 inch sire, $86.50 SALE OF "COLD STORAGE" REFRIGERATORS Uied and endorsed by the United States Government, TOP LID ICER, 2l'i I APARTMENT STYLE, inches wide, M't inches 1 25 inches wide, I7Vj inches ?h!7$13.95lM $32.50 J-PIECE METAL BED OUTFIT Btd (aUsUee) $13.95, Spring $9.75. all cotton roll .edge & A( AC Mattress $16.75. 1JtU ADAM PERIOD DAY BED. finUhed in Mahogsnyi 2.6ft site only. (An additional charge dQO 7 S for bedding). tPV. J ENGLANDER ALL METAL COUCH BED, Couch by day full-size Bed by night; complete with roll' Si' $30.00 CEDAR CHEST, moth and duit proof interior, with dull bran handles and trimmings. $29.50 Two Stores 22-24-26 West 34th Street s Sixth Avenue, at 16th Street Store flours 9 to 5:30 Gimbel Brothers 32w STREET -BROADWAY- 33w STREET NEW YORK CITX For Other Gtmbcl NctDs See Pate 12 s u Fo For MM ER S r Dress an Kiddies : Boys d Play and Girls And for Older Girls of High School Age The careful Mother buys shoes for her children with greater care and thought than for herself. In the first place, the child's foot is growing and developing, the bones are soft and pliable, and if not carefully fitted in a shoe which encourages correct growth many ills may develop, and if so develop quickly. We all know how the active boy or gjrl skuffs and rubs and kicks his shoes, and only the Sturdy Shoe Designed to Stand Hard Wear' of active childhood is worth while. And, of course, the price like Mother Hubbard, vithmany children to shoe the Mother must get value full. Such shoes, designed by those who know and understand children's . needs and the Mothers' problems, are these HEALTHFUL PRACTICAL AND STRONG GOOD LOOKING -ECONOMICAL TO BUY flKHa. For Girls For Boys of 2701$ U57E8 mOWN tsMOEB Justly famous and increasingly popular as the best shoe for children because designed by Jthose who understand the needs of the child's growing foot and made by skilled workmen, of selected leathers. STRAP PUMPS PLAIN PUMPS Low shoes for all summer needs, for dress and for play, for boys and girls of 2 to 16 years, in Tan Calf Patent Leather Gun Metal White Canvas And While r..:kskin At prices which range 1 according to sizes from $3.95 to $10.00 THERE IS NO BETTER SHOE MADE FOR CHIL DREN THAN BUSTER BROWNS. WE ARE THEIR SOLE NEW YORK CITY AGENT GIMBELS CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' SHOE SECTION Second Floor GIMBELS BOYS' AND MEN'S SHOE SECTION -Fourth Floor : : AND OXFORDS "The Brown Shaping Lusts arc ni od ds of perfect fect. They change grad ually with each succeeding size just as nature Intends .the feet to grow." Don't Neglect Your Skin Ladles A law days' treatment trith , CARTER'S IJTTLE LIVER TILLS , will do more to clean jtffe. , ta .trln thin all .W'N the beauty treat- rKTCW. IWI-ilX I La EX W 1' IITTLE IVER PILISS mn(a In crea. atlon. An im perfect com plexlon is caused by a Millions ef people, old. roun aod middle am. tSi thmTor llllouuM. Dla ;lna. Sfck tiw nd niMrtir Htn. TOey cd ih , ml.rr nf Colpntlon, Small Pill Small Dose-Saull Price DR. CARTIIR'S IRON PILLS, a great mnA MnnA tnntr far Aneaala. NervoBsacM aad Sleepleasnesa. ttStfol ft lf alu sSt-?iZ i K)RCoNSTlPAriON Tomorrow Alright NRTablaU atop slek haadaehao, r I lava bllloua atlaeka. ton and rarulata tha allmlnatlv rcan miko you faal flna. "BstttrThan Pitts For Usr Ills" w - Look Like I Candy; Tastes I Like fruit j Trial Size. 15c. . At all Druiibta WORLp WANTS WORK WONDiRB i WOltLO WANTS WOltK WPNOatM Cutlcura Soap SHAVES Without Mug Testb WhhoBt I sin dtctjsd littl Tliltit Ins , Tntk. Trial Dlsntil Gut. RKT8 OP TEBTir i,4 )'orealala arem Of uald. fiilvar and PorealtioT Made at Reasonable Prtemm.- Badlr daeared TaaUi and Roots carerullr axtriLctad. TAAth hM. oiujhly claanad. Brokan Kataa repaired wlilla you wait. 0.W-OOju V 3 0PFICb.v 2E.12Slh St. 1 169 E.34thSt. S, B. Cot. lh aw. I N, Cot, l arc 740 Leilniton Ave., tor. S9lh St jnonnit ( innr run ruca vafuf. IPO twit, an thdlu,l jtos v ' 1 t ,-., : . 1 aJjjwasHrfa, .L. T"W SSitMllllSS)WlISStSI-"' '','' ""'" " mmmX'trrFm m.vm m mum , l'JJiA'lljeMBJ'Ui