Newspaper Page Text
aZ V V THfi EVENING WORLD, FRIDAY, JULY 9, '31 SiT NEWS OF ALL BRANCHES OF SPORT Misses Wagner and Cassel Stars of Tennis Tourney On Greenwich Club Courts stendlne anil brilliancy discounted the uneven net play of the young champion. The icoro wns 3, 4 . 6 4. Ulnzen hud a lend of 43 on game In the third sot. Then ho lapsed Into a streak of wild hitting. Pant Don- Southpaw Tyler Of Cubs Takes Giants' Measure CHICAGO, July 9. Tho New York Mrs. Raymond and Mrs. Welte Will Meet This Pair in the Finals. MISS Mnrle Wagner and Miss Claro Cassel nnd Mrs. Edward W. Itnymond and Mrs. Frank Welto reached tho final round on tho courts of tho Greenwich Country Club, Greenwich, Conn. "For the second tlmo In a fortnight Miss Wagner and Miss Cassel heat Mrs. I,ouls (louver nour Morris und Miss Margaret Grovo. Tho score or the match was 1 5, 36, C-2. Tho other semi-final match was filled with spirited rallies, from which Mrs, Raymond nnd Sirs. Wclte emerged vic torious over Mrs. Nathan Levy and Mls M. Rockford. Tho winners were far too experienced for their opponents and scored at G 1, 6 2. Miss Wagner and Miss Cassel, recent winners at tho New York SUto cham pionship, carried off tho honors of the clay. As a preliminary canter In the thin) round thev oiltnlayed Miss Marv Heaton and Miss Winifred Croft, 6 J, Klngr nnd Toliry Win it Match. Thrco of tho pairs won their places In tho semi-final round of the West- i chestor County championship doubles Giants didn't raako an auspicious the meeting of their deadly rival. In the aX UZ0cSm5m?- 2 Wealern Invasion, semi-final round, iooe, me lormer ioiumDia-i rinco Frcd -Tone), their brat pitcher, ton veteran holders of tho title, led wua humnieied to all corners of llie way Into tho round. They en- the lot by the Cut) hitters, yielding countered Franklin T. Osgood and 13 lone hits, including a homo run, a Warren Osgood of I'leasantvllle, win- triple und two doubled In eight In ning at 7 3, 1, In the best of the nlngs. Tlio homo run, a hefty smash Hunter Speeds tip lit Game on the Courts, Sheer speed carried Francis T. Hunter Into tho final round of the North Sldo mBtcnM on th Court of tho county by Twombly, scored two runners artidalo. uncau, una mat wua me mm gin uy stroklnir of Dr I which mo uiams lost mo scuro be- chaniDlonshl the Unlveri Club yesterday . . i - muicnes on me courts t p singles on the courts of , ti. riot. - it. Hy Heights Lawn Tennis J" Ten"'8 Club at lis day. The former Cdfnell Tho fine deep court st star and holder of the North Side title King worked admirably with the ing 8 to 6. beat Herbert it. wancnesier in su-aigni failtcr cIo,6r uck o Tober, IRQ hnt n nntn. 1.. Kfn... ViikIi , liut. Mil HUUUh II) 11U lUin CbCilll ft There wai considerable, speculation y" DJJirATM f-Vi! but yesterday tho souUiduw was In ' ujM'"ntii n um mines, r rum km .i,n " . . . . Robins Swamp Cards in First Battle in West ST. LOUIS, Jlily 9. Wllbert Koto Inson and his pennant aspiring Brooklyn Iloblns began their second Invasion of tho West by soundly j trouncing the Cardinals In the open Ing gnmo of the sorlos at Sports. I men's Park by a score, of H to 2. It was the first time-that tho lloblna Tarzao the UetamedL Edgar i New, By Rice BMrrooglis Thrilling and Sensational Story of the Ape Man. itrnrft run maicn as to wneiner man- rheVtr with all of his strategy as an tneir siue or tne net the Osgoods r''"''u ,u. r" . l"u "J"10" 11 if driver cou d check Hunter by an mixed tosses and straight volleys In Is doubtful whether ho would have erstwhile champion. Manchester played , SgBfpf2n eSmftffSKfeuriTih.'-.M! hwl-"11' tor ,n lanU hlt hlm ably. At times Ubove his usual for In several frames. They Tho best that ho could do was to 7lnatDnjan thS other matehe. iinW h combed him for nlno hits. Including .rr.i, .l.i fo; fiTfef., tn Vt loaa" na Tom. Moore, defeated h l lof tho not. " II. swept Manchester TSe othVr' vlctory'Vent to o'nl'of The before him by his powerful strokes. I iocal tems. as Harvey llusted ."n'd'l At the close of this session, during , Weed defeated J. TuttU and W. H which Hunter ran five races In a row, cuthbert, 1. 8-1-1. Mancnesicr auiu infc uiu anuus uno v ( fa t that he was kept too busy getting nth xa hervlce. That was Ul he could do. Hunter the ball to devote himself to attacking ai&ncnesier sie&aicu ;ame against Hunter s on the backhand. to win tne mnin 61. Thpn they turned their attfntlon to tne more iniporiant wotk ai IK through his rival's service for the final game oi mo maicn. Vardon on War a home run by Larry Doyle and a triple by Frank Frlsch. The Ford hum "Flash" hit savagely, besides tleldlng his position In bang-up stylo, Chicago got a run In tho first on Twombly's safe bunt, his steal of sec ond. Hollo, lior's sacrifice and Terry's double. A Dassed ball nut Terrv on third und he tried to acoro on Robert son's uy to uurns, out ueorge whipped sTNorais or rnncr.niNa ntAmtts. Timn of U Aim. SMS-rtiikI of .b tu(1. t4i ninranl to olTlllullna. mttrltd t4 h umnl Mi utu of Iorl UttmcU. Al tko out bfTok of lh vtr, bowrm. k llrmii rkldint pn, led bf Uful. Sohnflilw. buroi hlo Hint had Played at tho park of tho mown.. , y au. which ths Cardinals aro now Bharlng. n. mi, mm of etnnutioa ud r- and they celebrated the occasion by ft" lZTx$Zm."?, hammering four of Uranch Rickey's f' XJ' & pllCllcrs lor nineteen SOIIU omusnca. win am. a wrnn iui frr, imii air- . . ..... i f. rrmnH Wi itti but h iptm btt llf. each Wheat contributed a homo run ui.r t. iin ri hr, tb rmit. of and a single; Ivy Olson chipped In Iff,- r,"?"?:1"',- 'u"'V4 wllh a. nlnL-lo a rinnhln nrul n. tr Die. """" mull r rinm huh, Mfn wun a single, a qoudio anu a tripie, whU n.,A nti. o. tmiv. while young Zaoh Taylor also holpod '! ''"'' W "' nimseu to a snroo-Dagger. y rn, nn Kirmrr. hmh uum Jcsso Haines, ono of the pitching uiu ut mnor to i rf bu to sritt. "finds" of the season, started tho pro- and liar Xott to V. S. A. LONDON. July 9. Harry Varden la fine throw to Snyder and Terry was and Edward Ray, the noted Brltlih pro- "',.a. plate. nccunii . . wun two out in in u ants' tiami T . Ifvnnatnn ntirt FTIllnlf TT ax .Knrf ViA tta.m.i.l. i 1 i . V . . cw :r . r :r" .t: W4 . aivaiIMmu ctuu av iivcr- nis nomer. a lino anv into mo rurnt SlSKftomW thhee ino,wern5ecl,.o0nU8ohf .With them . was ' field stands. The Cub. took the jwo hind suftena victory for Kynoltoli wh"J :h0 flnUhes f"th the Ilrltlh own Herjog doubled and Ujrber beat Ran nana, sultea in a viciory ior ivynaaion. wnose championship. Harncs said Just befora ' Toft's thrown on Killlfer to the plate. I EXTRA TROUSERS FREE I 1 Strictly Custom Tailored I i if efe liv ir i 1 i i mo uL-puriure mat ne woum come to Ungland again next year to try his fortune once more In the open event Fifty Ilouts Hchrdnlril for Olympic Tryouta Monday Morht. Champions from all parts of the country will compete In tho Olympic boxing tryouta to be hold at tho CDth itegiment Armory, 26th Street and Lexington Avenue, New York City, on Then a sacrifice fly scored Herzog. STANDING OF THE CLUBS Monday and Tuesdav evenlAiri. imv ... 12th and 13th. Thero wilt bo a total of bm,, "41 11 in fifty (bouts for both nhThts and each Slt'J"""!! I ! , one win oe worm going miles to wit ness. These tryouts, which will constitute the biggest boxing tournament of Its kind ever held In the .United States, will bring together the best men from Iloston, Philadelphia, Pltaburgh, Chi cago, Denver, Kansas City, California, Portland, Cleveland, Detroit and New York, also from the Army and Navy. Tickets and other Information can be had at the American Olympic Com mittee Headquarters, No. 290 Broad way, New York City, NATIONAL LEAGUE. club. w. l rc, Chleti 31 M 414 Btilli 31 3J .4(1 Niw Yt....Jl 31 ,43 PlilladolRhla..Z7 41 .III TO.OAY. Plttibanh ...M 33 .lit U LmIi 34 34 .114 GAMES New York it Ctdctgo. Btotkljrk ot (t. Likll (twt iin), BottOk kt Clnclnmtl, Phtladolshla kt flllitrunn. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Clot. CtettUkt1 . Niw York.. Chlckik W. L. PC .41 23 .434 .41 37 .143 .43 31 .916 UNITED STATES WORSTEDS ROSEDALE WOOLENS Hundreds of ends that have finally dwindled down to a sin gle suit length with sufficient for two-piece suit, some three piece, and others, suit and extra trousers. These ends consist of Fancy Worsteds, Tweed's, Cheviots and high-grade Cas simeres, that no other tailor ad vertises to sell under $35. My Special Price SUIT TO ORDER Including Extra Trousers Free Marshall nnd JnlYe In bra.Tr at Chp.a. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. July 0. Charles Jaffa of New York played a drawn game with Frank J. Marshall, United States champion, In the second round of the Masters' -Chess Tourna ment. The game went SS moves, It was Marshall's second draw. Ueorge G. Netdlch of Cornell Uni versity defeated S. T. Sharp of Phila delphia. Sharp and E. S. Jackson of i-niiaoeipnia, ana xseiaicn and Hlascli Mlotkowskl of Ios Angeles adjourned their games. V. 8, ,nvr Dull Team After Oamra, Scml-profexKlonal ball teams looking for a good attraction would do well In booking the U. 6. Naval Prison Guard baseball team. Tho nine is composed ot a crack aggregation of ball tossers now In the employ of Uncle Sam. They hnvo engnged In nlno games this sea son against strong teams and the final scoro has always been In tholr favor. Communications sent to Manager Harold Ix-wls. U. S. Naval Detention Barracks, Hay Kldge, Brooklyn, will re ceive prompt reply. Cllbk, B.ltkk St. Lonll. Dltlklt .. w. u pc. ...14 33 .411 ...33 14 .471 ..33 47 .921 Phllttfllllk30 97 TO-OAY. .331 WuMltk...3l 13 .331 GAMES kt Niw Ycrk. 8L Loull kt B.rtlk. Clmliml kt Withlintok CMomo kt PtillkOlihtk. BEGIN THIS THRILLINQ 8TOP.Y TO-DAY. HMstUkt. till, t? titu Riot limuUI CHAPTER XIT. (GuottniMl.) U-TAO comes to the water ccodlngs for the Cardinals. Ho beat tho lloblna at Bbbcto Field, recently, but yesterday afternoon Jesse's stay on tho mound was very brief. In less than nil Inning tho Hoblns pro duced llvo runs. North encckea tne rally, out in tne ov to drlnk.' replied tho ape! next Inning the Itoblns resumed their 0 "Where Is tho tribe?" attaqk by scoring two more runs. In, tp. fact the only Innings In which tho! nsned inrzan. Brooklyn team failed to scoro were tho They " huntlm for plsangi and third, sixth nnd elchth. Toward tho end aclmatlncrt further back In tho forest." of the game nobble sent rcvural of his replied Zu-tug. 30iing players lino ine iray. "Anrt this Tarmanirnnl ahn nnd bull." Burleigh Grimes did the pitching for Ana lno Tarmangnni sne ana miu, tho Hoblns. The spllballcr continued naked Tartan, "uro tbey safe? his good work by holding the Cardinals "They have gone away," replied to flvo hits In nine Innings. Ho was . ' ,-. . . , , ,,. snlked In the lee by Jack Sm th In U-tnff. Kudu him como out of his covering nrst in tno lourin inning dui jair twice since tncy ion. stiowod his gamcness Dy coniinuing on tno mound. "Did tho tribe cliaso thorn away?" It was Grimes's third consecutive vie- asked Tarrun tory. In the last twenty-seven innings tile spttballer has allowed only fourteen hits and three runs. NEW INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE CluU. Uuftalo .. Mlltlmor. Toronto .. Akron .... BUklki ot till Clubk. W. U tV Uul. W. u. rc ,.4 l .Ofillllridlni 11 3 ,OOU ...43 It .UU.m C1U-... .11 4J ...II 25 .ltnOCOtf ....II 01 ...13 34 .3'S7rkfUM 1(39 OklHH Ylltl4lr. Buffklo. t: Rnilim. 0 ltlru ikiui). Uoffklo. IS, ltntflDi i ItrconA IIB.J, UilUmorr, II luxtrmr, . Akron. 0! SjrtcuM. 1, itfj Cltj-Toroato (rklk). QkMii T.Dkjr. tKj CUT it Toronto, , BrrocuM kt Akron. IUk41ni kt nnrfilo. Ilkltlmori kt ItortnUr. Happy Kiddie Klub Members . . -V jr - Hunger uijuu uu. . Enjoying an Outing at Coney p-c ulng your Journoy tu th Ilnrtiarnehs to Meet Lincoln filnnts. Followors of semi-pro baseball will be treated to a fine attraction between Independent teams when the Bacharach Glonts of Atlantic City and the Lin coln Giants, colored champions, claih In a double header at Ebbets Field, Brooklyn, on Sunday. Tho contests will bring together the greatest colored soml-pro pitchers of a decado In Cy clone Joe Williams and .Cannon Ball Dink lteddlng. Johnson Klreted Captain. OltONO, Me., July 9 The election of Albert E. Johnson of New Britain, Conn., as Captain of the University of Maine baseball team was announced to day. Ha played second base this season. Jg.75 Uncalled-for Suits READY TO WEAR I have a number of un called for suits on hand which I will dispose of at a price as low as 1? 7s S. HENRY ADLER See the Star Swimmers and Divers AT TUB Olympic Swimming Tryouls AT Manhattan Beach Baths Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 and Wednesday, July 14th A wonderful coUcction of tlic star mermaids of the country will compete. Conic ami sen tlic match. Take a tlip yourself In one of the Anest private bathing beaches In New York. i n.i hlnic ' ' .1 iio,-iii y (till Water llathlncModlclno Halt JlskobaU clftrk Onlf llundbkll Volley HhII Ilaikf itj.lll Itrktnurnnt Wkdins: Tool for Bun Shad, with Kitldtf.i tfani"r rholrn. otul other omticmcn on our Ivo HotAi ot tea leach and lawn. Music Every Afternoon Take BrlflMon flrnch til. H. T.) " from flrooklyw Bride 10 fiheepkAt'ftd Hay nnd chanpe to Jfanintlnn Brach car or 'dim Hit, or tnka Orrmt Avrtiue trolley to SheepihKld Hay and crcMs bridgt. MV NKW ATOUI! tlH nit St.. Iirtrrn IWIimrm end Ann Stk. l-.triUiik I "HI 7' StitariliiT I "til I. IIUODlvl.VN ij Fluttt,i1, Airlltlr. NVvlll. Kt. Open KvciiliiKK I iilll Kit Muturdni Until II I. M. II Chiiri-h St.. nmr Oii.-n t ntll 7 V. M. MKtVAHK. N. .1. INib .Murkit Slrr- Onm Kvi-nlnt. I ntll 111 huturilnv liitl 11 1. M, 11a) light WoiUrooma, .-.03 S'.ute .Strrrt. HrooUyn. X. V. Rre Proof roXCLEANING FLUIDS ALL rwiRit AT DHUC HAHD WARE a nm LIME MODERN; MM1C 25l00t tiif. oniE OTH PWO0F& AS IT IT RrlC THOROUGH! iLHlMtJ OIICKLY. UP "No,"rciillcd the np. "We did not see them (ro. We do not know why they left." Tarzan nwunr; quickly through the trees toward the clearing. Ths hut and boma were as ho had left them, but thero was no olgn of either tho man or woman. Crossing, tho clear ing, ho entered tho boma und then the hut. lloth wcro empty, and his trained nostrils told him that they had been gono for nt least two days. As he wns about to leave the hut he saw a paper pinned upon the wall with a silver of wood, and taking It down he rend: "After what you told mu about MIah Klrcher, and knowing that you dis like her, I feel that It Is not fair to her and to you that we rihould Imposo longer upon you. I know that our from contln- tho wost coast, and so I havo decided thut'U Is better for tiH to try to reach tho whlto settlements Immediately without Im reached tho edge oX the meadowland where Btnlth-OldrtcVs plane had Ifindrd, he took In the entire ecene in ono aulok stance and erasped the situation although he could ncitrce give credence to the things ho saw. Ucund and helpless tho English ofllcur lay upon the ground at one side oi tho meadow while around him stood n number of thn black deserters from the Clermnn command. Tartan had seen these men before and knew who they were. Coming toward him down the meadow was an aeroplane piloted by tho black Usanga nnd In the seat behind tho pilot was thn white girl. Ilertha Klrcher. How It befell that the Ignorant savage could operate the piano, Tarzan could not gUMn nor nau no lime in which to speculate upon the subject. His knowledge of usanga, together with the Dosltlon of tho white man, told him that tho black -Sergeant was attempting to carry off tho white girl. Why ho should be doing this when he had her In his power and had also captured and secured tho only creature In tho Junglo who might wish to defend her In bo far as the blaok could know, Tnrrari could not guess for he knew nothing of Usuneu'n twentv-four dream wives nor of the black's fear of the horrid temper of Nuratu, his present male. Ho did not know. then. that Usanga had determined to fly away with tho whlto girl never to return, and to imt so great a distance notween Himself und Nuratu that tin latter never could find Mm ncnln: but It was this very thing that wns In tho black's mind ulthough not even hU own wurrlors guessed It. He had told them that he would take the can live to a Huitnn or the North and there obtain a grcnt prlco for her nnd that when ho returned they should have some of the spoils. Those things Tarzan did not know. All he know wns what ho saw a nrwro attempting to fly away with a whlto girl. Already tho machine was slowly leaving tho ground. In a mo ment moro It would rlso swiftly out of reach. At first Tarxan thought of fitting nn arrow to his bow mid slay ing I'sangu, but tut quickly ho aban doned tho Idrn because he kntw that the moment tha pilot was tlain the machine, running wild, would dash tho girl to death among the trees. There was but ono way In which ho might hopi to succor her a way which If It fulled must send him to instant death and yet ho did riot best tnto in nn attempt to put It Into execution. L'sauga did not sec him. being too Intent upon the unaccustomed thitlcH of u pilot, but thu blacks across tho tiioatiow saw hlm and they ran for wurd with loud anil savage cries ami menacing rules to Intercept h m. Thev saw a giant whlto man leap .from rutted his throat. A brown hand shot down with a keen blade and severed the strap a&out his waist and giant muscles lifted him bodily from tils suit. Usanga clawed the air and shrieked, but lie was helpless as a babe. Far below the watchers In tHo . meadow could see the ueroplario ca reening In tho sky, for with tho cluinuo or control It had taken a sudden live. They saw It right Itself und. turning In a nhort circle, return In ihclr direc tion, but it was so far above them ana the light of the sun so strong that they could sea nothing ot what as going on witnin the tuseinge; inn presently L.leut. Bmlth-Oldwlck gaj;n a gasp of dismay as he saw a htimnn body plunge downward from the Diane. Turning anil twlstlnv In tnl.t. air, It fell with ever Increasing VclArj- Ity, and tho Englishman held hw breath as the thing hurtled tutrtuU hlm,- ., , , With a muffled thud It flattened upon tho turf near the centre of'tho meadow, and when at last tho'Eriir llshman could gain tho courage, -to again turn his eyes upon lt,,) breathed a fervent prayer of thinks, for tho shnpeless mass that lay upon the blood-stained turf was cover'etl with an rtiin hide. Usanga had reaped his ewnrd. Again nnd ngnln tho plane circlet! iibovo the meadow. The blacks, "At first dismayed at tho death of tpelr leader, were now worked to a frcriity of rage and a determination to' 1)8 avenged. Tho girl nnd the npn-man saw them gather In a knot about tho body of their fallen chief. Thoy saw as they circled above tho mrud ow tho black fists shaken at them, nnd the rifles brandishing a menace toward them, Tar tin still clunnvto tho fuselago directly behind .ithe pilot's seat. Ills face was close .be- sldo Ilertha Klrchcr's and at tlid top of his voice, above the noise of prtJ- pcnor, engine ana exhaust,- ht sermmed a few words of instruction Into her oar. rn As the girl grasped tho significance of his words sho paled, but her'.'llps set in a hard lino and her oyes srrono with 'a sudden firo tf determination as she dropped the plana to wlljilflj a, fow feet of the ground nnd at tho oB poelto end ot tho meadow from, the blacks nnd then nt full speed 6oVo down upon tho savages. Bo qulbfcly the piano camo that ITsanga's men had ntf time to escape It after they realized IU menace. It touched the ground Just as It struck among them find mowed through them, n veritable Juggernaut of destruction. When "It came to rest nt tho edge of the forest the ape-man leaped quickly to' the, ground and rnn toward tho JjMihtr Lloutennnt, nnd ns he went he glanced nt tho spot whero tho warriors 'find sloou, ready to defend himself If JSec- tlio branches of a treo to tho turf and cssary. but thero was none thftrq,,to We both about his shoulders ns ho ran. Thoy ndiuss and pro- Jh" , '. ' swinging n an untlu- Englishman tho girl Joined them, SH .mv way that I L?'""0"0?, """'i". 'i1" vaii- Vey trM to v"lce hr tn P i m l feel I W'"l '" ,h,, nwlc,,ln8 man.'but ho silenced her with a goal Igatlon I feel, 1 glunuo down and discover hlm. uro. Hy tho tlmo Tarzan hud frecjl.,tlto ana tw- gost- poslng further upon you, thank you for your kl tcctlon. If thero was might repuy the obligation should bo only too glad to uo so. , . Twenty foot abote tin running ape- "you saved yourself ho Insisted It was signed by Llout. Harold man fcotutd Hie,. plane. The open f,,r had you been unablo to plloVttvi I'orcy Smlth-Oldwlck. '""hu J"".1,, u" ",' ""!ot '' nd. th" ?,rl- Mn- I could nqt have helped you; lorty v. um., cui-ssm t" upo-man's Inten- und now." ho said "vou two hav.. thii , Tarzan shrugged" his shoulder,.. tk1H liU. hou mt ttnJ h th(J uan'ow; r, ,J0t0t""lt,emtU 'crumpled the note In Ms hand and noose and bntc.t.g herself, clung Tlu, d"ny l ,lyn0,ftl ' yS can teslly tossed It usldo. He flt a certain J'f-'i'y " " with both hands. Hlm- cov,r tho distance In a few hours if Pense of relief from responsibility 21 iSTuSSS.SSSS riTiVlJ tt Usgmd,yhat7ho cnroi ' SHSi gone and he would forget, but some- Mul tho nd,,,,,. Khn upward at a SfTSi V P ' h how ho could not forget. Ho walked Btl,0 anB,.. Dangling at thn end f ! 1 ": . . out acrosu tho boma and into tho M(, ,.,, tlie B,) Bwung pondil- "hen go at once," said th(Sftp, clcarlng. He felt uneasy und rest- , lum.iki In space. The Englishman. I man-, "Neither of you belongs ln,.IiJ less. Once ho started toward tho jynB t,ounj UIK)n tnu Krpund. hid Ju"Blo. A slight smile touched Jt north In response to a sudden '- been u witness of all these happen - I I,pJ! LftB ne J"le. j mlnutlon to contlnuo his way to the i nKI( j,H hfart Bt0ia Ktul an ho . Tho girl und the Englishman smiled weHt coust. He would follow tho Tarzun's body hurtling through tha i toa "This Junglo Is no plnco for us winding l iver toward rno norm n. ar toward the tree tops among which i Bl icosi.- saiti timlth-OldwIck, 5tud t uiiuuu iu n neimied he must Inev tably cwsh; "no pinco ror any other whtto wai. iiiIIkh wiieie llh coiirsn the west nnd thon on towurd it: .but the plane was rising rapidly so i Wny don't you como back to clvlllza- source acrost a wooueu h'""-"" i mat tne Duusl-inau cleared tho top up Into tho foothills and tho mown- most branchps. Then slowly, hand tains. upon me miwr nio ( over nana, ne climbed toward tho r-M O OI El Big Day's Fun at Luna Coming for Kiddie Kluh at Outing This Month By Eleanor Schorcr All aboard tho fun wagon! We ara going to Luna for a Jolly good time Kreo! No, I do not mean that we ur going free, for most of us will have I take cars ur tra ns nnd they aro no free. Not a bit of It. Hut Luna Is. L,una nntl Its fun are free to Kldd.o Klub mi-mbrrs onco each summer, and wb aro off for tho best timo we liuvo over had In all our lives. Now, do not scramble for your hats; It Is a bit soon to get ready to start; I am ufruld ou would bo too early. Tho party Is way off jret. But It Is settled, assured, Irretrievably decided that wu uru going to have our third summer outing at Luna, a.iJ thnt my Kiddle Cousins are to hau the very beat time they huve ever, ever had, nnd all ot it free. All this will huppun In about two weoks. but for thij present thu exact data mas', remain u secret. IX) jou remember last year tho fun wo had on thu ridts and In thu show.? This p.cturo will rem n1 you. Wain t l great' Wcren t they rip roaring ncb-sl What a number there wero! Well, would you believe it, this year there are to be even more! Let me sec, thoru nro one, two, three, four, live, six, seven, eight, nine, ton, wlevuti, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, fifteen rides with thu Chutes and .ho Dragon's 'Jorge among thou Thai Is u new one on our 1 Kt. th. Dragon's Oorgo; we did not havu th.t last year, did wo? Hut wo nro to K-up up and coast down Its steep, brveay bills tu our hearts' coutout no im would search for a stream running downwurd toward thu west roast, and thus following the rlvors he would bo sure ot gume and water in plenty. Hut ho did not go far. A dozon steps, pcihup, und ho enmo to u sudden stop. "Ho is an Englishman," he mut t..r.i "Hiui th other Is a woman. 'IViey can never reach tho settlements without my htlp. I could not kill her with my own hand when 1 tried und If I let them go on alone I will have killed her Just as surely as though I had run my knife Into hor heart. No, and again he shook his head. "Turzun of thn Apes s n fool and n weak, old woman," and ho turned back towurd the south. , Manu. the monkey, hud seen the two Tnrmnngard pasn two days be fore. Chattering and scolding, he to d Tarzan all about It. They had gone 'n thn direction of tne vuioko ii mo r.omnnganl. that ' much had Manu .r.n with his own eyis. so the ape- this time, und all free. And the shous they are as nu merous nnd tlcliulitful as ever, but the one that wo wunt to talk ubuut mnn Wung on through the Jungle In rlkht now Ih our own hhow. Indeed, wo are going to havo our own show too; It could not right ly oe cum-ii a itiuuiu ivtuu jiuriy u numerous . u,,ih.riv iiiroutlon und though with no eomwntrated effort to follow thn sixxir or mono no ..... . . - we did not. And, as ulways, wo are evidences thnt they had . ". I- ...... ..ollnn. nt gone tins. way--i. t.'i' lr ff'fni spoor i-iuhk nh.n.j -u iuitli- to show off the vi-ry bust tiJ tnt that u have In the Klub. bole that one or the otb Every ono In thu Klub knows how . j touched, or In the earth of tho we go aliuiit choosing our talent. It Is ulnays dono ut a try-out to which evury klddlu who can und will pcr lorm tor us Is invit-d. If we hud big foiir-shct't posters an which to set forth tho announce ment, the Hushing red lelluis might end something like this: NOT1PKI Tlir-OIITI Tlir-ODTI .NOflCtl trail their feet d tnid. and where he way wound through tho gloomy -dspth of dank forest, mo 111101, ..t their snors snu "- ' In the damp mass of dicaylng vege tation that floored the way. An liifTpllcnlile urge spurred Tar zan to Increasing seed. The same still small voice that ch1iv! him for having neglected them seemed con stantly whispering that they were In dire need of him now. Tarran's conscience was troubling him. which accounted for the fuct thnt he enm tKirnd himself to a weak, old woman, for the ape-man, reared lu savagery and Inured to hardships and cruelty, disliked to admit nny of the gentler traits that in reality were his blrtli- .: j The trail made a detour to the east Talent will be selectud to perform of the village of the Wamabos and ut the Kiddle lvlul) show on thu Kid- then returned to the wide -lcPlnnt die Klub's big day at Luna nnd wu path nearer to tho rter. wnere it mean to havo ours the best show at continued In a southerly direction ror the htac'ioii) that day The little uc- several miles. At last there came to tjrs mid not be uTraid they will the 'art of lh" ape-man a peculiar m.HS .my of thn fun. tliey will be whirring, throbbing sound, kor an k nn spi-rlal tickets which they can instant he paused, listened Intently, u r ait. 1 tnulr parts in tho show are "An aeroplane!" ho muttered, and nnr. These 'tickets will include all hiutcned forward at greatly In- oi' tan shows anil rides that tliu other . creased speed kludlcj wilt enjoy. . 1 Pin You SI1.1I 1 ' L'm 1 vu Piuvt : Da rou mnt to murtiln it Uu KIDDIE : KJ.V1.-S t,U lUiMixrr pinjrl I Do Yuu I'llr' t Cu )ou ltruit 1 Thta vom to tbr bin Kiildl KJub Try-ot kt TM I 4rtri' IHn. : LUNA, I'mifi lilnd. I 141 : Wxtnrrnr. Julr It. UlmB 111 A, M. ind 1 U.M J-. U. fuselage. The girl, clinging desper ately to the noose, strained svory muscln to hold the great weight dang ling nt the lower end of the rope. Usanga, nil unconscious of wn,U was going on behind him. drove thu plane higher and higher Into the a r Tarzan glanced downward. Uelow him the treetops and tho liver passed rnpldly to the rear and only a slender grass rope and the muscles of a trail girl stood between him nnd tho death yawning there thousands of feet bo- low. It seemed to Hortha Klrcher that tho 'Ingcrs of her hands wcro dead. Tho numlincMi wns running up her arms to her elbows. How much longer she could cling to tha strain ing strands she could not guess. It teemed to her that those lifeless fin gers must ri'lax at uuy Instant and then, when sho had about given up, sho saw n strong brown hand reach up and grnsp tho sldo of tho fuselage. Instantly tho weight upon the rope was removed nntl a moment later Tnrxan of tho Apes raised his body above the side and throw a leg over tho edge He glancml forward at Usanga and then placing his mouth close to tho girl's far he cried: "Havo you ever piloted a nlaneT" I lie girl nodtlxl a quick affirmative. "Have you tho rourago to climb up there besldo the black and nolzn the cpx'rnl wh'le T ntte mm of h'mT' The girl looked towsrd Usnnca and shuddrrcd. "Yes," she replied, "but my feet are bound." Tarxan drew his hunting knlfn from Its sheath and reiichln; down sev ered the thongs that bound her ankles. Then the girl unstrapped thn strap that held her to her seat. With one hand Turzun grasped ttio girl's arm nnd steadied her as tho two crawled I slowly across the few feet which In ter vened uciween me two seats. A single slight tip of the plan weuld have cast them both Into eternity. Tarznn realized thnt only through a miracle or chance could tney rench Usanga and effect the change In pilots, and yet he knt-w that that chance must be tnlien, for In tho brief moments since he had first seen the plane he had realized that the olnck was almost wiinoui experience as a pilot, and that death surely awnlled them In any event should ths black sergeant remain at the control. Tho first Intimation Usangn luid that all wus not well with him was wi "I prefer tlon with us?" Tarzan shook his head, tho Jungle." ho said. 1110 aviator dug Ills ton into tho ground and still looklmr down bltirted something which he evidently hated to say. -ir 11 is a matter of, living,, old top," he Bald, "or money, or you know " Tarzan laughed. "No," he said.- "t know what you are trvlntr to suv. It Is not that. I wns born In tlio Jtlrigb. I have lived all my llfo In the Jun-tlo. and I shall tile In tho Jungle, pflo not wish to llvo or dlo elsowharti.'1- The others shook their heads. They could not understand him. I "Co." said the ape-man. "Tho quicker you go, tho quicker yoft v-lll reach safety.'' They walked to the plane togefhoT, StnJth-OldwIck pressed tho npe-m.trt'i hnnd snd clambered Into the nllot'a seat. "Oooriby," said the alrl, ns she extended her hand to Tarzan. "IWnro I go won't you tell me that you don't hnto, me nn- morn?" Tar ran's faco clouded. Without a .word he picked hor Up and lifted her to hur plurc behind tho EngUsfrmnn. An. ex pression of poln crossed Hnrth.i Klrch er' fac. Tho motor started rind a mornont Inter tho two were -being borne rapidly towni-d thn nst. . On the centre of thn mendow stood tlie fcpo-mun watching tflem. 'tl H too bsd that sho Is a Oermnn nnd 11 mv.' he said, "for she Is very hardta N CHArTETl XT. UMA, the Hon, wns hungry. ne nan come out or tno U0 ert country to tho east )nto a land of plenty, but though he was young and stromr.' th wary grass.oatera had managed' to elude nis mignty talons each time, he had thought to make a kill. Numn, the Uon, was hungry and very savage. For two days ho Mad not eaten and now he hunted! In th ugliest of humors. No more did Numa roar forth a rumbling chal lenge to tho world, but rather he moved silent and grim, .stepping soft, ly that no cracking twg might bo tray his presence to tbe krcn-eared quarry ho sought. Kresh wns the spoor of Hani, the. deer, that Numa picked up In (he well-beaten gnmo trail he was fei lowing. No hour had passed -since Kara came this way; the time could bo measured In minutes, and so tho great lion redoubled the cautiousness. mt all wus not wen w in mm was f h) ndvance a, he crept .teajffl ly hen the girl slipped sudden y to his u , u quarry. do and grasped the control and ut ' ' . ... . turn . w reused speed. I sldo and grasped the control ana at - um 'rtm rJ.n is Ae fin.nv thn same lnat&nt itcel-llke flnrtrt lRd tp-morror tMcolUna.ohfpfsr H .... Jt.