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THE EVENING WORLD, F BID AY, J U"L Y 9, 'lOO. j- a. : MILLIONAIRE DUPED SAYS WIFE ASKING BALM OF SI 00.000 Mrs. Jacobs Alleges Miss Croke , Lavished Suitor's Gifts on Husband. ' (Allegations Involving a myeteilouo man of irealth and ti quocr four-cornered romanco are made In an affi davit filed In Supremo Court to-day br Mrs. Efflo Elizabeth Jaoobs of No. Ml West Wth Sfject In support of her metlon to recover 1100,000 damages from Miss May M. Croke for the loss of her husband's nffcctlons. Monte iK. Jacobs, the husband whose tore Is valued at 1100,000, Is manner Of the Teco Information Hureau at No. Mil Broadway, a service supplying inside race track "dope." Monte Ja oobfi Is a Broadway Institution. 3Jrs. Jacobs tells a strange story of a millionaire whoso love, she says, ma as much abused as her own and hThewe name," her affidavit reads, ' "I will omit from the public record," Mrs. Jacobs tells In her affadavlt that she called upon Miss Croks at her home. No. 127 Asbford Street, Brooklyn, and Implored her to Klvo Ud her husband, and. sho says. Miss Ifive him imp than sho could hr eyes. She says Miss Croke admitted lav 'iahlng gifts on her husband. Tho Jacobses havo a daughter, Dorothy, thirteen. The visit sho mode to Miss Croke, Mrs. Jacobs MAYOR ADVOCATES OLD DOC PtfASE WARS ON CORSETS ON I RACT TO RUN CTY-WD E Link' Them With Cigarettes a Menace to Our Vaunted Civilization. as BUSES Question of Awaiting Leg islative Action. "Corsets and rlKnrcllM are fnsl bringing cWlllr.ntlrm to ruin." Thus spnke old Doc I Van'-, I'rcildcnt of tha Non-Hmokers' Protective LeHgtie, who " films to destroy the fut womHii'ii aid tn rs i t lit .. ehnpcllrioss by linking the oorsct with PUDllC tO Be Heard-JUly 27 011 t1D clRiirotte In tho work u human de struction. Until to-day II lind npt been g-n-ernlly known that Doc I'eaao could And time from hi task of liiuidlntr wallops to cigarette imokers to croes swords with Iho corset. The Doc uas asked to tell about it. "Hlr," said be, "do you realize Hint the corset retards abdominal breath ing, interfering with the free action of tha diaphragm, and forces the viscera into tht pelvic cavltyt" The reported 'admitted It. Tho J.oc continued: "Tho whole trouble with women, lit leant thoso who wenr corsets, Is that thoy went to have graceful flgutaa. T'.io corset la not the road lo this. They, need excrclae Why, look at tho mil Dial kingdom I You don't animals NEXT AMENDMENT EDISON DEVOTES AGAINST DIVORCE! HIS LIFE TO MUSIC , I'i mouth, ungiana. hip Dr. Ciwynne Organizes Society to I mprovenient of the Phonograf h, I which to . ,7C"X Vft'r. I'tit Across Another Change ' ye ys, Will Be His 'England rorrrs of the ssiv in Constitution. An amendment to the United Stoles Chief Aim. were It) the cargo ofMhe Cunard liner Inkula. whMi sailed for England to-day. The tonei will bo the corner markers of a now Salvation Army rltadcl In I'D mouth. Kngland. the port Trom pfiuru ,iuu yfiiri of the New atlon Acmy. Mayor Ilytan moved ahead an other peg In his proposed clty-wble bus programmo to-c'uv when he read to the Hoard of Estlmato at the opening of Its session n Utter In which he advocated that the city enter Into a contract with a bus op erator to cover tho flvo borouchc. Tho Mayor proposed that tho city agree with the operator to have him purchase and run tho buses under tho strictest city regulations at a 6-ccnt fare. Tho question now for the 'people to determine, he said. Is whether or not thoy want to wait until tho courts decide If Uio city has the power to own, opcrato and control a bus system, or wait for tho Legisla ture to pass a law making city op eration ft certainty by contract with an operator. Such a plan tho Mayor thinks would Insuro universal transfers, a more simplified organization nnd cheaper operation. After a scathing refoukc of, the traction Interests, the Mayor roferrod to tho slogan ascribed to Job E. Hedges "Let the people walk." and suggested "lct the people ride" us tho motto of the city. . Tho Mnyor further proposes a pub lic mooting ut City Hall bo that tho savs. made her husband very angry, and when sho called upon him at tho J)c(jpIe nay ,mvo tholr volcj, , tnc home of his mother, May 28 last, ho , lnattcr. president Ia fluurdlu flf the told her in the presence of her nephew ho was through with her. "I asked iilm what about little l Dorothy, meaning our child," sho re lates, "and he salifi 'Dorothy must be the sacrifice.' " MIsb Croko also told Sirs. Jacobs, according to her affidavit, the same roan, her employer, had elven her Sev an ,jvut,uai, iPlVi UJKl uifci ana iiuu pent It with Mr. Jacobs at the Sar atoga Bprlngs races. Muts Croke, according to Mrs. Jacobs, then miggcatod that sho al low her husband to glvo her a divorce. a. ritinii n ij n 7 st l iiiMtniiitrntr &JS PULLERS-IN WARNED. Inst Not Kidnap l'aurnifri far Coney's liny lair. Charged with using strong-arm meth ods by grabbing paasera-by And practi cally forcing them Into Coney Island buses at Times Square, eight bus driv ers were haled bsforo Magistrate Corrl gan In the VToat Side Court to-day by Patrolman Walter S. Hogan of tho West 47th Street Station. "We'll have a decision right now for the whole summer,' said tho Court. "When I'm going to my summer homo on Long laVandi 1 don't want to bn thrown into a bus that Is going to Coney Island, and neither does any ono lee. I'll suspend sentence this time, but drivers should keep their hands in their pockets, or handcuff them be hind them. They must keep them off passers-by." KICK AT BOTTLES OF BABES. Lltlle MItea Jlnrreil at Coney lalanil Ilathlnir llonaca. Capt. Byron Sackett of tho Coney Island Police Station aaid be Intended to confer this afternoon with tha Cor poration Counsel concerning' reports that two bathing houses have barred women with baby carriages. The baths re Uio Kensington and the Ited Devil and 1i Is alleged they 'have stationed pedal policemen on the boardwalk to keep tho babies out. The bath house owners era aald lo have objected to the milk bottles which accompanied the babies. The bottle, tossed from carriage!, often broke and bathers cut their feet. , STOLE SMOKES FOR CZECHS. wearing corsets." Tho reporter seconded the motion. "They suy that malnutrition ,1s the cnuso of the weaklings In our puhllc schools," said Doc I'caso. "Not so. It Is the tobacco smoko and tho corset that has brough this about." DEFENDS HIGHWAY BOARD. Ctrl Clsmretla Hakvr Arrratrd With 1.410 Around Watat. Anna Kahak, of Uo. S06 .East Tint Street, arrested ysaterday as she was leaving the Anargyros Cigarette fac tory, of No. 1122 Avenue A, with 1.410 cigarettes hidden In a bag around her waist, to-day told Magistrate HrhWab in Yorkvllle Court that she took tho smokes to send to a number of brothers and cousins fighting In the Czecho slovak army In Ilohonila. She was employed In the factory and -wa arrvaieu auer rier employers no ticed a marked change In her flguro, She was held In J 100 ball for Special Sessions'. Arrrat In Ktttrl Shooting; Case. Magistral Conway In the Long Island City Police Court this morning held Wendel J. PellUtar, forty-flvo. a painter of Thornwood, N. Y., without ball for examination July 12, on suspicion of be ing implicated (n the shooting on July 1, pf Adam Zlttel, a dellcateesen dealer at No. 0 Uroadway, Astoria, L. 1. Zlttel was shot down In his own store. Hoard of Aldermen suggested Madi son Biuare tlanlcn. Wedncsduy, July 21, at 10.30 A. M. was fixed as the date of tho public meeting In the loard of Kstlmate. , After tho letter was read the Mayor said tho recall might Just as well apply to thoso In city orrice wnn Ignored tho wishes of tho peoplo us to the Judiciary. THIEVES BORE HOLE IN WALL Pass 90,000 "Worth nf Hltk. Nhlrta TlirotiKli OiirnlnsT. Illrsch & Hlrsch, haberdashers at No. 23 Uroadway, llrooklyn. were robbcil ot $6,000 north of silk shirts and men's furnishings Monday night. A second' at tempt was made by burglars to enter the store of Isadoro Uurnftiaum, No. 180 Have-neyer Street, llrooklyn, the same turnt. Th Hlrsrh ft Illrsch robbery was un -usually daring. Tho thlevea operatnl mo .vurey Avenue c evaieu sta tion, bored u hole through tne wan unu one man Is OxmcVcil to havo ipassed mo pick of the store's stock to companions who loaded the goods into an automo hild. IWrgiars at tne uurnoaum store bored three holes through the cellar cell ing. They struck a ourgisr aiaroi anu were ingnienea away. BINGER HELD AS BIGAMIST. Arrrat followa nhontlnsr of Ills 1'Mrat Wife by Woman, Paul Itlnger of No. 1137 Oatrs Avenue Tlrooklyn, was held In 15,000 ball for examination July 23 on u charge ot bigamy by Magistrate Doyle to-day Dinger was arrestnd following the shooting on Monday night in Highland Park. Olendalo, ot Mrs. Klsle Dinger by Alias Margaret Iilly. Detectives chargo that the Lilly woman is a sec ond wife of Dinger. He says, acrordlng to tho police, thoy were married in Manhattan on Feb. 4 last, after a two weoks' courtship. Dinger married his first wife May 15. 1916. At Ht. John's Hospital It was raid frlrs. Dinger will recover. The bulla: las been extracted from her head. $15,000 FUGITIVE FIGHTS. Man Aernard of Maryland Itobbery IlesUta ICxtradltlnn. James Conley, on whoso head the authorities of Maryland put a 115,000 price as one of the bandits who re cently held up a bank at Sandy Springs, to-day was sent to District Attorney Swann s office by Maglarate Schwab, When his atorney. ltobert Moore, pro tested against his extradition to Haiti- more, Conley. alias John ailtehel . was ar rested July 1 at No. 560 First Avenue. wiiu juiiii iuyiv, iiarry juuyer aim i two women, by detectives working on 1 Third Avenue Jewelry store robberies. I The women were discharged next duy and yesterday Doyle and Meyers were discharged, naltlmore datectlvea were on nana this morning to claim conley. and will present their papers to Mr. Bwann. Poller Capt. I.eary Hurled. Poltcl Capt John P. Leary ot thi Classon Avenue Station. llrooklyn, who died last Sunday at hlV horn In Ht. Al bans, Queens, was burled yesterday In Ht John's Cemetery. Vlddle Village. A l requiem mass was celebrated at 10 A. M In St. Mary'a rtoman Catholic Church, Jamaica, by the Dev. John .M. Scheffel, the rector. One of Dueled Jrraoy Commission- rr llrpllra to Milliards. John W. Herbert, chairman of tho New Jersey Htato Highway Commission removed by 3ov. Bdmnrds, to-day Issued a statement decniring that tne uoni- nilsslou had used every effort to ro hnbllltato tha State hlgliwAys system, whloh Gov, Edwards said they had failed to do. Mr. Herbert said sound business policy mnde necessary taking over corn plcto control a the highways, to which the Oovornor objected, and that tho se vere weather of last winter hud given the Commission a heavy task to accom plish. He also said that the Commission hnd Ixen in favor of a smaller mllvage of concrete construction, Instead of the lighter construction which entails grrat expense for maintenance. This, Mr. Her bert declared, the real reason tho old Commission '.'was led to the sacri ficial block." ChaurTrnr llrld In Ilnnk-Hplilierr. Abe Weinberg, tenty-two, was held in 115,000 ball for examination July l:. by Magistrate Couwny In tho Long Isl and City Police Court this morning on a charge of being implicated in the at tempted rubm-ry or the liann or Man hattan, Corona, L. I.; July 7. when six bandits wi-ro driven off by a bombard ment of Inkstands nnd sponge holders thrown nt them by Uie osslstiint rashlcr I "Ten years from now music will be Constitution making divorco Impossible recognlicd s cssenthil to th- mental j Is proposed by a new organization I and moral well being of the human fnr.n.i ii. ,.f ii. ,...i.i I rnce." the ilpcliiratlon of Thomas! for the Upholding of the Sanctity of Marriage. The Dev. Dr. Walter Qwymie of Summit, N. J., who announced the organization, said Its purpose Is In dorsed by Bplscopnl clergymen of New York and numerous Judges. The society will try to extond Its membership to every Christian de nomination In the country and will prranh the doctrine that no minister should re-marry a divorced person under any circumstance. It will tlrst try to get a revision of tho Episcopal Church canon on the solemnization of matrimony to prohibit ro-mnrrlage under the church law of any divorced person. Pr. a wynnc, who Is General Secretary of the society, said that among the mem bers of the organization are Supreme Court Justlco Vernon M. Davis, tho IUv. William T. Manning of Trinity and tha Ulght ltcv. Paul Matthews. A. Edison, In a nrastiage sent to-day to ' the Edison Dealers' Caravan Conven I t'on. In session at the Knickerbocker Theatre. In which he nnnounced that the Improvement of the phonograph will claim his xntlro time for tlie remain dor of his life. "Ten yeais on the calendal, or In to life of a num. Is a considerable perlol of time," aald tho Wizard In his jnes sngr, "but when we build for the future udecodc Is a, small matter. There are severs! major arts and of these music. In my opinion. Is the greatest WENT AFTER "OAK LEAF TEA" Hut llr (Jot lll Lravn Vrnm Park Trrr, Which Coata 3 I'lnr. Demetrius Schrelms of No. 32 Cherry Street,' Manhattan, was fined 12 by Magistrate Doyle In Jamaica Pollen Court to-day and warned against clip ping any more oak loaves In Forest Park. Hchrcbas was nrrosted yester day when Park Keeper Thomas Itelber'a attention was attracted to a heavy fall of leaves from an oak. Sohrotxm told the Court his doctor advised him to give a sick brother a Imi ill In oak leaf ten. Ho said tha brother's log was Injured and that oak lonves were the best euro. I have been quoted as desiring to ace pnonogrsptj in every American home. What I want to sea In every American i home la music, so realistic and so per fect In Its rendition as to he un unend ing source of benefit and ideapure " WOMEN, SCHOOL PRINCIPALS. I'nlrraon, V. J., Amende l.nir to Make Thrm nilltlhlr. Urgent need for persons qualified to hold prlnclpalshlps In public schools has forced the Paterson, N. J., Hoard of Education to amend Its bylawa so as to permit women to hold these po sitions. They will be required to pass the regular examination, an announcement to-day said, and will receive the same pay now being paid men principals. Superintendent of Schools Wilson told the board at 'a meeting last night, that It would bo Impossible to keep all schools supplied with principals unless women were permitted to hold the office. Three public schools are now without principals, "PLYMOUTH ROCK" SHIPPED., (Sranltr niocka Srnt to ICnscIand fur I t'ar In Memorial DOSTO.S. July 9. Four 400-pound blocks of granite hewn near the land ing place of tho Pilgrims nt Plymouth Confidential Credit far j 'I CufflrKl -A. E remarkably 1 o w prices which prevail at Hygradc despite the high quality of our Clothing, de spite the easy credit terms, are always a cause of pleas ant eurptise to visitors. iMBSt STORE OuiflttiRaidnhiU(ln4 onstviNiMS ourQxditVUntiCom'tnimct 131 WEST125!J!ST. 113 Nassau Street Near Ann Street Cordon &Dilworth Real ObangeIIabmaiade HOCTftSSER f 141 -1423 THIRD JtVENUS ftsmmtk NEAR OOOT RUT FURNITURE Cash orCredit OPEN EVERY EVENlJi, Holzwasser Home Talks No. SOS WHY wait lor thr read rst. to fumUh your homf Why put off hating the j'lrMiirc of dnllliK br ovr own liimUle. when iu t-au come here, now or at any time. Mlect thn furutturt uisi oa turns IU atipuu twet alul Kin mmi roinionauid in ik pay fur It Ut' your on term of our own rnuohlnf. and l'llICJH THAT Kb a j';KB otrr ok tijk JII fjOST OV UVI.Nllt Vm Oler a nuartor nf a irntury W( hale at tfA 1IIUII furnWhnt tfce lunm of Now York'a mum aucriminating youjis couplos. Why not you I h initure beuthl now may be held in our warehouse, slor a;e free, until wanted. Knally rraohrj from M'eat hhle b With or rl)th St. llua from ItmaHwitir. I Vitile lor IUU-ta;a Cstaleisnd 1 U-pafe Special Sale Grcular $245 J.ROOM APARTMENT BEST Sl'fl VAI.UB 4.RC0M APARTMENT tc PKiT r.oo vJo t-ROOM APARTMENT $585 Our Liberal Terms alul tip I Wk jStu.ooisa.ou Isi.l.oo iiaii 20 1UU I l&.JItik IM...I Ik.l M.J K, VrT.1"' :ioii isuu.ihi I Sl" etllt 40.IMI 4.IMI ". isnixt ir.niMiiuan.iHi i 'Ijirarr Aiiiiiuiil. Ilii la ..l'P t timl avily"aiM te haw tnt (uie, Mw iHW and Coaaxxicin, Wr Dellier bv Autu TrueL l)lrrl to Voar Door, At 14th Street Armoty-- Ideal for Summer Outings and Vacation Wear HALF PRICE AND L And Your Money Back If Not Satisfied A sale that continues to grow in wonder in bigness and power and popularity the more New York women and New York men realize the tremendous scope of this gigantic enterprise that places IMMEDIATELY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL the finest foot wear in America at one-half the present retail pricc3. Through Frank & Pinera Co., Inc., Exporters of Shoes and Leathers, the greatest shoe manufacturers in the country have placed thousands upon thousands of pairs of their finest grade shoes on sale at the 1 4th Street Armory at less than factory cost. Mothers! More Shoe Bargains for Baby! Child's Welt Eal Shoes Sizes S to 8 S 6.50 Values Welt Bluchers -r 4 Chilli's and Misses' in Proportion Dress Pumps Patent Leather, Tan and Mack. (Infants Stses) 79c Child's and Misses' in Proportion Children's Shoes Welf Bluchers SIZCS 5 to 8 $5.60 Value 2m HI Women's Shoes the Talk ol New York! All Si.ea All Widths .99 Actual Values to $15.00 Shoti aa rrfwt as tty are beautlful-ai sua In quallir aa they ara low In frtea rcpraacnilai all that la lauat and amarirat la liuiupa, otfordi and boota for wouun and nluw of real Iratbrr and rral worth. Whr nl HAVK Iwo and urn tlmia IU price of rout akoeat itiitrr llurk If Not l'lewird L1I1IIIII iiiiiii l!DIAMONDSJI"ISt X?? mTCHES JEWELRY " lfee SILVERWARE -' You majr rtlura en Diamoad Hmg. Pin, Lavallitl or Broodi putdiaeed froea ua a nallet hew loaj it haa been worn, end have it rrplaced. We aBew (aB price la eichasfe oa all Diamoad Jewelry for 'one ol our up-o!ale asd eicluaive new lljrlet, Ask for our Book of Gems ONFIDENTIAL REDIT 1374 BROADWAY BiTa Sutf ar not used in making Grape-Nut nnr rermirtA in a. W Nafsy 4 W i at a j serving.because this ! unusual cereal is so sweet from natural sugars developed from the grains. Men's Genuine Goodyear Welt Shoes Munson Cast, U. S. Govt. Specification Shoes $ff? Qtt $10 to $15 Values Guaranteed 100 V Genuine Leather Made for comfort and wear tho ideal shoe for conductors, motormen, policemen, postmen nnd all those who are required to be much on their feet. Navy Specification Shoes HI $6.98 NINTH COAST DEFENSE ARMORY 8:30 A.M. to C.30 P. M. j STREET Just West of Sixth Avenue. Convenient to Subways and Devated Lines or 14th St. Crosstown A Step Irom Hudson Tube FRANK & PINERA CO., Inc. Exporters Biggest Value-Giving Event Now Going On ! OUR 20 DISCOUNT SALE! Shop! Make Comparisons, Then Come and See Us. OUR VALUES CANNOT BE EQUALLED ! 20 Off Everything pring & Summer Suits Former Prices Now $40 Less 20 $32 45 Less 20 36 50 Less 20 40 55 Less 20 44 60 Less 20 ' 48 65 Less 20 52 70 Less 20 56 Kmcaidl Kimball Clothes Famous for Fine Tailoring TWO-PIECE SUMMER SUITS Tropical Worcteds, Silk Mohairs, Palm Beaches and G'abardines Former Prices: $20, 22.50, 25, 30 and 35 20 Off, therefore you pay $16, 18, 20, 24 and 28 A Special 20 Value Event About 150 Spring Sui' j Formerly Sold at $35 up to $55 Now at $30 Less 20 You Pay J$ A Two-Day Special i $12.00 White Flannel Trousers At 20 Off. You Pau $9.60 27 Cortlandt St. ( Church! St; ) SIXTH AVE. L. AT DOOR HUDSON TUBE AT CORNER nullum e I Our Essy Psyment Plsn applies every where within 150 mllee of New York. We furnish A p a rtments and Homes on Weekly or Monthly pay. mente. 4-Piece William and Mary Period Jacobean Oak Suite Coneletlno of Buffet, China Cloeet, Serving $OiQ.50 Table and Dlnlno Tablei AS Inehee wide, 6 ft. VW&VV extenalonj ae Illustrated; at m Sewlnn Me chine, as Jl lustrated, at $57-50 iP SEWING MACHINES ON CREDIT. nDCKi UAMnAu etietLiiMfiO DURINQ JULY AND AUOUST 7S075ElC3fM4 , - lu.oooef COLUMBIA QRAFONOLAS from V3Z.S0 up On OHr Esey Payment Plan July Columbia and Cortina Foreign Language Record! on Bale. It Makes Little Difference What You Need A World ".Want" Ad. Will Go and Find It JUiMllllII. i fpqq"9 aBovto7"' i.IBBDIa..rl3H IIIIM.IlllITllia.lIIULUX L . - . . . '.. .. StssssB it HdWI 'Osssssaisaal SsWitiJsMisfaiiii -'iSf'.rfAl' tif - , afaajayr