Newspaper Page Text
1 COAL IKE RIOT ALL AVAILABLE UPPLY ToniohCs Weslher FAIR To-morrow's Weather FAIR. HURT GREAT IS M AN Superhorse Is Pampered Like a Prima Donna SEE PAGE THREE VOL. LXI. NO. 21,664 FUGITIVES FROM Ifi SING SOUGHT IN FOUR STATES; ROB AS MY ELUDE POSSES Slcal Autos, Money, Clothes at Pistol Point in Their Flight. ARMED. MEN SEARCH. Convicts Last Seen in Connec ticut Prison Guards Give Up Chase. Racing their stolen oar at all th apoed thy oan got out of It, George SttTcra and Marcus llassott, the oa oaped Pine Bins prisoners, are to -day seeklnei a refugo somewhere In Masonohusetts or Rhode Island, ac cording to tho best Information the authorities have. bjen able to set of tJMHc In both Stater, the two men have frfenS. and aliTonds lending from Connecticut nre fretng y (Vatohed. So far as the Sing Sing guarde are oeneenied, the chaw has now gone too fs,r afield for them and to-day ihey ga:r up search for the two con rlcts. Dut It will ,be maintained with ail poa)fele vigor by sheriffs and the police of four States, Nbw York. Con necticut, Rpode Island and Massa chusetts, aided by score of volun teers. v The fUKitlvea were last seen at din ner tlmo last night at 1-akevtlle, Conn., showing; that they liad' cov ered sixty mites after their flight from Ming Sing. Those who saw tho two men aald that they were headed In the direction of Hrldgeport, which was a duubllng on' their course. Near the I'onneeUcut-Maeaachu-netts Stato line there are seven posses on the lookout; numbering ISO armed men. The countryside within a :00-mlle radius of Sing, Sing Is on the watch, and In every town and city of the three States the police are guarding the roads. Tho fugitive, when last seen, were in a stolen autulnoblla and wore civilian clothes, taken from their owners at pistol point. They had covered, when last seen, about 360 mllea In a xlgaag. roundabout course, and were only some fifty mllea from Bins Sing. QET MONEY BY HOLD-UPS A8 THEY SPEED ALONQ. The convicts have the advantage of thttr pursuers In that they oan change automobiles whenever they come across one thoy want, and In the same way can change their ap pearance by stealing other clothes from persons thoy meet and throw ing away uio ones iney nau. ina iwu men have money, taken from hold ups on the way, if they decide to ohange to a railroad, and a further contusing fact is that pursuers have no r.w of knowing when the convicts may decide to abandon their flight and go into hiding, ltoth men ore daring and resourceful, and mueh of (Continued o;v tho Second Pago.) Classified Advertisers Important! rSaattfled advertising copy for The Sunday World houl d be In Tiie worm nice On or Before Friday Preceding rutlhrAian Parlv ropy T'i!.o t'i p -f'fr' wfi'n Suiim'v ii'l ji"k h I'"1 OIT.tlti'.i. t.ile ud' " tLiiug I' nun omitted for luik of time lo ot it. THE WORLD. 0' WAR DAILY. Copfrifhti 1030 by Ce. (Tbe New 4- ARE SENTENCED TO JAIL THEN LET OFF Aged Nassau Gamblers Pay SI, 000 Fines, but Escape Going to Sing Sing. In the Supreme Court at Mineola this nfternwi, Justice Tovnsend Hcudder sentiu ced David aideon, famous horseman, seventy-six years old, and William 31. Uusteed, seventy two, to six months n Blng Sing and 11,000 fine each. Immediately after the prieon ' sentence was suspended pending good behavior, rjtistecd paid the fines for both, handing over to the. Court two $1,000 bills. "Your age," said Justice Soudder, looking down upon the two old men. "has greatly disturbed the court It should have been a bar to the evil you were doing. It seems to hv de veloped In you only a cir cumvent the law. Not only did yiu Invite, but you mused the lose of con. flrience on tiie part of the public In officials whose path you have oronied, and whose good will. It must be in ferred, you needed In your business." The Judge then ipcndod the prison sentence and Immediately af terward fined the Ave employees of the pair, doormen, roulette and other attach of the gambling house of the pair In Howlott, I.. I were given Hontences of fdx months In the county Jull and fined from $1,000 down to $250. Tho Court warned thorn that If they ever aocefttxl such employ; ment In Nassau County they could not expect clemency. John Nhaugnesay, tho third gambler, wn given a wuapendod aontcnoe, be cause of the scrrloea he had ren dered tho prosecution, the Court an nounced. neforo hq three men were per mitted to depart they were served with subpoenaa to- appear when re quired before tho John Doe proceed ings In progrcea, Tho next move of the CJrand Jury, it is Intimated, will bo the report of that body on the of ficials said to have been bribed. PIERCE TWO WALLS AND GET NOTHING Burglars Take Along Sandwiches to Week-end Job in a Warehouse. Five burglars went Into the loft build ing at No. S! Water Street, laden with ratidnlehes on Saturday afternoon and for twenty-four hours hammered nnd chiseled and drilled their way through two two-foot brick walla Into the warehouse of WlUlam It. Noyce at No. 64. They made an eight-foot hole In the wad, went Into the offices of Lund and Miller on the third floor, which was one below that through which they made their entrance, uaed a whtek broom and the telephone and opened a desk, Automatic alarms cabled police and watchmen and the burKlars got away without reward for thnlr wee'.t- md work. Thjpy left thrtr hammri. hnvl md chlwU ho'.ilnd. U Is be linved thy wore rtrr whUk'y. . Tim rit.ri;i. iii iilui, Aritut, liii.. m.., ,v-oj Pa. n JJa. . . JD. TlKi!ie lltjiii-. 4u0tl. m tor MJ tui wwoL a Dm ii; uii Wl, . slwMf ordin taj CnidUn' eiraka In sJ.-.eft. BUSTLED GIDEON " Circulation Rooks Open to All." The Yrtn rubllhtn York World). NEW p$ bh T Italian Bonds, Jewelry and Money Taken From Woman on Way Home. HER SON A WITNESS. Female-Suspect Tells of Threats by Pair Supposed to Hive Carried Out Job. To-day's list of over-the-'week-end robberies is even longer than usual. Few arrests have been made. Tho largest individual robbery J that in which tho victim is Mrs. Joeephlno Pollnl, No. 231 East 36th Street, whlost $10,000 worth of Italian bonds, Jewelry and money. Her hus. band has a grocery store In Bast 24th Street. Thuy kept the vnluables In the store by day and Mrs. I'ollnl has been carrying them homo at night in a brief case. Early yesterday, when she ntus going through 2Uli Strcc., robbers stepped from n hallway and held her up. Her son, Salvatore Jr. was vfith her. Before he could sum mon holp the robbers disappeared. Carmelo I'ronc, eighteen years old, No. X29 Kant 36th Street, and Mary Huslng, No. 421 Second Avenue, were arrcated In connection with tho To Ilnl rdbbcry. The police, say Prone, who foratorly worked In the Pollnl Mtorc, odmltto.l having told two mon , about the way the valuables were handled. Detectives say there Is reason to believe that the robbery was planned In Mrs. Musing's home, where they say a bludgeon nnd two pistols were found. She Is said to have told the pollen that they fired one shot to frighten Prone Into nllence. In Yorkvlllc Court to-day Prone was held In $10,000 and Mary Huslng In $5,000 ball for forty-eight hours. Three masked mon entered the del Icatensen store of Norman Hlndll, No. 830 Seventh Avcnuo, early yesterday morning and got $1S0 from tho cash drawer and a diamond pin worth $100 from Hlndll, whom they beat up. William Murray and his son Chnrles of Richmond Hill were slightly wounded by a holdup man who tried to rofb them yesterday. Murray was shot In the left thigh when , he refueod to give up his money, and Ma eon wtis shot In the right knee. A man giving the name of Harry Itogers, No. 241 Montrone Avenue, Brooklyn, was arrested. Four armod men held up James Carroll, bartender in a saloon at ttth Street and Amsterdam Avenue, yes terday afternoon and got $80. They fled In a taxi and were followed by Patrolman Cwialdy In another. In a saloon at 67th Street and West End Avenue, Caraldy arrested two men after a fight. Two more woro arrot od later. The four gave the names of Thomas Connolly, No. Ill Wosl 52d Htreotl Mathow Bulllvan. No. 417 Knot 6 Id Htroet: Joweph Doyle, No. i 410 Went 6Sth Htrent, and James Con ' norti No. 7T2 Ninth Avenue. Alt four I were held In the West Sldo Court In j $2,&00 (bail each on charges of robbery. ' Burglars at 11 o'clock thin morning 1 entered the apartment of Hurry HI- j mon, No. 869 Kox ttret by taking the door off Its mngna, Tmy wtolo u diamond ring valund at $360 und then attempted to gain oivtrunco to the apartment of Joe Kats across the hall. They wr frlhtend awuy. HELD IN $35,000 HOLP-UP. V ii nth Arninert of (lrlln aill.OOtl lllll Aiming Ollirr Thlnge. Charlee I-evlne, nineteen, of No. 310 W. 28th Htroet. Ilrnotclvn. a fsrmor 'tnldler, wan hfUl to-day ny ManUtratr I Ton Hy.:k In the Wtut Hlile Otu.t'ln 16,000 ball In rnnnticllon wlih tlm 13.1,000 ImM-up Aug. II, of 'hlll K. Smith, of No. 51.1 W. (1.1 trU hu'tun, who uVikihk nlher things re Prll the Irwa of a $10,000 bill. Smith, uiwnnllnK tn OaiuetHu Mr Caitn. lnrisntltled ,l-vlr. -tia U givaa a bearing Ttiuriday, inns N $4010 ROBBERY YORK, MONDAY, 85 PER CT. OF $343,000,000 BUDGET, A $70,000,000 FALLS ON THE RENT PAYERS Wage Earners Must Foot Bill Show Little Inter est in Huge? 1921 Expenditures Landlords to Pass Along Burden. This article, dealing with the abnormal budget of tho City of New York for the year 1921,, lo add rowed to tho reut-payerl It is tlmo tho runt-payer camo to n realization of the fact that 85 per cent, of tho taxes of thin olty comes out of tho pocuots of Uie people who pay ront. Tho rent-payer thus far has manlfontod only slight interest In a budget for 1921, which Is $70,000,000 In excean of the budget for 1920. Landlords and real-estate owners have rained the only forr'li! objections to tho tai-rato Increase, The rcnt-payr-r Is n;. .u:uiy of tbe opinion that he la not interested--1 '.i a u I.. ..uastd tax will tall on the landlord. . , Dut the landlord as the monoy for bis Uxea from his tenants. Under the law he Is entitled to a reasonable return on hi Investment, The tenant, in reason, cannot expect tho landlord to payjneroaend taxes out of his own pocket and, certainly, tho landlord has no inten tion of doing so. THK TKJfAST PAYS. Every rent-payor in Greater New York should read and digest and remember thla: IXCIIKSKI) TAXKS 3rEA- INCIHUSKO ItKXTALS. JuU at thla time, whon rentals have mounted to an oppressive figure, tho city is preparing to expend $343,000,000 as the cost of Gov ernment and pass up $38,000,000 In addition to the Legislature, which will formulate legislation by authority of which the taxpayers will eventually be mulcted of that amount too. In ordor to be able to raise more money to spend the City Gov ernment has raised the assessed valuation of real estate for purpoios of taxation in 1021 in the City of New York to (10,238,000,310. Thla in an Increase in assessed valuation of (1,243,732,949 over 1920. The ConirtJtutlon allows the city to collect for local taxation pur posoA 2 per cent, of the asBOMed valuation of Toal Mtate. Under the provisions of the law the city Is empowered to collect in taxes next yoar, In excess of tho collections of 1920, 2 per cent, of 11,243,782,946, or $24,874,068. Thlr sum Is to bo exacted from landlords, DUT THM TENANTS AIIE GOING TO IlErMnunSE THK LANDLORDS tn Increased rentals. Every rent-payer In the city will be affected according to hla ability to pay. Hero is a concrete example of how the increased taxation works out to the damage of the tenant' resources. A certafn west sldo apartment house thousands of similar cases might be quoted In valued for taxation purposes this year at $950, 000. Tho houso shelters seventy-two tenants. For taxaUon purposes in 1921 this house is Tnlued at $1,180,000. On a valuation of 1950,000 at a taxation rate of $2.48 per (100 ' this year's figure the landlord paid In taxes to the olty the sum of H23.G60, wnicn tie corjECTEi) nt(m the TEju.vrs. On a valuation of $1,150,000 at a taxation rate of $2.88 per $100, which Is approximately what the rato will be In 1921, tho landlord will pay In tax re to the city the sum of $32,775, WHICH HE WILL COLLECT FROM THE TT.XASTS. His Increase in taxation for the yoar 1921 will amount to $0,315. This sum, dlvidod pro rata among the anvnnty-two tenant, will take from each tho sum of $129 for the year or, practically, $11 a month. The rentals In thin house avenge $1,800 a year. On the basis of IiIh Increased Hsaeaamwit alone tiie landlord will be Justified In raising the rent of tmeh of his termnU 7 per cent. No tax imponed In recent yaara has mused so wnoh grumbling arid restmrmont aa the State income tax. A man earning $7,500 a year Is Justified, according to economlnU, In paying $1,800 u year for rent. Tnkn a $7,600 a ywir man In the apartment house doaorlbed above. He Is married and paya a Htatn Income tax of 1 per cent, on $7,500 less $2,000 exemption, or $55 a year, und hla cries of protwt eun be neard acroas the Hudson River. Hut his landlord, because of a swollen city budget, can legally take $120 a yaar anay from him and he doesn't utter a peep, IlECACSE UK THINKS HI! HAH NO PERSONAL INTEREST IN THE CITY linifJKT. Tbe example quoted above is picked for comparative purposes only. EVERY WA(Ji:.EARM'. WHO PAYS RENT WILL III) AFFECT- Ell IN PUOPORTIOX TO HIS RENTAL OI'TLAY. (If rent-payew are interested In a matter an vtiti It may Intilgxt" them, as It were, to know that The Kviwlng World will print to-mnr-row the first artuie of a clear exposition of how much it ooati tu ipwid the money Nw York BDoudii lor ijvoriirac.uU OCTOBER 18, 1920. J and Others Who IP "Circulation Jiooka Open Entered 2e-ondria) Matter 1m Office, .New vrU, Xt T. WILSON ITES I FRENCH "OFFER" Asks Senator If He Was Cor rectly Quoted in Sayinjf France Sent Envoy. HACKS FRENCH HONOR. Hesitates to ftraw Inference It Is Dealing With a Private Citizen. WAHHLVOTON, Oct. M. PraahlWU Wilson to-day directed Imiulrlen to both the Krmielf Government ami Senator Htmlkig as to th Itrptib llean's recent statement that he had been approached "Informally" by a representative of France nnd nsketl to IcAd In the formation of an asso ciation of nations. The Inquiry to Sonntor Harding, whleh was In the form of a letter, waslnado public nt the White House. The letter tn Senator Harding fot. .lows: "My, Dear Hlr: "In the New Tork Times of yes. terday, Sunday, Oat. 17, 1930, I find a despnh dated fH. IOiils. Oat 18, whlfh purports ta report recent nubile utterance of yours. In it ooeurn the following: "'Replying to erltlclim of hie proposal for an asoolatlon of na tions, he said In a rear platform apeeeh at Qreenosstle, Ind, that he already had been approached Informally by a representative of France, who asked that the United States lesd the way to a world fraternity." "I write to aak If this Is a cor rect Quotation, nnd If you really nald what is there aoeredlted to you, I need not point out to you the grave and extraordinary Infer ences to bo drawn from such a statement namely, that the Gov ernment of Frnnre, which Is a member of the I,nagun of Nation, approached prlviito citizen of n nation which Is not b member of the lenguewlth a request that the United States lead the way 'to n work! fraternity.' "The Department of State has always found the Government of France moat honorably mindful of lie International obligations ' and punetllloualy oaraful to ob serve all the proprieties of Inter national Interoouree, "I hovltttte, therefore, to draw the mferenoo to which I have re ferred uolma I am oaaured by ya that you actually nuula thlu atatement "Vry truly yours, "WOODitOW WlLHON." The letter to Senator Harding waa K4ven out without fominmt but it was IntltnaUxl thut if Htm tor Har ding repllnd that he wvm oorrealty quoted, tlmre might be another Iottr er a, Katmnt ImummI utwii Harding's speech, forttioomlHg from the White Houuo. DENIAL IN PARIS THAT ENVOY WAS SENT TO HARDING Foreign Olfice Annoimces "Some Prenclwait" May Have Tart;ed Unofficially. !UJU, pet. IS (United From). The lrenc4i Foroign Office) eald to day that a new awitolation of nation may have been disc usee J b" Heoatot warrtn ii. Harding und "some, Frenchman.' Tho annoiint enieni said that if a I FrMiiohman did have auch a oonvr- I aatlon with Uardllkg ha wai ivol hot-1 i lag as a lyekewaan for Cnom, WING ABOU M 71 to All FIFTY HURT N FIERCE T IN LONDON BY UNEMPLOYED AS BIG COAL STRIKE BEGINS 4 Delegation Calls on Lloyd George While 10,000 Jobless Men March to Downing Street Government Takes Over All Available Coal. wpi LONDON. Oct. 18 (Associate! I'ress). Disorders occurred In Whitehall this afternoon in cotinoction with the con) miners' strike, dur ing a demonstratidn by unemployed men who had sent a delegation to Premier Lloyd George in Downing Street. Many persons were Injured in attempts to break through a police cordon and others were hurt wheri some stonework from a window on the Treasury Building fell. The situation which developed on Whitehall at the entrance to Downing Street was an ugly one. There were a thousand of the un employed there, awaiting the return of their delegation, and thTgfeal thoroughfare of Whitehall in tiie vicinity was jammed. CALL 19 WITNESSES IN BALL SCANDAL Qiteago q ind Jury to Resume Inquiry and Take Up Pools To-Morrow. .IIICAno, Oct. 18. Nineteen wit- neeeen have ln summoned ta ap pear 'before the Cook County arand Jury to-morrow when the Investiga tion Into the basHbKll soaiHlnl la re- mimed. President Johnson of ih American lieegue, Harry Frnaee, President of the Itoston Americans, Chtwiea Hb beta, owner of the Brooklyn Nation als, Fred Mitchell, manager of the Chicago Nntkinnls, nnd John ieys, Secretary of What Club, are anjong league ornctelH mimmoned. TelngrHms alio were sent te Ar nold ltothsteln. New York gambler Abo AttcM, a former imgMlet, and Jtwoph Pneoh, Hnrvoy Hedmoml and Thoman C. Kearney, all of at. Loulx, asking thtkm to upimnm- as wlu.emies The (Hand Jury to-nvorrow rImo wM start investigation of lieeeball pools. JOY RIDERS TAKE ALONG CHILD IN CAR Owner Left Son In Machine While He Mnde a Delivery Four Men Drive It Away. The pollen are seeking four young men whe teak Milton Kelman. three, of No. 331 West 10th Htreet. aloir: with them when they stole lil father's autninohlle for a Jny ilito Haturday night. leldnrn Keltnan, the ohlld'a father, owner of a laundry at Na. ISO Wwt Hnd Avenue, left 1111- ton sitting In the ear while he made a delivery at Na. 3 West 67th HlreeL Four men ware aeen tn unleek the ear and make off In It. The ohlld was found three hours later at llrnadway and 71st HtreeU The "kr was found thla inernlng, un llijureil, at e'tth Htreel and We.t Und Avenue, v WOMEN NOW SURE OF VOTE. II. IK. JiunrrliiP Court lleruee Tn Interfere. WAJmrWITOK, Oot, ll, The Su preme Oourt to-tkiy refused te advance the hearing nt the auat fcreutflit by Char lea . gyirchllds for an Injunction restraining Secretary Cethr from pro mulgatlng the Federal StWfrage Amend mint Thla pre. iudea uny po!3ihty of case being heard bi fore the Noventber IIIWTAtlHANT. aatdil Iw lo d.i IMeaeiir). IM li. ina- iMk. KimMi irM lotileei, . , Huaawtea iM- BJDITION PRICE THREE CENTS The dlmwder started nriien the un- employed demonstratoni tried io (break through tho heavy pollco guard ami got Into Downing Street, It wa turlng thla rush that the -window "tones from Uic Treosury crashed dwn. J'ollce rblnforcementa were rushed 'up, and mounted pollee were oarrletl out to aoalt the regular. At l-aat two of the police and eerr eral eovillans svere Injured In the early attempts of the orowd to get through the cordon. Finally the crowd began to throw atones. The parapet on ene aide of Downing Street aleo collapsed during the crush. A nu tribe r of pereona were Injured when a crowd headed by the red flag of the Tottenham District ftodallst and Labor I'nrty made a determined rush and tried to break through the poltee. Hventually the red flag waa eapt tired, FIFTY INJURED RECEIVE TREAT MENT AFTER RIOT. The deputation to the Premier cen sleted of nrten heads of Indon bu reaiw naklng relief for the unem ployed. The disorders were etlll pro edlng when the deputation emerged fiorn the Premier's nrriclnJ reeldence at No. 10 Downing Rtreet and tried to quiet the erowd. At the earns time a email party of demonatratora went to the neighbor ing Trafalgar Pquare, set up a red flag, sang tho -Internationale' and cheered Ienlne and Trolitay. No trouble developed here, however, the police not Interfering, The polloe finally dispersed The iletera. In conneotlon with the sending f the depuUthtn to the Pmnler & pa rade f JO.eOO of the unemployed had twen planned to mareh to Downing Street u a demonstration, AttTvtlje ninmitm im mHaiiiea me parade or the unemployed Tiformed und con tlnuwl toward Trafalgar Bquare In an orderly manner, eeoorted bv tho polloe. Fifty Injured imraena were trlvc-n treatment when the trouble ended. Tiventy of theae wnre sent to Ve pitala. The Injuml treated Included two polleemen and one woman. In connection with tho character of the dinoiutratlon it waa pointed out that tlm appearance of a red flag n a dern, onatrtttlon does not neoeoaarily have liarlloular ntgnltkxince. All available aiippllee of cnej rt.Te been pled under Government con trol The country awaited anxiously a re port from the meeting held this morning of the Council of Transport Workers, which include more trtevat twenty union, covering the dockers, the bus and tram workers, the com. mcriial road transport mon and ttje coal tiimMiarv at the piirts. 'Ttje Couaafl, howerer. fter a private m