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Image provided by: The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation
Newspaper Page Text
THE' EVENING WORLD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER, 1, 1920. Bring the Children to Wonderland! Let them meet Santa in his own palace. Let them whisper confidentially their Christmas secrets. Bring them now while stocks of Toys and Games and Dojls are at their fullest; while crowds of gift seekers have not assumed holiday proportions. gUf&fgfyt&l Attract! .m Ar fricw Qwtntr Syti Unbreakable Vacuum Bottles Pint size $6.94 ' FOR KEEPING LI QUI DS'lIOT OR COLD ' . Those wlio realize the necessity and convenience of Vacuum bottlei, have been looking for thit unbreakable bottle, which because of its durable qualities and size, is one of the most desirable offered. Sor Main Floor Cnltn. fy WomlrrUni, rifth rioorf JHtti (raid Stuart B'JwajHUiLWliS. i H 9 hrni ' I A Holiday Sale of Lamps Brass Beds lA Off On Sale Thursday and Friday Through a concession made by a brass bed manu facturer, we are able to offer a number Qf designs of brass beds at less than our regularly lowestTin-the-city prices. With this reduction, you are buying' these beds at practically today's wholesale cost all regular sizes. ' . Usually Brass Bed, illus., $26.50 In Brass Bed, '3325 Brass Bed, with panel effect, . 34.50 Satin ribbon bed 38.50 Sale Price U7.24 21.74 ,22.48 25.30 Other designs, $28.25 to 45.25 $18.74 to 29.75 Silk Floss Mattresses EXCEPTIONAL VALUE $17.89 for Every Purpose For all sizes, from singje to double bed widths Soft, elastic mattress filled with 100 pure silk floss; covered in heavy durable flowered ticking; 5 inch border, stitched with roll edge. OKn Sixth Floor. Brer. Electric 'Semi Indirect Lighting Fixture $5.24. Formerly $6.59 " White opal bowl, 12 inch spread. Brushed brass canopy and chains. Three designs from which to select. Electric Four Light Shower Lighting Fixture $14.48, Formerly $17.89 In bronze or Flemish finish, plete with four glass shades. Com- Electric Boudoir Lamp $7.44 Formerly 29.89 Metal lamp in ivory or antique bronze finish". May be had in square or round shapes, all with glass panels in the shades. Electric Chair Lamp $14.48 Formerly 320.78 20 inch silk shade, silk lined, trim med with silk fringe and gold braid. May be had in rose, gold panels of amber . . I 1I L KiB3. V-UU1 or uiuc. Electric Floor Lamp $18.48, Formerly $26.78 Shade, 24 inches wide, of silk and silk lined. Trim med with gold braid with bullion tasscls. Shade edged off, with silk fringe. ( Base is of solid mahog any and fluted. Base is mahog any finish. Lamp is 56 inches high. Electric or Ga s Ta ble Lamp $9.89 formerly $14.89 Metal lamp in antique bronze finish. 16 inch shade with 6 picic wnn an , ' (fittings. Electric Floor Lamp $49.75 tax inc. ' Formerly $7o.24, tax inc. Particularly handsome shade of silk, silk lined and trimmed with double row of 5 inch silk fringe. Has printed Bilk Inserts on side, with pleats and shirred sun-burst on top. ill 1 W IT to Continuing the Sale of Framed Mirrors Reductions of 5& and J A rare opportunity to secure high grade mirrors at prices considerably below our usual lowcst-in-the-city prices. Themirrors are excellently made and appropriately framed. The designs include English, French, Italian and Colonial motifs. Usually Would Be 50 Mirrors ...$9.94 to $14.74 84 Mirrors 17.49 to 29.75 52 Mirrors 34.50 to 49.50 51 Mirrors 42.50 to 52.50 86 Mirrors 59.50 to 69.50 48 Mirrors. . . . : 74.50 to 95.50 Others Priced from $60.50- to $147.00. $109.00 to $349.00 Bmn rnorih Floor. 34th Btrtet Sale Price $5.94 to $94 11.49 to 1A.74 22.24 to 35.50 27.50 to 34.50 37.50 to .44.50 49.50 to 59.50 Usually Would Be Sonora Phonographs At 15 Less, Than .Elsewhere The Sonora Baby Grand psfn 11 r !hM Sale $199 Elsewhere $235.00 J Base any, is of solid mahog carved and fluted. All Lamps Complete with 40-watt Bulbs On Sale Tomorrow . ar. lUirmmt, 34th Btrert, Front. An Extraordinary Sale of Living Room Furniture At Specially Reduced Prices This sale offers keen buyers an opportunity to buy furni ture of iSos? quality at less than our cus tomary lowest in - the - city prices. Where reduced prices arc not fea tured, special prices on new merchandise, are the rule both making for real saving. Of course, every piece of furniture in the sale is of quality the lasting kind. There arc duplicates in some suites, but in many others there is only one of a kind. There fore you arc advised to make your selections early. All upholstered living room suites covered in assorted tapestries. Suite includes daven port, arm chair and wing chair; loose cush ion seats. As illustrated. SPECIAL $229.00 Louis XV. design living room suite, covered with blue and gold vclour; mahogany fin ished frapes and loose cushion seats. Suite includes settee, arm chair and wing chair. Three pieces. ORIGINALLY $681.00 SALE $509.00 All upholstered library suite coyercd with maroon colored American morocco leather on loose cushion seats, inside arms and backs; outside arms and backs covered with PHP lr spr ng arms and spring edge fronts. Three pieces. ORIGINALLY $693.00. SALE 519.00 Queen Anne design living room suite includes settee, arm chair and wing chair covered with a combination of damask and velour. Two pillows and holster. Mahogany finished frames. Three pieces. ORIGINALLY $441.00. SALE $329.00 Living room suite includes settee, arm chair and wing chair, with 2 pillow bolsters, cov ered with mulberry color damask; they have cane backs and under arms. Mahogany finished frames. Three pieces. ORIGINALLY $441.00. -SALE $329.00 All upholstered living room suite including davenport 86 inches long, arm chair und wing chair. All have loose cushion seats, spring edge fronts and spring arms. Cov ered in thebetter irrades of assorted tanes- tries. Three pieces. $396.00 imitation leather. Suite includes larcc davenport, arm chair and rocker. . All have of davenport and arm chair. On Sale Tomorrow ' Oftr Hlith Jloor. Can be purchased :n twq piece suites consutjnft Oriental Rugs In Appearance But Made in America lA Off Identical in design and color with the Oriental; in wearing qualities their equal; and in the weave different only to the eye of the expert. In order to introduce these products of Oriental beauty but American manufacture, we are reduc ing them 4 below their already very low prices. Inheriting the ages-old skill of the East, an Ar menian has devised an extraordinary power loom that makes an Oriental pile fabric with the true Persian or Sehna knot. All the charm of design and workmanshipBUch as the weavers of the Orient have woven into their rugs for untold centuries is embodied in these beautiful seamless rugs. The remarkable ingenuity of thia loom has given to a rug that is the equal of the Oriental in all essentials except that it is not hand made, In fact it would take an expert to detect the dif ference between these and the rugs woven on hand looms in Persia or other Eastern countries. The savine you effect b defined, as you may see with the reduced prices. Sizes from 5 ft. 11 in.'x 9 ft. 4 In. Usually 3168.00 Now $126.00 to 16 ft. 3 In. x 9 ft. 8 in. Usually 5478.00 Now $359.00 In 29 different sizes All at off. N. B. These rugs are confined to Rft5X in Greater New York. Aqp Frartk liter, Kront. ay buying NOW is clearly by comparing the regular But for CASH only. Three of the most popular models. All of them noted for their, tone, "Clear as a Bell." These brand new and perfect machines arc guaranteed by R. H. MACY & CO., Inc., for one year against any defect in mech anism or workmanship. The Baby Grand Model (illustrated) is at vthe lowest price of the popular models with bulge sides and is noted for ts beauty of design as well as tone. The size is ASi inches high x 2Q4 inches- wide x 20 inches deep. Three other popular models on sale. ' Elsewhere fSWEflS Price Baby Grand $235.00 $199.00 The Minuet (Improved) i 215.00 183.00 The Nocturne (Improved) 160.00 136.00; The Elite 300.00 256.00 We also have some of the Nocturne Models varying in a -very slight degree from the Improved at $127.00 Elsewhere $150.00. ' Save at Ltasl io On Other Standard Phonographs, Sheet Music, Records ana Musical Instruments in ' I Ouplrt Moilo Dept., fourth lloor, O-ltb Btrtct, Iitr. Continuing the Great Sale of American Porcelain Dinnerware tlllmiT!rMiTiMiiT"""Wi?i' XVI. V11V 111 111 Than Usual Prices This is a once-in-a-great-while opportunity to secure a very good dinner service and extra pieces to match at unusually low prices.- The porcelain Is of fine quality, American manufacture, with burnished gold band decoration and burnished gqld handles. r. 100 piece Dinner Sets, service complete for 12, $28.75 Etssva usual price is $36.09 52 piece Dinner Sets, service complete . for 6, $15.74 Omrs usual price is $2031 Open Stock at Similar Savings -119 r(n eat, <ii Btrett. V Store Hours 9 to 5.30 See Our Delicatessen and Bakery Ad. on Page 14 Open All Day Saturday Y'- i rir'irtiwit-"ifciirrrr"-r - -. " 1