Newspaper Page Text
" t'li THE EVENING W.ORLD, THURSDAY, flE frTEMBBtg 9, T92j). 1 'V, ber oi steel and wood eh cam stored ihe castbdund overhead express fransko. A,, tore- of employees, who ran up Lyjitbchemical ejctinsulshers. found j Plha dome one had entered nine 01 j thenars and put on the Dattery . Switches, which started the motor rand burned out the butteries ana (..wlrlnjc, r Th, fires weie eitlnfrulahed before vineyt reaenca any or tne wooaen earn. fjiut. three trains were out of conv HARDING SCORED HIT IN MINNESOTA, Skirts in Golf Are Now Old Timers; Knicky 's A re In Good to Look At REPUBLICANS VIEW PSiiUfjun temporarily and a few ties cn1Jnr y,A Refter Than WaS burned. The company expected to Senator LJ'U DUier I nan was Expected According to Lead ers of (lie Party. GREETED BY CROWDS. have" the trulns running again during .the rush hour. ' About the same hour, & policeman L',on duty at a Lexington Avcnuo elo- If, vated station saw flashes of elec- trlclly aud heard a popping sound "from the "tract. Ho looked down In "Ulme to see the white hot trolley wire In, Sumner Avenue, between Do Kalb and Orccne Avenues, a distance of four blocks, fall to the Btreet. Some ' one hod Inserted one end of a pleco of gaa pipe In the track and hung the ' other over the wire, short circuiting the turrent and burning out the wire. , A force of men was put to work re pairing .the line under a police guard ' 'from the dates Arenuo Station. Left Good Impression as His Opponent Did Reception Likened to Roosevelt's. By David Laicrence. .(Sptolal Correspondent of The Eve. ninjj wona.; ST. PAUL, Bcptj 9 (Copyright). Senator Harding made a hit In Mln- . , train was pouting along the embank- ccption in tho Twin, cities win niruiy ; tiuetit between Kim Avenue and Kings begrudge that statoment and Itepub- t ;,Ulgiwuy. it was showered with over- cang wl pr.vately admit that tho npa eggs ana uroiwn xcu SenJltor 80 muoh bcttr ,han Tinirnrpr muiprvn mrt i mm inn i'itub 'they had to get oft at the next sta tion and return home to chango pleasant surprise a uigninca ngure K- clothes. Tho bottles hit no one. The Wtn plenty of humnn Qualities to , Domuaraers got away. i ... ... .,,. '.. . A nrn,. iTia Mnn or inn Hmnimrruiiin A.Hhtion .Lninr. tt.t (r nar,i. from the outset to like him V son! will fall to organise an adeauate Comparison of tho reception g von mini tranannrtritlnn fw anri nt. UBr- Kn" u "u ... wtfy must turn to Its old men who Benator Hording Is not difficult, for haw refused to return to work. , . f .h. f.,.ti .TV,- tne same, imiwi cuiiuiuuici wmm u i.v . ... . ..Ithe some State Fair. Ttftft Demo of Lj.pillng to the American Fed- " eP:an m7 f, , . , , - i . a reverent, uimosi auctinmiiic uuui cmilon ' of IiUor for financial aid. I .. ... . , ... , OnJjilan Is to ask for an asttcssmcnt ence. before they saw tho man. Thoy were ft trcn member of the A..F. ; j,,, of fev.r i. which would mean approxl- l nl;Wunl.nn they were born-and- , wyc.y UI , eIlubllcans and felt satisfied r t We!5 . nKf .?n0nl T ecn Warren Harding came from good He- ' w'" ... " . n unaa' publican stock and would do, ,vwWn t.o trlke will have been on nnv rnx nn th- olner nr . lorltwo Aveeks. have been Increasing since Gov. Cox toted In Indiana. The campaign's In made his eharges to such an sxttnt Indianapolis, Fort "Wayne nnd South that I think he rtally ought to be J tend hud not been particularly uc lltted with my psld workers." ccrsfut, ho natd. "If you approve his work that Chlcngo was' well, organized, the makes us unanimous,' tsld Senator witness said, but In Mllwaukeo tho Reed, "for we think he Is doing a organization was so modlllnl on to great work." make It scarcely worth mentkm. San "Voluntary subscriptions have also Francisco, Los Angeles and Denver Increased because many people think were mentioned as organised, but Mr. wo are being persecuted," supple- Bla'lr said that campaigns were still mntcd tho witness. In the contemplated HtogH In St. "Do you mean that ttiltr committee Lould and Kansas City. Is persecuting you7" Interjected Sen- Asked about Seattle, the witness ator Konyon. said the Btato Central Committee "No, sir," sold Mr. Hlalr, "but many , wished to conduct the drive for people think that the Republican Washington's $60,000, under State committee's plan1 of a- campaign for aunploes and tho National Committee direct covenants openly arrived at 'is had no organization thore. That the being misrepresented,' If I maybe quotas tfor Seattle and Bpokane were permitted to quote our President." not fixed by tho National Ways and TESTIMONY TORNS TO DIoKUlt Jicann toraraiucc was .orougni oui. WITH 8ENATOR. , n Oregon the National committee TUie testimony turned to the dls- waa organized, but the Vfaya nnd nute botween Senator Ileed and Mr. Means chairman for .the State had Blair as to the amount of publicity resigned and there was no particular that wo desired by the Republican drlvni tn Portland. The witness sold manaxcrs. The witness sold there the figures of $25,000 for Georgia, and were two phases of the fund drive returns of about $11,000 apoke lor first, an attempt to gei nainuuuuui , inamseivc. ' PEAK OF SERVICE ' i!t D. R. T. LI ' !'nV 9 o'clock 17 el Gov. Cox, on tho other hand, won friends and made sorao votes. He left REACHED ON a KnoMrhpros8lon but as one Ilcpub- LINES. . ttrnn nvnre'taeil It oven Oconee Wash- evuted and sub- 1 1, . nnuhln't carrv Mlnnesotu on wdt trains were In operation, lnclud- . ...... ..... rm, - Hurl 8S4 cars, and 61 surface lines ' uomocrauo uckuv with 737 cars. This marked the peak I Democratic nominee won moro bp- r. . t L n h ' I a. i I rm n I.A alvll, a liarnn n I . . . . n tcfk ago last Sunday. An official of . ,. .. . . h. ,h ihoIlL u. T. unlit that thera would be ' KU "K" jiolfurther Increaee on any of tho I tho Btnte fair but he did get a rous- llncs tor the present, but tnal tne reception when he spoke t tho company wouM continue to build up .,.,, , .h, wlUi the material now on hand. a Auditorium at night. . "To Increase the service runner ni senator iiaraing-s nrsi rapencnCT this time," ho suld, "would more than awftJ. xrata the front porch was, on iSSy thwhole a lgsuccees The No- otirt'efforts to building tip a new and Uonat rtepublloaniCommlttee selected permanent organization. We havo a a good place for the experiment. Tho goon nucleus lor mo org; twin cities are moro than eager for ineaoia cm iidjoib wuu iu.ui hum """I,. , . , i xtiviA'neiaa. NEW CaOl.FltM& C03TONME.. The picture Is that of Miss Hortense Lederer of Chicago, whose ftimlly was rich before tho war. Sho lias perfect command of tho what-you-call-lt when he alma for a home run at the poor llttlo ball. Thcro'fl comfort In watching her eveh If sho foozles. G. 0. P. F 0. (Continued from First t'age.) by Edmund'Mopre, his personal repre- u um.. ...,.. thn flovnrnor's conv WOi. W .V..n .nH mtM "normaloy." and most people here . , ...., ?irei icmv.u tiiuiwimwH ... rt- I ..... ... UUnil U tAJ IllWIllUiClV. yvil VliillU WHp'.cnmo to lis from ptner cities. who cheered llnrdinc iraino no mu M,.rify..I,hu mmnnpiui n Mr ' 41 new men coming to' u.aftor br) somo 80rt of ohnnfo ln eco. P"' wh.uh a d In Mr , yest'erany noon win cnier mo "crTito i ., that will rnllrvn "" " " Laaieuch, whether they were former h0'0 conditions that will relieve Oovprnor Th0 (ar(l. emjiioyees or noi. - ""'.'" " A 1 graph suggested that contributions at Ithe time of the trlkc. but will . k not ,0 tftlk poimo, at of ,5,W0 nnA. IJ0,000 b" ac? l haie to start nt the minimum wage "tf JnJ ""..Z moving the $1,000 limt fixed by Chair paM by the company. The men re- man Hays. Tho copy furnished by the inAioa tn work nftir the strike of a nominee npoke of his candidacy . ., ,,,, Wr ago at a wage increase ,f !J per hherfone only by Implication. Tho " ' " b. cent, in July iieceivcr uarnson no- n cpubUcan nominee was tn the hands ""- - - .titled them that he would give them ...... ,,i recolved." nnAtk... in r.nt Innronon nn Ihit "1 mcuuo viu mu -. .... ... ... . .... ... yr"- 111. .i. ..11 ill,. ,11.. "lino no jimmird umn ..- WS25S tney were recciviug oeioro mo .v.. ,,. Mr ..iiP una it was strFk'e of a year ago. which would to tho cataloging of Republican tour clllcp' r; ulttlr 8n,a' " make an lncreaso of per cent, on ... . . -.v. . ...urf tounu lmpossiuio io crrj uui what thty were getting on Aug. . f'"h. ,iri,Brnmmc because of local condl- WllfM they strucK." i l i ney uuurruwu .... Hon. ln some nlnccs. Ho mentioned It was announced by the H. n T. agriculture, liked the tone or inn ...,., , ,,,., nnllna nnd voice and the cut of his Jib and gave ; " ' ' ' i JZ UUCIttil'U I . . . . . . At ....... HWUhHlll tn lllica " iv u to-night. The last car will leave ,T , , . u.r",",ir " , were abandoned because It was "not Dorouirh Ha nt 11.30 P. M- Thlu will unmlstnkeablo both In warmth and Mn,"".",u ..... toalthe i frst surface line operated at sincerity. . cxpcuiom. ,. .n.u. u .u.u. night since . the strike began. To- Ovor , Mimlcal)0,is the Senator i "Our experience in Auan a as ,m monow night It Is planned to add tho , , tncouragtng," ho explained, refor- P&k Slope lino nnd the Flatbush captured the town eveh moro decl- f" Umonvv.Bte V,av of llrih and noaslblv tha areen-Qatoa slvelv. Streets that turned out hand- rtn to tno "awmony yesterday or Avbnues line. lo .M Woodrow WUson a year c- w- McCluro, Oeorgla State Chalr- iWhty-elBht per cent of normal Jmxi. about the failure of tho drive rail-day 11. It. T, trolley service was "go were packed from storo window i campaign, the witness said the In fonnntloa was confidential because II was issued nearly a year ago and at that date Ithvas deslrablo to keep the knowledge of Republican plana from tho opposition. Senator Heed finally obtained as sent to propositions that the National Ways and Means Committee ap pointed the State Chairmen, then sent paid tworkem to aid these chair men and finally hy taking money raised toy these agencies approved their acts. "So if a quota of $400,000 was fixed fo Cleveland, by tho State Chairman nnd used aa 'a. pool .by your paid worker there, ,your National Com- mltteo approved U and is respon slblo?" suggested the Senator. .Mr, ninJr explained that tho lead ers of the Cleveland Drive asked that they' bo allowed to raise $350,000 ts that city's part of the Ohio quota it $650,000, with the proviso that tf they wont to $100,000 the difference would bo applied to tho purposo of the County Committee In' Cuyahoga County. When nuked tf Instructions had been Issued to alow up because of tho-revelations beforo tho commit tee, ho answered: "Not to slow up but to speed up. as a matter of faot subsorlption In' operation ln Brooklyn to-day, oc- to surb. Some of tho natives say cordtnc- to a report made by tho .m t i. , -,.i, .ir... In answer to a question uy senn company to the Public Service Com- Mmnoftpou. Ccrlnlnly tno wrUer tor Reel If he contemplated o.gan- mission. . ....... I .......... I.lni. rtrlvr-. In llflv-fnllr cities? " tho Th. 11 T? T . in tnruir.A thnr so I ni n frjiffv thnl IlnnnRlMiIIR wlllln ne5 cent, of Its old employees lmd re- I ..,,.. ,v. n. in u, nt.ninn... at wiimn witness nld yta. turned to work, 1ut on the surface ,i. in "So If Clov. Cox or any other man lines only. $W EVENING WORLD irinotlnira nwvAF t nr t-rfi! wnrl: In tnlit. a . ...... U day to the extent that thouamds of tnrra Juu "'"" ' " people did this time for Senator ' - Harding ! NAILED FIE ON Btnted, didn't ho7" "Yes, sir." - ONE COPY OF FORM GONE OUT OF HIS OFFICE. Mr. Illnlr testified that one copy Of form No. 101, which hu said wns never Issued, when the Nutlonnl (Continued from First Puge.) ! 4,ul of the truth of any Mich ru mor, adding that It was clear to him that amblcrs were at work trying menu, uays wucii iujik mica jecieu u, nan guuu iiui oi ni. uuiuu. i waited patiently to Hhako Kllher Harvey II. Mather, KanHas of the C hief Kxecutlvu. ... , . . i. .!... . i..,.,i loes It all mean? The drl- XNnH "rt Monns Chairman, or Paul Similarly in St. Paul In tho evening, the Ucpublloan minilnou stood in tho Stnte capltol and shook hands with thousands of people. For two hours Uic eager Republican waited for a clianco to rrcot Mr. llardlnr. It re llllnucd one or wnito House recep- vuys una .irninn vumiuuii-u iu tlons of ancient days when long lines jncted it. had gone out of his otllce oi guests thn hand What 1ii.. ter naked a Republican friend whoko C Clchert, Kansas director, hnd re- Judgment Isn't as i)urtUmu lis his celved It, ho snld. political arnimuons migiit naicatc. Scmitor ,u.ed lvttcmpted to bring oui Pie to greet a new Presidential fig- 1 document which Mr. Hlalr bnld ure. indeed. It miggcatcd in 1U psy- oupiauou Form no. iui was noi in to' Infiuenee thi odds. "It's a rotten 1 ohology the long-llve-the-klng en- tended for that nurnom. nnd asktd tip nd only goes to ahow what - lw Dudley 8. RU.Hsom of Cleveland lafcramli bet tine naH coino 10." ia . ...i 'v. atifi-i vnwtrtnv un honn nhir . i lutein in uiiiBi lanua, ii tuimnwu .t j , JMW- ' Klght years la a long time for a to follow the Form No. 101 plan ex .V similar aomnl wns received from man to ie i-rosiuciu in mo uimea tt..iy lt . .. . navcr Mcn i. .. . .. .. . .l. nnitpi nni MinnfflnTfi'n pr.Miini. in l n ",0"- r elu ' l Hardrg was that of a RopuWIcan Mr. llc explained that the cum OIUD, ana men camu ne WOra mim .tmnirhnlil nnirnr tn m Ihn .Ii.iIpU nt nnln-r. nl.n wum nunmnnlv n.r-,1 fnr uo cievcmnu i-inin ueiuer, wnicn mo government enmmanaea again uy monev drives for hospitals. Y M. C A .VVIII.lX ...Mil, li.U lIICU . IV.C- l .iti,' .... j v ....... a...rfu Vtibne. The newspaper offlco In nn! Judgment. diced In favor of Harding and enme buildings nnd In wnr drives, atvl that Qlevelr.nd said that u rumor of the accident hnd reabhed there, coming from sevwnl loonl branch estaMlsh- j. .ments of Now oYrk curb brokornse ' t : . ..... . v. . . 1 1 .... , i. Ml.v, vul mill nil uriui'l. nrm . iviv tig. It was not even reported In Cleveland that the fatalities hnd oc curred on a road near that cltv. It wift merely reiKirttsd that the men hy:l been in it motor aoc'.dont some Viere. " The denlaU of tho IruUi of the ru mor went furthfir as the afternoon y. re on Mlllor Humrlns, nwnngcr lf the VtMH, piomptly w'ted that ut if nifta mU( tew hurl In w wuy Uitlt; tto .Ui hsjs uwny more thnn satlstled with their nil his nsxlstniitH hail workia in sucn 6 J iii'tlvllliw and know tho general linn-dure. Senator Reed ivad from tho sub' st that moment ptandlng at ihls side and Ivith wrr bmirhlnw at th rumor. Inquiry nnout New Tnrk bi-ought In document a sentence baying n p' vn of one report thnt the rumor hnd started cmmmlgn wus uppunded, and asked fot in uie aiuoii-Asiona anu pernnps - , . been put nn a wire, to the West as " p V, . . k. ln, .. noon nn the plotters lmd their storv "Why, that wiw l'orm No. 101, M Hit cooked up. However, the rumor lllalr wdd, but later withdrew his ,in did not get on the wlies of tho tuok- HW01. on the ground that ho hnd nils r.T.I1', TlR,C"t ?lLJ! ' v "LVT'.! imderstooU tho question, unddeclare. had been In a tmln wrck while on Ht l "Plto of the statcmont In the tho wny from Pltttibiirgh to.Clevelnnd Hubstltuto document no campaign plu where thejf start to-day a series with wnB attiiehed to It. 'rrSsV.,.!! w.nt nn In Panting a document labelled ii,.. Bti-rt taTUnu the ituI nevra- us It 'Conlldential infoimntion tor rog.ona doca alj . . directors" or wo uepuuuoan nnanciai Eastern driven were not -within Mr. Waif's direct knowledge. Ho said ho had 'been told that Now York and and "the rank and file afouaed to the l&eues of the campaign. Senator Ileed asked If there was . plan for a big drive near the dose of tho campaign. Mr. Blair sola ne naa drawn a proposal for a. "last week" campaign, but lt hod been moalfleu to apply to the general popular cam paign opening this month and pro viding for contributions from twenty- five centu up. Mr. Blair saiu nis moro elaborate plan was given up be- rauso certain conditions were lniU down by Col. William Boyce Thomp son, Chairman of the National V ays and Means Committee Under questioning by Senator Ilccd he snld the chief conditions were an edict that the Blair proposal should not apply to the seven Eastern States whero Col. Thompson has full charge. Ho said that thee seven States con- tolned 85 per oent. of tho Republican voters who might be expected to con tribute, but his elaborate explanation was stopped by Chairman Kcnyon, who snld tho committee wished "to got rid of aoceches by both sides." Mr. Blair then gave a list of paid workers supplementing that turned In last night. They -proved to bo assist ants to State directors In Illinois, Indi ana and Ohio, and two general travel ling reprecntatlves working out of tne Chlcngo headquarters; These lat ter wre Frnnk Alvls and C. A. Fen ncr. For Illinois F. A. Halm and W B. Thwect of Peoria and W. B. Stokes of Chicago were named; for Indiana, F. M. Dlckorman and F. X.. 81ms, and for Ohio, R. O. Atkinson, now stationed t Cincinnati, Mr. Blair, asked to name cities In which special agents were located, recalled BoBton, Cleveland, Cincin nati. Columbus, Toledo, Akron, Ycmngstown and Springfield, Ohio, and Detroit. He said there were about twenty In all. Ho nald the Columbus campaign had yielded about $80,000. Dayton, he said, had not been fruitful ground nor had Spring-Held. He said ho knew of no campaign In Zanesvllle, Sandusky Hamilton, Bteilbonvllle, Mlddlctown and other cities of that class aside from the usual county campaigns. A Mr. Verity, steel manufacturer, was mentioned as having chargo In some of these centres. The witness had an Indistinct recollection of a cam paign of somo sort ln Portsmouth. In Michigan there were no opcclal organizations outside of Detroit, Mr. Blair n!d, and similar conditions ex IKES U APPEAR QUITTERS SAYS COX of from $100 to $1,000, and, second. n. nodular campaign for email con tributions from tho many" after tho National Convention had been held i ruwburgh were organised tout under. stood that Philadelphia was not, ex plaining those places wero ln the territory of Col. William Boycc Thompson. An alleged attempt by Charles S. Hoeschenateln, Democratic National Committeeman for Illinois, to solicit camtpalgn funds from a Postmaster was presented to the committee at second hand by William O. Farlow of Augusta, 111., a farmer. Farlow had volunteered his testimony and said that his evidence consisted of five letters addressed to Joseph H. Coff in an, Postmaster at Augusta, and a written statoment from the latter cer tifying that ho haa given tne letters to Mr. Farlow. The committee agreed that the evi dence was not entirely competont ln that form, but It was received. The first letter was dated Jan. 22, there was another March 4 and three ln April. All were slgnod with Mr. Boeschensteln's nume. Tno letters emphasized that "contributions must bo voluntary," and one of tho letters was rubber stamped for delivery "at home address only." Farlow sold tne Postmaster was a Progressive nnd added that he was himself a Repub lican "and proud of It." ONLY ONE LEG; TRIES TO DIE Ilronx Han Leap. Off Illvernlde Drive Vlailnct. Charles Hayes of No. 2775 BassforJ Avenue, Bronx, whose right leg hnd been amputated at tho knee, attempted suicide this afternoon by Jumping off the ltlvorslde Drive viaduct between lltth and 135th Streets, lie was takrn I ti Knlrlf Afttftrkpf Tfrunitnt dvlni- with I internal injuries ana ooin arms orokeii. debt oi iu,uuu,vuu,uuu vo In his pockets was a note, "Dear rf.nnlt rientslnn on Mother and Brother, forgive me. j dennlto decision as could not stand It any longer." I peace and Indemnity ENNY A POUND PROFIT IF Mi l WmBT I rn Here's Luck for Those Who Have Postponed Their Vacations Until Now HEN packing your vacation trunk, be sure and leave tpaca for one of the splendid combination packages, made up of the following selected sweets, the individual packages enclosed in large contilner, wrapped in plain paper, with handle attached for convenience of carrying. eenUUu Lot rrrd Woth Fnrl Cnmhinntinn Nn. 2 " ; -. - . It-,,Hn KtP t'rrnra CliorolBtra, U IU. boi cnr ldsh sriulr Aortl ChoroUte una Hon -fl flffe 1 Soulliwo lMrllnt. I'ACKAUK COMrf.KTE JLW -tb. box Milk Chocolate MwicMno ChrrrlM. H' "Trip vrram lloua, U-lh, boi Nail r irfifiypou iuiu Our Big Daily Special for Friday and Saturday, Sept. 10th and 11th CHIIIf (1I.ATK COVKHI.D HtVK.KTMi4.vja eoiiwiioo oi unocoiate (nvrrra i:.mIli-. i.r.nitiil In th.IMv ot criilrr. and flavor no srvat that we can not alir rou lierltlc deeortptloiu, but in. aurance Ibat every plre. Vu thr iwJoiiiiMUl will " " W-KCIAl.. 34c Our Two Big Week-End Extra Specials A I i.aa T 1 1 tiiv ni iiiu ui tVATIIll tArriKsTneae.are ino'e ul.l llmr clirnlns oolli ,nil; funioiii Ijj III DM "" el,.lirul rfrt. Tlirre uro fully a iloxin llurore. mcli te wrnml In tanlturr w"l fVSLm. VJ?m lllnr t c ooU. KXTKA Hl-MIAl.. H4-at 1 SALT VOfNlJ HOX MIL K. C1IOCOI.ATR roVKHKIl MAKAxtnlNU OHKHHIKH The ulKKrtt, ulumprtt. rrddrat rhrmre. uliiuiUiinl vllh laeloui Juice, are tint illpnrtl In rich Kendiiut Crrani uimI luiuitounlr eoiilrtl wltli our In--onipaiMj l'rnnlun. Cboco- irowlt. KjfniASl'Sr!AI.' rouM) iiux veft Outlines What He Declares are Practical Benefits to Flow From League. JlKLdiSNA, Mont, Sept. 9. Argu ments In behalf of the League of Xatlons adapted to ailalm of the West were presented "here to-day fcy Oov. Cox. Hb outlined wliat he de clared wero (iiractlcnH material bene- fits to flow from tho League. "It has recently toenn figured," said tho Governor, "that the coat of one battleship would reclaim two million acres of land. "Multiply this by forty-eight, the number of Stntes, ndqptlng tho plan of one attleshlp for eacli State, nnd you havo a staggering total, and, If properly applied, tho answer to tho problem1 of housing In our cities', tho nnswor to tho question of Increased production for sustenance of human life, the cxpenUlturo required ln total would reclaim 160,000 square miles of waste. It would build ten perma nently paved arteries entirely across the United States. "Think of this ln terms ofj rcclama ,tlon' at arid and waato lands. If you will, and think whnt It would mean to have one million, exclusive, of thou- Hinds required ln shlpynrds nnu am. munition plants, turlng tholr actlv. ltlos to tho production of the neces. sltlcs of life, rather than to employ mcnt ln the creation of agencies for tho destruction of life." Tho United States Is looked upon by Its associates In tho war as a na. tlon of quitters, because the Sena torial "oligarchy" has .blocked Its en trance Into tho League of Nations, Gov. Cox asserted ln a speech at Helena. "America cannot enter Into that period of prosperity to which we are entitled until tha doubt and distrust and the growing hatred against us created by the apostles of hate In the senatorial oligarchy have been re moved," ho said. "We are looked upon as a selfish nation, as a nation of quitters, self. prosperous and self-atlsfled, while our associates, as well as our enemies among tho natlo.u of Europo are starving to death. They cannot even pay their war us until and all distrust each of the, other has been removed. This can only como when we Join tho thirty-eight other nntlons of the world which haVo alreudy afllxcd their signature to the nrtlclcs of pence. Reconstruc tion cannot be definitely undertaken, until we know where we stand with tho nations of tho wdrld" Oov. Cox also inveignea against n. soparatn peace with- Germany and urged world disarmament. TOM WATSON WINS IN SENATE RACE to tho terms of havo been made Gets Georgia Nomination by 197 County Unit Votes to AO for Hoke Smith. ATL.ANTA, Qa Sept. 9. Incomplete and unofficial returns complied by the Atlanta Journal to-day on the Senatorial race In yesterday's Democratic primary Indicated that Thomas E. Watson won tho Senatorial nomination with 197 county unit votes, or more than the neceary majority of 19S. Reports from 117 of the 155 counties In tho State, not complete for ull coun ties, Indicated thnt Oov. Dorsey had 17 votes, Senator Hoke Smith 40 and John R. Cooper nothing. Similar returns from 120 counties In the Gubernatorial race Indicated that former United fltataa Senator Hardwlclc had 172 votes, Clifford Walker 13!. John N. Holder 12 ana w. ji. urown notninr. DAUGHTER ACCUSES FATHER. Suspected of the abduction of his fif teen-year-old daughter Jessie, Louis Marino, barber, forty, ot No. 133 East 116th Street, waa held to-day In 15,000 on complaint of Vincent of the Children's Society. In Jefferson Mar ket Court Magistrate Slmms adjoudned the case for bearing on Saturday. The Klrl says her father tried to force her to accept the attentions of a stranger. DAY BEDS iVTMElR. ACCESSORIES IN EVERY STYLE AND COLORS AN UNU&PASSED SELECTION IN VARIETY, PRICE fy gtAUjy: PRANK A. HALL SONS SI Wait 480i St, Maw Ytrk City Thursday Attractions f'HOroi.ATK rOVKIt KU C1IKAM rKITKH MINTS Tina nri bl toothsome dUka uf rlcli ret Siianr Crwni, r nulilltlr fUTOred with tlie fliirkt Oil ot l'rp prrmlnt unit nvrlorNl In co'mtiio of our t'n ricrllrd, fragrant, rl- !.t' '0"""- 59c btorrai New York, Ilroukljn. NrwarU, lloboUm, Klliubrth mid ralrraon. I'or riact lorntloa if tilt pliuiw illrrrlorjr. cworoi.ATK Kn ITALIAN STVI.K til K AM C1IUCUI.AT1M Erf ry Ift eaadr loTt-r knons thru old faahlon xwKllra. multlr lilrntttlfd br eentm of rlchrat VnnIHa flavored Whipped Crfam and Jnrkrta of oar famaai Illttrr Swm Clinrolatr. 1'UtND BOX 64c The specified weight Includes the container. STORE HOURS 9:00 TO srjo Fifth Avenue at 35th Street Established 1879 Co Women's Fall Apparel J Typical "Best" Value For Low Price Dresses at 59.50 SHOW BEADS EFFECTIVELY USED ON TRICOTINE OR CHARMEUSE ET beads are used in band fashion down the sides of the skirts, around the neck and hem, on the sash of the silk frock, on the waist of the tricotine. Long lines are emphasized the model is especially good for the woman of full figure. Suits at 69.00 BRAID BOUND AND SLIGHTLY ' ' FITTED THE conventional "tailored" suit in a Fall 1920 ver sion. Double pockets, mannish buttons, smartly cut lapels, well-fitting shoulders. Excellent quality tricotines, and expert tailoring. t Coats at 55.00 DUVETTE SUEDINE IN THE NEW BROWNS, NAVY OR BLACK . .NE of this season's weaves, all-wool, soft, serviceable, and luxurious looking. A smartly simple coat with narrow corded panel back, and the same trimming on collar, cuffs and pockets. Cross-over belt. All silk lined. o You Never Pay More at Best's? L- I pyMmWam Tan ak. .1 : , , - MSaVataaMMfallM