Newspaper Page Text
mm 7r ' .,;( , a wan ' ' ' ,."1 " " THE EVENING WORLD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1920. J. WENDELL SILENCE BRINGS CONTEMP I &atlmony yestertW ti tho frankneaa money." Hp nald, "racy nil Jiaro to nn Uio Gotham llnnfc Job, Denuty ' yrlth which ho confessed hla crlnslrig pay It That Is ft twenty-flvo-ntory Attorney Uunerol 1 tourer, Ald a strike Jlerror of BrlntlellB power. building?" I ,ld. "No, n twcnlytwo- J ' .lPJIJl Volk, recalled M first vrltnoss. began r,tory building." Ho .Aid. "That I. iSnTu? lit tho pot whero ho left off ycater right." I enUl, "Do you moan It ti Adirondack threw 230 bricklayer cut 'jffaV whm V ar aa 4n4t(nn rf nn.hlhi mr-lltlif n,l n n Its,. it 1 fW. Of WOrk. rbheck for U.800 tu bribo payment He said. "Yes. on that basis?" 1 ,Ike Oct . A He with o Brlndoll for not lntcrferitts with flaU, "That Is an awful amount of aill, the bricklayer' lufcnt. He asked ne pemouuon on trie sue or mo new money. what does this eoverT me now the tmnk likod beltvr tied up. hock wenange bulldlwr ana Io n These, pcoplo have riven out all their ' Bal1' o do not like It very much." onslderatlon of nrlndcll's claim (said -ni,.....,, .,, h(VW ... .,, I says, 'tike, ou Know how to settlo ir Volk to bo false) of havlne haloed flUB-contrncta, and how are you ffolmr ., .,rll.. .. .. .,.... 1)inrn IVolk to get tho contract. to ct Because he had discussed ttro three In this clique. Thcro has f The examination wa made by wllh mo many times how the sub got to be a dtwy on tho Jab." I nays, bssj """"" " zrzzszrzz -S3f:H:irr. CoMk'-f y I Q. you PfcJd the money to nrlndein hlra5 that ' thal w ona ,n Vw, git m $1,000." I Jot to Mr! , Hazy On Bond PufCliaSCS THREAT BY COURT A. Tea. H put It In his pocket. I whloh 11 w" arrang-ed, and I figured Weiler and told him about the $3,000 "m&ih: s'it il hm" i .ni,i . when he got money from mo. and I went fooelk to l'lko and told him 2aid, Us' It all right f Ho said. "Tea. ufs a thouBond per cent." r r. I. . . i . . .. If tvnjl 1 1 plight i aiant . ''"-?- naenr .m by Travis. bcaow at tho time what a thousand Eieusa Bo I -aid. "Will they ya. t ,olr to pay ulo ,JamM A' Wendell. Comptroller 5Ber.centma.nt.lut I found out latar. bl w keeI "e,r M aubon- elect, to-day was the target of a "rtQ. Prom whom? A. From his agent. tmctora on J 'r 'avo "T sold Td rejilgn off tho ot If they pointed hint from Justice Kernochan Uoran. Ho sold Drlndell had been '"" ,lfn w,ln or ThVnrd nJrs' owmS. aTvrtcr- 8 WOUJa uo ncla ln oontcmPt bea-y and had meant to call e. strike vo U, take new ones?" Ho sold ,lftr,Z. .mmcn? rofuae to answer questions about 3a another Job of mine at No. 1 No; ,I10' can 80 rl,tht thr11'11 I Untermyer, on tho difficulty tho com- Ow letters which -have come to light TBroodwar thst momln. I hod heard "ml 'lD "'-' " ' conccrmnff ucna negotiations with W pShTng US" -trlke, , 3 my word S- H' & ' Wh'Ch .a..Wa a trlke called? A. No. Ho 8olut, T1"'' wiu f rtht 5hroUh rd Hkc Parker Hognr and Htndt- "ot Produced originally for Oio John 8dlot call It. That, so Moraa told aoan- 1 OJa 1 w,u te" llM,M miiller.all business agents of the Doe Inquiry. The Justice conducting IS, waa what Drlndell meant when he P000 wnnl Bl'" wcnl "u"nif Trades uouncn unacr urm- the nquiry ,nto tlle 8utc.a bon1 nlir. anld I was 1.000 per cent, all right. Volk told of paying Urlndell $600 on aooount of a Job at the alto of the Oar. fcfetorit Centre Realty Company, Beventh rKvtoue and 27th Street. Then there J to Mr. Welter and told him. ,1 . . . t,.B " uwwiw 1. HI C 1 'J us Ik UIUII.1 Q. Coming now to the next con-' homei) ft ,ato M a 0.clock n the facl0 evidence of any crime, Teferred' rersauon inai you nau KILLS GIANT RAT )S CROWDS CHEER (Continued From First Page.) strong men ln offices ln tho Head quarters building ran cold ot tiho sound. In three oconds thcro wasn't a girl In Centro, Market Ilace, "but doorways and corridors and ahops und stores wore full of them. The whiskers of tho cat wore scrap ing the flanks of tho rat as thoy reached the sidewalk on the west sldo of Centro Market riarc. The rat saw an opening and disappeared. The cat went through the opening, but came to a sliding stop with her nose over tho edge, of un areaway 10 feoi doep, 2 feet wide and 31 feet long with no openings at tho ends or the sldei. They hoisted tho milk can and put the bowleggcd (ollno representative of the Police Department In It and lowrod It to the bottom of tho area way. "Sbe'rlock" got Into action In about an eighth of ft second. It was all over In two or three minutes. The rat was. dead on the floor with a 'broken neck Tho Mat tered fomale cat had crawled to the fat end of the ntrrcw hole and was trying to lick her numerous wounds. With the aid of a long pole "Hhcr lork" was urged to enter tho can and hoisted up to receive the adulations of the multitude. Then the pole was usod to push the hnlf-doad cat from the1 livery stable Into tho can, and she, too, was hoisted out. Arrange ments were made to bend her to a cat hospital, where she --will be patched up, for ahe was game to the finish. As for "Sherlock," they took him down to the toller room nnd fed him round ntrak and got him n bottle of cream, and half an hour after the bat tle ho was curlod up on n pile of waste, sound as,locp, with one of his bow legs partially covering his right car, wTilch had been shredded by tho tooth of b! antagonist. HELD FOR ROBBING PRIEST. nn,000 Halt Demnnitrd of 1'rli.oiirr for "Denplralilr Crime." "'Is there a more despicable thlug than dealing from a priest?" said Magistrate Short In tho Adams Street Court to-day. The , caso was that of aeorgc N. Mourud, No. 171 Amity Street. Brook lyn, accused of stealing tlfi: ifatch, gold cross and a Turkish coin from the Iluv K. Stephen, (0 years old, rector of the Maronite Greek Catholic Church. The priest had been knocked down and In jured by an automobile which sped away. It Is alleged that Mourad took tho priest to the rectory ind robbed him there. He was held In UO.OOO ball, although the value of tho stolen prop erty was only J200. ' (lets DlTorce, Ask No Alimony. Mrs. Auglista Mendelsohn, of Nn 1271 St Nicholas Avenue, won a decree of divorce In Supreme Court to-day,, on Iho strencth of testimony of fomii., friends before Justice Edward U. Klnch to the effect that ithav had discovered the husband, Irving, with a woman at So. 163 Wygand Place. Itockawarl Bencn. in? Autrust. Airs Mendelsohn. who lias a millinery business of her own. told the court alio required. ntt BOYCYCLE "V BALL-BEARING -gltIHJ.tlP . BROS NtWYDft and the rat was at the bottom rushing inadl about, Bceklng un avenue of with Mr, morning Wo mention this now ln the to tho fact that the coao has deve-' c8?pe-. . ., . ... x ivu uuiecuves rtxjuLniuone! a icn- milk can, put tho gray cat ln lowered it to tho bottom of the Ilrlndell In this matter, what did ho hopo that theso gentlemen may know 0pcd ono contempt citation, meaning aay? A. Ho said, over the telephone. want.them and may not .toy out that of CotnptroIIor on who80 f I Avenue ana ztui sirecv. -inen uiero j - - - . ao iate Perhans to obllce us they i,",iD " u onu lowcreu it to ino bottom ol the Hwaa $:00 paid on account of thai I ""vo not heard from your Mend. gct bomeaer.. " , atoff Mr. Wendell haa been chief areaway with a ropo. Aa tho An llVr.t .jjim It may cont more money than If ft VUUUinnWUl IIUSIHUU WiUIUW. ...... . . t I told nrlndell I couldn't axrora - " "' " "V. is on ino juu, wuiio iiiuy n-iu wan ing, and I might not bo In town when tho strike Is called, and It tfHore on that Job," Volk oald. "1 told Wiim Eldlltz. tho genornl contractor, Vt&Ld'.a8ltad mo to make tho price ot " tie" Vrroklng work low becauso It iWOa a hospital. Hrlndell nam: 'All tight.' Then he asked how about a Job I had on 48th Street I said that aa another Job in which there waa fmuch profit to mo and I couldn't him more than $200 on that, jr." rQ'What did ne say? A. He didn't say anything. He Just looked at mo ln a, quizzical manner ho had. which i was more forcible than word a, 'mcan flfur that $200 wan prettly small. fJVolk Included the two $200 pay ment In a total of $638 given to BfTSdell. The balance of $228 rcpre entpl' Brlndell'a payment on a Brooklyn Job. check waa put ln evidence. Volk said Brlndoll complained of the elzo of thta payment, saying: "I don't stem to be getting much on these Jobs. Theso are pretty tun nil fry penny ' biasness." Brindell remarked to Volk, the wlt ness'sald, as they were riding uptown 'In Brindell's automobile, that Gcorgn Atwjll had paid Brlndoll $6,000 for help In getting a contract from the Flelsclrman. Construction Company at Broadway and 83d Street s 'Ulrindcll told me that Volk said that he hod the Flelschmon Con tracting Company ln his power, be cause he showed me a note made out by tho Flclschman Company to the Watklns Company for. $1,500, a great many yeora ago, which he said waa unpaid, nnd he said they had to come across." Q. Were there any other paymenta that ho received that liu told you about? A. He told mo he was get ting $5,000 for the Job at 67th Street and Broadway that was being done by the Wright Company, as builders, and George Atwoll, aa houso wrecker. He vtkb trying to show mc that my pay menta were very small In comparison. Q. Wo will go Into your talk re garding a strike or a threatened atrike at the Gotham Bank Building? A. Yea. It waa about three, or four weeks ago. . Q. And whero la that Job located? A. At 63th Street and Broadway. Q. Pld you at any time havo any converse, Hons with Mr. Brlndoll with ' preference to that Job or tho strike atl'lt? A. I did. I had a, conversation Tftth Mr. Brindell the day 1 gave him the check for $36. a That la July 14. 1820? A. Tea. I liad observed that Mr. Brindell waa In a better mood when he received money thart other times. I took advnntaga of this occasion to speak to him about a matter which tho Vlco President of the Gotham National Bank, Mr. Wl. ler, bad discussed with me peveral times. Q. You had tbe demolition contract on th4 Job? A. Both the demolition and tbe excavation. Q. And you wero a depositor, and customer of that bank? A. I was. Q. Will you tell us tha conversa tion that you had with Mr. Brindell with reference to that? A. I said, "WU you do me a favor?" Ho sold, "What la Itr I paid. "Will you let that Job go through without any trouble?" Q. Had you heard of any trouble up to that time? A. I had heard of strikes on other jobs, many of them. I had heard Mr. Brindell say to ma many time. "Wall, so nd so Is going to bt pulled to day. I have a list of sight man here who ara poina to ba pullad this morning," Q. Whoss Jobs would b stopped? A. That is what ha maant, and 1 balieve that ha oould stop jobu at his will. Q. What did you say and what did ha say? Ha saidt "Why, Alt that is a money favor you ara asking ma." I saidt "Is that so? Hew muoh money is Involved?" Ha said: "Wall, supposing $25, 000 waa found In tha bottom of that 30-foot excavation that you did in 68th Street?" I saidt "Do you mean to say I made $25. 0007" I thought ha was trying to gat a rake-off from ma. He said! "No supposing we got twanty five berrissl his favorite ex pression. ' Q. Berriea? A. Berries his favor ite expression for thousand dollam was "berries." I had cpme to know " ly till ttm what 1rr!8" meant. I "Mr. Untermyer!" ahoutod a Than standing ln the audience lined along the wall of tho AJdermanlo Chamber. "How can Mr. Targart be bore When you are holding him at tho Criminal Court a Ilulldlna on a Grand Jury prococdlitg. And you know It." "you remember that would bo better for them to see me. me about Mdimvi and the bulrushes. Q. What did Utat refer to? A. To a ntory I had once told hUn when he had aocuaod me of bargaining with him. a biblical story relating to a bur gain Abraham madn with tho Lonli when tho Lord aald bo would save tho cities of 6odom and Gomorrah If ho found fifty good peoplo ln them. Abra ham said, 'Supposing you And forty," and when tho Lord said he would save them If thero were forty, Abra ham sold, "Suppose you find thirty, until he bargained down to flvc." Q. He referred to that as Moacs and tho bulrushes, dle ho7 A. Moses and the bulrush.. I said. "All right, I will toll these people that." Q. What did you tell Brindell? A. I said I certainly could not raise $26,000. So Brindell eald, 'Wow. I am going out of town." 1 said, "Well, how can they settle tho thing If you go out of townT' He said, "Well," he sjiys, 'Ut thorn soe Pike. I don't know his first name. He la the dele gate of tho Portable Engineers. Q. Did you have -a talk with Pike? A. met him before this Investigation atarttd and ssid, "Pike, you are oonneoted elosaly with Mr. Drlndell, but I want to tall you something, Brlndoll is acting, entirely too atrongi ha is antagonizing everybody in tha business. He is browbeating averybodi ha thinka ha Is king, and tha mistake he la making la that kings are ont Vary popular in this country.' Pika said, ''I think you ara right," ha says, "Brin dell has been rldlnn a high horsa," ha says, "and somebody ought to tell it to him," and he says, "We can't tell it to him, but I think a man in your position might ba able to tall It to him." Q. Did you ever tell him that7 A. I never had an opportunity to tell him that The wltnem saldhls earnestly with out a urn lie. A riDlo of laughter among tho Hpectatorn grew Into a Bhout of laughter. Ah It dlod down, Volk said in apolpgetlc protest: "Well, I'm felling It to him now," Q. Go ahead with your laat conver sation with Brindell about thn Gotham Bank Job. A. I said. "Hello. Bob." Whenever l expected tnero was coin to bo any trouble I umxI to call him Hob so as to kind f tako the edgo off the matter. "Hello, AI," tie sniil. Aro you 'back in tjwn, Bab7" "OH, yos," ne says 'I nave ncen in Town and you have known It. Have, you been talking to nnynooy armui com pensation on the Gotham Bank Jol)-1" I aald. "Compensation? What do you mean, compensation?" He says, "You know what I menn,,wnat wo wore talking about." I Kald. "No." He says, "Well, thire has been some nows gotten oui, ana n points io you. - He said: "well, now, if you are arfked any quest Ions, Al, fyou are dumb." I aald, "What do you mean, Mr. Brindell? I m dumb?" He says. "Piny dumb. Keep your mouth ehut." I said, "Oh, you want me te. keep quiet ' He says. "Don't talk too much on the telephone: Just yoo pkiy dumb, aoodby. And he rang Pff. Q. But you co-operated with the bank people? A. Very closely. Q Ann has tne money oeen paid, or any part of It? iA- Tho money never was paid. . Q. That waa one cue in which the hold-up did not work7 A. Yes. Q The strike was settled none ins less? A. The atrlke was settled through the Intercession m the Mover, the Building Trades Employ era' Association and. 1 think, the District Attorney. The Jrih was re sumed on the following Monday. Volk said In another conversation Brindell told him the Htructural Iron workers had made an official com plaint against the use of non-union Ironworkers on Jobs where thu Build ing Trades Council controlled the worker Ilrindrll Aald the Council hail employed him to uct aiono on tin complaint. "Of course, Al," Volk reported Brindell as Baying, "We'll have to pull a few etrlkus here and there. But we're not going to pull our friends. Other witnesses during the ,morn Ing were Meyer H. Illumborg, a eon tractor on a building at No. SCC West Knd Avenue. He said he paid over to Connolly Brothers, plumbing con tractors. $5,000 to bo paid to Brlndell'a agents for calling off a strlko ostei slhly caused by the presence of tho 100 plasterers' helpers npt affiliated with the 'building trades council. The same men returned to work after the payment, he said. Thomas and Jamca Connolly were low t a and admitted handling th money, untermyer tnllmatod tha they were nctlnx as friends of Brln dpll's a.gqnt Chapman, who with Pike demanded tne .o. The uonnoliy denied tn'i. Vce Pr stdent Breen eorrobnrated Volk's itiit-y regarding tho demands in tne .National Hank build Thg. He said he never Intended t pay a cunt of the $35 000 demanded "I wb Just stalling Brindell through Volk." ho uid. wood. "My name la Murphy and Ftn a mcmbor of the name union as Tag gart. Ho'a down there and In your power." "Tim information Is wetoome, Mr. Chairman," said Mr. Untermyer "I was at tho District Attorney's offlco thlB morning and I was not told Tag gart was there and I'm sure his name was not on the list of watting wit nesses. We are glad to know whero Taggart Is." f0,000,000 Municipal Ttotldinr for nrooklyn Delayed. Tho Board of Estimate to-day again postponed action on the request of Brooklyn Borough President Rlegelman foi approval of tho $6,000,000 municipal bulldfnK project In .that borough. There Is little hopo for the plan while the New York County Court House scandal Is nn. It wns also decided to postpone action on tho $200,000 munlclpsl court house In Brooklyn on flnyder Avenue, between Bedford and Flatbush. GRANDMOTHER'S NAME IS CLEARED Jury Finds for Mrs. Louise An derson, 56, Whose Husband Named Doctor in Suit. A Jury before Justice Kelby In the Brooklyn Supreme Court to-day oxon- rated Mrs. Ixmlse K. Anderson, 66 years old, and a grandmother, of al leged misconduct wltli Dr. John Uowle f No. 211 East 8th Street. Brooklyn The Jury trial followed diarges made by Kdward 8. Anderson of No. 193 Devo'e 'Street, Brooklyn, ln hk suit for divorce. The husband charged that Dr. Bowie first unet Mrs. Anderson at No. 8 Broome Street Brooklyn, four years ago, wheti he came to attend Mr. An derson. Mr. Anderson said he recov ered from his Illness but that Dr. Bowie continued to visit his home to see Mrs. Anderson. Dr. Ilowlo and Mrs. Ander son denied tho charges. PIMLICO RESULTS. RACK TliAOK. l'tiOJOO. Md.. N,w. Results of to-duy'd riltlnr were roiiows- FIRST RACK For maidens: threo-ear-o ds and uuward: out mile. I'll. er Pntter. 110 Knsor. IS. on. S?.7n $2.20. won; air Clarence. 110 Rowan I. 3.10. Iz 10. seeond; Ljady Hoverwyck. 07 (Velner), J2.S0, bird. Time, Dan Lima n also ran. vrJV.-N.u itAKrJ i no Jlaumore Kle- pleehase. for maidens, three-year-olds ana up. wo miles. Knrlocker. 147; (flush), 17 80. tl&O. S3.40. won: Hondlfil. 147 Byirs). $2.50, 11.30. second; Ksth- ryn iianan, nu (lirooK), J2.7U, third, Tlme--02. Old Metal. Ivry albo ran. PIMLICO ENTRIES. Witness Says Meeting Between Navy Officer ami Wi(e, Now Ask ing Divorce, Was Dramatic. Mrs. Beatrice Klrdiner, ruing fnr n i absnlute divorce, told .Supreme Cmrt Justice KHnch to-day her husband, a naval offlcer, sailed away on a battle Alilp and that was the last she learned of him until chance led lilm, accom panied by a young woman, to a tablo near her In the dining Toom of the Hotel Pennsylvania Juno 6 last. Acuordlna to MIhs Hurlo C. Dole. .i r,t. nr,.-T- r...,,.. ...... Ultimate menu ot .Mrs. ivtrcnner. tno .rifls i'omey awui mm tne mreiing oe tween husband and wife wns dramatl Justice Finch reserved decision. deputy. sirucK tne concrete floor the cat r-ii .,. leaped out and made for l ho rat. Prob- Foilowlng this reminder, Mr. Wen- aM, contrary to cxpcctatlon.s of the dell confined himself to variations of cat tho rat did not run. It was cor "I do not know" In answering quc.i- i ncrcd and put up a fight, tlons concerning the fttnln Comntrtil. After U fow minutes It becamo ap- jea purchase of $2,013,000 worth of TtSTr ZZ "ELS bonds from Funshawe, until Justlco worsted. Kernochan Interrupted: "That seems to bt tho trouble with tho wh'olo transaction. Nobody seems to know anyttilnx about it although they bought tho bonds at about 8 points above the market" When Mr. Wendell appeared to-day he was accompanied by hLs new coun sel, Louis Levoy, of Btunchfield & uevoy, supplanting Col. William Hrtfywnrd. who withdrew yesterday. He explained that Mr. Wendell had como voluntarily and not ln rcsponiw to the subpoena the Justice Issued yeBterday, and asked for two days in which to confer. Justice Kernochan refused, saying Mr. Wendell was not connooted with any crime but merely was called to testify about lottors which passed between the Comp troller's offloc, Mr. Fanahawo nnd A. L. Judson. Attorney Levey ad vised Wendell not to answer. "We've got one contempt citation, we might aa well go before tho Grand Jury with another If necessary," tho Justice announced. I've got to get my decision In to morrow. It's going to the OrandVury no matter what my doclslon is. I don't want to havo another contempt proceeding it I can help it." Wendell could not recall any cor respondence with Mr. Fanshawe or tellV why the Comptroller made Mr. Fanshawe hand over all the corre spondence as one stipulation ln buying the bonds. Justice Kernochan refused to let Assistant District Attorney Pecora pry Intd the private financial af.airs of the new Comptroller, sustaining an objection when Mr. Peoora asked: "Did you get a legacy of more than $10,000 from the estate of your father?" The Justice, however, was Inclined to Insist on an answer when Mr. Pecora asked Mr. Wendell If he remembered approving vouchers In the bond sales by Mr. Fanshawe In 1915, 1918 nnd 1917. Mr. Levey objected and when rebuked for delaying the proceedings said: . "I am here only as an office boy to get delay until this witness can con sult with his real counsel, John B. Htanchhcld." f TRAILED HUSBAND AND GIRL TO HOTEL Frantically tho detectives nnd rx- llcenien grouped .buut tho top of the IncIOHuru Implored the gray cut to run Into tho can. Thoy planned to draw her to safety nnd then shoot tho .rat. But tho gray cat waa too bUsty to llston to ndvicc. Kxcitement was at fever heat when "Sherlock," aroused by tha tumult, m.tdo his wiiy from tho boiler twin, where he lodges, to the muln floor. His oars wero twitching and hi? whiskers wore ibilstllng und tho end of his tall was swinging slowly from Hide to side as ho appeared ,n the main t-orrldor and struted toward tho Centre Market entrance. With a whoop of Joy the detectives, and policemen greeted "Shorlock ' im i& eai bbi f riu.nt.jikii.M sv-AfAV kama km ta f.m mtwtimi im m itx nw m im rat mm im Pure Linen Handkerchiefs for Christmas Gifts The Handkerchief gift from McCutcheon's carries with it the traditional spirit of the holiday in thit both beauty and practicality are combined. Srg. Trad Uart McCutcheon's Handkerchief Department has already assumed its holiday look therciarc" thousands of lovely designs and qualities from which the shopper inny choose. If A real service for buyers SJSJBBPJBBB) n It ST JlljcmVm tlllltm: twn-jwivti. nil ns: sit fiirkmn Vic 118. Fluff, lid; Sllwi Mitt, i in: lilnnl Wlh. i0i -DsikIds W. ION- Cirloilif, no- J'him lnvwn. IQft Orlm tr.UJO: Jtimn, t(K: ITsllot. UXI; HIX1) llAGIV Tb. Otten 8ttn Vtllrr Stet4n4ue faur.Te&rol.ln n4 upvaM. htndj. run 1t nillun in.) a tiHhrter . la) dU llmp.1. in; thrt- m Mm V An4oM Caxj entry TUnni AO-Th Nwr Irtr1 r-ol(U irwl uvwArd dlminl: otii The Only Way Out 1M.K ure OTrrstocked. To watt jutt mrrtnt ruined aenftnn. Thpre nnlr one nnr uut HAUIC VI, tlEIlUC TIONS IN Men's and Young Men's SUIIS & O'COATS $25 to $40 This is just half of the regular retail prices. NEtVKMT I'VTTEUNS In pure wool fabric COHUl-.rTLY RTYI.KD. SOLD IlIItEtT TO OL AT Ot'K IACTOHY. M.H.FRIfcDiVf AN &CO. WHOLtSALCR AND MTO. 7th Floor 704 Broadway (Tars blKii below Wsnimlkrr'i) Women's Evta kind of lace, liond-cmbroidery, hemstitching or color effect to delight feminine taste in Hand kerchiefs is here. Armeryan .... $1.00 io 5.00 each Madeira .... 75c. to $2.50 each Spanish Embroidery, .65c. to $2.50 ca. Irish Hand Embroidered, 50c, 65c, 75c, $1.00 to 2.00 each Appenzell, 65c, 75c, 83c $1.00 to 25.00 each Colored Sport Handkerchiefs, . 50c, 65c, 75c, $1.00 to 2.00 each Lace Trimmed . . 65c. to $1125 each $2.00 to 20.00 each Cut Hems, Cords, Tapes and Double Hemstitching,50c. to $5.00 ea. Plain Hemstitched in all qualities and widths of hem, 35c. ea. and up Ladies' Initial, $4.00, 6.00, 9.00, 10.00 dozen Men's The sheer yet substantial quality of McCutcheon's pure linen handker chiefs makes permanent patrons of particular men. Plain hemstitched, $6.00, 9.00, 12.00 dozen nnd up Fancy Cords and Tapes, hemmed $9.00, 18.00, 24.00 dozen and up Fancy Cords and Tapes, Hemstitched $15.00, 18.00, 24.00, 30.00, to 36.00 dozen and up Fancy printed, colors, $12.00, 15.00, 18.C0, 24.00 dozen and up Initial, $9.00, 12.00, 15.00 and 18.00 dozen Children's Children are always delighted with the cunning little animals and birds gaily embroidered in the corners of their handkerchiefs. Animal and bird effects, and colors 25c. each Colored and White embroidery on white grounds, SOc. each and up Shop early and mafe your Christmas shopping a pleasure. Fifth Avenue, 34th and 33d Streets m mm. snrt U7wrt, OAimint: ont mile smt i -Court , 100: 1'tiVlr I)ar. Ill: J oho irtm. 103 'Kins Jrn, III, Una Isrn. i itassi ixwist ump.i, litetuU. 11: rttw Mi UtiKtria. lntl: li. 0, DAkiiuU. ipl: Minnw Hlsfa. 111. AtniMW u'l- .-jnnjr hiu iunp.1, ion: iiriin, 101: IlMinnaniU llnipi, (W Annan iinn I. IDI MltntTIt ItAOK-Tti tVkMen tumllcsn hr tim-rearMi. tntir cnlfA aiul fUlIm: une nttte Ht-i Usi1It tan ti Mlohiel, 110: Our Fl. 114 llteotiipnn. lofl: Ilr rle WrlW, 10.1, il RliHns II . lll( I'ollolin, 1(W Torn ll Quecrrrt, 111. 1U Jlnilnjr. jli: jrk llemt. 1S Hluffrr. Ml. IHU 112 Wnniij. 08' Kntio- Llr. lit); ry SUvn ton i) Jul,; Qrantl. Ill) I) J K 1- IUr. entry TIT'I ha"&-ti soiuwra Mnanri: nm imijUU a rwt unflnl kl. ftirkMiv af'n. 11' tti W. rjifOult llmul. 112: (1 Kr-vrtr. 1011. IMnonly. JlS' i'rlne ft In.iln, IO- Cant Alem", lOft 1 mivorl. lot: 'Kort tviln-hin. iol Mi.lnr SI 5 v. irr. Haiulr Ma.' .nnuAira (Inn) 1 IM- I'amnrtl fliraln. W: Tlpp'tf mdielt. IIS Klerteit. M. W: () I-enl lirlTMm., lis Klilm, 104; Vater liver (Imp.), tit: Victor i.l R C ltlHrrth rntrr HIXT1I llAWTb'r-rMt-M snit rrpwanl: cUhnlnf oi mile - Vt'tr. 11"; (Vlrt fiiM ilmri 1 iiw HaiiiTKSM. iw Amman y nr. Ixvaulole. in Klnr Asrlpim limp). 11H !' Canal. 110: 'rortikMurr, TOO: Un-niv. irr. l'ol!ina limp I ll: .Madrono, in: rv If lartha Iairtt 10B l I)lnai 1IS- TennutB. ?d U un'mTll T irF ma lUmnwr lianntran thrn jeaxAiV an.1 nrrt-anl ar'Ung- tmt mil- ami a nutria -rtart Mill (Imp I 110 Natural lrlir. US - War Nnta (Imp I 110- Ooldlnf. ': irr.lW (Inrpl. 103: Inl Ileiteurt llmpl. iOi ' " : . ... . i . l . , rw-w , . ' netinnief i in. j , ..." a, w.. . i-. -rttrt at I W V M DrniccraU Uhartre Fraud In lleeU littm Defeat. IXH'ISVII.I.IJ. Nov. 5 Charirss of frnud were made liy lX-mocrutlc purty ofllclals to-day ns belated returns from seven Itepulillesn eountles In two Oon Kresslonn) dlstilets put Hlchard 1 Krrist. ltepulillenn cundldato for ITnlted HtHles Rcuittpr. nliout H.OVto ulinud of lits UcuiocriUlc opponunl. Senator J. W. O Il.'CWhani. These returns showed Krnst IimiiIIiik liy 24.000 In those eountles. punnu nv A raari Ftiktr iulin't UkUcIik ku r-eMr Rare Specials to Fill the Week-End Candy Dish Our Big Daily Special for Fri. and Sat., Noo. Sth and 6th 29c CHOCOLATE COVEltCO NUT CAKAMKI.K Toothaome (quarts of Caramel rsrrltencc produced from the eholeeat Creamery Troduets and tatty Nuts. Kuh morsel la Jacketed It) our un. eaeclled, fmsmnt, velTetr Chocolntr. Theso sweets will delight rrrrr rurmmrl loter. 8PE;IAI- l.ll. 1IIX Our big Week-tnd Extra Specials AS-SOHTi;i 1IAKI rAMlU.rJ With out h quratlon Ibis It tho ftneat uml ntoal dlvrralfltil rollrctlon of lon( luatlns; snodlea In Amrrlru, Judsnl from every tNinluolnt of ciuiay r cellenre. Aaaorfmrnt la rompriaed of fl-).!"' Illork. Tnlala, Curia, Nntlil rltM. Hineaoma, KuttelruP''. American Killed Confertlnna mill uvuny othera. Our reculsr nlle. soods. A KXTIU BI-KCIAI.. fttltf .mii.k ciioroi-iTK rovicnrn FltK.HIl I'lNKAI'l'I.IS The cholcrat nrclia of thl delicious Trnplrnl I'ruit In Its fullrat atnle of luicloua perfection, cnt Into dnlnty portion), dipped In rich t'omlnnt Crrani uml luxurioiiklr roicre.1 with our funuiua I'remlum Milk Cuucolntc. Our rrfidnr Tltc, cooda. KAlllA Slt.llAI. lillLt roiTNrt no 69c Other Week-End Attractions VRIIY 111(111 OllADi: AH.SOHTKI) C II O C O IATIW or Iton lions and ChoeolHte a A strlctlr "Class A" collection of rholcest Mwrrta, prcscuted In i rctlriit vurlctx, nttrue tl el)- put un In neat, plain but attrucllre pcknro tht nlll ap peal to the inoj. refined OA i'oi no nox CJuli Ktoreai New York, llruokltn. Newark, Ilobokru, 1'ur emrt looallmi see telephono umeectory. The apeclflad welKlit Includes the rnntnlmr. KinniRS' cotniNA' IIO Here la the un. Nwrr iur What ahull I or a KJUiileV" t'oinhlnntlon It nuida un of a arrlea of iittructlrr l lithographed botca, which contulii rtaaurtrtt Chewing K I s a e a, Crenmcd AlinnndH, .Milk t'liiMiilute Wufera, Lofty I'n pa. Noliliitrrlla, I'ep m'tmlut llroiei, choc, t'rruni liropa, Npleecl (Ipera.. Milk hoc. MI er Hell. uml 1 piece Ol olt IHtlllOII MICK r ti ctiMi'i.Kric Mi'i.Kric JLaJLCr FINKLIN SIMON MEN'S SHO'Ptf 2 to S JVES T 38 th ST REE T Men's Hand-Tailored Overcoat $6500 in lieu of 80a00 BRIEF LY,'machine-madc clothes will not gen erally . reflect the recent sharp decline in raw material prices until next Spring. Our hand-tailored clothes reflect that decline right now, because we are so closely indentifitd vith their production. These overcoats, for example, in the same fabrics, would be $ 0.00 Our price is only $ Jo. 00. and yet they are hand-tailored. Comment is superfluous where deductions are obvious! (ran FIFTH AVENUE ! 1 Kor orer So raan I barn tat llABSir la a,maaAAlt. 0ier. r, Jflor ence,, (rttpertntendont UtSaalkls Ot knows, IS Hi life .,.X