Newspaper Page Text
yvm THE EVENING WORLD, MONDAY, NOVEMBER I. 120. 15 I We are not A "Special Sale" House However Wo believe that there ia now an( expectant public waiting for substantially lower prices lower than any declines in cost up to the present would justify. Our Ktocks are very full and compjete, po wo decided to inaugurate a sale 0' auch magnitude, at selling pricea bo much below tho regular quotations, that no one really interested in the purchase of household furnishings can ignore this money saving opportunity. An increas ed 'volume of business must compensate for the greatly reduced prices. , . . . . V. fUlMlMCU tltl V WO desire to convince you that even though only a modest e pendituro is contemplated, some thing of unusual value can always be found n this catabllshemnt This ia an opportunity offered the public to purchase THE GOODS THAT THEY WANT. AT THE TIME THEY rFirp THEM, AT EXPECT THE LOW PRICES THEY W. & J. SLOANE FIFTJH AVENUE AT FORTY-SEVENTH STREET, NEW YORK ' A Three Million Dollar Readjustment Sale Beginning TO-DAY Real Reductions up to 40 on AWondcrful Assortment of FttRNiTiiRE , Oriental Rugs, Carfets;Dqmestic Rugs, Linoleums This sale docs not offrt collection ol mediocre Roods, assembled for "discount sale" purposes, but In comprised of onr regular dependable and desirable merchandise. The tfsual Sloane high quality Is guaranteed, at prices so low as to make this the most Important and genuine money-saving opportunity of recent years. , Owing to limited spore, ice l($t only a few ol the many articles Included in the tale. Come Prepared to Buy Bring full information necessary to as sist in nn immediate decision. Bring with you accurate measurements of tho space to be occupied by either Rug, Carpet or piece of Furniture. Bring any samples of colors with which your new purchases mu3t harmonize. Owing to tho extremely low prices made for the purpose of immediate sale, we cannot send thtao goods ,on approval, reuervo or exchange them, or aceept their return at a atcr date. In some instances there is but a singb example; in dtheru, many duplicates. All prices marked in plain figures. Free delivery to all shipping points in tho United Stales. Store Open from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M Imported and Domestic Rugs An unsurpassed variety of choice patterns and colorings. All shea are included from 22x36 imhcB to 12x15 fect 3250 Wilton Rugs HU. Ktrulurii 9x12 feet $225.00 9x12 feet 195.00 9x12 feet 1K5.00 9x12 feet 105.00 9x12 eet 157.50 9x12 feet 154.00 9x12 feec 142.00 9x12 feet 1:53 00 feet 125.00 feet 120.00 feet 115 00 feet 114.75 feet 110 00 feet. 9x12 9x12 9x12 9x12 9x12 9x12 1.3x15.0 11.3x15.0 1.3x15.0 1.3x15.0 1.3x15.0 1.3x15.0 1 3x15 0 1.3x15.0 11.3x13 6 1.3x13.6 1.3x13 6 1.3x13.6 11.3x12.0 11.3x12.0 9x15 feet. 9x15 feet. 9x15 feet. 9x15 feet. 8.3x10.6 8 3x10.6 8.3x10.6 8.3x10.6 8.3x10.6 07 nrt feet 334.00 feet 205.00 feet 245 00 feet 232.00 feet 205.00 feet 183.50 feet.... 177.50 feet.... 155.00 feet.... ?20.00 feet Vjo.OO feet.... 160.00 feet 135.00 feet.... 184.00 ect 147.50 214.00 195.00- .... 184.00 .... 142.50 fpor. 17Knrt feet 155.00 feet 145.00 feet 134.00 feet 125.00 Rale Prim $IP0.00 150.01) 14K0U 120.00 122.50 124.00 113.50 106.00 102.50. 96.00 90,00 90.00 87.50 75.00 250.00 210.00 195.00 185.00 161. CO 145.50 137.50 120 00 175.00 149.50 122.50 105 00 128.50 117.00 170.00 157.50 132.00 112.50 13Q 50 110.50 115.50 105.00 102.50 . .. . Mir. 8.3x10.6 8.3x10.6 6.9x12.0 0.9x12.0 feet 6.9x9 0 feet 6.9x9.0 feet 6 9x9.0 feet 0.9x9.0 feet 10.0x13.6 feet. 10.6x12.0 feet. 9x15 feet 254.00 9x15 feet 215.00 BrruUrly Sal Prloa feet $110.00 feet 100.50 feet 102.00 90.00 87.50 76.50 72.50 64.50 240.00 214.00 feet. feet. feet. 6x9 0x9 0x9 6x9 0x 4.6x7.6 4.6x7.0 4.0x7.6 4.6x7.6 4.6x7.6 4.6x7.6 4.6x7.6 4.6x7.6 4.6x7.6 4.6x7.6 36x63 27x54 27x54 27x54 27x54 22,x36 22x36 feet 114.00 98.00 88.00 84.00 feet 72.75 feet. 72.50 feet 65.00 feet. 66.00 feet 63.00 feet 56.00 feet 55.00 feet 49.50 feet 49.00 feet 48.00 feet 40.00 feet 86.60 feet 35.00 inches:.... 19.50 inches 18.00 inches...... 16.25 inches 12.75 inches 11.00 inches. .. 12.75 inches... 8.50 9xl2 r9xl2 9x12 P"9xl2 9x12 9x12 22x36 inches... 7.75 380 Axminster Rugs feetx feet feet feet feet feet 12x15 feet 12x15 feet 11.3x15.0 11.3x15.0 11.3x15.0 11.8x15.0 10.6x13.6 9x15 feet feet.. feet . , feet . , fect . , feet . , 423U.00 . 140.00 . 105.00 . 105.00 . 88.50 . 61.50 . 175.00 . 162.50 . 305.00 . 220.00 . 160.00 . 100.50 . 185.00 . 290.00 Btl Prtco $168.00 112.00 84.00 82.50 69.50 49.00 140.00 130.00 265.00 175.00 128.00 80.00 105.00 210.00 Sua 9x15 feet 9x15 feet 9.0x10.6 feet 8.3x10.6 feet..... 8.3x10.6 feet .... 7.6x9.0 feet , 6.9x9.0 feet , 6.9x9.0 feet , 6.9x9.0 feet feet feet , feet , feet , 6.9x9.0 4.6x7.6 4.6x7.6 4.6x7.6 3x6 feet $li5.00 122.50 90.00 78.50 54.00 66.00 130.00 80.00 , 60.00 37.50 72.50 45.00 32.50 12.00 $38.00 79.50 7950 60.50 69.50 60.50 57.50 5O.C0' 192.00 170.00 198.50 185.00 90.00 76.50 71.00 67.00 57.50 57.50 52.00 49.50 50.00 40.00 42.50 40.00 40.00 38.50 31.50 29.50 27.50 13.50 12.50 11.50 9.00 8.00 9.50 4.50 5.75 Ktlm rrlc $140.00 91.50 72.00 62.00 43.00 52.50 95.00 63.50 47.50 25.00 52.50 36.00 26.50 9.50 540 Plain Seamless Chenille Axminster Rugs with Itand Borders Bin It&ru.irlr Print 9x12 feet $168.00 $127.50 8.3x10.6 feet 134.50 107.00 6x9 feet 84.00 07.00 3x6 fet 28.00 22.50 449 Reversible Seamless Smyrna Rugs Plain Centers with Hand Borders ttUs Refill s.-lr tUJ VrifO 9x12 feet $99.60 $75.00 1650 Braided Rugs; Bath Mats All Hand Braided Rugs; Machine Braided Rugs and Bath Mats At 25 off Marked Prices 95 Seamless Wilton Velvet Rugs ?A . . . uvuuii hi in 9x12 feet ....$100.00 $80.00 8.2x10.6 feet 88.60 70.00 140,000 Yards of Imported and American Carpets and Linoleums bo varied in pattern and color that a proper selection la assured for every room Kill Plain Carpets -o0,000 yds. Plain tons and Velvets French, English and rntstic manu actu c. 1,800 yds. Plain French Wilton, 39 inches wide, 8 colors. 6.000 yds Plain and Mottled Wilton Velvets, 16 nches wide, 14 colors. vn- $7.00 $5.00 01 coo Do 6.76 6.26 6.60 4.50 4.60 4.25 4.00 8.25 7.50 6.60 6.00 18,600 yds. Plain Axmin sters, 17 colors. 7.75 8.25 6.75 7.00 5.25 G.O.) 5,75 5.35 5.00 4.25 5.60 4.25 Figured Carpets 15,000 yds. Figured Ax minsters, imported and d mestlc. Including tho finest English weaves. lUxuUrtr Fttc $10.00 $8.00 7.75 6.00 6.00 4.75 6.50 4.25 12,300 yds. Figured 9.00 7.20 Wiltons, imported and 8.25 6.25 domestic, 66 patterns 7.60 5.75 and colors. 6.76 5.33 9,000 yds. Figured Wil ton Velvets, many with Stair Carpets to match. 6.00 4,80 .000 yds Velvets. 1 Wool F gurod 6.00 4.00 3.83 3.15 Inlaid Linoleums 8,000 Yards In 32 Tile and Parquet Designs. Regular price per sq. yd $2.00 to $4.00 Sale price per sq. yd $1.60 to $3.20 "Sloane" Improved Vacuum Cleaners The best and slmplotrt for the home. adUiin Cleawr w... $4.1.00 Attachments for opccla' clcan'ng 11.00 ! Fife $40.00 8.00 1 Extraordinary Savings on Sloane Furniture THIS,. GREAT SALE includes remarkably varied and extena've stocks of al kins and styles o dependable furniture osanmbled for tlfoso who appreciate purity of design and workmanship of higiiest reality. Among the furniture offered will be found u number of gonuine antiqun examples of the ICth, 17th and 18th ron-turic-s Call early in the day to insure unhurried selections. Living Room Pieces D-2816 Walnut Arm Chair silk and wool tapestry of the period. . . D-765 17th Century Arm Chiir wal nut Venetian red silk velvet, antique in effect D-3025 Reproduction of 16th Century Lallan Tab.e in walnut, 5G"xl9" D-1064 Reproduct'on 17th Century Sofa, very comfortable, green brocatelta; 6'fa" iong D-3163 Reproduction early 18th Cen tury Lovo Seat walnut, all figured green silk velvet rich trimmings of the period D-3304 Chippendalo Easy Chair, ma hogany, down cushions, silk and' wool tapestry, reproduc tion of needlework D-9526 Walnut fcofa covered with raspberry all sill; damask, gal loons and fringes, fi'3' rong. . . S-10558 Reproduction of 17 h Century Wing Ctmir in wa.nut, fine wool tapestry in needlework effect S-8921 Handmade Reproduction 18th Contury ('aippenduteCommodo in msiogeny, 4'1" wide D-6677 Marble Jadiniere on supports, Italian design, copper linings, 47"x21"xuch" high S-12262 Late 17th Century Walnut Chaise Longue, wool tapestry S-8071 Late 17 th Century Oak Cook case, IV ys fui'-s'mile S-10497 Pair Floral Paintings, Von Ileusc-n School each D-3139 Early 18th Century Sofa, cov ered green s Ik figured velvet. D-8592-Rev. Reproduction of ate 17th Century Si 'fa n walnut, fine wool tapestry, 6'6" long..... D-9325 Late 17th Century walnut Sofa, 7 ' long, wool taptstry, with rich guloons and fringes S-870 Rep oduction 17th Century Walnut Settee crewe work embroidery on heavy linen fabric, antique n effect D-1924 Chippendale Sofa, mahogany, Bilk and wool tapestry, repro duction of needlework, 7'G" long S-632 Antique Floral Picture, at tributed to Jean Baptistc D-9026 Reproduction Stuart Sofa, an tique oak, Venetian red silk velvet, fringes of tho period . . S-5S61 Pair of Carved Wood and Gilt Torcheres S-996 Pair 18th Century French paintings "Cupid Surprise". . . SVmnerty Ua Mo $300.00 $200.00 1930-X 1519-X 295.00 200.00 350.00 225.00 1617-X 1B0G-X 450.00 275.00 1600-X 435.00 300.00 . 2281-X 1811-X 415.00 300.00 1033-X 475.00 325.00 K !fRC8-X 1C28-X 450.00 325.00 6C0.00 350.00 500.00 350.00 IgQglx 500.00 350.00 2020x 660.00 450.00 640.00 450.00 800.00 500.00 1038x 1874-X 875.00 600.00 895.00 625.00 l57:).x 750.00 625.00 975.00 1075.00 1100.00 2032.50 3900.00 650.00 675.00 875.00 1500.00 2750.00 $40.00 $30.00 CO.OO 45.00 258.00 200.00 650.00 525.00 1100.00 765.00 1200.00 875.00 1200.00 875.00 1400.00 950.00 1850.00 975.00 1400.00 1050.00 1600.00 1200.00 1600.00 1200.00 Small Tables and Occasional Pieces Oak Drop Leaf Table, 20"x 40" Mahogany Tray, 20"x30". . . Walnut Lump Table, 24" dlamotcr Mal-ogany Nst of Four Tables, painted decorations. . . Mahogany Lamp Stand, 10"x Walnut' ' Gate ' Leg " Table, l'10'!x2'6" Mahogany Tea Table, with' tray Walnut Gate Leg Table, 30"x:t0" Mahogany Tea Wagon with Tray, 17"x25" Mahogany Gate Leg Table, 44" Walnut Lamp Stand, 12"xll!" Mahogany Lamp Stand, l'U"x 1'6" Lacquered Tea Table with tray Walnut Table, l'0"xfi'0" Carved walnut Console, 18"x 30" L.oqucied Chinese Desk, 22"x 42" Ftoranrlj S! ITU Dining. Room Suites and Pieces 2297-X Nest of Four Tables, mahog any, hand painted decorations 316-X Tea Table, tray 1602-X Breakfast Set, Gate Leg Table, Colonial-Empire, mahogany finish, 6 pieces D-802t Cherry Breakfast Set, walnut, blue decoration, 9 pieces . 1382-X Walnut Spanish Set, 10 -pieces 2076-X Hepplewhite mahogany ,9 pieces 1387-X Sheraton Set, ra hogany, 9 pieces 1858-X Colonial Set, mahogany, 9 p ecea 1863-X Adam Set, mahogany, 9 piece 1876-X Hepplewhite.mahoganyvfcneer , 9 pieces 40-X Spanish walnu Bet, 10 pieces. 1342-X Queen Anne walnut, 10 pieces . . Bed Room Suites and Pieces 1691-X Side Chair, Colonial, rush seat. $25.00 $20.00 D-4922 Mahogany Side Chair, slip seat 36.00 28.00 213&-X Mahogany Day lied, frame only 56.00 45.00 848-X Colonial Bed, four post, ma hogany, twin size 160.00 110.00 B65-X Colonial Bed. four post ma hogany, size 4'0" 180.00 120.00 964-X Colonia Bed, four post, ma hogany, size 4'6" 180.00 120.00 1295-X Chifforobe mahogany and enamel 225.00 195.00 718-X Highboy, maple and mahogany 850.00 240.00 1681-X Bureau, crotch mahogany 5)25.00 245.00 1896-X Hepplewhite Highboy, mahog any 476.00 350.00 6C0-X Jacobean Bedroom Set, in deal, '9 pieces, including minor 850.00 565.00 620-X Gray Enamel Set, 9 p eccs 900.00 625.00 1411-X Mahogany Bedroom Set, 10 pieces 760.00 635.00 1899-X Queen Anne Set, walnut, 8 pieuM 940.00 700.00 670-X Queen Anne Bedroom Set, wal nut, 0 pieces 1000.00 725.00 713-X Colonial, mahogany and roaplo 10 pieces, including 2 mirrors 900.00 725.00 1895-X Hepplewhite, sol.d mahogany, 9 pieces 1125.00 825.00 1385-X Mahogany Bedroom Set, Co lonial four-poster, 7 pieces 1400.00 950.00 691-X French Peasant Bedroom Set, . hand painted, 10 pieces 1600.00 975.00 820X Black Enamel Set, hand deco ration, tr mmed with cane 1360.00 1185,00 14G&-X 14SG-X 1467-X 1472-X 391-X 403-X 1428-X 411-X 399-X 463-X 468-X 1463-X 471-X 357-X 1433-X 404-X 427-X 16G3-X S-82 1746 1958 S-96 1083 622 1648 1638 S-364 S-1C82 1690 356 237 S-1042 S-626 8-46 621 818 Odd Pieces Inlaid Mahogany Serving Tray Mahogany Windsor Arm Chair, wood seat Mahogany High" Chair, wood Beat, with tray . . Sinnll Side Chair to match chair above, rush scat Small Queen Anne Chair, wal nut, with rush wilt Wing Cha r cntti.n tapoitry Three fold, Genuine Leather Screen, wood frame back.. .. Mirrors Gold nnd green mirror, compo ornaments, 18"x27" Colonial, eagle ornament, 16"x 86" Gothic polychrome, 20"x32". . . Ma ogany and gold mirror, 20"x39' Gilt mirror, blua border, 20"x 40" Gi t mirror, Adam design, Wedgwood ornament, 20"x40" ltnlian gilt mirror. 23"x38" . Oval Adam, e cheu glass, 22" 32" Oval Colonial, 2G"x3S" Colonial convex mirror, eagle ornament, 2C"x35" Adam design, etched glass dec oration, 25"x38" Italian, hand decorated, bev eled ghiis, 3'7"x2'0" . .. . Chippendale, compo ornaments, beveled glass, 24 "x49" Queen Anne, all crystal, blue bor der. l'G"x3'3" Queen Anne, beveled orna ments, blue border, 23"x42". . Chippendale, blue border, bev eled glass, 2'3"x3'10" Oblong Adam, mitred glass, compo panels painted in nat ural colors. 2G"xG0" Adam, all ctystal, etched or naments, bluo border, 26"x42". Queen Anne, fine dining room design, blue border, 48"x31". . . $25.00 23.00 36.00 40.00 36.00 18.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 55.00 75.00 75.00 130.00 300.00 rWniBrtj $15.00 25.00 30.00 53.00 62.00 100.00 $20.00 20.00 27.00 30.00 30.00 36.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 r.o.oo 00.00 100.00 250.00 Ail- M" $12.00 20.00 25.00 40.00 45.00 75.00 250.00 195.00 Format If I3G.00 40.00 40.00 CB.OO 75.00 70.00 85.00 85.00 90.00 110.00 90.00 95.00 136.00 150.00 160.00 160.00 195.00 225.00 265.00 Genuine Antique Pieces FonurJj Antique mahogany Mirror . . $130.00 Antique Sheraton Chest of Drawers, In mahogany . . . 185.00 Antique mahogany Sheraton Sofa Table s 250.00 Pair of Antique Sheraton ma hogany Side Chairs, covered with blue plush pair... 300.00 Antique Sheraton mahogany Sofa Table 350.00 Antique Sheraton mahogany Pembroke Table Antique Queen Anne walnut Desk Table Antique walnut Bureau Desk Pair of Antique Italian walnut Arm Qhaun, covered with an tique green damimk, for pair . Pair of Antique Adam Arm Chairs, beech, natural finish, covered in antique brocade, pair Antique Inlaid mahosany Tall Clock 680.00 Pair of Antique 16th Century ltalan 'lorcuerrs, gut and wood, with modern arms each Antique Sheraton Settee, Saintod with indefinite color ccoration, covered with oWl chbts Antique walnut Queen Anne Sofa, with antique brocatellc Antique oak Inlaid Buerau Secretaire Bookcaso Antique wulnut Queen Anne Sofa, covered with needlework. Antique Adam satin wood Commode, painted medallions. 2500.00 Antique Italian, 16th Century, walnut Credence 3500.00 476.00 460.00 500.00 600.00 600.00 Stln 1'rlo $25.00 30.00 35.00 45.00 50.00 50.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 75.00 t 75.00 100.00 105.00 105.00 115.00 145.00 175.00 225.00 $100.00 135.000 175.00 210.00 225.00 300.00 300.00 350.00 375.00 400.00 400.00 712.50 450.00 760.00 950.00 1760.00 2000.00 500.00 625.00 1250.00 1400.00 1750.00 2500.00 850RoomSizeOrientalRugs Dcupllo tho fact that chaotic conditio In the Orient Indicate, a scarcity of desir able carpet and consequent high pnreM Tor tho next two years, we are offering from our block 860 nxim-lr.o rugs. In thlH collodion will bo found rus of all dislrablo wcics. Including the productions as well as those of mow moderate price. It Is obvious that, of this great collection, wo can only imuincrato but a few examples, which we givo you below: 8. 2x 5. 0 ASIA MINOR, soft red ground $860.03 $235.00 11. tx fi. 0 KHANBAM, blue ground, nllover design 450.00 315.00 9.10x G.ll ASIA JVUNOK, red ground, allovnr 550.00 395.00 ll.llx 9. 0 KHANBAH, tan ground allover deaigu 620.00 4:0.00 10. 6x 8. 1 ASIA MINOR, camel's hair colorings 676.00 475.00 10. lx 8. 2 ASIA MINOR, red ground, Serapi design 670.00 475.00 11. 8x 8. 1 MAHAL, dark bluo ground, allover design 775.00 570.00 17.10x &. 1 KHANBAH, red ground. Mahal design 823.00 580.00 11. Qx 9. 0 ARAK, rod ground, allover dusign 895.00 060.00 11. 9x 9. 0 ARAK, dark bluo ground, allover design 900.00 670.00 12. Ox 9. 1 ASIA MINOR, soft rod ground, modaion 925.00 675.00 11.4x8.10 ARAK, medium blue grouud, allover desgn 900.00 675.00 13. 3x 9. 9 ASIA MINOR, medium blue ground 1050.00 680.03 11. 7x 8.10 ARAK, tun ground, u'.lovBr design 920.00 690.00 18. 4x10. 0 ASIA MINOR, blue ground 1065.00 700.00 15. .ix 8. 2 ASIA MINOR, camel ground, allover design 1023.00 725.00 11. 7x 9. 5 ARAK soft red ground 9S5.00 740.00 13. 2x10. 3 ASIA MINOR, ivory ground, Serapi design -lOSS.OO 745.00 12.0x9 8 ARAK, dark blue ground, allover-dcaign 050.00 775.00 17 7x11. 9 KHANBAH, medium blue ground, medallion...- 1050.00 790.00 14.0x9.6 ASIA MINOR, blue ground, Fernghan design... 1075.00 835.00 14. lx 9. , KHANBAH, red ground, Serebend design.... 1200.00 810.00 11. 2x10. I ASIA MINOR, neutral groon ground 1100.00 875.00 13. 8x10. 6 ARAK, blue ground, allover design 1200.00 875.00 16.10x10. 6 ARAK, mulberry red ground allover design 1235.00 900.00 15. 1x11. 3 ASIA MINOR, dark blue ground, allover design. 1375.00 900.00 15. 4x11. 3 ASIA MINOR, bluo ground, Serapi design 1385.00 985.00 17. 7x15. 4 KHANBAH, Polish design, alover effect 1600.00 1C50.00 16. 6x11. 7 ASIA MINOR, Ivory ground, pastel colors 1450.00 lOl.i.OO 12. lx 8.10 SHAH ABBAS,, silky rose ground 1600.00 110). 11 18. 8x11.10 MAHAL, red ground, allover design 197.i.00 1250 03 24. 3x10, 8 ASIA MINOR, red ground, Serapi design 2200.00 1330.00 12.9x10.1 1SMIDT, ustrous bluo ground, fine quality. .. . 1950.00 1450.00 19. 4xlJ. 9 AKBAR, soft rrrtilborry ground, ullqvar design .. 2000.00 1G0O.OO 24. 6x15.10 KHANBAH, plain blu ccntro, Keshan, border . 2400.00 16U0.00 Fine Persian Carpets 10.10X 7. 10.107. 13. 4V10. 13. 6x10. 11. 4x H. ll.llx 9. 11. 2x 8. 11. lx 7. 13. 0x10. 15. 3x10. 2x 8, 0k 7. Ox 7, 3x 8. 6x 8. 13. 4x10. ll.llx 9. 13. 9x10. 0x10. 9x10. 2x12. 14. 8x11. 18.10x12. 26. 3x17, 13. 3x 9. 14. 8x12. 12. 11. 12. 13. 11. 14. 13. 16. PcK-tlpUim 9 Kirni'shah 7 Kirm'ahah 1 Kirm'Hhah 2 Hamndan. 4 El' end 6 Kirm'shah 7 Kirm'Hhah 10 Sarouk. . 1 ilamadun. 1 Humadan, 3 El vend . . 9 Sarouk' .. 2 Sarouk. . 10 Kirm'shah 10 Sarouk. . . 6 Sarouk. . . 4 Sarouk. . 1 Kirm'shah 8 Kirm'shah 8 Kirm'shah 8 Elvend . . 1 Kirm'shah 10 Elvend . 3 Kirm'shah 11 Sarouk. .. . 4 Sarouk. . . Vonnetlr $1160.00 1150.00 1200.00 1200.00 1150.00 1375,00 1300.00 1225.00 1460.00 1460.00 1350.00 1500.00 1500.00 1060.00 1615.00 1650,00 1900.60 2000.00. 2100.00 2150.00 2250.00 2250.00 2000.00 2500.00 2500.00 2600.00 Stll !'r1r JhSO.OO 875.0il 000.01) 950.00 950.00 975.00 975 00 i)75.m 1000.00 1000.00 1050.00 1150.00 1150.00 1100.00 1200.00 1200.00 1330.00 1450.00 1500.00 1500.00 1600.00 1650.00 1700.00 1500.00 1750.00 1900.00 13. 1x10. 6 14, 5x10. 6 18. Sxl3.ll 26. 0x18. 6 H. 2x12. 3 18. 2xl 1 26. 0x17. 0 20. 3x13. 6 17. 8x12. 6 17.11x12. 19. 20. 19. 3x13. 0 18.10x12. 4 19. 6x12. S 18. 9x12. 3 21. 6x15. 6 2x18. 9 11x14. 2 23. 4x17.10 23. lxll. 2 20, 0x12. 4 24. 1x14. 8 26. 3x16.10 28. 6x19. 2 26. 2x18. 5 23. 3x18. 9 Sarouk.... Sarouk.... Kirm'shah Kirm'shah Kirm'shah Kirm'shah Kirm'shah Kirm'shah Sarouk... Sarouk. ... Kirm'shah Sarouk. .. Kirm'shah Sarouk... Elvend Kirm'shn Kirm'shah Kirm'shah Sarouk.... Sarouk. .... Sarouk...'. Sarouk.... Tabrii . . . Kirm'shah Kirm'shah $2600.00 2760.00 2750.00 2600.00 3000.00 3000.00 32TiO.OO 3300.00 3500.00 3600.00 3500.00 3750.00 3500.00 3M10.00 3750.00 4000.00 4000.00 4500.00 4500.00 4250.00 6600.00 6500.00 6200.00 6500.00 6000.00 !i75.00 1C5O.0O 2000.00 2000.00 1800.00 2250.00 2250.00 2400.00 2500.00 2500.00 2500.00 2650.00 2650.00 2700.00 2750.00 2850.00 2S00.0O 2700.00 3200.00 3300.00 3850.00 3N50.00 4000.00 isnn.oo 4G0O.0O 750 Small Oriental Rugs A wonderfully complete collection of popular small sizes rugs In a great variety of weaves, in beautiful designs and udorlngs. Thcic sale prices Areaeat very remarkable values. Moussols, Pergamea, Beloochistans, Lflehennas, Sarouka and Kirmanshuhs, in Mat and Hearth Sizes. 36.00 to 75.00 Values now 26.00 to 67,00 65.00 to 105.00 value- - now 38.00 to 60.00 180.00 to 365.00 values now 110.00 to 210.00 250.00 to 600.00 values now 175.00 to 350.00 175 Chinese Room-Size Rugs These rugs arc of the Peking quality, with Incised shearing, good depth of pile, firmly and cloHcly woven. They must not bo confounded with thfr-uioro ordinary type of Chinese rug quite Ircqucntly offered at low prices. Space does not permit us to list more than a few of this great collection. Mi--Fm( (Nrtla rmttlj Salt Mm 9.1 Ox 8. 0 Miduight bluo ground, allover design, medium bhjo border $690.00 $490.00 9.6x8.2 Straw colored ground, blue border medallion 680.00 510.00 9. 9x 8. 5 Medium porcelain blue ground, medallion design, blue border 755.00 525.00 ll.lOx 9. 2 Imperial yellow ground, blue border 945.00 690.00 11. 6x 9. 2 lmperiall yellow ground, blue border, medallion . . 925.00 695.00 11. 7x 9. 1 Soft peach blow ground, medallion, porcelain bluo border 925.00 700.00 14. 4x 9. 2 Soft yellow ground, tree and bird design, dark blue border . ... 1145.00 845.00 14, 6x 9.10 Deep blue ground, medallion, v.. v.n, . i border 1340.00 920.00 16. Cx 9. 5 PomegrnnaU; ground, detached design, uluu border 1375.00 995.00 16.11x10.11 Pomegranate grouneU medallion design, with typical Chinese motifs, border Kitn-Lung 1400.00 1000.00 18. 4x12. 0 Porcelain blue ground,- ullover design of typical Chinese floral arrangement, blue border 2250,00 1500.00 21.4x12.0 Coral pink ground, mrdallion dislgn, blue border. 2200.00 1550.00 19. 3x13. 0 Porcelain blue ground, five medallions, fruit red boi- tier 2500.00 1700.00 iii i i mi mi i iiuihwii 1 1 m, m lib.