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Newspaper Page Text
1 THE EYENIKO WORLD, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1 1920. Hello Message 1 Goes 3,500 Miles Over the Seas K JVInirv Phntin rnmrniiniMfinn From Keyport, N. J., Heard HTTan noBWSON of Key-port. N. J, who helped develop the hydroaeroplane and la credited with being the first man to carry the United Btatoa mailt In an airplane, has bcon notinod that hi radio phone message have beeh been heard In Scotland, 1,600 miles away. Mr. Iloblnnon became Interested o - . . ... n i j. -um ovu, have nn amateur station at Keyport, and recently began sending out me oases. They would talk Into the phone, give thcli names and address, play a selection on a phonograph and ank any recipient of the message to communicate with them. They soou began gnttlnff answers, . according to Mr. Robinson. Uui Drat lolng from operators within 100 miles of Keyport, They then bgan using wave lengths of from ISO to 290 meters, and the first long dis- tance reply came from Anhland, O. 'CB0 miles away. Then came one from Ontario, 1.160 miles away, and now a. W. a. Benzie writes from ! Aberdeenshire, Scotland, that be and a friend received the transmission of Oct. 6. Mr. Benzie gnte tho gist of the messugc and tho nama of tho phonograph selections. . He asks that Mr. Rublnson try It again on a certain date, and Mr. Rob inson has agreed. Mr. Itobltwon be lieves telephonic messages can be wirelessed to still greater distance. it t Socialists Badly tleaten In Rom. HOME. Oct it. AJitl-tJcKUallat can didates were vlctorluua in fh n,inun.i election halil her to-day, beln iVe.i I large majorities. There was -freat en-1 thiulaam shown by the pxipl ,1ur1n the election, and proceiulnn bearing national flaw paraoVd the treot, I Cream Cheese versus "Philadelphia" Don't be persuaded to botlrrs that all oream cheete It the isms, jost beoauie there are many brandi that all ec the same doeia't msaui that thmy all ttutt the same. There it only om "PfallsdelphU" made from pasteurised whole milk with cream added rich ia traits fat and body-buildinf proteins tatty, appetizinf, nouritbinf at becftteak. Mads fresh every day and always the tama. Cheek up on your cream cheese. Buy a fenuine" Philadelphia" today. See that the bread it on the psekse. Hum eat it and mctict lit fimvrl rMf, A PHENIX PRODUCT nrsNix cmtn ooktaht U-44J OnuirUk Stmt Mmw lark l.'AND RAPIDS FURNITURE J04-J "L" STATION at Co OPEN SATURDAY BvENINOr DOWN ON 50. 5 DOWN ON 75? 5? DOWN ON 'lOO.0" We Open Tomorrow At 10.30 A. M. This will afford our people the opportunity of performing their duty as American Citizens casting their votes. From 10.30 A. M. t il 5 P. M., however, you will find many induce ment to shop. Read This Page. Telephone Orders Filled Phone Fitzroy tgooAsk for Telephone Order Desk Lord & Taylor 38th Street FIFTH AVENUE 39th Street Are You Seeking Bridal or Holiday Gifts ? May we suggest a visit to the Art Needle craft Department, 5th floor? It is br'mming ovcr with hundreds of gift things, many from foreign countries. Prices arc always attractive here. iFifth FlOOTZ Buy for Your Home Tomorrow, Election Day Sale of Superior Quality Wilton Rugs WE have listed the number of nigs to shpw you that quantities are limited. However, the assortments arc comprehensive in 6tyles, sizes and colors. And every rug has been greatly lowered in.price. Wc advise an early inspection. Best-Grade Worsted Wiltons 6x9 feet $104.00 16 Rugs Also $92.50 12 Rugs 8.3x10.6 feet $147.00 11 Rugs 912 feet $159.00 25 Rugs $136.00 10 Rugs $150.00 9 Ruga Best-Grade Royal Wiltons $67.50 $98.00 $117.50 7 Rugs 25 Rugs 30 Rugs $5 2.50 . $82.50 $97.50 Rajs 9 Rugs 28 Rugs Reversible Chenille Rugs Radically Ruduccd Sire 4x7 feet $17.50 21x36 inches $3.95 Size 3ox6o inches $8.75 36x40 inches $6.75 Size 26x54 inches $5.95 30x33 inches $3.95 A large group of these popular rugs in solid colors or two-tone band borders. Priced for immediate clearance. JTIPH Floor- This Full Size Wardrobe Trunk $47.50 THIS is a trunk that Is very serviceable as a ward robe in the home or, while travel ing. It is sturdily made; good looking inside and out, and has many of the conveniences of much higher-priced trunks. The bolts and spring lock ore of the best hardware. The top drawer is divided into compart ments and can be locked separ ately. There are shoe pockets, 12 hangers and an interchangeable hat drawer. A splendid trunk for the price. Brventh Floor. Splendid Price Opportunities In Effective Draperies 4 WILL De to your advantage to shop in the Drapery Departmcn 5th floor, tomorrow. Wc have made some radical reductions favored drapery fabrics for Election Day Shoppers. , Handsome Drapery Velbur $3.95 yard The entire stock of our best Velour reduced to this low price. A velour that will be stunning for portieres, pillows, hangings or furniC covcnn2 It .has that deep pile with a silken gleam that immediately character!' U C " lent quality. Such lovely shades as dark or old blue, rose, mulbcrr'Jrpwn' taUpe burnt orange, black, green and grey. 50 inches wide. , French Striped-Silk Taffetr ( v $6.50 yard In unusual color combinations so typically French. TbJ,e tl)" ucta witn an pver-drape of the velour mentioned above is wondcrf' attrative. Or there are plain colored taffetas to match the striped taffetas. ',nchc wide aI1 Pure Panel Curtain $11.50 cad of marqulsetto and batiste with hand-made rdfl of FtleCCluny, and antique Madeira embroidery. Tiny lace edges hdd toiwr daintineaa; 45 inches wide, 2 yards long, white only. -r - Upholstered Furniture Made In Our Own Workrooms Reading Chair Very comfortabi and graceful various tapes tries . . . .$54.75 THESE workrooms are doing more in the way of producing quality furniture for the least cost than you, perhaps know. Not only is the best quality put into each piece, but the construction is constantly inspected by an expert. THE manufacturer's profit is entirely elimi nated by reason oi the fact that we malce this merchandise and sell it only at retail direct to you. The suites here pictured are priced even less than regular. Fireside Chair Yiusually attractive and very wch the vogue. Various tapestries, $59.75 Che8terficld Living-Room Suite Three pieces, covered in tupestry. Davenport, $345; Arm Chair, $195; ReaK Chair 195' Lfcring-Roojn Suite Two pieces; covered in an attractive tapes try. Pavcnport,$165; Chair, $95. Living-Roc Suite Three picccov" tapestr , av" enport, $31? .Can $175; Wing'nair,$175 The November Sale of Sheets and Pillow Cases A SALE which many of you have probably been' awaiting. This is the time when supplies need replenishing, and it is always ad vantageous to buy in quantity when you have prices such as these. Some, sizes are in limited quantities. Sheets 54x90 in... .51.55 63x99 in.... $1.95 72x99 in.... $2.35 81x90 in.... $2.b5 Sheets 81x99 in.... $2.65 81x108 in....S2.80 90x99 in.... $2.80 90xlOSin....$2.95 Pillow Cases 42x36 in 49c 45x36 in 55c 50x36 in e.59c 54x36 in 65c Blankets $4.95, $7.95, $9.75 pair About 300 pairs of white blankets with col ored borders, all bound with mohair ribbon. Exceptional values taken from regular stocks and greatly reduced. Sale of "Mir ro" Aluminum Ware ' v. ' v ' v. ' .... . ...... .v. " '..'.V. .. Of Colonial Coffee Pot, 2 quarts, hinges and handle sockets welded, flame guarded detach able handle $3.50 Percolating Coffee Pot, 2 quarts, welded spout, detachable han dle $2.00 Double Boiler, 2- quart size, correctly shaped handles,. .$3.25 Covered Sauce Pot, 4 q uarts $2.35 Covered Sauce Pot, 10 quarts $4.15 Convex Covered jf ouucu run, iiuuuw slcci handle, no-burn knob 3-quart size $1. Mlilntf Row. 2niit ---95c Dish Pan, .....$3-'i5 Round 14 quarts.. Lipped Ssdce Pan, 5 quarts, tvn lipped, hollow steel handle, $1.95 Wa8basm diame ter, to.' tJ mcnes, ( depth Jtf inches. $1.40 Tea Kettle, 3-quart ze, polish finish, epouts, handle and cars welded, no-burn knob, detachable handle...... $4.65 -Bevent Floor" -O Lamps and Candlesticks of Exceeding Charm it Attractive Table Lamp (illustrated) with graceful mahogany finish standard; two lights, and parchment shade. Several designs Complete $25.00 Wrought-Iron Candlesticks One of the very smart est of decorative effects, especially if used in pairs. They are flbor size and have one electric light.. .$20.00 Mahogany Candlesticks Solid mahogany, 12 inches high, with hand-dipped candle Each $2.25 Wrought-Iron Bridge Lamr With that finish that makes it appear like an antique. The attractive glace shade is attached to an adjustable arm $25.00 m y- rnu Floor-