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ilMM-ikl 5.. SGOREHURTVBUS i BURNS; DRIVER HELD Newark Man Accused of Arson and Reckiess Driving After Wreck and Fire. John Rkoy:hb of No. 11 Falnrtew m Avenue, Nowartc, tu nrralKned by. tne pom-a vi unionvme, n, j to-oay, cnarxed 'with burning up an automobile biM an bour after he li alleged to hare WTMkM If An ttij. ftmv n.-l.l.a mA Wi between SprlnrfleM and, Unlonvlllo, In H Jurlna- near all the twenty-live rucata, of the Injured wero taken to Overlook atoapltal. Summit 1 Theodore LlaolUky, ncvcii, wvn a mature a bkuii, ana Alex aovcr were fcnder LUolltky with aovare Internal In jurira nome. juries. The other were able to co hkoiiytlttb explained he had ru iin over an embankment In avoiding a rotllalon. Me waa aummoned to appear In court mlth the man from whom he had hnr. rowed the u Friday, An hour later policeman lumraer round uie but on fire ami arretted Kkotxytlub. Hn la tlHtVPd with araon and reckleia driving;, BIG COMET CRASHED INTO DISTANT SUN New Star Discovered Yesterday Due to the Collision Will Gradually Fade. VAIXEJO, Cal.. Aur. 15. The new Sar In the conitellatlon Cyenua, report- ed yeaterday through Harvard Obaerva tory, wm cauned by collision In the heavena between a large comet and a rnparatlvely dim aun, according to Information which Capt. Thomaa J, J, See of the naval obaenratory at Mara 'laland. announced to-day ,h had re ceived from Prof. Charlea C. Conroy of Ixm Angelet. At preaent the ctar li of the aecond magnitude. It may be expected to In creaae in magnitude for several days. but will die down In a few months. SAYS EXTRAVAGANT BUYING IS WANING aenatd tfhonla In the popular purchas ing power." The Koy to uio aituation, it l said, Is restrtotlon of bank credit. Producers, Middlemen and Retailers AH Cautious, Reserve Dank Declares. CHICAGO, Aug-. 25. Extravagance In Uio, working- class Is on the "wano nnd a feotlng f caution rules all bug. Inens transactions 'because It is felt that a drop In prices Is Inevitable, ac cording; to the monthly statement of the Federal Reserve Dank hero to day. "The producer U cautious." the statement says, "for Uio very good reason that mistakes cannot be made In high priced labor and raw mate rials without loss of both trostlge nnd profits. Middlemen aro cautious becauso the retailers comprl them to le so. am rotniiera nre taking fro qunt sounding's because they havo Iddus SOLD ENGLISH 8TVW auce tacs away every suggestion of the " left-ooer" from cold sliced meats MADE IN U. S. A. At Croceri and Deliciteuen Stores E. Pritthard. 327 Spring St., N. Y. "Laxative Bronte Quinine Tablets0 1329-1331 BROADWAY- Near Gates Ave. UROOKLYN 4810-4812 FIFTH AVE. Bet. 48th and 49th Sts. BROOKLYN BE4 FULTON STREET BRIDGE STREET i QtHoittftSubwaif Station Brooklyn Thursday and Friday Sale of Opinion o! Famous Actress on Complexion Mum Dorothy Dalton. th actrem ra miim th world over for her beautltul complexion. y: "Any arlrl or woman can hare a beautiful roay-erhlt com pleilon and smooth unwrlnkltd lln llko mint If they will follow my ad vice and ua Ixrwlllo, a lmpl tolUt preparation. I ui It beoaui It lm part Inntiuit benuty, la eur to ap ply, absolutely harmleaa and hu a marveloua effect upon the akin. One application prove It." lie aur to rmd it lee Dalton' lntrmtln- Vory of how to quickly acquire a beautiful complexion, oon to appear In this paper. In the meantime ret Derwlllo at any toilet counter and try It to day; you will be dellrhtfuUy eurprlied. Adrt. r Ore: MAIIONAL'S" Outlet JT I 119-125 West 24th St. 1 -MA B I Near SlstK Avenue. V..k avU a' laBBBBBBaaaPaBBBBBBf Thursday An Extraordinary This is the season's biggest bargain time I A gigantic clear ance of the National's entire overstocks of Summer merchan dise. DOLLAR DAY always offers wonderful bargains, but at this special time DOLLAR DAY will present you with extraordinary bargains. Come early for quantities are often 'See What You Save!' 6 Extra Special Dollar Day Bargains i a "lmmmm Wmm JW MraaStw HsMaaMMaJSBatV aaMMaMBMMa, 1 Hauaa , Irr o f ool quality, aolld color blue or lav ndor It 1 n " . On to a J 00 euaxomer. jl, nirla Drroa ol hand embrold. exad faney voile. Limit on to a cue toroer. . . , $129 . , , JIIuni1 tVhlloMrr. eoriaed Voile Urree I Plalled frllla of whit oraandla. umy on to a cue tomer. , . . $100 Beyr IVaih Mdte One a nilddy.atrte White IJoene with navy blue linen trimming; the ether a Whit Twill In military etyle with em rolilered a r v I o bar. Eitra ca taluca. . . . , V V. Olrii Slipover Nnrntrr of wool ynrni, turnovw oollar. termlnatlna; In tie enue. Only on in a cue. f n fn rtf .... . . A ,A, mute Sklria of woven aabar. din, pin tuckedl pearl button. Limit on to a cue. tomer, , . $100 cm m. av 1 . I I aUS I HI I 61 i si (For Women and Misses) At ExtLremnie .Price Reductions Group No. 1 REDUCED TO 2 FORMERLY TO 6.75 FINE VOILES, CHECKED AND FLOWERED TISSUES WISSNER SMALL GRAND PIANOS Occupy a prominent position Among the foremost instruments that have reached the highest standard of perfection. Their marvelous breadth bf tone their singing quality their delicacy and responsive ness of touch their phenomenal capacity of retain ing their beautiful tone under the most trying and persistent Usage has made them the choice of a discriminating public and musicians generally, 42 Years Manufacturers of GRAND UPRIGHT PLAYER PIANOS Group No. 2 REDUCED TO 5 FORMERLY TO 12.75 ORGANDIES, FLOWERED VOILES AND GINGHAMS Group No. 3 , REDUCED TO FORMERLY TO 18,50 TAFFETAS SILKS, GEORGETTES, LINENS, VOILES AND GINGHAMS Group No. 4 REDUCED TO 15 .75 FORMERLY TO 29.75 Mlaer and Small Women' Urea of whit and colored llnrne. Only on to a cut' a tomer. SMART MODELS OF TRICOLETTE, TAFFETAS, TRICOTINES, SATINS AND SERGES Mads to Meet the llcqutrer- menu or the Afodern Home. Convenient Term. Dlttrlbutlnf Salearooma, 53 East 34th St. Bit. 4ta Utdunn AT. MEW XOOU B5 Flatbuth Ave. Op po1te 2.000 Handsome Waists Voiles, hle and Colored Organdies, Striped Walt Ingi and Striped Dimities. Included alio are 100 odd waists of which there nre but two, three or four of a kiud. Where else good waists at- a dollar? I Men Blilrte TVnrk Shirt of eolkl blue chambrayi or wovi'n atrlpo ohalnhmVi Rnort Hhlrte of ponsre. flnLahcd ahlrtlns; full cut, well nade Hhlrta at an extrn luw trlpe i rholrp . . . SI lley' Waali Unite or lllu Chain -urey In Norfolk etylej 1 whit trlmnilnsa "P Uoya Ulour und Wilrta of chn urar. uiacK ballll or PercaJc for $1 Itxya lant Knlcker tylo while T III : cood etrvlcenble ma. 1 lertal: pair Itote' Itomprr Kulta Tan .Khaki Cloth, red piping trimmed, tf1 Bprclal price V Hufe lxu TroUMre Ci Hon beach cloth, wuahablr, tan und white d atrlpca: cuff bottom: pair... Uoi' I'unU Wool-mUwt Caailinrrn etralsht rut panto; dark mix- d- turra: wnnll ltra only; pair. "P1 Men' Auto Cap Merccrlied Cotton Poplin In Khaki. Tun: have adluet able boi tin nttachnd. ffl flpcclal P bhreta KeAiiileae l.emnixil aheets of vtrons tlcacbej muailni al SIxKO In. IJmlt 3 l!ach V Some of many other Dollar Day Specials Towel. White Imck; hrmmiU nidi, woven bordrra; -it 15x30. it limit li II for llarhrr TovtrU Iilearhi-d Cotton, , neatly hemmed, faat color bordera: lu liU2u; limit 12. CI l'rlco 12 for P1 Tcl Cotton Turklah Towrla, tf 10134 Hi , ,U lor r llath TowiJ. Hplendld wulaht T.I. 1.1.1. T...Ua1. ..I ....,(, II.IIIIIITU emU: J3i,1; limit 10. . U for Towel rilearhrd. hemmed Tuiklah Tn..,l, n.i.llxn. u,.ll. -1 -.. 1 17x.1T I fur Tutklfli Tuivrla, hemmed 1 TomuIi, mixllum welfhtj alio d Mrn'a Work Jurkrta Uray and blnck atilpi'di ruatproof but- C1 tone; extra value HA Ulrt' l)reMM of Chainbrar. Olnu hani, alidii tliroual belt, trim e1 Ined with plqur. alj 8 to 14 t'ornct t'oer Mad of nlternutliur rona of embroidered orsandlo banda nnd Vol. Insertion laco flnatlc walat band Mlk lliMlrry iMatroua thread and artificial ellki laca effect, tfji plain and 2 -color mixture. . T1 Men' Htrort Hat Crueller etyle. white, light -wrlihti for a 1 quirk clearance! - for "P llo' HI raw lute VSlue to II. U, for clearanco to morrow at C1 a for 3 Women l'cttlcont of ood auallty lllue Ohambrny embroidered In w title; aclf material ruffle; di drawmrtiix ton Ntout M'omm'a I'cttlroata of luatroua merceiliiMl bllottn. with deep ac cordion plaited flounce, trlpi med with pin tuck 7,. . lied Hprrnilni medium weight crochot ijrt'iidi white cotton yarn; jcal Inned i'ilKa; T3xJ3. til Mmlt 1 White finhardlne Kklrte, with croaa pin turka at lower rdgm pearl button pl Brooklyn's biggest 219, 221, 223, 225r 227 Grand Street Cor. Driggi Ave. Uincuuiit off Credit l'or chain u n new acconnt. BROOKLYN Credit House 164, 1G6, 168 and 170 Smith Street Cor. Wyekoff St. lEVER-SOGIHING ! f OS LAM HEALS THE SKIN LOWEST PRICES AND EASIEST CREDIT TERMS IN THE CITY Buy Your Summer Clothing on Easy Terms Victrolas MZ"TZtlV Aeolian-Vocations 0nr No UUrount on Talktnc Miwhlnii. SUMMER CLOTHING JIKN'S ANII VOUMI ilKN'S M ITS, :ill.!S I 1 I.AIIUS' AMI .Ml SSI'. HI ITS :iii.iih f l". CIIII.llltKN'H OI.OTIIINI3, if la.iis ur. Our Period Ilrdrnom Suite fill that long. flit mint for furniture tlmt I Iwtli beautiful and endiiHiix. See our -l-rieee Suit from lT." dniin III. Illl IIIU. iuiiji" II97.49 CUIFFONIEttS Come In und tee niir lieautlful I'nrlor hiiltH. You i'iiii buy mi atyle mn SultH hrrr from Ifh'J.'i iIohii tn J.I 3 .Ol'KN S.THII)AY KVKMNdH. If nu need a C'lilf fonler, set It ut thin -ale. We nre nelling rrr .27 75 Let Poslam act tor you as a sooth ing, concentrated, healing balm, to cover right over the irritated skin trouble and subdue It, taking out .the fire and soreness, and then, as appli cations are repeated, causing the dis order to grow less nnd less each day. roslnm cannot harm. There is no risk In trying it. And the burden of proof is on Poslam for you will watch for ; visible results. Sold everywhere, l'or free sample ) write tn Emergency Laboratories, '2 1 J West 47th St., New York City. L'rgc your skin to become fresher, brighter, better by the dally use of ' I'oslnm Soap, medicated with Posliun. ! Sure ReSSef Bell-ans Hot water u re Relief FOR INDIGESTION "Choice of 300 Pairs of Shoes A big variety ' Shoe for Women, Children, Infants. El cesjor aport and play or drcia nnd peneral wear. Shoes of Leather or White Canvas, mloat of them with leather sole, thoueh anm. I.- .i.. tough, durable fibrer oft( corrugated rubber. Felt Slippers for women. Well made, perfect Shoes. Choice of the. featured modeli and many others. Come, "Ses What You Sacel" Vihgn your head feels like rr f cci i a basket of broken bottles you need .nr iStere Hcur: S.OO to 5;50 Saturdty, 9;C0 lo 5:CC No Mtl Ordtn Filled FILL! Stomach or bowel dis order poisons the blood and, thus irritates the rest ol the body. A aO CvaO) cV A ZkA at & AIWViMMA Mild Auerieiix fov VJomen and Children ANALAX The Fraitjr Laxative Teeth Without Plates I uyb decayed teeth. Tiehttn loose Teeth. Treat Diseased Gums. SETS Ol' TKKTll Clold and lorcelaln Crowns UrMiework, VlUlnca and Inlara of Uold, Silver and I'orcelatn Afarfe at Reatonable Prices lladlr aiecoyed Tth and lloota oerefully ejtrected Teeth thor ourhlr cleaned, rtroken VUtca repaired wttle you -watt. V 3 OFFICES 2E. 125th St I 169E.34USSL S. . Cor. 8th Are. I H. W. Cr. 3d Aie. 740 Lexington Ave., tor, 53 n 5L l'nrmenta acftiileil In i n .1 .. . ,t..l- Ihill farn rilj fwiuia w , ,,.. ..... . Tfiliie. 1011 rentaon the dnllnr Hour.! II A. M. to 1". M. Hallr Cloaed Hiuiaarn. Urt .l Sal of Aar Medltlo. tn th World, Sulil la Uui, lOt, ZU, . Sunday World Wants Work Monday Wonders Skin Tortured Babies Sleep Mothers Rest After Cuticura 0el,Otatmat.T!nra,36.ev-7wbr. FertnrV . art: Ovttf rftt,vtrftiill, X.UilOa.Mii. 'a. :BROOKLYN 0ppenheim.Sllins,& FULTON STREET BROOKLYN On Special Sale Thursday Real Japanese Crepe Kimonos (As Illustrated) Hand-embroidered Crepe, in Cherry, Rose and Chrysanthemum Designs, Copen, Rose, Pink, Light B 1 u o and Lavender. Extraordinary Value More of These Splendid Underwear Values Lingerie Envelope Chemises Tailored and Lace Trimmed. Regu lation and Ribbon Shoulder Straps. Sale Price 1.35 Lingerie Petticoat Flounces of Lither tuelet or Plain i Embroidery. Just a Few Have Tucks. Special I.3S Lingerie Nightgowns S Sleeve and Sleeveless. ' special i.o1? Crepe de Chine Chemises Lace and Georgette trimmed. Special 2.95 Crepe de Chine Nightgowns ; s Sleeve and Sleeveless. special -.PS It Makes Little Difference What You Need J A World "Watf" Ad. Will Go and Find r J raTMBMi in i fli iiaMlai iili . - . . -a