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THE EVENING' WO R&D, 'WEDNESDAY, JTJVL Y 14, 1920, HOW TO FULLY UNDERSTAND THE GREAT YACHT RACM ft RACES FOR AMERICA S CUP WILL BE CONTEST OF RIVAL CREWS AS WELL AS YACHTS Seamanship of Men as Impor tant to Victory as Sailing Qualities of Craft. IS A .BATTLE OF SArLS. Each Captain Plans Their Use According to Wind and Sea'-Conditions. The present series of races for the famous America's Cup will bo sailed over two courses oft Sandy Hook, so laid out as to extend to the utmost the seamanship of the rival crews and the nailing qualities of tho two yachts. The races begin Thursday and will bo Balled every other day until Sham rock IV. or Resolute has won three of the Ave races that are scheduled. Three straight victories would end tho series and dctcrmlno tho ownership of tho cup. Tho races are scheduled to tart at 12 o'clock noon (daylight sav ing time), and each to bo considered a race must bo concluded within six hours of tho firing of tho starting gun from the committee boat. Accidents to boats or crew do not necessitate a call ing off of the rnce, though heavy seas and squally weather may forco a post ponement from aay to day. To tho landsman tho myriad Intri cate spurs, ropes and sails of these great racing machines, together with thMr technical names, will remain forever a inymsry, for racing In ono of theso great aevonty-flvc-footers ifl going to be a rich man's sport for many a year. Tho following general outline of terms of description of the racers Is written with a view of mak ing clear to tho average landsman a mind picture of tho racers, so that ho may vlsu.illzo the contest from tho dsy-by-day descriptions that will ap pear In Tho Evening World. START TO BE MADE OFF SANDY HOOK LIGHTSHIP. The start of tho races will bo made off the Sandy Hook Lightship, and tho course will bo signalled to tho racing yachts from tho committee bout Two courses are available, and their use will bo alternated. The first raco Is likely to bo along a straight lino fifteen miles out to sea and re turn; tho second over a triangular course each leg of which will bo ten miles. Koch race, therefore, la of thirty miles. Yacht racing demands that every possiblo sail that may be used during tho course of tho race Bhall be ready for Immediate use. Each yacht car ries three or four complete suits of sails, which are changed frequently, owing tc their stretching In tho heavy winds. Hefore the race each skipper, with his knowledge of the wind and sea renditions and the course In mind, has laid out his plan of campaign, and his crew has accordingly pre pared the sails It is Intended to use. The first sail to bo set, of course. Is Flying Boat to For tho first tlmo In tho history of tho America's Cup, Tho Kventng World will cover tho raco "lietweon Itcsoluto and Shamrock IV. from tho ulr. Through the courtesy of tho Ameri ca Trans-Oceunic Co. of No. 505 Fifth Avenue, of which Hodman Wana maker Is tho President, reporters for The livening World will view the speed contests from tho luxurious cockpit of "Tho Ulg Fish," a Curtlss biplunu, the largest and fastest pri vately owned nirplano In America. This hugo 100-fuot plane, built dur ing tho war for -Domhlng dorman stations, will bo flown by cx-I.ii-ut. Commander David H. McCul lough, I'. S. N. H. F., wbo gained international fame ns tho navy illot of the famous NC-3, flagship of tho nuvy'u "Nancy'' boats which, lost in a dense fog after 11 fifteen and a half hour lllght toward tho Azores, landed in a stormy sea and was afloat fifty two hours, hor gallant crew spurning aid from tho destroyer Harding and "taxylng," more doad than alive, into Tonta 'llelgada after" they had bcon given up for dead- Glossary of Terms Used In the Races How the Landsman Can Fol low the Forthcoming Con tests Between Shamrock and Resolute for the Amer ica's Cup. ABAFT Toward the item of the veiiel. ABEAM On either tide of the ve sel amidships. AFT Toward the stern. ASTERN Opposite from ahead. BATTEN -j! Light wooden strips sewen into sans to Keep them from Bagging. BOARD The dlstanco sailed by vessel on one tack. BOOM A spar, oonnected to the mast by Jaw, holding the foot of the sail. . BOW The forward part of the ves el. BOWSPRIT A spar projectlno for ward from the bow of the vessel, bo Inn the lower supoort for the libs. KOOT (a) The lower edge of tho ail, and (b) to travel. GAFF The soar holdl of the mainsail, by means of which it is noisiea up tne mast. GYBE To change the sails from port to starboard or vice versa with out goinn in stays or delaying the progress ot the vessel. HALYARDS Ropes used for hoist ing and lowering sails and snars. HAULED (close hauled) Sailing with the vessel pointed close to the direction from which the wind Is com Ing. ntu-ini now or tne vessel as distinguished from the stern. HEELING The listing of a ship Caused by the force of the wind on the sails. JIB Any triangular sail, set nn a stay that extends from the bowsprit 10 ino mannoao. KITES Light and lofty sails for use in light winds. Lee The side opposite that from which the wind comes. LOG (a) an instrument for meas the mainsail, the one sail that must Invariably be carried. This great spread of cotton canvas welghB many tons and In held In place by being luced at the bottom to tho boom, a great, movablo pole that Is attached to the mainmast a fow feet above the level of the deck nd extends many feet beyond the stern of the racer. The top of the mainsail Is laced to the gnff, a shorter wooden spar that Is hoisted along the mainmast by ropes or steel cables Itnown as hal yards. The mainsail .Is attached to the mainmast by wooden or steel Carry News of Yacht Races for The Evening World THE AMERICA. TRANS-OCEANIC COMPANIES "BIG FISH !1 It was Lieut. Commander JIcCul lough who trained the famous It. V. Davison unit of flyers at Tort Wash ington and Huntington during tho early stages of tho war. Ho Is now retired and is acting ns General Manager of tho America Trans oceanic Company, which, with a re cord of 83,000 flying miles to Its credit In tho four years of Its existence, has never had nn accident. Tho America Trans-Oceanic Com pany Is tho distributing ngnt - the metropolitan district for tho f S3 Aeroplane and Motor Corp. i, operating flying iboats and pla-i . In Now York In tho summer and In Florida in tho winter. I'. L. Freeman Is Now York sales manager for tho company. "The lllg Fish," named becauso of tho painting of Ka hull by ex-Sheriff Itobcrt Wlnthrop Chanler, Is driven by two 400 horso power Liberty en gines, and when fully lnnded will carry six tons for ten hours' uninter rupted lllght. HecauHu of Its extreme size more space Is avallablo In tho cockpit of tho piano than will ibo required by The Kventng World, nnd Commander McCullough Mill curry a few paying guests on the flight, an unusual op portunity for airplane enthusiasts to The ctror i CLUB1 urina the sneed of a vessel, and (b) the diary of the happenings on a ves sei. LUFF (a) to bring a vessel nearer into the direction from which the wind comes, and (b) the portion of the mainsail along the mas,t, between the boom and the gaff. LEACH (of sail) The portion of the mainsail farthest removed from the mainmast, between the gaff and the boom. MAINSAIL The chief sail of a hoops that slide up or down as the sail Is hoisted or lowered. An idea of the immense size of the mainsail carried by the cup racers may be gleaned from the fact that if the sails of the Reso lute were made from ordinary bed sheets, fifty-four inches wide and eighty-one Inches long, it would require 270 of these sheets sewed together to give an equiva lent sail area. Once the mainsail Is set, the top sail Is sent aloft. In light winds, a club-topsall Is used; should jralcs threaten, a smaller "working topsail" - x SHEET sV rJlO Boom J .JAyjAiu boomSav seo tho greatest sporting ovent of tlin 1 Should be mnde to Commander Mc year. Application for reservations I Cullough at No. G03 Fifth Avenue. "ifleHer Chocolates- Sugar Rolled Gum Drops Oreat, plump, golden Gum Drops, rolled In O fi mii.i.i;u'm 7 Htorm, 421 llromlnur At I'nnal HI. DUft Jtrtiuchvnr At Hurlns nt. sugar VJ UIO Ilroudnur At St 7-IU llroudmijr At Artor PI. 11 10 llnxulnar At lt HI. llllis llnHiiltriir At 4tll St. 1 1!0 N'ntfiiia SI. liiu'knmii & Ann. Molasses Peppermint Kisses I'ure Honthern inolusseB with a dash of flavor. . 39c Super Assorted M1lk Chocolatos fondant creams , ,, Every Pound Box Contains 16 Ounces of Candy Sails on -A A. V A JL y s ItYv . WWW Keep This Copy and vessel, bent from gaff and boom to the mainmast. MAST A stick or spar of round timber or tubular steel set upright in a vessel to sustain tne yards, booms and sails. , POINT To sail close into the di rection from which the wind comes. PORT The left side of the vessel, looking forward. PORT TACK To sail with tho wind coming coming over the port side of the vessel. 1 will be set. This Is a triangular sail, attacnea to tne very tip of the top mast and along the gaff of the main sail. The club-topsall, however, Is much larger, towering high above the top mast by means of a club-topsall sprit, and beyond the end of the gaff by a club-topsall boom. This sail Is at tached to these additional spars ("bent," the sallorman calls itl beforo being hoisted Into place, and Is sent up "flying," or unwrapped. Usually a few men of tho crow aro sent up to the spreaders to guide It aloft and to clear away any Jam In tho number of aYa Lower Price" Turkish Paste A de licious confection with an Oriental favor 44c nan Milk Chocolate Pine apple 'Sunrlpe fruit In a blanket ot Milk nf Chocolnto DlC Fresh fruit-flavored 74c the Big Racing Yachts Know How to Follow the Race Stories RUN Goina before the wind, or in the direction toward which the wind blows. REACH To sail with the wind slightly forward of the beam, or abeam. SHEETS Ropes used for operating a sail, either easing It off 0 or nn aullng It in. STARBOARD Tho right side of the vessel looking forward. STARBOARD TACK To sail with ropes or 'sheets" used In hoisting It Theso "spreaders," by tho way. are steel arms, extending from either sldo of the mnlnmast at tho top of tho gaff, and along them are stretched taut steel wlros to glvo added strength and stcndlness to the moat, agalnnt which such a powerful forco Is constantly at work when tho hugo sails aro drawing full. Whllo ono section of tho ctAt Is setting the club-toosall. another Is bringing up the Jibs and staysail, done up In "stops" and ready for hoisting. though many tlmos theso latter sails. too, are ont up flying. A sail Is wild to bo sent up In "stops" when It Is rolled up, sausage-llkc. nnd tied to gether with bands of light yarn that will break easily nnd permit tho wind to fill the sail when It is "broken out ' at tho skipper's command. MANY COMBINATIONS IN WHICH JIBS MAY BE USED. The number nnd kinds of Jibs to,be set during tho course of the race will I depend entirely upon direction, Oppenheim. 34th Street-New YwK Extraordinary Reductions Thursday 125 Misses' Midsummer Dresses Values to 15.00 250 Misses' High Class Dresses . Values to 39.75 Reduced to 18.00 i 50 Misses' Silk Shantung Suits Values to 45.00 I B-KLLOOr4 1 v,m I , (OALLOOrfltpV I OOQ11 pMSslTOON the wind coming side of the vessel. over the starboard STAY (in stays) When a vessel Is going from one ibck to anotner, ene is in stays at the moment she heads directly into the wind and her sails spill all the wind and flap, SHROUDS Stout rope, often made of wire stretched from the masthsad to the sides of the vesssl, serving as a means of ascending the mast and as lateral strengthening stayi for the mast. weather conditions) wind nndf the stnto of tho sea. and there are a counties? number of combinations in which tho various types of Jibs shown In the accompanying cut may be used. The most difficult course la the tri angular ono of ten miles to each leg, testing the sailing qualities of the yachts on every angle of the wind, enabling tho use of every variety of sail, Including tbo "kites," as the big, light, flying balloon Jibs, spin nakers and topsails urn known. The spinnaker and balloon Jib, or ballooner, are used In running dead boforo the wind, or with the wind astern. Tim sheets of tho mainsail are cased off until that sail, with Its attached clubtopsall, Is entirely out board, or at a 90 degrco angle with tho yacht Itself. This may be thrown out cither to the port (left) or star board (right) sldo of the yacht. Tho spinnaker boom Is usually a solid wooden spar, kopL when not In use. lashed nlong tho deck w"here It can bo conveniently coat' looso and rigged. When a turn brings the fOlllkK Si t Reduced to Reduced Misses' Dep't3rd Floor TACK (aolna about) To out vssssl about so that the wind blows anainst the other side of the sails from which It has been blowing, by way of the bow. WEAR To turn tho vessel around so thst the wind will come from one Ids to the othtc, carrying the stern around by the wind. WEATHER The dlreotlon from which the wind comes.. WINDWARD Sams ss wssther. yacht to the point where the "kites' may bo set, the spinnaker Is brought from below and "stopped" up, to be hoisted at the proper moment to the very ton of the masL .The spinnaker boom Is rigged at right angles to the null, on the side oppoolte the mainsail, and the spinnaker Is hoisted out to tho end of the spinnaker boom and "broken out," filling In stantly in the wind like the huge bal loon it Is. Unless "the wind on.thls leg of run nlng before the wind be too great, the balloon Jib also is sent along In st)pt nnd broken out, superseding all the other Jibs and giving the yacht the greatest spread of canvas It can carry under any condition. The spinnaker Is used only In running beforo the wind. The sending up of both these last two great sans has Deen acscrroea as In "stops." It Is posalble, ot course. tn iiend them in and set them "fly' Ing," though the latter Is a perilous proceeding, as the skipper of Lord Dunravcn's vaixyrie is wining to tes tlfy, after his fatal attempt to send 8.75 to 25.00 his spinnaker up flying hi his raaofl against vigilant, bis sails bclngtJS Med awar. and with them tha HtrfSiS inera nope.of- winning the cud. -inese cans, as nas been said, arJ used only before the wind, and it?isl easy for the layman to understand now a vessel can travel in the strati direction as the wind. , i How a vessel can sail from a oolnta to another point against the wlndfiqfj in a direction opposite trial from! which the wind Is blorwlnr. ia thft.l layman's bugaboo. To sail dlreaUV into tne wind, of course. Is lrrroosi Bible, but It Is poastble to make hend-ll way in mat direction by xig-zagsiar, across me pain or tho wind, by what la known In aoJllnr n Thntrr t -nr uoklng." in this way, the yaehtsv: can catch the wind In their close hauled sails and tack to and fro, ad- rancing eacn iacx in a aireotion ao- tuaiiy against the wind. HOW A YACHT MAKES PROGRESS inilMtr TUr wiun "3 A boat is sold to be on the porti tack when the wind Is coming from her port (left) side, and she Is heeled J over to siarooara or ngnt. a voat Is on the starboard tack when the wind strikes ber soils over the star -.,3 uuaru or mui aiac, aeeiias uer mr to port. Yachts are on a "sol It tack" when. though ealllnjr for tne some point, one rot off on a port tack and thai- other on the starboard tack, appar-, enuy neaamc away from each other, but In reality ndearorlnsr to advance aralnst the wind, mcetlnjf each other. 1 arain wnen uiey spilt tacks gauv and come back heading toward the unaginary etraicnt line of the course.,, To sail from oolnt to tlnt with' tho nind blowlnr approximately M across the course at n to-derraa nn.'.- trie to tho direction In which tbn -i boats are salllnir Is known In salllos; as "reaching." and here again the vesAsgR sel a progress In a dlrootlon opposite . from that from which the wind comes by hauling the sheets close (drawing the mainsail along the centre of tho yacht) and "reaching for the mark," i I i Assorted Nutted Mousse The richest freshest dairy cream, thick and clotted- , the whites of eggs direct ,, from the farm pure cane sugar from Louisiana planta- . tions all are whipped and beaten together into a creamy, sugary fluff. Then we chop up nutrmeats Brazils from Sovth Amcr- ica, pecans and peanuts,.' from Louisiana, and almonds from sunny Mediterranean ports and stir them lavish ly into the luscious mousse. Thii is then cut into gener ous cubes of maple, straw- gt&g berry and vanilla flavors, and packed in flat boxes to retain its " white-of-egg " lightness. A pound, 60c FULL WEIGHT IS ounces of CANDY In every pound box SPECIAL Today and Thursday Old Fashioned Vanilla Creams a lb. 49c Delidously made with old fashioned fondant cream cen ters, vanilla flav- A fiC. ored and choco- sis. '"fil iate coated, special ' VUtt the "LargeMt Candy Store in the World"-' our Candy Arcade on 42nd also 43rd Street" w Dot. Sth and 6th Aves. $ Hudson Terminal Bid, , t 32 Cortlandt Street 1343 Broadway Bet. 35th and 36th Streets 2249 Broadway Bet. 80th and 81st Streets Fulton & Nassau Streets S. E. Corner 1 4mH . r,a tV . . ,- t. J I li lin Mill 1 mML lt 11 ml tilWstlnl .1 WUa M...tsV.t. MsSlj,4 ' .. -11. .nHiithris'niailiwii kUi&stt in i ii Uni r