Newspaper Page Text
THE EV ENING WORLD, SATU R DAY, OOTOBBB 10, 19 2 0. ft J tV 'I- ft I JL CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS art Raawlr..,. flou AW. OoU 1H AUlU JltMl 1 ilSMSkstaer. &t y&. BrH ('... . TIH jUl BcMk Mssarto. 1 v link. Wkx. ... 1 A. Ou M Ain. Ctl IM9... l in. Ootto OU..,. 31 H A. SaBSlrt...... l Bum 14tH Ala Hid A i A. It U !. 1 Ast. liter. Orp... WU, AV Uawl Tl AM. LrwwwU?..... IK V Asa, ftsfrtr Raw.. It Ai. me tt Com.. 114 Xm. Nmto. A M. Am eul Porta... M Xm Hnor 1034 Aa Trl A Trl Oe. loo At. Tobweo 1M Am Wool T4H Aa Wool r M An Tob t r WU AA-roBa. H AtJLoo Rf M Affctwa It,. t 1 AaUnUn CoaH l.tM. 100 ALJi A XV. IT. 14414 XMa Urn. .... llMt PjXkair, 4 Ola.. 49 tWmU Co, in B.U. Bl II . TIH ,T8lra IUp. Trsn.. 11 DiiM Bra. -. 0O Kilt Oo A Sinn. C , XMHU A SprW. 10 BvUvVk Co It OiVlo C'Mt Oil... 1 Oantdlia Cc ... 1U0S (W lttjT JV Oiro IX -o.... SI4 CUndW Metnr ... W OtM. A (Mo HM at. a m. p. nr. ui AM. 1'. Rt. rf. 04 fc. I. A I'M. . 8014 B. 1. A r. Oft . TOH Allm Rr 14 CBfl Omi Wm(.... 1314 Oil AJIWl IU . MV4 CfB Onwrr WW GMoo Ot-r i . . . J4S, qjCbl CM AMI' W 3 VW A Iron... SU, Ou A ".... 601 Oeil 0t W A Brt . 44 taunt OWw Corp. . T4 Sub .... MS On Intrr-CM Ulan t CnthMtUI Csndj. 10 orww. m4 .! Oi Can. flunr. M T4U MJ Am. Banr. . 40 Vi Ow, Trltlt Oof(. Mli . .L A. IAU f T U4B. Juo r m .Oaaj A IKo Or. id. Nkl'... 10 H XtUMk SUH )TA ntt StK CMfiM W A W, . T aAnl XiWe .... 140U Owinl .. ItH 04s Uaten Wi .. T Ooodrkh M On; MUb n Oral tlr I.. M dMt Nor On .... IK HllMI A JUrkar, 0B ' llaarUm Oil 10S 4l(ilnllaa Ccxw. 4n tvr, Lnt, Cb r. 004 H IK - H t 4 S TH 1 711 K ti - lk 4. -f H m s H MH H HIH SH ai - H H J X lX - 1H It H im h WW - u s 1(8 H 100 114 IS Tl K QO H MS. H Til S loo IUM IX 4H 1U 4 H 132 1 TOV 1 US s 00 18H 11 1 lKOV 43 1 at U MM 1 07 U - 1 43 14 - 1 04 U H TOH I4U 1H 11 W4 M U 4- U 4H H to I H H 00 - U H- H 0H Hi 40 a 74 MH - H H 10 S4H H iaH is SI Si T4H H 4USt H 30 Si srr 9H - U H 1H 1H - 1 aas 21 W H 1 140S4 U Si - H 07 1 4K M MH H MH "H H loo a 41 H 0H 1H J to TH T tl HUH at mn 141 Si H eu u 8M',4 MH 1414 11H ?H M 103 100 1M 71H 04 tWH 4H MH 7t 100 141U 114 4ft in 70H 11 MH H 1H It IRH 1MH A1H MH tH 07 H 41 WK MH 70H 14 1ZU MH 11H 94H eon MH. !0H 0U 40 74 WH S 10 MH 133 H MH 74 W MH H Wf an H ea 11H H 0H 140H H 07 4H fa M4 MH MH 103 49 Bill.. lnlxWa Om .... SH litt Mr Mu4iw... if I IttX Urr Urtf v( rot IM .VIM 17'. lolMO Oil US ImWM 4H4 J K&ftMA citr h... m Kriomttt ytM KrrMnw TV. .... IAS lion lr M UcUkhmu mM , 0AH U I4. A Tin . 30 I .... MH UttrnMI Motora ., H llfkn I'rlrel ... 1M llllri 10 WH-.U Alral ... MH II Inn A St L ... 10H Mo Kin A Trt., M4 M I'm H JlkMlr Autra OA.. 18 M.Uoaii Ami 90 Ntlul AsUm . . . UH M.t, CWk A rH. . 34 H Sit. OntaH 7 .Vttleaal 1A 70 N. Y. Orrtrtl MH .V Y M M A H.. MH .Norfolk HW,. 100 Norttvm !' ... 01 Oil. 1' A n .... 4 FeUtt Drr Corp XS l'Mtfle (In M fwsll Tel A T .. 4H r.n Anrr Iu . . W)H rvnn n n v lVvlm 0. WH lsi llirrMt ... H Ildl Ob ,. SO Si ltiw Amw OrJH Itrrcr Oil 14H J1U OmJ mH ntto A W V ... JH l-rrm Ht4 07 S IVnU Hutu OIH IU Copivr I4H llxJlflf post Dtp. llolr S4H Hop, Itvo A Blrrl. 77 H lUflunl. mwl .... 7JIH floral Iktlrh W. Y. MH rtarao AriM 34. HmIuutI Air Mm.. 10 Krtn llnriunk 11 JH t oil nun AwnMI Mni ,, 'or Snuttxm I'M .... 10OH ftlT Rr , ASH k.-w4irf TIH HuVfakar ........ tIH St L A fln V.... MH JH L A Hcwthmi. 9TH BtHU TAT 4AH Tra Coy A Cbca OH Tcim Co 11 Tum A ISrtflo .. am ToUru. 1-rodurU... 07 H Trtnj Oil !3H Union IMfla 127 H ttilon OH S7H Un Itr Inr Co..... H Un IltUU ntora.... 7HH troltM FooA 40H V. n. lad. AI...... H V. H. nutfeT T7H U. H. fitorl.. ....... WH If, B. fit) Vt. 100 H UUh Om 5714 UUh fKo. 11 V. Owo CIiro. ... RH ViwMom fitooi .... CBH II H WWirf. A. MH Wwt UirUn4 .... 10H ffnlirn futon .... MH Wort AlrbnJM 103H WJlrf 18H WiriTOrwUoi ... 1IH wWio Venm oh fw. 4i IK UiS 17H o IH MH rss MH 1H MH MH an IMIH 10 M 1H AH a 14S aa M M 7 It MH M 100 WK an as M 4H MH 4tH H yt'i as 14 I4H 7H 87 07H WK 14 K 07 H M 77 77 7AK tH to 107 aiH WH 00 H aiH Til 67H at WIS 4SH oh MH US, 0H UK 187 27H US 73H 40H M 70H 7H 10SH A7H 10'.4 run M MIH 82 H IB MH 101 H 1SH s 10 HIS 17! H JCIITSBLIEOATS AND BLUESHIRTS aH -m 14V - SoH H ao '. an -f m loo is 10 MH - H lH H 1H H NSl H ItH ENJOY A "PARTY" "sre It'kile Lift Jusiifitd in Winning a Woman's Low?" Tht rroton for (hii Intcrettintj quetilon will bo explained Inter by Th Hvenlng World. Meantime, our readm are invited to tend In their views on the subject. Sign your names (they will not be printed when requested), and address Poser Editor, Gvenlng World, ."-RAL. ESTATE AT AUCTION! AEAL . ESTATE AT AUCTION. I , , REAL ESTATE AT AU0TI0M. Joint Social Function Proves a Teilimoninl to Two Pop ular Legislators. r MUir, TV Knlaf WnrW I havo be n mrrpl o t H' n .turn nnil have four children. Befu vitn iwrrloil t decided to fiml out wtio w to trirun for the alorle th men UiM ma, and 1 irMde up my mind not in nak qtmiiona. Thin I fiHiitil out that 1 cotttd wtt. alet) and b hMy Tho WtlfOoaU and thf blueohlrln of n ho tM white ll ur oornorwl thla elty JotneJ hanila In tho flrat fnl to t out. wltMo women are l M M 7 74 t Sl'4 ion 00 4 - 4 as M 4H MH -4H lH H -30H M 14H 07T4 87 H 07H 07 H 14H On MH 77 -77 7H 94H in 107 H 81 H MH WH SIX aoelal function ever hold jointly whsu ttM-y filled the Winter Onnlrn lain nljcht In a "tmrty" to th Lwdlfi' AuxtllartM of the Uniformed Klre I men'a Association and tho Patrol men's Benevolont Aiwoelntlon. The affnlr provod a ttsitlmonliil to ttw tMUnr. TV (loiMler Ah-ah W. llnrllnmtirte jr. ef "Y tho Btffhth Dlstrirt In Itrooklyn and u i to Xsiwvrtblyman J. Fairfax McIauRh- tin of tho BlRhth Anaorntjly Dlatrlct In H tho Itronx, both of whom aponnorett nut hh ailna( thr wan. Heoldei, we wwrnon have tone; noooo. IlarnHnimn la found only In honor, ralUi and triiat. Wo wouldn't really know the truth if we saw Or heard If. o why worry? Urn. V. L, It. It off. lrut, at any mtt, try my iiiotrioJ ohm, attd ttitn jocjile for )ouravlf. I-AWRBNCIS J. RrMw, TV HrwiiK WotM WMtt) Ilea ai tm ntceaMry to a mm ao food to a human boinc. Im aliiP irif ir any other youtvs; man toll. Ina hi Tjowi rlrl Hip ti-tilli, tho whore truth and nothlna; but th- truth, lis w oiMil lie out of luck, and IxuiNle, mi jrlrt ria wantn to imnr the tniUi at alt timi' In rm-lunlin I wlnh to reinat thnl If rtnv niir told rvr-rythlna; to n lio wouM be .n weli'ntne ho a hnrw in n gumKC M N. il : n,n iii.k. urn "iiovv uo i ioort nuan mo ariri, i C 'civil nlov7 il. l.Y.Mihn; t in I " to take er out. SVortd tall them white 1 i If you want to kOAf bhotn. rt may not bo etlvloal, but uwneti are funny oreaturoa, and It la Uterttforo whrriiy uraothmi. How do I look 7 naKfl i no (Tin n H ( civil employoea the letral authority to etoK rrmeiiiefl lor tnolr Krlevanceo nt the hands of the tafflHlalure of thin Hlate. In addition to a splendid teell- ortwU! 107 H 107 H TaUl Mh, 344,000 skirTa, 70 -r 1 m t - H KIH H 4tA - H H MH - H 1IH IH 07 - Ht 11H - U 177 27H. 1SH 73H 40H M 77 K7H - 10H -07H 10H WH MH 1H ITH 03 H H 1H H MH H 103H 3 I3H ai I0TH C 8oniHtImca (but raroly) ntie lan'l tii to ecratcti. but 1 any, 'Wor twautlful than ever, awnottrmrt.'' Aim! I really maan It. rhoutch 1 Know It tsan't tru. I.. f L.I Unk lltrsa I ha .ImUl ... . a . dlckena tonlhl"T rf.i" 1 f .'COOi,dvlrB ''V1 "uece"f,-i There you are. And In even pmver whi ?L1pL0nj,hJL..f. J.u,t.hoau,t thlnic hold. true. I.lo hM 2'' thT i?u Ul P?" I" 'n on small matter. 1oya. and trolmrn and tho firemen." Tho smoko n.ev'll lav van for It I B entcri" and tho "coppom" mado each ! U"y " Iove yoU f r 1 ' Bl of them honorary vloo preoldenta of VmM onco And nilX ,aralJi S.nnCt '.f." Whllt hWH'IVI. f.nnc wotnon will HltJL l I '" "Wile ami think It's funny, wtll IIiomm Smi . i'Jlm ' f"1 wl so in. in the air. If you ?.?i-Min Jon. AM.rt.WaV.fi2: ' "tand to lo- your weotheart by toll Ijiiishllri wont n hundsomo leather . ln(t trut,, mnocent mattom. card nnd photORTaph case. ,, , n,r ( yo) tblivk g,,.., worlh The presentations were made by bavin. If ahc takea It tho rlirht u-ny. riromnii yiiuon a. uuuinrai. i-rrif vim wl iv. no trmtttlo aftr trwir- rtnKO, aa nhe ,wlll irtlll miille nnd liann OUTSIDE MARKET QUOTATIONS tOatk. lav. taO. t t4 Om! Artna ritiMlits a A4mn4Mk AtlmaojK M .... ,11 Am Brto. IM iMlM CMd . . Tit At Our ........ Am lU'dn.r. juiack WUraa . . . UUrMaM OMl .., .Ut OritmtU Xnonlt M TH IVnt At H 01 I, l-onl At N p , ,M4 ITrwimM Tlr. .., JSM Oojurd AtpVII 19 ni4Miit rvm ,. sue iirnvM rvrr SM ywta Amnvjn,,rBr irjo rflai Ttrs 'fit Ueii. ittttut A lloimiU IM Moot YM4rrni ,, "14 IU4l lUkuf 1', iuj.i n.u4 r tV.... . M fu4r tu , t4,nl.r U4 ft BonUU ,, ill SMmu1m4 Oarp ........ iM OutMrlno )IM4 Jew., iZi U B BUm . .... 90 UhUmI ITMU Rkiruis , V.rrva Ilm. iNiim'iatoiafT oiui. IW AAU4 oil n 144 IIoum on . 1 09 llaMM WjumlM 1 IK4 If.rlV Mriul IT 944 OwkU4 I'rU ti lit r4rtl (Ml , IS Hoi OUnrorli Oft ,. I M Otttn WUtfU M U 1st frtHt 1IH m Uurttl OU .' HSi . IM Oatr OU t it rmliur A Wkm ... 4H iM njw aaa 1IH MM Bkuu Ma 11 SI M RUMr OU S4 Wkk OU ItH 9 aumv. IKO Alu Br OU l&t Am UIm 1 A t IU 11 11 U UH UH UH rt it ti IM 111 111 H H 4H IM IM IM J7H UTH UIH Kt 101 lftt II 14 M I IH 4 IS4 IU H an in ail tt ti rt Kt lOt ll MH It MU 111 111 IM MH MH MU IK IH IH aft tf in in in fH IH TH 111 IU 114 MH MH MH I14H ll'H 114H II It II lit Ul Ut IU IH IH Ul Ml III II It U ItH U UW IH IH IH i 1 IH IH , IH IH IS , 17 H 17H H lliaK low, ImC. Wmrre, 1100 rnootiMlrr Mlav. T MM Ilonrr Omp. , A looo rur vd. Ounm 1A IIM llu To I tM It Alitor Im4 A TIM Ima Mtsla 4 IIM Tdm Dlrld 1 100 O 0 Cwtlntsul TH IIM Whit Cw. I 1M0 WhlU Cm KtUulao... 1 1M vruiTt i 1150 T.rrtnitoo. 1 BO.NWS. 100M AHIrA TVtrr et 1MI0 Antomd Cmr 7 MU 1000 Anflo Amrr Oil fH IM IMOO lutfclrbcm Otoit Is II... MH MOO Col Out , HH 1004 (kmdrtrt! Tlr. 7. tl 7000 Oraail Truat f. 101U 101 100M Itlrt HI tl IMO N T 14 II A It 4s. ...... II II MOOO Komr 101H IM I0O Onbowil A L 1 40 H MH IH IM MOO Swtn a Co ft ITH ITU I0M Swim Oor 5. II 7 U IH I A 4 IH TH I 1 4 I MH t IM MU MH It I MM SlnrUlt C IH I1H ' 10000 Mir rt O. It IM T A IA t A 4 HI TH I t 4 I 1H KH IM MH MH ,3 ii n UIH MH IH IM tlH l dent of the Uniformed Firemen's As aoolatlon, and by Patrolman Joseph I'. Moran, President of the Patrol mon'a Benevolent Association. Joseph J. O'llellly, aoelal atrcretaxy of the Joint aanoolatlons. Joined In with added oompllmentnry remarks atrout , uotn jCKiaiaioro. anu ino inner iuoh turns In expressions of appreciation and wholehearted thanks. The women In attendanco were t r. V. . f 1 a .. litm.ln lnlin,An assistant secretary for the police end of tho O'llellly organization, and by Mrs, Harriet MoCUron for the iruar dl&nt of the peace. The flro and the pollco batoball trama wilt pilch Into each other for possession of The Chief trophy on tho diamond of Kbbets Field In Urooklyn thla afternoon. JERSEY WILL VOTE TUNNEL BONDS, SAYSJDWARDS Has No Doubt Voters Will Ap prove $28,000,000 for Vehicular Tube. AM Art4 HUtrr .... 40 'AtUuu , atM IMS U4i Me Boom ItM IWat. A MoM. .... 1M9 'OtUi Mia. KO ttelaart A Jhvom. 4jTt CwMuU U. .... 2 Om VUiteU SM Oerui WJr.r tTt Untmu Otli 'ijftlfcnrta IfM IMild. Bu - mt DwtfU Arts H 1 H 4 41 It H VI 4H M IH IH 11 IH MM M BilW 1 4 i II IH 10 I 14 a t H t A H It tl ! J mi mr , Bunk CroMtu lBurtU Ball ....... 1M MM Osu IH (M4 Pr.l 0444TUU nmu. ,. MM OU4 Kmu im tii nam iv. . tt$0 OoM Zooa I Xnu IX U I VUeTuwrs i WaKuurs Crmt. fffo Wu lulu n IH tl 1H H IH IH IIH UH hh 1 IH UH IIH H ItH II H H t S4 I M 14 H H 4H It 1 IH II IH H 4 M A t t It i t ii 1 A U 11 M 11 I I UH H IH 1 litt UH UH 1 tU UH 10H IH ItH tl 1 H 1 H 4 49 II u H IH M IH IH 11 IH 1 I It IH 9 t II 1 t IT I A !k II M H WALL STREET - Profit taking; develop In to-day'o two hour stoek market aeaalon and price reocnslona In leading lsauea ranirod from substantial fraotlons to inoru tlutti two points. ateol, ratlroad equipment and mls eellaneoua Industrial lasues all fulled to hold grouud. Preasuro woa not pronounced at Any time, and It was the obttnee of buying: power rather than the voluiue of aalea that brought about the unsettled undertone. A. factor that deterred most traders from maklni; purehaaes was tht oml noun Industrial outlook In Oreat llrltaln . Bankers who are In close touoli with the situation on the other side stated that Uie strike of ooal miners In bound to be a failure und that while thnre Is a porinllilllty that railroad workers and others will join the miners In striking- the walkout oannot ue oontlnuKl more than u fort- riKlit or possibly three weeks. The lliitlsh miners' strike continued to have a deoldnly unfavorable lrtflu- enoe on the cotton market and mxit cotton broke below JO cents jer pound. Definite Indications that money conditions will now become materi ally easier, failed to have a stimulat ing market Influence. In this con nection there was much Intertisv at tached to the prob.vtke oharHoter of the statement on credit conditions to li lsmicd by the federal Ilesorve Itauk In Waahlng-ton late this after noon. Considering tho hum extent of the financial transactions eonsummatnd on Thursday, the Clearlnir House bunk statement made u favorable showing;. The decrease In surplus re serve amounted to tl.M3.H0, while loans Increased JIZ.lM.OOfl. LFUBHTY 110.VDU. Liberty S).s opened IL4I, u .M; 1st 4 Ms, M.S4, up .: 3d 4 l-4s, 'JS.4I, Gov. Kdward I. Kd wards of New Jersey has no doubt of tho adoption by tho voters of his Htate at the com ing election of the proposition to Is sue bonds to the valuo of )3S,000,000 to pay New Jersty's sharo of the pro posed vehicular tunnel under the Hudson and a new biidire across tho Dolawnro Hirer at Camden. "There are two ways of meeting; Now Jersey's sharo of the proposed vehicular tunnel and the Delaware lirldg-o," said tho Governor. "One Is by direct tax against existing; prop erty. That Is, every bit of property In the Bute -would have this now burden added to the burden property Is already compelled to boar. There Isn't any doubt but what such a plan would be very unpopular, particularly at this time, .when every ona la complaining- of tho hlrTh coat of living. "On the othen hand, the bond Issue spreads the burden over a period of years. As a matter of fact, we could retire this $18,000,000 bond Issue In u period of ten years. If we oared to, but It would be preferable to make It twenty years, under the latter plan the toll for the use of tho tunnel, which will go Into tho bond retiring fund, would bn only about halt of what It would be under the ten-year retirement plan, "I firmly believe that after tho pro posed New Jersey-New York vehic ular tunnel has been In operation but a short time, the profit under the toll system will be so great and- th other advantages so numerous that the people of the two H tales will Im- 1 mediately bucln thinking of either 1 another tunnel or 11 bridge It must not bo Inferred that tolls v, ill always be charged for the use of the tunnel. "But the fjreatest eoonomlo and humanitarian purpose to be ao complithed by a direct, uninter rupted hlfjhway between our two oreat States will be a de cided reduction In the cost of living. "ISvery delay In traffic, every halt because of fog or Ice, means costs nf transportation, which are eventually raddled upon the consumer. It must nut be assumed that one community will derive all the boneilt and another little or nothing. The transportation problem In and nround Nrnv York ilitrlnir hus an endless chain phase Kvtiry one concerned and I mean the ultimata consumer Is directly or In dlrtictly nffovted, Irrespective of whether he lives on the New York or the New Jersey side of the river." FOURiaS HXCHANOE OPENINO. Hteel, demand, t.ii 1-1;, cables, 3 47 Francs, demand, .0811; mblea, .utt! I.tre, demand, .0391; rubles, .039:. 1U1- ;.glan francs, demand, .rW; cubloH. I .OW. Marks, demand, .0UJ; cables, .0113. .HwUs francs, demand, .H84. ! cables, .1500. Guilders, demand, .3080, oAblfi, .aOrO. Canadian dollars, de mand, .KU. Pi'setas, demand, .1130; cables, .113. Sweden, kronen, do mand, .19; cable, .1971. Norway, kronen, demand, .1370; oables, .1380 Denmark, kronen, demand. 1JS0: sKeujbro'alTcrpicldc will givo your hair tho life, luster and beauty you bo much doslro. Tho cost is email and tho reoulta aro definite. Berjin tho ubo of iVn bro'a Herpicide today and "have loner lustrous beautiful tresses. At mtt Draf anil Dtpartmmnl Sjff jtffc Efwu AppJicot.o.olil.rfc.r SUf Hat ftsSJU tfitinkUr fp Utliia Teeth Without Plates I save dewed teelli. ThMtn loose Teeth. Treat Diseased Gums. frETS Ol' TtfWnt floM nrt I'jri'oUIn Crowns DrlJc'woiK. FUnnis und In!' of Hold. HUrer nnd Porcelain Made at Iteasonablc Price ll.illy tri-sixl nnd Roots csrr'uliy rttrncte.1 Treth thor ourlilf el'siie.t. Broken lAlatca rplrJ nt.Hi you wait. V 3 0pfici: 2E.125ll.St I 169E3thSt 8. U. Cor. Ith Air. I N. W I' r 14 Art. 740 Leilnjlon Ave., cor. 59'h SL ra)iirnl lui-rol'il In Ub frtr ItomU nl thrlr full faro vnlnr. 100 rent on llir ilnllnr II A, M. to II I'. M. Hall flwrd tinnilart. Cuticura Soap IS IDEAL- For the Hands tk,OlMtrat,Tt)fTjm.ffi ftmhoT, rreiiUi PMMrct CiUmi L.tTwi.Dtpt X. UUmk, If mi. I raand, ,aN cable, Promotes Beauty Of Skiii and Hair Cuticura Soap when used for every-day toilet pur poses not only cleanses. purifies and beautifies but ic prevents many little skin troubles if assisted by occasional use of Cuti cura Ointment to soothe and heal Cuticura TaB cum imparts a delicate lasting fragrance leaving the skin sweet and whole some. o 2e. OtemMat 28 ana BOc Ttlnmn a. Sold throughout the world. For siapl each free addreaa: taUunUk ... loo, ixpt, 3, MolSoa. hU: jMTXotlcur. Sow okoToe w4Um $20 Secures a $200 Lot $40 Secures a $400 Lot $60 Secures a $600 Lot 10 day of sale 20 in 30 days 70 on mortgage ABSOLUTE LIQUIDATION AUCTION By jrcrcmplory instructions from the Wcstcrvclt Realty Co. of the property formerly known us The Schieffelin Estate AP.CZ BRONX SUBWAY tOO AND HOME-BUILDING LAJ 1 O Locatwl lietween the tt&ik St. Station of the While Plains Itonil Sub ay and the Uaychester Ave. Station of N. Y. Westchester and Uoiton It. IU On E. 221st to 227th Sts., Inclusive; Laconia Ave., Eastchestcr Road, Schieffelin Ave., Needham Ave., and adjacent Sts. NexlTHURSDAY,0c!.21 At noon in the Kxchangc Salesroom, 14 Vewy St. JOHN QUINN, Esq., Attorney, 31 Nassau Street INSPECT THIS PROPERTY TO-DAY HOW TO CO Take Ilronx Park Subway to 177th St. nntl transfer to White Plains Ave. Subway extension to 2i3th St. Station, walk 4 short blocks to Laconia Avq. and property 70at0 00 at 5 50 at -VA .May Ilemaln Un TllleGuirintro A Trmt To. Mortgage '.Ills Policies FREE LiLlrfi nJ.IK.fcs. on proper Mhrnrneirt, Wiirrtr lond, nt tmuHK valor, will be arcrptrd as dttwilU. SoncJ for Booklet AueUontt". 07 Ubortj St., Nrw Tork City. Telephone Cortland! 744. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEW JERSEY. ainiiAU u triti 1400 r-u.ivc' tx) mouthlr ii'.TW USV.NR, Boon WHIM TO CO AMD MOW TO CIT TgA Hudson River by Daylight DAII.V, INCI.I'DINO SUNDAY. TllltOKIM OUT. 3-tTH. "TTaahlnsion Irilnr," "llmdritlt Ilndion," , Itobrrt mllon," "Albnnr." 'Vr Wtt Clinton' In Srrrlce JlnT. tOST. neriir lorioua Autumn Host are strain hrated and pn tnu rtall Conn accuplnd; Mu.le. Rntnurant HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED FEMALE. comfortable urntiirr! rilrect riftll rannMlloni. Alt Irimurh rmll tlokrts betwr-i-n Mow Tork and Albanr Beauty is a Blessing to every woman, but good health is vitally important Attention to liver, kidneys and bowels will improve beauty and health. are a boon to women, be cause they regulate the func tions of all these organs without any irritation or dis agreeable effect SU. of (M la tho KSMS la oo, Wwli WWjfllOuilF 10 lie I1ATI.II1IIT- It.VINn Tlftt, Sloamor Iihim dslly, Includlns Hundr, DrohrnMim 8t , H 40 A. VI . West 43d Ut , Ii 00 A. M.j lStth Ft . V 20 A. M l lonknrs, 0.00 A. M., I.ndln at tlloar lountaln. fWrat I'nlnt (wockdars only I, INtwbursh, rou(hkp!e. K I n r a t o n f'olnt. Cat.ktll. Hudson and Albany. tllrtum stoamur um day from points niatkrd t. Additional trip Nunday, ot. IT, leaving; n-Ubroms Ht , II 4 0 A. M i tVost 4 3d St.. 4V n. . , ..vat .I., 1V..U A. M.j Yonkurs, 10.80 A M , for Ilrar Mountain, wbursh, rousbkoopsto and ruturn to West 4 3d Ht. Idra! oniwloy nutlnra. rlrpbone Canal liaoO. hudson river AY LiINE Hrw Yorlr. REFINED important position Li open for intelligent and refined girls and young women to act as Long Distance Telephone Operators. No previous experience required. Working conditions the best. Write for further information or apply at 2 East 28th St. (cor. 5th Ave.) or 24 Walker St. (two streets below Canal St.) New York City American Telephone & Telegraph Company D Irbrours Ht. lira-. Eattern Steamship Lines, Inc. to BOSTON METROPOLITAN LINE All tho way by water VIA CAPE COD CANAL fXtuMrs It. 1-Ur II. North Blnr. foot of um; at frtoo mniij tooa. Daily at S P. M. (DajUsbt Ttm.) Dyckman St. Ferry To Interstate Park noATiNQ. anu t- r siJoul's00'1 Tare 5c net UNI :to Bd from r.rrr, tnuMtljic iu Jikmin Ht-llrotd.iy HI. il,in ,0,t Mj,h Bt (lout, for Auim in All rointi la N.. Resinol for children's hurls Balhe the injured ttxrt well with Ketlnol Soap and warm water, then apply Retlnol01ntment,and teehow quickly the tears are foruolten. The tame toothing, hfillng, antiieptlc, qualities which make Retinol Olnt ment to effective in treating cciemi and timilartroubleibrinc prompt re lief, to the little Imrti. K youjhaven't K ettnol In yourmedlcine caUinet buy Mrtody. ..hgiout. BEAR MOUNTAIN StrLCLIrMONTJIonUnnedjor the jtason HUDSON RIVER NIGHT LINES I'PTi fwT, '4V' At . Alb. ny l o clock foiio.Uu nwrauif, UuUikt s.,. tsl Time. CKNTIUI. HVIISOKTlNr: Ncwburuli, I', Klns.ton. Lt. J-rmkllu St . 4 I'. VI t Pal , J mid 3.30 I'. FOR SALE. DANCINQ ACADEMIES. ROLLER SKATING ST. NICHOLAS RINK 66th SENEAR BROADWAY Competent Instructors to Teach You How to Skate, BOc Par Las son. Dally, including- Sundays. 7.30 to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sundays anrl Holiday Afternoons and EnlngaJ Skating on Ground Floor Dancing Carnival on 2d Floor DANCING CARNIVAL Forowrly si Onad Costnl rslaee. NOW AT ST. NICHOLAS RINK 60th Street, near Broadway 3 Lesson, VZ) 30c Not necessary to take lessons. Lady Floor Manager will Introduce you to suitable partner for danc ins;. Learn to dance at this popu lar institution. DIAMONDS . WATCHES JEWELRY I ON CREDIT .Bl-plTSaR tuccplioul v.liic. Alicil calls. IJc.uutully , llluurslrd C.t.lo I'ret. ItUVAJL. U1AI..U.-.O0. iVATCHCO 33 UA1UUN LANK l'bouo John aia DANCING 170th St. and Third Av. Niblo's Garden Dancing every evening 7.D0 P. M. until 12.00. Spend an evening on the Ilcst Dancing Floor in the Ilronx. Splendid Music. Come with or without part ners, whether you know how to ilom-c or not. Instructions for those wishing to leurn, 10 cents each Autpicet of Land Servlco Leagua OIRE3 WANTED, 515 A WEEK TO START; 'tyj 080 TO $100 A MONTH SOON REACHED; EXCELLENT WORK ING CONDITIONS; RAPID PROMOTION, STEADY WORK. POSITIONS ARE OPEN IN OUR SEV ERAL DEPARTMENTS, APPLY AT MANHATTAN. 1168 BROADWAY. CORNER 27TH ST. 100" BROADWAY CORNER DEY STK BRONX. ' 070 E. 1DOTH ST. BROOKLYN. 81 WILLOUGHBY ST ,1006 BROADWAY. OR TELEPHONE MADISON SQUARE OFFICIAL, NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY, ELECTION FIGURES, 1789-1919 Preparo for the 1920 Election 1920 World Almanac 35c a copy Newsstands, Bookstores, and at UranchOfflcoscf Now York World By Mail Everywhere Poitair Prepaid 50c per copy DANCING CARNIVAL NOW OfBIUTIKO TUB AUDUBON BALLROOM Utuutf ir) itiuni. jvnuujfc gu. IMJI V 1 0 U JlU I N STB UCTI ON s 1 STkllu. I'lllVATVl LsnSO.Ws. ll.U0. Not etnuuri to Uk. Imnid. Lull rioai uvauc. rou to ralutx. uttt wilt tnl orr lor dinflns. AD DUD ON THEATBB BtTILDINQ. lGfith St. and Broadway JSUNDAV WORLD "WANTS" I WORK MONDAY WONDERS Real Estate OWN YOUR HOME and te your own landlord. Uaslrr than most persona realize, A Wonderful Assortment of opportunities to either buy the land upon which to build a home or buy one already tnillt Is offered the readers of To-morrow's Sunday World. 1,000 Separate Real Estate, Offers For Sale & Wanted