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rfMIHm&r II il i i i I lllMllllli m I m m mi i ' . ,m -I 117 11 . ID Ul I 4 No Connection With Any Other Establishment In the Worlo ILJ JBet & Co. Fifth Avtrrac t 33th Street EriMlAti 1679 pomp mm wo mstlnpilshert FtfnMfa pf rid oldolt Slialn United in Private 1 NDON, Oct, 7. A wedding of the Meat Interest jQ Jjj Jd court a occurred This mornlnr at th tadth Embassy when the Duk of entfc id DUOnna of Allwgw f HjeJn.-Os.r- al Bourn?, the Archblihop of Wt niter. offlcliirylA.T;rfi fc?jn mnall e wedding waj ulint'i In order wold the Inevitable pomp had It tn Madrid, and because the ex-Empress Eugenie, of who rioter ho was a grandson. The riofch ejyiyiiaiWttl f,frt Vl were nje Duko of Alba, belonging to one it tae rnost projgJngn orain'a nobis amjlca, noma m Asm m - and la a Snutdeo of 8pal4 AdOlinitabla of aviu-re. It waa In the Duke'a paleo Madrid that the ex-Bmpren Bu- onlPT wldo of Napoleon III., died re. stly, and It had been reported Wilt ae left him a largo ohare of hor for- une, Tho -MtmufaJg) family waa n (labled th lfer betroUial to the like wrauattiiMled aarly In August. ERiMlROTHERS WALLOP A MASHER for Mw rgflurt Hokls Scorzelto f ltlM VIrclnta Ilurhtn. IwsnrrYt'.Virattv Ew pi tone operator or No. 10 Wt MUt rest, wilt not be annoyed Tor a time ' leifl.bV th nnnlrnm. .AvaiiMi VrfvantA TBiiii i ill n ...4 11. . IT " w' nniniuo a-our I W Bcot.elto to too ball for ; Srell urhf; twtf Innkx brother. , 1ia4M J at.. . . : avo wm mwi mo onijr ininv; ino UVkMiaM 1hMm am Tn.l. 1 I s J ire rait-pleker- Applied that. he had &mOjreil her of, Dm fcit two week when Cjhe started for 'wfcrfc t 6 JO A. l . t-ey THIRTY-KOURTH STREET BROADWAY-FIFTH AVENUE ' 'Mi i, iibj imi v rM i1 an m A Correct Shoe or et)en growing foot STOIC a Ao o A "dread naught" type for active boys and girls A SH)E that will stand hard jTJL knocks, stormy weather, scratches, kicks and general childish abuse. It has all the wear, worth and work iti it that can be put into a ah'oc. And t is built for comfort The last lias' been approved by orthopedic ur gcons tlfe ihoc has been "worn by hou rands.o' boy and girls it carries the testimonials o' a thousand thankful par- cnu. It is tnc shoe for your boy or girl.' srzes 8 4.90, 5.50 Sizes II to 2-6. 15, 6.75 STOIC is one ofilxe proven Best '& Co. lasts, perfected during our dr years' study and experience in shoes, sold nowhe'fe else. BONWIT TELLER &,CQ Uhe Ofxxtauy OAvp y UnpinttuonA . fIfth AVENUE AT 3 6 STREET I- Special Values Friday P.U m i OMEN'S TAILORED SUITS PLAIN TAILORED OR FUR TRIMMED ' LqwcrAtypmthelnteM ' dsihe Materials Were Procured at a Lpwcr Price 85.00 Included arc box coat models of velour with convertible collars of nutria or Australian opossum belted straightline ?uits,of yelour with mol6 choker collars also belted suits .of duvetitie laine with collars of skunk or nutria. v' t .WOMEN'S FUR COLLAR SUITS , . , lOFVELDYNE, VELOUR, DUVET DELAINE ' 'Made to Sell for 135.00 to 150.00 Lower Prices Paid or Materials Make Them 125.00 These suits reveal the typical high character of tailoring sponsored by this shop. Unusual modes with fur collars of nutria1 or sable squirrel, mole collars and, pockets; also plain tailored effects and some with embroidered pockets. Lowered Prices Friday and Saturday WALKING an d DRESS PUMPS for Women and Misses 12.50 Hand lasted spat pumps in all patent leather or black kidskin. EjUack or brown Russia calf with suede quarters oV all brown buckskin. JEiand turned soles, slender Louis XVI. heels. Walking Pumps in patent leather, black or brown Russia calfskin. Straight or simulated wing tips. Welted soles, military or Cuban heels. Beaded Tmcotine Frocks In and Later Season Designs PRESENTING- PHENOMENAL "VALUES 1 EXT RE AVE OF ELEGANCE AND DIGNITY IS EXPRESSED IN THESE DELIGHTFUL. AFTERNOON FROCKS OF TRICOTINE, ORNAAVENTED . "WITH EXQUISITE BE AD"WO RK AND EABROlDERY 60 : EVERY ADVANTAGE HAS BEEN TAKEN OF THE SHARP DECLINE IN THE PRICE OF MATERIALS, AND WE ARE PRESENTING IN OUR VARIOUS DEPAR.TE NTS VALUES THAT ARE TRULY EXTRAORDINARY Hii celebrating 63 years of growth in merchandising ,tA Well Worth While Sale OF MEN'S Woven Madras Shirt 3600 in all ' . 165 S Regularly $3.50 to $4 The tradras used in the making of thcBo fine shirts is well known for its splendid laundering equalities and we can say the same for their style and finish as well. Tho assortments are extensive so every man is sure to find plenty to please him to the smallest detail. All sizes. $3.50 Men's Comfortable Union Suits, $2.65 Medium weight balbriggan, long sleeves nnd ankles $2.25 Men's Shirts and Drawers, $1.75 Medium weights, port wool, and of excellent quality gray only. Men's Wool Hose, 95c Part wool, in good looking heather mixtures, ribbed nnd plain styles. $3.00 Men's Shirts and Drawers, $2.45 Made of Gray Merino in seasonable weights. James McCratry SCo. Fifth Avenue and 35 th Street (Men's Dcpnrtment, Mnin Floor) DO NOT BE MISLED . BY GREAT PRICE REDUCTIONS ON PAPER, BECAUSE TOP-HEAVY STOCKS, PURCHASED AT TOP PRICES.AND NOW REDUCED, DO NOT MEAN ADVANTAGEOUS BAR. GAINS. OUR GREAT MANY YEARS OF MERCHANDISING WITH THE MOST RELIABLE MAKERS HAS KEPT OUR STOCKS FREE FROM THIS .HANDICAP, WHICH ENABLES US TO OFFER DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN NEW YORK. TO PROVE THIS CONDITION WF. OFFER FOR EXAMPLE THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY REAL BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT WOMEN'S LINGERIE (2d Floor) QUICK SALE PRICES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Envelops Chvmlte of excellent qual ity ctcpe ilr chine, Ince trimmed Value 4.88 for 3.75 Camltolei of good quality washable ntln, lace trimmed, with ribbon ktrnps. I Value a.00 for .' 95 Outing Flannsl Gownt, excellent qual ity and extremely well made. Our regular $0.35 quality for.,. 2.65 Outing Flannel Slclrti, tame quality and make as nbore item. Our regular $1.73 quality for. ..1.45 You knuw the cold weather will aoon be here and wc advise putting In a frupply of Hit above item. REALLY WONDERFUL BAR GAINS IN CORSETS FOR FRI DAJT AND SATURDAY. C-D a La Spirits nnd other well known makes In nil dealrahle modeU. Hcgulmly priced to 4.06 for 2.G5 Exceptional Value In ' II.O.S-I-E.R.Y Women' Uld: Silk Stocking, full fashioned, reinforced cotton top and ole. Value S.00 pair for 1.50 Women' Cotton Stocking, full-fath-loned, heavy welsht, hrown or grcr. Value .80 pair for 50 Weren't Cotton. Stocking medium weight, (t'lnl-fitabliined, black. Value .85 pair for 39 Chddran' Cotton Stocking, lilack, rlbhetl, heavy welht, Ues tl to 101',. Vulue .75 plr (or 50 205 SUITS, COATS AND DRESSES Taken from our regular slock now, at the beginning of tha teaton, 75 Women' and Mil' Suit of the finest ntl-uuol materials, In MlUer tone, Tlnseltone, Velour and Trie? tine, In a large variety of styles nn I nil tliif towon's colorings and mix tu re alucs to oO.Sb for,,,, 55.00 Values to 45.00 for ,. 32.50 55 Women' and Miata' Coat, real uninrt styles from our regular stock, nnd only one or two of a kind) plain ind attractive mixtures Value to 42.50 for 29.50 Values to 55.00 for 39.50 75 'Attractive Dretm, In cxctllcnt quality Trlcotlne, Satin nnd Taffeta, every dreat an attraction In Itself, coloring Navy, Taupe nnd Hrown Values to 30.50 for .26.50 Vulues to XU.50 for. , 19.50 TRIMMED MILLINERY (2d Floor) Dren nnd Serhl-Dret Hats of Vclve', Duvetyne and Velvet, with smart trimmings, In beautiful blended color ings very newest models, moderately prlcul at 10.95, 12.50, 15.00 to 40.00 A very ipecial offering of Smart Tai lored Hats, for street wear, soft hum effects, vlth broad velvet bows, fin ished with pin or ornaments, assorted colors and lilack. Value 8.95 for , 6.75 m ADVANCE SALE OF WOMEN'S & CHILDREN'S UNDER WEAR REMARKABLE REDUCTIONS Voinen's Union Suit, hnlf wool und cotton, low neck, no sleeves, knro or ujikle lengths rilxos 32 to 08. Val 4.00 for. .2.50 I Sites 40 to 44. Vol. 4.25 for. 2.95 Women' Union Suit, cotton, medium weight, high neck, short sleeves, knee or ankle lengtlui, or lllshop neck nnd elbow sleeves, knee u- ankle length Sixes 32 to 38, Vnl. 3.00 for. .1.95 Children's Merino Vct and Pants Slcs 8 to 12 years. Vnl. 1.75 each for 1.25 Sites 40 to 44. Val. 8.50 for. .2.25 t Sizes 14 to 1C years. Val. 3.00 each for 1.35 Boy' Shirts and Drawer, gray worsted, ribbed Sites 2(1 to St. Vnl, 1.50 each, for each , 95 IMPORTANT LACE ITEMS. Black Chantilly Lace, 21 In. wide. Value 2.75 yard for 2.45 Spotted Net, 1 yard wide, Black and colors. Value 11.00 yard for 2.65 BVukteU Net, 72 inches wide, Black, white und colors. Vulue 3.00 yard for 2.50 LEATHER GOODS. Week-End Suit Ciei, Blnck Knamrl, tonie with truvs 18. 20 and 22 Inches. I Wties to 15.00 for 10.50 ! Travelling Bag, Black Cowhide, rein forced corners, 18 inches. Value 8.75 for 6.95 SALE OF WOMEN'S SUN AND RAIN SILK UMBRELLAS Splendid quality Taffeta In Black and colors, an assortment of pretty han dles, Inrludlng Bnkellte trimmed or rings and silk cord loops. Values to 8.75 for.... 5.50 & 6.50 Men' and Women' Umbrella, Amer ican Tnffctn (cotton), tape edge, with silk case, n variety of handles. Regular 3 03 for 3.25 Irish Point Curtains, 2','a yards long. Regularly 12.10 pair, for 10.50 REAL FRENCH KID GLOVES At Big Pries Conceitiont for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY A High Grade Derfcct Fitting Clove, 2-cIasp, ovcrscum sewing, ParU point and embroidered backs, In shades of Tan, Brown, Champagne, Grey, Mode. White and Black. To-day's value for this Glove is 4.50. Very special at 2.49 2-CUtn Washable Chamolueda Glovet, self and contrast embroidered backs, broken assortments from our regular stock, Including every desir able color, all sites, but not every site In nil styles. Values r.00 to 1.25 pair for.... .65 $10.75 BLANKETS FOR $12.08. Limit 3 pairs to Cuitomer, Fine White California Blanket, full site, a quality of extreme warmth, without excessive weights an unusual bnrgnln. Regularly 16.75 Sale price 12.98 Army Blankets nt much less than they cost the Government site 60x81, weight 4V4 pounds, Gry with plain dark blue border Value 7.0 each for 3.75 MEN'S WEAR SECTION FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MEN'S HIGH GRADE SHIRTS. These Shirts are custom finished, every detail of workmanship the best, nnd made of a superior quality silk sttlpe English Madras, In a large range of beautiful strlpesi also plain white with silk stripes In assorted patterns. They were made to sell at 6.60 each. Our sale price. . .4,35 MEN'S WINTER UNDERWEAR. ' Fine Jerey Ribbed Wool and Cotton Mixed Shirt and Drawer, best workmanship nnd finish, all sites. Regular value 2.50 each. Marked for this sale at 1,69 "Carter'" Heavy Merino Union Suit, real winter weight, mostly wool, all sites to 48. Value fl.75 for 4.19 SILKS, VELVETS AND DRESS GOODS 5.25 IMPORTED BROADCLOTH AT 3.95 A rich superior quality, sponged and shrunk, In shades of Navy, Pea cock, Taupe, Brown, Wine, Purple nnd Black) 60 Inches wide. GENUINE JAPANESE COTTON CREPES 32 Inches wide, plnln colors; the most durable Cotton Crepe manufac tured! comes In a hiK variety of medium, light and pastel shades. Regular .65 grade. For thL sale ut, yard 31 DRESS SILKS AT PRICES THAT CANNOT BE BEATEN ANYWHERE "Satin Etoil,' a well-known, exceptionally hlgli grade Dress Satin, every desirable color for street nnd evening wear, Including White and Black. Special price for this sale, yard 2.69 Crepe do Chine, a renl good, firm, weighty quality, full range of llgSt and dark shades. To-dny's value 2.50 yard, for ..1.69 Black Mexaline Satin, all silk, a superior dress quality, very durable. To-day's value 2.75 yard, for yard ...,1.89 Black Satin Charmeu Anothrr and final shipment of this exception ally fine dress satin, full, 40 inches wide, extra heavy quality, formerly our 4.50 grade, for , 2.49 Colored 'Chiffon Velvets, superior dress quality, 40 Inches wide, In all the new autumn colorings. A regular 10.60 grade. For Friday and Saturday, nt yard. ... k. . .7.95 Black Chiffon Velvet, n rich dress grade, perfect, 40 Inches wide. Regular 8.75 quality. Fqr Friday and Suturday, at..., 5.65 1 Its 'pspt 4 -"