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f U i y James McCreery 5th Avenue 34th Street &Co. franklin Simon a Co. Tnre jNnen . Handkerchiefs are Qifts that lease, a zJXCan And Those Who Give Them May Save Considerably on Last Year's Holiday Prices! Men's extra fine Irish linen hand BOsixF embroidered initial handkerchiefs 6. The value indicated by this item is indicative of the othc: y. MEN'S Irish Linen H AND KEiRC'H I EFS Each .35 to .85 ' Men's Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, with as sorted tapes and cords Each 1.00 Men's Irish Linen Ini tialed Handkerchiefs BoxofSiJc 3.00 Men's French1 Colored Linen Handkerchiefs, hand emb'd initials. Box of Six 9.00 Men's French L-inen Handkerchiefs,, with hand rolled or hand drawn hems ' ' Each 1.00 MEN'S HANDKERCHIEF S H O P Street Floor Beginning Tomorrow A Clearance Sale of Misses 3 A pparel Suits Coat: Dresses Decided Reductions Misses' Suits An excellent assortment of tail leurs and costume Suits, many lavishly fur-trimmed. 14 to 18. 26.60 to 69.50 formerly 35.00 to 188.00 Misses' Afternoon Dresses Voguish models each an unusual one, developed in Taffeta, Satin, . Georgette. Crepe or Velveteen. 14 to 18. 16.75 to 195.00 formerly 22.50 to 265.00 " . Misses' Evening Cowns Beautiful creations of handsome Silks, Nets and Radium Taffeta. 14 to 18. 1 18.50 to 69.50 formerly 20.50 to 05.00 , (Fourth Misses' Coats and Wraps Hundreds of modish, models in Wrap effects or regulation Coat styles. Plain or fur-trimmed. 14 to 18. 18.50 to 185.00 formerly 26.50 to 235.00 Misses Wool Dresses The. very smartest of this season's styles no commonplace models are included. Tricotines, Poiret twills and Duvetynes. 14 to 18. 16.75 to 185.00 formerly 26.50 to 237.00 t Misses' Imported Models Suits, Coats, Wraps, Afternoon, Evening and Street Dresses of mar velous beauty and individuality. 14 to 18. 125.00 and 195.00 formerly 195.00 to 050.00 Floor) James McCreery & Co. Sth Avenue 34th Street There Are Only 20 More Shopping Days Before Christmas McCreery Silk Week This space is devoted taci t$t to a Gijt Suggestion oj McCreery Quality marked at a lower price than ccer before t 4.50 Women's Silk Hose .3.65 McCreery Quality Thread Silk Hose; lace insteps. Silk , lops and soles. (Main Floor Black only. Holiday Sale of Furs Finest Quality Furs at the Lowest Prices of the Season You have been longing for a beautiful Hudson Senl Coat or a handsome Fur Scurf, haven't you? Then why delay purchasing when the "Finest Furs Nature Produces" are offered during this Sale at the lowest prices anywhere quoted? Xmas Shopping Begins With Zest Evidently women have come to realize the advan tages which nccruc to the woman who docs her Christmas Shopping early in the senson, for throngs arc dotting the shopping districts. The early shop per docs not have to wait her turn to be served and has sufficient time to spend on each purchase, so no hasty selections are made which may later be re gretted. Then, too, she finds a wider, fresher as sortment and makes full allowance for .possible de lays lna delivery. In order to make flop ping at McCrecry's particu larly convenient wc have placed the merchandise most in'dcmand for Christ mas Gifts at various places handy to exits, such as our Mezzanine Balcony, our Millinery Department, booths near various en trances, etc. Our assort ments are unusually com plete and unusuully lovely. . And, best of all, prices on almost everything are low er than last scrfson. , Hudson Seal Coats, 3a inch model, made of choice sk'ins, self trimmed, formerly 365.00, 245.00 Mole Wrap,' 48 inches Ibng, made of full furred lustrous pelts, large shawl collar. 445.00 formerly 025.00 Hudson Seal Coat, .'Hi inches long, made of se lected skins, self collar and cuffs. 365.00 formerly 485.00 Hudson Seal Coat, 3G inches long, of selected skins, with Beaver collar and cuffs. 465.00 formerly 595.00 Hudson Seal Coat, 30 inches long," 'made of se lected skins, with Natural Squirrel collar and cuffs. 385.00 formerly 525.00 Hudson Seal Coat, 45 inches long, -made of se lected skins, Beaver collar and cuffs. 545.00 formerly 725.00 Black Pony Coat, 80 inches long, of soft, beauti fully marked skins with Natural llaccoon collar and cuffs. 195.00 formerly 285.00 (.Fourth Floor) Regular 125.00 Women's Coats 75.00 Every woman who purchases while this Sale is on saves at least 50.00! The Coats featured are of that high-quality type selling readily this season for 125.00. They are splendidly mudc and finished. Genuine Bolivia, For tuna, Cashmytyne and Vcldyne constitute the materials. All have crushy ' collars of Fur. Many have cuffs of Fur. All the wanted shades, includ ing Black. (Fourth Floor) Important Sale of Real Madeira Linen Hand Scalloped and Hand Embroidered At Amazingly Low Prices i Have you been looking for a gift certain to win feminine favor? You will find it in this sale. Every woman who is a housewife, expects to be one or has but a room to call her own, will "love" to receive these ex quisitely dainty linens. Luncheon Sets, 18 pieces.' set, 6.95 and 8.50 Afternoon Tea Nnpkins, Corner Effects doz., 7150 and 9.00 Lingerie Pillow Covers each, 1.25 and 1.75 Guest Towels each, 1.95 and 2.75 Show Towels each, 3.50 and 4.50 Tray Covers each, 35c and 50c Buffet or Dresser Scarfs each, 3.50 "" 4.50 Tea Cloths each, 5.50 and 7.50 Luncheon Cloths each, 12.50 "nd 15.00 Center Pieces each, 2.00 and 2.50 Round Dinner Cloths each, 20.00 Extra Special 200 doz. Pure Irish Linen Tea Napkins, Hemstitched. . . . , formerly 7.50, doz., 5.00 100 doz. All Linen Crash Luncheon Sets, Scalloped, 18 pieces. formerly 6.00, set, 3.75 .... ' (Stcond Floor) The Business Policy of James McCreery & Co. We, the employees, the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Cabinet of James McCrpery & Co., hereby subscribe to the fol lowing as our business, principles : JUSTICE CO-OPERATION. ECONOMY ENERGY This business, like most businesses, has been built and is progressing on these principles. . Wc are en deavoring to intensify our work along these lines to make our course more defi nite so that wc may reach our goat sooner and more smoothly. Our goal 1? SERVICE service to the community or GOOD BUSINESS. The principle of JUSTICE means Justice to our customer, to our fellow employees, to those from whom we huy, uml to the owners of this liiislness. I'.ncli must be JUST, one to the other. The scales must bulunce in each instance. The principle of CO-Ol'KHA TION means' tfint we must co openite with (be helpful to) our customers, our fellow em ployees, those from whom we buy, and the owners of this business. They likewise tlimiUI co-opernte with us. The principle of BCONOMV means that nil things should he done as skilfully, us practically nml as economically nfc possible. Ileal economy is the saving of T1MK, KNKItGY, SPACE nml MATKUIAI.. Not the "penny wise, pound foolish" pulley, but expenditures only where Ser vice is Improved. The principle of BNBKUY menus that wr should Rive at nil times the brtit that we have in us develop mutual interest and self loyalty constantly bettering ourselves nnd using what we know and what wc learn to mutual advantage. We do not claim the right to uny pinnacle, we do not claim to be belter, more righteous or just than other organizations, but we firmly believe that if every one practices these princi ples intensively and sin cerely that the result will be an unusual SERVICE to the community nnd that business will prosper. Therefore, the aim of our business and the readlt of our policy is SERVICE. Offers Interesting Possibilities for Christmas Gifts A Dress length of McCreery Silk makes an ideal gifl one that radiates beauty, quality and utility. During this week prices are phenomenally low on the Finest Silks the World Produces. Illustrative 2500 yards of a superior kind of Black Chiffon Dress Velvet, 40 inches wide. yard, 4.50 regularly 750 5000 yards of rich, lustrous Black Satin Char nieusc, 40 inches widcj regularly 4.50, yard, 2.75 (Second Floor) Formerly Costly Suits for Women . 58.00 A .select assortment of manufacturers' samples .and. copies of Imported model which wc secured for much below their vnlue. i Many are beautifully Fur trinimc'd -all fenture costly fanrics and exclusive styles. 58.00 does not cover the actual cost of materials in manv instances! (Fourth Floor) Opportune Sale of Spats 1.85 . With the vogue for Low Shoes greater than ever before the, Spilt takes on added im portance. And a mighty smart accessory it is! Nntty-lopking Spats made of the highest quality Kersey arc offered beginning tomorrow at a price that hardly covers the cost of making. They are so adroitly fashioned as to fit without , the semblance of a wrinkle. All the wanted shades. So C. O. D.'s No Approials A'o HrAurni (Second Floor i American Porcelain Dinner Services 100 Pes., Special, 28.75 One Day Only Through a special purchase we are able to give thU splendid value. It is a Christinas suggestion you cannot afford to overlook. Every housewife longs for a complete dinner service odd pieces unnoy and hurt her pride. Why not make her happy and take advantage of this uncommon opportunity? The floral decoration is the most attractive we have offered for some time. (Sixth Floor) Our Entire Stock of ' Shaving Sets, Mirrors and Triple Mirrors All Nickel Plated 25 Off .No man likes to go fussing about for his shuving out fit, particularly in the morning when he is in a hurry to get to business. In' these sets the shaving mug and brush arc set In a friiine attached directly to the stem of the mirror, which enables him to have it all right at hand. It is u gift which will be appreciated. Easel Back Mirrors 1.05 t.oo 1.50 5.00 5.50 11.75 6.00 5.75 8.05 Triple Mirrors 8.76 less 25 6.56 26 25 less 25 25 Standing Nickel Shaving Sets less 25 2.81 10.50 less 25 less 25 3.75 l-'.-'B lcs.8 25 less 26 4.31 13.50 less 26 less 35 6.71 15-00 less 25 less less less less ' less less 25 25 25 26 25 25 1.46 2.62 3.00 3,37 3.75 4.12 0.00 less 12.50 less in. 50 15.00 less 6.75 9.37 10.12 11.25 7.87 9.19 10.12 11.25 (Main Floor) b i XJ i V t i 0 V k i.m ( p .i 1 v ?tiiLjs ' "Mi,, fkjn: a- i