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SO I?. n T THEY1 RE NIPPED elective Reasoning toy Deduction Captures Pal of Alleged PfcApocket. iBefiJurnln Bttlnprewer of No. lie Rldee met and Morris Welner of No. Hf-Can- on Street were pmtnt to-dy itt the kt'Xip In Detective HeadquArters In bite of their disinclination to bi there. fteetlve etanfey of the pltkpoekot quad telcad them At a crowd watehfne In Second Street yesMnlar after- They brake wrray and tanlihed Iter mussing SUnlVtVs clothes and dli eeatlnc one of tila thumbs, whtnh had tnKn1 hi WrtMr"i oetlar. At ilht Stanley rauetit 8telna;esftr In IStuton Street and loeked him tip. i acircuvo inwon inai weiner sro to the Nlnht Court to ball ou lrweater, an that lie couM avoid the pleasant pnWWty of the lineup. nley etieeeed rteht WaMer drove with a hAndnman. and eeelnir Stan- waltlnir. took It on the run. Stan rnade him el op hy threatenlnir to t Hence both met the deteetlve at the momln lineup before eo- to Buex Market Court. IOTUR.t. FIRES! Two nree were dreeevered ten min ute apart early to-dajr on K. K. T. ele vated alructuree, but the p11e and company etnelali said there irii noth ing suspicious about their orlctn. At 1.40 A- If. rolleeman Dan O'lo-ary of the Grand Avenue Station aw - email btaie on the utructure nt the Waihlncton Avenue corner of the Pill ton Street line, firemen made qnlelc work of the flame, whteh llbtly burned one Me. At 1.S0 A. M. PoUeeman Hhrrr NWm of the Vernen Avenue Station aw flame on the truetur In nreaderay nearj!umner Avenue. He took an ex- iMKUiiner irom trie numing Avenue stntlon and put out the lilate without THEN lEAT VICTIM oalllns the firemen. In both antes an electrle (park from to train apparently Ignltcd oil on the tied, Mrthndlat Official Want V. S. Anil Oambllajtt t awn. WASHINGTON; Oct 7, nojiebrtll will go tbo way of horn rnolng and alt epnrte will come under suspicion If ftttrnbllnff Is not suppressed, the Hoard of Temperance, Prohibition and Pub Ita Morals of the Melhedlit EplaeopAl Church has declared. Its General Hftcrotnry, Clarence True Wilson, Is starting a fight for enactment of I etf elation by Congr that will stop all Interstate transmission of pa bllne information. One Suspect Captured After Knock ing $1,000 'Out of Mer , chant's Pocket. After lathing w aero the doors of adfolnlne aparUnents I prevent tenants runhlns; out to the rescue, fV-o thugs early to. day called William Toiims, owner of ft ohaln of Oreek fruit stands, to the door of his apart ment on the third floor of Ko. J01 West iOth Street ire was suspicious, but opened the door when told ttiat one of his stand was burnln. Tho men beat blm And a wallet oontalnUir $1,000 dropped from his clothes. An upper floor tenant's cries brought Detectives Anderson and Clark. Thoy setted one man, while the other escaped over the roof. ThA prisoner, John Kails of No. 801 West ltd Btreet, wiw amrtgnod In Jeffer son Market Police Court, charged with attornptod rofenery and felonious assault TObaBE VICTIM betterV l Mainnel l'lrlclirr, Hurt In Jf. Y, V, (Inme, Una No I'rnctnre of ftptni". 4amtt1 yieteher Jr.. tlw seventeen-year-otd Mew York Untverlt ifull ibaeV, freehman team, who was Injured In the same yesterday-with Webb Academy, was reported to-day at Pordhant l!erltal to he reooVerlng. Barly feara that there wa a fr&eturs Of) the spina proved baseles, though Uwe may be a fracture of the houl- Tlio boy, is he was carried off the field, aked that the aeeldent be kept from the knowledge of hi mother, who In III. His home la at Itockvllle Cen tre, L. t. iHIEVES BOSEWRi ENRIGHT'S OFFICE Get 150 In Cash, S500 in 'Liberty Bonds and 3,000 Worth of Hats. Ilurglars Invaded the hat fsftory of Isaac Holoialiutz, Me. 20 Centre Street, Jut a stone's throw from Police Com mliiloner Bnrlght'a office at Police Headquarter, and carried away three ISO bill and, 1800 In Liberty bond taken from the afe and 12.000 worth of hat. The robbery occurred Tun day night, but owing to the police cm- tmmt mm io-r. Hat valued at several hondred dol- tar, which the burglar left behind, were chopped with knives, an-orcllng to Holosjtiutc. He believe this wa Jo. tor revenge because th thieves found o tittle In the safe. Holoectiuu had tlC.000 In cah and wtirKln In the life severs) days before,' but In spite of the Mnyer's encomium on Comml tener Knrlght's emdency, look them to a safe dtpoilt vault. OMAIV M fill f'lf ANT AVIl.t.S to tiovseicRBPicrt Asn iiunKtx. WINSTED, Conn., Oct. 7. By the terms of the will of Alfred H. Wood ruff, former grain merchant, admitted to probate yesterday, hi housekeeper, Mrs. Olive H. Smith, receive $30,000 and her daughter Helen an equal amount. . t ST- 1 crn jjroLJicTs C ffl vttSmB safiSV gggg asisBak 5 Vff sssaassi fssslaB ssSsV saMsaW rff West 42nd St. (Between Fijth and Sixth Atenues) West 43rd St. An EXTRAORDINARY SALE for Friday and Saturday will oflfer an excellent assortment of Men's High Quality Shoes at Practically To-day's Wholesale Coat $9.75 Per Pair Brown Cordovan or Koko Calfskin Lace Shoes , MaHo over a stylish, comfortable laat. Quality and superior workmanship arc the predominating features of these smartly designed Shoes. At such a substantial saving in prico Men will find this an opportune occasion to fulfill all needs of tho coming Winter. Sale on Main Floor (Sixth Ate. Side). An Important Sale of Men's Fall and Winter Half Hose Plain and Novelty Weaves in fashionable colorings Suitable for Dress or Sport wear. Notcicorthy Values To-morroio n: The Oriental Store. 1 illli Avenue and 39th Street V Lamps from Oriental Lands A Whole Floor Devoted to Them Vanlinc's Lamps are known everywhere as presenting in unique and beautiful combination the richest Chinese and Japanese Por celains, Bronzes, Hand Embroideries and Paintings. . The ability to collect and the skill to combine the most har monious materials and the ability and skill to bring them to you at reasonable prices is peculiarly Vantine's. Lamps for every use from the Oriental Hanging Lantern to the most chiborate creation for the banquet hall. Floor Lamps, Desk Lamps, Library ahd Boudoir, Chinese and Japanese Bronzes and Pottery, fitted with exquisitely harmonizing shades, and mellow Oriental effects. Special facilities for testing color effects under various surroundings. Sale of Vantine Lamps Some Special Prices This IV eek ' At $5.00 Japanese pottery of a beau, tiful shade of contrasting greens Parchment shade to match s'yt feet of silk covered wire and screw plug. , At $10.00 Japanese pottery wood L base, yellow body with " shade to match. Other shapes at $10. One light, six feet of silk-covered wire and screw-plug. At $15.00 Jiptneie porce'a'tn, elcphtnt in White, draped with blanket of green, red and blue, surmounted by How. dth, two-tone mIQc ihide, one light, tix feet of lilk.covered wire and screw-plug. At $20.00 Japmeie gold brown pottery, with green pint! decorttiom, mounting! of Jipait est bronze Gnuh, IS and 20 inch. Parch, ment thsde to hu mortize; two light, 'u feet of lillt-cov. ered wire and icrew plug. TMrd Floor iStore HoWa: 9 to 5.30.2 SWEEPING REDUCTIONS The Sensation of the Hour! Women's $8 to $12 Fall Footwear. m SALE A neleotton of the Seaon' lateit and Mont Kxtlutlc Stylet in Meek Kid, Broun Kid, Gray Kid, Gnu Buck. Gun Metal, and the Varlou New Com' blnatlan. Button and ace Mode It, Louie and Military lUelt. Imagine buying Now York's foremost, new footwear at such a price 1 We ore way ahead of the downward trend of prices, in fact in this sale you are buying on a pre-war basis, and reducing the cost of your winter shoe "wardrobe" tremendously. . Shvt Shoe Q, NEW YORK "way at 34th 55W.42dSt Men's Medium Weight Vbol Half Hose In Heather Mixtures . . Special, Jpl.UO English Wool Half HoseWide ribbed; in several color combina tions; particularly desir able for wear with Ox- ff fords for winter . . . plua Men's Medium Weight Cottoji Half Hose Full fashioned, Black, White and Grey. Regu larly 85c 60c Fine English Cotton Half Hose Very soft quality, full fash ioned; Black or White, ltcg ularly $1.25 95c A recent .shipment of Men's Scotch Golf Hose, also Fancy Wool Half Hose The unusual and attractive combination will ' appeal to mon who prefer individual stylos. Specially Priced for Friday: MEN'S FALL UNDERWEAR Medium weight Cotton or part Wool Shirts and Drawers also Cotton UiHon Suits on Sale, First Floor. Balbriggan Shirts with half or long sleeves; Drawers in regular "Or stout sizes. 0 Each OOC Part Wool Shirts and Drawers In Grey, medium weight. -Excellent value .Each, l.O Fine Silver Grey Shirts and Drawers Tn m e d i u m weight; Cotton and Wool Mixture. 0 Unusuaj value, Each . . &.,75 Union Suits of Bibbed Cotton; fall weight; in White nr only. Extra quality . . AuO The Store is closed daily at 5 P. M. 1. Aittnatt MADISON AVENUE - FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK Thirty-fourth Street Thirty-fifth Street 0k. A Special OfferiIlg, for to-morrow, inn tlhie B Ionise Depsuntmemit t will consist of 4 Four Humid red and Fifty Hamid!emlbroMered Bloyses' (from tho Philippines) at tlieextraordSmiarfliy low prke of . Hand-made throughout, in two pretty models, both made of sheer lingerie material cuidl embroidered In most attractive designs, these Blouses will prove a real "find" to the woman who in looking for washable blouses of unusual quality. (Second Floor) The Unique Shop Where Stout Women Are Made Slender IF a woman is as old as she looks, then why not look as young as possible? Lane Bryant Fashions smooth matronly contours into lines of youthful grace. By clever designing they inevitably make you appear slighter and therefore younger. Herd you will find the most exquisite Paris modes readyv for your selection, in a size you.can wear and at a price you can pay. CoaU and Wraps Gowns - M for afternoon and evening iwathe the figure In the richest fabric. $39.75 to $350.00 Skirts of woolen and of silk glow with the 'new autumn coloring. $16.50 to $59.75 exhibit the finest materials and the rarest of the Wlnr-' furs. $47.50 to $450.00 Tailleurs show straight skim and slender coats, tailored with exquisite art. to $325.00 $&S r i Sizes 39H to 56 Bust ill BROOKLYN 478 fuItonSt. .( c It If h It I. II I' in II 0 1 II H 21.S'W.38thSt. Just West of Sth Ave. JP SPECIAL 10-DAY SALE S-P1ECE SLIP COVERS "I A Pf.50 vr. IM 171 Any lltliWn (ttintbk rr mteuu. tPC. SUITES RC. UKHOLSIBniD In optiirr r Ictihfrttu. polliknl Vil. Ilk.ntw. . Qg sss Write, Call or H oiu MURRAY HILL 6676 ROYAL UPHOLSTERY CO. 110 VV. 3tfo St, er Factory, 335 E. 34lh St. B'klyn Drnnch. 1449 41st SL Cordon &DUwortK ra Real v ObanceMabmaiad v I..T. The World or r.'ruT '' in laJ I,'ouni" Itoota v I - .i.e.. luu cm Dau cn b left t anr ot Tha Worla'si' r.7:'i""".K .ancis. or cn bm. I l ooo ---- ---- it . IT U Brooklyn Orrics. 4100 Mr'. , ctn I AdT I tcl.i . I Call 1 Croc fi