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And KaUhka Would Be Looking for a Raise! THE NEW PLAYS "French Leave" An Amusing Escapade By CHARLES DARNTON WHO PUT THAT NOBODY-THAT'S youRp UlFe TALKlN' To THC Jf Yes, sne'3 the UAiiesT thing LONG RECORD ON THE VICTROIA ? in aprons and glvgs more Back-talk than an "echo' I "TTRViNG TP GET HERM ' Is it? St IN eplto of lomo raUier noisy acting at tbc Belmont TheUtrc. "VYeach Leavo" U & restful little play of wartime billeting, at which you may smile or even chuckle anil feel that you are enjoying a mildly divert ing evening. In It Atr. utfd Mrs. Coburn are quite comfortable, though not 00 happily situated us they were in "The ltetter 'Olo." i It la Impossible to prow excited over the ailventure of the Kngllsh wtf who surprises her husband, a vuunr oincer. bv vlsltlnz hlra In a village where his brigade Is resting, but she uerself off as a French singer and old peasant woman In whose home frocks she brings along, sho might easily pass for a prima donna, lion- , ever, one never knows what a woman will do, and anyway Mile, Juliette, as he colls herself, looks charming enough to turn the head of any soldier at the little dinner given In her honor. Bhe Is toasted by the old Qeneral I and a young subaltern, and she joins with them In singing "Where do the flics go In the summertime 7" while her jealous husband sits moodily ( aloof. This Is the liveliest and funniest situation In a play somewhat lacking In situations. It Is of no consequence that tho wife Is momentar-1 lly suspected of being a German spy. The flirtations make "French Leave" , an amusing escapade, and this Is probably all that tt was meant to be I by Its English author, Ilcglnald Berkeley. i Mrs. Coburn, slender and pretty, acts the wife with a fair degree of charm and manages her French accent very well, though she has none of tho deviltry that Marie Tempest, for example, might glvo to the role. Mr. Coburn plays tho blustering old warrior capably and ran upstairs amusingly. Dut It Is Iallas YVclford as a mess sergeant, pop-eyed In his I assumed severity as he orders about a private serving a waiter, who la I iha real joy of tho performance. Harry McNaughton Is a funny waiter, so ' intent upon standing erect that ho Is In langcr of falling ovor backwards. Alexander Onslow aata tho husband discreetly; Noel Tcarle Is amusing, though a bit strenuous, as tho susceptible young officer, and Helen Tllden noes an excellent bit of character work About Plays By BIDE rHEN Francis Wilson, aided and abetted by De Wolf Hopper and a largo company, comes (to Now York In tho revival of "Ermlnle," the Actors' Equity Asso ciation intends to blow Itself. Until a few months ago Mr. Wilson was President of the Equity and spent a great deal of his tlmo working In the organization's bobalf. To honor him Equity members will occupy all the ucats thoy can get on the opening night of "Krmlnlc," and will indulga Jn nil sorts of physical gyrations tHat may make noise, except whistling. Broadway hears a yell master has been appointed, to train, the crowd In singing: i "Itah, raft, ral W7io is hot He is the idol of The Eqult-cer And now comas the sad part. No theatre in Now York bos bcon-found as yot for "Krralnle'," but Manager Goorgo C. Tyler is (crouched, ready to spring on the first one that blows. NPLMFQ ucinil tict NELME3 HEADS TICKET. I Harry li. Nolmes, Treasurer nt tho uaimuai -luunirc, nas ucen cicniou tuvq auuinco Aiaaicrimcic a commln Presldent of tho Trca&urero' flab 6f "Ion to wrlto a Blm scenario for him. America. utner now oinccrs ore Allan J. Schnebbe, Vice President; hoi uo vrien, Treasurer; Louis A. Morgciistern, Financial Hecrotary; I , James F. McKntec, Recording Sccre- torj', and A. Ij. Jncobn, Counsel. An amendment to the constitution has ' been adopted wbcrcbv sick members 'receive 20 a week In benefits Instead ' pt UO. HAS A NEW PLAY. Kranclno Larrlmoro has a now play kind will bo starred In It beforu the winter Is over. . YLANO WELL SUPPLIED. A tailor sent Uol Ix Ylang of "The Outrageous Ma. Palmer" at the 39th Street Theatre, an advertisement yea torday in an effort to sell him a suit of clothes. For tho tailor's Informa tion, it may be stated that Ylang Is a dog; nlso thut he has plenty of pants and a good heavy coat. "WHAT'S A THIEF?" SOON. The National players, a dramatic club which gives amateurs a chance, will present won a piny callrd 'What's a Thief?" by Arthur II. Simons. J. P. Hoss of No. 1803 Her kimer Street, Brooklyn, will cast and direct tho play. HE HAD A HUNCH. . Raymond Hitchcock Is telling a Btory thesfl days to everybody he can l. In whose, honor was a centennial lestlval held on Oct. 6 at Carnegie Hall? S. From what part of the United jjuuib rray roust one of tlio Com missioners of tho District of Colum bia bo 3. What Knglish King established -the first Parliament In 1296? 4. Who was the King of Italy who captured Home In 76 and ih., caused tho extinction of the Western iioman umpire; C. For how long a term Is the Presi dent of France elected? Q. Who was most Instrumental in creating the Indian Empire for Eng land? T. Who Is the ruler of the universe In Persian myths? S. Under what name was Yale Col leg founded ? 9 in airplanes what Is the angle of tho piano with the horizontal that decides the speed and the climbing power of the machine calltd? . 10. What color la the field of the .United States Cavalry standard'.' 11, Whut American wnmun distin guished hersolf In tho swimming com petition at tho Olympic Games, win ning two titles and smashing m .ny records? t 12. With whom did St. Paul under-'-takn his first missionary journey? ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS. 1, Jenny I.lnd; 2, Corps of Engl- Xiers; J, Edward I.; 4, Odoaccr; 6, Seven years: . Iord Cllve: 7. Mlthra 8, Collegtatu School of Connecticut; 9. Incidence; 10, Yellow; 11, Ethelda In wilier m. gains a certain novelty by passing pretending to be the daughter of an a General Is billeted. Judging by the ' as the old peasant. and Players DUDLEY What Don't You Know? What Neio York theatre wo navxed for Bijou Fernandezt When you want to find MorrU Ofiit is it true hU prett agent will page himt Could you call the New York Theatre a high building in spite of the fact it's a Ioew houset Why is it that a woman who marries a horseman need not be surprised to find he nags a good dealt When Wrangcl's army retires do the men wear pajamas or giod, old-fashioned nightgowns? If Hiss Banks were a fair girl what noted film star and husband would she remind you oft ,- - i . " " abUt XTi motion picture agnate, long on business 'Wllty but short on education, who ue n mo nirtnor or "The Dlun IllrU sailed for Europe tho film man saw mm on. "I hopo I'll be able to writo dome- thing acceptable," said Maotcrllnik, at pirtlng. "Morrle," oamo from thn fllm mn.n. slapping tho famous authnr on thn I buck, "I got a hunch you'll mako good." QOSSIP. Edward Royce has put a new danc ing number in "Klsslng'Tlme." Joo Cawthorno haa discovered there! Is a steamship named for him. Sunday concerts will be given at the Century, Wlntor Garden and Cen. trnl Theatres and Century Promonude to-morrow night. F. Outenby Ucll h is been apnolntod general stagu director for William i avoraham. John Cumberland has played In nearoom farces so much ho says clothes handicap his acting ability. Ina Claire reaches her 47Sth nor- formanro In "The Gold Diggers" at tno L,yccum mis afternoon. E E Hlco has arranged to bring Krlk llyo, tho Norwegian baritone, to this country soon. He will sing at tho Capitol first. "Irene" haa been produced recently in Australia and word from that country says it la a big success. To-night's performance of '.'The Hat" at tho Morosco Theatre will be that mystery ulayla 100th. A feature of tho Equity ball, at the Hotel Astor, Nov. 20, will bo u revue rtmea Tne Midnight Jollies." Ray mond Hitchcock will participate and iiazznra snort win stago it. The third preliminary In the one. step contest for tho championship of I Greater Now York will bo danced at Terrace Garden Dane Palace to-mor row afternoon. Another will take jilaco Tuesday evening and the finals on Friday night, Nov. 19. A THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY. Dun'l dodge the toughs: problem! In your business; mak- a bee lino I for thut ery problem. -Henry 1. I Dohcrt . FOOLISHMENT. 7 loved. to dance with itary, tihr swung a wicked shoe, .lnd ue were graceful very; The hardest steps we'd do. Hut Htnce I married Mary. Who swung the wicked shoe. I've found she's expert very. At swinging clenched fists, too. FROM THE CHESTNUT TREE. He Woman llrst tempted majr to eat. Hue Yes; but he look to drinking ox n u own accord. IWTHKH'S POSITION. "Papa, Mr. Flubdub will probsbly call! on you lo-nlghL" "Well?" Tell him gently but firmly that I can never Ibe hU." "One here, girl, don't you send th I ' ' - - " r i ' -- - ' .1. . . - -- - 1 1 JOE'S CAR H Pmm KMAi.. Ca IN, V. IW WarUl W LO JOE r-THl' IS 3AV, Listen "iKlNk Too cold for a gouuf? SOUNDS 5oob T'ME, ED - UJAI7 fit MINUTE AN I LL SEE! LITTLE MARY MIXVP ' . Ws Lucky They Don't Charge by the Seat! ) SO sosey' I) laS "IiSat i ll isSt"- If sle 6 a little Oil T7 77 Ves - STTl Ti 7 Pota vsrraeer ca6- rau to i-iry wHae 5AV Anything our You came i vj,-1v'. i V v fl AS " M-T " it- tost air 4nd h A- 4 rjfCKEL f , - J THE RIfi MTTLF 'FAMILY Ynu Con Gcd In Anywhere With the Rieht "Pull"! II I , s x - v 1 ! 1 -Z 1 III KVTt2 I' HHP rar cc v ESr 11 iMww' i. mn-u ; q,lic ot he6 BUbV dK Bu - DtMlJ riir' , X 'M VXfl VtlHV e5W V-- ' r r -r VVmi -rr; f fA XA Jm.JA LrrmksmB Mm; ill LEAVE IT TO LUL ; . How Wow! A If II fMHfVT'S rAM COMPLAINT "1 I I V . .. . I fA rS. ) TT . 1. tuBtw V r moo 3fls 1 no MUTTS' rX L rtJr7ttjrE?- 111 -7 J . , ' . i 1 1 or r .f i -, t I maSSsWm WW, . Jms nmmmm s Turn i f I RUSTY AND BUB - Not While "Muvver's" Listening, Anyway! 1 U FT I 'UNREASON ASlt Mf AM VI E.TH I J mhuipB 1 S r ETH 0U BUB,1ADP.Y L) flj iL Reasonable? ? LTfe, , 9 Ubeasona Vf hrAfi SWfettr T nsh T Yl5 -wml 4v r P ft Jk 'tr-2- hvJ V-jBFm. .- ill TflAT's ED OH TM PHONE -HE WrtNTS ME. T6 SMCJOT 50ME CtolF . JJ'YCU CARE. ED - IT5 IP I USE TH ' OAR 7 , U mlfir .0 ( . , : . ; JHL ' tmalrLo W will ) - M tUf-tfums OUR A6REEMEMT CAR 15 MINE 7 r- . ' I II i & i mm OF L , TME. ToDAY.' Anyhow Ws Very Chilly Around Joe's Feet! les try it IT'S Top Tomorrow, eo -I COLD YtM L". taueiDtrey; u, jjarnaoa ana John yuuos man lo me. i owe mm JiO." (.:t .'. - ' 1 WkWsWsWmwmmrmm