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Hi' THE EVENING WORLD, MONDAY, ITOVEMBElt I, 1920. EX, UK MARY GARDEN STAR OF REGOLAR MOVIE HUNT BY CREDITORS Gowns Seized in Paris, Maid Fled I With Them, as Lawyers Pur- sued, Say Dressmakers. PAMS, Nov. 1. Tha nllnjr of bult toy BuHos Company, drm. makers, htm revealed an exciting chase after Mary Garden, wlm landed in Now York a few daya ago. The company claims Mlna Garden owes it 53,000 francs for f lira and dromes. A few wcoka ago. In attempting to collect a Judgment, the company nays It Just missed Mtas Garden on a fly ing visit to Pari but seized at the Motel du Ilhln two trunks containing ft fur coat, six drenson and other things- Before these could be re moved by the company's lawyers, Miss Garden's maid disappeared with the seized apparel. It Is charged. tUlss Garden was later located at (be Prlncces Hotel, but left to catch the MaurctanlA before the lawyers arrived. The lawyers hired an auto mobile on missing tho boat train, but reached Cherbourg too late for the lender to tho Mauritania. They then hired a boat and went out to the ship, lut evidently were again un trucoesRful, as they have filed BUlt to collect tho allfigod debt. GIRL SCOUTS TO GIVE Altt. tVill Anarrcr Hospital nmrraerfer Calls on Klectlon Day. The first aid training (of tha irlrl KCflUta villi be put to use throughout the city on Election Day. Every am bulance leaving the Knickerbocker Hos pital will carry a acout fully qualified in first aid. In addition to this the girls ' will prepare bandages and answer emergency calls both at Dellevue and the Knickerbocker Hospitals. Scouts who have won the Child Nurse badge will take care of babies and young children while their mothers go to vote. Numbers of them have been delegated to do this work through the medium of the Neighborhood and Set tlement Houses. BRONX DEDICATES NEW HOSPITAL Several Thousand Dollars Raised to Carry on Maternity Work. Beveral thousand dollars were rsisH coincident with the formal dedication of the 1100,000 building of the Iironx Maternity Hospital at 166th Street and Grand Concourse (vterdny afternoon. Tho campaign for funds will continue during this week, when It Is hoped that at least 1 100,000 will bo subscribed. Tho Institution la now open for the registration of patients, and Accommo dates forty. T.ic building will be used exclusively for maternity cases and the treatment of diseases of children. It Is non-sectarian and will provldd free treatment for those uiable to pay. Mayron 9. Tochclson, one of the Vice 2'resldents, presided yesterday. Health Commissioner Copeland was one of the speakers, and Dr. Julius Weiss. Chair man of the Building Committee, pre sented the key of the Institution to Ritas Bayer, President of the Broix Maternity Hospital. WOMAN ARTIST ESCAPED REDS Mmc. de Gradowsky Painted Many Members of Russian Royal Family. lime. Marie de Gradowsky, born the Countess Devlcr. portrait and miniature painter, la one of the aristocracy of Russia who has suc ceeded In reaching tho United Htatcs. Her young son le with her. Beforo the revolution she was closely associated with members of tho late Czar's family and painted from life In miniature virtually every member of the group. Bhe was liv ing In Moscow whon the lied revolu tion started nnd with her twelve-year-old son received un hour's no tice and sent to Petrogrnd. After many prlvaWona she finally succeeded In getting to Finland and then to Copenhagen, where the King and Queen aided her. $15,000 FIRE FAILS TO DISTURB HIS NAP Sleeper Almost Suffocated When Awakened in Blaze On El dridpe Street. Fire of unknown origin vrtilfch ntarted about 2 o'clock this morning In the drygoodn store of Max Wclner, on the ground floor of No. 87 Hldrldge Street, gave the firemen a hard fight with smoke In the two upper floors nnd did X1B.000 worth of damage. The fire wns In the celling nnd It was necessary to cut away most of the steel covering. Synagogues occupy tho second and third stories, both o! wWch wera filled with smoke. On the third floor, In Temple Both Knost, the firemen found Philip Ben Haakalahla, twenty one, an Algerian, who hod slept through all the excitement Ho whs almost suffocated when discovered. WRANGLE LOSES TOWNS. Take by Soviet I'orcea After Hard KlKbtlns, Moscow Says. U5NDON. Nov, 1. Several Important towns' northeast and northwest of tho Crimean Peninsula have been occupied by the tiovlet Itusslan forces as a result of hard fighting along the Illack flea front. It Is announced In an official statement from Moscow, dated Burulay, Among the places occupied are I'cro kop, Melitopol and Skadovsk. m m MMUMUiitimmmhmnm urn B rut The Orchestra of Stars The best dance-musicians from all over the country ' have been gathered together into the new Pennsylvania Dance Orchestra. You could dance forever to their won derful music you have never heard its equal anywhere. Hotel Peimsylvania TEA DANCES SUPPER DANCES HHidliBalihlgiBBbia Lord & Taylor 38th Street FIFTH AVENUE 39th Street Store Will Not Be Open Until 10.30 Tomorrow v November Sale of Unusual Values in Women's and Misses' Fashionable Wraps Distinguished models, adapted from our own Paris importations," richly fur-trimmed and. produced especially for this event. PARIS has excelled herself this season in creating Wraps of the utmost taste and distinction, and some of the most effective features in our own importations have been embodied in the collec- t. t tlon WraPs. wc offer here. rl hey are made of fabrics tested in our own laboratory; trimired with furs that have been rigidly inspected by our own experts; the linings are of selected silks; the tailoring is irreproachable and the prices represent much less than the intrinsic value of these Wraps. Cashmere Bolivia Wraps $85.00 Illustrated above is an adaptation of Drc coll's "Centurion" model, with its circular novelty cut; also of a Rence Coat, a becoming, straight-line style both typical of the smart Parisian touch. Cashmere Bolivia, luxurious in texture, is enhanced by a huge collar of Mole skin, Nutria or Australian Opossum. Full range of the season's shades. Four Hundred Coat Wraps in the Bokhara and Bolivia $75.00 Women acquainted with the rich weave and yardage cost of Bokhara and Bolivia and with the expensiveness of these lavish collars of fur, will marvel at the values offered here. Two of the group of models at this price are illustrated above distinctively smart styles, with collars ot Nutria or Australian Opossum. Full range of the season's shades in the collection. Collection. Nine Models. Four Illustrated BROADWAY .tAt Uth STRBET METROPOLITAN CLOTHES for MEN Tomorrow Election Day We Offer the ' Finest Collection of M en s Winter Overcoats to be sseen in the City of clSlew York JLTEAVY weight coats, big roomy ulsters, belted coats, and buttonrthrough effects everything on the style sheet, all at one price. They are Saks coats, and all that our name means in dependable workmanship and author itative styling. They are coats that hold their own against all competition they are coats of upstanding quality from collar to hem such ., as the man'of metropolitan lire and habit will be proud to own. As Annotrarft) by K Dept. of Justice '20,000 Pairs Men's Army Style, Munson Last, SHOES now on Sale below cost of manufacture. $.00 Per Pair At the Following Shoe Stores Only: Bender's, 245 Grand St. Bloomberg's, 660 5th Are. Clark's, 1567 Broadwav Harry's, 141 Myrtle Ave. Waukcase Shoe, 146 FlatbuthAve. Kruchkow Bros., 4914 5th Ave. Meade's, 104 Myrtle Ave. Go to the Nearest One Sale Now On. Events for Election Day in The Man's Shop OPEN AFTER 14X30 A. M. ON ELECTION DAT 'Business Suits $55- Half silk lined, three-button models in Oxford gray, blue and brown mixtures,' also in cheviots nnd tweeds, Alpaca lined. Ex cellently tailored more than exceptional at the price. IMPORTED English Overcoats Ulstbrs. BIfp-cna, Greeteetrts for ctrevt ef motoring wow, in fleecy Scotch and Irish woc4mofthnmNwsmthsHthciovwdt type, Brtrwoo, Era8 and heather mixtarea. Woven Madras Shirts $2,85 WBLL-TAILOTtKB tMfflf f woTa adna, la an cxmmIt mIso tton of texy sulfas ta tests! cobra. Imported Golf Hose $2.50 MBOfOM ltM KnliA lJ-wofl Ootf Hose, In plain er eoMiutiaKcolc4 tiipad cuffs M aaplool vaio. Men's Soft Hats Hats ( ba auRr? foft, ta smart T Mai brotrn, Preach brown, ItaBaa grata, Oxford mmd Boflteh mis rural. Imported Tweed Caps AU. mI tissaia Mi qafltod tflk Sa. isai o a plaas top; in plain coif or strap d4 band shapes. Oray, tan, grain sod otttsf aolzturaa. Exptvtt Elcmtort dtnet to THE MAN'S SHOP AT Lord & Taylor FIFTH AVENUE : I 1 1 i LI II r v M WORLD "WANTS" .Third Floor- WORK WONDERS as 'i - ffti