Newspaper Page Text
if 1' harvard game tn EE ROUGH BATTLE To-Nlflht's Weather FAIR. To-Morrow't Weather FAIR. i IN lit mukc; i ON GRIDIRON) I FOOTBALL E 1 - fro WffiMM Wr VOL. LXI. NO. 21,581 PRINCETON TIES HARVARD BEFORE CROWD OF 42,000 BY SCORE OF 14 TO 14 Crimson Gets First Touchdown Early Mainly Through Tigers' Penalties. SCORE TIED IN SECOND, HALF.! Game Furiously Played and Capt. Harmen is Knocked Out Twice, v tiii;'odiUon L. B. . .. .... r. .... I o. ... .... Ileal . .... II. II. ... .... I.. V. ... .... II. 11 .. .... Qoirttr .. ..." t. If. II ., .. It. If. II. .. II u,. . luir-n Kty MMiotmu ' itlahun . ... icl.Iri.iil Il'"lvr IfflMHlrO Tmrli inn' ' lr'- , . , i.rfr Ill nr.! .... Kan'' . . Kucn . . 1'olbvrt lhirarr ... Woutl. . . I'rort.. r KitiT! ' . .. Ilftpil I tim.-hil'i F II. P.ll IZtttrtf. Itnlwrt Mitl Hn.i.rtv.M.. Ifororf it I uiHr.-. Tmu Tliorp. ColUmliU. UfM Judte-1 Murphr. JSronii. Ijntunan o. j. lUnkirt. IJtttlhutii. By William Abbott. ' rf 111 to TIn IltHilnj World. ) STAIMl'M, CASroillTXlU, Mass., Nov C Hurvard and Princeton touglit their annual football here this ufternoon before battlo 42.000 ho.e ihoora fair,,- roc.ed th.s u. . !n horseshoq stadium. Tho weather as Tierfoct. Tho sun van stoiutlly uti t!io Job, with only a twv Ileecy .'.ouds dotting a radlunt blue sky. A stl:f Ijreczo coming out of tho nurth- fst lashed out un Auierlcun flatf on t ip o( t lie noitl-tanda und' gavo uriv iMirnlnix thut lmnt ratchers l mn belunr on the brown turled urid on riuld huvo tv troublcaqmo time ticld vu In superb shape, rirm nd 'ast. Tornporury standi) were in i he ' ion of the studltira, uut tho ex i f 1 1 it it j- was totally inadequate tn ' ,ui-l. the reeold crowd that wanted .i .si.f t'i" ilrat of-the awison'B cIiisIicb f wi'.n the 'bisc three" of ' football. otilj n few m-Mttciiinr hundred m their se.iu. when the Iliinji'l MtrolUM In from the it lit li'uiso and indnltfed In a light .wnlu.uf under the direction of "...h 'i -l'lRher, whoHP t.hliilng badae i l onsplouoiis ;ih a Cnunt Blier i!'. While the I'rimson iduyeiH wei-e u.y Looting ii(;Ulnn around, scenes of activity could be Been back on the Mstnnc bridtre over the I'harles illvor. In a few nioinenU llurvard' stii.lent band, In wnlte tro'usei.i and raps and crimson Jersey, umtched over th' lirtdffe and Into thelv places a the cnt Ftnnd. . Ai roi-. the Held the Princeton sec tions vi ere tapldly flUliijr. l'rom a invsteniiis openinpr the Princeton i .and .li'jica'ed ajid took their posi t onH, TIGER PLAYERS GET GREAT WELCOME ON FIELD. Kiphi Princeton cheer leaders ini id out III P'uni oi uie uriR and HliicJc sccUulls. 'null tuins plaltiB liv Ah botli bunds Ively tunes the il iivard squad ri tired t" tho Held muse. Tresently a sinull band o'f ttnped blockings spnntPd out on the ...mlofleld. It was the Princeton Varsity. Tp Jumped the Nassau -aiidM to give a deafi-nliis; welcome i i the TlRi-rs. The pri'litnlnary pincticc wan most iv klchtnK to Bive t.u. bai ktli'ld merf i chance to solv trlclty wind eur ,ntH that iriulics this stadium a ii ghtninin for visitltiB elevens. Later . n Don Luurh. and Frank Mmrey i. Kan shooting oviv Held goals. Kaeh laci'ssfui atti tiipl iiirned .i ri'Souiid- mtlnuod on Heoona i'ng.) on) elUim lit 11 'lull. i i.NM:i,Lsni.i.n. po., nc. .-coh: i,; i tl to fl a ton on the loeiil murUet whin tin- m mpply reneheii i ni .or rent, inuik unit buying il Thl is a reeora low since uic i .ii-iinieiit or federal regulations, DAILY. l'o)rllit, 11(20, lj- Co. (Tho New BEATS CORNELL ELEVEN M4TO 3 SCORE Green Mountain flayers Wake Touchdown While Oppo nents Score Field Goal. THE LINE-UP. Portion . . I.. 1.. .. . L t . . L. (1. .. . . Owtor . . ..Mi. !. .. .. II. 'I'. .. . IL K. .. . o. n. .. . n. n. , u ii. a linn . . . , Knaiw . . . I'tnd'stau Mlf iHiie . .. AJ.inna . Hoff .. . Kw . . . ... (J. Mwre . . . bMifitt? -Morritt . . i fiumlcrham CVho . . . . MHiistr Lnw .tor.Un Opt. l!o'jtUi llol'jroul r. ii. .. htw.bum . Hefirro, Kvnn of Wliliiim.i Collcci!. j LZ! J nmti. Mcrtutn. i CiPA-ial ;o Tl nrnnlni M'uiU. l'ou) ouorxus, Nirv vonK. -S'ov. e. This nfteninon'i wimo be tween Cornell and Dartmouth ttmrkod the fifth time that the Itlmcans liavo essayed Vo cross !i-een's' oal lino in the twenty curs' hlstoiy of relations between these two colleges. Tho team from Lake Cayusa has tailed to Hcoro in each of the previous four attempts. but with Dll Dobie, football's ".Uraclo Man," coaching the lied team for the first ear tho Cornel! admirers . are sansulno'of victory to-day. FIRST PERIOD. TJurtmouth won the. toss and de fended the north (,-oal, lorclnp Cor nell to kick to them. llobertson aught th hick oft and brought the bail to tho centro o tho field before hi was brought down by tho Cornell plajors. Dartmouth was held and Ilobert on1 punted closo to Cornell's line. the big treen captain had tho better exchange of punts, bringing his team vlth'n striking distance of goal, llobortson shot nround left eid with faultless interference for tho llrot touchdown of the game. Itobertson kicked the joal. Score Dartmouth 7, Cornell 0. llobortson kicked off tn Cornell who brotiirht tho ball to thnlr .-,.,. -h line. Tliey were held hv thn oir. Green line and kicked to tho centre oc me iinid. Dartmouth on Hoveral lino plunges made its Hrst down on two fast formation plays. Dartmouth tipped up thiiblg Ited lino for 10 aiore yaids. Hero they held, foioinir Dartmouth to kick. SECOND PERIOD,. In an exclianire of nunu Cf.rnir.ii 1. rough the Imll Up 1o the Orens .'5 yurd lino. With two faultless for ward passes tho (Iren players brought the bal within striking distance of the Cornel line. After an exchanern f field positions, Dartmouth lost the l ull in fulling to execute a forward puss while under the goal posts. Dartmouth was penalized 15 yards for holding. Carey of Cornell punted io inldHeld. (in a falto forward pass Carey made 30 ards around Part mouth's left end. Caioy .dropped buck and dropped i. pretty Held oai from the 11-yard line. Dartmouth T; Cornell 3. HcAiertsoii kreked off to Muyer. After several formations Cornell tuwight the ball to the oentre of the Held. Ilobeitnon was takon out of the game ul tins juncture, relieved by Ho weft. The period endi d with the Uill mid field in On r mini tli's possesskiti. nai'tmoiijfh 7, Cornell 8, Killed When He Mcii III 1'fiml of V Ti ll I ii. .tueoli fSptnigir. twoniy-flve year old. i .railroad pnlicemaii. ftepi.ed from odd Kile train In front of nnotlitr at 1 1 tit anil Hiunswlck Httvets. Jernvv City. ',;iriv m-day and vvns billed. at Mldvale, N. J. lie .lived (Racing News on Pago 2.) DARTMOUTH 'ff Ctoizfatfoa Boots Open to All." The ITcn I'libllihlnc lurk World). , NEW LATE FOOTBAIjL SCORES Ut Period Princeton 0 Harvard 7 Yale.......... 0 Brown : . 6 Dartmouth. ........ 7 Cornell 0 Swarthmore ,. . .21 Columbia 0 Pittsburgh.... 0 Pennsylvania 7 Syracuse -. . . . 0 W. and J ' 0 Union (5 N. Y. U 7 I GRAND JURY FIND Some Games Were Thrown, Final Report Says, but Prac-' tice Was Not General. CHICAGO. Nov. m9. Tho Kpeclal Grand Jury Investigating baseball returned this morning Its final report In which It stated that "While uvi: uciivu nun uiiuii louau mni rome .I-- i.-.i . w games wcro thrown by pidycrs, the practice was ivot general and the leaders in organlied b.iscbnll may be relied upon to keep tho gamo nbovo suspicion." In rogard to tbo Investlgatlun Into basoball pools tho Jury reported that these' "operations besmirch the good name of baseball, and ive are amazed at tho extent of the so-called busi ness." Pool operators refuse to pay win- BASEBALL IS CLEAN POOLS DENOUNCED ners of prizes in many Instances, nl- a light. One of tho two who had ob though they mal-.e an enormous profit, Unincd tse moneV yelled to the man the Aui-y reported. ; Evidence was given to tho- Jury of an Instance during a gamo played in Chicago where a certain player on the New 1'ork National League Uase ball Club offered anothor player a bribe if ho would throw that particu lar gamo. Tho player to whom tho bribe was offored Immediately walked off tho diamond, refusing to continue pitching the game. "We earnestly commend tho action of tliis player and wo likewiso com mend tho manager of the New York Club for his action on the following duy In suspending tho player who offered the bribe in this particular case, and not withstanding the repre hensible conduct of tho player who offered tho Ibrlbo no crime was com mitted under the present Illinois law. Therefore no indictment could bo rendered 'by this Grand Jury. "Baseball is moro than a national game; it is an American Institution, having its place prominently and sig nificantly in the life of the people." WILSON TO REFUSE PARDON FOR DEBS WASHINGTON, Nov. 8. President Wilson Is understood to havo no Inten tion of pardoning BUKMie V. Deba, who is serving a ten years' ve.itenco tn trio Fuderal Penitentiary at Atlanta for vio lation of tho Uspionage Act. The poultlon taken by the P:ulleiit, m cording to those who profeas to know his views, Is that Executive clemency li. ' uch a cos ou!d set a bad precedent I mid would encourage othr to oppusi tba aovernment In th event of anot i : I ' - - i Debs wh- iionviuted at Cleyeuind on 8ept. 12, lMK, on three counts, a Jury I finding him guilty of t tempting to In cite In.Mibardlniitlon and disloyalty 1.1 the milltuiy and naval fori en. attempt- J Ii.g to obstruct recruiting and uttering l iugiiuK" tending to lnuil. provoke uud encourage .resistance to the United tittle and to promote the cause of the vnetny, YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, d Period 3rd lVrlod . 'iota 0 7 14 0 0 14 7 7 0 . '7 ' .14 3 0 3 14 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 rUT UP A BATTLE IS SHOT; WILL DIE Proprietor of Avenue A Store Resists Demand of Three Armed Bandits. Three young men entered tho harbor supply nnd perfumery estub Ilshnient of Kugcno Santacattarlmi at No. 2W Avenuo A. at noon to-day, drew revolvers and ordered the. pro prietor and threo other men who were In tho storo to hold up their handi and submit to n search. Tho order was obeyed by all but Santneattarlnn. Ho leaped, nt ono of tho men and knocked him down, but was dragged down himself and the pair grappled on tho Hoor. Whllo thej fought, tho other hoil up men robbed tho threo customers of :oo. When they had flnlshod Santacattarlna was still putting up who was wrestling with Santacatta- rtna, "Let him have it!" ine ropuar nred his pistol. A bullet entered .Santacattarlna's abdomen mid ho rolled aside helpless. Tho M.-eet noises' had prevented passcrsby from hearing the noise of tho struggle or the shot. Tho rob bers slammed tho door after them and disappeared In tho crowd on tho street Santacattarlna was rushed to Uellovuo Hospital. The surgeons pro nounced his Injuries fatal. Tho do tcctlvcshave descriptions of tho three murderous thieves. RAW SUfeABDR0PS AGAIN. Ttaw sugar prices to-day reached tho lowest level touched In scvoral months. The National Sur.i Hetlnlng dmpany bought 50,000 bam or Cuban raw sugar at 6 1-2 cents per pound, equal to about 7 1-2 cent per pound, djty paU. H Is U?ured that to-daj's transactions will permit tho National Company to offer refined sugar at 10 cents par pound. Tho lowest known figure at which tho reflned product has recently been offored In bulk Is 10 1-3 cents pei pounj. SEIZE OPIUM ON WAY HERE: PLYMOUTH, England, Nov. C. -important seizures of opium were mado hero yesterday on thn Ameilcim-bound steamers War Matron nnd War Suba dor. The prohibited drui,- win obtained nt Amsterdam. Three members of the Chinese crew of tho laltir w.e! wuro arrested. Custom liiBpectoM found tho drug concealed In th" men's sleeping 141' r.' " .' ""n ." oei,iruc Tinii in ri iiuiiririrv in the itetiinni fur- i nice. Tun Hi. J. III! Iiy V II I in.. Die, The Medical UxsmnniV ol.iee to-Ue) re.-lved tepoiu of thn dyiillm 'of t.ij boys strdcU by u.itomubilns. One wm Joxcph Miv :uso, tin' ytmri old, No. 33h Knn 1.1th Wlre t, wim died a Nl. Mark' I ti.uiiuni. ine oiner-w.'iri rony "Ireen- ?22'. n'uiAe2r" .ol?.' Sl- K stoventh I &v.t? !LU1 "iu"iu u"?rnw of 1491h ! strQct and Seventh Avenue, WITH HOLD-UP MAN TRAVIS Wnm l RRAFT Mil I IflNAIRF Rill! flPP HPin 1 I llflllU, IIUUUU&.U Ul UI1MI I. ,IIIILLIUIinillL DUILULIt B ILL LI i IS HELD FOR GRAND JURY; j IN 125,000 BAIL; BITTERLY. 1 FINED $250 FOR CONTEMPT! ASSAILS SAM UNTER1WYER - Chief Justice Kernochan, as Magistrate in Inquiry, Causes Arraignment. WENDELL EXONERATED. Judsoii, WIio Cleared More Than Si ,000,000 to Re Looked Into. Comptroller Eugono M. Trals to day was Jield for tho Grnnd Jury as a grafter by Chief Justlco Kurnpchan, who has been slttlntr ns a commit ting magistrate In thn Joltn Poo, In quiry Into tho bond purchases by the State Comptroller's ottlce. Hegardlng James A. "Wendell, who was Travis's chief deputy and who was elected Comptroller four days ago. Justice Kernochan ild he differed with tho District Attorney who had urged holding him as an accessory to tho crime. Justice Keinochan smd that "the Comptroller has taken upon his shoulders full responsibility for the fixing of prices in nil transactions." Tho Justlco continued Mutt ho would not feel offense If tho District Attor- ney presented tho ca.s. of Albert J,. I JuiUon, tho broker In tho'bond denls, to the Grand Jury, although ho didj not wish to pass on Judson's status. I Assistant District Attorney Pecoru replied that ho would present nil Urn ovidence, including that roncomlng Wendell and Juilson, to tho Grand Jury, along with the evidences con corning Travis. Following tho rending of hlo de cision. Justice Kernoochan went to his chambers, ' whoro Comptroller j Travis presented himself with his counsel, George 'A. Mcdnlio. Tho Jus- llco then fined Travis $250 for con tempt, bunching In one flnu tho penal ties for '.he sixteen refusals to answer questions concerning , his personal stock transactions. Mo gave the alter native of thirty days in tho City Prison and announced that if thp fine was not paid by next l'rlday noon ho would order the Comptroller placed In the custody of tho Sheriff. Tr.avlH'u counsel announced that the flno woul.1 not bu paid, that tho Comptroller would submit to arrest and seok lib erty on a writ of lmboaa forpua. Justlco Kernochan notlllcd Assist- ' nnt District Attorney I'ecora, who I has conducted tho examination, that j ho was ready to lssuo 11 warrant for tho arrest of the Stato Comptroller. Tho crimes which Justlco Kerno chan llnds prima facie evidence of In tho proceedings, ho announced, wcro violations of .Sections 1SC3 and 18G 1 of tho Penal Code, tho flrbt clatiso having to do w Ith tho pay- (Contlnued on Second I'agc.) HELD FOR PARK HOLD-UPS. Th r it Mm t'nuglit in Ctiuao After Shut In llriioUlyn. Thno men suspected of having taken part In nevcral recent holdups in l'ros- pei t Park, Ilrooklyn, arrested In a. chaaf last nlglit ufter Patrolmen Tuman ami IHni'S hud heard two shot in Urn Pur';, Wi-ro held to-dny In tho tlutbuh Oourt for hearings on ihargrs of attempted a.'sault nnd robbeiy. Thi' men nave their nurnes nt I'rnnkt,.. , ... ... Cartir. nmeti i n; Knoch Udun. iilneti-ii. I Udvvard .Mo.icieMSln, twi-nty-tno, nl! . 01 ine t'iiox lion", jiiiinri Mwt. llrvjK'yn Moncn'ssl.i also charged Willi' l rivo'vei. RAT POISON KILLS CHILD. I'liree-1 enr-Olil liny (oil Tn 1 11 feil j t rili'lier In .ler.i. lliiiue. I tivi.'i;.iDi;. x. .1., Nov. c. J.iiiir W'.-'ier. t.irni enr.i e'd, ou of Mr. audi .'K. Jwi llli Ve,..,. (Jf tlili pliee, died , io-diy Ii iiiiibruciit Hospiiul from ut poison. ' Tho child got possession of a ctneker on wnio irio poi;en uaa oson syreaa. I "Circulation Hooks Open 1920. : TRAVIS ACCUSED OF grafV in state BOND PURCHASES EUGENE M. TRAVIS Com pt rolltr LABOR UNIONS BACK INQUIRY INTO GRAFTING Ollicer of Bricklayer and Stonemasons Approve Work of Lockwood Committee. tho Inst regular meeting tho K.tccutlve Commit tee lupresentlng the Brick layers, Stone Masons, Stotnl Set teis and Marble .Mason of Uroattr Now York the follow ing resolution was unanimously adopted : "That the Executive Commlt teo of BncUl.iyerj and Masons' Unions indorce the action of the Lockwood Investigating Commit tee in the matter of housing and building industry in general. "(Signed), JOHN COLLINS, Bricklayers' Union; ERNEST BRADSHAW, President, H. W. H. Marble Masons' Union No. 4; CHARLES PFLAUM, Bricklay ers' Union No. 9; JOHN J. KELLY, Bricklayers' Union No. 34; ERIC LORD, Bricklayers' Union No. 34; EDWARD KELLY, Bricklayers' Union No, 37; FRED RILEY, Bricklayers' Union No. 37; WALTER BUTLER, Bricklayers' Union No, 41; AN QELO MARCHIONE, Stone Ma sons Union No. 47; AMBROSIO CONFORTI, Stons Masons' Union No. 74; THOMAS J. MAGUIRE, Stone Setters' Union No. 84. JOHN F. CLANCY, Chairman." REPORTS AMERICAN MISSION CAPTURED LONDON, Nov, 1) -An Ameriian mission in South llussla bus fullin Into the Imuiin of tho Sovi.-t foicis, ae ordliii! o the Moscow ii"WNpapnr '". '' 'n a vvir. ltJ u,.i paten to-Ony from tlio Uovli-t capital Tin. i.i,er npiiilinif details of tho lioliiii v ill uttHvk upon the forces of Umi. llaron Wrangel says' "At Alcxlevktt station, which wa luken without a ojiot, an American inl.Hj'iDii fell into our hands at the head ut wliiih win (Jen. Mor', who had the tusk of combatting bandits lusilic white army " WASMINOTON'. Snv. ii.Stutn and Win Ix imllnmnt Oflieluls said to-da they had no knovrledixo 01 any olflclul Aiwrlcan nii.nlon within th war son in Boutliei u itussla. Neither had any rci'ur; ustn rcic;vcu, mm . riw to All." Fntrrnl Sernnd-CUiw Mutttir I'oat Office, Mew YotU, H. T. Also Denounces One of the WitnesseClf Hettrick Not Offices How in rivT v cie or lNine uperatea. (ieonre S. H:i.:l;er. builJinir contractor, with over Si.oon noo vinrlk ----- ' . ' - 1 i t oi LniilJitig contracts now in progress, was arraigned before Judge MuU "1 " -" W ,"" wwV.w w M.IJ W J 1 Jh kilk. " nt be indicted. He is charged with niiMee hearing of'bct. 21. Buil of !. landing company. , The indictment charges U.uAer oath, firs' that he went to a race i ini that day by Hphraim I). Levy, construction by Backer, as a bribe ,wj iiier-: lost in money in wagers 1 lA-er the muiie) to two men unknown to him by name. xj,, indictment recites that he did nr-l anrr iisnmim STARTS FOR TEXAS Po Hutu and Fish Twelve Days Before Boarding: Ship for Canal Zone. ,O.V IIO.VIID TUB IlARDINa TRAI.V, Nov. C. President-elect Warren O. Harding, accompanied by Mrs. Hnrdlng, left .Marlon, O., at 7.30 ' o'clock thin morning for a months vacation. Although Inn mind already Is at work upon tho preliminary details of his first administration policy, a plan for a new association ul nations, Mr. larding does iiot proposo to let the task Interfere with his outing. Ho lias asked several lending statesmen to prepare their views on the subject for him, but his first conference to recrlvo odvice will not tako plhco until after ho returns to Marlon, about Deo. 0. Tho Presldont-lOlect lias made tt known thry a compilation of opinions on tho association of nations proposal will bo his llrst concern In preparing for his responsibilities at Washington. taking preccdoifco even over his choice of a Cabinet. Cabinet appointments, he has announced, vlll not bo given any thought at all during his vapu tton. The special train Is bound for Point Isabel, near the southern tip of tho Texas roast, whero tho President elect will spend twelve days huntin nnd fishing. After that ho Is to malm an ocean voyago to the Canal, Zona ann men Pack to a port on tho Mid dle Atlantic Coast. Ho will speak In Uedf6rd Va., on Uec. S, and will go immediately from thero to .Marion. Making tho trm south bv wav ..f .St. Louis and Sun Antonio, tho Sen ator's train will reach liriiwtmvlllo, Tox , Monday morning, and the nai tv will motor l mm there to Point Isabel, twenty miles u.vaj. Point Isabel Is only six miles distant from tho Mexi can boundarv und front the southern most tip of continental I nlled States. luesO- of Mr. and Mr. Harding on tliu hip are llany M. Daughert, manager of (hu Jlaidlnt, pu'-couvLn-tlon i.impaign: Seiuturs Kieyllug iiu)s n ol New Jersey, Hale m Maine ind Davis nf West Virginia, and Kdw.ird H Mi-Lean, a Washington puMiih'r. His necreUry, (ieorge ti. Christian Jr, and his family physi cian. Lr C li. Sawyer, and i group of Secn t Service men and nowspapir men also were ou tlie special train, 1 ohNAIUIt riAKUINli VACATION TRIP edtov PRICE THREE CENTS at His Homeorv the "Charmed Cir- i t perjury in his testimony at the Com-! $35,OOo was furnished for him by U willi telling the Committee under' track May it with 15,000 given to owner of the Textile building, under to be paid to avoid labor difficulties'1 on hors'e racing; then that he turned''. ot go to the race track Mnv 11. I Mint ho kV not iuy the money to mti I Known to him by naint. Tlio witnesses named In thn back-' of tho Indictment urn Kphralm B. 1 Levy. C. C. Lockwood, Chairman of the ' 4 ioiiuimu-1.; Mninuci nruckhelmor, ton ognipher to tho committee; Eleanor It. Uurns, Hacker's secrcturv: Marrii MendolMon, his lxiokkeepcr; frank J. Price. Thomas M. Jjmes, Ileuben Caa ton. Maurice c. Kastcnlsirn and Mark ' (tasalsky. Of tho toat five Backer Bald he knew only HasaUiky. to whom ho applied nn upprobrlous epithet. Tho Iilstrlct Attorney's, olllce would give no Information as to tho tenor of their testimony. At tho request of Assistant District Attorney Robert Johnstone and Bpe?'' 'ilnl Assistant Stanley Illchter Man". ' day wus act as IJackcr's day Xor pleading. , "This whole proceeding is tn bad faith." Hacker .said when he was balltcl out. "Untermyer broke his word wbett ho cuiea mo as a, witness that! nothing new." Ho said other things uncomplimentary to tho committee' counsel 'aiiti continued: "My friend IHieve I kept that mouey instead of. disposing of it n i.evy Intended, i, think more of them than 1 do of Un." leniiyer bulldozing threats, and t want them to know I disbursed overy cent. Wallsteln and Untermyer want ed ma to say ksvo tho money to llrlndcl. 1 couldn't, say that be causo It wasn't tnte. o they have had mo indicted." Hacker Is the owner oMho Chatham Hotel, nt VnnderbiltVvcmiu and St!i Street and is rated us n mllllonulro. Tho Indictment of Hacker Is rt. garded by those following L'tcrmyer'n procedure as a side Issue nnd as n strategic tnovo in .the gathering of tefllmony on when Indictments of con tractors nnd misusers of labor unloa authority are to bo based. It Is tn effoct a servlco of notice that the sternest measures will bo umd to eompo! frank resjformo to the com mittee's Imiurleg, John T. Hettrick, lawyer-manage.-, for the cut stono hoatllur and a!eetM lighting contractors under Investlyi- ""ii o mo jAiuivviooii vommllvee. whose presenco was required In vain at yesterdays hearing, did not ap pear at his olllces to-day. There wa no one in his homo in West ISth Street. No information us to whethtu1 he us or was not In town was amIH able, senator lockwood said yestej' day the Committee was Informed had been out of Its Jurisdiction for two das, although he U under sub. poena. Hettrick Is wanted for nuestlonlnir on tho vanished agreomont between Usnry Uaulctn and oight other ocn- A. 1 1 i ;AtJi.jfri.-4X..AL SUI . 1 j .. . .' . J ii. . . . 1 4