Newspaper Page Text
m THE EVENING WORLD, SATURDAY, JULY 3 1020. FIRST-PHOTOGRAPH OF THE 'FRISCO DEMOCRATIC CONVENTIO. 2 ft 4 TIRED OF LIFE Mary Helen Fee Wrotp Good by Letter, Then Tried Suicide in Park. Woodin Twins Manufacturer;. Took From FouhJling Asylum Win Contest. WOMAN WRITER BEQUEST TO WAIFS in ! r in urn if rain rnm 1 i i n n i i n m i i i mm 1 1 1 1 i naw win NOTE D EDUCATOR HAMBERS WANE!) TO ADOPT UPHELD p I .LONG IN PHILIPPINES. Friend Says Letter From Tur- key, Where She Planned to , . Go, Depressed Her. Mary Helen Feo, educator and au thor, was found at tho cntranco of St Nicholas Park, 135th Street and. St Nicholas Avenue, shortly after S.SO this' morning, her wrist cut and apparently bleeding to death, by Patrolman Fcudner of tho West 116th Street Station. In her right hand were two letters, ono to tho police asking; that her name be kept from tho papers, and that Mrs. Virginia Ault, No. 675 IUversldo Drive, bo notified. It also Isald, "I havo chosen this spot bo aa o avoid making troublo for any one." I The other letter, addressed to Fred erick Fee, No. 125 East Avenue, South ak Park. Ill, a brother, eald that ho "was tired of life." In this let Ir she said that In a trunk at No. 18 Kast 18th Street, Brooklyn, would bb ftfund letters to him and to her friends explaining everything. Tho police at onco got In touch with Mrs. Ault, and Tercnco Ault hurried to the Harlem Hospital, where Miss Feo had been taken In n serious condition and Identified as the writer and educator. He could glvo no reason for 'her desire to die. ijrs. Ault eald later: "Thero Is no doubt this Is Miss Feo, jvhoso work as an educator 'n tho Philippines and as n writer on edu cational subjects Is so well known. I cannot Imagine what has caused her act, but I know she hoped to return to Constantinople soon and that she yesterday received n letter from that city, which seemed to depress her greatly." At the lirooklyn address E. R. Noyes, who occupies the house, said that the place had changed hands re cently and that he knew nothing of Miss Foe except that when ho leased tho place lust Wednesday an arrange ment was mado wheroliy she retained tho uso of two rooms. Her belongings are still hi the house untouched. From other friends It was learned that Miss Feo had spent some time In Turkey during the war with tho Hcd Cross. She was born In Qulncy, 111., in 1361, and for many years was head of. the English department of tho Philip pines Normal School. She has wrlt- jtin a number of book. N THREE BIG LINERS SAIL WITH 5,000 Ambassador Jusserand Among Those Who Are on the Way to Europe. Threo big transatlantic liners will sail from New York for European ports to-day carrying more than E.QOO passengers. They aro the Ad riatic and the Mongolia of tho Inter national Mcrcanttlo Marino fleet and tho Savolo of tho French L'lne. All are sold out. Among the passengers on the Adriatic Rre Major Gen. Sir Charles V. F. Townsend, hero of Kut El Amara, and Senator Edge, of Now Jersey. Marshall Field, of Chicago, also sails on the Adriatic, as does the Princess HatzfcM. The Mongolia will go chit under a now captain, E. J. Madden, who succeeds Capt. H. It. Lewis, as signed to shore duty by the com pany. Sho will carry Theodore rr!eser, tho author, and Air. and Mrs. Otto Pruser of San Francisco, Tho r Savole carries tho French Ambassador, M. Jusserand and Mme. Jusserand together with Capt Lav 1 erne, French military attache and Lieut. Tavara, French naval attache at Washington. ( NEW YORKER ROBBED OF $50,000, HE SAYS Complains to Cincinnati Police of Loss of Diamonds and Valu able Securities. fSptdil to Tba Evening World.) CINCINNATI, July 3. Complaint was made to the police here to-day by Jacob Jentleson, who la registered at tha Gibson House as from No. 71 Nassau Street, New York, that he had, been robbed of a package of diamonds valued at $25,000 and a wallet containing securi ties valued at moro than $25,000. Ono Item of securities was a promlsory note for $2.2!3. Tho Job is believed to bo that of hotel neak thieves, who had followed Jentle on to this city, though Frank Rice, do clttred by the police a Cleveland man, who failed to appear for a hearing In police court to-day on charge of like nature at the same hotel, forfeiting a 12.040 titid, is being scarohod for In con- n WIH MM gcuwcavu tajs. , . aqcuo S KEYJTOUt VIGVS CO VOTES IN DETAIL DRY AND THE Bryan Plank Wet Plank IrishPlank Toll Vote Mtc Yes I No Yei No Yei No 24 Alabama 8 16 .... 24 ... 24 6 Arizona 6 2 4 2 4 18 Arkansas 18 .... - 18 -.... 18 26 California 7 18 5 21 5 18 12 Colorado 12 .... 12 .... 12 14 Connecticut 14 13 1 12 2 6 Delaware 8 .... 6 0 12 Florida 12 1 11 2 10 28 Georgia 28 .... 28 .... 23 8 Idaho 8 8 .... 8 58 Illinois S 53 37 21 46 12 30 Indiana 30 , 4 ,26 6 24 26 Iowa 5 20 3 16$ 1 25 20 Kansas 20 20 .... 20 26 Kentucky 2 24 1 25 2 24 20 Louisiana 20 1 19 2 18 12 Maine 12 1 11 5 . 7 16 Maryland 16 IStf Yi 8 8 36 Massachusetts 2 34 33 3 36 .... 30 Michigan 7 23 2 26 3 26 24 Minnesota.... 5 18 3 20 J 13 20 Mississippi.... ... 20 .... 20 .... 20 36 Missouri 9H 25J 25$ 19 15$ 8 Montana 3 5 5 3 3 5 16 Nebraska 10 6 3 13 3 13 6 Nevada . 6 0 .... 6 8 N.Hampshire. 1 7 .... 8 2 8 28 New Jersey... s, .... 28 28 .... 28 0 New Mexico 6 .... 6 .... 6 90 New York 3 87 78 12 80 10. 24 North Carolina ... 24 24 24 10 North Dakota. 5 5 .... 10 1 9 48 Ohio 2 46 28 20 31 17 20 Oklahoma.... 20 20 2 18 10 Oregon 2 8 1 9 .... 10 76 Pennsylvania.. 7 67 44 32 50 28 10 Rhode Island.. .... 10 7 3 9 I 18 SouthCarolina .... 18 .... 18 .... 18 10 South Dakota. 4 6 2 8 1 9 24 Tennessee 24 24 .... 24 40 Texas . 40 .... 40 .... 40 8 Utah 2 6 .... 8 1 7 8 Vermont 8 7 14 4 24 Virginia u, Ziy, 23 5 11 14 Washington... &U 5-$ .... 14 2H U 16 West Virginia. 2 14 3 13 5 II 26 Wisconsin.... 4 22 7 19 9 17 6 Wyoming 6 .... 6 6 6 Alaska 2 4 4 2 2 4 6 Dis. of Col 6 3 2 SlA 6 Hawaii 6 6 8 6 Philippines 6 .... 8 6 6 Porto Rica 6 .... 8 .... 8 2 Canal Zone. . . 2 2 2 1,094 Total 15SK 929$ 3S8 726H 402H 685H Absent 9 t Abs. 11 Abs.23- DIVORCEE DRAPES RING RED AND BLACK Says Her Ex-Husband Proposed to Her Half Hour After Decree Was Granted. -.Wearing a wedding ring draped In black and red ribbons signifying, she explained, her divorce and her Joy thereat, Vrs. Florida Rogovoy, whoso romance with George rtogovoy, Humlan musician, was recently, 'brought to an abrupt termination by the divorce court In Seattle, and who returned here yes terday Is to-day receiving tho congratu lations of her friends. "Tho black ribbon Indicates the di vorce and the rod ribbon shows my Joy at being frco once more," sho explained. The Hogovoys wero married In 1911 following an Introduction by Oscar Hammcrateln. She was Florida L Waldman of Philadelphia. She said to day that less than half an hour after she received her decree In the Western city, her former husband proposed to her again. Tho court gave her tho cus tody of her Ave year old child. Shot In Heel Halt Aliened Ilnlilirr, A negro culling himself Ilnrold Don aldson, thirty, no nddrcss, was shot In the heel early to-day while trying to escape from Policeman Otto Mutr n West 144th Street. He Is a prisoner In liar Ifin Hospital charged with trying to ruu j.mmit r uugan, colored, NO. n Street, and her daughter, ,TVV ,11111 uene, ..w. .. ON WET, IRISH PLANKS BOY GIVES LIFE IN SAVING GIRL'S Rescues Her From Surf at Coney, Then Is Drowned While She Disappears in Crowd. Samuel Straubcr, seventeen, of No, 42C Kast Ninth Street, gave his life yesterday to save a young woman who was drowning In the surf at Con1 Island. Straubcr was bathing off the toot of Twenty-ninth Street, when th-i young womun cried for help. He got her Into shallow water after a liaru struggio anu jui as sne gainea tier footing. Strauber sank from sight. Tho young woman disappeared In tho crowd on tho -beach. SAY FAKE CLERK STOLE BAG fallen rinlm 11 Pawnticket for Satchel Found In Ilia Home. Charged with the larceny of a travel ling bag valued at Otto U. Wllle. twentv-two. of No. 3S4 11th Street. U.nnbli.n Uflin tntrl till, rml lla hn , ,r i . ,.'.., . a r u v,.ilwu. men tpunj-j offices at No. 2 Hector Street until a cm u", o uiioaiKu iiiKin uut- BlUU u Ji uaunii a uupa, UUdl 1 Bluru bv detective Thomas I'ord ot tho West 30th Stroet Station. According to the police he entered the storo wearing a cap which he rolled up and placed In his pocket and then posed as an employee. Detective Kord nays .eleven pawntickets for leathor hundttlmga worth 1600 wero found In Willed home, ... PLATFORM SILENT ON LIQUOR ISSUE BY WILSON'S WISH Glass Explains That President Didn't Want Anything to Cloud League Plank. SAN FRANCISCO, July 3. That the President's Influence was .para mount In the framing of the platform was disclosed to-day by Sentitnr Glass, who explained why ho and o'her Administration leaderr coun selled silence on the liquor question. That wns done, Senator GIuss said, so that nothing should bo permitted, to cloud the Issue nearest President Wilson's heart the Lcaguo of Na tions. Tho President wished tho Lcaguo Issue to be sharply drawn against tho Republicans, and wanted It mado the outBtanding feature of tho platform, and It was doomed In advisable to nllow any othor Issue to be raised which would throw the League question even partly Into tho background In-the campaign. That tho league Issuo Is clear and unmlstakablo now the election will constitute tho "flolemn referen dum" which President Wilson In his Jackson Day letter demanded, there Is no longer any doubt, party leaders said. Comment wns caused to-day by a chnngo made In tho platform after Senator Glass read It to tho conven tion. The change was mado In the plank relating to disabled soldiers.' which reads In part: "Tho fine patriotism exhibited by American soldiers, sailors and marines constltuto a sacred herl tago of posterity, tho worth of which can never bo recompensed from tho treasury, and the glory of which must not be diminished by any such expedients." The change consisted In diminution of tho wcu-ds "by nny such expedi ents." Senator Glass explained that the words did not belong there, but had been left In by mistake In copy ing tho platform. Ho noticed tho er ror In reading It and caused tho chango to. bo mado. STATE SOCIALISTS MEET. Algernon I, re Uriioiiiiem ltlttKl.euli Inturr In Keynote Aililrrnn. Tho first State Socialist convention fllnco 1918 opened to-day tit No. 7 liast ISth Street, and Algernon Leu wns mado Chairman of the opening session. In his keynote address ho suldilt was for tUnato for the Socialists that "the rul ing clauses never can be wise when wisdom Is most needed. Ho denounced the I.usk Committee And the 1920 LckIs lature. which ho said will be recorded In history as having "committed tho most treason and done tho least work to otfset It. Nominations for State ofllcej aro ex pected to bo made to-morrow. WILL PASS ON WAGE AWARD. More Than 1,04)0 Itnllrnnil Union OfMrluW In Sleet In Chicago, CHICAGO. July 3. Moro than 1.000 officials of the sixteen railroad brother hoods will meet In Chicago July 19 to pass on tno wage awaru or tne united I States Ilallroad Labor Hoard. This became known to-day when tel wcre by the Ilrother. hood Chairmen on all lines running out of vnicago. To Itetry Nt.Uc Suit A new trial was ordered yesterday by the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court In tho suit brought by C. J. u. j, """r O Hrlen, Inc., to recover from Willi llcatlon of his book "Tho lllsht to Btatd. " W"e " w" relatives In ts. v. mono a tiainnce auo tor me Well Horn," WET ARID DRV PLATFORMS THAT CONVENTION REJECTED Only 155H Votes Cast for the Bone Dry Pro posal, But the Wets Rolled Up 346. . ,o3AM.rHANCISC0. July 3. FOLLOW1XO aro the. texts of the '"ct plank oflcred bv W. Ilourke ' Cockraii and tho dry ptank by V.'iVUryan, toth rejected by tho convention: COCK RAN' S WET PLANK. "Tho validity of tho Eighteenth Amendment to -the Constitution lia3 been sustained by tho Supremo Court and nny law enacted under Us authority niUBt bo enforced. In the intorest of personal liberty, to conserve tho riclita of tho States, wo favor Federal legislation under the Eighteenth Amendment allowing tho manufacture nnd sulo for homo consumption only of cider, light wines and beery prcBcrvlng -to the various States power to fix tiny alcoholic content thereof other than as fixed by Congress ns may be demanded by tho opinion cr wlnhea of each locality." Deffuled, 720' to 340. BRYAN'S DRY PLANK. "We heartily congratulate tho Democratic Party on Its splendid leadership In the submission and ratification of the Prohibition Amend ment to the Federal Constitution, and we pledge the purty to the strict enforcement of tho present enforcement law, honestly and In good faith, without nny Increase in tho alcoholic content of permitted bev erages nnd without any weakening of any othor of Its provisions." Di'fen.rd, 029 1-2 to lo.l 1-2. i -f BRYAN SUFFERS W IIjLIAM JA'.V.YA'OS 1UIYAX amend the Democratic platform: Hi Inst his bone drv nlank bv n vote of 929 1-2 to 155 1-2. He lost by acclamation his plank ment providing for ratification of treaties by a majority vote of the Sen ate and practical acceptance of the Lodge reservations. He lost by acclamation ins plank tary training in time of peace. He lost by acclamation nis plank on nroliteerine, the convention ado-'tinp the committee report on that He lost Dy acclamation nis niank i P. Iai-iI .nftufctviritir in hi rnWflii IVit ,1 VUI.IUI lit IT kt'',. I .IS W,,toV. fc(W LOST $1,200,000 SAYS YOUNG BROKER Syracuse Man Claims He Was Re couping Here When Arrested; on Larceny Charge, Robert Morris, a young Syracuse stock broker, arrested hero to-day on a chargo of grand larceny, told tho police ho had lost more than $1,000,000 In stocks deals In a few months and had come to New York with tho hopo of making enough to pay a $350,000 debt and thus square tho larceny charge. He was committed to Jail by Magistrate Froth Ingham In Harlem Court, to be held for the Syracuse authorities. Morris took a furnished apartment at No.. 387 Islington Avenue, and there he was arrested by Detectives linger rind Ryan of tho East 104th Street Kta tion. Ho said that last July ho borrowed $350,000 of tho funds of an estate, giving his note, and thOn lost this money and $850,000 more. Ho was nrrcsted 4n Syra cuso and released In J5.000 ball. Ho said In the few months he had been In New York ho had cleared J50.000 In i tiocic uuaia anu uuii uapcciru iu matin $25,000 more to-day. Ho Is married, he 1 Toronto, FIVE DEFEATS HAN FHAXCWCO, July 3. suffered fivo defeats in his efforts to demanding a Constitutional Amend declaring against compulsory mili subject. providing for the establisninenr of rv'itlnnil rtnltAtin .lUUUIIrit U fclllfc. 1,11 RUSH HOUR TIE-UP ON L. I. RAILROAD Trains on Entire Electric Division Stop When Power House Valve Sticks. The entire electric division of the Long Island Ilallroad was tied, up from 8.02 to 8. IS o'clock this morning tVhcn a valve on a sixty-cycle machine In the Long Island City power house stuck. creating a vacuum which reduced steam pressure and stopped the generating ot electric current It was not until 8.30 o'clock that the servlco was again under normal operation. In the wait trains stopped all along the lino and lights went out. Great congestion was caused at Pennsylvania Station and the Urooklyn terminal at tho Atlantic Avenue Station. Viiutlrnl Cnitrta Sail Toniiirrnnr When the Newport, training ship of the New York State Nautical School, k-uvod Stapleton, Staten Island anchor -,. tn.mnrrnw mornlnr .he will nnr,v . .. ........... 100 cadets, graduates of Stato public Behnols who ore In tr'ln'.ng ftjr the mer chant marine service abroad on. a training crulie that will hut unUl Oct. r i YOUTH HAS $1.80 AFTER SEEING CITY But Lumberman's Son Owes $42 Auto Hire and Hotel Bill anJ Goes to Jail. Clyde Graham, who says he Is tho son of a California lumber man, camo down hero from Montreal last Wednes day to spend the holidays. Justice Ton Uyck In West Hide Court to-day extended the city's welcome to the youth, but said he would havo to enjoy It In Jail. "klrnluim said ho went to tho Ho- ttfl Hclmont aidipot.n suite-. Tha night n e hjoycu a good snow anu iookcii over what' Is left of IJroadway's bright lights. Tho next day he rented rooms Ira tho Hotel Astor and Friday ho met UilXBUng woman uoin wanimi 10 mvy rN'cw York, so Graham hired an .auto from Hess Urothors In West 43d Street, Tho charge was $12. Graham couldn't pay, and was arrested on n chargo of disorderly conduct. Detective Mcfann, told tha court of the Hotel As tor bill syalnst draham. "Will you pay thosQ bills?" asked the tdurt. it ITbo youth smiled cheerfully and said. i'Judgc, I'd certainly llko to, but I've only got $1.80 In cush." "Hettor wire homo to father," sug gested the court, "if you want to avoid tho workhouse.' Thanks for tha suggestion," answered Graham, "I'll think It over." SAYS LANDLORDS THREATEN TENANTS Hirshfield Reports Proposed Dam age Suits to Frighten Renters From Appealing to Courts. Threats of dnmago stilts ngnlnst tenants, to frighten them out of ap pealing to tho Municipal Courts under the special rent laws, are bolng made by landlords, according to statements of Commissioner of Accounts Hlrsh-' field nnd A. J. W. Hilly, Chairman of tho Mayor's Committee on Kent Profiteering. One lnstanco given Is that of a landlord alleged to havo written a tcnaut that although ho might think the rent demanded was too high, It did not follow that the courts would ogreo with him. In such a case, tho letter stated, oven though the rent fixed under a stay granted by the Court, was paid by tho tenant, ho might becotno tho defendant "In a separato -action In tho Supreme Court." Commissioner Illrshflold said that nnv tenant who Days the rent fixed by tho court under a stay has noth ing to reur. NAB 4 MEN AND 46 CASES OF WHISKEY Policemen Halt Truck in Atlantic City After Bottle Is 'Hurled at Them. ATLANTIC CITY, July 3 Four men weio orreited and forty-aVc cases of Old Shannon whiskey In their motor truok were seized by the police here to-day. Patrolmen King and Daibasco saw the truck emorged from a garago op- poalto the Heading Station and shouted orders to halt. The only reply, the I POllveilien imy. nun u uinuu m wniiKcy . miriwi at mem trom me true. The bottle broke and tho policemen shooting. The truok lusted and the I mun gave thtlr names as Otto Kirk-1 man and Charles Thelss of New York and Bauual Gross and U. W. Green or Charles Woodin and Clara Bello Woodin, twin wolfs whom the lata John It. Chambers, wealthy manufac turer, took from an orphans' home and surrounded with luxury, will not be forced to go back to tho. foundling asylum. The provisions lit their fqs ter father's will have been upheld. Surrogate Cohalan to-day decided that although Mr. Chambers had not legally adopted the twins, neverthe less, H was clearly his Intention. expressed toy his last testament, to provide for thorn. Thus the children, who after, a brief taste of fortuns) were facing poverty again aa the result of contest by relatives ot their benefactor's will, are assured comfort and competency for life. Chambers took the children front an Institution at Lakovllle, Conn, In November, 1918. Ha surrounded them with every comfort. In hl will ho referred to them as "my chil dren," designating them by names he had chosen for them. He died, how over, before tho adoption had been ' legally completed, Oct. 28 last. He bequeathed each $20,000 to be set asldo from tho first moneys realised from his estate even to the total ex clusion, If necessary, of other be liequetitn. Chambers named his slstor-ln-laW, Mrs. Corlnne Oall, as guardian for the twins, and provided $150 a month (or her services In caring for them. Ho directed that the children's her itage should be held In trust by the Columbia Trust Company until the beenmo of age. The Surrogcte placed the cost ot the contest upon the contestants. TRUSTED MAN HELD' IN BIG SHORTAGE Assistant Manager of National Cityj Company Accused of Stealing Bonds. John' II., Grassman, assistant manager for the National City Company at It branch ornce. No, EH Fifth Avenuer was nrrnlgned before Magistrate Schwab In u Torkvlllo Court to-day 'charged with grand larceny In tho theft of two $1,000 American Telephone and,r ,Telrapb bands belonging to George j! Turner, valued nt $1,860. According to Detective Eergt. Gegan, (Irussman has confessed to the theft -of socuruies valued at $125.000. HH'Of whlttl"' he Is said to. have admitted losing tn Wall Street. Orassman has been confidential man for the National City Company twU . years and thoroughly trusted, It was '. said by omclals of that company, which ' Is a subsidiary of the National City . Hank. Last Wednesday Harry F. Mayer. 2 general auditor of thn company, found t shortage. Mayer told Magistrate Schwab Incomplete Investigation shows a shortage of at toast $50,000. Grass man. waiving examination, was held In $7,500 hnll for the Grand Jury. Grossman lives at No. 634 75th Street. Urooklyn. and received a salary ot $3,000. He ilsjilngle. BUY $400,000 G0LFC0UBSE. rinahlnir Country Club to Ereot ?1 30,000 Quarters. The Flushing Country Club has bought tho Qarretson and O'Conncl! farms between Flushing and Jamaica and will lay out a new 18-hole golf course that Is expected to compare fa vorably with any In America. There are sixty-three and seventy-eight acres respectively In the farms, and It Is re ported $100,000 wss paid for them. The country club will Immediately erect a temporary building with a large dining room and lockers for the 400 members, but expects to havo on the property a new club house to cost $150, 300, to be erected next spring and to be a social centre for residents ot Flushing, Jamaica, Forest Hills and surrounding country. CANDIES THE EIGHTH STORE will soon be open to help supply the great demand for Miller's Candiea. WATCH FOR THE OPENING DATE I MILLER'S SEVEN CONVENIENT STORES Tta llrmdway 431 Jlroxlwar At Aitor i'lac. At Canal St, 1440 Uroudway S3S Uroadway At 4 tt St. At Sprint SL 111(18 Urondn-ar OIO Ursadiray At 40th St. At DIa.ckar St 120 NASSAU ST. Uatwten Daekman and Ann 8U. Gordon &Mwortfi Real OmngeMabmaiade 4 : "1 ji 4 1 1 I ,1 f J, V 1 I 'I iim" ) i 1