Newspaper Page Text
'THE EVENING WORLD, SATURDAY, .ytfLY 3, , 1920. , NEWS OF Tarzaini the Untamed ALL BRANCHES OF SPORT .YANKEE ATHLETE WINS FIRS! EVENT ENGLISH MEET Speers of Princeton Takes Hammer Throw in Amateur Giamplonship Abroad. BTAMKOIID UniDOE. England, July J. A. Princeton man, Theodore C. Spears, took the first ovent con tested to-day In the British Amateur Athletic Association Championships hero. Speot-3 won the hammer throw, with a throw of HO feet 5 1-2 Inches. There was a great crowd present at the meet, there being special Interest in this year's championships owing to tho fact that some of tho wtnnors will bo selected for tho British team in the Olympic games. A fair day nerved llkowlso to incrcaso tho alio of the gathering. Tho half -ml I o run wan won toy B. O. 13. lludd of Oxford, the South Af rican runner, who made the dlstniK-e In 1 ralnuto 66 4-5 seconds. Tho 10i)-yard dash wn won by It P. V. Edwards of tho Polytechnic Harriers in 10 seconds flat. Tho long Juqip was won by 1). H Luurio of Pilnuutoii with Vi2 feet 11 inches. ( The two-mile walk was won by C W. Dowson of tho Queens I'urk llai ricrs 1y 20 yards' In 14 inlnutu 32 seconds. The 220-ynrd ovent vu won toy 11. P. V. Bdwards of the I'olytvehnlc Hnrrlcrs 'by four yards In 21 3-0 scc onds. It. K. llrow of Princeton was second. Tho 120-yard hurdlo race was won by O. A. Trowbridge of Princeton by one yard In IS 2-C seconds, equalling the best champltfnship- performance. The two-mllt steeplechase was won toy J. P. llodgo of tho Vickera and Surrey Athletic Club, lu 11 uilnmeo 22 4-6 seconds. SPEED BOATS SENT ABROAD. Two of the fastest motor boats In the world, the Detroit V- and tho Miss America, started for EngMnd to-day on tho deck of the steamship Adriatic Early In August tho Harmsworth Cup Contest for motor boats will take nlaco in England, and these two boats will bo entered by the United Htatcs Motor Boat Association. which has sent representatives along to guard them anil suo Mat tuey ure ready for mo lost. Secret of How Ruth Does It Revealed by High Speed Camera SAVINGS BANKS. SAVINGS BANKS. THE FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK Corner 42nd Street and 8th Avenue 110th Consecutive Semi-Annusl Dividend declared payable on and after July 19, 1920, at tho rate of FOUR PER CENT PER ANNUM Deposits made on or before July 10th draw in terest from July 1st. Deposits accepted up to $5,000. j we nou) uuEitnr loan ponds for nnrogiToita Net Gain during past year: 10,000 Depositors. $5,000,000 in Deposits . Send for our Booklet, "Banking by Mail" EUNKST K. aiTTEULKK. President JorrV I. Tiu'WNrTV. lt Vlrr-rmldeat Mr.KN.lRI KAKM'II. 2il Ylrr-Prmldrnt T. PKANK MANVIf.l.B. Trmurer J MI'.S It. TltOH ItltllKiE. Comptroller IIEMHV P. AIC1IK1.K. Secretary M11II XI) J. UhV.SOI.D.S, At. Hec'y North River Savings Dank 31 West 34th Street. 100th SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND. Ha Hoard of Trmteo hu duclind S emi-ttmiul dlfldond St tlM rU ot FOUR PER CENT. pr tanum on stl drpoilu tatlUed thereto. pjole cm snd alter Jul 10. lUifO. I)e!t to J5.U00 laid ou or bfi Julr lint" will dw Inttrtu from Jut? Irt. We boU dftiuatort Utxnj Lots Uoodi (or ul keoptm. ClIAIlLta llOUE, rrrridrat. GEOUUt: T. CON Seer. Treia. HELP WANTED FEMALE. IRVING SAVINGS BANK 115 CTIASlDEria ST.. N. T. Tb trwteea h dodunl diTldeod (or Ue sxmttu endloi Jane UO. 1020. u tae rate oi FOUK FESt CENT. ner annum on alt deposit from S3 u OS.OOO entitled thereto, iwurublo ou turn Slier Jalr 10. lOStq. I Deposits to $5,000 made on or before July 10th will draw in terest from July l, ivtu. ir k. TBNCH. rresldent. OEOHOK n. DUNNtNO. Secretary. UNION DIME SAVINGS BANK 40th Street and 6th Avenue An Interest Divlutnd consccti Uve) has been declared at tho rate 01 FOUR PER CENT. per annum credited July 1. 1920. and payable on and after Thursday, July 15. 1820, on all Bums entiUjd tWcto under tho By-Laws, from IS to 13.000. Money deposited on or before July 10, 1920, draws In terest from July 1, 1920. ALEX- P. W. K1NNA.N, Prcaldent. FILVNCIS M. LEA1CI3, Treasurer. FRANK F. HAZARD, Secretary. Citizens' v Sayings Bank BO ft 08 BOHTItV, COIt. CAJtAI. ST. 1SOT1I SEMI-A.NNUAI. DIVIDEND. IThe Trustees havo ordered lnterost .it L the rat" of l-OUU t-) VIM OtNlvf por annum to uo paiu to uWouui.i on and uttor July 10. lIKjlf. on all I urns of .1 and up to ,000 wnicli I havo icniiilned on depoMlt for tniit lltat). In accordance with tho by-lawn 1 and i ulea ot tue diiik ,'"' I noalted on or bofore July lO Willi draw Interest from July 1. ltUNIlY SA vliisu. rresldent. EDWIN A. I.AIIM. Secretary. CAHb A. ItlCHTEK. Aaalstant Sec'y NbW YORK SAVINGS BAhK N. W. Cor. Hth SL and 8th Avenue Dividend July. 1st, 1020, at the rato of FOUKFLK CL1N1 per annum on all auma of 6 and over en titled thereto under the Bylaws. DEl'OMTtt HAUK ON OU Ul-fOKE JU1.V 10TII HILL DltAW IMTKULai rUOM JI LV 1ST. WILLIAM FEUStNnnn. rreeldent. OLAItENCB L. BI.AKEI.orK. Troanurer. WALTER n. nitlNrKKRHOrir. Beo'r. NEAR GRANT CITY, S. I. IllllllllllllLtn IlOeH.l.lull. On six-roti m stucco modern house. rlot 40x1 no. Otin ilcht-rootn brlrk. furnlshc-o rtr iinfurnlnhpi. All ImnrnvrtiKmlfl. One olght-iooin Hhlnxlu houMo. bpac.uus rrouna ii(.uuiiiui inwn. uaraucL iioor. Bit-am ouu. built re r :n ill una of cost hv owner. wHo alln for kuropo next month. 32 Court Ht , Ii 0"Myn, i'hoiid M-tln UtllS . OR OKOIIC3K II HHAKXrU. Phono W.-nt llrtirhtnn 127R-W. Dollar Savings Bank OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Tlilrd Avenue mtil I47tl Kt. I Interest credited July ut. at the rate ol Ifour I'cr Cent. Vercnnitm, on account from $j to DepoHita made on or heloro July toth draw Interest from July ist. BRIAN O. HUOHI53, rresldent. f VM. M. KERN. Trensurer. HARRY P. IM:oaU Secretary f AM "Lot and Found" artlctej advertlaed In Tne worm or rnn to '1i04t and Found Uureau." Room 10 World nullUln. will be Hated for thirty daya. Tlieae llta can b een at any of The World'a Office. "Lot and Found" advertlaamenta can be Uf t at any of The World'; Advertlalnir Arenclea. or can be talephonad directly to The World. Call 4000 lleeltman. New Yorlt. 4p Croolclyn Office. 4100 Main. WE WANT TO TALK WITH GIRLS who seek per manent business posi tions where there is definite assurance of rapid advancement. GIRLS who seek a .business occupation they can be proud of. GIRLS who want to have tho satisfaction of doing something worth while for good pny- We now have posi tions for such girls in se'verul departments. No experience is re. quired. The slurting salary la $13 a week. Capable girls can soon reach earnings or $85 to $100 a month. Apply at 1US llrujtdAi), MAuhatua, toiua 27th n.. 110 E. UUth at., Bronx, BMC alilroM !., 1 wuioualuif it., Orooiira, Airare orttn alto opea Etvulliii. till S 1. U. Baluidiji to 4 I'. It. BoDdui 1 r. It It I P. u 115 DroaAeay, alanntllia. Cornrr Ier K, 1336 Uroadwar. Orooalym, aear uatea at. w Films-Will Be Used to En lighten School Kids on Art of Home Run Hitting. THE secret of Dabe Ruth's home run hlttlDK Is to bo exposed. Tho demon Yankee swatter, who Is Just five homers short of equaling' his last year's record of twenty-nine homers, has consented to enlighten embryo ballplayers from the sand lots and his major league contempo raries through the medium of a high speed motion picture camera on Just exactly what part of his bat and how ho meets tho pitched ball to send It over tho fence of some major league ball park, ultimately to be tucked away In some barefoot youngster's pocket, who watches the game from a knot hole In the fence. Previous to tho Introduction of this speedy camera by a New York mo tion picture concern such a thing ag photographing the pitched ball and seeing the 'butter meet It or swing under or over It was deomed Impos sible, owing to tho limitations of the old-stylo slow camera, taking only sixteen pictures a second, hut with the nowly Invented machine 250 pic tures can be snapped a second. After tho reproduction of tho film on tho screen the ball can be seen to lcavo tho pitcher's hand and float up leisurely, llko a soap-bubblo, until It reaches tho plate, when the poworful Yankee Home Hun King can bo seen pulling bock and throwing all his weight bohjnd his swing, meeting It squarely on tho noso and sending It on IU journey cither to the right Held bleachers, or over tho fence. The ball can be seen to receive Its cata pulting Impact from tho bat In an al most still picture. Whether or not the exposuro will lead to the, revolutionizing of tho art I homo run hitting, u. a. uortmviui. who tins contributed largely to tho success of this freak Innovation, would not venture to say, but one thing is certain, ho remarked, and that Is it will assist many a batsman, particularly tho younger element. In perfecting his batting cfTlclency after seeing the way Huth, Cobb, Slslor, lormiDy, llousch nnd other cele brated batsmen meet tho ball. Another noteworthy feature of this modern scientific development Is that It will provo conclusively whether or not the umpires are suffering from defective vision In watching the base runners reet touching tne bags as they try to beat out throws. During a recent game In the Yan kee-Cleveland series at tho Polo Grounds, several films were made of batters beating out Infield hits to first, many being colled out by the umpires, wnito rne next any the de veloped films showed the runners In x most obvious fashion touching the sncic a traction or a second ueroro tne Intlt'Iders" throw entered the first basemen's mlt. Basing judgment on the correctness of these new Alms It s evident that the umpires will not take kindly to this new process of laKlng pictures. It is the Intention of the film com I any to catch nil tho boxing cham pions In action and to show their offensive tactics and favorite punches These films will be shown in echoois and churches, and tho Yankee owners ore hoping that in lotting the secret cut there will do several awatters cf Ivuth s calibre developed among tho youngsters who seo tno films. Kit Smith to Ilefrrce I,ponnrl- White llont. IlENTON HARDOIt, Mich., July 3. Denny I,eonnrd. the lightweight cham pion, will wind up his training grind to day In preparation for his ten-round championship mnteh with Charlie White of Chlrairo, to he decided in a huge open-air nrena hero Monday aftornoon. t;ri v. smitn of unicago win rcrerco tho match. Edgar Race Borroniighs A New, Thrilling and Sensational Story of the Ape Man. IT.NOI'SIS or riltCKOINQ ClUtTXaS. TaiMM M We d.4-4mkt ut fcu )uaw baa rtuunvil to uiuuauwu, maineJ enl e uuied lua title U lord UrtMoat, M Mtt eot weak of the tru, bonretrr. a tlermaa (alalia l-nj, Int ti Lieut. ncnutMtr. tuny Ml rattan In Central Africa tad munltf LU otfe. Tar tan tuei lenience ou the entire tjannan race. ir atmu nu rarmenia of emjuauon atu ii rerte to Ue Junile. Lcatltng .Nutria, hie raellfe llm t.- I.t. V- n.- II Villi inAn f tbt-tn. Ttien, lit txilna tne lone erarea to elfe'e deaUi. fber. rrMe hie r IS't MT'K. 'fcnn't'lee and trnniUj amne Jla ui aiT ,.vfi.m A lienni ui l;the of aarij. rennlbali. K. hmt Ufa 'er he Mala riniV her, the eavHIre .of a t7ie fin. the r.rt th.t -t.. u trantel, 11a ivm iitm her fmra Aanrer, Mean- wml an Rnxlleh arlator. flylne over trie Jnegle, rri"t) to Urt mvi U raiDnrM bv tie rntlfea J DEQ1N THI8 THRILLINQ STORY TO-DAY. (OopjrUbt, tttO, bj. Iditr Itloa Bimanal CHAl'TKR X. (Continued.) ON'T worry," said Tartan. "it doesn't lost long and you won't funk. It is really not half as bad as It sounds. Thcro Is only a brief period of pain beforo you lose con sciousness. I have seen it many times before. It is as good a way to go as another. Wo must die some time. What difference whether it be to night or a year hence, just so that wo havo lived and I have lived!" "Your philosophy may be all right, old top," said tho young lieutenant, "but 1 can't say that It Is exactly satisfying." Tarzan laughed, "noli over here," he wild, "where I can get at your bonus with my toeth." Tho English man did as he as bid and presently Tarznn won working at tho thongs with ins strong whlto teeth. lie frit them giving slowly beneath his ef forts. In another moment they would part, and then It would 6o a compara tively simple thing for tho English man to rwnovo tho remaining bonds from Tarznn and himself. It was then that one of tho guards entered tho hut. In nn Instant ho reiw what the new prisoner was do ing nnd raising his spoar, struck the ape-man a vicious blow across the head with Us 'aft. Thon ho called In tho othor guards and together they I foil upon the luckless men. kicking Or telrphnoe Uidlitnn Squire UfOO. NEW YORK TELE PHONE COMPANY. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-RICHMOND. DANCING ACADEMIES. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LO N C i I S i L AN ID. In Uie Tlllai- ot I lav Show .Main ntjwt. 2 lrv ami attic fruiu.1 buiMlt a: i Wree luntiia mil tipare tinui In attic, ntil lira0 bith nwnt; "jwn .iMirtwiina a Ik i eti in mrti r.aii; w m front. -Ij fwrt iiiv tnirw im iitro vtA ami ' mfnttti fnen the Na' ,s."tth Ilaj nn be foa . tlian I7.0CW i'th toiII tno, I (ace. mii br d.nolnlmnt. Annlv to JOItX I'UItllAS ltiintil ,m notiin aia . itup, u l. t'none III. 1IU3-I. FOR 8ALC fAjy WCifity Oft MONIMLV AWWTtV 3; wo (fiPioym KcrffterKf'CAu. ww re ou fl DuAME II I DANCING CARNIVAL Formerlf at Grind Crntril P&laco. NOW AT ST. NICHOLAS RINK Gfrth Street, near Broadway 3 Lessons (i??,1? ) 30c Not neceteary to take leiaona. Lady Floor Manager will introduce you to auitable partner for danc ing. Learn to dance at this popu lar institution. BABE JUST AFTER LANDING ON BALL. :ERRAND AGAINST SPECIAL CONTRACT IN MOVING VAN LAW G. O. P. Aldermanic Leader Favors Evening World Plan for Its Elimination. August Fcrrand, Republican leader of tho Board of Aldermen, went on record to-day as being heartily In favor of The Bvonlng World's plan for eliminating tho "special contract' clause In the present moving van ordinance, which ho said he regards as the "solo cause" of profiteering. Tho Republican leader declared that yesterday ho Inspected tho rec ords of a moving van owner In Brooklyn, and Is now convinced that some stop should bo token Imme diately to arrange for moving rates which would protect tho public and at the some time glvo tho van owners a fair return on their labor and in. vcetment. "I was amazed hy what I dls covered In tho records shown mo yes terday," said Fcrrand. "Theso want back only to January, 1319, and showed that tho van owner works his vans only about two weeks a month. lie had increased his vans from one to four, tho cost of which ranges bo tween $7,000 and $10,000, but ho ex plained that while his vans do not pay highly, bis warehouses do. Ho added that two of his warehouses are now filled with furniture and ho might have to build anbther." Fcrrand admitted that tho van owner had not given him tho rntcs he was seeking, and added "you can put me on record as being opposed to tho 'special contract' clauso In tho ordinance which comes up at Tues day's meeting of tho Hoard." Alderman Frank A. Cunnln-jham, who had promised The Kvcolng World that he would obtain from van owners an estlmato of what they con sider fair rates of compensation for various distances, admitted to-day that van owners had balked at his request for ilgures. ARMED MEN KIDNAP DRIVERS OF LIQUOR VALUED AT $40,000 Five Say They Were Forced to Enter Autos in Jersey and Leave Trucks. Five men In charge of three, trucks . 1 v. 1 1 1. ... ......... 1. ..).. r , containing 10.000 worth of whiskey . "r'aC wcro held up by four armed men pos ing as Prohibition agents on tho Lin coln Highway, crossing tho Kearny meadows, early this morning, they re ported to Uio Patcrson pollco. Thoy said they wero bringing tho whiskey to New York from Maryland, under FcUernl permits, when tho four men halted them at about A o'clock. Thrco of tho professed Federal agents woro In a largo touring, car and tho fourIK"ifian was'in'a smafler car. They demanded the truckmen's licenses, and ordered them off the trucks at tho point of revolvers. Tho truckmen said thoy woro com pelled to enter tho touring car and tho three men drovo away with them, leaving tho fourth with tho whiskey. After being drlvon around for two hours, tho truckmen said they wero put out of tho car In I'at crson. They all gavo Washington, D. C, addresses. The"Jo were 600 cases of whiskey on the trucks, they Bald. When policemen reached tho sccno of the hold-up the trucks wero gone. Thoy bollovo other hold-up men wero hidden nearby to drive tho trucks away. tho more securely than beforo and tied both men fast on opposite sides of the hut. When thoy had gono Tarxnn looked across at his companion In misery. "While thr-ro Is life,'; ho snld, "there Is hopo," but he grinned rui he voiced the ancient truism. Lieut. Harold Percy Smlth-OIdwtck returned tho other's smile, "t fancy," ho said, "that we are getting short on both. It must bo close to supper time now, Ziwtatr hunted alone far from the 1a)anco ot the tribe of Oo-lat, the afraid of tho aomanganl." and the groat musclos gliding so easily beneath tho glossy coats. Never, she thought, had she seen such personifications of bruto power as were represented by these mighty bulls. Thoso hugo hands would snap her futile spear as sho might snnp a match In two, while the lightest blow could crush her Into Insensi bility and death. IL wan while she was occupied with these depressing thoughts that thero dropped suddenly Into the clearing from tno trees upon tno sou in me flint rn of a mighty young bull. At that time all of the apes looked much alike to Ilertha Klrcher, nor was It until some tlmo later that she real ized that each dlffored from the others In Individual characteristics of face and figure as do Individuals of the human races. Yet even thsa she could not help but note tho wondrous strength and agility of this great beast, and as he approached she oven found herself admiring tho sheen of his heavy, black, silver-shot cont. It was evident that tho newcomer wan filled with suppressed excite ment. -His demeanor and bearing proclaimed thin oven from afar, nor wns tho girl tho only one to noto It. For hs they suw him coming many of tho apes arose and nil vane ad to meet him bristling nnd growling as In their way. Oo-lat was among these latter and ho advanced stiffly with the hairs upon his neck and down his snlne erect, uttering low growls and baring his fighting fnngs, for who might say whether SSu-tag came in peace or otherwise. Tho old king had seen other young apes como thus in his day filled with a sudden reso lution to wrest the kingship from their chief. Ho had seen bulls about to run amuck burst thus suddenly from tho Junglo upon the members of the tribe, and so Go-lat took no chances. Had Zu-tag come Indolently, feed Ing an ho came, he might have enter ed tho tribe without arousing notlco or suspicion, but when otio comes thus precipitately, evidently bursting with some emotion out of tho ordi nary, let all apes beware. Thero was a certain amount of preliminary clr cling, growling, nnd sniffling, stiff- legged nnd stiff-haired, beforo each side discovered that the othor hnd no Intention of Initiating nn nttack and then Zu-tag told Oo-lat what ho had seen among tho lairs of the Go Oo-lat grunted In disgust and turned away. "Lot tho whlto apo take enre of hlmntlf," ho said. "Ho Is a great ape," sold Zu-tag. 'He enme to live In peace with the trlbo of Qo-lat. Lot us save him from tho Gomangnnl. Qo-lat grunted ngaln and continued to move away. "Zu-tag will go alono nnd get him," orlod tho young ape, 'If Qo-lat young bull. At the point In the bonutf where Tarzan had blockrd th eni tranch,she started to pull away thv thorn bushes and whn zu-tag saw t what sho was doing, he fell to and assisted her so that presently they had an opening through the boma ; through which sho passed with the great ape. Immediately Zu-tag and his elgnl . apes started off rapidity toward lh Junglo, so rapidly that Bertha Klrcher would have had to run at top speed to keep up with them. ThUi she realized she could not do and so she was forced to log behind much vto tho chagrin of Zu-tag who con- tnntly kept running back and urging her to greater speed. One ho took her by the arm and tried to draw her along. Her pro-.' tests were of no avail since the bJrt could not know ihat they were pro tests, nor did he desist until she caught her foot in some tangled grass und fell to the ground. Then Indeed wan zu-tag furious and growled hideously. His apes were waiting at me edge oc tno forest for him to lead them. He suddenly realised that this poor weak ahe could not keep up with them and that if they traveled at her slow rate they might be too lata to render assistance to the TarmangaoL and so without more ado, the giant anthropoid Picked Ilertha Klrehtr bodily from tho ground and swung hr to ins dbck. iier arms wero about his neck and In this position ha seized her wrists In ono great paw so that sho could not fall off and atarted at a rapid rata to Join his companions. ureaaru as sno WSS In riding ' ' broechca with no entangling skirts to i hinder or catch upon passing ahrub- ui-iy, biiu soon touna mat an could cling tightly to the back ot the mighty bull and when a moment later un too to xne lower branches or the trees, she closed her eyes and clung to him In terror lest she be precipitated to the ground below. That Journey throurh the rtrlmemJ forest with tho nlno great apea 'will live In tho momory ot Bertha Klrcher for tho balance of her life, as clearly ' delineated as at tho moment ot it enactment. Tho first overwhelming wavo of ' fear having nassed. she was at hut ablo to open her eyes and view her Htirrounaingn Yltn Increased Interest and presently the sensation of terror slowly left her to be replaced by dna of comparative security when she saw tho cane and surety with which thesa great beasts traveled through tho trees, and later her admiration (or i tho young bull Increased as it became -evldont that oven burdened with herf additional weight, he moved more rap Idly and with no greater signs of fa tigue than his unburdened fellows. t Not onco did Vu-tog pause until he came to a stop among tho branches of a tree no great distance from the native village. They could breast. "Qo-lat Is not afraid." ho of tho negroes and the barking ot screwmcd, 'but he will not go, for tho rogs, and through tho foliage tho white apo Is not of his tribe. Oo your- eTlrl caught glimpses of tha villaga self anil nkn thn Tnrtnnnvnnl'. ho from Which She had SO rcCOntlv B8 :wlth you If you wish bo much to save capod. Sho shuddered Id think of tno wnito ape." "'D ixwiuiiy oi iihviujt to return o "Zu-tag will go," replied tho 11 ol "uie recapture, ana one younger bull, "and he will take tho wondered why Zu-tag hod brought Tarmanganl's sho and all tho bulU horc- of Qo-Int who nro not cowards," and Now the apen advanced slowly so saying ho enst his oyes Inquiring onco moro and with great caution, about at the othor apes. "Who will moving as noiselessly through tho go witn xu-tng to tight tho Qoman-' itccb as tno squirrois themselves un- ganl and bring away our brother," ho demanded. Eight young hulls In tha full prime of their vigor preened forward to Ul they had reached a point where they could easily overlook the pal Isado ami the village street below.' u-tag squatted upon a great Zu-tng's side, but tho old bulls with branoh closo to the bolo of tho tree tne conservatism and caution of 'ana, oy loosening the girl's arms DANCING 170th St. and Third Av. Niblo's Garden Dancing every evening 7,30 P. M. until 12.30. Coolest place in the Bronx to spend an eve ning. Two-acre purkt beautiful simile trees. Come with or without part ners, whether you know how to tlnncc or not. Instructions (or those wishing to learn, 10 cent each. Auspices of Land Service League FIREWORKS SALE BOOMS MT. VERNON WATCIIKS JEWELRY fklVJ f II7filrr .Convenlenroonthlr vJP IV1jJI or weekly d menu kxceptiotul iiluc Alcnt coll.. ucautifuUr Illu.tmttJ Catelol I ree. aOVAI, DIAMOND &VA'ICn CO. 33 MAIDEN LANE I'Uone John 213 ROLLER SKATING ST. NICHOLAS RINK CClh ST., NEAR BROADWAY "Competent Instructor to Teach You How to Skate, 50c Per Leiaon. Two Seaiiona Daily, Including Sundays, 2 to 5. Evcninci, 7,30 to 11. Skating on Ground Floor Dancing Carnival on 2d Floor) l Small Boys From New York Swarm Across Limits to Smuggle Back Contraband. Mount Vernon Is to tho small boy ot New York what Canada is to his dad non-Prohlbltlon territory, Tho prohibition that enrages tho boy at this tlmo' of year Is the city's "little Volstead Act" forbidding tho sale of fireworks for fourth of July celebrations. nut a million small boys, more or less, will be shooting giant crackers Just tho sumo before tho dawn of Independence Day. The northern boundary of New York City is 243d Street and there Mount Vernon begins. Twenty feet j beyond tho lino is a little row of 111 Vl lf OI.VJ.oi , .. .u.,, Ul IIIUIi iuch thronged with buyers from New York who smugglo tho goods back home. TENANTS COMBINE FOR RENT FIGHTS Several thousand apartment dwellers In tho Dyckman (Inwood) section of Manhattan, Including thoso of the llend- hclm houses on Post and Bhcrman Ave nues, will asacmblo In a mass meeting next week to organize against' text October's rent raising affecting ful:y one-tlfth of Greater New York's population. They will add their signatures to the HELD AS WINE SMUGGLERS. Three Arrratril In Hunt on Stnten Inland Sound. Thrco men who woro arrested In an open boat in Staten Island Sound, be tween ltooscvclt, N. J., and Stapleton, S. I., last night charged with smuggling seventy bottles of wine, alleged to have been brought from Cuba on tno U. H. Shipping Hoard ship Uvko Huporlnr, wero held to-day for arraignment before U. 3. Commissioned Delanoy at Perth Amboy. The men are Arthur Ilardft- wyck Of No. 30 Bay Street, lirooKiyn, wireless operator on tlie Lako Superior; John Mannagottcr, a saloon keeper of No. 17 Water Street, Stapleton, and An thony Jlakowskl of Stapleton. William SoHnctt. No. 360 liny Street, Stapleton, wus hold as a wltnoss. GIRL SLASHED AT PENNSYLVANIA pe. Zu-tag (nig-nrck) was H Tho kn WIieltelj ln ajurer. n"ir tno noises of the life within tho young bull but recently arrived I'growllng udfy nhd beating upon his palisade, the laughing and shoutimr' lliliilii ii) i nr iv" ii. jhh.i .....i ...... ferocious and nt the same time far above thn averngo of his kind In In telligence, as was donoted by a fuller and less receding forehead. Already Clo-lat saw In this young ape a pos sible contender for tho intircls of mi ltlnimhlD and consequently tno out bull looked upon fcu-tng with Jealousy and dlBfavor. It was for this reason, possibly, as much as another that Zu tng hunted so often alone; but It was his utter fearlessness tnnl permitien him to wnnder far afield away from tho protection which numbers gave thn irreat anes. Ono of me results of this habit was n greatly Increased resourcefulness which found him con stantly growing In Intelligence nnd powers or observntion. To-day ho had been hunting toward tlm south nad was returning along the river upon a path ho often fol lowed because It led by tho vlllago of tho Cloinanganl whose strango nnd nlmost apHIke actions nnd pqcullnr manners or living una arousett nis in terest and aurloslty. As ho had done uxn other occasions ho took up his position In a tree from which ho pntild overlook tho Intrrlor of tho vil lage and watch the blacks nt their vocations In tho street below. Zu-tng hnd scarcely more than established himself In his tree when, with the Marks, ho was startled by thn crashing of Tarzan's body from the branches of another Jungle glnnt to tho ground within the pallsnde. Ho saw tho negroes gather about the prostrate form nnd later carry It Into thn hut: and once he rosn to his full hr-lcht unon tho limb where ho had been squatting and raised his face to the heavens to scream out a savnirn protont and n challenge, for he had riwicmlzod In the brown-sklnnod Tnr- manganl the strange white apo who hnd como among them a night or two tiofnro ln tho midst or tneir utun Hum. nnd w'to by so easllv mastering tho grontoM Among thnn had won tho savngo respect nnd namiraiion or mis flprce young bull, llut Sen-tag's foroclty was tempered liv n certain native cunnlnrr and cau tlnn. Tloforo he had volood his protest tlmrn formed 1n his mind tne tnoucnt that ho would llko to save this won derful whito apo from tho common rni'my, tho Oomanganl, nnd so he Horvamod forth no challenge, wisely .ii.trvrnilnlnir that more could be nc- rmrvnllshed by secrecy and stealth than by force of musdo nnd fang. At ftrt ho thought to enter tho vll laun alone nnd rarry off the Tertnsn- gitnl, but when ho saw how numerous were tho warriors nnd that sivernl sat dlrtctly beforo tho entrance to the lair Into wtilch tho prisoner hnd been Causes Arrest of Hotel Employee She Says She Had Refused to Marry. Clarence It. Loftor, a clerk In the Health Department Ilurriui of tho Hotel Pennsylvania, was arraigned on a charge of felonious assnult In tho Jef ferson Markrt Court to-day. The com plalmint Is Miss Florence Cody of No. 2tS West 33th Street, who said she quit work at the hotel because Loiter was bothering Iter with rvijuusts Uiut she ... n t.Wn Yesterday sho went to the cashier to! was work for mnny wthor than , one get bur lost week's pay. Loiter mot hor. , , throurrh the foliage sho snld, and again suggested marriage. to.wnr.(j the north. Sho laughud at him, and, tho complain- The trlbo was still loitering about ant charges. Loiter slashed her from her . the clearing when) stnod the hut that check to hor neck with a razor. The , Tarzan and liertnn Kirern-r nna mini many years upon their gray shouldors, shook their heads and waddled away after Go-lat. "Oood. cried Ku-tair. "Wo want no old shes to go with us to fight tho Oomnrrganl for that Is work for tho fighters of tho tribe." Tho old bulls nn Id no attention to his boastful words, but tho eight who had volunteered to accomttanv him were filled with sclf-prldo so that they stood around vnlnglorlously beating upon their breasts, hiring their fangs nnd screamlntr their hide ous challenge until the Jungle revcr bernted to tho horrid sound. All this time Hcrthn Klrcher was a wide-eyed nnd terrified spootator to wnat, as sno t nought, could entl only In a terrific battle between these rrlgnwui nensts, nnd when Zu-tag anil his followers began screaming forth their fonrsrwne challenge, the girl found herself trembling In terror, for of nil the sounds of the jungle thero l non6 moro awe Inspiring than that o-f the great bull npp when he Issues his challenge or shrieks forth his victory cry. If sho had born terrfled before ahn wns almost paralyzed with fear now ns sno saw Zu-tag nntl hli apes turn toward tha boma and nnnroacb her. With the agility of a cat Zu-tag leap. ea completely over tno protecting from about his ncok. Indicated that sho wns to find a footlmr for horncM, and when sho hod dono so, he turned toward her and pointed repeatedly at the open doorway of a hut upon tho op posite side of tho street below. My various gestures he seemed to bo trying to explain something to her. and at Inst she caught nt the germ of his Idea that her white man waa a prisoner there. llenettth them was the roof of a hut onto which sho saw that she could cosily drop, but what she could do after sho had entered the village was beyond her. Darkness was already falling and the tires beneath tho cooking pota had been lighted. The girl saw the Maku In tho village street and the plies or fagots about it and in terrur she suddenly realized the portent of theso grisly preparations. Oh, if she but only had some sort of weapon that might give hrr even a faint, hope, some slight a J vantage against tho blacks. Then she would not hesl tato to venture into the village In an attempt to save the man who upon three different occasions saved hor. Sho knew that he hated her and yet strong within her breast burned the sense ot hor obligation to him. flha could not fathom him. Never in her J wall and stood before hor. Valiantly life had sho seen a man nt onco so she held her spenr before her. point- paradoxical nnd dopcndable, In many Ing It at his brenst. Ho commenced of his ways he was more savage than to Jabber and gesticulate and even the beasts with which he associated.' with her scant ncnualntanco with tho 'and yet, on tho other hand, h was as wnys of tho anthropoids sho realized ! chivalrous as a knight of, old. For several d Ivs she had been lost with htm in the Jungle absolutely at his mercy yet sho had come to trust so ImpllcUly in his honor that any fear she hnd had of him was rapidly disappearing. On tho other hand, that he might assailant ran out and Miss Cody was treated by a physician In tho hotel. Thrco hours later Detective George J. O'ContK'll urruslud Luftttr at -'10th Street and Sixth Avenuo. Ho denied the chargti. Killed by I.. I. Hlretrle Trnln. A man was killed while attempting to board a Long Island clcctrio train at that ho was not mennclng her. for thorp wns little or no baring of fight ing fnngs nnd his whole expression" and nttltnde wns ns of one attempt ing to explain n knotty problem or plend a worthy cause. At Inst he lr enmo evidently Impatient, for with a swoon of ono grent triw ho struck tho, bo hideously cruel was evidenced td spenr from her h- ' "nd coming her by tho fact that he was plunnlmr Lr1nn BfilKeil her liv in. but not ii Iaiivm lip.r nlnnn In thn mlilnt nf thn carried It occurred to him that this ij-oiiBhly. Hho shrank In terror ' frightful dangers which menaced her and yet some sense wttiun ner seem-1 by nlgnt nna by any. ed to bo trying to assure her that sho I Zu-t.ig was evidently waiting for wns In no danger from this grent j darkness to fall before carrying out benst Zu-tng Jabbered loudly, ever , whatever plans had matured In his nnd again pointing Into tho Junglo I navnge little brnln, for he nnd his fel toward tho south and moving toward , lows sat quietly In the tree about her the boma. pulling tho girl with him, watching the preparation of the blacks. he ftremed almost frantic In his Of- rrunntlv It hemmo ntmarent that mim lint within tho forest's edge, while fnrts to exnlnln something to her. ' nttnrentlnn hnd nrltten umnnp ih others squatted beneath the shade of , He pointed toward the boma, Imr- negroes, for a score or moro of them trees within tho clearing. Bt.if, nnd then to tho forest and then , WPr Knthcred around one who ap- Tho girl had emerged from tho hut,'nt Inst as though by a sudden In- pi.are(j t0 bo their chief and all were her tears dried, and was gazing nnx- uplrntlon, ho reached down nnd selz- i takn Hnj ffetlculailng heatedly, inusly townrd tho south Into, the ing tlm spear, repeatedly touched It Thfl orsumcm lantvd for sonw five or Junglo where Tarzan had c'.l&ap- with his forefinger and again pointed , minutes when suddenly the llttlo penrcd. occasionally fine cni sits, townra iu souui. knot hrnke aml two warriors ran to plclous glances In tho direction of Suddenly It dawned upon tho girl thf 0oflfito hide of the village from hugo. shaggy anthropoids about her. that what thn apo was trying to ex- ., lnry prP.Hontly returned with fiomo were Idly searching for food 1"J Washington Hfijrhti and Uronx pott, identification book In his pocket do- iho prt beasts to enter the boma J 0 tho white man whose property thoy V. ' redv In nlaco Tha im oWT Snri5t Vrm8,i!ieya'w;mh wo'n rJS U Pof profiteering landlords for further ratMi was hit by tho handrull as thg train was noted for the thousandth time the longer held back, but started for- 6X0tio Chanter Tuttdiv :S$8IP' on Oct. 1, ' moving. masslvo shouW, tho bull necks, wardVtw though to accompany tho Another gxqwng yna mj J