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THE EVENING WORLD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1920. Broadway AND COMPANY - JUNIOR'GIRLS WINTER GOATS collars of fur' ... SaturdaySpecial, 29.75 Coats' that "a girl will love to wear so" prettily designed and so becoming with their large collars of Australian Oppossum, and priced so very, very low. And Mi6s 12 to 16 may have her choice of silvertone, velour or suedinc. v, Heavily interlined for.warmth.' Two as pictured W WINTERiGOATS Y ( W'vKfjg forjhe Little Girt At 19.7.5 Heavy'polo cloth in heather mixtures mafce'these sturdy coats, and a lovely throw scarf gives, an 'unusual style touch as well as additional warmth Lined and interlined. Sizes 6 to 10 years,; SecordFloor 800"TCrepe;de: Chine , 1EISDELOPE CHEMISE injx special sale Saturday' Da irity'"CfepecIc' Chine" envelope chemise,-with ttop of lace insertion in combination with bands of embroidered Georgette Crepe.. Shoulder straps lare.of pretty, colored, ribbon Also-r-A Fine Collection of "BAMISILK BLOOMERS Special" at -3.9S Themosfserviceable silk bloomersmade cut very full and hove only two seams. Finished with Georgette Crepe ruffle Third Floor We JVtH Place on Sale Saturday rOVELY HANDMADE BUOUSES 5.00 Hand made blouses j that are decidedly out of the ordinary j their stitching is so finely done, their drawn work so clev-, erly designed and rollnrs nnrl nifTs nr edged with real filet lace. Sizes 34 to 46.' Third Floor Boys',' Misses', and Children's SHOES at very special prices Saturday These shoes have been made over lasts designed expressly to allow the natural development of the foot. Better footwear for junior wear cannot be had. In Gun Metal Leather or Patent Coltskin Sizes 6 to 8-5.00; 8V& to 1 15.50; 11 Ms to 2-6.50 In Russia Calfskin lace or button model " Sires 6 to 85.50; 8V4 to' 116.00; 11V4 to 27.00 Black or Tan Leathers for boys and youths. Sizes. 11 to 13'2-4.95; 1 to 6-5.95 Second Floor fyi iMtv Ja lii.LMJ- y 'i : Saturday Only t Smart Plaid and Striped "woolen skirts' ' REGULARLY 25.00 'and 29.50' At45:S0 A'skirt is always an ac- ceptable addition to any , woman's wardrobe especially when one may 'be had at such a Mow price, i These are in box, side, knife-pleated and tailored models, in a great Ivaricty of color ings. Fourth Floor Sip Men's ELGIN WATCHES In 14 Karat Gold Casts Special, 28.50 An Elgin needs no in troduction, and at 28.50 you can readily appreci ate the great saving in pric Made in 12 size pocket model, with 7 jewel lever movement. Main Floor Women's Colored Silk UMBRELLAS Special, 4.95 Umbrellas of a very high grade, and that the most particular woman will be glad to possess. Made of fine quality silk, on 8-ribbed Paragon frame,1 with ring, loop or' straight handles of bake llte or leather. Colors: brown, blue, purple,' green and garnet. Main Floor A- Girls' VELOUR HATS Special, 5.95 Every girl wants a velour hat, and who would re fuse one at such a low price? Made of fine qual ity velour, in mushroom or rolled brim style. Brown, Green,. Black and Navy., ' Second Floor Saturday &nImportant Sale' of Women's Fashionable Suits offered' at liberal " vn js n , At 35.00 The very smartest of wool Jersey suits made to sell at $45. So delightful for sports, so entirely suitable for street or . business wear, they should find a ready ' place in any woman's wardrobe. j New style variations are featured, & and each is beautifully silk lined. savings jn;price At 39:50 Featured specially i foriSaturdayx II- T ' BOYS' JUNIOR COATS n:oo Smart double-breasted coats that will , S keep a boy warm and comfortable, and give him splendid all-around service.' May be had in button-to-neck and convertible collar style, in a , wide variety of the new overcoatings. si Sizes 3 to 10 years. - v Suits 'that 'cannot be duplicated for less than $50 and they show their worth in quality of fabric, ' fine workmanship and unusual styling. Developed in duvet dc laine, velours, rayonier, yalama cloth, Oxfords and Jersey. All 1 handsomely silk lined and warmly Interlined. Fourth Floor Tltc Misses'. Coat 'Dept. on the Second Floor jwill hold Saturday AnJExceptional tSaleTof V Misses' Wraps and Coats sK At unusually low prices Atw35.06 Tailored sports coats for rough and ready wear for skating, for rainy weather. Made of all wool, double-faced Polo cloth in tan or brown, with ragla'n sleeves, tux edo front and large patch pock ets. Sizes 14 to 18 years'. At, 89.50 Luxuriously draped wraps, cling ing gracefully to the figure, straightline models for tailored wear, developed in evora, bolivia, and other modish materials, handsomely trimmed with Aus tralian or Ringtail oppossum, taupe nutria, raccoon, French Seal and mole. All the wanted colors are represented. $89.50 $89.50 Boys' Mackinaws .... . . 12,00 Several smart styles to select from ln plaids and heather mixtures. 'Nothing like a mackinaw for. every day wear Sires 7 to 18 years. Boys' Overcoats f, ...... i . 18.95 For the lad of 10 to'18 ycars. Double breasted with convertible collar and. patch pockets. Excellent range of youthful overcoatings to choose frorru Boys Suits with Extra Knickers Reduced to 16.95 Saturday We Shall Hold a Remarkable Sale of " Women's Imported Linen 'Kerchiefs AT THE LOWEST PRICE ANYWHERE ANNOUNCED 35C Each 4.00 a Dozen Just received from Belfast, Ireland. Made of all linen, prettily hand-embroidered. Buy them now for gift giving later. Main Floor The Sabs Fur Dept., Will Feature Saturday Fashionable Fur Coats at unequaled low prices The pelts"are" the finest -the models new -prices' very special Hudson Seal Coats with large collar of self fur, skunk. or squirrel. 36 inch model . I . I . j Now 395.00 Near Seal Coats in swagger sports model. Belted, show ing large collar and cuffs of skunk "U '.' ; Now Dyed Blue Fox Scarfs : I Now Stone Marten Scarfs of two skins $ . ? ! t Now Baum Marten Scarfs :. ? I Now Fox .Scarfs in Taupe or Brown.., (.Ml Now Wolf Scarfs in Taupe or Black I 4 t ? Now 235.00 110.00 79.50 65.00 49.50 35.00 Sixth Floor 200 Crepe Meteor Sacques as pictured At'5.00 i Fashioned ot excellent quality Crepe Meteor, trimmed with pretty lace and finished with rib bon bow. Very dainty, and made with a care , frankly unusual in Sacques at this - low figure. Colors: Pink, Turquoise, and Light blue. Third Floor Suits that must give excellent service, so carefully are they tailorca. Many new models to choose from, showing the latest pocket treatments, in a large variety of dependable woolens, Sizes 8 to 18 years. Boys' Suits with' Extra : Knickers 2l'. 75 .Real youthful models, single-and double-breasted, .expertly tailored in the finest woolens woven for use in junior togs. Every new coloring and sizes 8 to 18 years. Second Floor We Will Hold Saturday a Notable Sale of MISSES'' WINTER SUITS REGULARLY 79.50 to 125.00 ' At 65.00 Suits that arc typical ofyouth in their clever styling and whether you choose the trig box coat, the straight-line tailleur, or the semi-fitted model, you will have the utmost in styling. The fabrics: Duvet Cut, Yal ama, soft Velour and Velour de Laine, with attractively designed collars of self mater ial or oppossum, squirrel, nutria, or seal. And all the colors of Fashion's rainbow are in evidence. Sizes 14 to 18 years. HI cAlsoiMisses? AFTERNOON AND STREET FROCKS At'29;50 Such modish little frocks 'in their slim, youthful lines, some with slashed tunics, long-waistcd effects or quaint basques. 1 Developed in tricotinc," vel veteen, poiret twill and sating with chic touches of cere or silk braid, wool silk Or bead embroidery. Sizes H to 18 years. Second Floorl