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i VICTORY FOR POLES Soviet Delegates at Riga Showed Anxiety to rtlcct All Demands. . UKDOK, OeU 7, The nuno-Pol- Hti pmm enfcren, bavlse rcaohed Fjprellmlnary nKrnement at til 7a, en- DBtnjr nesntteUonn probably will be prrtad n in London or Paris, c- itng to reports Thi armln- weftBient provided definitely fer twonty-flve dr" of peaao which lit ba brakon on thlrty-ilz hour' stte. After twenty-nve days the Ustltfo Trill be continued, automat- !ly aubjrt to termination on ten ays' notlno. Aervrdlnjf to the Mornlnc Poet the igtwtnent reaehed at lUra provide! 1. Hostilities Mill eeun .within six y from tha olmlnff of the Agree- st I I. Doth hIJm will withdraw to agreed Urm wuHw the armtttloa in fftetlr. I. Military and etvll stores and a oertaln Ainonat of railway supplies need not be VMtMte i. A neutral lone of thirty Mloim- -,1ft Cla MtmUkimA V ivrmlsUce llne, the l's4e tkotoey re taining all their own territory. 6. Armies mutt nit fraterntae. I. The . armistice shall be otfectlve for twenty-five My. The Morning Post regarded, the terms of the agreement a a great vlotory for Poland. Tho Humlnn del egates, It said, Indleated grlat anxiety to meet 'the demand!" of the Pelei. UiaA, Oot. 7. Wnr between I'oland and Ilussla will Drastically end- to morrow by the signing of an armis tice, the terms et whUrh have been agreed utoa. A mutual understand ing ta this effect already lias been signed. M. DemskU Chairman M the Palish, Peaee Delegation, Is illetntlng Po land's terms To the llolshevlkl with almost breathlesa rapidity, and his points, ns fast ns he submits them, are being accepted by the Soviet rep resentatives. Domakl has forced a IVrilsh claim for substantial partlelpatlon In tho Hus sion gold reserve nnd the llolshevlkl have agreed to the principle Involved, though the precise' amount has not yet been fixed. Amnesty for tho Polish Communist, Imprisoned for conspiring. agalnsutho Onmftmii, has been mm- skirts milffflentfy t0 Hie at to protect Ifestwi from dtscOMilnfir, ss atno the ine UnntnovlM-Hsrby-rtfrX nail- whole of the Kasl Oaildnn guestlon way line, it then ifritum again due anil the iiueatlon of rwognltlon rf the aotitli to YAwtri, n 11 t OflllHnn no-cuMetl Movlet tiovernmentu of White fwmtlei. A" t:ie I'oien refused to dls- Haiwtn ond Ukraine. The frontier affreeil upon starts slightly eastward of Dvlnsk on the Drlna Itlver. It runs 10 a point alrnoet due South to Mo lodetchno and then to the Important junction of Ilaranovltehl, whence It V tmt the Bast Calif tun matter m the) granting Poland a eTrHf fehtaat' ground that tftut (tuliotn never was a 'It was aurwitnttvly mated at the tuir. of Utuml. no mnt!rtn of Kant I hemlqunrti n ,f iu Polish p-ace Oallcln ii mail" In the forinnl 'erma. . de It-gntio-i. (Thin a HI menn that the loin nil and govlet );nAln will out oft I nolshviki will lie cm olf frm Osr Llthuanla entircl) frvm Itussla, I many.' KNOX TOP COATS Scotch Cheviot! Scotch Tweeds Unfinished Worsteds FIFTY DOLLARS AND UrWARD l( 11 m afjUiWm rim thn miHi lit ht torn iimifliVU trtlnti oltrtJ for u mi iKtm yttn. KNOX SUITS StotJ DelUti tni Ufwri IINOX HAT COMIHNY Stem Brothers West 42nd St. (Between Fijth and Sixth Atcnncs) West 43rd St. DRASTIC REDUCTIONS on OUR ENTIRE STOCK of High-Grade Furniture Assortments purchased over twelve months ago. when prices were considerably lower than to-day's wholesale cost are now off ered yat10 to 25 PER CENT OFF the Former Low Prices Dining Room, Bedroom, Living Room, Library arid Miscellaneous Furniture revealing workmanship of an unusually high standard. CHAMBER SUITE 4 pieces (as ttlustrpteif; in American . Walnut' or Mahogany,' including Bureau, Chijforobe, Vanity "in4yr Case and Bow End Bed. Value $$05.00. Sale price V ' ii Chamber Suite 4 joe.; in Amurlouii Wulniit.' , Vidua $4(10.00.. . .Sale' price' $345.0,0 Living Room Suite J) pes. ; in Mahoguny anil Cuuu; uphuUlriHl in Ultick and Gold Uumusk. Valuo $500.00.. . .Snlc prloc $385.00 Living Room Suite H piece;; Overstuffed; upholstered in Tapchtry. Valuo $000.00. Sle l'rioe $495.00 Living Room Suite 9 pieces; OverHluffed in Hint' l'lgurcd Vatlour, Vahiff 0S6. SaTepriw $550.00 Chamber Suite t poH.; fl Mahogany, Vulu $850.00.. Solo prico $675.00 Dining Room Suite 10 plocos; in Mahogany; Ilupplcwjiitc dunign. VhIuu 8.00 Sale price $1095.00 Dining Room Suite 10 pes.; in Mhognny or Walnut; William mid JUry design. Vnluu $8ia.00 Sale prico- $475,00 Dining Room Suite 10 pU'ccs; in Mahogany; Queen Anne design. Value $007.60 Sale price $510.00 MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE Toilet Tables In MftluigMiy ; inlaid. Vluo $18.00 Salu price $70.00 Four Post Beds In Mahogany; 1 fl.slze. VhIuu $45.00 Sulc price $37.50 End Tables In Mahoguny. Value $17.50, Salenrlce $15.00 Davenport Table In .Mahogany. Valuo $(10,00. S,llu Ie $48.00 BreakfastRoom Suite-JST. TZ $lQdt00 mm IP m I mifci N 9iftPL Mtenue STREET 3broadu)ay FRIDAY Extraordinary Sale of Smart Autumn Dresses of Tricotinc, Sativ and Crepe Meteor ' a At the Extremely Low Price of 24.00 THE VALUES ARE EXCEPTIONAL THE MODELS VERY SMARTI THESE remarkable dresses em body the newer style notes, and reflect the lower price level for Au tumn. Featuring Btraigtitline, mo yen age and circular skirt silhou ettes, with embrdideries of beads or , of wool, or silk braid effects. Navy. Broitin and Rlaph Sarv , U J rrieotbw, 0PPENHEIM.(2UINS & (2 34th Street New York- Attractive Underwear Offerings Friday 1500 Washable Silk Chemises Sntin and Crcpe do Chine Envelope and Step-in Styles. Hand -cm broid ered , tailored, and lace trimmed ribbon, lace and regulation shoulder straps. Wash Satin Bloomers Tailored and Lace Trimmed. Very Special Washable Silk Petticoats Crepe de Chine &Satin. Flesh & White. Very Special - All Silk Jersey Pantelettes Ruffled or Shirred Cuff. Petticoat Shades. Very Special Crepe de Chine Nightgowns Sleeve andSleeveless. Flesli only, Very Special 3.95 3.95 5.00 6. F-SJNKJ.lS't SIMON ME&CS'SHOTS ' 2 It 8 WEST 3BA STREET Frankliu Simon &. Co Shoe for Men at $105? A savifig of 2Q per pair YOU know, whenever a man tries to corner cotton or wheat somebody at the last minute offers him more than he can absorb and breaks the corner, and it is the same with the shoemarkct. A fine shoe at $to is hard to get, but not impossible, as witness this one, which comes in gun metal, cordovan color, browns, and tans, and is resolutely made. . iIc(U'tim and narrdw toe-models, and wing brogues. FIFTrJ AVENUE i if i i ii iilg Wotid 8 Mini i Mucilor I Vrrr yJTtii mi U Shoo g U T Stop Punishing Your Feet IF you arc suffering from corns,, bunions, callouses, ingrowing nails, and weak arches, it's be cause you have .disobeyed Nature's law, by wearing shoes that crumple up your toes and twist the bones out of shape shoes that have no recommenda tion except that they look smart. Educator Shoes "let the feet grow as the should." That's why they are comfortable. And, be cause they arc scientifically correct in shape, they are good-looking, too. Besides, they are much longer-wearing thnn wrong shoes. Come in and give us a few minutes of your time I Like many others, you'll be convinced.Dpn't delay, get your foot-comfort now. RICE A HinCHWS Fd KM) SHOEi UtUWM Aim FOR MEN, WOMEN, and CHILDREN SIGNET SHOE COMPANY ' 1345 Broadway, between 35th and 36th Streets. - Harlem 112 Wet 125th Street Bronx Third Avenue and 149th Street ' Brooklyn 557 Fulton Street. MASS MEETING: By. the Democracy of New York County, for the Purpose of Ratifying the Democratic Nominations IN TAMMANY HALL TO-MORROW, FRIDAY EVENING, at 8 6'CIcdt HON. W. BOURKE COCKRAN Will Spealt on: "Why, After Having Oppaicd the League of ' Nations, I Now Support' Governor Cox.' LIEUT.-GOV. HARRY C. WALKER ' - Democratic Candidate for United States Senator, and Other Eminent Democrats Will Also Address the Meeting. Miulc by the G9tli Regimont AlmIttion Williout Ticet. Veteran. Corp Bund. The Hell Opent wt 7 P. M. 1 1 A