Newspaper Page Text
r 0f REliEF saVes LIVES OF 500,000 More Money Needed for Near Gast Vork, Says Secretary $50, 000,000 Aid Given. Halt a, million ptrHM r alive to day bcoamo of reltaf sent from Amr loa to tho Nr Bnat. Cliartos V. Vlck rey, general reretirjr of the Nmr linat netlcf, reported to the cwiwnlitlori Bxeetitlre Committee to-day. lie added that thoutands of Armenian would nlarve to deUi t li If winter un- leaa America gave further Bid. recently returned from an In stitution of the opuntrlex tira relief I furtflnhoil and reported that $(!. 1rT-'1 mm foul 44 mkmM iM 96. nddlnr that the UntUd Mate HJftrtn Corporation' rentrlhntlottii ( nounralfted the total to ronmdrralily In exceea of WO.000,000. Not a dollar had been loaf Uirnuirh dUhoefltty on the part of the 6CS ac credited American rtreMritatlvea, le aM. The organisation orrttnle Swo bulldlnu In the Near Kaat. one of them aii orphahaire In Jwraealem. llnrrtnlck oniliinlrit In drone'". ATLANTA. Oa.. Oet. 7 'otnptett unofficial return received by the At lanta. Conetltutlon allowed to-day that Thomaa W. Hardvlck, former United Statea .Senator, had been nominated fnr governor of Georgia In yeaterdaya eroocrstle primary, tlardwlek carried ISO countlea. with a-total of tit county nlt yotea, while hla opponent. CllfforJ I Walker, former Htate Attorney den ornl. carried lit countlee with 148 votea. One hundred and ninety-tour votea were neei-i,ror nonunaiion. mm "-Sinter onccpteca" bifocals for near and far vlafon. No cement to blur. Sph. Torlc W.Singer tllTU.MKTltlHTanrt OPTICIANS. 206 Broadway 981 Praiptd Ar. 14S8 Mtdiien Ar. M W. 181st SI. Uptown atom oprn ontlt O ! M. . I J e Hf L. Sn Me CHEEPFULGf?LL RQOM of W llll HOTEL PENNSYLVANIA X You could dance forever to the wonderful music of the new SjeiSSX ' Pennsylvania Dance Orchestra that plays at tea and aupperT nSSsj Ae Grill Room season opens Saturday, October glh. ""l HENEY tyfie pipe cmjgan and tyie Gfienei Who has not felt that deep thrill in the pipe organ's swelling tones? That vast range of tone qualities-:-the rich and abundant volume, could only be produced by such resonant chambers as those of the pipe organ. SoThc Cheney accomplishes its wonderful rcpro' duction of music because of the exclusive Cheney i Orchestral Chambers which are an adapta' tion of the pipe organ's acoustical principles. x The Cheney is famous for its ability to rCstorc, with amazing accuracy, any type of musical pre dudlion from the exquisite beauty of a violin ' or vocal solo, to the splendor of a full-toncd organ or the complexities of an orchestral piece. ' Hear The Cheney in the Wanamaker Phone , - graph Salons, first floor, new building. Special deferred terms to purchasers if desired. John wanamaker BROADWAY AT NINTH ITRttT HEW YORK CITY p J OH n Rue Je la Fait, Pari Broadway at Ninth, Ntw York wmMmm Store Hours 9 to S Telephone Nuyrcsant 1,700 rHatnjten Arch, H, , ZJ9S pairs 1 omen s Hnf tti-i w Beets, $ Women's Fur-Trimmed Suits a rare find Samples of exquisite materials 1 CQQ averaging below wholesale cost j Pt0 Suits of this sort aro seldom achieved even at very high prices. By that wo mean that their fine ness of material is consistently fol lowed by really beautiful designs and excellent workmanship and detail. These suits aro tho samples of a manufacturer whoso designs aro fine and exclusive tho typo tho discriminating woman chooses in this season of many designs and modes. Only tho finer materials Materials aro fine vcldync, trimmed with nutria or wolfr duvet do lalne, or lunda cloth, purl checked voldyno trim med with molo ond nutria and real beavcr( Scotch tweed, tlnseltono and vel vet trimmed with natural raccoon and Australian opossum. Loveliest shades of Autumn are to be found in this collection. Soft tan and reindeer, Malay brown, dryad brown, dark Chlneso blue, midnight blue, Juniper green and taupo. All have the slightly longer coat go smart this season. Some models are belted, others are made with the long straight line silhouette slightly fitted In at tho waist. In many cases the fur is generously used on the pockets and the bottom of tho coat as well as on collar and cuffs. Illustrated are two Suits typical of the models in this collection. Second floor, Old Dullding 150 pair Averaging Less than Half . All are from our own stocks staple shoes for every-day wear, and lighter, graceful models for formal occasions. A size or a widfclp may be'lacking in one or other of the styles, but if a woman wishes half a dozen pairs for a variety of purposes, she will find them in the lot. Plenty of choice in sizes 2Vk to 8 and in widths from AA to D. All leathers. All good styles. If a womans ever justified in buy ing a whole season's supply of shoes ahead this is the time. Leathers aro patont leather, blaok kid-, skin, black calfskin. brown kidskin and dull finished black kidsKin. neeis aro both Cuban and Louis XV., sevoral styles with tho low French heola, popularly called baby French heels. Prominent among tho styles aro black or brown calfskin or black kidskin laced shoos, with medium toes and leather Cuban heols, black kidskin, with plain toes and Louis XV. , heels, brown kidskin button, with brown' cloth ton to match, brown Ida button, with imported colored kid in a contrasting tone, ' patont leathers, with vesting tops, patent ' leather, laced with kidskin tops or 'dull kid-1 skin lacsd with low bnby Louis XV. heels ; patont leather laced, with black sucdo tops and others equally desirable. First floor, Old Building Silk Stockings, $2.25 pr. Add the tax, 8c, and you pay $2.28 a pair for women's silk stockings of a quality we have Bold this season for half as much again. Light weight, pure silk, mercerized sole, heel and toe; double silk top; black-only; sizes 8H to 10)4. Main floor. Old Building Women's Raincoats at close to wholesale 160 coats in rubberized canton Wpc, 1 $26.75 mohair, serge, poplin, twcctl mixtures J Romarkobly good coats, mado with a precision of smartness and detail, smartly cut. There arp convenient pockets, adjustablo cuffs and collars. Somo have belts. Perhaps thq most impressive thing about theso coats at this prico Is tho groat range of color in which .they may be had maroon, midnight ibluo, dark green, brown and black; irlao In visible plaids and stripes, and brown and green tweed mixtures. ME TAL and Bro caded Ribbon 8, $2.75 yard. In many cases, less (ban half normal selling price 300jysrds, 0 to 10 Inches wldo a merchandising achievement! Dccorativo ribbons in brilliant colors and elaborate patterns so favored of Fashion for dresses, vestees, girdles, jiats. Mnin floor. Old Dldtf. Rubberized silk, waterproof tweed .qj-iQ en and poplin and mohair j pxV,uJ Plain colors and stripes. Waterproof mcssaline in silk ( QOO Cfi mohair und poplin k tp.OU and fastened . ality pearl butt beautiful variety of coats in ooa rrp triped silks and satins... T. . S tpi. t D Finished with oxcollont work manship, made wjth tab collars Beautiful s Lovoly combinations of blue and tan or green and blue and other favorite combinations for smart raincoats. Also plain col ors and changeable effects, such as blue and red or green and blue. All. beautifully made and thoroughly waterproof ' and chilK proof, und may be worn for motor ing and for travollng. Second floor, Old Building Lambskin Gloves, $1.15 Kidskin Gloves, $1.65 Clearaway of Women's Cloven, Friday, At SI. 15 gloves of French lambskin, in wrist length, In grays, tans, black and black with white; also in capeskin. tan and gra y; all sizes in the lot, but not all sizes in evory stjde. At 51.C5 -gloves of fine French kidskin. In pique and oversean; in white only; some have black embroidery. All hIxos In the lot. , . Main floor, Old Building FROCKS for parties and other festivities. LltUo girls will adore these fluffy, dainty frocks of chif fon and Ocor gotto crepo and mothers will approve of them for tholr simplicity. $15, $18.50 and $25 Frocks of chiffon at $16 a r a trimmed with many weo ruffles of the chiffon. ( Another model in chiffon at $18.60 is trimmed with tiny pleat ing of footing and bands of narrow ribbon. Ocorgetto crepe model, Illus trated, Is $26; ploatlngs ore of soft messaliue. Colors are pink, maize and white. Sizes G to 14 years. Second floor, Old Bldg. (Tenth Street) TfXTRA size crepe de chine lingerie at ander-size prices'. Gowns In three models trim med with lnco on square or V necklines; $G.05. Chemise, envelope style, are good and long, have bodiee tops, ribbon straps, and are trimmsu with Val. lace, iiiiIim they art) strictly tailored; $.1.95. , Bloomers, goncrously cut and finished with u dainty narrow ruffle; $3.06; flesh only. Third floor, Old Bldg. Prices of Carpets Down ten per cent. Wool velvet carpets, now $3.75 to $5.40 yd. Wilton volvct carpets, now $5.07 to $7.05 yd. Wilton carpets, how $5.0Sto$9.52H yd. Figured and plain. 27 in. wide. Prices include Federal tax. Those are tho carpets mado by M. J. Whittall, Hardwick & Magoo, S. Sanford & Sons, Philadelphia Carpet Co., and tho Bfgolow Carpet Co. tho loading carpot manufacturers of Amorlca. Thoy advisod us yesterday of a reduction of 10 per cont. in their mill prices, and wo havo reduced our prices ui uii ui uiuir curucia in hiuck uccuruingiy. , Third Gallery, New Bldg; f Down go Bags and Suit Cases 82 Suit bases, now $11 to $70 All from our own stocks, where they have been selling for 40 to G5 nor cent. more. At $11 and $12 aro suit cases of irrain fabric', treated, and finished with a dull leather fin ish. At tho six other price) arc suit coses of cowhide, 24 to in., topped with the handsome Imnu-sewcd bellows-top cases, now $yu. 29 Oxford Bags, now $15 to $70 y t a a . a oownuio, biacK, smooth and grained, leather hneu or cloth lined, 10 to 20 in. in size. Tho bug at $70 is hand-sewn matching tho suit case at tho same pries. Friday Fourth Gallery, Now Bldg. light ,btue, DJW the brush over the blank square and behold a pieturu appears. It's "Bringing Up Father' and it's lots of fun coloring the pic tures that appear as if by magic. In tho box aro paints, brush and pictures. Price $1. Toy World, Third Gallery, Now Bldg. Silk Lingerie At the price we PAID for it last year! Though the vogue for silk lingerie still increases Gowns, $0.05, $8.75, $12, $15, $10.50, $18, $22, $25 , Chemises, $5, $6.95, $8.75, $10.50, $12, $15, $18 Gowns run the gamut of piquant variety. Cropo do chine takes the lead, yet wash silk and Georgette crepe find favor. The simple sleeveless modoi, with a picot edge, ond tho Georgette cropo, made lovolior with motifs of filet laco, are both popular. Pin tucks, real or imitation filet lace, ribbons, embroidery, all play their part In trimming gowns and chomises. some of which urn mado alike to form sets, kvery kind of neckllno and variety of sleeve or slrevelcssncss Is sponsored by gowns; tho chomises favor bodice topund straps of ribbon or tho material. All on the Third floor, Old Building 75 Evening Petticoats Samples, at a fraction (?T1 Q of their normal prices P- sd The maker's price for many of thm was much more than $10.06 . . They are exquisite petticoats, satin, Georgette crepe, filet laee, and wt ribbons . Some aro copies of Paris creations White and flesh color. Third floor, Old Building The blue pencil hits Men's Union Suits Ore-fourth to one-third less for these warm winter union suits. Fine ribbed cotton-and-wool mixed garments nat ural gray medium and heavy weights. Sixes 3G to 4G. We have exactly 720 of these suits to sell undorprico on Friday at $3.25 Cotton-and-wool Socks down to 75c Fine socks to wear with oxfords - cotton-and-wool mixed, medium height, in plain natural; or ribbed effects in natural, white or black. Nut all sizes in every kind. Burlington Arcade floor, New Building. Our ire sttdtt o: SILK (Except a few imported shirts) MAS 1 I mp see At average half price and less and 4,800 new silk shirts bought after prices dropped. All on Rale Friday, at THIS IS BIG NEWS . . It is o full and frank indication of an un mistakable drop in tho prices of mon's finer-grade shirts. To repeat the offer The Wanamaker Store offers evory silk shirt in stock (oxcopt only a few imported shirts) at $4.65, which in scmo instances is but one fourth the original sol .ing price. Mon who like tho finer qualities will appreciate this opportunity; and they choose from tub silks, crene silks, wnito silks, imnortod Shantung silks, heavy broadcloths, and many novelty weaves that are found only in tho better graues. may Sizes aro 14 to 17. And Tho sale will begin at 0 o'clock. just two words of advice COME EARLY. Burlington Arcade floor, Now Building J . . a1f .taU