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Newspaper Page Text
' 1 ' THE EVENING WORLD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1920. MP v ' '1 . O. P. PLURALITY IN HOUSE 149 Biggest Ever Known-Serate Re publican by 22 404 Elec toral Votes for Harding. With tho slzs of Prcsldent'etsct Harding's electoral vcito virtually set Ued at 404 to 127 for Cox, and tho complexion of tlra new S.nAte act iji, down aa 59 riepubltoana and 17 Domo Qj em Is party leaders to-day awaited b HM latrd returns on eight contest In atx Bute to fix the exact also of the Ro r! publlmn Home majority. pg Emuslve of the eight undetermined ' cata In tho Lower Housa. tho.rtepiiWl . cans had 2SS member to 117 Demo 's crata and four of other designations, a Q plurality of Ht tho greatest ever held V Pr any party In the House, The near- aat approach to It waa In the Fifty- second Congress, when the Democrats had a lead of US. TP ..The ata still In doubt were the 4th 4 Maryland District. 8th Minnesota. 6U L Missouri, l&th. 21st ahd 2Jd New York, It, lit North Dakota and ttlt West Vir- iw A further possible Democratic upset iMtff1' 5?tt' In the 4th Tenneaieo lfe District where w. F. Clouse. Kepubll ,can, waa slightly ahead of Cordcll Hull. ,JjT Bn. Unrrlman Heads ricil Cross 'He Drive. '2- Mr 11 Uarrlmn to-Jay accepted jfytti Oencral Chairmanship of the rted Cross's annual roll will, which the New Vork Chapter will lirgn Nnv. II and conduct two wtekt in an effort to ob tain l.uuiM'iNi nicmoTs. it" m wm . must be uutalnid m Now York County. Mrs. tlarriman will be a.uli-d by Mrs Henry I Dnvlon, II U llurrrll. Mayor Hylan, Major O. K. Daly and Col. James It. Tcrkln. Cohere is the nearest pSumbeB' Ask in 5 Law 4 X i. l9cytfest42St opposite Public Library ffhentire blocfidevp 2208? 43DXSt Radical Price Decline The Newest Fashions At Very Tempting Prices jj Smart Fashions in ? Separate Skirts For Women and Misses Plaids, stripes, chet k Velours, Serges, all desirable colorings; knife, side, box pleated. At economy prices. $10.00 $15.00 Lord &7ayIor 3th Street FIFTH AVENUE 39th Street Mail and Telephone Orders Filled Phcnt Fitiroy I9C0 Ask. for Telephone Desk Shetland Sweaters Brushed Wool Collars Smart Tuxedo model, with buck ed belts, pockets and cuffs. Navy, Tan, Brown, Black- $10.00 ZThtrd Floor: A Selected Group of Untrimmed Hats. $5.95 Ik 8 M WINTER fit MK , COATS f fc'i hUhM suits I l"- S V V - Jf rX)LMAN WRAP (as Ulustrated) of 9 L 6 N .r Camclcon clotli, laiye Auitralian X !r P V ' V opossum collar, silk lined and warmly 5 ; ft 5 M Interlined. $ in r I . I 7 . . r 0 B' 'h S J i H Actual Vaut.tV). 50 1 r- 8 B I f VELOUR AND TRICOTINE X 11 " ly to S f tl 'i SUITS, belted Models with fur col- 6 , "tC. h mi Tl -L ,n"! braid tr.mmed and embroid- 9 H 6f fKS tM '3 1' WV Hi CTedi aUo Wlored modelj; silk lined Jl. A m l7 MU tM ;f ond flannel interlined. M i I ?M I?R 59.50 I Ml V VELOUR AND TRICOTINE HI I i- lt? C3 fi.i . . . . SUITS, ripple flare; nilk stitdied; silk II I k. Pi lieHlshmenfs of butm popular shades. en M I ! i H frlmmlnps and aUtacHv SPECIAL jH.3J U I J :UW tSVoT" ,rm Vh,U9J0,ot59J0 i I K- W SILK EMB'D SUITS In Velour A collection of SILK EIvOJTJ Vft I ( "Waia Tricotinc in all the popular in vnrl mode'. 8how V, L IWC3 .l.j , ,. . , . ,. . ine clever and artistic desicns. f I jlS thBde: k I'ned. interlined. SPECIAL 34 50 1 j I t VCoPtNK OPEN SATURDAY VENINGS j f wiff Our Liberal Credit Terms Apply to Long fc t 1 O Island, New Jersey and Connecticut. Q ; i. U:"S00 1 moiok twick deliveries U I' I TV Bl- I BGtli St. Crosstown Cars Two Blocks Away H IV: jEuL9 . 84th St. "L" Station at Our Door It V fJDPN? 3d Ave. Street Cars Pass Our Door ' ( rrd&L ALL GOODS MARKED ; V . XES-X W PLAIN FIGURES h . 1 - ?- '; 10-Piecc William and Mary Period Jacobean Oak Suite H ' ' 'i Consisting of Duffel, China Closet, Serving Table and $0 ) A 50 ' w y i'r Dining Table, 48 inches wide, 0 ft. extension) 1 arm N U t nd 5 side chairs, 10 pieces, as illustrated, at J r 1 , 0 ''"' JA '3-Piece High-Grade Period Living Room Suite M tl( i 'tn W'nZ Chair, upholstered in Blue Vclourt in $0 0 0.50 R .hf; 11 uirucuuic springs in seais iurje pieces) as iiius- -lfi II ti I I models that dictate cnt season. Every hat is taken from our regular stock of fine Untrim med Millinery and marked at this low price for the week end only. Black is the pre vailing color, fulfill ing as it docs, such a multitude of pur poses; but there are also many styles in the rich suit shades, particularly brown. Fourth TN this large and varied assortment of smart models are hats for dress, street and general utility wear. Only the correct and accepted styles arc found in the col lection all of which are copies of French the" mode for the prcs- Matcrial and work . manship are of the finer grade that mark our best hats. Values given are several times the prices quoted for this sale. Small, close-fitting hats,, medium sized and large shapes arc all included in the group. This is an oppor tunity to secure a hat of the better quality at a very low price. floor Toy town Opens Tomorrow Santa is here And invites you all To see his surprises In Mother Goose Hall. He wants you to come With your Mother and l?ad, Bring Sister and Brother And tiniest tad. His New York Home, As you've heard before, Is at Lord & Taylor's The 7th floor. Such a dazzling place ' You never did sec I Surprises galore That will thrill you with glee. In Story Book Street Funny pictures you'll spy; Autos and Scooters Think how they'll flyl The Palace of Dolls Is a dream-world for aure; Hundreds of dollies So shy and demure I But we're telling too much. We'll spoil the surprise; We want you to come soon With wide open eyes. Santa's good ship "St. Nicholas" Will take you. to "Happyland." To Grace the Fall Costume Fur Neckwear AVERY attract ive collection of scarfs, made of the most fashionable furs and marked at ap pealing prices. Two skin natural mink scarf. $49.50 Wolf animal shaped scarfs $49.50 Natural skunk animal shaped scarf $49.50 Fox animal shaped scarfs in brown and taupe shades $69.50 Three skin natural mink scarfs $89.50 Skunk cape shaped scarfs $98.50 Black lynx cape shaped animal scarfs. $110.00 Hudson Seal, Coats (died muskrat) $395, $425, $475 fourth Floor Fine Glove Silk Underwear At Extremely Low Prices Vests 52.45 Bloomers $2.95 Camisoles $1.45 Medium Weight Cotton For Cool Fall Days Union Suits, $1.45 Regular and extra sizes. Vests. 95c Also tights to match. Ground Floor A Sale of Women's Shoes $7.85 In this assortment arc high shoes and pumps taken from our regular stock and considerably reduced in price for quick disposal. Laced Boots Of patent leather and black kid, suitable for street and dress wear. Pumps Of patent leather as well as black, grey and bronze kid. Appropriate for use with spats. Incomplete sizes. But you can surely find your size in the group. p""""' floor Silk Umbrellas Greatly Reduced in Price! Several hundred of our higher priced umbrellas taken from our regular stock and radically reduced for Saturday's selling $5.95 A remarkably low price for a fine quality silk umbrella. In most Wanted styles, with bakclite and wooden' handles. Range of colors and black. $12.50 The long Sterling silver handle and ring, both handsomely engraved, make this a truly remark able value. Black silk only. $10.00 Excellent assortment of attractive handles. All the gay, bright colors and black Some have stub tips. Others are convenient fold ing styles. $15.00 A 14 Karat gold mount tops the dark wood handle. This is obviously a much higher priced um brella and a rare value. Black silk only. .Ground Floor- Beautiful Hand Bags An Unusual Opportunity $4.95 Silk Duvetyne Velvet Leather The Wholesale Price of many of these bags today is considerably above that quoted here. VVe were fortunate in securing a special lot from the manufacturer to sell at this one low price. Every bag is beautifully made and neatly lined, coin pocket and mirror or small purse in each. Newest styles and desirable sizes. Complete range of smart Fall colors. A splendid chance to buy a serviceable bag at a very moderate price. None C. O. D. No Exchanges around Floor Continuing Our Sale of Unusual Values in Misses' arid Women's Fashionable Wraps Adapted from Our Own Paris Importations $75.00 and $85.00 ' Cashmere Bolivia, Bokhara and Bolivia with Large Collars of Nutria and Australian Opossum WRAPS of definite distinction, with the exclusive touch of the Parisian mode. Made to our order expressly for this sale, from fabrics tested in our own laboratory; trimmed with furs that have been rigidly inspected by our own experts. The linings are cf selected silks, the tailoring is irreproachable, and the prices are remarkably low for the splendid values offered in these beautiful Wraps.' Several hundred wraps In tho collection, nine distinct models, four Illustrated here. Smart Neiv Tailored Blouses Secured through forrunato circumstances that enable us to , present great values, out of all proportion to tho price, at Many fine models, the latest styles to wear with the Winter Taillcurs, made of the best quality white Crepe dc Chine and extra heavy Japanese Silk,thc fashionable demand of the moment. $15.00 High-neck models, Peter Pan and the new low collars, some, with pin-tucks and narrow frills, hemstitching and other decorative touches, Also one smart model in colored stripe Crepe de Chine. Exceptional Economy In This Offering . ' II SI III i I 1 11 M P I Hi I 1 M tnW II ! I IM' 'aiy ' lall nil I I ll ' I I I 1 1 1 I II t I