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Newspaper Page Text
THE EVEN-IMG' WOfiLP, V TtffeS.lbAY, AEPT-Jifel'ggjVll.' -r Vv 'HONEST CHAUFFEUR FINDS WOMAN'S $4,500 Puree Left In His Taxi Is Taken to Police and Delivered to Owner. Pater Kirk of No. 17 Eit Mist Street ti listed by th police to-day at an honeit chauffeur. lt al&U MUs Emma Helns'.rcd.t. schoolteacher, of No. 117 West 129th . Street, returned to the city after being away on racatlon and engaged a taxi cab driren by Kirk at '.he llith Btreet Station of the : jw York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad. When alio ar- Vrtvod home the left her leather purse with 1U contents, worth H.500. In the car. 'Kirk found the purse after he re turned to the parking atand on 15 Pi Btreet and delivered It at the Eait 126th 8treet lfoUce Station. Mlaa lUlnitredt waa notified by tele phone and wenrt to the pollen station and recovered the purse. In It were two 11.000 and two J500 Liberty Donds, beside cash and Jewelry. St PATRIOTIC PEGGY VANISHES. Do Had m Ilecord aa Collector of War Work Fund. Patriot!: Pny, a itma.ll white Pomer anian dog which baa a war work rec ord, dlmppeared yeaterday morning from the Hotel Albert. No. 42 Bast 11th Street, and la sought for by soldiers?) sailors and police. Mr. Archie Poll, the dog's owner, who was connected with the Navy T Lcoguo and the Navy Club during the war, offers a liberal reward for the d0R"s return. It appoared at many benefit and collected thousand of dol lar for war, work. Patrlollo Peggy I snow white and has brown eyes. "Quick of mind and strong of limb. Borden's Milk keeps us in trim." Wrlti.n kr u.h Jmu. SSI WMnnrtn Ar M. V. With an active mind and a healthy body you have the two best assets to win in the fight for success. BORDEN'S pure, wholesome milk is a "good health builder at all times safe and dependable. A quart a day means added strength and vitality. Good milk means good health. Phone for our solicitor and arrange for' dally dtktery or call the man on the wagon. ThU is Prise- Rhyme No. 'Any boy or girl under 14 years . tor each rhyme 2691 conveniently located Herts ready to serve you. can win we we. BORDEN'S FARM PRODUCTS COMPANY, Inc. 63 VESEY STREET PHONEi CORTLANDT 7961 Hi i '3'j V 7 "A i&i' out'-' ft. James MeCreery & Co. 5th Avenue SECOND FLOOR 35th Street Young I Men v ' A SALE of Sam'l W. Peck's "Model" Suits 34 50 Under usjial conditions -these suits would be priced $55 to $75 Which Makes It Clear that the original wholesale coat of these garments was higher than the price at which we are offering them to you. Every one is a Samuel W. Peck exclusive model, and as there are but two or three of a kind, the sale calls for quick decisions. Sizes 34 to 42 -mostly 36s, 37s, 38s. And not too light for Fall wear. Limited Quantities Over 500 Pairs! Men's High Shoes Reduced in Price to Q.95 From $12.75 and $15.00 Not qutye half price but a real opportunity to any man whose size is represented in the stock. In Tan Russia Calf and Black Calf. Sizes 8 to Widths B, C and D. In Patent Leather, Black Calf and Russia Calf, with Suede tops. Sizes to 11. Widths A, B, C and D. $00 OFF I $100 off the marked price of any upright piano, grand or placer piano in our stock with only two exceptions. And 30 off the price of a large cabinet phonograph I That's why tho Music Salons Are Open Until 9 P. M. Gimbel Brothers 32nd STREET - BROADWAY- 33rd STREET NEW YORK CITY Furs Repaired and Remodeled at Reduced Summer Rates The best workmanship is assured. New models are now ready, and estimates will be given without charge. Gimbels Fur Vaults on Premises' GIMDELS Tenth Floor For th TICe Last -'Time and at the A Sale of 'Arm? B owest ankets 3500 All Told : Wool and Cotton : AH Wool : Surplus Stock of U. S. Army and Medical Supply Department Government blankets. That's, their hal-mark' of value. And a Gimbel Sale of 'em. That's your assurance of a Good Sale. You jemember those Gimbel Army Blanket Sales, don't you? Last blankets we can get. Last you can get, Makes no difference how-much plugging we had to doto get 'em. The main issue's settled. The blankets are here ! and at the lowest price they've sold for yet. , That tells the story! REMEMBER T They're made of government raw wool stock fussed over every bit of it. They're made as only Uncle Sam can make 'em. You know all about that. There are plenty of Olive Drabs scarce, 'most everywhere. And the all, wool ones We think they're the best blanket value yet. Come and see what you think of 'em. Bring this list with you find what you want and--most important come early to get it! HIS IS THE END ! DARK GREY One-third Off These YOU PAY 1800 dark grey army blankets; regulation 4 lbs., 66x84 in. mui a surplus BtocK leit alter a war order. 13 Ig value hero. wyc wool biock on a cotton warp. $5o75 ea. LIGHT GREY One-third Off These YOU PAY 660 light grey army blankets. Sp ecial grado of government usea. soit ana nuiiy iinianr ueguiation 4 lbs., 66x84 euy0 wool stocK used nere. wool used. in. S6.7S ' v ALL WOOL WHITE One-lhird Off These 776 all wool white Medical Supply Department blankets. Specially woven from all wool Ohio stock in all white only. 4 lbs., 62x84 inches. These are stupendous values. ALL WOOt-OLIVE DRAB One-lhird Off These YOU PAY $175 ea. YOU PAY ea. 275 all wool Olive Drab army blankets. Regulation officers' specifications. 4 lbs., 66x84 inches. And remember in tho most serviceable color for all purposes. On Sale at 9 in the Blanket Shop Second Floor. Extra Space ea. Extra Service. All-Wool Serge Regulation Frocks Special at $13.75 In Another of Those Famous "Gettin' 'em Ready fpr School Sales"oftheGimbeipirls' Own Shop And you know and Mother knows how mighty good those sales are! . These frocks they're mighty good, too. The yoke, front and back, confines three Bmart pleats. There's a belt, a. pocket, silk braidembroidered emblem and shield all just as ship-shape as can be. And of course the backbone of every school wardrobe from Kindergarten to College is a regulation frock School girls, like that world-famed baby, just can't be happy till they get 'em. Girls' Sizes G to 14. Other Regulation Frocks $8.95 to GIMBELS GIRLS' OWN SHOP Third Floor $16.75 SALE: Small Mends Bring Long "JVhite Italian Glace ID GLOV At Half To-day's Wholesale Cost ' 12 Button Length $1.89 16 and 20 Button Length $2.49 Shop I If you haven't priced then! elsewhere, you can't realize what this price means. Long white kid gloves the very lengths you'll need with Fall and Winter costumes for actually less than the cost of a fabric glove. The mends are small and made with scrupulous care. Even if you think you might not want a mended glove, you can't afford to decide until you've seen them. Then you'll decide you can't afford not to buy at least one pair. Lots of them are so nearly perfect that they'll satisfy a most exacting gift-giver. GIMBELS GLOVE SHOP Main Floor ' Finding the Best for the Least Is No Longer a Problem : Here for You in the pteii Mr Sale CMm assware amp Dlnnerwaro values that are startling even for Gimbels Pre eminently tho house of dinnerware. GlaEsware values that are truly ccr.Eational ?.nd you hr.ow what Gimbel glassware values always are Same with Lamps Same with Art .Objects And See This Light Cut Thin Blown Glassware Chinese Embroideries and exquisite things in bronze But we've -no space and you've no time for a catalogue We don't even ask you to take our w ord for it. See the merchandise. You judge its worth. Yes it's so good we even dare to say that! Then Judge Thin Blown Water Goblets, in an elaborate rose design, 50c Note Tills Dlnnerwaro Value j Then Judgo Just 100 aeta at Thin Blown Salad poinsettia cutting, Glasses, in 50c Fruit Salad or Sherbet Glasses that match the goblets, 50c You Pay tha aat lllua tra tod SI pieces dainty decoration t a , useful oombl patlon set (or a I personal pnu you pnvo 00'on it Look These Over Judge Fancy shaped imported Cupa and Saucers, in three attractive decorations, OBc m wmsmh imam You Pay $2i50 Then Thin Blown Sherbet Glasses, in exquisite floral cutting, 75c Note This Dinnerware Value : Then Judge Just 200 : 100- pioce dinner seta; a charm ing festoon bor der mat re flects good taste; and, of course, dinner sots aren't plentiful at this price. And These, Too Judge" Thin Porcelain Cups and Sauc ers, with a daiity blue border ana coin gold handles, 50c GIMDELS CniNA, GLASSWARE AND LAMP SHOPS Fifth Floor z3szBrooklun, Long Island and New Jersey Customers Direct to Gimbels via Tubes and Subways 'iirmiij