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t' irPORT NEWS Babe Ruth in Background , UiiifiZ iVear Cose of Day; j THE EVENING W 0 R LI), , T TTE'S D-A Y tf TT?NE 1 , 1-920. slona la and to relate' From the first minute of the bnttle until the bell clnnitcri, ending the bout, Hums not only buttered Jitrltri nil around the ring, but lip nlnn luul him bleeding bndly from a cut over hm left eyi'. An cuily as the third lound Jnrkft win in a weakened con ditlon si it result of llurrwt'x bom bardment of blown with both linndn to his stomach, kidneys and race. In cve.-y round of the battle Jucks kept runnlhir utound the rlnc with Hums followliiB him. Krnnkle nearly doubled him up several times with his wicked punches to his body. Mo hudl) did Hurim punish the KnirllHh mah that us early as the fifth round the spectators were jelling t llcfcree Henry Iwls to slop II. 1 In the ollitr bouts Harvey Urleht of llrooklyn bested Alartv aiilelt of New York In clRht rounds; Johnny Huff of Jersey City stopped AVljllo ttlirns, the "ftBhtinif ronductor" of Jersey Oily, In five rounds, nnd Jimmy Kane of Vorkvllle and tieorKe llrown rotiKht a hard twelve-round tKiut with nothing to choose between them at th finish. I hen Zowie! 12th Homer Yanks Put Over Two Great Victories Against Senators, Walter Jnhnenn At ol n D,i:n. r-..ij --..,.ww.,, , u, a iigiUiu-uiCdMliy UIUVVU HUCIIUIIiy HIICI- noon Pastime, Which the Home Team's Big Ace Put on Ice, Although Previous to This He Had Not Been Doing Much to Distinguish Himself. Ml , i U "WasSSWSJk I I I 7 I III ' 111 llll v' . xjri f &9 only COAT Li r ( By Charles Somercille. A"T Suppose you've heard of It? t Indeed. Quite, ' YesT Surely. f Holy 8yvlihing, Swsttino, Soaking, Doubling, Tripling, Homi'r Battl Child o1 my Heart (pardon, but I'm always a bit unsteady on this up. Puliation), did you see BOTH pimes? If Vpu difi, hereafter baseball has to hump Itself to keep you excited, Mauie Adams. Or Julia Marlowe. Or Very Oorse I'atoit. As Sothcrn said to me, and he didn't because Wilton Lackaye was the only actor In the press box, and I wonder why, because Wilton Lackayo is a. rood actor as Sothcrn never said to me, Jjut as 1 spotted a darned decent and reasonably early June moon, which was on my left elbow, travelling by the Sixth Avenue elevated after the cameF, I also saw that the conductor had a ouljn. board. And was busy when 1 left him to slake biy hunger at 104th Street, . K. 12 decrees oft th0 equator. Over the tea some took It with cream, others with lemon we dls cussed the matter. Never was there such harmony. Two Irishmen, four Jews, a Bouthern colonol ojid an opinionated baseball -writer. Yet all agreed that when the Yanks beat Washington twice In ono day, Kilkenny was a myth, Pharaoh was a decent guy, maybe Uttfiolfc was right, and would Vie opinionated baseball guy elucidate tho two spec tacles. "Heaven help me!" I says. "I'll try. Not making it too long, be cause a aw.ll chance I got to get into the papir at all if I stretch this wonderfest. Bu,t I'll be -. darned if it wasn't something to look at. Alio regard. Alio a bit of something to keep your pep plugging. "Baseball? Gentlemen, this day you seen It! In all that makes the game an excitement you are a highly privileged crew. Save as the figures show that at the afternoon game there were 38,688 all told present. It knocks down the Polo Grounds rec ord of 38,611, made on a Sunday not so long baick Me 1 may bo wrong, frequently I am tout I surmise the attendance to have been closer to 41,000. But that the Yanks are do ing so well In New York society that they'd hate to let tho landlord know how big the parties are they are holding Is no business of mine, ex cept that anybody that tells me there were less than 41,000 persons look ing at the afternoon game at the Polo Grounds yesterday can count mo out. Thai VoUld leave 40,999. And 10,000 turned back. If you don't believe me, ask Inspector Cahalane. He had the handling of all of us from dawn for the morning game to tho crowdsithat were ull lined up to ee the afternoon game that the morning spectators met coming out. Lined for half a mllo from any sta tioned box office. But a good crowd. People who Ilka baseball like Mt. The reason why they are caught by it Is that they admire tho swift action, tho swift thinking of it, tho swift drama that evory gome affords. "And yisterday's two games hit tho high spots of the sport. To go into details would cover tho page. But the stage setting Is that Wash ington Is a tough team. Their team batting average. If you picas-, is .312. They had won six straight until they hit Our Bunch. S. P. Mogridge went VP ngalnst them in the breakfast wrangle. ' And Shaw held the coffee pot for Washington. With a very un steady hand. In the third, Capt. Peck and this Peck ha begun puckln', I'm telling you stung it for a single to left, and on Milan's Flut tering handling got second. Then what does Big Kid Meusel do but slap It Into the sam; place, scoring I'nck. That was all until the sixth. Wushlngton got goldarned gay. Or, 1 guess, to be on tho level, I should admit we were bum. Hhaw got hit on thj shoulder. It was a slow ball and Shaw took first easily. But Judge singled to right, shooting the lamed wing gent to econl. Mllun hit to Pipp. who throw to Del Pratt. Pratt had no more chance to force Shaw at second than 1 have to be come a millionaire by dropping a rent in a chocolate machine (usually you come away without tho confec tionery), but ho chucked to Peck, the while Pipp was perfectly well back covering his bag. Peck let Pratt's throw go through him, und I guess you can .": Shaw scoring and Judge moving to third, and the Milan geek on second. Hlce Jumped a long fly and the Judge Jounced th,c plate. It got worse. Both rapped a double clown the third base line and Milan mozied across. Three they had. Hur i is went out. Pratt to first. Ellerbe, the Gov'nor's son, third to first. 'And that was In the Sixth Inning. And We had Our S'xth Inning. It was a beaut. Get this: Babe Ruth fans! Del Pratt shocks one through Shortstop Shannon for a real hit. Ping shoots to short and forces Del. Up comes Duffy Lewis. Now Duffy has been the Blump guy where the Babe has been the Demon with the stick. But Duffy gave It a big, lion flit rap. Heart In the smash. It balled. It left the Cpltol leftfielder gaping. It left the left bleacherltes the same. It went clean over the fence. As it did It took a sudden harp turn. It landed foul. Clark Griffith and his wholo team sur rounded Umpire Chill to howl against his decision that It was a fair ball. No wonder, since It scored 1'lng and Duffy and tied the score. But Chill pointed out that the ball was fair when it left the grounds and that by tho law after It left the grounds It was no blooming business of his what became of It. And, of course, Clark Griffith knew that was right goods. He made a speech. But a manager had to do that. Then Truck Hannah took up the club. And the first bnll Shaw slipped toward Truck ho lammed Into left for a homer! Yeh. Regular Babe Ituth stuff. And Mogrldgo splits the leather for a triple, nnd Peck promptly pucks one over Bllcrbe's glovo at third, scoring Mog, .and Kid Meusol mops the ltbr tot triflfk Cwl, Vftk Uscm, I'lpp put a long fly to left and the Joy was over. But you'll say five runs, six in all, topping three, wasn't a bad effort. Carlson then became the (linger for Washington. It was the first profenionar appearance of this young Jamestown, N. Y., army officer. He pitched stiff ball. He . fanned Babe Ruth. This game t"n came to the ninth. And Washington showed its indubi table class. Roth filed to Ruth a long, pretty running catch. Harrii died, ihort to first. Mog gave Ellerbe a walk. Shannon singled to left. Pichinleh as tounded the 15,000 morning crowd by shooting a homer into the left bleachers. He tied the score. Carlton rapped over Mog's glove for a single. Pratt bungled Judge's grounder. Shanks was sent into second to run for Carl son. Pratt retrieved lost form by a fine stop of Milan's grounder. But the score was tied! Tho grand, stand wns rocking with yells for the Yanks to go in and trim 'em. Schacht was sent In to rcpl.-oe Carlson. Meusel knocked a single off Schacht. Pipp bunted to left and Gov'nor's Son El lenoo threw it at first llko the bag was on stilts. It Jumped far to right off Judge's glove and that was THAT GAMK. The second game saw this greatest attendance spoken of. And you will have perhaps noticed that Bubo Ituth was not among thoso prominently noticed. And tho king maintained this posi tion up to a certain point in tho sec ond game. I gloss the details which brought the score through biting. noavy jutting, great basoball, In which Thormy was chased out of the box, and Shore discharged nnd Col lins walked In nnd hold the Senators speechless and holding Senators apeecniess, my cww. Is an achieve ment ana to seven to seven. TIIKIU Kid Courtney was demobilized in second, when the Yanks made three. bnyuer wan called uoon. 1ut left when Ktd Meusel scored Lewis and u.i una n with u clean double to left. The I'apitol scrappers brought : their great big first and only best Walter Johnson, B. S. (Big Swede 1 You in have noticed a strange absence of Babe' Ruth in the re ports so far. "Well, I'm pleased to introduce the eighth inning of thin second 0ame. Especially ro becaus; if it hadn't turned out the tray it did, darned if j don't think the llabe tcould have walked into the. first drug store he came to and hoicled for some plain poison for a heart-broken bloke to gorge on. lln had fanned, he had grounded, he had been walked. He had ical loped what should have been a two-bagger to right ejeept that a gentleman had the back of hti pants jammed against the back of the fence awaiting the possibility. Once before, also, 7te llabe had a chance to knock two runs in and Pichtnuh nailed his foul at the press box grating. The ISatie threw his bat away for sUty feet on that occasion. Well, here was this eighth. Collins went down, Johnson to first. Pwlt socked the Big Swede for a smash to the left Held fence a triple. Kid Mcu3fl did exactly the same, scoring the Cap'n. Pipp knocked u sky-hifh iu actoiiu. rne uaDe at tlio "lose of n day when all his comrades hud been battling llko the devil and him no showing! The Babe caught the second one for his twelfth homer. It hit the lop stucco stuff of tho r.fht grandstand and dropped Into the lower tier. And tho Babe came home w.ih Kid iucusei nncud or lilm and 38,638 pci sons (self Included) went vara nut The Babe had been striving all day :o uu ii, iuu great gang nau Deen tun ing ull day for him to do It, and there was tho added glory of having slammed the thing out, over and bo- yona, irom uio great Vnltr J. son. Glory ? 'T'ls a poor word. A mild term. Frankie Burns Hands Briton Stiff Lacing This teems to be an unlucky year for the Kuropean fighters who have come to this country to clash with our Yankep battlers, as another one of them was given a bad beating In a contest at the open-air boxing show of the Armory A. A. in Jersey City last night. The foreigner who was treated so roughly by ono of our lads was Freddie Jacks, who was the for mer featherweight champion of Kng land. JackH went against Krankle Burns, tho popular und veteran little feathorwelght of Jrsey ctty, In the main go or twelve rounds, and what Uunui aid tu him Jo iKsti inlv u CUT Union Suit OLUS, the only coat- cut Union Suit, is a marvel of simplicity and correct design. It is a distinct gain in underwear comfort and convenience over the old style union suit Easiest On Easiest Off Closed Back 'Closed Crotch Guaranteed Fabrics $1.65 $8.50 1 The Largest Shirt Specialists in America New York City Stores Hotel Pcnmylvsnla, Hotel Commodore. 42d St, llotfl Imperial. 12W It'y Hot! Iirmlln. 29th. D'r it CortUndt St. 139NMuSt. 110 ChambenSt. l Etat 14th St. 200 Klfth Ave. 134 DeUncey St. 1407 FVvr" at S9th St. 1444 ll'wny at 4 2d St. 1654 D'way at Slat St. 1S43 U'way at 65th St. Brooklyn Stores J7 Tulton Street 431 Fulton Street 879 Manhattan Ato. 204 Wet Itith Sr. 106 Lenox Ave. U87 B'way at lS7th St 1011 Southern Boulevard W1 1'roapect Ave. 28.18 M Are. at 143th St. 1398 St. Nleholaa At. at 180th St, i;rWARK TATKaiON UiRTroau 1 MON HlU. WaTKaautY nocnaatra ScaNTON ATLAhTio Cnr 4S2 Fifth At, I III I Wilkm.Babri liaiDOH3T South Bktrlihim fe6sr Jl X mencan Deantv ELECTRIC MRQiSr Its sturdy construction assures you of tho utmost in reliability and durability. In this iron you have an iron that is al ways ready for use. No troublesomo repairs to bother and delay your worlc. SoU by Electrical, ffardwar; and Depattmtnt Storms, and EUctrlcal CompanUs 49 T ilrnnafacturad by American Electrical Heater Company. Detroit. Maker of a Complete Line of Electrie Heating Dovice. r S " uy A D IE nPAICE FAM-LY-ADE on the next auto trip and A pack the suit case with something to cat. Water from the roadside spring or a friendly farmer's well and a dash of FAM-LY-ADE home made syrup is all you need to quench the thirst aiid satisfy that longing for something to drink. You can't keep FAM-LY-ADE from the children so don't try. It's as good for them as for you, " Tickles the Palate" Five Fine Fruit Flavors ORANCE LEMON LIMB CnEMtY RASPBERRY Sold by 11 Grocers, Druggists Confectioners Delicatessen Stores Department Stores Soda Fountains SO EASY TO MAKE Dissolve sugar in water and add contents of patented tube. You have, ready for instant '.use. a concentrated syrup that keeps indefinitely. RED LABEL Karo Syrup may be used in place of sugar if desired. A dash of the prepared syrup in a glass of water makes a most de licious drink. The syrup may also be used to flavor cokes, puddings, ices, ice cream, etc. Book of recipes on request. If your dealer can't supply you, send 30 cents for sample tube, any flavor, Fruit Valley Corp., Rochester, N. Y. 1 , To Dealers: New York'distributors for FAM-LY-ADE v Seggerman Bros., 91 Hudson Street. 32 GLASSES J3QICEMS 1,000,000 Pieces IUaUr rrtto SBSO Fine Fancu Tapeslru Litins Room Suit, Three Loose Cushions, Sojl Upholstered, a Luxurious Suit. This sale includes 369 Suib in (he neuetl designs. Some are1 upholstered in (tmtine leather, some in telour, others in laptslry. The Tremendous Size of This Sale and Its Savings Can Only Be Pay for Tills Suit f 5 IVukh 349.67 lira?' Cub r Credit Appreciated When You Visit Our Three Great Stores Sale of Suits (4 Pieces) t37S Walnut lUd Hconi SSOH.HT 1400 Walnut lied Itooni a III. 7 I IUI0 Walnut llfd Koom .IHT.HU 713 Mahogany UJ Hoom... B7I.IW 1800 MiLhoiany Tlrd Ilootn . II7-I.U1 (1.210 Walnut llnd noum.. . l.OIM.MU 1 4 23 Jarolxiun Oak I)lnlnr Hm !I!S1.KD IflOO Walnut Wnltia- Hoom . . . . ."HHMK i0U Wiilnut WiiliiB Koom . . jKi'J'HA Jl IMS Malioaanv Mnln Uoum U7tMt H'CPU inmumk MvIiik lloom . tlli TPutrv 1 Ivln Itooni . ITD.NH 16011 J.mthir l.lin Itoum ... -UJ t.'Jt I I'JSO UainnU Ulnlng ltom. . . 73lt.OH Sale of Refrigerators t S5 J IIUIIl j $5 to $5000 ilill fonSniinWrcLltar ManlMr Pnmtnt 0H78 Sale of Baby Carriages tSS nM Pullman . . . 92n.TR 140 Itiiati Fullmain -I'.OS lU.d I'ut-Utiun. Puilmaa. Blankets I ... a . ......... 'X.Vi ritac niankatn ... !.! 1-looi-a Jllankola riacr IllankctM :i.r.o 1 Illanketn KImco Ulankcta 4,30 Special bale of m Floor Oil Cloth h Sq Novelties S 1 S llefrifratori llofniri atcwa (.13 llrjiluvrmur IJH lle'tlifratom 040 ltefrlicaratora $4T KpfrlKuiaiori $5U llufrigcra ora . 17X.O . Jl.1r. . ai.i.-. :ij.i.-. . :ih.i.-. i .ir. H !0 Kunifd Otk Bvlnf PUni .. 112 I'.tlof Tibl. Maaottay rintak. 119 Tibia Iip. tlikoooy nalik.. Ill Knaintl Wrtilni Tb) 124 Trl Wlinn. llthocin' flnlil . . $30 ruintd Otk Utinry Tibl. . US Mule Ctblart. H.hog.or flnlU 133 Jtrotxin Ott UUm T.hli ... 11.41 . 47 .11.07 .11.24 .21.17 JJ.74 24.M 27.M Oot Wrarln : A Variety of Mail VJ l'uttrrna Uaah or CitUlt Now Davla Sewing Machine nnaxiuitr! 10 yr. "X 1 Cfi Mckfl AttttolirwtiU fre. J I . JJ Cull or Credit udu)igBaumann . America's Greatest Furniture House Ori en to 6.30 S.TU1U)AT 1.VKNIN08 Until B.S0 !4JWest 125th St. r 35 to 36 St. Block 8th Ave. Newark, N. Ji-49-51 Market St. CofJ'shmp,11 W ha0c 110 connection with any other storesThese are our only three storai- ' fcaB4aBW4aWWa(aTBBWHiaaTBaaa5 ''Jaflg 1 Mi A- mi ft f -M H1 Yi -ill 4 . 1 .It...