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ygE EVENIMQ WOBLD, 3TJLIDAY, NQVEiPIBBB g, 1920, 'BURN SAFE DOOR; GET GEMS. thet only pcraona who know the t!an day !n Jail and one father was fined 12 veaterday , In tli Truancy Court for fnlllnr toVeml lli.-ir clUldrcn to KchooL Ouo of the moll leu, Mra. Ina I'oiitel nick of No. ji, Went imh Btteet wiui given en iiltvrn.iilve of one day In Jail or a 11 flnv Him took the former. Mra. IV lur lllracli, No. UO Allen Street, pv..n.-. not rullty U the nhurtw Hint her aim Jacob, ten years old, aold nnvipipct during echool liowa. Aont teKillIrd thai he had been found at work OvaplU their prottata to the parent. Phillip Lotklt. No. SU Monroe Btreet. told the court hta alxtren-ycur-old daughter. Kcbccca, waa hla aole sup port. Rebecca ploaded Mjralnet be ing: eent back to school. of ttie building could hive ths haul ao neatly. Other recent rdhbwles which hate been made pifbtkj deeplto the police fire: A. J. Berlin CJothlnr Co., No. 71 Broad way, IlrooWyhi Baum & McJlcus, No. U Eaat 14th Strcotl donera! Ware house Co.. No. U Thompson UtreoL HAMILTON'S v t borr mt J.vrolry Firm. .DtOotlroa to-dy vrera lnTeU6t iH)T tb Oiaft ( tt3,000 worth ol Jw Jrjr from th ffloca of the P, P. K. 3f rank (in Simon & (To. AboutOne-HalfLastYear'sPrites For Fur Collared Coats 3weirr firm on tha third floor of No. 'Jt Canal KrteV Mane Umo twtTrawj tsf Mire 0 Individual Shopi FIFTH AVENUE Jjlti and jSlli Sll, 2octton nUfrt ana VWnedar siwrntng, MOTHERS GET DAY IN JAIL &b thlorea antarsd without trtakln to tar beta or wlifAowa, and bunvd 'tat tto door of a Urr rautt from which ""'tiy took the Jewelry, Tbjr Uft aora feoola behind, btenbera of the firm uU4 -WINTER COATS AND WRAPS- Sentenced For Wet JJendlnti Chil dren to fobpot-4mther fined $3, Two mother were kentenced to e TheUteit fabrics, including Bolivias, Crystal Cordi. Velours, Broadcloths and Silvcrtoncs. $25 to $60 In zJfrCsses' Sleeved Pointer W raps, Evora , ! ' 47-49 Wot 42d Street ' HP HE maker of the highest class ready to wear hats made in America was greatly overstocked. We have bouglit his Entire Overproduction of 3000 Hats which we offer at the surprising price of Retailed to Date ff.10, $12.50 & $15 1250 Finest Quality Fur Beaver MAIN FLOOR ALL COLORS ROLLING BRIM SAILORS, TRICORNTS AND STRAIOHT BUIM SAILORS, ALL BANDED WITH OROSORAIN SILK RIBBON AND LINED WITH HEAVY SILK SATIN 3.95 1000 High Class Lyons Silk Velvet WITH SOFT TOPS AND STITCHED BRIMS PLAIN AND SOME TWO-TONE. COLORS: BLACK, BROWN AND NAVY 3.! SOME 750 Best Quality. Hatter's Silk Plush HATS ALL WITH COLORED BEAVER UNDERBRIMS NO CHARGES NO C. O. D.'S. J No discounts during this sale to dealers and milliners. HilMillBlH Your only problem is "Which modelt" Choose from p upright and 24. period styles of the wonderful i l lljl JaccbcanLanca$ter Jjj 1 THE IN8TRUKENT OP QUALITY CLKAR A8 A DILL xJheViigiiest Glass A T holiday timo the demand for Son eras (always large) becomes tremendous. May we suggest that you select the Sonora you want now. By calling now you can be sure of getting a choice and you can pick just the model you desire. We can delay our delivery until Christmas If you're choosing a present. Magnificent upright and period styles of matchless beauty are available. N Prices $75 to $1800 Sonora Pjortoffrapf) Company. 3Tnc Fifth Avenue at 53rd Street 279 Broadway Superior h the Favored Fabric 89.50 A $25fi saving on this season's price 'Evora superior, one of the season's softest coat fabrics, displays its un rivalled smartness and conceals its unsurpassed service. There 'are four youthful wrap-coats of this supple 'textile, introducing a new bloused back and a new yoke model. . . . ij&alay IBrowiy 'Bedouin, Dryad,3Qi'vy Blue, Twilight Blue or Black All Silk Lined and Warmly Interlined Other winter wraps with or q WITHOUT FUR (Sizes 14 to 20 years) J7 . to. OVO, MISSES' WRAP SHOP Second Floor A STORE OF INDIVIDUAL SHOW 5&J FIFTH AVE., 37th AND 38th STS, frank Un Simon a Co. Misses' Tailored Frocks of Genuine Veldyne Advance d Vogue in Fashion, Fabric and Falue 48.00. A 'if?0 Saving yELDYNE, tjie fabrfc that adds service to the softness of duvetyne,' having established its merits, now proves its virtues in frocks. It is smart in a hew straight line model with suede belt, and the blouse is turned back in rever collar effect to show a self vestee Dragon Fly Blue, Henna or zfflalay Brown Other veldyne frocks, n Sizes 14 to 20 years , . . 69.50tO 155.00 MISSES GOWN SHOP-SecondFur AU-Wool Silvertonr Coat Former value. $55 Now $35 All-Wool Pom-Pom Wrap, Former value. $55. Now $35 -SILK AND CLOTH DRESSES- The popular materials, including Tricotines, Serges, Satins, Tricolettes and Charmeuse in the very fashionable Redingote and Tunic models. $10 to $50 HAMILTON GARMENT CO. 307 FIFTH AVENUE Near 3Iat St. A touch of the unusual in her gloves provided it be in perfect tastt: ii welcomed by the correctly gloved woman as a pleasant variation from the tailored or simple dress style. She finds such a glove in a Reynier two clasp style, with decorative cut-work cuff of a contrasting color, to 'match the binding and stitch ng. Fash oned df fine glace kid, pique sewn, this is found in mode, tan, beaver, black and white. i $6.50 pair Made in Grenoble, France expressly for Lord & Taylor FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK ' ' ' " ' ' ' ..Jl The Happy Medium Striking a hnppy medium between style and comfort in n woman's shoe has previously uen more or jcss oi a laiinrc. rije Illyi Ped-Tonic" 1ms solved the problem by success fully comUlning the lines of fashion with th essential elements of true foot ease. Wear 77m at Our R(,k Wt Slite Store! IIMll Wnt liilh su Kw Bt'rnth At. U At, k&d STth 81. lib At.. 1Mb ud 40th. Eatt Side Stores: 94 ,lr. n4 St. td 161 h A m SM. IJ Ar.. 150tb-m.t Rti. Seven Drt and Comfort Bhapn, . ,i i r 41-44 rulton St.. nip. SLrill 1 DtJtf. 6h. I'uk Af. & Kllfty Hi. M " (Ut'l'iut, ww UrMiu Af. Hewut StMlll tit Im4 St., opd, inntirr rnk. 100 iurkct Bintt, UaH Oii txvt., IM rtlrd Am If Black Vlci, 9,50 & 10.00 Brown VM, 10.00 9H. i