Newspaper Page Text
OlDDWINKED, SAYS BERGDOLL LAWYER PUBLIC UTILITIES HAVE LTTLE COAL FINANCIAL NEWS AND PRICES Gen, WALL STREET Anselt Testifies at O'Harc Total Supply of New York Cam . Court Martial He Believed panies Is 338,977 Tons, Draft Dodger. Decrease of 4,000. X'ormor Brig. Oen. Ansoll. former Tim' nuiiiin n ouncel for Orover Cleveland Hon:- ..... . . . LSnli. rnvir-Vwi .Imfi .loil-mr now iit uay monunccu j,u ions or mu .'larirA wna tlm flntl wl tries called cal win on hand nmoitff tlio pilbllO i i,i.... i-,i i.,. i ,h wn v '&,VTL7K& of now important outside develop- r'iT 7 "Y7-77 -I -".xw i""o Iran mull uu DClll, J. AI1U mttni. . nV nfW. ilrlflnil In nlmIO.11 RcrooV Island. O'Harc," with unothcr "P"1" a'J this was disappointing, fashion to-day, and prlco changes V nergeont, was in cnargo or uergaoil ""iuso it uia nor. snow it reserve wcro comparatively unimportant. Tho hn he escaped at his Philadelphia mtpply wan actimulatlng ngalnst tlio btlik of transactions originated in pro-i-r?0"?'- -r .. Wlntor'B needs. fMalonnl minriori. x ifwm a... iiunu. uuuvu.oiuivs ... ..... . Infantry, presided. LM intortoorougn nad four dayo wen. Ansoii ua no nad ocen com- euppiy on nana; tne iirooKiyn itapia pletely Hoodwinked by Bergdoll, as Transit Company had enough for nlno 1iO 'jiuu lur-uion. uiu wifiii;i:oi. uu.ivl in 'the (slacker's good faith. Cot, Hunt testified 'he 'had Im plicit confidence In both sergeants, fesslonnl quarters. Announcement that tlio now Trench loan hnd been oversubscribed within an hour after the books hnd been opened failed to havo a stimulating Influence, for this development Knrcotlc I-urr Prisoners Freed. . IDertha Miller, of No. 92 Attorney a- 4W( UIU klliUUI VI VI J v far . ma . i . -.- . ix itr. tJaw VniIP n MM T Mimnnil fin nm ,95t Street, arrostvl Ylday night on pony. .All tho rest, except tha Queens- days. Others 'badly off for coal wcro tho 8tnlen Island companies, which uhowed only seven days' supply for seemed to havo been generally nn the Richmond Light and Itnllroad tlclpatcd and therefore was dls- Company, nnd six days' supply for tlio counted markctwlse. Favorable reports on earnings by I .IIUII w - . . . Kkin, wore dUchargod hy ItAgliitrute D0",un "M nna kicmt.o company William A. Bwcetser In Bwx "Market which naa rourxoen uay' .supply f fCtnirt to-day bfcause of lack of erridenca HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMEN, 21-35 YEARS. OF AGE, FOR' NIGHT WORK AS TELEPHONE OPERATORS. HOURS: D.SO P, M. TO "7 A. M. Opportunity to cam $90 to SlOO a month In bIx months. 518 a -wcok In two weeka when osslgnod to night houra; 318 a week during Instruc tion In tWo day tlmc Rapid advnncomenf Higher salaries for more responsible po sitions. If Interested, call- at 1108 Broadway, Now York "City. (Cor. 27th SL) or telophono Mndlaon Square 12000. Novo York'Tolophono Company. -hod from a month to three months' coal on hand. - 1 tho United States Rubber Company and tho New York Central Itnllroad created only mild Interest,, and neither did tho statement, otllclally substantiated, that tho Mexican Pe troleum Company, had opened an Important now oil Held In Mexico TO FINISH FIGHT nave helpful effect on that atock, or a favorablo aympathctlo Influence on other oil shares. m StccJ shares were firm, rolls re corded fractional changes, and the miscellaneous Industrial Hst , waa featured by a rlo of nearly ten points In United Fruit. Houses with Now England connections who were largo 'buyers of tho stock asserted that tho company Is about to cut a Juloy "molon." As tho American In PLUMBERS ARE OUT Delegates From Men Tell Employ ers That Shops Must Recog nize Union. Delegates from tho striking plumbers reamed their conferenco to-day with ofllclala of the Alteration and Jobbing numbers' Association of area tor Now York at' No. 100 Went 116th lndopendont master plumbers of Now tcrnatlonal Corporation Is a largo York and somo of tho members of tho Master Plumbers' Association are to effect a sottlomcnt wltli Uie strikers were discussed. Tho strikers Informed tho Associa tion Uioy were ready to return to work in all Independent shops immediately holder of United Frultf nhare, It rose in sympathy with tho rise In fruit, I Bears endeavored to mak,o capital out of tho announcement that efforts tj scttlo tho dlfforoneco' between Eng lish coal miners and that Government nrovldlni- tho union nnW 1 mtnrnlz...!. '"ad falledrhnd also OUt Of the appar- They said they would fight tho Master , lnt "I";C'VJ ,of tho Bolshevist moyo- Plumbers' Association to a finish. :;v";i." " .. r' .i mmmu HlUbll illun 11 UUU i I Y tWl U connplcuoua fact that good buying mndo Its appearance on nil price dtps. Tho money market showed hardly any change. Tho renewal rate for cair fands remained at 7 por cent. Thoro was freer offerings of time $1,400 IN FOUR DAYS FOR PRESCRIPTIONS GIRES WANTED; 515 A WEEK TO START; . 583 TO-S1O0 A MONTH SOON R.EACHED; EXCELLENT WORK ING CONDITIONS; RAPID PROMOTION, STEADY WORK. "POSITIONS ARE OPEN IN OUR SEV ERALtDEPARTMENTS. APPLY. AT MANHATTAN, 1168 BROADWAY, CORNER 27TH ST. 103 BROADWAY, CORNER DEY ST. BRONX. S70 E. 1SOTH ST. BROOKLYN. 81 WILLOUGHBY ST, ,1330 BROADWAY. OR TELEPHONE MADISON SQUARE 1200O. NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY. All Were for Booze, Doctor Ad mits One Day-He Wrote 308 of Them. OKXGAOO, Sept. S. Writing proscrip tions for whiskey Is no child's work, ao ooTdlng to Dr. If. 1L Fash, who was money ami It was staled that small amounts of three months funds on all Industrial collateral wcro plactd nt an per cent. rate. In the foreign oxchongo mnrkot transactions wcro dull. Demand ster ling nt $3.S3 showed a loss of 12 cent. Italian llro were slightly lower. Other continental exohangos wcro nttady. Cotton wus Irregular. Com recorded a loss of about 2 ccnu por bushel. Wheat was steady. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS TO-DAY'S PRICES ' .VUU CCMlimni .... An) Asri (Xxm,,,. Am Xtnk Xats.,., Ain lltat Haztt .. AtnrtlMn Ca .... Am 0r A; Fir,... Am Ontton Oil ... Aon Smn&!r Am Inij S)iid ,, Am Hid & U-ith Vm 11 ft u pf .. FOUEIQN EXCHANQE. Am lnt Orv ... Demand Btcrllng opened 8.63 1-2. Am unchanged: demond francs. .0078, un- -m i'ToU " changed, or 14.76, unchanged; lire. jittrJ, .04334, Off .0002 or 23.00. off 6 cen- Am BAG Cv.. times; marks, .0191, up 0002; Uelgium Am Sm ft luf .. francs demand, .0723, up .0004. "" ,Jm fiufir EAKNINOS. I Am Tel ft Trt Co. Mlddlo States Oil Corporation. Six months ending Juno 30. 1920 not lncomo nftor expenses and Fed- r jfMJr r oral tax 33,645.330. rf" Orpheum Circuit, Incorporated. Am nf Six months ending Juno SO. 19:10 V"0', not profit of tor Federal taxes 31.31C- Ajt kmiUoo. . jji, Amo Dtt Oooda .. 8t. Josoph Lead Company. A!a"1BO J1' V" ai mnnth rniltnir .lnnn SO. 19" Achloo JXj t net profit after chargta but beforo ?!?,IyUw Federal taxes, xs.fsni. Superior OH Corporation. Six ii uo months ending Juno 30, 1920 net n- 1,4,1 como after charges and taxes, $440,123. O "H Wcstorn Marylnnd Ilailroad 'w Moton. 6 July gross M.6M.G32. Increase 399.- I1 BtM n T7 409; deficit nfter tax 1213,653. Increase l"1 .... 7 $294,025; not operating deficit $156,010. HUro lup num.,. iM Inereaso $242,613; 7 months gross $9.- Jim Bn .. 09 880,897, Incroaso $1,918,611: deficit after Ht Cap ft t.... 754 tax $xri.C52. Increase $670,0201 net op- Watt ft SinHor,. 10 eratlng deficit $138,684, docreaso $97.- ,CWM Cmt oil.... laK. E05, (MU. I'etroleum,... S34 DIVIDENDS. Omidim Va. ... 121 Cluett, Pcabody & Co. declared tho regular quarterly 1 3-4 per cent, pro- p,wt- n II rf N J as forred dividend, payable Oct. 1. to tVrm 4314 stock of record, Sept. 20. chandlT Qtot .... s: The Manhattan Eloctrlcal Supply ch & oulo .... 0014 Co. declared a dividend of $1.60 a 0 st ftStl'fflr-. 87S sharo on tho common, and tho rogu- 0 m st l itr tt ton lar quarterly dividends of 13-4 per 1 nit ro... sou cent, on tho llrst and second pro- ohrtimt n'nt .. evi ferred stocK-i, all payawo uct. 1, 10 & No'wne Rr 7-4V1 QUf.i, 1 54 Vi 61 10 83 . 33 U van SOX W4 10!t 12 72H 79 CDH DO 13 20H 0014 .16 113 OSS 3H 03 MS 00 13 St 2V4 3t ft 70S stock of record. Sept. 20. Tho Tobacco Producta Corp. do-. clarcd tho regular quaterly 1 3-4 per cent, preforred dividend, payable Oct, 1, to stock of record, Sept. 20. (.Villi- OKver 14H ttnno Coin"" 2t) BELMONT RESULTS. FITtST RACE For two-year-oMs ; non.wlnneri at this mcotlng: claiming, purso 11,618 ; flvo and a half furlongs. Straight, allt Frlnpo, 103 (Callahnn). 8 to 1, 3 to 1 and 6 to 6, first; Wire Dove, 110 (McAtee), 7 to 1, 5 to 2, and 1 oven, second; Wodgewood, U! (KeU called before C A. Stone, prohibition dt- say), 3 to 5, 4 to 6'and 2 to 6, Uitrd. rector for Illinois, to show cauwj why his nmr, s-o. uummic. 10 1; jti' lice rum to ltouo procrlptIons for liquor shoulud not bo revolted. "I started writing prescriptions at 7 A. U. and worUcd twalro hours without rest," ho said. "My lunch waa sent to the office and I ato while I worked." ilo admitted writing JOT prescriptions in ana day and sold he wroto 700 In four days. Tho usual fco Is $2. MFtm M423 THIRD AVEHUE FURNITURE Cash or Credit Ol'BM EVIUtr nVKNIMO malca Hell. 6 to 1 : lvlngji's Dell, 5 to 1, and IJoo. Hove, 7 to 1, mho ran, 18BOOND ItLAOB a'or maidens; two-year-elds; purse $1,618; five and a half furlongs; straight. Our Boots, 115 (Enor), to 6, 1 to 2 nnd out, first; Inglecrest, 110 (Ambrose). 4 to 1, 6 to 6, nnd 1 to 2. second; Coto D'Or. 115 (John bn), 12 to 1, 6 to 1 and 2 to 1, third. Time. 1.03 2-5. Copper Demon. 12 to 1: Mnrcclla Boy, 6 to 1; lood Hope, 15 to 1; L.iclairc, zo to 1: l'oiicn, zu to 1; Ourlph, 7 to 1, and Tho (Foreigner. 30 to 1, alio ran. BELMONfPARKENTRIES. .F11LBT ILUm For rniUrn Dili tvro-T(r. oMt frr ir.t a Lilf fiLrbwo.. straight. tht lltm, 110: Hiw lnn, 110; Tco Jluttoiu, 110: 1vvUui TiilnTT. 110; MjZhW, JUIIiA. HO; Wtnh 4 liiMSOK. 110; .Mkmhrau, 110- Otlkni i'OP. J10: Mlm JWito. 110! Oonlll. 110. , AHOOXI) lUOB (iuLnlns. tot iiuldwc two- (tin pjlA, Ufi! Tout Or, 110; 1'1)lhx, 112; llorhnaUui. 112. T11UU ItAOtV Cnndltlotvi, for thr.jer-old nu urifud: one lulli, Tkcry, H7i VPL Alamk. llitl Tunc tiling, 112: V lWlr. li'; lW, 117; nmalllrei. Il7; 6wt JlitJc 100. IXWETIt BACK--The llonOiiMittrm Itandl. tw. ftWU:: cr vhreft-yrar-cldd ana i;mrinl, Hrrm tmlotw. milo rourw. Ounouflfir 110; ,TKt, MVl lltftj l IICIMV. Tin. -1-W.IOTFI Hnto. 111). I.r.Un(t Stir. 100; ftilrtnlra. 110; T.ilra ID'jtomwr. 101. MVm ( OUmilnB! fur thmar.oMii nd U!.art, one mile. Aivuni. Ill; Atntrlcm !r. mt 11uJrti. jm; Y&ne otlnra. 101; aalule. 101 1 1jiutt, .104; Troon. HI. BIXTai UAOK Joodltfciii! fur tUMU okln; flro arul a UK fin-lone; atraluht. MulcKrr, 1IV; Hmlc. icr: 1Vlai. ur- Bt. SUitiac4. 115: Ifnr luon, 111: liUe llell, 102; -acluipiroena. 11(5; Ht. IKitwril. 111! Ctoinor, ICCt. -A4"iritir alloiannn olarmrd, WoatSier clmr; tnck iaat. BLUE BONNET ENTRIES, WIST TIACE Yor tniUm three-rrar-oMi and nward; letllnc; one TnlW, Venal Joy. 1UG; J. Alfred Clark, 101: JHrfike, lott; Ilaua-lr. I02; Catler iTorrin. 102; llenler It,. 102! nelnliml, 10a. HIXOND ItACB For two-rf ar-olill ! nie and a half futloiUJi m-lllnl. llcortnalMnce, 102; MjtUe Crown. i(S; Voormel, 100; Bwtii B., 1UI; Cantwn llrl, lOUj CSiarley llo. 112; BlllJ tAiw, 112; Dora. 101: Jacobean. JW). TlilllD lLVdv-HtVr thre-irearol.ta awl w; clakninz; one mil". JUcHanl V., Wt; llerrot, 10.1; Wilfml. J05; .Torero lfow, lUi; l"ninn, 1(B; V. 01. Ilakcr, ,103; riyvx IMit. 100; Trlrk. ler U., 1(3; tJaj W.. ICO: 1)ln ftoa, 0; '8jr--f .Ve, VS. fOtlRTlt 11 VCR rt'rorlnoo ffumery; for" tvro TeuV'e; lire fiirlonc. Itorma, 122; () Jam. low. 110; (a) IClr. o" Oreon. 110; (Ji) Amlelan Qiiwii 124i (b) Tliormf WJ. 12-1; (b) llajow, lllSi fcra. Sme. 110: M Allir. w'ar. 110: .(cf Jrck Mirine, 122: M Dtonatkle, 122. (a) AVn-bltt-Ouil.Tiy enar: W J. K. It Horn coArr; (c) lVene-'rr)olmiMRonon mtrj. Il'Tll JW;r JMeepiernaae lor uiree-yeari.u; a-Vnit one mile ami onebalf. rve Bute, Ocrana, 140: rrana, 137; HMrlmin. 187. MIXTll ILVCB--Ti.r three.yre.MMa and TO- wanl fouled In Canada: clalinlnc; elk fur:ons. ll.mlnphere, lr3: Mallewmont. 10S; Fair and Wanner, 110; 'OoW flalore 100: Conirrooin, Krt;!y llelly. 110; ltootallk. 110; V. Moody, 'steVfJNTill 'ItAClB Tw tliree-yw-oVSa m.t rp. wnl: oKkmlrur; ono mile and a rV)m. -ltir k. SrJ. Ill OnlUlai.. 102: Wood Thniih. 112; Henier Htalirart, 100;, liaise. 10O; l1''AvSrntlee allowance dakned. Weather fine. Ttrrt fair. GIRLS & YOUNG WOMEN, WITHOUT PREVIOUS EX- PERIENCE, ,-wlio "wish to loom long kUstanco telephone operating S15 A WEEK TO START; 7lerolar S-bour worUnc day I lCxtra pay for eilra ituty, nooma, Ubrary; C JtortauKat oyarated at cat. Writ for Information oDoeero inc rainy adraotarea of Ud Uifclnee, (nalUui. or apoly to 2 E. 28th St. (Cor, 5th .Av.), 24 Walker St. 1 (two streots below Canal St.), NEW YORK CITY. THE AMERICAN TELE PHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. FOR brXLE Holzwasscr Home Talk No. 609 WELL 4t hu turaed eat mt . thoniht, The raeniel Ihi aala raeelvij air New lie-Pail Calalegui, atw (hi wealth et beauti ful diilaaa handiemtlr llluilntid with flint hllf.toaia AND 7HCN ntu UVIH THK PRICE LIST there wat thin, nora te It. Our lira nai ueia trewaia miry day, aur tatei lerce hai alreadv bt.a la. enuea twlea, wi an itlll woa. new wi are i iii i tin, ear at the aurabtri if ethiri whe Jae aallic m iii m ntl, known tkilr laliallea it cillln, "rl,ht away." Bind fr Ihi Catategge end Hit tht tiip,y thrint af nimi lev en. lirniUrre boutht now may be bald in. our warehouse, dor a ft tree, for 6 months. 1'rom Wnt Bide by Hlltli ar OOtli Bt. Croeatoyra Cure or by HUlb St, Hue front' Urondnuy. 3- R00M AfAKTMhNr .At. llr.1T :i2S AI,I 1C "PAIO 4- KOUM AfAkl'AIENI' 7t, II Pel .1IM V.M.I K $58b S-KliOM APAUTMENT IIKWT rim VIM B Our Liberal Terras 20 ife fount. jwr 0BOt.-.i wekiv 11; & CONFIDENTIAL LT"er eaua I nn...i71 StfelJlBZ 000115 ABOVE 37! A STORE-NOT AN OFFICE. Valoel Uu Ittrvki HIOOlIII.IKIIK2.IHII CJ 0 (2)(i 2limU2:riO riprr.lal k:iiio au.(io ;i.(iiH t-llll'BIO.Ol wi.imi niHi ar.o.uii I nrirer Amnnnte I I o a.ouit Tirma asply alu ta New Yark State, New Jtrity and Conniotlcut Wd Dellter liv Auto Trui'ii Dlrtet fo Vour Door. DIED CnYSDAI On Bept. 8, 1030, THOMAS J acta 1 H'"i t the homo of bli daughter, 28s Won 02d at. Funeral from tht Church of Et. Thomaa tht Apoatlt, 118th nt. and fit. Nloholaa av., Friday. 10.30 A. M. n.ij5iiNa-joiiN. cAiiruELTw ru. M5UAI. CltUnOH, Thurtday, 8 P. M. i WATCHKIAMONDS uri tiaisi Tl lAHLf OOOD3- LOW PRICES BUSY WCeILY OJt MONTHLY FAYMctfTJ Hocnnorcftfren rHGiJIAM II ,j0 AKPNTCA lUfcl'MT" 'HONE eT MIEtV '&JML 1.1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. MYqst SetYlce, Day or Hlebt PRANK It, CAMITllflJ. . "HIS FUNERAL CHURai" lac (Noa-eecUiUn) 1870 Drotlwayat6Cth)5L Fsoira coLtrtnoa aitv DtwVtowa OHIta, VilLk lit wmwm BROOKLYN y OppenheimQluns & - FULTON STREET BROOKLYN Frocks for Autumn Days That Show Delightful Paris Fancies S3H ssh Ol CIS 3H 71T4 10U 79!i 11H o isn CO 77 V3K 20 H 230 . 101 6K 12'4 1 1 Vi CH sa 71 15H 24U 72H .... -j. Oeneral Ohera ICO Ueneral Eleo .... il40Vi lieu Motors 21 U a en Dlatort I)ub... 70 Uoodrloh C5K Ortot or. lly 77H Great KVf. Jty. 1. 32 fiulf ftlatro Stoal.. 67 llaukell & Buker,. 70V4 Huuaton Oil 0(Vi lllinol Oat. KSU Jililratlon Ocpor., S Intwfbcro Coo IrAqCxn Oun. f... 11 lnt, Jlarmiter .... 121 Intor. Oler. Marine 21 Int. 'Mrr, Mar, vt. 70 Inter, iNiAri 10 S Col yuel te Iron. . , Col A: Southern.. Col Qua & Bee... 1V.1 rlp&iimreinnivl . . I Coca Cola Connol Clear Corp.. Con Inter-Cal Stlno Cnt Cndf Coot Oandy Cora Product .... (VicJbl Steal .... ! Oaso Ststur,, Ouha Cane Bucar vf Cidaa An fkirar. "Con Textile Coco . . 1X4. ILonlc. fc W... Dol. & Uluitaoa. .. Den. & Ma Or... lira. Ac lUo Or.. Voute atlaea jxi. s. b. & at.. lakhom Coal .... Eodloott' Johntoa . Krlo Erie I Fajnoirl M lagvro . . Fjak Rubber Fronyort Texas Hi 34 81 40K H 35 1.TUI H K5 10 12H 721 74 S ObVi 03 12H 20 WW 30 1U 0SH 1 03VI 62H, 00 13 63 VA SO 8314 7H 02H 132U lOSJi 41 1SI 0 75H 7 im 7Vi 10 15H 2SSi 110S V) OOH 2113 2 80S COTi tsm B4K EOli 8Vk 7 UK Z van 51 'i 23 T4 S4 74 10S 70'4 11 4 87 122 37 H 77 43 0 210 101 OH 12 nu 23 ' 70 15 23 4 73H Qd4 23 Vi 187 140 Vt U!i W CriH 70Vi 82 OT'i f K 10(1 fHK 'i 3H 30 121 20H 74 ta 10V4 Inter. I'aper. lalaral OU ... IllKTlncibV, 911 eo 8C Xet Leet, CDia'a. 1U 84 H I Kellj.'9yrint: 74 40 1 KennocvU SO Keystone Tlrv... Lomn Ine . . . ,- Xack Rtoef CO u IUb tc Tire 22V liehlth Valley .... 48 toft Ino ........ 13 I iLoriUaM 103Vi ll.oule St Nath .... 102tt Maxwell llotort .. 0 lUmrell Motor lit 18 M' llrijcao Fcuuloum, 173 Miami 10K elultVM Bod 83 (4 Uldralt Steel .... 59 M Uloa. A; St. L... H Mia. lUn. A Tex.. U llleaoirri I-ac. .... H Ulddl. BIMm Oil.. ManaU Siarar .... Katlonal Acme ... iXat. AnlUn Mat. Oloak A I Nat. Conduit ' National Lead .... Nerada Cond. .... N. O. T. A if. . X. T. Airbrake .. N." Y. Central .... I N Y N II a It 2 4-1K 33 H 135 1U 23H 9 8314 H lOVi 12 72H H 70 Ut H 00 1 13 SO CO 00 113 -OA. MVi 1 03H Sri 83 DO 13 64 1 2Vt K 80 K 84 H 70H -T 02T4 130 21 V.-falv A,hrm 103V4 ! Norfolk A Wo , 41 U Xortbora 1'ao 103 V. okta r A'll .., 014 Owen Bottlln:.., 77 1 I-actOo Oaa.i.... 7 J'aa Am Petrol.., HVi H lv5na. in. lit t0 --2 IWa. ie, cftcol, ?V4 . W I'eople-a Oat Ill IVro iHarqoettn... 10H H PhUa. Co 23 U r IH I-ieroa Arrow. 121 1,1 PliToe U 61 U ! litt. CoaJ CHI 00V4 H lttta, & W. Va... -JOM 238 ! ITtna Steel 05 V 42 H iPulbmra Co 1HT4 67 Vi punta Buzar 77 V4 lUy Copper 18V4 lCVi OX 2054 13H 102H 34 WV4 13 8 VI 77 UVi 61 0714 74VI 04 Vi 20 04 70H 4 47 43 VI 01 H 42 31 K3V4 SO 37 V4 80 30t4 H)?i 37 03 30H 8V4 74 14 20 fCVi 27 64 24 84 1 Iteadlnz 02 ltccnlestoa Typ. ... 03VT Hex Motor 30 ltep. Iron & Steel.. 83 Itejlojle Bteel .... Vi IlorU Dutch N.Y... I Sarate Anna Huoa Motor Vi fewboard Air line. . Seara IlotbuA frhattwJt Aria. .... 6inrUU- OU 74 BWU. 8tec4.. 10 1 Soxttxim IVic. 70 fkxiltiem lly. 11 .Sou, Itj. i- K B pijoaAooz 34 1 etuabaW k. !H 1 B. u tc 8. IVao. 177 Mi Boudh .. 40 1 8ncn rr a t ... t.l 1uu Coo kt Ctiem IM 12 Tau o, 10i I) Texaa & lUa .... .1 T . "Wbaooo ITrod .... 12 1 j xrao Oil X V Tnm W1U 3S I ijn pacific sa, H I Union Oil ...a... 71. 2 j United (Fruit .... - 15 I Un Ity Inr Co ... . 21 Un Retail Worm .. 73 United Food U 8 tod Al Hub autfcor 130 H U fl Steel ...... 140 1 'U 8 BteW pf .... 01 Vi,UU!i Count .... " 1 IV Caro ami ... 64 i Vanadium tilai .. 77 1Va!jadt 32 ' :Wlbah tt A ... 57 3 w,t ilanjind ... 70 2 Wart r. Corp. . . 100 3 Wei Iac pf KS Weatlnchoiao 48 Wheeling 3 WUlya-Orerland ... 10 Vi Whltt iMotow .... 124 i VVtbcaj Oo 24 Worthlnrton 70 1. Woolworth 10 i x Dlrhlend. IiW. 78 0 83 74 23 10 10 20 20 09 22 32 133 102 6 18 107 10 82 80 18 8 28 18 102 84 70 42 8 70 11 48 07 71 33 90 04 78 ' 4 47 43 f 2 it 88 24 30 05 13 83 29 05 114 73 18 01 62 82 79 eJ 30 6 8 W0 8 30 70 04 27 60 72 01 33 27 64 0 4 37 C3 1344 43 12'J!i SA 109 11 C7 60 82 63 88 iui 63 68 08 0 27 10 20 63, 48 12 13 44 CO 00 107 Net Iiut, CSu'a. 60 H 0 '80 74 3 DO 10 20 60 i r A ata li IWJLWIH tvwfil 7 ByT?oger Batchulper. (Copyrlxat. 1110. by' Secey Batcaelaer. All Ttlihti Rcnned.) SYNOPSIS OF PRECEDINQ INSTALMENTS. .Tk eaet aldt political cin aloti. to .HOT 'Cef recenU" appointed Oepatt At, of the atate 0f"alfaln tfUOl ttlement aorler In whom Tvhlt. lemnM I .1 4 V . tMftU Itanin ti.lPM. wn HbltlH mt fiLkklliaT thlal dlaVOT WTf. HofS(?1 .''-r tv;.ot.r.3' b-iiiM. u ( in "o;e analre, and the cirl telli him to trouble her no lomrr. Joaeph O'Connot, .... . uIIImihiI n,h.r 1 ... .. wWln lnm..nltA Ml the eit lid. Horace an mnKie. - ,"ir. Ill reporter with wham O"0onnor fatu 13 133 a 102 8 18 172 0 19 82 80 15 0 28 ' 13 102 84 82 3 42 8 76 11 H 40 4 07 74 U 20 M 70 1. 4 47 48 W 2 42 ' Vii . "'. nd the cirl trlli him to trouble her no lonter, Hl.,l'tct Attorney Howard talU O'Connor to hie pfllce. iplirrienU him on hlarrork. and arttf diclarluc that bit lubotdlnatea hart not been on the leiel wilb him. eiprewei eonfldenct to Umj a. a. A. Three month! pan and the end of O'Connor'i luniorirr appolnuni-nt eonie. ciiaiity ttwuk priwumable tent by bta tlien tht ken to hie home Willi him. He calli up hla I k.. ki. .Li.. , i. n..,f.1 f k. before and that tnn O Connor Icarea the atore. and on reachtnc tht aulewalk ftude and chautleur coue. S'.'tT KTX "S."k?Tliy.r3 .v"'. 7r.-7. ii ikiitika. lo iiuiiaio Hie uiau. r, . . , -. " , , . . m ,1'.' .ft. nal.. :..u. ii , ,. ..A .ti Ik. n wanener nrtnta. It. fbt falnu, and when ake opecIT het eyea ant la In .New Jereey . apceillec acrwa tie marahea to J lu a lirnouitne, wlUi Adolph and Jake, two tonipiratora, at bet aide. . . . fc. v. Saw. At he baa lorjotten oollart, he goei lo buy joint a.od while leetlnc In hU pockot for "yr It. luu uv um iuiiiini in tiia 111 call Alloruei' office with Manr lirtty cannot he found, and the Judie hat lan h. The V. A. then call In Bt conitdenuai eejti iioi men. eT bad liarned lltUe. Ue aenoa.ooi . y l'.t' ".'.'0"?.v:;i u.ITif ,n .. r . K rMMri At 7.30 a detecure irom ue weet Him Birctti roup. U'"-H anivit. at ih. i , a with O'Connot la hla cuatody. O'Connor xplaiini hla trip to Ouininc. aaia tifefj A. fX, hlni rihatwnll be belietea it. he Quet prote It Unmnllately. otberwla toe atory wUl ISnFniutTd'oCo ''f&oZgg' U"V.n VvWVtST'u" 15 ffl U Vanbo". WSh&&Tdu" UiTuiUln!f.l.7 uT. rne'nVnn,N j;fKy'w?th11. S&'XIP hU lUter'. home, and wtin no one anewera cota back to New York tery puaaled. oninc. on aeeiuc tne amue ui in. f. .7 ., Jz. c . '"VJ ,, U.7.,r.Hr n,TuhTff D X lb calta Ii hi. cbnlidf ntlal eart iWe .men. iipoci mil uie DrrtDt, on a xm utxmiwn, jump into -j la...------- ..(J. . -i..!-. i.t Meaawalle tht reporter! hart been try Uu to locate lot mlialpc H'L 70 01 83 6 8 140 854 Sl 71 0SV4 28 00 73 27 27 6S 10 81 07 01 14 43 121 18 200 11 08 00 63 83 80 UX1H ai oo 70 0 10 30 08 48 12 15 43 60 03 107 CHAPTEli XIL (Coutlnued.) HAD that, too," nodded Jack son. . . "Mlti boss ordered a sod- ntnrv ntintlt th mlBsitll? Kir and Intimated that she and O'Connor mi.An im n n it thnt ahf reDentcd Sii i "1 licat It with him after eendlns In . the storV Krlnncd tho representative .. T .. i of the sensational paiior. It ought to Mil toe on tho strcot LOW' wlth a "lclurc u of O'Connor, oi it ' "Of course, that's all rot," asserted na I Jackson irritably. "Well," ho added So? 5 with a flhrug of the shoulders, here li S noes a blind alley after tho, boss has 77' l!4 spoiled my night off." 0 I " went to tho ..hone, followod-by i-ii 2 Paulding, who took an adjacent, eaw 3V4 ' boo"1- V" othcr mcQ MtJ ee" r tiMin nnrt wpnt hack to thc-lr bfflcos. Jackson," irrowled theVity editor, "It's a crime. Perfectly good story Just walt.ns to bo written, and you haven't a lino on it," "Sorry," said Jackson with compla cency, "but neither has any ono olse. All tho boys aro lwre, and thoy re In tho flame boat. Anything come over tho wlro from tho City Novvs? "Not a lino that I couldn't have doped out mysoir. Can you get at tho jD A. "No. IIo's In an atr-tlght compart ment that would do credit to the Po lice Commissioner." "Browse around ffr .half an hour, .i ie n,i)iini. tiirna UD. CO home. said tho editor, slamming down the receiver. . . At midnight a young roportor from ti,. nn.nitn who hod como bock to the District Attorney's, saw Van Winkle drive up. He ran to uuwuuu him. but Van Winkle thought ho was begging and handed him a dime. ( The reporter remonstrated and Whiting's friend, thinking that ho must be a detective, retreated hasUly into the t building. When the party caroo oui ?h 1 mcIrteV was rteaT he dbor, but member Just where I was. Her ier li ZLJa rJt o tho car it was the cross-roads and I think it nctn&mxSZ He start- this, W ho declared as tho I remember sbdng her. It was about ten miles from Newark. And here's Newark; I'll toko the wheel." Whiting auiokiy maao room lor m friend. Drlvo llkrOthe dlcltcns. Van." h, admonished. "Wo'vo got to dear Joa, and they have his girl." ny tms time, u uonnor noa Docomt thorouchly aroused. Ills apparcrv. Btupor In tho District Attorney's of- flco had been due to the realization ot his helplessness; now that the action had started, ho was restless, and as eager as a soldier when tho whrstfle announces the zero hour. Through his mind rushed a thousand fancies; sotho of hope, somo of despair, and the result was a fierce desire to do something himself. The car shot past tho quiet Jersey villages, and tho head light brought forth from., tho dark ness n dazzling, serpentine thread oi highway, which seemed to twist and lead to nowhero. As the moon waned, tho darkness of early morning fcccamo Intensified. O'Connor longed to leaf from the car and dash forward him self. It seemed as though ho coulo outdistance the car, as though tho sixty and seventy miles an hour wefu nothing to the speed with which b could fly to his beloved. "I know she waa sorry; I know sha didn't mean It," he kept Baying to himself. "I must find her and tell her bow I lovo her." He thought of nothing but her. His own -predicament had been swept from his mind tho moment ho heard of her possible danger. And now, as, Howard and Whiting occasionally shouted words pf assurance to him, he seemed to feel that ho would find his love, and hle eagerness became mixed with hope. x Soon after leaving Rldgofleld Van Wlnklo pressed harjl on tho brakes, and the panting car nearly stoppedj: "I know this country pretty well," he explained, "but It's hard to re Here are was " . " r, " ' . . . i pfi to nursue in a taxicao rest which ofthe party waited anxiously. w ' " j;..' .: ....!. .hnrtiv afterward "o iwisieu tho wheel and steadily 100- tTr wtrVo of the other car at pressed on the accelerator. Shortlx H ptehth Street. Ho then announced a sngnt mil Docarac i ugntca up. V4 E5ff Sll ht ihTt atht, District 'That'll It." ho uhouted. "Just o! 04 CO 1 70 1 e 23 10 80 C8 48 i: 13 Vi 43 1 60 1 62 1 107 n hf ws unable to tell the most creaked, agrtln and the car stoppodi lomprits of a report, "who, 1 In front of a roadside automobile ?oa,ewh." he iWed such a ataUon, before which was the famil- verbal bombardment as onto night r rw gasone pump, van winKie SMatoTeak1 The other i quuuucu iu tnc. r. ,,ii,i tvn.1 hi'.adrvl the samn wnv ai mi. rrfJfSiveQcUOn "mgaztao." Butri"" eo who's here." ' , nihLy..rf tafiV h?Bl?id tM safls- . ut Siting, was already at tho' frlSton of seeing that his paper had ?or ; or uio station, knocking iur 77hs Lovely Crepe de Chine Is of rich, supple quality, befringed after tho latest whim. It comes in navy and black. It is an initial Fall offering that will please by its youthfulness and charm. -78.00 Scores of Other Models Equally Lovely From 35.00 up to 150.00 THE OUTSIDE MARKET- 2.30 P. II QUOTATIONS fiharea. - High. low. Lett, LVDCHTIltiLS. 1104 Aetna Coal i COO Chemical Miner tOVi 200 Columbia Kmrrald S 00 General Asphalt 65 400 Orapa Ola tA 6C0 Grape Ola pf ! COO Htrcule Taper ........ 13 100 lltiden Chrm. 3 1(0 Indian TacUnc ..yv.... 8 COO Mercer Motora 11 . 100 Vet Am Taper 6 mo rtrficUon Tin 1 1000 lUdlo Com. i 800 lUdlo Com pf 3 400 Kepubllo Tirt Hub 1, 100 1L J. Itecnolre ll'w 40 100 Iter de France 5 100 Hubmartne lloat 11 J00 U. H. lllch Speed Tool.. 30 TOO-U. B. Bteam V.... 1 100 United l'rom Bhartnc. lVi 120u Uidted lie! Candy 13 200 Wayne Coal 3 10 South Wnn Oil 2T1 10 S OU of N. T. tsr rNDCTENDENT OIIA C00 Allied Oil . 21 1K0 Iloone Oil 1K0 lloiton VVyo. 1' 100 Carib bind H 100 Dominion Oil 7 SlOO rik Uailn m 0 330' Engineer! Trtroleum .... 1 600 Xinu-rilda Oil Vi 2200 Federal Oil Glrnrock Oil IV. C0 Oulley QUleid 2 1300 lnt l'otrvl 13 t Utlniiton 8 100 Merrltt Oil 14 300 Nit Oil N J 200 Omar OU 8 900 rennok OU - T N 200 Troducer Aj lunnrra,... 10J lied llook OU 200 Ityin Cons 20 4100 PI nimi Tit 1 , 1100 Bktlly OU OS 100 Tern Itancer SO) United Tu OU 800 Whtll OU 20 ISOO Victoria OU new 1 200 Woodbum. 8 MIM.NO. 110 Alae-Iir' Col 1 COO Alrarado Mm 14 1000 Am Tin fi 1CO0 Atlanta 1 1000 Booth 6 TOCO lloit A Mont 87 .1300 Calid Min :o Sfk'O Ctlumtt A Jerome iV 1 tl 1 2 5SVi V sc 2 3 21 3 11 e i 2 9 1 40 S 13 30 2 1 11 3 272 JSJ 20 . 3 lA i: 7 1 2 3 21 13 5 14 I : 7 30 12 0 10 1 3. 2 MU 3 83 2 3 34 a 5 12 liV 1 1 1 40 6 12 30 2 1 HU 3 272 JIJ 21 2 1 11 7 8 1 1 2 20 33 14 8 3 7 20 11 2 1 8 tl 14 f, 1 5 IS 20 tOO CtndJlirte M (ti3 Con Vlrttnla 1304 Cortri Ktlrrr L I 1 . vrrffi Iran ... '4 1 i 1 8hare. 1200 Dundlt ArU :0O El Hihader 1200 Emma BUrrr .... CO00 Eureka Croeiui .. 1300 Eureka Holly .... Ilish. liow. Ult, 1 1 8 A lft 1200 Gold Cone 0 1000 Gold Herri , 1K0 Ooldfteld Florrnoa . KOO Oold Kewana 200 Oold Bllrer rkk..r. 1700 Oold 2on 1300 Ortat nend 700 Hecla limine 400 Iron lUoiuom 100O Jumbo Eitrniloa . . 1000 Knox Dlrlde 1300 Loul liana Co 1000 Itc.Nimira 1200 MoNamirt Creancnt 42:0 Minh Mia 1000 3Iotherlodt 100 Mother lode new.., SOO Murray Mocrldre ., 800 National Tla 2 s 11 2 8 32 ' 1 4 5 10 A Vi 17 It 6 77 400 Klplnlnc .... 400 Ohptr BUrer, 800 rrlnoe Con..., 1000 Ilex Cone 3800 Itoner Oroup. 200 Bin Toy. 8 A 8 SCO Simon Sllrrr Lead lr 3 1 7 1 ' ivi 18 1 3 1 1 ' jooo Teiaa Co 7a , compiainea, -out 1 u do ticKiea to titan lo-morrow a .inniimo iir ..-..fJM' 1 10M,UxdJInji:ii.-,..r,v ' Jl 100 8 Bllrer U.A. 1000 Bucoeea Mlntnr 300 Tonupah Ilelroont 1500 Tonopah Caih Boy.... XOOTcno Illilde 400 Tonopah Eitftiiton..., 8000 Tono-Jlm II 2300 Tonoajfa Midway 11 200 Tonopah Minim IH 1000 Tonopah Mlrpah 13 1000 Tonopah ifontana 8 1300 Tieicpih ltracua Eula. ... 21 SCO United Kaitern 2l 2200 Victory. 809 Wist End C 1400 Whltt Cam 1200 White Capa Kittniloa. 400 WUbert 1009 Ytrrlnston 3 D0ND3. (000 Ilrtmm 4i 20 1004 Munich 4a It 3TO0O Allied Packer Jl 80 1044 Am Tel Ci 21 f 1000 Am Tel a 21 01 1440 Armour 4 Co Tl 43 7449 Ando Amir OU 7i... 48 1C0040 rrencn. Oct It w 1 104 14044 Goodrich Tirt fa 41 1404 Xrnneontl C 7a 11 1049 Morrli A Co 7i H 33004 X T Central 71. 100 J00O4 N T N II n 4i 73 17444 Blnrltlr C 7 4 . 1404 1 1 5 A 1 s s 14,. 1 e 31 1 4 5 14 A 38 88 8 77 2 v A A 0 1A 3 1 7 ill 1A 13 14 1 . 11 I 21 2 8 1 4 1 3 3 20 II 11 4 43 48 41 140 43 13 97 104 71 1 1 8 A 1A 4 8 14 2 31 1 4VI B 10 A 17 88 77 1 1 8 A 8 1A 8 IS 7 HI 1A It Jl 1 13 11 2vr 1 1 9 1 8 8 20 II 89 OIK 43 18 91 "100 11 92 II 109 71 o hi. city editor thatathe DUtrlct in.n.v vin.i r-orie "somewhero" In "10 way iuruicr. 1 . ,,.-.A., .n.i imne ''Aomewutiru meini. mr -with "so me one, and whe In another moment the brokeur tho only real Information or any description: that the District Attor ney naa sueniiy Hiipinu ivvy. In the' night on a mysterious mission. Properly emDemsnea Dy an cwmi- enced "rewrite man at the ortice, this Information made nearly half a column of Interesting reading. New VorK Ulty yawnoa contentcaiy after its weekly Sunday morning nap and opened Ub newspapers, 'men It opened its oyes to tholr widest ex tent and felt that thrill which can be produced only by n talo of intrigue. mystery and possible scandal in whioh Now York ofTlclals aro :mpli cated. By noon from Coney Island to tho Yonkers boundary It was won dering what Assistant District At torney O Connor naa aono uuu whither the pretty reporter. Miss Bllllngsley, had gone. When tho enly enlightenment afforded (by tho r-lter-noon pnjper was a picture of tho miss ing reporter with an editorial onsur ance of tlio accuracy of tho story, tho city shook its head rcsignodly and waited for Alonaay, wun us nan hourly newspaper editions to come. Horaefl Van Wlnklo poked his 1 cad from the robe which covered him nnd viewed tho world, at least wliatover part of It he could see as the car rushed along tho turnpike, with dis approval. Van Wlnklo was perfectly sober. For, as Whiting had ex plained to Howard a few moments before, "While Van In among tho first of tho casualties in on falcsHolic battle, his recovery is speedy and certain." Even though his head had been muffled enougn or tlio damp marsh air had reached him to effect tho change. 1 "Where am IT" ha murmured sadly and mosU.unorlglnilly; "and whero are those internal cops who triad to murder me? "You aro nearly in Newark; it Is 1 o'clock nntt we'ro sun with you.' chuckled ono of the detectives. "I see Bin wnuing at tne neim. cried Van Winkle. "Waif till I nsk him what Is up. I remember a fight with somo cops, but Hurt's about all." "This Is serious business, Mr. Van Winkle, and Whiting commandeered your car," said Howard. "Whiting hits tho habit of com fnandccrlng anything ho wants," ob juirved the red haired youth choer. fully. "But tell mo the latest tale of woe." "When we got to Newark, wo want you to drive the car and toko us to lously. No luck," ho cried. "It's Just a sicrviutj Buition ana no ono is nere. Try that house," he orderod Van, Winkle, "and I'll try the ono on tihls1 side." Ho pounded on the door of a cot tage and soon a man armcared hold. lng a barking dog in leash nnd sleen- ily demanded what the trouble was. "We aro offlcors." declared Whltirur abruptly. "Whore Is tho man who keeps tills placo?" , You mean Hennessey?"' oaken tha' man, now wide awoke after the men tion or oxneers. Ilf that's his name." rertllpd TAOilt. lng Impatiently. "Where Is he?" name ana in bed. 1 s'.Doae. " rnlirxl tho man. who was 111 1 blessed with unusual Intelligence -Answer mo airectly," ordered Whiting. "Can you take me to hlmr "Could f I hail to. I iVnnlfH" W'Well, you Wave to. Get on a coa and como wWh us. Hurry un." Tho man shook his head doubtfully' and went for his coat. In about two minutes thoro camo a shout from Van Winkle. "Como on. Bill; I've got him." and Wllltlntr ran bank, to-l tho car to find already ooatOd tlio veiormary wno uvea at tho other mcla of the station, and who was moro ac customed to impromptu awakenings. As the car turned, the party saw on tho piazza tho figure of the otlior man, draped In a black coat, beneath wnicn extended tho white edge of his nightshirt. Ho shouted as tho ma chine went past him. "Too slow for lis. "We'ro a fait moving crowd, ehJoo?" Inquired ncau. O'Connor smiled somowhat grtmlv. The guide know exactly where Hennessey lived at tho other end of the town, and In flvo minutes the astonished owner of the service sta tion was out of bed, x "Lrot's see," ho pondered. "You aro the young feller" pointing to Vatf Winkle "which had s-uch a snoot full this afternoon. Do I remember you? Well, rather. You were a scream, and showln' around jj, bunch of funny cards. And tho other car? Let's seo." He scratched his head, and Whiting observed to Howard that that habit seemed to be universal In Now Jersoy. "Let's fiee," declared Ilennmnav finally." "Sure, I know about it They get gasoline sometimes at my placa. and my,wiaald they had soino kind of a hunting lodge near Morrlstown, only I don't know what tncy can nunt mere, ho wji behind tho garage whero you saw Miss Bill-1 thorn onco when they turned un a. 1 I -. . IUI . fln.nnnn .. nil.) T T r. ........ I . . . I . . . . parrow roau tnrougn tne woods, ana asked somebody where they were going. Couple of tough-looklnff peoplo in a big blue car with avnlco looklng girl thoso must be tha fellers. Kikes, weren't thevT I pecked through the window lu tho back." ink-aley this afternoon," Bald Howard. "Wo think she has been kidnapped, and you camo In at Just the right tlmo Wo must get track of her at once." He explained further tho events of tho past twelve hours, and Van Wlnklo nodded, 99 L, 14 t '1 riave a largo nean just, now," 10W.