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4 - 4' THE EVENING WORLD, .FRIDAY, NOVEMBER UNITED STATES NAVY i IS FAST FILLING UP men slmrl tit Hip anllioMJ'.ed stfrimtli of iiipnisiniiitity 113,100 n ml It Is Ip"- tl(t'll lit lilt' DKpllltlllOlll till' full ul ri'iiulli tlll In- irurhul lii'fuic M.iii'li I. STEAL SUITS WORTH SI 0,000. I'd I In- Kri Itnltlierr lnl'l fur six ln. Clollilnir and plrvn conJ Allied at DUTCH MAY ADOPT FORM OF REPUBLIC ( 'oiiunivsiuii to Kcvisc Uju-ii i in i n Submits I' for Clniij-e , In l;iiturf. TffR liAOl'n ( A.MoelalMl Press), Nov. S. Tim poiwIMIIty of becornlni; a repub ' lie Is In prospect for llalland under re -ormnmilntlons nubmltted to-day by th conimlsslun appointed to revise the con stitution. Holland may have a vhaneo to dlspsnse with loyalty, unleis little rrlnecis Juliana, now eleven years old, some day rlvs birth to a son by a husband whom the Dutch Parliament approves as her consort. Tho commission proposes that here- afii, unless iiutc Is 11 illiect runic 1 - tlltlt Street, who il,iilnl U'IU Imi en I in' -if j null rut1 t , (hi IMdri'- ' dnj t 11. l.i Hi.- thi-ft t if an .',11 jii.i mil I., njfne iriH' ul tllo ("mi I i .mil lionii. .Ji- k"it 2. Mh'ii the inn.', k .cm i it t too ( th, last king. If tlH'it 'ln wi J r I v I if kill' I 1 nuls Mntpli In chinild he none, the pfupli- shall liuv. frotl, of , uipr.vlromu. was rteeluied t.n. opportunity to ihuliK' thn form it , . , . L'nintJiiiisnt Insane to-dny by In Minus H Uregoiy a of the I'svih'.imtlile Wiinl, Hellevne. ,., .... . . JuuV" Uocji'sUy was toll the I'OV Vuto Mayer Adjudurd Insane. ,ffere.t from "manic depressive in Zola rloMfurli, twenty, of No. CS V sanity." Huntence wa postponed. mm Recruits Coming In at 2,300 a Week HoCannoetlan Vilh Any (Jlher Esfablbhotcnt in the World Now Only 28,000 Men Short. WASHINGTON'. Nov. C- Itectulll lit I 110,000 were stolen lint Saturday morn j IriR frnm I-ouls N f'oheri Co , manu facturer, of No. "I Ilroailwiiy. It wss , leanieil to-day after the police had kept tor thi NftVr la profrressltie so sslis- CUirtlv that naval offlelAls'bvllovi' 11 'Soon wilt Ixs possible to end to a Jarse number of vessels of (ill classes fiaw carried on paper as part of thn f meets, but actunllr tied up nt navy arda for lack of ere, llocrult aro cntcrinR -llip service at t. rate exceeding 2.S0O a -week and the ralnlnir sUtlons nre dnlly srndlng Urro numbers of men .to tho fleets after the .Usual four months of training. On Nov, 1 the Navy was only 28,000 the robberv aeeret for nearly a weok. The burglars, who enlnert cntrmvp to the loft on the second' iloOi of the build trip at the rvxr, which adjoint a XIn. cer Ktrcet tenement, bundled up 170 suits ninl overeoits and 12 haliw of cloth arid carried It throuirh the frmt, probably to a uniting vehicle. The safo also Ka for. r open, but It contains! nothlnir of alue. 7!RT7-PaU&raSTRSET DIrOADWAY-FlITSI AVCttltt! ki 1 Mb ' 3 Fifth Avenue at 35th Street, N. Y. Established 1879 Today and Saturday special prices on Young People's Apparel Misses' 85-oo t0 159-00 Suits-Reduced 69.00 Wonderful suits, these of the very best fabrics and tailoring. Suede velouc and rayonner are featured, and' many of the models have smart fur collars and trimming. Values like this are not such everyday affairs that you can afford to, let this pa99. Sizes 14, 16 and 18, . ' , Misses' Good-Looking Coats 48.00 Not claborater-just the simple styles that arc best for real service. And since they arc simple, the materials and making are excep tional. Belted models, some with convertible collars, all lined throughout, in wool -bolivia, veldyne, or suede velour. Misses' Full Pleated Skirts 15.00 Some are the bright Scotch plaids that look so well with coat, or sweater1; the others arc the more conservative, but none the less 6mart, navy Men's wear serge. Lengths 31 to 36. Girls' Goats in Splendid Variety Originally 25.00 to 32.50 19.50 It's a Jong time since we've seen such good coats as these at this pricc--Mothers who appreciate value will be reminded of pre-war offerings. The collection includes tasteful, well-made models of camel's hair worsted, polo mixtures, silvcrtone, velour or shadow plaids. Sizes 8 to 16 years, but not all sizes in every style. Our 19.50 Regulation Dresses for Girls special 14.50 For Friday and Saturday onlyFine all-wool French serge, with wide belt and full pleated skirt the conventional braid trimmed collar. Most of our young patrons own at least one dress of this type they 'arc so practical for classroom wear. Sizes 10 to 16 years. Misses' and Children's Dress Hats 15.00 Duvetyns and line French velvets are favorites with the girls and their mothers. These 15.00 models arc especially good pretty French flowers lend distinction to many of them. Second floor. Girls' Warm Blanket Robes, 4.85 Light blue, rose or copen floral pattern binding of satin ribbon. Cord girdle. 4 and 6 years, 3.75. 8 to 12, years, 4.85. Second floor. Sale of Boys' Domet Flannel Pajamas 1.75 1.95 Fancy stripe patterns, one or two piece models. One piece r to 12 years 1,75. Two piece 10 to 18 years 1.95. N ass?Y,ow Never Paj Moie at Best's. MWI WLff-'g .J-iLll .imammm i in " i ' "miii i ir n " 1 1 ii niiiM 5 AVEN0E.AT56T?1 STREET Secvnd.ftoor -Take Cltvator Thursday & Friday HITS SAXE MAKES THE MOST REA SONABLE 1'ltICES IN TOWN STILL LOWER. THE MATERIALS ARE BEYOND CRITICISM. THE MODELS ARE FROM OUR LATEST STOCK 65.00 V Fur Trimmed, Wrap Coats 6500 y rnts SAhB of Vel-dcUvpne, Nutria Collar. Sil Sflfon Trim. .S'llfc Lined and Sloth I'ockcte, Valued up to $115.00 CHAMOISTYNE, LUSTItOLA, ORLANDO, CALEDONIA BOLIVIA, VELDYNE TRIMMINGS OF ' AUSTRALIAN OPOSSUM AND NUTRIA. m -Specially Priced- Higher Priced Dresses Selected from Our Regular Stock Embroidered, Beaded, Plain and Tailored, in Saiin, Georgette, n- Values to Chine, Crepe Meteor, 1 rtcotme. rr.00 f s $35 pa OaB Aa iC-a. ;?n in the Greatest Sale the United Mills has ever held New, fresh merchandise just received. Thousands of yards, in dozens of desirable shades and beautiful patterns At Before-the-War Prices Georgettes, 40 in. wide $1 yd. Satins, 36 in. wide $1 yd. Taffetas, 36 in. wide $l.yd. Crepe de Chines, 40 in. wide $1 yd. Linings, Habutais, Jerseys,) , Shirtings, Printed Georgettes j 1 y United Mills New York Showrooms 2 West 28th St., Near 5th Ave. I .M Z SALAO I z ssCCOKINj 2 mm PURITY and uniform quality are absolutely certain with every can of Mazola. Mazola-cooked foods are easily digested even by delicate people who cannot eat animal fats. And r e m e m b e r Mazola 'Keeps" indefinitely. You don't need to put it in the ice-box. Com Product R fining Co. P. O. Box 161 Nw York City hu Collared HolmaVkaps FOR. OTAEN AND -AUSSES c1fF OJ2DING SAVLNGS OPPORTUNITIES OF AN EXCEPTIONAL CILAACTEPj? Sixty Dollars JNe'W FRONT BELTED WRAPS OF BOLIVIA WITH WIDE THREE QUARTER SLEEVES AND WITH DEEP COLLARS OF AOLBt RICHLY SILK LINED AND "WAJRAVLV INTERLINED NEW TRICOTINE FROCKg VERY SPECIALLY PRICED PERFECT TAILORING 19 THE DOMINANT FEATUBE OF THESE CHAR AUNG FROCKS, SOAE AR& EABROIDERED, OTHERS BRAIDED OR BEADED x SHOWN IN REDINGOTE, TUNIC AND STBAIGHTLINE EFFECTS $35 , i ill rr'-jjjjrfjjf cBroad,way whs $c(miatyi cAt 34th Street Will Hold Friday and Saturday A Sale of Imported Beaded Bags PERSONALLY SELECTED BY OUR REPRESENTATIVE IN PARIS Special at $2450 'ASTERPIECES in bead embroidery, skilled French beadworkers having produced with the tiniest of beads that which only old' masters were able to create with brush and oils. Pretty posies in pastel shades are shown against dark backgrounds, modern art effects afe shown in teally wonderful colorings, and designs typical of old Chinese tapestries find ex pression in others. The majority are suspended from shell frames, but there is also a good selection for those who just love a drawstring bag. Wain Floor m ni