Newspaper Page Text
ti. S. May Be FIFTH AVE. BUS UP 20 HURT Asked to Curb De Valem dv Britain to cure SETS ; I DEAD, A e Clothi ToNioht's Weatlier UNSETTLED. HWML IN I EDITION VOL. LXI. NO. 21,607 CLOTHING MAKERS Severance of Relations With Amalgamated May Affect 65,000 Workers. LOCK OUT 16,000, CLAIM. Millman Says Shops of Six Manufacturers Will Be Picketed. S.x clothing manufacturers locked out 16,000 workers this morning, ac cording to Sidney nillman. General President of tho Amalgamated Cloth ins Workera of America, -whose head nuartcrs aro. at No. 31 Untou Square Th!a lookout marks the first b'g stop iu the war In tho men's clothing In dustry since the public ttriko against high prices besan. Tho alx clothing firms ana tlio num ber of -workers they arc alleged to havo locked out are: J. rrlcdmun Company, No. 70S Broadway, 3,000; BUT Six Rosenthal, No. 55 FJfth Ave nue, 5,000; Sell warts A: Jaffec, No. 568 Broadway, 6,000; BushwItE Brothers, No, 41 East nth Strtot, 2,003; Hayes & Levy, No. 100 Fifth Avenue, 500; and Bergcr, Raphael & Well, No. 41 Kast Uth Street. SCO. President inilman said to-day that as Uie Clothing: Manufacturers' Asso elation had taken tho Initiative In locking out tho workers, his union would immediately rend pickets to these shops. He will draft a reply to tho letter of the manufacturers, which waa received at union head quarters to-day. The Italian -workers employed arc said to bo making an attempt to perauado Alderman La Guard la to Intercede In 'their behalf and brlng about an amlcablo settle ment. In breaking -with the union, which Is not affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, tho manufac turers In effect declare for open shop conditions and tho reduction of man facturing costs through a reduction in wages, the establishment of tho ploce work system and re-establlsh-mcnt of the ciLployor's right to hire and discharge at will. Directly, lean than 20,000 persons are affected (tho manufacturers say not more than 10,000, that 'being t-he maximum number of persons em ploye! on even part time). .Fow of the 65,000 havo had steady work dnco lost April, when tho spring tradfc ended, and moat havo had but a few weeks' work. Tho new season should begin within ten days. In breaking with the union, the manufacturers, through William Sandler, Preoidcnt of the association, aaslsnn tho refusal of tho public to cuy war time prices for clothing and the declination of the Amalgamated to meet changed conditions as the reasons for the rupture. On the other hand, Sidney llillmaa, (Continued on Fourteenth Page.) Classified A doer Users Important! Classified advertising opy for The Sunday World should be In Ttvo World office On or Before Friday Prccedint Puhlkalion Otetttfied AduerHtmenti ftr XTttk Daw Received DAILY AFTER 8 A. M. For bubllcatton tho following day. EARLY COPY RwtliM ta.rrfneM Wltia AinrtUlii Hu tf OntxtU THE WORLD. BRE AK WITH UNION N OPEN SHOP WAR ng Makers DAILY. Loiorifht, 1120, by The Pre Fubtlshlag Co. (The New York World). a . HEAD OF TREASURY URGES ! ! 19 INCREASES IN MS; SMALL INCOMES 10 PAY MORE! Reduction in Excess Profits Levies Offset by Levies in Other Quarters. TAX ON INCOME SPENT. Smokers. Candy Ecaters, Auto- isls, Theatre-Goers, All to Mclp Pay $2,000,000,000. WA SUING TON, Dec. 8. Immedi ate revision of tho nation's tax laws on tho basis of mi annual levy of four billions of dollars for a period of four yoan, and Including au increase of two per cvnt. In tho taxes on lucomcfl up to J5.000, la urged by Secretary Houston in his annual report sent to day to Congress. IXfPal of tho 'excess profits taxes, elimination of certain of to-called luxury taxes, Including llio levy on Boda fountain and similar beverage, and a readjustment of tho rates in the higher groups of Income taxes, Is pro posed by tho Treasury chief. To meet tho lutscs brought about by theoe proposed changes Mr. llouolon rec ommends revised and new taxes to yield about ?2,000.000,000. as follows: A tax of 20 per cent, on cor poration profits, distributed or undistributed, in addition to ap llcation of a higher surtax rate to yield (690,000.000. An additional tax of 6 per cent, on corporation incomes to yield $46y,00O,OO0. Readjustment of surtax rates on Incomes to yield an additional $230,000,000. Abolishment of the $2,000 ex emption allowed corporations to yield $58,000. An inarease from tho present 4 per cent, to 6 per cent. In the tax on incomes of $5,000 or less and from 8 per cent, to 12 per cent. In tho tax on incomes between $5,000 and $10,000, the whole esti mated to yield $150,940,000 an nually. A tax of two cents a gallon on gasoline for motor cars and all other purposes, to yield $90,000, 000. ' A Federal license tax of 50 cents per horsepower on the use of motor cars, to yield $100,000, 600. An additional sales tax on au- (Continued on Second Page.) HOTEL GUESTR0BS BELLBOY lilt Conimudorr Ilmployre Over Ilrud and Steal fffiO. A man who registered at tho Oomtno- Idoro Hotel as II. fl. Wilson to-day tele phoned to tho desk for change of a (50 Ml). Paul Cadhix, a bellboy, was Bent to ills room with fivo tans. When t'.io I'oj stepped Into the room the guest tiiirk hi in' on the head with a piece of l-id pipe, f'ndlux btruc-ffled until a e.vond blow knocked him unconscious, after which tho gest seized the Hotel's l50, locked the door and fled. I Oadlux lay unconscious for two hours, I until a maid passing tho room heard his I groans and mll'd Dr. Kooto of tho hotel fctaff. CadluN Is now in Flower Hospital with serious Injuries to his ics'P "Wilson" has not beou found. I AxriSe. Pulltitr i Work!) hulldlm, ta.(Q Pl4 Kow r. Y. u:jr. Tflwtoiw Ueoknua 40OO, C:ou loom for tunc) and wceU P dir ana ' sir'. , lonei witn u ini ellin' in I Isaii.AOf "Circulation Books Open to AIL" NEW FIST BLOW CAUSES DEATH OF BOXER IN JERSEY CITY Gov. Edwards and Other Offi cials See Mickey Shannon Get Paiai knockout. Mickey Shannon, a heavyweight flffhtor, whose real namo was Ray MiOtlllln, and his horno in Klkliart, Md., died at 5.10 o'clock this morning in Jersey City Hospital after being knocked down by "Al" Roberta of Staten "Island in tho olxth round of a Clove contcet of Uio Arona Atlilctlc Club In the Fourth Kofflmcnt Armorj-. Jersey City, last night. Gov. EMwarda and other Now Jersey officials were among tho Hpectatorn. x lloberto was arraigned for man slaughter before County Judge Do hcrty In Common Ploas Court to-day and allowed 4o trfgn hla own bond for J2.500. Police Capt. Larklns stated ho would be responsible for Roberts's ap pearance, mmy" Gibson, Roberts's manager; Ernest Ilcldler, of No. l5 lloach Street, Jersev City, and John Rlppets, of No. 201 Spring Street, Newark, pforaoters of tho bout, who had been hold as witnesses, -were pa roled. It -was a left hook that ended the bout. Shannon, who had received a hard blow in tho fifth round, was lifted off hla feet and when he fell his head struck tho mat first, the sound being heard all over the Immenso armory. At tho hospital it was found thero was a fracture at tho baao of his skull. He died without recovering consciousness. Shannon was twenty yws old and learned to box when he was In the army at Cnmp Gordon, Go, When he began fighting as an amateur he was In the employ of the Carnegie Steel Company at Pittsburgh. He en tered tho professional ring six months ago. He was so successful In hla fights that ho saved about $10,000 and sent It to his mother to pay off a mort gage on their Maryland home. When he defeated "Bob1' Ropor a short time ago and won a purso of 1200 he guve $23 of It to a Catholic church In New ark for distribution to the poor of the parish. Ills friends In Newark said to-day ho. went to mass every day. , o Mra MoMillln, accompanied by an other son. Is on her way from Elk hart, having been notllled by tele graph that Ray had been "hurt." WOMEN PUT ON JURY LIST. Court Orilrra 100 for Service in ott Ilrunatrluk, ., J. Women will eerie regularly after Jan. 1 on Juries in the District Court In New Brunswick, N. It was announced to day by Judtfa Freeman Woodbrldge. Ho Instructed County Clerk Stanford to Include the names of 100 women In the Jury list of 300 names from which all Juries will bo drawn during 1931. "I have always atood for woman a.if- frasV said Judge Woodbridge, "and believe women should take an equal share tit civic life duties. One of the most Important Is participation In Jury dirty. I think It will raho the. tons ot Jurfei in thl court,' i ai rait rTtr . a Lock YORK, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, COST TO U. S. OF MAKING PEACE IN EUROPE CLOSE TO $2,000,0C0 i President' Wilson Transmits Statement to Senate Col.- House Got $1,000 a Month. WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. A SPECIAL message giving tho complete uxnenscs oftho Amer ican Pcaec Commission during Its work abroad was trans mitted to tho Scuato to-day by President Wilson. Total expenditures wcri $1,05 1,1!) 1.09 from Dec. 1, 1U18, to Dec. 4, 19:o. The amount actually paid uut wan $1,703.712.00. but repayments and gains iu cxclianso reduced this by ?31!,5"0.97. Some of Uio larger items were! Travel and subsistence, 328,142; tubslstcnce, $193,029; salaries, 5200,871; wage3 and employees at Hotel Crlllon, $131,507; rciitsi, $170, 833; food, hotel and kitchen supplies, $2S3,CC0; hire and laundering ot linen at hotel, $04,969; damage ami loss of proiwrty at hotel, $12G,870. Various missions to Russlu, Germany, Pofccn, Turkey. Holland and Armenia cost $239,720. Purchase of automobiles aiunuulcd to $H,G02, and coufidcutlal rxpeupen of Presidential party, $17,534. CoL 13. M. Houho and Henry White, tho Rlateinent showed, re ceived monthly salaries of $1,000 as commissioners, while Robert Lansing, former Sot-rotary of State, and Gen. Tusker II. Uliss, other commissioners, had their actual expenses paid,' 'T USE HUM MADE M Carpenters' Unions Bar It From New York as It Is Open Shop Product. From Iouls Iforow!t7, Prosldcnt of tho Thompson-Starrctt Company, builders, Samuel Untcrmyer, counsel for tho Loclrwood Committee, drew a comprehensive story to-day of sav ings In building construction effected by going over tho heads of tho "build ing materials ring." Ho showed how It was possible to erect a building privntely at $5.25 a cubic foot for limestone, as against a cost of $0 a cubic foot asked of tho city by Henry Hanlcln, representing the Hcttrick "Codo of Practice" Inner circle Senator Brackett produced Mrs. Helen MacDonald, clerk in the Sand and Gravel Board of Trade, and Peter Gallagher of tho Goodwin-Gallagher Sand Company, u3 was promised yes terday. Mrs. MaoDonald, very yuathful an'd calm, was a thoroughly baffling wit ness. She said Bho was hired by Cornelius Gallagher to work for Eugcno R Clark, socrotary of the board. Q. When did you lant aeo Mr. Clark? A. I never saw hlra. Q. Never talked with him? A.' Yes, by telephone. Q. Haw long havo you worked for Mr. Clark? A. About threo weeks. Q. Who pays you? A. Nobody has yet. Sir. Gallagher said I ivould be paid by the mouth. Itrs. MacDonald waa served with a (Continued on Second Pago.) PENSIONS ARE $213,295,314. Utirin Year 37,h71 -'1t!I Wr Pensioner Died r.3.'l,l'.it I.cft. WASHINGTON. Dec. 5. Pension d' bureementa for the fiscal year ac gregato 4213.295.814, pucordlng to .ie annual repoi I of Commialoiiir Si Itz gaber of tho Pension lijreaii. inado pubilo to-day. Tho figuivs shuwed a decrease of pibout $?,C0o.00u troin 1'jlJ totals, and tlin repuit .'ucorded the death during tho year of ;7.871 Civil Wr pensioners, leaving 3320 aol dlers of that war on tny pension roll In addition to i'30,100 Civil vVm- widows. While no survivors c',io irar of 1S13 were shown, aeventAone widows of soldiers In that war, ire receiving Gov ernment peasioiw. Only U8 Mexkin War aurvlvor wyre i-epsrud r.d l.UJ Uxlcai War widow a. BEG BUILDERS CAN MID-WEST CITIES Out APPELLATE TP . . . . . 1 T Holds Tliat a Tenant May Not I3e Dispossessed If Lease Expires. A decision sustaining the conotltu- tlonallty of Ui0 provision In the now rent laws preventing dispossession of tenants for two years woo handed down by tho Appellate Division in Hrooklyn to-duy, Justlco Almet V. Jenks writing tho drcis Ion. Jltnflf.. Abel 13. Ulackmar dissented. Justlceo Mills, Kelly and Putnam concurred. The decision upheld tho denial by Justlco Pabcr In Suurumn fimir. ,.t an application by tho Raylond Realty v-omiany, inc., ror a writ of man daraus to compel tho service of a dis possess writ upon Joseph Raines, a tenant, at 1913 Avenuo II, Brooklyn. Rolnes'a leaso ran out on April 30. but ho continued to oocupy tho bouAe. fbo realty company obtained au or der of dhipossea in Municipal Court, bu. WUllam R. Fagnn. Ciork of the Klxtfli District Municipal Court, re fused to buue it. Togan paid he had boon ordered by Chlof Municipal Jus tlco Levy not to Imjub dispossess wrlta becauso of tlio of tho now rent laws. Tho Court hold that und-r the new rent lawn Uio clorl; wau right In refus ing to Isnuo die dlh-posst'sa warrant, and In dlscuHsIng tho constltutionQllty of tho now laws said: "Whatever the ontTaot rights of tho relator or of Its tenant, they must give way to fho public welfare. And a statute enacted In tho oxerclne, nf tho pollen power the 'law of over ruling necessity aa It ones wj-i tonmxl Is paramount and cannot lc aff(tid by provloua contrcta bo '.ween Indlvlduabv "This Htatuto doe.1 not teuoh tho titlci of the ownor. It doea njt phy slr.illy take ttho prpmtifs It doc not directly work encroachment upuii them. It doi'i Interfcro to a daurea for two eais with tho ownor'a ab solute control. That is, If tho present use of tho premlno.1 H to be continued sus IS THE LAW AGAINS EVICTION by the owner, tho statute, controls (Continued on Second Page.) 5 a (car at v Iior I'rlcr. Tho piltn of raw sugar to-uay touehtd a new low record foi tne pres ent year, 'i'lio Federal uar Ilellning Company purchased 1,100 tonj at 4 1-16 cents per pound, a reductlfl of 3-lfi cents per pound from the piovioui low 'nuotation. Trto r.uw quotation U equal to about 5 SI ccti't for Biinr with duty rld. 16,000 "Circulation Hooks Open 1920. FIFTH AVE BUS Passengers Hurled to Street When Coach Swerves to Avert Crash With Truck. WEALTHY AID INJURED. Home of Mrs. Joseph Feder Temporary I lospital Until Surgeons Arrive. Tlie driver ot n Fifth Avenue bun wmn killed iind twenty piiwriigers wi-ro Injured shortly before 9 o'clock thh morning wlicn tho -eiilclo swerved over tho curb nt 79th Street to .ivolil a collision with a co:d truck, crawlicd Into a fire alarm box nnd n police telephone box and overturned, throw ing Its occupants to tho strrot. The accident was wlUiosn-d by Mrs. Harry Pajno Whitney and oth-r wealthy rcaidenUi of Fifth Avnuo Tho mansion ot Mrn. Joseph l-'edi r ai No. 873 Fifth Avenur. nnr 7'Jlh Street, whs thrown open a M.ipo rury hospital, and many of t:i i.ij'i.- I woro cured for thero bofoi- briu- to hoapltnlc ' Andrew Mcyor or No JCT ork Strrot. Jer.-ey City, driver md ..wnor of the truck which tho bus swerved to avoid. Is under uirest on u . nargo oi homicide. Frank Cullen. thlrtj -five years old. married, of No. -1111 I'ark Avenue, was tho bus driver who was killed. Tho known injured uro: MoElliaott, Catherine, twcnly nlne. No. 687 West 176th Street; possible fracluro of skull. Henman, Ellen, twenty-two, No 101 West 113U1 Street; frac tured arm. Frank, Nathan, twenty, u Now York University student of No. 235 Fort Washington Avenue; lacerated wrist. Harris, Myra, twenty-four, a model, No. 229 Wst 111th Street; Internal injuries. ' , Rothenhauser. Frederick, twenty-six. No. 602 F.aht !3d Streot, conductor of bus, Internal In juries, fractured rltfht lee and right wrist. Expected to die Fletch, Florence, thlrty-ono, No. 6S1 West 176th Streot, contusions of spine. Qastman, Mrs. Anna, No. B51 West 170th Street; contuilotifl of eylno and right shoulder. 'Meyer, Kosdam, No. 635 Weat (Continued on Second Page.) COX MAKESOFFER TO APPOINT WILLIS i Telegraphs HardinR Me 'Need Not Wait Until January to Resign. COI.t'ailtnf'. ().. Dee 8 io. James M. t'ox to-day nt fin following tele giam to Pieslilent-elert Itanllng: "I read In thn papers of your Inton tlon to reslg.i -from tho Sunutn on Jan. ie or 11, at wl.loh tlmo tho n. v 3ovir lior will appoint Sonator-el.v t Willi. I have no doubt that in pi sparing tor the Kxacutlvo tali. yo.i am denhou at thu oarlltn poislblo moment ot brlriKlng Uio HonntorlaJ re3iwiulblhUe3 to -o end. ."if It will In any wa- give further- nr If) lour tilan.i or add to your con venience I chall loo most happy to ap point Jir. wnua lmnietmueiy.upon your leatgnation. ... . , "Thlt ugtton li prompted by a rlrt of halpfulncsn v.ildi must pemasi alt people without regard to political amoolatlo.i If Govcrmip-nt la to cf f I titmly mft tht needs of humanity. " TRYING TO AVOID COLLISION; : DRIVER KILLED AND 20 HURT; i - . Employees To-Morrow's hnol EDITION to-All." . lintrrril n NeoHid-CIa Mnttrr l'ost Ofdcr. Nrw InrL, N. V. OVERTURNS MRS. JOSEPH FEDER, WHO AIDED INJURED IN BUS ACCIDENT t1 Uti JOSCPH PGOt MRS. HARDING IS COMING HERE ON SHOPPING TOUR Plans to Purchase Gowns She Will Wear in White House. MARION. O.. Dec. 8, 1920. MRS. WARRKN G. HARD ING Is going to New York , to buy her Whlto Houds clothes. Mra. Harding hasn't de cided what alio will buy, but sha may clinngu her mind several times, io Now York shopkecpors will Imvu to guess about it fpr tho present. "1 didn't havo a minute during tho campaign to buy any clothes, Mrs. Harding said, discussing the state of her wardrobe. "But I'm going to mako up for it now." INDICT MISSSMITH ON MURDER CHARGE Fugitive Said to Be in Mexico, In Touch With Persons in El Pao. PASO. Tex., Deo. S. Sheriff Keth H. Orndorff tn-day said perrons in El Paao woro communicating with Clara Smith llnmon, wantud in con necUon with tho fatal shooting of juko IlKinon. He a;ud she w.Ci In Juarez, nr near there, and that he did not ar rest her because he had no warrant and could not hrlng her buck without extradition iiupoi.-'. ARD.MOUi:, Olvl.i., Dec. s. .'lara Smith Ilamon to-lay was lormally olmrgeil with tb murder of the mil honalio oil king and political loader. County Prosecutor ICiuuell Brown, who mado tho ftrst charges of shoot Ing with intent to kill against .he woman, filed an Information with Justlco of tho Ponoe Hal. Cannon, ftoottslng tho woman of having slain Ilamon. The charge of murder '$ extraditable. i i Weather UNSETTLED. PRICE THREE GENTS "stakes IN UNITED STATES Uunar Law Announces Gos crnment Is Considering He iliicst in Hnrh Him 1 , SINN FEIN GIVE TERM:. . Lauur Leaaers leu uoyd George the Conditions of a Truce. liONDON'. Dec. S (Associated Press). Tho British aoTtrnmcnt is considering whether It will request tho Upltcd States Government, la the In. Uresis of Anglo-American friendship, to take' olllclal notice of tho anti. nrlilnh notlvltles in America, of Pro. fesnor Kaihonn Do Valcra, Trcsldcnt or the Irish (Republic," according to a Mutcmi;nt mado to-day by Andrew llvnar Itw In the House of Commons in response to questions. Horatio Bottomley, Liberal, later asked nhethcr tlio time had not ar rived when Great Britain should mako borlous representations to tho American Government that any fur thrr toleration , of De Vala and tho conferring on him of municipal honors was an unfriendly act. This was greeted by cries of "No I" Mr. Bonar tuw answered: ''I think there Is no doubt that we would, from the diplomatic point of view, havo tho right to taio tho courso suggest ed, but It is not a question of a right but of what Is expedient" Responding to onotther query, Mr. Bonar Daw taid; "Undoubtedly a vrry aevero campaign Is being con ducted Jn America ngolnst this coun try, but'so far as wo havo found the Americans can bo trusted to look at tho matter from n reasonable point of vlww." TERMS OF TRUCE OF SINN FEIN GIVEN TO LLOYD GEORGE If Odicials Reject It, It Is Said National Campaign Will Be parted. LONDON. Dec. 8. Arthur Hender son of tho Labor Commission which rocently Investigated conditions in Ireland, and Wlllam Adamson, Chair man erf 'tho Parliamentary Labor Party, hid an mtcrvlow with lreraler Lloyd Georgo and reported to him tho result of the commission's Inquiries In Ireland concerning a possible truce. Mr. Henderson bad previously met the Parliamentary Labor Party and explained how Impressed tho com mlMilon hAd been by tho wldesnrxiiri desire for a true and a coafcrcnoo to negotiate a settlement. Ho BcenM convinced that Arthur Grlfllth has tuthority to negotiate terms, but won't give a hint as to what theso terms are. It Is said that If the alleged Sinn Fein offer la not accepted by tho Government or If the negotiations fall through tho fault of tho Government, tho Labor Pary -will stait a national campaign ag.Uust rcnrlials and tho Government's Irish policy generally. Sinn 1'eln M. P. Arrested Ttt CJuBoillora Freed. DUBLIN, Deo. . Dr. Rlcharfl Hayes, Sinn Fein member of the House of Commons,' has been arrested here and taken to Wellington Bar. racks. VALLHA AGITAT ON i . i r i t iv v stfitsisjstfsrtsttafeltt sSBU ' . . I''.'