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MElBMMMIliWMMMMlMMWIMMBBM..v H'uJl' 1 ETT Tf-'r.Sa film n TrirTnsr n a v ,. -. i 1 aFMZMmKnXmKWimmXlM1. ft 'IMIKF Ultt r - - -' ill -aaVSaaaaaaVBHBsMKaMWsH IL.Hfv 'XTKl OBBA , Tawj'Aii SHB7 TapSiiaiiarMPBD' isiri T msiuniM, Tr 'rjftK ' aTV.. Wi.t TM ja 'm-wmr WMMSMaaaainHJK . . - a . km mm, a, iiv. .dsKT , Wh, mjr jsMTMMIl turn w ,m , fllTn WTlal 11 all ill! 1TI 1 lUPff nirissaaaaaaallsMsTMMWIaalgr Hi I lilt I ilrliiillM H lIMi HM M wll 1 1 Ml swal I'IMHimmI Ml IBM I I I Ii ' ' ar. .liai; tin -mv, . . - - -t'fa - - j .vJssEm--. ATj - - r.V- 7 T""!!." I HI sKeY mm: i 56TH DAY OF HIS RV (M nA'l' PACTHO ' Hoaerttal her, attorny for Halmon " 1 "UV 1 1 AalLKito.d.y miM l obtain .! iHmi FAST UNCHANGED "as Fairly Good Nfeht but Docs Not Appear Much Rested, it is Stated. NDONi Oot. 7. Terrenee Mao lrd Mayor of Cork, who mwnlns; began the flfty-nlxth of hid hunger itrlke at Urlxton n, ,xuuiod a fairly (rood night, did not appear very mueh retted y to-day, aooorlnr to a bulletin ftfued by the Irish SeM-DetormlMt 1e-unie. la Tory weak, bill etherwtao trau no jmrUoulor eharyre in eon I Hon, the bulletin added. o noon bulletin of tho lsarue d: Hwept that he t very tired. U)r( no change In Lord Mayor Mae- wlneya comlltlon. The (footer who Hod him tbl rnemlnir Mya be da 'be Mayor's body In a shaeklnr ate of emaciation and In unni.i. ta late how Ion be will tiro." Falla mi at..!. t MILAM A4 a.. t S.-1.1 Avenui. Hfooklyn IT ft kill A.I twaa. k& .n -i ' ConN.-iemitu Objector H.t. Been n Hunger Strike in Washing ton Since July 13. VtAMlllNOTU.V Oil. 7 Wlille Hfnjinin J Mnlmon, a ooniH-ientious objeitoi. ronltnues lit hunger iHrIKe, which lK-n July h when hi- was I irom th institution through halaas 1 corpus prveewdlntfi. Immediately uftor wins; Wowrht to 8t. BltaabWh'a from roil louifi, IMiih. K-ilmon. wlNw home la In Ueii rr,.rnttmi W eat, and fleajala partly uri-tsarm attempt "t forcible feed ing In tlilltfltld hi atUtWlr for elKhtl-four da.. NTZEN ANNOUNCES that, after a very careful survey of the entire shoe and leather conditions tney are justified In making an Immediate DONA FIDE 15TO20(;; REDUCTION on all men, women and children's shoes. ALTHOUGH our present atock wns, purchased when thelMtlirr market wiisntltslielftlit It would bequlte contrary to Jantcn policy tolualtt upon thecontlnuance of war time price. We prefer to stand the burden of los In order to ftlve our customer the benefit of our present lower liuylnft prlcea which wc consider they nro so justly entitled to. The name Jantzeu Standard maintained fir over 60 year will bo strictly adhered to in every pulr of shoes we sell regardless of price. We feel sure our customers will appreciate our efforts to serve their best interests and be quick to take udvantafte of our new reduced price. ( Tkitt TtJwIltni Jo not apply to ear tiutem modi thot). . Aft M Our Hi r Atust l IU Hiv TW HO IIUANCH HTORDH-Ouf ol; addrm 660 Sixth Avenue Ahoe JStli Street ttiKlnm lltolmtlfr Otr t9 Vrii) ' SBBBBBBBBBfliaT Bedell Fashion Shops in 17 Cilits "Style Divorced from Extravagance" West Thirty-Fourtfi Street New York Brooklyn Slorc Fulton Sired, Near lloyt Newark' Store -llrmd und Wesl ,fl' Winter Suits Attractively Priced Fur Trimmed or Tailored Modes Incomparable Values at 39 n Conservative merchandising enables us to offer tlirss excep tionally high grade suits at much below originally intended prices. Reflecting the newest style interpretations, in terms of youthful grace and aristocratic elegance I Never before such low prices at such an early date I Tailored Tricotincs Fur Trimmed Wool Velours Embroidered Silvertone Navy Blue & Wanted Colors There is a trim simplicity about even the more elaborate typos that proclaim them par excellent! Fur collared o.- smartly tailored, tight shoulders, belted or loose box coat effects. New Fall Costume Blouses Featuring Rich Silk Georgettes At a Very Low Price Large assorUncnt new blouses in a choic raite of popular styles. Short sleeve, long tight sleeves, new collars, novel embellishments, rich embroidered or smart tailored models. New and individual adaptations from Parisian creations. New Fur Collar Coats Fashionable Mid-Winter Models On Sale Tomorrow al $ 39 75 $19.75 Big surprise coat feature to-morrow I Offering high grade productions at big money-snvings. These coats are as fashionable, as well tailored and of as fine fabrics as usual $50 and $55 models. Graceful Wrap and coat typos interesting collars, belts and pockets. Cape-Coats Bolivias Smart Wraps Wool Velours Long Coats Suedene Lined With Rich Silks ' Straightline. voluminous wrap types, youthfully flared skirts, with large collars of Sealine or plain tailored to wear with your own furs. Handsome Silk linings. . . Taylor j v 38th Street FIFTH AVENUE- 39th Street ; '" f Telephone Orders Filled Phone Fitzrov JlioaAnk for TAeahone Order Dank A Collection of OrientalRugs ' Worthy of Fifth Avenue WITH people from all over the world proclaiming ' Note These Prices Fifth Avenue "The Avenue of Heauty," we EHP Mosuls and Mosulsand Cablstunsand ami to do our part in increasing that reputation by Nvv Shlrvans Dafthcstans Mosuls offering merchandise that has inherent beauty and WSfX Average 3x6 feet Average 34x6 feet. Avojge ilx6 feet fineness of quality. YWffi mM $79,50 ' $ Wlierc could weshow to better advantage than in the Oriental Ljr t Mahal. ... 12.10x8.6 $475 Cliinwe. .. .9.6x4.. $275 RuK Dcpartmcntf Here, surely, beauty is quickly detected, and WM " 5 A J Mahal. . . . 12.0x8.10 $495 Chinese. . . ."1.0x8.3 $450 a new Fall collection of Persian, Turkish and Chinese rugs has WBfr tgf Mhal. . ..12x8 $425 Chinese.... 0.0x8.3 $394 been added to our already wonderful assortment. iJ&Sf Mahal. ... 12x9.3 $495 Chinese. . . .12x ... $525 A word about price is necessary, became many people believe Mifcfe, Mahal. ... 12.4x9.3 $525 Chinese 13x10.2.. . $625 that a handsome Oriental cannot be obtained for a moderate WKrF Mahal. ... 12x9 $425 Chinese 13.9x11.2 $695 price. Wc ask you to compare our prices once you have seen , Mahal. ... 11.10x8. , $150 Chinese 12x9 5495 the quality. . Mahal. .. .13.9x11.0 $b75 Chinese. ... 12x9.. . m $310 Our Entire Stock of Wilton Rugs Has Been Reduced How Inviting Are Fresh Curtains! JUST that daintv bit of whiteness pecking out at you from the windows, make a home irresistibly inviting. . Unusually Dainty arc these curtains of sheer Brussels net; heavy bobbinet or imported stripe net, edged with lovely Cluny or. Filet laces. White or ecru; 2tf yards long. Exceptional at $4.75, $6.50 and $8.75 pair Marie Antoinette Curtains-t ever in favor, these curtains conic to us this Fall in new patterns, mounted on heavy cable net; white or ecru $4.50, $5.75, $8.50 pair Filet Net $1.25 Yard Figured, . dotted, striped and plain; 40 to 48 inches wide; white, ivory or ecru. Embroidered Nets $2.25 and $3.50 Beautifully designed. Two widths, 27 inches and 48 inches. J'ifth f Joor- We Went to Ireland Just in Time WITH linen flax' production growing more scarce because of Russia's present barren condition, Irish rrianufacturcrs arc forced to keep prices high. Bat we feel very optimistic because our shelves, are full of the finest linens Ireland produces, bought two years ago at a low rate of exchange, and though it seems inconceivable our present prices arc in many cases lower than today s wholesale prices. Table Cloths and Napkins Pure Irish Lineji Damask Table Cloths, 2x2 yards $7.75 Napkins Dozen $9.75 ToWe Cloths Heavv Irish Linen Damask. Size 68x68 inches $6.50 Tea Cloths Pure Irish Linen Damask, 45x45 inches $3.75 Imported Bath Towels Fine quality, made of Egyptian yarn Each $1.00 Linen Ftuck Towels Pure Irish linen buck, Damask border, hemstitched. . Dozen $12.00 Towels Hemmed Union Huck Towels, Damask border Dozen $6.95 The "Radiant" Fire. There is comfort and charm in this kind of fire. It will fit any fireplace or can be used in'any room with open tubes of firebrick through which the hent radiates. A Department for Home lovers ! The House furnishing Department 7 th Floor TplIE bnap in the air those days brings to mind colder days to come, when home will mean more than it has during the summer. This splendid department is full of suggestions for vour home comfort. Rochester Wash Boilers Made of keystone copper steel tin plate, which outwears the ordinary boiler many times. Notice the soap-shaver in the cover. Two style Mo. 7 $3.75 No. 8 $3.95 All of the things you need and some you will want. To realize how large and com plete and vAried arc the stocks here, come up to the 7th floor on your next shopping trip. Four Fireplace. Is il enhanced with all of the essentials ? Andirons, $6.00 to I5J.0V I ire Sets $b.50 to $25,011 Ciai Log! $12.40 to $17.85 imitation Driftwood Cpe Cod Kirelijrhteri, $4.50 Six-Piece Pan try Set Mde of heavy tin, "hite enamel finiih. Very ipecially priced, .Utvoith ytooi; With Trays $5.75 55.75 TEA corns 3DCAR isJ $ CAKE BRFVD 1 ' - KH -T 'a-afc Heading Chair Here is an other inviting chair, which will fit right into the coziest corner of your livhig room. . . . $67.50 Unusual Sale of Furniture Covered in Denim ON moving into your new apartment or home have you found that van need an extra chair 'or davenport? Just look at these illustrations and prices!. . The styles arc1 excellent, you see, and frtfti the inside put each piece is carefully made of the best quality. This sale is possible because of a fortu nate purchase from one of the better furniture makers. Wing Chair Picture this stunning Brown Denim Chair in front of your fireside, and when have you seen such a price I .I ...$34.75 1 " a Louis XM., Chair This ex tremely graceful chair is formal enough for the drawing room, yet most comfortable for read ing.... $42.75 Buckingham Davenport, S110..00 The illustration shows you how luxuriously comfortable is this Well-made davenport; large but not clumsy; with loose cushion seats; it is 84 inches long and covered in heavy brown denim. J Chesterfield Living Room Suite. Notice the charm of line in these two picces. reproductions of the English style. They are especially satisfactory for the small xr medium size living room. Davenport, $97.50; Chair, $59.50 .Sixth Fiver. ft 4