Newspaper Page Text
La r -- 7 ttt em sua' .45. .SUSPECT IN BOWiB ''CASE TURNED OVER TO POLICE BY FLYNN imisso Expected to Give 1! jt Clues That May Lead to II Arrest of Others. II : l Chief llynn of tlia Department of Justice investigation forec to-day f lapoged of hopes of connecting lllaromo CarUMO of No. 17B Hooe Welt Avenue, Corona, I I, wltH Urn all street explosion by turning tile rn over 'to the police. The latter Ift-rutgneu L'arueao Hnd three others p the Centre StMet Uolke Court on obarge. of being fugitives frbm Jus tice, wanted by tho Connecticut au thorities In' connection with a hold up In W'aterbury on Sept. S2. An 1 -dultlunRl charge of earning con ocalvd weapons was made against Caruteo. CHrunso has been under constant ob frvallon by Department of Juetlre flaunts since last January, wheu Chief Vlvnn reeelveU Information that thf Una would bear watching because of ' Wleged AnarohlsUc Activities. luvntl- Aitlon, Duit"rtment or Juetlae In- rmants ray, revsnletl that Ctfrusao elonztd to tlt "window breaking jnss," who .made small bombs, strong JpackmUU victim off a chair. Tliey iprc used for Intimidation purposes ftither than for wholesale lilllln. Justice Department men watched liarusso, hoping he would lead to the Jtrrest of somo more Important Aunr-' UhlsU. Chief Flynn said that tho Vttll Street explosion tnltflit hnvo been Mte work of the Ualllanl or the Ilrescl ifVoup of violent Anarchists or a Com xbna.tlo'h of members of Itoth groups. As the surveillance was on Carusso aTthe time of the disaster, the Justice agents kuew that Carusso had noth- . In to do personally with the placing it making of any bomb set off In the ilnunclal district, federal agents In formed the police' that they followed Carusso and Ave other Italians to AVaterbury on Kept. 22 and saw thum bold up twenty-two customers In an Italian restaurant at 4 o'clock tho next morning. The Imndlts collected $4,000 loot and returned to New York. ; The Federal agents did not inter- , fere In tho hold-up because thoy did not want to reveal their plans to get evlence of the greater crime. With tlvlt lead run out. they notified the New York- detectives, and Detective Csrnellu Urowne arronUd Carusso yesterday In Chatham Square. Urowno charges Carusso was carrying u 44 cailbre revolver. At too man's home were found a shotgun- and two suit oases filled wlta Aiial-c'ijitlc Ulra- , JF& ' detoctlvos . then arrested Charles Kasulo t his burrwr shop. No. 411 lust 15th btrcU, charging him with having ten pounds of pow der illegally In hts po5sslon. They also arretted Vlncenzo Abato of No. 274 first Avenuo and Frank Ferro If of 416 Bast 13th Htreet. The police say that Cui-usso wits sent to the Uahuay lleffcrmatory for thirteen months on conviction In 117 of con cealing a bomb In hln home In Jersey City. Magistrate Koenlg In Centre Street Police Court to-4-y ent Carusso, Ferro and Abato to the Tonrba with out ball to await extradition to Con necticut. Hall at $S,500 also was fixed n till ooncealed weapons charge. Detective Hrowne said that Police Superintendent George M. Ueaoh of Water-bury hod wired to have the men held. The Jersey City police to-day re ported that a "Oaetano Carusso" of ISast 11th Htreet, New York, and three others h'ld up it saloonkeeper there on Jan. 17, 1915, and tbat Carusso was sent to Itahway Reformatory for an Indeterminate sentence. SYLVAN I a" 8.7201 59. S&tn, Mtohlnan, Inrrn, Vlrnlnln. Ar- kann ",nd Florida Slimr firorrtli. a6H1NQTON. Oct 7 The follow ing populations of tytes were an nounced to-Jy by the Cenms Ilureau: , .Pennsylvania, 8.730.1591 Increase, 1.- i MS.04I or lit per cent. I Ohio. 8,T,SM; InorMse. 892,247 or 10. S per cent. Michigan, S.67.S22; Increase, 857.049 or 30.5 per conl. Iowa. 2,n,'30; Increase. . 178.859 or S per cent. "Virginia. 2.SW.3C1; tnereaw". SH.743 or 11.9 per cent. , ArWhtm. 1 "50.9M; Innrssse. 178,546 0'; per oent. . Florida, 9S,S8B; laoceaj. 113,877 or 28.4 per cent. , ( 'Johnson Mar4a Nntnrilay. 4nator Hiram Jtrtnson of Cal'fornla i will leave 8n Frnnrlsco nsxt Haturdsy mornnlng to begin his Evilfrn vtm pslirn i" t)' Interest o.' Henatnr Hnrcl- Int; an I itov. Cortllclr. It wss an al itepuoiicun nouncol here tc-day listtonul heHdquarters. PRICES REDUCED! Ottr Ptire nrnrn-o COFFEE NOW l M v NOW! On llui Cn'.li unil parry Plan. In l.uto or Mure (II an ir (irnimil) Buy Direct from Wlinletalcr and Savo 10c a pound. W 11. tr.- J'tU.l), k.ilriCM4 Wt J''U i' N V ' llmoliljn tad i ' t, I'd n.W it 3 M Smii' i ' c i e-1 of ant-y Itvlc Ol'UN t lull HAY LSTIL 5 30 I'. U. Gillies Coffee Co. i:i:l-2HI MliKliliirtui Htrrrt, N. V. llrivmca t't.k 4a lUnuu 4t. Pjoii IUI.'Uj OUT. 11. 00 Y'tM, TOMORROW! UNUSUAL VALUES AT B LOmNuDALEs - , 59TH TO 601IV1K1RD r10 llXlr G'ICN B.K.T.AnI lHXl?tTlH SI LWA1& El Th hAVL S7A1.0! S A T1.E III 1LD1SG CNL ELO( K r KCM PAFK AVLNUE fl Velour Hats $2.49 Boavor Velour Hats for women, misses and children all-silk ribbon banded and lined in large and medium Bailors, mushrooms, pokes and roll brima. Black, navy and brown. 12 style. .Main' Floor. Corsets $1-75 Many models; elastic top; low bust, long hip; several makes the P N., Thomson Glove-Fitting, Warner's Unit proof. In flesh or white coutil. 19 to 28 sizes. . Second Floor- Womeris Glace Kid Gloves: U. 89 Strictly first quality mannish walking gloves of capeskin. Some pinue Bcwn with two tone embroidered backs. Golflcn browns, medium, and dark Brays. Vain Floor . Mahogany Finish Clock: 59.95 Fitted with a reliable Amer ican e'ght-day movemont, Tho hour and the half-hour are struck by a cathedral gong. Height Ih 12 in.; width is 8 Ji in. Three stylts to select from. 1 Jfoin Floor Jap Table Covers: $1.15 Tho sizo la 64x54. Tho fast colots in a variety of charm ing designs, blue and white, ate particularly pretty with blue and whito china. Blue and White Napkins to match, sUe 12x12, 85c for 6. Blue and White Table Scarfs Size 18x54 , 45c. .l.cxinglon Ave. ArtruXe. Coffee Mills $1.59 To fasten on wall. Tho crys tal cylinder holds one pound ceffte. Complete with tum bler. Basement - - ,vefy One of the Stems Listed Below las Been (Greatly Eeiacei for Urn Special Oca FloweredPetticoats:91.19 Pretty patterns, in serviceable percaline, with a ploated flounce and an clastic belt. Second Floor. Black Petticoats: $1.59 Black fercalino, with prettily embroidered flounce, in variouK colors, finished with clastic belt. Second Floor. Corduroy Robes: $6.75 Just a hundred of these Blip-on robes, in wido walo cor duroy; square necked and tied at, tho waist, in rose, Copon and Blue. Second Floor. Flannelette Kimonos :$2 79 In a pretty assortment of patterns and colors. Empiro or elastic belt model, with sailor collar, trimmed with satin ribbon. Second Floor. Womens Silk Hose: 69c Black silk, with scam backs and double soles; mercer ized garter tops. Richelieu1 ribbed thread silk hose; black and col'ors; lace openwork black silk hose, black and colors. Slight mill faults. Main Floor. a Womens Union Suits: 59c Medium weight cotton and lisle thread union suits. Gar ments are shaped and have low necks with French or crocheted neckbands. Pink and white. Regular and extra sizes. Boys and G2cls Union Suits: 98c ' Heavy ribbed cotton union suits in ecru and grey. All sizes. Main Floor. Bungalow Aprons: $1.74 Made of good pink or blue percale; the neck and Bleevea white trimmed. Thercs an clastic at the waist. Second Floor. Brassieres: 85c Several styles, with yoke of lace or embroidery. Sizes 84 to 48. Second Floor. Real Hair Nets: 6 for 25c Made of sterilized human hair, in a standard size and all colors, except white and gray; cap or fringe style. Main Floor. Pearl Necklaces: $3.95 Beautiful imported indestructible pearl necklaces, in the popular opera length; white colorings; finely graduated and mounted with solid gold spring rings. Main Ploor. Knowledge Book: $1.40 Science Invention Discovery Progress Bound in half leather and buckram. A pictorial library of education, inspiration and self help for all who would be abreast of the times on the vital questions and problems of the day, covering latest events of the industrial, scientific and natural woild. A scries of Review questions for Students. SIX GREAT LOOKS IN ONE VOLUME, by Ferdinand Ellsworth Gary, A. M., Historian' and Biographer. Main Floor. Pencil Sharpener: $1.15 Boston mal e; handy for homo and office use. The above price is a very attractive one. Lexington Avenue Level. Photograph $1 Wood frames, with pedestal, and finished in gold bronzo coloring. Complete and ready for photo. Popular sizes 5x7, 6x8, 7x9, bxlO. Ux. Ave. Level. Playing Cards: 35c Columbia WhiBt; red and blue backs; whist size, with dc lighttul air cushion finish, making them so cosy to handle. Lex. Ave. Level Horse Blankets: $6.85' A nice, warm horse blanket, good grade wool and cotton, 84x90 in., weight 7 pounds. 90x9U in., weight 8 pounds: $7.95. Thiid Floor. Drugs and Toilet Articles Pompeian Night Cream 46c Nok Spot for cleaning 16 oz., 55c; 32 oz., 95c Ponds Face Powder, all shades 33c Sal Ilepatiea, medium size 45c I-a-dor Toilet Waters, Al odors, 4 oz 45c Nujcl, small size bottle 33c Extract .alt and Hops for making a home beverage, lb. can Malt and 3 oz. pkg. Hops, $1.00 Syrup White Pine, for coughs and colds 20c Ljer Kiss Extract, 1 oz. bottle $1.20 Hot Water Bottle, 2 qt. t.ize, in rubber, every bcttlo guaranteed perfect; special 75c Icy Hot Lunch Kit, leatherette case, with meial lunch box and nickel plated 1 pint vacuum bottle, complete. .$4.20 mm Above Dictionary 83c Wcbatcra Dictionary? wlf- f)ronounclng; bound in black cathcrctte. Iloxed 83o Jfuln 2'' loor 26 pc. Silver Chest:$11.95 Oneida Community Par Plato with n ten-year guarantee. The Vornon design in n bright silver finish is tho atyle. Tho cheat contains G each of knives, forks, table spoons, tea spoons, sugar aholl and butter knife. .Jntrt Floor , Uncle Sam Car: 88c For tho youngster that likes speed. Sizo of the famous No. 3 Kiddie Car, dashingly painted and sturdily made. .Third Float Brief Cases $2.50 Mado of black waterproof cloth, 15 inches: has two pock ets, reinforced handle, leather strars and fitted with a lock. Also makes an ideal school bag fur the young rninj or the boy. Nfnfiotisry Dept. Xxlit0lm tuo. f Writing Paper 29c Ilox containing 24 sheets of fabric finish paper with en velopes to match. In whito and pretty tints. Some with tho fashionable long enve lope, others with the con ventional square envelope. Stationery Otpt. .xlnfl!on Ave., Love Meat Choppers $1.49 Made of cast aluminum, with three steel knives, for fine, medium and coarse grinding. Uaiomtnt Profit Sacrificed Mens Pajamas: $2.43 A limited quantity of well made flannel pajamas of a largo, roomy cut A good grade, in pink or blue striped effects. All size. Main Floor. Mens Gloves: 69c Single and Duplex washable leatherette glovos for men, in gray with self or black embroidered backs. All Bizoe. Main Floor. Mens Silk Socles: 39c Reinforced heels and double solo; black and cordovan. Slight mill faulU. Main Floor. French Briar Pipes: $2.69 LaYge bowls, straight or dip shapes, with Rcdmanol stoms. Put up in a neat leather case. Main Floor. Pirtka Chocolates : 69c Each box contains n full pound, the container not in-" eluded. A rich coating of chocolate oncloses the luicioua centres. Nougat, Plantation, Chips, Peppermints, Marsh mallows, Nut and Fruit Centres. Main Floor'. Tablecloths : 2.75 &3.50 250 Hemstitched Fine Satin Damask Mercerized Table cloths. G4x64 ih., 64x72 in. Main Floor. Table Damask: 88c yd. RomnanU of table cloth lengths of ltf to 3 yards. Main Floor. Hemmed Towels: $2.$0dz. 300 dozen. Soft and absorbent, excellent wearing quality. Whito with red borders. Main Floor. Outing Flannel: 29c yd. Remnants; a warm, nappy quality, in tho wanted Btripcs and colors. Main Floor. White Madras: 38c yd. Remnants; a corded stripe; suitable fbr men's pajamas or sliirts; also for women s undergarments. Main Floor. 50 Dozen Sheets: $1.97 Seamless sheets these, of a good linen finish muslin; for a full size bed, 81x90 inches. Hemmed Pillow Cases, 45x36 inches, 45c. Main Floor. Window Draperies: $14.75 Imported Irish Point Curtains, specially selected by our foreign representative. ' Over Draperies of Lustrous Velour; in 3 pieces. This fabric mu.y be had in rose, blue, gold, brown, mulberry and green. The curtains measure 28 in. x 6 f t. 9 in. long. There is a full width valance. Third Floor. Georgette Crepe: $1.25 yd. 39 inches wide, and a good, serviceable quality for dresses, blouses, underwear or trimmings. All the stasonable light and dark colors flesh, ivory and black. Main Floor. Mixed Suitings: $1.59 yd. 54 inches wide, wool mixed. Smart and good-wearing material for suits, dresses, separate skirtB; brown and gray are the shades shown. Main Floor. Taupe Velvet Carpel: $5l Three yards wide and seamless; ideal for covoring a room or for making up into small rugs. Average cost for 9x12 rug $60. Exceptional value. Third Floor. Tall Floor Lamps: $11.95 The base is of mahogany-finished wood, which supports the two-socket lamp, topped by an unusually handsome silk shade, fringed, and in the empiro shape. Thcshade measures 22 i ches. Plug, cord, pull chain sockets and two bulbs are included. Lex. Ave. Level. Notions and Needfuls Housework Aprons of Rubberized Gingham, 35c Waxed Wood Clothtw Hangers, light weight, 3 for 10c Nickel-Plated Safety Pins, with protected Hpring; all sizes and rust-proof, ( doz. 25c Spool Sills, in complete range colors; black and white; 50-yard spools, 6 for 35c Collar Bands for Mens Shirts 3 for 25c 10-Yard Piece White Twill Tape; Kic" wde; supur quality of cotton, 2 for 25c Absorbent Sterilized Sanitary Napkins, 6 for 19c Jet Heads, in small bunchtw, 3 Wunchos for 10c Shoe Laces; round, mercerized; 63 inches, for women, 6 pairs 25c Shoo Laces; tubular, mercerized; 40 inches, for men, u pairs -oc Neat Little Printed Cotton Dusting Cape, 3 for '. English Sewing Needles, of fine quality; 25 needles each paper. 6 papers for 25c. Mun t iur. 3 for 25c in i Sweaters $4.98 Hoys well mads all-wool sweaters, with roll collar and pockets. In Oxford grey, navy, dark brown and green. Medium and heavy weight. Sites 6 to 1G years. Boys All-Wool SHp-Ons $2.98 Sleevelm sweaters In Oxford, khaki and brown. Sixes 6 to 16. Main Floor ROOTS TIVOLI STANDARD UNDERWEAR. Menc .Winter Underwear $1.79 Celebrated Root Underwear in heavy Winter weight. Wool with endugh cotton to prevent shrinking. 'Natural gray color. . JUaln Floor. Solid Gold. Wrist Watches $15.50 Set on a black wrist band". little, precious, guaranteed and ' good timepietos, each with a 16-lcwol lever movement ' and 14-kt solid gold. .Uain Floor. Cutie Dolls 66c Black-Eyed Pauline, a cuta little vamp, with lovely hair and a veil and all a"nd just 8 inches tall. 6Cc. .Third floor,. Dinner Sets $10.00 61-pieco American Porcelain Dinner Set, beautified with a border decoration of lacy gold. The set contains a half-doaen platco in the four customary sites, for soup, dinner, bread and butter and tea plates. G toacupu and saucers, 6 fruit saucers. 2 vegetable dishes, n meat dish, a sauce boat, a pickle dish, a sugar bowl with cover and cream jug. . .Lot. Level . Electric Irons $3.59 6-1 b. style; highly nickel plated with six feet of cable and con necting socket E e trie Light Bulbs, 25c 15, 25, 40, 60, 60 watt rite. .Banmonl . 4 il