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Newspaper Page Text
. r-j y THE EVENXNGF WORLD, WE DNESDAY, ATJCrTJST 25, 1020 ' i , - i i - - - - ,i - y y . . - partment House Neighbors of Mrs. Kohl Batter Prisoner A f HIS ARM BROKEN Til! Pn1Jv rimA . w Mnr irMit xrn r. -v. mint j Street, vras aroused from light (him- fper cany mis morninr oy a. noino in irJintlrely noiseless In Jumping- out of SZucd, and the man In the nest room, who had no business there, heard her and made for the window, which !; believed to be the way he had en tered. ;ile and Mrs. Kohl met In the parlor ind she grappled with him, scream ing- for help. Her husbanl awoke and borne to her assistance, as did Israel jproSman, seventy years old, a boarder. 80 did the neighbors, to the number of forty or fifty, from other jipartmcnts In the building and the aproar reached Patrolman McQowan pissing In the street. it Ho rescued the prisoner from the fpajama-clad throng and took him to ;larletr Hospital, where he Is a pris oner on charge of assault and burg tlary. He has a broken arm. The assault charge was .mode by Jrosman, who says tho intruder cut Mm with a "dagger." Tho prisoner Said ho was Angclo Orctlez, eighteen iyoars jld, a Cuban, employed on a KJJnlted states transport. When ?ddi nrtA 11 In mnnnV worn fnnnrl In at"""' . 7 " . ; . : . uii pocKfts. Konn nam moy nna Dcen nakti from his trousers while he was ieieep. 1 paiHrln Cheerfully Amwrn Ander- Ira O. vvtrin, former District AUor- : ..tiey of Queens County, now a candidate ;!for the Republican nomination for Con Tiros In the 2d District of long Islntxl. ;ito-dy replied to. a letter from William UI. Anderson of the AnM-Saloon Lesgue , iwho had asked him iiow ho stood on fXYohlDltlon. Mr. Darrln said he wu . (opposed to the "men. measures unit -methods rnwIovr1 In ntarlH& th P .Volstead Act and that lht act Itself i nru an Infringement ' tit ihn HcKta nr fMthe people. He said he did not bellevi A NEW FALL HAT TO WEAR TODAY $5.94 In our millinery department you will find a very unusual collection of hats. Hats made just to fill a betwecn-scason need, and made in so many attractive designs that you are almost Burc to find one which will be becoming both in shape and color. There arc hats of panne velvet in smart poke shapes off-thc-facc models with pleated panne velvet brims and plain velvet tops small hats in youthful shapes and embroidered du'vetynes in smartest shades. 0 r ftxeond Floor, JMih' BU, Trent. Dr. Brush's EUMYSS (TIMKHMHl Sparkling Milk, Deing fermented, sweet milk, it digests readily is quickly assimilated, and is therefore a perfect food drink. At httilt loach ttuattrt 3t fsustatat KUMYSS.TruO (110 W. 4lllh 81., Neir York HERALD SQUARE Jfinc & NEW YORK, if- n STORE OPEN 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. ARM rmrtwaUb Btntt Wot ef nflS Anas t us ' SALE CONTINUED rien's High-Grade OVERCOATS 29.75 Values $45.00' to $75.00 New Models for Fall and Winter ULSTERS AND ULSTERETTES A special purchase; manufacturer needed money; we bought at conces sions and you reap the benefit. TOPCOATS Samples of one of the finest makers of high-grade men's clothes. In cluded, also many Topcoats taken from regular stock. A pleased customer is a valuable advertisement, and we feel that every man who purchases one of these Overcoats will be more than pleased, for the offerings are most unusual and the qualities and styles will far exceed expec tations. Take advantage of this special price, you will not regret it. laterials Imported and domestic cloths tweeds, kerseys, plaid backs, fancy overcoatings, etc. Colors Blues, grey, green, Oxford and black. Styles Single or double breasted, young men's sport coats, also conserva tive styles, including Chesterfield models with velvet and self collars. Also ulsters and ulsterettes, with 'or without belts; in fact styles to suit every man; full, quarter- and half lined silk, satin, serges, de luxe linings, etc. Our sale price is less than manufacturers' present selling price. Sizes 34 to 46 regular and stouts. For Those Who So Desire, Purchases Made in This Sale Will Be Held for Delivery When Wanted Necessary Alterations Free MEN'S SHOP DIRECT ENTRANCE 32 WEST 14TH ST. HpHE remarkably low prices which prevail at Hygrade despite the high quality of our Cloth ing, despite the easy credit terms, are always a cause of pleasant sur prise to new customers. irreSTSTOoe OulvfliMn Rniimh w'ff fkti crsvfMisw .r 0W7 Ktn CanHrnlmt. L V&l west 1252s sx 113 NASSAU STREET Near Ann Stmt Some Unusual Values in Men's Shirts and Bathing Suits Madras and Mercerized Shirts $2.15 Good shirts at this price are not common today. .These are well made, in excellent Madras and mercerized materials, and in a splendid assortment of patterns. . Fine Madras Shirts $3.65 Only the superior grades of plain and colored Madras have gone into these shirts, and there is an assortment -of colorings and patterns large enough to make selection easy. , White Outdoor Shirts . $2.95 A good, all-round shirt for every out-door occasion, and at a moderate price. Made of light-weight but strong oxford and mercerized fabrics, with full-length sleeves and buttdn-down collars. Clearance of Bathing Suits .65 All our men's bathing suits now go at "bargain" prices. There arc one and two-piece models in pure wdrsted, and there are plenty of good colors, even though a few sizes may be missing. Ground Floor. Lord&Taylor 38th Street FIFTH AVENUE- 39th Street sukdvt wonu) warts work woxders Washes and dyes .at the same time Clear, lovely colors for your faded Mouses Shades you could not get before t THERE is a new way to get just the lavender you have always wanted for your yellowed crepe de Chine. A new way to 'bring back that fint delicate blue to your ifaded georgette. v Vou wash them inTwint the new colored 'flakes. It gives them the very shades you have always wanted and never could get before! Twink is made by a wonderful new method ' (for producing colon that makes it possible to get more exquisite shades than have ever be fore been obtained. When it was found that in this product any fashionable shade could be produced, the fashion color authorities ofthis country were mked to select the loveliest and smartest colors for this season. Twink was then made to match 'these colors. - NThe bright Twink flakes whip up into a gay tinted lather in boiling or very hot water. You toss in your blouse or your sneer frock, stir it about for a few minutes in the. Hot suds and squeeze the suds gently through the fabric again and again. Then give it a quick rinsing in cold waters and in a twinkling you have a new blouse, or a frock as lovely a color as the day you bought it. The Twink colors turn out right every time, always clear and even, and so fast you can wash! your blouse several times before you Twink it again. Get today two or three packages of Twink and just follow the surprisingly easy directions that come with the package. Twink will noc hurt any fabric that water alone will not hurtJ Your druggist, the department stores, and the 5- and ic-cent stores hive Twink. Lever Bros J Co., Cambridge, Mais, For restoring colors nnd for giving these new ex quisite colors, Twink is as perfect as Lux is for fine laundering. Flesh Pink Coral Pesch Old Rose Bright Red Dark Red Xlaby Blue Copenhagen Turquoise Navy Blue Yellow Lavender Purple Light Green Black Daik Gieen Light Cray Taupe Bisque Dark Brown You use some of the T-whk colon Me Lux. Others require boilina water and salt. , Read dmctunit both outside ami insult the package before wing. 10. Twink is made by the makers of Lux JopirWphferf. 190, by Lowr Uro. Co 'J