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Newspaper Page Text
) - 1 "GIRL SCOUT WEEK" OPENS WITH PARADE There Will Be a Pageant, Too, To Morrow Many States to Join In Observance. Ttt Torlt'j 6.496 Olrl coate lire petting ready for their parade and pwant to-morrow, 'when the 80.000 members tnr-"ugliout tho country begin Ctlrl Scout Week. Saturday' projrranvmo inoludwa a parade up fifth Avenue to tho Central Park Iffcll, pa Reacts thei-otaa well aa In ttio Uron.x and Hrooklyn, followed by the distribution of ffowcra and fruit at the hospital wards for children and Incurables. The service parade marks the commencement of a week's effort to raise $1,031,400 by an Increase of their uatxlnlnc mem bership. Governors of nearly every State have proclaimed Nov, 6 to 17 Girl Bcout Week. Special church ser vices will be held Sunday and on Thursday tho Mayor will receive a delegation of foreign scouta. Mon day U Daddies. Day and Saturday the 15th ia Mothers' Day. BRITISHTABS DESERT HERE. Beakomlo Conditio mi JWrae Said to Onnae Itaeh qnlttlnr. British seamen have been deserting tislr ships In this port during several months In such numbers as to cause eonfuilon to the companies. New York Is a aie port" under the Seaman's Act and American marshals cannot re tu n lr rterto their Mps. Dr. Oeprse 8ydny Webster, flecre- ft?J itty' No' 71 V " Street, think the explsnatlon of thesn desertions lies in the orent economic condition In Oreat nrltaln .i 'APPar'ntly theye sailors leave the r thlpa with the expectation of easily acquiring profitable sand Job and returning homo, or to the lea, when condition re mora to their lining -n ur n"itr ysierasy THE EVBNXyq WORLD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER fi, 1920. ' laJanttfoedry cleaner or a garbage remover? Ask D.R.B. THE ARMY TEACHES TRADES A Statement ol Clothing Facts Last season wc came before you with a sweeping discount of 20 on the price of every garment in our store, determined to bring down the high cost of wearing apparel and give our patrons the best clothing values to be found in New York City. The response was instant and overwhelming, con firming the soundness of our judgment To meet the growing demand for the still further reduction of the high cost of clothing, we arc now offering another sweeping discount of 20 on all clothing in our establish- mcnt, bringing the prices down to what they should be next season. Despite the fact that many manufacturers persist in hold ing to their high scale of wholesale prices, at the present moment we are countermanding several orders recently placed at rates which would compel us .to charge exorbitant prices not warranted by prevailing market conditions, which we refuse to do. THE MANUFACTURERS HAVE THREATENED SUIT, but we arc determined to maintain our reputation for fair prices for the best values obtainable and meet the situation by giving the public the benefit of the very latest in style and fabric at a sweeping price reduc tion that will prove a revelation in the clothing trade, 9 Are you a skilled man ? Are you satis fied with your job and your prospects? Have you ever wanted to be a sur veyoror radio operator or to hold down a technical job? There's where the big pay is ;and getting it is only a matter of knowing enough. If you want to'know more, the Army is a great place to learn. A soldier has a chance to learn to be expert in one of many technical jobs. He earns a good living while he's study ing. He has money in his poefcet at the end of eveiy month. It doesn't cost him a cent to fit himself for a 'big pay" job when he goes back to civil life. And he sees new places and faces while he's earning and learning. It's . a good job an unusually good job as jobs go, nowadaysand it is a way to a better job afterwards. Ask a recruiting 6fficer, EARN, LEARN . and TRAVEL ID1-) KincairJ & KimbalUnc " 6MW sm" Discount on Every Suit O arid Overcoat No Reservations uy Your Clothes NOW At Next Season's LOW PRICES! t Former Prices Now Former Prices Now $30 Less 20 - $24 ,$60 . Less 20 -$48 40 Less 20 - 32 62.50 Less 20 - 50 45 Less 20 - 36 65 Less 20 - 52 50 Less 20 - 40 7ft Less 20 - 56 55 Less 20 - 44 75 Less 20 - 60 K MO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS imoaii Glomes 1 CFamous for fine CTailoring 27 CortUttdit Street, Cor. Church Street SIXTH AVK. I. AT OOOK-IILRSON TL11E AT CORNER Phone Number: Pennsylvania 5100 For Other Glmbcl News Sec Paces 20, 25 and 29 Gimbel Brothers 32-nd STREET -BROADWAY-33 STREET NEW YORK CITY ' L E Day at TTl A A I 14 L.-4 Oe Sale To-Night Tomorrow Til '9 And Clock And Terms As Low As $5.00 A- Month Last day at the price. And the first time at the price, so far as we know. We cannot ever remember before this sale a phonograph of this size with this equipment, tone and cabinet at so small a price. And tomorrow's the very last day of the sale. A Good Phonograph At Its Lowest Pre-Holiday Price Thanksgiving Christmas what's any holiday without a phonograph? But if you wait you'll pay more much more. Now's the time to purchase thriftily. Arl the phonograph a good phonograph test it for tone, for mechanism examine it for design. You'll vote it excellent. Note: the universal tone arm, playing all makes of records the tone modifier motor powerful and silent running. Sale started with an inexhaustible supply gaps filled quickly by the factory. And there'll be plenty here to the very last minute. But not after U n enew a n j tu tl i.s C ( in i iu for $9, or r.nj where near it. Music Salons Open Evenings Until 9 Use 33rd St. Entrance Near BVay. If You Con' I Call Mail the Coupon at Once GIMBEL BROTHERS MUSIC SALONS 33rd Street and Broadway, N. Y. City Gentlemen: Please send me further information concerning your Sale of-Conreid Phonographs. Name , Street and Nuinber City and State k. tv.-n-s. GIMBiaS MUSIC SALONS Eighth Floor A latfc iVi'tyl 1 1 lifiiMB