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3E TISH LABOR FOR OLIVE THOMAS'S CONDITION GRAVE NT ON INDUSTRY OR UN E MPLOYED Husband Declares She Took Over dose of Mercurial Medidne By Mistake. PATHS. Sept. 9 (United Press). Tho condition of Miss Olive Thomas, tnotle tar, suffering; from mercurial polsen Ins tn the American hospital at Neullly, was reported to-day to bo unimproved. Dr. Joseph Choato of Los Ancelcs, Who Is handling; Jflas Thomas' case, Said after a consulatlon with leadln Paris specialists that white her con dition was extremely crave he had not abandoned hope, Jack rickford, film actor nnd hus band of Miss Thomas, who-had been at the hospital ' constantly since she wss taken III, denied they had quarreled burph speech. The candidate chal lenged tho committee to call Chicago Itopubllcons mho, he said, havo boon raising; tho quota there. Gov. Cox declared Chairman liars had not only stood for unethical things In politics, but he did not tell tho truth under oath tn Chicago, rtcforrlng to testimony of Blossom that paid agents of tho Republican National Committee assisted In the Cuyahoga County quota, Cox Charged that iheso workers were revolving from $300 to 1300 a weok. firaaes Union Congress Takes Steps to Enforce Resolu tion Adopted. , LtyHT50JOUTTr, England. Sept 9. BTtie .Trades Union Congress In sea- tetflkere, representing about 3600,000 krorkera, adopted & resolution to-day and said they had beon living amicably. tti&g responsibility for unam- " i jgrawnt i&all be borne by Industry, an overdose of medicine containing mer aSr&Krt In no cose should the level cury. a. ' T "!. - . -IX r I - rrt. Inooma fall below 85 per cent of earned when la full employ- overwork and that as a result her - item had failed to throw off tho polaon. Miinv Amfrtran sinrl mivtn rJjould be obtained to fores iUri cuici at u,, hospital yesterday levy on Industry to raise tho nocco- and to-day, and left flowers. Among r. fund, lha. resolution added, and ' r"'"" ignit , maage, i.uiian ana voTomy uibii, ana IcOon to this tad will bo taken. I Owen Moore, former husband of Mary ..large majority on a card vote Nckford. SBS ..... T SOTcongress aoctaea to replace me . . .m. . , rTuuncntarj- Committee, which toad , IN A 1 1UIN AL, t-UUINUlJL tfacrto managed rational labor ni- alrs by o. labor general staff, or tren'ezol council representing every Qsttoct industry affiliated with tho 'fonfress.' SBl hold-up men TO GET 20 YEARS OF FIUME RESIGNS udge Mclntyre Says Conviction ore Him Spells Prison Penalty to Limit gEvery hold-up man who comes fcs- rerme and is adjudged guilty," Judge Elntyro announced In General Bes- ops to-day. "Is going' tq Bins; Blng Iftdtwenty years. They have murder their' hearts. If I con do anything MStop highway robbery and murder ao iu ffSe announcement was made when rSfboys. Louis FaUld and Michael arbato, were brought before him for ntence after their plea of guilty to bcry In the third degree had been Judge Mclntyre said their goTand the minor degree of tho crime aTemm no opwon oui 10 hdq uira ilElmlra Kcfofmatory. He asserted, owe'ver, that had they been found ullty. as at first chargod, of high' ay robbery, assault and receiving .01811 gpoua ancr iiicjr uau Ruatnou a'fld.Schultz of No. 2i West 112th .reel nnu ihkvu j u. 11111, uq ould .,havo aent them to fiUte'a 71 so a. m. MO ,VAN DRIVER PICKETS. BSSffr fnrnolested. tiy Police as Violence la Slot Attempted. IjEljht hundred moving van drivers tho aro on strike were sen out to-day rplcket storage warehouses and ables where vans are kept by. J. J. Scfgenna, secretary and treasurer of I , No. 275 of the Van Teamsters. OnFuil sides 01 warcnouses wnero u 5&a possible for tho strikers to walk fey;, promenaded with big signs sus- th rmhllo not 0 catronlza hciSestabllshitients. I micro was no Interference with tnem lylthe police, as they did not attempt iststbp people from goloz in or out of ffiefctjulldlngg. MORE RIOTING IN TRIESTE. torn. CfvoJ Death Havr Oecnrred sutd a Score? Are Wounded. itlns between Nationalists and Bo- ailsts have been resumed. Two deaths Save, occurred and a scorn 01 persons EvoSbeen wounded. (Intermittent tiring was oontlmitng njivealng, despite the fsxt that strong bad been placed along the Ireots. BA&inlttrd Children ta Movies. (Isadora Becker, elghtcen-year-old IcCot taker of the Golden Hule Theatre to, 12S Rtvlngton Street was sen- meed to linny uaya in uie worKnouso She Justices of Special Besslons to ne was convicted for tho second Imeivot violating the law against ad' ttjng children under sixteen years ialto the theatre when not accom- an older person. Action May Indicate That Contest WUh D'Anunzio Has Come to Head. FIUME, Bcpt. 9. The Flume National CQuncll resigned to-day. OagTlele d'Annunxlo, the Insurgent soldier-poet in command at Flume, is sued a proclamation Aug. 30, announc ing that a now state, comprising Flume and several islands in the Adriatic, would be declared Sept. 11. When d'Annunxlo forecast bis action the National Council of Flumo opposed the Idea, an open break botwoen the poet and the Coucli resulting. To-dffy'n announcement may indicate that tho contest between this body and d'An nunlxo bad come to a head. . HAYS SHOULD BE FI1ED SAYS COX Governor Challenges Senate Com mittee to Call Chicago Repub- licans In Inquiry. EN ROUTE, WITH GOV. COX. GREAT FALLS, Mont, Sept. 9. Will Hays, Chairman of tho Republican National Committee, should bo dls chr.rgod as a result of testimony bo- foro tho Sonato Campaign Expendi tures Commtttco yesterday, Gov. James M. Cox sold hero before leav. lng for Helena, to open tho second day's stump campaign In Montana. Gov. Cox Toforrod to statements of Dudley IJlossom of Cleveland, who admitted ho had . on asked to raise 2100,000 in Cuyahoga County. Ohio the quota Gov, Cox cavo in his l'Hts- fenroot Now lias Lend of 20,000, CWAUKEE. Sept. 9. Senator be Lienroot has Increased his lead kJames Thompson for Jio ItepubU nomination for united States Sen- on returns from l.Jtt precincts Mot ,379 in Tuesday's primary, to RETWISEl SAVE MONEYI iMXt Mlectlon of euatom ma. ollrhtlr worn mis. fits and uootll.d (or SuiUt $5 to $12 foaU ami Tniiti. .S.fiO uD MtXtt uifta cUp ntw dotblnf, C'm k for yourtwif. SAMPLE SUITS 51525 ""K'ni- M. COHEN 11S ?th At. s.xcor.:ru su orvx I i. u. TO i f , H. The wonderful success of our recent sale has en couraged us to make another great purchase of the famous Fifth Avenue make AT THBCARLTON CHOP at a cost so favorable that we are able to make this remarkable offering oij Fall Suits & Topcoats VALUES $S0 TO $60 AT ' $29 75 These ore up-to-the-minute custom styled nnd tniltrcd Suits in high grade, off-wool unfinished worsteds, fancy effects, hair-line stripes, blues, browns, greens and oxfords all sizes! Also Topcoats (not hedvyweights you'll have to lay away until later, but Fall weights for present wear). Silk lined, in plain and fancy mixtures, herring-bones and homespuns. Don't miss this opportunity. No matter where you arc-Tin what part of the city you live, this chance is too good to lose. Alterations Free Goods Exchanged. Money Back for Any Unsatisfactory Purchase- BROADWAY, BETWEEN 66TH & 67TH STS. (Hotel Maris Antoinette Block) Open Daily 8 A.M. to 8 P. M. Saturdays Until 11 F.IY1-1 66th St. Sub. and "L" Stations, B'way and Co lumbus Ave. Cars bring you almost to our doors. FANJLINSlMON M6&QS SHOTS 2 to 8 West 38th Street ew for Fall, 1920 MEN'S DERBIES, SOFT FELTS and . BOWLERS FROM LONDON' ' i SoFT felts and bowlers -bearing the classic im print of 'Carmoor-London, and American soft felts and Derbies. The new shapes, notable not so much in radical deviations fom standard crowns and brims, as in the delicate readjustment of measurements to suit varying facial characteristics. Style in a hat cannot be independent of. the face that is under it. If it is, then the result is prox- imity, without compatibility. That is what we wish you 'to avoid. In assortments, the variety of Enough, rather , than the vulgarity of Too Many. . Good Evening! "CMife0' " w,ur "" FIFTH AVENUE HSwliiPVK HEUAIR CORPORATION , vvSBVMaBssssssssBSHBssssssssswiBssssssssasswm- 'V idffi'i srswjr ' JMSsam.Af -,'! -ffiTi" n,TTrnTTWsTssnMsssssMi-tr'- n--iiiir fftmssiSMiimiissssswnaswnisstMSSBi-srsTiifni . iwiimimsimrii srif .m m i r 1 1 - i iiinT r . u-vmiBamm.u&im.iMr " ! iw w n i nm nil n i i in i i i i sum i m i im unmiii iiiiMssssWssssiiissssssssssssssssMissssssssiM j.. - ISBBTBBBBBBBBBBlSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBDFflBuHr-. BMfiwf. l'fiSlMtr4V'WnalBWHragBaaam ' 1 'Pl '''RniajStjiaVli4SSSSSSSSMJiLS II IISIII1. Juo'timi.. . . mU-9K4M I ilMIISSSSS SllliailSISISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSlSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Ourtfitti issav m r ST twl - TIE college girl's wardrobe must be planned and purchased now, and we have prepared a group of 6plendid values to meet her varied needs clothes for 6chool, for sports, for social occasions, that combine the dashing lines of youth with the simplicity and smartness of this season's assured styles. For 'instance: Her Tailored Suit $50.00 "TpHE criterion ofgood taste for travel and general service, and reasonable in price aTailleur of high-grade Velour, collar of French seal, coat finished with silk stitching, lined with radium silk. It is a copy of a foreign model, to be had in new brown, reindeer, navy, Nanking blue and black. Her Utility Coat $50.00 T70R travel, motoring and general utility wear, this Coat of Camel' Hair in natural two-tone tan, as 6mart bs it is practical. Cut on raglan lines, new convertible collar, slot-seam in back, , belt and pockets. Lined throughout with a superior grade of figured silk. . New Sport Skirts in plaids, stripes and checked wools; Blouses for tai lored and sport wear as well as the dressier types; Sweaters in gay 'sport, shades; Riding Habits, etc., are in cluded in the showings all' reasonably priced. Her Tailored 'Dress $45.00 V TpHE Dress for afternoon wear is selected with equal care of fine needlecord Tricotine in navy blue, developed in five beau tiful models, tailored, semi-tailored, embroidered, braid trimmed, and with many of the characteristic little features that mark the sea son's styles. Tailored Hat -1 - - - $10.50 Made of stitched folds of silk Velvet, ribbon effect, trimmed with spray of self-color velvet flowers. Range of bright colors, suit shades and black. Strap-Wrist Gloves - - $3.00 Natural color chamois, 6-button length. Tricdlette Sport Scarfs - $10i00 Novelty weave, Fall colors. Jersey Silk Petticoat - $5.95 Side?plcated flounce, all colors and black. Elente Corset : ; - $3.95 Fink Satin. . Italian Silk Vest - - $3.95 Italian Slik Bloomers - $5.95 Silk Stockings ----- $2.28 lisle soles and tops; black, white, several colors. Walking Shoes - - - - $12.75 (Tax 28c) Tan calf, laced, medium toes, mili tary heels. 38th Street Lord & Taylor FIFTH AVENUE if 39th Street I GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE 104- Jh.l? STATION AT Cotton OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS' fY3. DOWN ON 50r 351 DOWN ON 75f " liawaM nu a aft. I At, I 1IMAAI wsiAjwn urn -iuu Cordon &Dilworth Real OrangeMaemaiade r Al "iMt and Ioanr" artMss) '4nrtUd In Th Woria or rports Sat 1i and round Baraa. Rsaca World Bulldlns. will b UstsA st thlrtr days. Tb.. Hits can b at any of Tn World's Ofnesaw -Lo.t and Found- adrortlsomsata) tan bo l.ft at any of Tho World's AdTorttstns Aronelo. or aa M toloptaonod dlrooUy to Tbo WorUU Oall 4000 Bookman, Now TortcJd Brooklyn Offloo. 4100 Uala. FINAL CLEARANCE Men's Fine Suits $35 $55 4 r - a OUR men's high grade Cheviot, Tweed, unfinished Worsted, and Flannelsuits, in solid colors and fancy mixtures, and in weights suitable for early Fall and year-round wear, are now arranged in two group's for complete clearance at greatly reduced prices. Sizes 35 to 40 only. Some Bargains in Leather Coats Fine leather coats for motoring and sports wear, reduced to $43.50 Imitation leather coats reduced to $31.50 Fourth Floor Lord&Taylor. ' 38th Street FIFTH AVENUE- 39 th Street be Y Wor 5 JUS,T PUBLISHED nm id: is nm ommner . f Price 10 Cents 1 and Motor TourS Guide At All World Offices ' .. and Newsstands 1 Or