Newspaper Page Text
r. THE EVENING- WORLD, tSATUBDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1920. COMPLETE TOCK QU0TA10NS Financial News and Prices CURB RUCTUATIONS IN OILS AND INDUSTRIALS i CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS USA. Vnw. !Xium Tiimttm ... at St Ad Homely , , 2iU so J4 Samtr pf et HU -till Itabterf 3211 Bit; AU&a Ootd 1U Hi Alut.1 Joneia .... tl, l',i IMk OtKlMi .... SO '. Af CUhuciI.. 71 U 'Am Heat Bestr ... M M Donah Munexo "Cfl. 00 LfAm Cia 2 ?H '.m Oar I taaaSrj mii 1-3 J.Un CWtoa Oil .. Hi EB k.4a, analr .... TH Ti Am. Dun Bind. Am. IlMe tt. IbeeJlh 8 Un. K. A li. pf . . tUk "Sin. In, ap. ... OSli dm, Locoaottrc AH I An. IBi U Lin Befct IUa BO'.! 8. 4 U. Or?. 1Z11 lAa. 9c. & Jef. .. 6t . & & n. pf . . '., LAm. Bouff I TO sAra. eitea TOrkaa... ftlTe FA. Busu . T. T. Oo... Mtt in. Tobacco 114',. ram. Tfooa oo .im. m P. pf... iw in. TX. pf. n.... Mk Am. Urn 81 AnicooU 48 IAaaa. Drj Jnai... M AuocUtod Oil .... 107 Akatdaaa JUlfcr?.. K'i ! Atcteson Ikr. pf . . . . 77 I .AUeotle Cot. Unc 014 iAU,. Outf A W. I. 115 f JMlStrta Una. ... IOB'.j Btitienoro ft. Ohio.. 0'i ll)tVj MMns .. 1 Been Motor. IltUl BtMl 00 Beth Bterl D 0014 Booth )VMa ... ntin Itirtd Tno,. 12Vi Brant. Ton. ..... BVl Boras Broe 86S. IVotta Cap. tt Zim BU Bntte & tSerlor.. 11U Otddo Ooni Oil .. cdv rKUii . .. cHt rt Catomet ft. At! .. Ckuiadlas fte Cent Mhtr .... Corro De Flaro ... aitadler Odflt ..r. ilSiea. & OMo .... jo m 4 m r it?., out Biratr t. (U. mm. Ttaol .. cm at i & pic. Jrt tM SOU cm J1TH 37 W C9V4 77 72 01 CM JUton Itv CM CM Wot CM ft JTirwt llr. tain on CSih Oopf .... Col rVxsl ft Iron.. Obi ft South Cbi ou ft im,. Wn Onphn ... Onn OoU OtctboI C3ff 0p. . Ornol Ols On.... Ooo Int-Cal illM. OontlorDtU . Cora. Products .... CnrtW eitC lMt Ooh 04B Huw. . . 9Ci'i Cub CkM Auc. of. OS OubinAan. Bugir. . Cbn. Ttztilo Corp. , Id 41UVot. . . , tkM fc IUo Of p!. Ikomo 3flfis GTMbara Oul TtoUentt-Johnson . . "Wm Brio I iFuma ITWr . . d Mln ft 6m. . Fit BnUbrr UVi Fwpoit Ti ... W.i Olatori Wl ft 1Vi( 4H nral Cr .... 57Mi OeDenl Bro . . . imt; gdii Mjx ... Ilnml Moton 1M 03K OootJrW) Mfi Wlim. . . SOU Sec Its id. O HiK Crott Nor. Ora. .. COW, Gxtt Bull HU1 . U Hiatal ft Dulcr. 0014 iiowtdn on . ilUooit Cent .... OOU lnaplntkia Ccner, BO Tnlexfcoro Con 5U Intortxm Con. pf . I4T4 lot Uuwlir .. . OOVi ' Int Mr Muiat.... lt4 3nt Her Wirt no pf . . 87 lot Nickel 13 int Picxr t" iu4 oa H Jortlo Oil 17 rKuui CUT &,... 31 rKtUj Bjirtae . . . .T0H Kraswott .... 20 OH 13 23 mi sou 33 M'i ftl'i 7U 79 SOS 19 lot 13 16 m i M'i cm fin 7?k S coy- at so 12 01 , M'i n 09 'i 1HH ca 41 60 . OK 43 21 to: MVi 77 W 118 100 38 i 3 SOU (O u BU 66 S 11 18 51 ne so i; 70 03 U 03 73 XV. m o . B 7S 12 at 31 u. as nu i s K 83 7 75 ins 24 M 28 10i 100 2 llli 1G 10 ltf-i 4 57 131 14 X1 ao4 : 30 M mi id ss 6 14 13 SA 18. 00 4 nr. 20 so 20 lit. Cbt'ft, l 1 ro m S4 aa l 1H 1 71 ca 3 - . 23 - 12! 1U aa T4 1 7"i 10 J 6t 2i ns 09 3 10 n &3 i SU 100 2 31 H oo WW 114 1 65 2 1H 89 H b 4- 1 45 Si 107 8 84 1 TT - 01 4- 1 114 4- 1 100 2 l 1 .1 00 -f co 4 4- 131i 1 6 88 H 6 11 ml - W 20 31 - 2M 118 - .18 J 94 70 Oi u, 85 IS 63 Hi 72 1 SOS 1 05 2 0 8 "i 76 4- 12S 21 2!4 SIS 4- 1 SS 3 6 4- S 14 24 1 M S S3U S 7 4- 7 - 75 H 104 2 24 1 04 2 li 19 - 100 ',(, 2 114 H 13 ay, 65 3 14 1 1 18 .1 4 81 4- 1 121 1 M H Q 3 a ao ss 83 - W) no vi rw u as 8 ) 4- ltt 38 S 14 ICV. 2 14 4- ro 4- s io en u n 2 -t0 20 39 4- 20 W tt IS ' OUTSIDE MARKET QUOTATIONS nub. txkw. i-it. Cbi i Ko)lon Tij .... 10'i 10 10 J- lM. . 10 1S 1 UutUvtona Stetl., ST B6 88 Vltlr .... 80 40 4 U1 Inc 10 10 10 U LcrlUvd t.. 120 isa i 3 LouU ft N-ftnl 103' 103 103 iMirtln Pun 17 17 17 Miotattia fftlrt . . 1 1) 18 M.lWfU Mote .. 2 2. 2 lltjr Depl on.. 71 71 Tl 2 Mrikas IVtroVwai. 183 1W lt Miami 17 17 17 4- U '.Miillln Bod; 2S 2.t 28 Mldtl Sll s 31 S3 Minn ft HI Lo... 15 19 15 ';. Mo., K. ft Trau. . 4 3 i; 'Mtfcoori rictflo ... 23 22 22'h .Monlut rnwr ... 00 89 0' 1 MiAlU SUtai OU. . 12 VI 12 MintU Hiqu 80 80 80 4- Nt Am 31 8n 00 4- .Nit Asllno S2 52 K S Nit Coooult 6 , 5 U Nt ESmn ft f9.. 47 4 46 1 Kit Levi 80 D NctLi Osod .... 10 10 10 New 6r T ft II. SB 61 57U K T ilitnli .... 80 M 801 N t Cotttil 70 77 77 1 N. TC. Dook 24 24 24 4- 1 N. Y. If. 11. ft It 39V, 25 28 N. Y. Oot. AW.. 20 10 19S U Norfolk ' ft Wait. . MIS W 01 Nerthem fit.. .. fS 'S7S 87 U fcori w0i atwl.. 37 37 37 Oklilnn V, ft It. 3 3 3 Owrna JSotUlat.... CO 50 30 Picifta Trn. Oorp 20 20 20 J'icifH lu 47S 4T 47 Vm-JUaet. IMro... 77 73 78 4- Pron. It. II 41 40 40 4- IVnn. Bm. Btl... W 11 12 4- VmW U(i BS 37 87 ln Mvnurtt 21 20 21 I PhlltcW. COTftnT.. 37 88 ST 4- Plra Arron- 21 S3 24 tierce Oil ' IS 12 12 IMtttmnth Coil.... 60 BTS ' B 1 IMtt. ft TrVtat At. U) 28 SS l'.i Poml IWt Coil.. 14'i 33 13 1 !tM 3tl V M MS 4- pJlhntn OtoroinV. 107 1P7 107 4- 1 l'ontt 9ajr 11 40 49 2 1$ Oj? "12 12 12 itdh ass we; m is lUinlnctoa Tn . . . 37 . :1V Bi 4 itr? Motor 27 W 27 1 Hop, Iron ft 8tl. OS!. O0V1 07 S Hopkvle B(rl ... 77 77 77 1 ItojrH Dutch N t . 70 CO Q H Uirte) Anm 19 iki, uV, Allan Mum 3 3 s 4, 6noU Air Lion.. 8 8 8 -L S Bri lUifcuek 100 10 1COS JVj Kiltatk Aril aa 0 Oft 4 k Slwillr Oil 20 23 23 t. Hlawwr Btl .. 65Vj 651, tA, I So Porta Mco 8v3 KlO 10O 100 4 Southtm Pn: 110 107 1( 1H Hnuth"ra Hj 20 26t; 20 S Houibfcn itr ?.... mii 00 oo 'i Wromlvrc Kl 60 Sl 'j Htudobifar 4 47 47'i 1 flufcmwtw Boat ... 10 10S 10 Ht Joan Ixtd 14 14 'l4 SVl. ft Sto Ta.. M M -2t i Bt li ft HoutliVR. 20 27 28 H B'iprlor stoel .... 424 62 82 Bhetl T ft T 45 43 43 TJnn Cop ft Cliira fv 8 6 Teitt 00 47 48 4 4. Tuh ft iPc 23 21 21 2 Third Are 10 0 -J- U Tobirra Prod 08 64 M 1H Trinj Oil 10 9 10 4- Trunin ft Wm .. 41 41 41 Ua Bif ft !.. 70 70 7tJ UnUn Pvifii 131 120ft 120 1 Cirfam Oil 25 35 23 TJnr(J Alloj 32 82 32 United Unit 102 103 102 1 foM rrott SOOS 100S 2W Un Rj Int Co ... 10 10 10 I'n lUrtill Btorm .. 02 81 01 TJ B C 1 P 11 ll, 11 i, Uniul 1V1 ; .ti, ji, IT. B. Isihst Alcobol 70 71 71 U. a. Itrl. ft Im. Hi 87 38 - U. S. RttVxrh 03 urns 03 1 V. B Sttritan 48 1 48 IS U. S StiM 82 SIS H, V. . Rtott ft IWft 1J '108 S uun own r a: 53 1 VI. -Clr. C!in)cal.. 44 42 43 4. 2ti VinKnurn &rl.... 48 47 47 4 S tVibnli OS 0 9 Wbwh ct A 20 24 23 Wollh Pino 47 47 47 3 Wnt Jlmltnd .... 11 )0 101 Wert I"te Cori .... 33 :si 8J Wmt Pic Dt 74 74 74 Wwttrn Union .... bT 87 87 1 Wait Alrtinie .... On 07 !7 S Wrcliortooim 44 411 44 Wnfrilm 10 9 10 WuWrrertind ... 8 7 7 4- White OU 10 18 19 Wtila Hoton 40 40 40 Wllaon Co 40 48 40 WortnliwVm 48 47 4M.J Shun. INDCSTRIAUI. llllh. lorn. IjuI. roj Aema Coal 1-i 160 JlrooUfo City Br 4b too Empire Tube 8 11 10 Otrdurr Uoyti :o 1100 Oeneril Aipkt 47'i 4M 0I U ttl a 1 3 700 Ueidn Om : 400 Indian PWf ; 704 Nor Am Paper 4 I0OO Itrfertloa Tlr 1 000 lUdlo Com t &00 tUdlo Com pf ! 600 It J nn.vne.ld. B w.... 100 Hot 4 Prinoe 4 DO 8rrt Co 1 tOlO V 8 Btrem ' 1 400 tnllnd lTotit Sbirint.. 1 700 United Rrt 1 I.VSZPX.VDEKT OIIA. 0300 'U1U4 01 II 1100 Boom Oil 1 2000 Boetjoi v Wyoatar tl 1000 drib mad 11 1CX0 Cuaklai prig 100 TOk VtaU Pet 1 15C0 mi Petrel '.. 1 1000 Ped OU 2ft 1000 Key County Oil 1 tOO Mrrrttt OU 11 100 Mouatali Pmi 13 7(00 Olo Rinier t 20 Omar Oil, 2 '1100 Prod ft Kef 8 :ta silt cntk rrod , :o ltoo Mmsu m ; 009 BWtly on 0 110 Spenret Pt 9 ' 1000 I'nlted Tfl OU i:00 Victoria OU nrw....... 1 mining:. ' 1100 Alu.-Ur Col t 100 AtlanU 1 11.0 nil uin 1JJ0 'IloDlh 1 1000 Calrd Mln ... II (00 Calumet ft Jtnnn (00 'Candelarla M 20 290 Con Vlrflnli 4 2300 'Corui Bllm t4 10M Crrawa Gold 1 00 'Dlrlde Kit 27 8(0 Duxdlr Aril 1 1100 Erome fHrr .". 8O00O ljreti Cnxto.1 40 3100 MTfk H4U I ft IW 1W1 Cain 1000 'Gold Ietet 2 1 4 1TH tt 44 f :i 3 4 1 3 3 Sift I IS 1 1 1 15 3 Ta 11 lf 5 1 11 13 A 2 3 30 7 ft ' 9 I 4 ir 20 ss C3 1 1 3 43 1 is 1 II 20 47ft as 1 3 1 1 3 2 SOU 4 in is 1 t 11 3 tt uu 1 is 2ft 1 13 13 2 3 SO J t " a 1 4 ia 30 'ss w ! 37 1ft s 4; A a Nhtrw. 1CD0 Oe!dfl)d Plerenee . . 1000 OoUt ktviat S500 -Oald 8Uw Plek. . . . 4100 Oeld Zona troo Onit Beod 100 neeU MlAlKf 100 Iron Bloaaoa 1000 Junrbo Xitenaioa 4000-'Knoi Dlrldt 1000 McNemira 1000 MNkmiri Cmoant ... 1000 MarA Mln , 1000 Mtherlod 200 'Motbtr Lodt nitf.... 104 Nlp4aaln 1009 Nana Star 100 Onair Him 300 Prtaoa Con 1400 TUy Tenia Cocter 1000 JU Cona 1000 oRaeBeaur Mlaee IOoO Roeer Orouj 1000 -Ban Tey 1500 ailrar Klni Dlrlde. . . 800 B Bflm lead 1000 Sorm llln'oi 100 Tononab Belmoirt 1400 2ttnoib Caaa Boy. 3400 Tono Dlrlde..' M0 Teoepatt Bitesalea S000 Tono-JIm B 1200 Tooapai Uidwar 100 Tononah Mlnlnt 10C0 Aaopab Minna 100 Tonopab Hpnlana 1000 Tonopeih rtrame Eula.. 2000 U B Continental too Calte4 Eaeten 1K-0 Tktarr 400 Weat End C 10M nvbtte Cape 1004 'WUlxrt t BONDS. S0000 Allied Ptckrr Oa 1000 Anaconda tl I.... 1300ft AntlO Aaer Oil Iftl... COOO BMtJahem Slee 7a 13.. 1000 C C C ft Bt L Ca lOOOO Denmark It 10000 Diamond MlUih 7fta ... 1000 Oaodrldt Tin fa 1100 Oraad Trcnk If 0000 Morrta ft On IS) 11000 Nomy la S00O BMboard A L 6) 21000 BlncUIr C Iftl MOO Bolnr et Cl la 1004 Tr Co Ta 1000 t'aloo Twik 7a 1010 Weetera Dm fa Hlih. Lot. Lut. 13 13 13 2 3! 0 0 :o i t 1 4' 411 i C 1 It 83 8 li 1 411 8 ,CS IS 1 A 41 5 I A 6 1 A 3 1A , it 1A 1 U 1 1 t 1 0 IS 7 1 I 4 80 M too 14 10 100 too 102 US 100 S3 90 100 01 100 MS (I I I fj s 4 A 3 1ft 1A 1 17 I 1 9 I II 0 IS 7 1 I 4 (0 Id 100 84 10 100 90 ltt-JU : tflS r,j ins l(0' 100 1(H) mis cos. A t 1A 8 1A 1 11 i 1 9 9 18 3 1 x 1 I 4 10 98 100 04 19 100 100 90 102 l oos 6.1 K9 IPOS M CHICAGO, Nov. 13. With Han Johnson's autocratic power In orjjun tzed b.xnoball broken, the club owners In tho two big IcogTics turned their SHjittsntlou to-day to winning over the I mtnni- lrjinrllpn In Iha nnw iphnmn rf ".(.'HiitnilliUi uuuv iiuuui la lull but that they will agree to the plan adopted placing: Judge Landln nt the head of affairs, with virtually su premo power. Johnson's ntitliorlty will be.conflned entirely to the Amer ican Leafrue. Judge Itndls accepted the appoint ment as Chairman for n term of jeven Bach-Beethoven Bill at Matinee Of Philharmonic By Sylvester Raiding. MIX. BTItANSICT directed the Philharmonic, Orchestra In a Hach-Bcethoven programme at Its first matinee In Carneute Hull yesterday. Of the Bach compositions March concert to add Italian. French, Bpanloh Archbishop Hayes has given the prestige of his patronage to the con cert for the benefit of the Church of St. Jean Iiaptlste ut the Hippodrome a week from to-morrow evening with Jan Kubellk. violinist, playing with the National Bymphony Orchestra, under Artur Dodanjlty. The Capitol's music programme next week will Include Tchaikovsky's ...... 1 1' TtnlUnnn" Th there were the Brandenburg concerto ( mvoi, wlll offer the "Itonieo and in r , arranged by Illx MotU, and Juliet Fantasy" by the same com Total aim, 778.900 tbim. WALL SMI Persistent liquidation was, con linuod In to-day' two hour stock larket session and a largo number of Issues made new low records for tho year. Tho market was -weakest In final dealings, and closed at about the floweat prices of tho day. Ioases . lunged between one and three iotnts. at seemed for ft ehort time after 10 opening that liquidation was at an end, temporarily at leant. Initial quotations were generally lower, due principally to the necessity of com mission brokers selling out accounts (hat were In a dangerously weakened condition because of depleted mar gins. This selling woo absorbtd without much difficulty, and fora while most prices displayed a firm tono. 'But tho rally was short lived. Severe pressure was again xerted In the last half hour which carried practically all ffroupji of stocks to now low levels. United States Steel got down below 3. Heading broke below 89, and other prominent leaders steadily lost around under tho new wave of liquidation. Many ugly rumors were put In cir culation regarding the condition of largo industrial and commercial con cerns which were without any- ap parent basis In fuct. However, they undoubtedly servo to accelerato tho market's downward movement. The tlarmlnc rumors have now gained nrh wide circulation that tt Is said the Governors of the Stock Exchange tFace to their source and take steps to tvntsh t" originators. feet of materially Improving tho posi tion of banks that are members of the Clearloff House. They showed a decrease In loans of approximately 845,000,000 and an increase In surplus rosorvea of 3313,70J. Mrs PRICES LIHETJITY BONDS. Lib. 2d, 4 1-ts, opened 88.80, off. 20; 3d. 4 l-4a, 89.00, off. 18; 4th. 4 l-4s, 87.10. off. 10; Victory, 3 8-?, 900. off. .02: 4 S-4H, 86.02. DIVIDENDS. Tho Consolidated Cogar Corporation declared the regular quarterly $1.75 Dreferrod dividend, njiv.ihlp linn 1 tii stock of record Nov. &4. The Standard Oil Company of Ne braska declared the regular semi-annual 10 dividend, payable Dec 20 to stock of ricord Nov. JO. FOREIGN EXCHANGE OPENED FIRM. Sterling demand, 3.3C8-4; dole, J.37 1-2 unchanged. Francs demand, .0581; cables, .05M up .0003. Lire do-1 mand. .0846; cables, .0347 up ,000?. Marks demand, .0117; cables. -0118 up .0001. Belgian francs demand, .0619: cables, .0618. Gliders demand, .3970, cables, .2980. Pesetas demand, .1180; cobles, .1185. Canada Dollars de mand, .8890. two transcriptions of organ composi tions; one for strings, by Max Roger, based on the prelude, "O Man, thy grievous sin bemoan," the other, by Abert, of the G- minor fugue. The Beethoven work was tho fifth sym phony. Tho performance, especially of the symphony, was graciously re ceived by a Inro audience. Josef Fuchs, an American violinist, pupil of Franz Knelscl, gnve a first recital at Aeolian Hall yesterday af ternoon. In a programme that In cluded sonatas by Bach and Brahms and a Wlcnlawsk! concerto, he showed skill, (eunperament and some timed brilliancy that Justitled his appear ance. He commands watchlnr George Heimherr, tenor, gave a re- poser. At the atrana, a "I'oipourn Orlentale" by the musical director, Carl Edouards, will be played. William Robyn will make his New York debut as a lyric tenor at Car negie Hall this evening; Idelle Pat terson, soprano, will be heard at Carnegie Hall to-morrow evening, and Jenclc C&U&wuy-John, soprano, at Aeolian Hall on Friday cvcnlnp. The first part of "II Trovatore" has been selected for the third neeU In tho course of Appicciatlon of Music given at Hunter College un der the auspices of th Evening Bed stone nnd Extension Course. IN BASEBALL GONE; LANDIS IN CHARGE Chicago Jurist Accepts Chair manship of Game at Salary of $42,500 a Year. appear before Judge Landls and his decision wlll bo final. This arrangement Is a comproralso between tho plans suggested by the two eldes. Tho eleven clubs wanted tho TOto to bo. entirely by clubs, while iuo juuuouu taction acid out for Sl voio Dy leagues, xno two plans were combined, Tho following resolution was in troduced by Garry Herrmann of tho Cincinnati Club and seconded by James C. Dunn of tho Cleveland Club and unanimously adopted . "Resolved, That tho meeting in dorso tho principles of ethical con trol of baseball proposed In tho plan submitted to all professional league clubs by four major leaguo club own ers In October last Rnd Instruct tho Drafting Committee that tho spirit contained therein bo embodied In tho new National Agreement. "That tho unreviewable control of all ethical matters bo Invested In the Chairman of tbo Control Board." It was further provided that a Drafting Committee consisting of Have members of the American League and three mombors of tho National l.caguo be appointed. This appoint ment Is to bo ma do within thirty days, and the members of tho com mittee wlll act with tho commltteo of six representing the National Asso ciation. These men wlll draft the new National Agreement and after com- A NEW NOVEL BY RUBY AYRES iiMillirn yars, at an annual salary of (42,500, but with llirt nrrkt-lttn Mini 1ia rnlnin nlnllntp lhtlf ain.l will mttimll Ih.ip fhls placo on the Federal bench. The 1 "Port to too two major leagues and salaries of the two plaies give him an Incomo of 850,000 a year. In accepting the placo as base-ball Chairman, he said: "1 have accepted tho Chairmanship of baseball on the Invitation or the sixteen major league clubs. "At their request and In accordnncu with my own earnest wishes, I am to remain on tho bench and Sontinuc my work here. "Tho opportunity for real service In baseball Is limitless. It Is a matter to Which I have been devoted for nearly forty years. "On the question of policy, nil J have to say Is this: The onl thing In anybody's mind now Is to jnake and keep baseball what millions of fans throughout tho United States want It to lie." At tho meeting which ended the baseball war, eleven clubs favorlitR tho Lasker plan conceded points to the five opposing It. Instead of a civilian tribunal ns the governing body of baseball, Judgo Landls will bo the sole Judge, althoughvfinnl notion must In taken on thlsJate'r. Tho President of each leugue wlll ho a special pleader for clubs under him. All mattera wiy he taken up at a Joint meeting of tbo two leagues, whero tho voto will be cast by clubs If there Is n division, a voto then wlll be taken by leagues, unci) organisation- hnvlnrr nnn vntn If 1 lnv- .nnnnt .. . r, ..... ...I file universities simply Hie Inatltu- agree, tho ttvo Presidents then wlll limns rank-id an accredited college.. to the National Association No oftleUI record of tho proecevllngs of tho meeting kept. Tlmre who no lawyer., M-tiorrauhnrx or clerks ptejient, and John A lleydler, President tf tlic Notional League, and 11. II. Jotui son, Irenldeiit of tho AiiR-rluun Ltugue, alao wrre uuaeiic Judge. Landls attends many inn lor leuguo games hcru every year and sel dom inliases a World's Merles. At the annual full classic lie generally may be found In a box back of third hate, his old, black slouch hat pulled down over his eyes during- a ataipp. and a long black cape falling front hit shoulders. He never talks during n gaum. Judge Landls waa born In Mlllvllle, O., Nov. 20, 1866, and was named for Kennmiw Mountain, Atlanta, On., where Ilia father was wounded In tbo Civil War. He first became nationally imminent when ho lined tho Htandaul Oil Company 823,240,000 after forcing John D. Hockt-futler to come her to testify. His decision was reversed by tho Appellate Court, however. MIGRATloToF STUDENTS. Satlnnsl Survey Shoira mt .leraey Lends All Mstei. A turvcy of student migration Just completed by Dr. Robert L Kelly, K ecutlve Secretary of the Council of Church Hoards of Kdticatlnn, shows that N"W Jersey lead! all other Htstcs In I hi. perccntaee of college sludunts aem to othr Btates to be educated. New Hampshire leads In tho pcruentate of styjjent.1 received from other Htnlea and New York ranks first In tlm total num ber of undergraduates tent outalde the State for Instruction. Ohio leads In the total enrolment of. Ktuctent OM'i Muatiachiiaetts In till total iiiunbel drawn from outride tliu rilale 4.16C The Dlttrlct of Columbia lias tin highest nxernge enrolment per collcire. which la 2,629. The survey does not Include the Into-i Cecrrtsbt. toto. ar tmw u. Arm SYNOPSIS OP PRECEDING INSTALMENTS. HvlZ. CI""1' i awua-m. lh aaava aliai lie irwut, lioiaaa Aaktaa. Iefi sanlaOy ror raria. ail l.i tu tJWAtt kn utim-d ef a luwa aruk a abea-iut. Ma atu Mioaj w detim t.Uu , ... " , mwi ia aea. aaicay ere aaiaera oaue aaai awaraaa aa iae iihkw a ,"'; let u rtuil and Ilnai. la lu auvre ka a, ad. .oMb.t. abirb ta em- biueaU, ItUaOl ava knai fll"" leea. vMe alaal Aim.u a aama la u. mmSiI "" i" toakion. aipenliu eaiiy biainata. ai tea moeay- ranrteed atat ... l.' u "ad Uilet auarura. la iim tew naiuv. .le aeau June Maeoa. a silal avod H-tly, J",.. r.M late Iba maaiatie tuainm. utu IMket itu MirtU U eery tick, act teealai lail jJJ" P"' "- "krt la tadliranl laaitdlj. aa aaa bee tbal Micif HM.IOM. . k. H lUraj le lea. tut lajiHii turn ia fino . auuau-a to a aariky lilata. Ha la auii a.i -V. etlari ikal tar fiitou'i naa.a la xr eni".a, Mil aa e idnU teal ka !, KthJ?'1"? ' Woealaa la eay alal U kla lltura la ul UMU. Ha Irivltta a Cin liter lja aa,. I . rl"a le aea klau, tnd lka amde kla aaaa. Ilntai, la a'llia lo teat toatkel letter. Vu In Ik, I". atetket Iflli J una mat aka nu Mli.0 ariHklral ult'l learn bet lotat ua rana. L "lc be Mtmlacd lo aratd ur uree wowoa t. t.miali eaa na U Uta anan.fmaaia ai .V. XiUl.aa lu.1 Muma. diaantotuled. lo Had M 'ly U llwn rllllai ea JtUia. klwly aata Iorti . ,u'a 'u ItlUial 10 aa ulkl aad aka ttu, klu arm lit Ikal ka (ltd 10 kef aboill kJl J?iirq ia hj,, a,,, lntm ln lona , , sul( ,1 llk.n, IW, , nut frvuii "VT; wiil farM (bat ka war araja ntrij a moon Mlrki u.ra dMa.i lo m taeuia arttb tit airaii a-aiber al.u u.arrr ur U ("talkie. I.ti-r rati aa arfti e4 annloraamt aa a enmcaaka and ll iH..r !" .1 'm'i mat Ika lad) ltk okota ava lalll aa Mja. l-emd Atblew bet Wter i . ub. i-o e.atlM (4 It, ailiwita ku ti aua Aau a ' (muUi .uuld.." lud ta-wf aatonialml .n jiu. aiw rouj.nini alia. .. . t. , ... ,A. 'ear Uaia laut liaiut tmu Ukii it Jua i tud I. ha k'm aka la f.U lo kilt. Aaktoa a. Ha net la uiua.a tar. taeu ka kia mad aim prn... sba lra,a blia antin, lUeay enea t. "''e Ike nrll da .n.l mu. ..K .l.. K a ..f Ut. wU..w. At hla lot-1 ItlCAj ail a im i Inm tallitr, anl in li aOiU.M k Aie tr. athl addrvavd lo Anltun. lia atfita v... ...ur m B,(nrt. aaaln autilMa .(.It it a eaanr. i.e una ninr.ia io Hfltinn a t. i.m, Mtirr and June a" M. inma at l in.aiif, laiivi uaa liaianu Aaaiuu ,a out at ih M" II1BY nt.VPTI.H Ml. uiihurea; ho looked uwaj from June hi where L'slher was huddled Into aeoiinutd . corner bside Her. und suddenly, a oth turned from t ine lu l It urgud by an impulsu lie could not coutrol, ho leaned Ii)ruriJ, grspod loi- tier nanu in inu uamue?, hiiu, utim- nTIf l) YOU MARRYr I ILlCOlJIi HUSBAND OVER AGAIN IBV ETDITM ejQHISreOISJt 1 time to some one who sjiuud behind them In the sltuduw; oncu the curtains moved a Utile ami n man's band and arm fi lion id dlstlnetlj. Mick) could beur it nu longer; ho .ouLlii-d KsllivrV (lasjn!.! lumls. "Ale ou ill?--MfuIu you like ma to taku you out?" Hut she htiook her head. "No, no . . . please leavo ine iiliine." June had dlsiuvcied a tilend tn a seat ii row or two ulii-ad with whom mm was trying to c.iiy on a conver sallou; slie had no eyes for Micky oi Ksthur. Micky gave a sigh of relief when tho lights wt'io lowered again; ho could feel all that Lather waa m icrlug, he could put himself In tier tuaco do thoroughly. If he went tounil to I ho box und undo sufV If It utile Adlilon, perliapv iliul would tie the 'btsi way; he could uianage lo give him th-j up then to uitip out o( tilt- way: Im hull ron lu Im Htat, but lOtiiur ir.Jv.a n oiiCj, lalng her tlUKcrs cu h..i nun. 'Oh, don't go -don't leavi- nu- here," the said trtiiiuluilsly, 11 was nul tliu m.ui liuusolf h'.iu wanted, lrut his ju-t-sencc soin.ihow gao bur a feeling if cunridinee; It, indued, It una liuyrnoud ur tneru m the box. .She tried to atguu hen-ell oUt of the fancy; ho woui.l havo let her klunv If he bad cm mi tu Iou.ioii surely xtie would have been the firm .o whom he wuuld have come; Kho was mad to ovur think the man up . leru in tho bacl.gruuiiil could bu Kay inond. Hut the conviction w;m tht-r" lu net mind. "It is In I know It's he," some thing In lie heart was saying over and over again oriollnately. Tho nst ot the piny cimid undltKs; bhe p-to with u iiilcl bteatli of thank fulness when It was ovor. "You ure In a hurry." Jtinu tuild. 'Haviu'i ynu eiijojul If!" "Vfs uh yes, but )t's hut 1 want o get out." MU-kt whs; dellliijrateiy Unliur ua liiwtn ho eoild--ho blucitej the waj in u.-Hlln..ti I) ; the stnlls wor al most empty when ut In si they loft .him. .Iilmt toncied his arm. "Micky (tT-Eathcr my Look how while, alio la.'V I-.Jther was somo llttlo- wny uheail Mario Hiindeliun, soprano, and John Powell, composer-pianist, wlll nppear In Joint recital at Aeolian Hall a week from this evening for the cltal at Aeolian Hall last evening, of benefit of the Flatbusb Hoys' Club some old ulrs. three Japanese fona-s nnd community . entre. by Kosack Ynmada and songs by Russian, German and EngllBh com posers. His voice is light and high. J. Plastro Borlssoff. Russian vio llnlst. gives his second American re cltal at Aeolian Hall this evening nnd 'hut he does not force It. His Inter-! In Carnegie Hall next Haturday even- pretatlons wcro Intelligent. With every sent sold, the Metro politan Opera House will open Its doors on Monday night for a twenty- threo weeks' season of opera. It is the beginning of the thirteenth year thai tho company has beon under tho management of Olullo Oattl Casazta. "La Julve," with Caruso and Rosa Ponselle and Orvllle Har rold In tho principal parts. Is to bo the bill. On Wednesday evening "Alda" wlll be sung, with Emmy Dcstlnn In the title role, and a cast that Includes Martlnelll and the new Italian baritone, Oluscppl Danlse. Other bills of the week will be "Elisir d'Amorc" on Thursday, with Mabel Garrison and Caruso; "Zaza" on Friday, with Geruldlne Farrar and Martlnelll; "Tristan and Isoldo," sung for the first time in English by this company, ror the Saturday mat inee, and the double bill. "Covatlerla Ruatlcana" and "I PakTllaccl," for the first popular price Saturday night performance. A Verdl-Pucclnl pro gramme will be given at the first Sunday night concert. ing Dusl de Kerekjarto will giro his second recital, Tltta Ruffo, baritone, opens his season with a recital ut the Hippo drome to-morrow evening, assisted by Nina Morgurfa, soprano, for the benefit of the Manhattan Navy Club. The Brooklyn Oratorio Society has opened Its twentj;-seventh reason with Walter Henry 'Hall, professor of Choral music at Columbia University, conductor. It la under the Joint aus pices of the Brooklyn Institute and Columbia University and It gives concerts both In Brooklyn and Man hattan. Singers Interested In Brook lyn choral matters are Invited to Join the chorus, In which there are some vacancies, iteneaivai are held on Monday evenings at Memorial Hall, Flatbush Avenue and Sr.hcrracrhorn Street. pnrsirtAR's jtistatk sukd. The law firm of Wight, Wight & Golenbock of Perth Amboy has been re tained by Howell C. Taylor of No. 218 Sewall Avenue, A bury park, to pre sent a claim for 110,000 to the executors of the -estate of Dr. Hugh 8. Klnmonth. late of Aabury Park. Taylor allege that the death or lila wife lait Auguit re sulted from an operation performed by asi. axiiiijiudii!. a uc ynyaiciajl com Carlos Valdernma, Peruvian pian ist-composer, girts a recital of Ms own compositions, based on ancient Inca music at the Manhattan Opera House on Trrursaay afternoon. Piano recitals will be given by Rudolph Reuter at Aeolian Hall an Thursday evening, and by Katherlne Bacon at Aeonan iiaii on i-Tioay afternoon, J4 Robert, Schmltz, French pianist. Is playing this afternoon at Aeolian Hall. The programme nt Trof. Samuel A. Baldwin's free organ recital to morrow afternoon at City Cotlugo will be In honor of Armistice Day. Ho plays agalu on Wednehday afternoon. Edwin Frnnko Goldman ngatn of fers 8250 for the best composition for band by an American composer. All manuscripts must be In before April IB, 1UZ1. A filial concert wlll be given nt the Hotel Astor on Friday evcnlmr by the Columbia and Pennsylvania Gleo and Mandolin clubs. AS we t the cloi THK LURE OF THE MOREEN VAMP Instalment So. 6 ere hipping our coffee at close of an ambrosial meal, Hugh naked tliu waiter to bring til in the evening paper. "Whnt kind of u ahow do jou wunt to see, Alma?" he nuked, casting his eye. over tho amusement columns. "Oh, anything thnt looks promls .ng," 'i nnswered rather ubscnt- The New York Crmmber Music So ciety will give Its first subscription concert at Aeolian Hull on Tuesday evening. The Hchola Cantorum, Kurt Hchlnd Icr conductor, lias begun rehearsa for Its twelfth season with un aug mented chorus. It .has decided to. limit Its programme to a cappella a,ilMA aKnut tn-.n ...!.. ., ulnclnc A .inntinrv Mlnreil will tin Thla wctkVi Urjuldatlon ha dthe ef- Uri, Taylor's death. devoted to Russian music, and the 'MAKE BASEBALL WHAT FANS WANT,' AIM OF LANDIS "Opportunities for Real Sen-ice to the Game Limitless," He Says. By Judge Landis CHICAGO, Nov. 12. I have ac cepted tbo Chairmanship of base ball on the Invitation of the six- teen major league clubs. At their request and In accord ance with my own earnest wishes, I am to remain on the bench and continue my work here. The opportunity for real str vicn in baseball Is limitless. It in a matter to which I have been devoted for nearly forty yearn. On the question of policy all I hxve to nay Is this: The only thing In anybody's mind now I to make .-rt keep baaebajwhat millions o, ""ns throughout the United SUb.a want It to b. mlndedly. 1 wus rrtlll wrapped in roseate clouds of love, nnd 1 wna thinking that no drama of stago or screen could equal In Interest my wn drama of love. "But, don't let us tako In a bandit play, or one of tnoso sweetly, silcKy things of tho Pollyanna variety," I added on socuud thought. "Do you th nk you tan stand for n vamp picturo uono by Olga Petruvn?" asked Hugh with a quizzical mil!e. "Thut sociuH to bo ubout the only offering that looks at all intcreatlng theso other things are at tho cheaper places, I don't believe we'd care for any of thorn." Thcro was a great crown Dimming before) tho theatre and wo had tu tako uur places tn I ne. The density of the crowd gave Hugh and mo an oxcute to stand cioewj t.i cacn otnor, and 1 furtively slipped my hand in Ills. Wo amused ourselves the pivplo, and laughed at several sninll boys, nuwahoys apparently, wearing much worn clothes and lux uriating In a boyish aversion for soap and water, who were devour ng the rather lurid pictures on the bill boards with tho uvld curiosity of youth. "Why Is thlH sort of thing so pop ular?".! whispered to Hugh after wc were comfortnbly sealed Inside. "It is because every woman nt heart la a Cleopatra and -very man an Antonvt" said Hugh Deep down In cur hearts we are all strong for this world well lost' business. Though wo never have experienced It, and never expect to experience It, we like to live throiurh it In imagination ueiie.s, it's much safer to enjoy a grand passion vicariously than It Is to real ize It .n your own life, ll doesn't I'fiset Nour dally routine of business, ever 1 met her In tint stieet i Liu dead look lu her eyes moused in mo lit. pioiouudci.1t pity. If ever there li.iu i.ien a sparatio In those eyes, If evci K.eio had been u npnug lu her step, she li.t.i loeit ,t long agu. "Probably shu never has had un honcst-to-gooiliittu lovo iiftalr in hor whole lift'," said liutfh, "anil tlm onl wiy ho can liuvo n romance is In this second-hand fashion." "How do you know that, Hugh?" l demanded with some spirit. "When wo sen her clench her hands that wa she may be stlm-d iiy oowerful mimi cries, und perhaps awfulily thrilling ones." f always havo felt that 1 wanted to nilly to the dcfeiiat! of my sex when I have heard a man insinuate that then can bo a woman lu the wond who ni-ver Imn known love, wno never has bad a chance to marry. I bellevi that most women feel about that just a; 1 do. It's anort of sex loyalty, and, anyway, I firmly believe, that even woman lins tome romance, evoiy vorruin has at least ono ohnnco to marry, though it may not bo the one she wanjs "U-oli to your right, Huglile, at thnt stiff-noi.-ke.l man," I continued for I hud Just npled u man who wat sitting bolt upright with his elbows presnid tight lo his sldon. His nosi was no thin ami pointed (hat It put me. In mind of u gimlet He Inn) scarcely any eyelashes, and his little, ferret-like eyci were intensely ilxeii on the lovely, voluptuous looking heroine. "Ho Is Just dying to do something awfully wicked," laughul Hugh under his breath. "But he can't his innnti sense or fear won't let him. If one were to play detective on him, I'll wager one would discover he had an inordinate fondness for tho produc tions of Thiida and Utilise (llnum Despite all the moralist have to say oi them vamp pictures, I can see ho they serve un excel lent purpose. That shrivelled ole woman nifd (hut dry-ns-dust old fel low will luive here feeling as If the nun nan somu great emotional ex purle.nce." "This reml.idse me. Hugh, of motners prim friend. Miss III ps. bah Ing. ktssid It paeslunatt-li A moment laier ni hud u.ipped back and shut the door. He stood loosing after the cab tl)l it vuuir-iied round a corner, tnun Im went baca to the thcutit- tor his bat ' and coat, niffl et oil again down the road. tlu was nut conscious of any real emotion; but he walked swiftly aa it man does ho has a set purpose, und lie did nol siop till ho tound himself uutsluo the Ash tons' house. 11 was nol fur of mfdnltfht. but lights burn-il In many of the win dows, aim utter n swift glanco at the fttcu oi the house ho went Up tho stepi and iang the bell. li was soma moments biforo tho door wns opynad by a mildly nmaxod took-ng servant; Micky anitud for Mi. Asliion. ' A moment later Micky heard .Vali um's unci, ".mi old night bird! What all un- iouly uoui lo cull on anyone I 1 was just going to 1h.ii; coiuo In." ilu spoae e.iiliy, but there wits a nllfrhtly unxiouri loo In h.s eyes; he icd tne way into tuo library. Micky mood stiffly against the tullle. "1 sa-A you In the theatre to.ilght,'k ho began without pruamolo, "I was with .Mi.i:i Hheinrtotic, and sha saw you, tiHj at least sho bullnven It was you, and 1 am gulng to tell her that shu wns misianeu. How soon can you get out of town nnd batik to farisf" .ahton stared; the color had rushed lo bis face; after a moment Ills eye roll, "I don't kuow what the dovll You're driving ut," he said Irritably, "I sup pose 1 cun come lo London without asking you first, can't 17 And, as tor Lnlllu"-ho grinned nervously "well, you know as well as I do that that's ull been off for weuks." Micky stood Immovable. "You haven't answered m .,ue Hon," ho said fllntlly. 'How Soon can you get out of London?" Aslitun uwore under his breath. ' .'m dashed If I know whnt you'ro dmlng ai," ho said sulkily. "If you like to tak Lullio to theatres, that'' your business; ahe's a nice llttlo g'rl, 1 admit, but " Micky took a step forward. "If you want mo to make me forsef if ilium, tne socmen u. u, irying w thnt .thin is your muthor'a house. ,e out ns.iui 'Kiy as possioie. ,. kou're going the right way to do it." It's too hot for lu r. Ior darltug! hB Mla bctwten- nU t0Btn ..An,i I June said. Mloky , don't wunt any of vour bluff. Alia. Micky laughed savage y. Hhepstono thinks sho saw you at tho "It's riot that." ho sa Id, "bu AS - Conlol)y to.nffht. .- pTX3ttMy ion wan up in that Ikix with Wsi wrtt0 to you or trv t .ea. vein i.i ti,f. or rattle a skoleton 4n your closet IfUIulse. Unco when she culled to r-oe vou hiiODen to get Into politlcji, 1 believe you'a-e right, Hugh, lliough I never thought of it that way Of course, that's Just tho reason why you see so many awfully good appearing men and women, pust the flower of their full bloodid youth, watching those vamp pictures. See thnt drted ii p. llttlo Old woman, how tensely she Is ltvinlng forward In her seat white tho hero Is giving the heroine a real eld fashioned sou) k!w, one of those three-minute Olga Nethesrsole uffalra that I used to lirar about when I was in short dtesnes?" She wns Juit a llttlo wisp of u woman, whom I had often seen around town. She was thin and sal low. and her faded hair wrui twisted In a hard knot on the back of her ni'ck. Her clothes .always were of dull, drab shade, and her skirts either too full or too Ion?. When mother and round mo alone, she tr,1 fully strered tho conversation hrinii.d to my reading. '"My dear,' she raid, speaking al most in a whisper and glvlruj mo an insinuating look. 'If you ever run acrow a real spicy boo yon know what I mean--1! wist, you would let me know what it Is.' And then shr minced out the door and down tho steps" "I know the type," said Hugh, "and I can't make, up my min i w het her to pity or to despise' thi-m the morn" "Don't do t'lthoi." I answered, smiling. "Jut be, thankful you and I have not been c npelled to take our lovo affair vicuimualy like those poor creatures." "You've said it. Alms " Hugh crushed my fingers until they hurt. (To De Continued Monday.) (Cx.pjrUM,J:0- f Til HfU Sn4i.aU. ImJ mother, and she saw him." "Micky " II ii silenced her with a frown. He followed' Esther as quickly us he could, but she was outside lit i Im cold night ulr bofoio ho overtook her. 1 hero wus a crowd hern too -rows of cars Und carnug.-ei outside, und women In thin evening frocks nnd furs shivering in this cold wind. Micky drew Esther's hand through his arm. "Wo shall find our cab this way, I think," ho said nvonly. H had seen Mrs. Aaiitou only a few yards uwuy, and ho droiuled every moment that Esther would sco her, and see, too, who was with her. A sudden block In the crowd mo mentarily bliideicd them, and lu that second u man's light lai.gli rung out ubovo the noise and chatter of voices. Micky felt the girl beside tilm give u lonvulslvo start. Sho tried to drag her fingers from his, but ho held iliein fast. Tlm crowd was moving ugulp now; a second, and Raymond and his mother were lost to sight. Micky had slipped nu arm rounu Kstlier; he was wiuto to llio lips. Ho knew now how near he had been to discovery and the wreck of ull his hopes. He tried to pretend thut ho did not understand the cause of hor agitation. He looked down ut her. "Hotter now you're tn the air?" ho iskod. "It was hot In the theatre. I Esther " Hhe had swung heavily against blm, and looking down In suddori alarm. Micky saw that she had fainted. Most of the people had gone, one or two or tho theatio attendants linger ed; It seemid n lung tlrno beiore Esther opened her es. She lay for ,i moment. looking viwtuely ubout hor. then hor eyes came back to Micky, who was btndlnef over her, his face scarcely liss while than her own. Hhe made an effort to lift herself 'mm his Ills arm; then qulto nuddeniv .he hurst into tears The little sound of sob'nurf broki ( the Spell mat seeunl io nuio ni-i-i .luni; sho went down on lier knem. bos' Jo her. tith artnii round thu I.- ,der. slinking figure. iM'oky had I'lM'ii hl feci. June glanced up ut blm. Ho nnd find the Uim und leave her in inc." she snl. I sharply. Tho look nf mrierlng In li'.s fac hurt here. Micky went out Into the cold night baiclicidnd. lie hardly knew whut he was doing, lie stood for some minutes on the puth, forgetting why he hud Vom out nt all, before some one Jostling against him. brought him buck to a sense of tune and place. He went down ihe rnd to look for a taxi. W'hen li.- came back Either was sitting up. wrapped In her cloak, ftho wns not lring now. but she Inrikcd a ihlld who wants to cry bilt Is determined not to. Juno was slnndiiir beside her. "We're quite leady," she said Sho kept nn arm about Rather, and Micky followed them silently. He saw them Into tho cab, but did not follow. Juno askdi a sharp ques tion: "Areryt you coming?" 'No at Tl cast, not If you can man wrlto to you or try to see you lu thu morning, und you've) got to bo out of Loudon by then do you hear?" Ashton laughed; he shrugged his shoulders. "Must?" h said nastily. "How lonr have you been Litllle's champion? . . . Oh, all right, all rlgltt," ho btokn off hurriedly, tu, vhe saw tho ugly light In Micky's eyes. "But it s u bit thick", you know," he resumed In Jtiredly. "I'vo dono with her; yotl know Uiat. you sent my letter on to her yourself. It's absurd If I can't corns" back home for a few dnyh la case she should see me nnd ret upsot. I'm sorry if she's still fond of me. but, dash It nil " i"Vou huven't nnswered my oues tlbn." said Micky again. Ho was controlling himself with n mighty effort, but tho volns stood out like cords on his foruhoad and his hunds were clenched. The two miin looked at one another, and It wns Ashton's eyes-that fell "I r you're going to bullyrag 'me . . . he began blutterlngly, mut,. as well tell you that I'm not go ing hack to Paris till I ponse. nnd " "Very well." mild Micky. He turned on his byel. . Raymond wntched him cross thn room anxiously. When lie reached tlu door he called tp hm "Micky! Whnt tho devil are you go. Ing lo do?" And Micky answered without turn ing "I'm going to tell Mrs. Clnro tho way you've truated Miss Hhepstono. and If she's half the decent sort i think sho Is she'll throw you 'ovor tHiard ns you'vo thrown scores of others. ..." ikshton followed and clutched hti arm "Coma back; don't bo such a firebrand; I'll go I'll clear out by the first train to-morrow. . . v I'm soiry If Esther was upset, but . . ," Micky cut him ehort. "Tho first ii leaves Victoria at 0.40; I'll bo i ,,, to sc.. you off." A-lit-.:i scowled. "It's a nice way to twit a friend." ho grumbled. "If there's really anything up 'with Lai lie . . ." Micky stood like n statue. "It's decent of you to tako her out." Ashton went on uneasily. "I'm much obliged to you, I'm sure. Sho's never had much of a time If I'd had any money . . ." Micky broke out then. "Oh, hold; your infernal tongue," be said furi ously. Ho walked out of the room, shutting thu door hard behind him. He paesed the astonished mnld In the hall and let himself out Into the nltfht. The blood was imundlng lo his veins, hu felt In actuul ned of physical violence; he did not know how he had manairad to keep his hands off Raymond. He walked on at a furious pace; presently lie laughed with n sort of self-pity. wunt was tne good of what he hail done after all? At best ha had only succeeded lu staving off the Inevitable for a llttlo while; Esther would have tu know sooner or later. laeg without rae.' Ills volco, sounded Read Monday's Interesting Instal ment. iii i - it 4 ll .rr 'tv . .11 .1. tt A ft I 4 i uj. ''i ' a. am1,. iai.