Newspaper Page Text
fa Outlook for Peace in Ireland Is Much Brighten CLOTHING WORKERS COMBINE FOR BIG FIGHT No Tariff Change or Tax Cut for Another Yeai To-Nlnht'o Weather UNSETTLED. H I lo-Morrow Weather FAIR. STRONG WINDS, .".v. ? 'f JATEST EX1PA VOL. LXI. NO. 21,608 'New Needle Trades Alliance Will Act on Lock-Out and Strike. FUR MAKERS INCLUDED. Will Fight to Retain Advant ages Won in Previous Tie Ups of Industry. The Needlo Trades Alliance of America, an oru-anlzatlon repreaent- imr .195.000 workers In all jarts of this country encased In the making of clotUe and furs for rncn and women, was .brnupht Into elstenco to-day at a meeting it the Hotel AIoAiplne. Whether this Is to 1 an industrial rather than a trado nlll ance nono of the delegates to th meeting -would aay. ibut It was ad mitted that within a nhort time the strLko of the furriom and tho lock out of the clothing wufkora arc to bu takou ud for consideration. At the msatlnc there were five dolc sates eaoli from the fjllowlii.s; orsaiii lations: Tho International Jadloa' tiarment Makers, with a raamtwri-flilp of 150,000; tie Anialsainated Clothlnc Workers of Amcrka. whone member sfinp 13 200,000; Uie International Fur Workers' Union, 12.0U0; Uie Journey man Tailors' Union. 1S.O00, and the United Cloth Hat and Cap Makers of North Amorlca, 1B.000. The do!e,?atfa to the msetlnc "were elected at tho annual nraivnnKons of l hi several todies last aununnr und we.-e granted full poworji 10 effect tho organization which came to-day. H 1 tun first time that practloaT.y all tho needloworttlnj: trades have fciecn Joined In one 'body. These -permanent oSflcerc wore elected: Bonjamln 6ahltssi)iKsr, President of lie Ladle" Garment Workera Union, Chairman; Thomas Swooney, Oennrat Secretary of tha Journeyman Tailors, Vice Chairman: Slax Zuckormaji, Soarotary of tho Jlat and Cap ilakf.ra, Rem ntary. One of tho American Federation ot I,nbor orsantzationf, tin. United (iar ment Workers, makers of tiirtn'B clothing, refused to join In tho al liance. Tho two chlr-f factors of tho new orffanl7Jtlon nrn Uio Interna tional Undies' Garment Workers, whloh in a mtmbfir of tho A. I'', of U, nd tlio Amalsramatod Clothing" Workers of America, which In not In the A. V. of U r. Schlosslnger, nho raturnort U 'Jils country recently after a' visit to 3los tow where. It wan aald. ho had uev' tral IntoiTiows with Lenlne, an nounced this afternoon that e-i f 1 he organizations In 'tho now nlllauco would ijiref.on-9 its autonomy, und .hat tho standing of any of thorn lu the A. F. of li would not 'bo affotilo.1. The new chnlrman. who Ua,s ibcen workln;; toward this alllancu ulnco 1916, Bald that the reason for tlio ii.w body was that al! of ltd comvonfint r rffanizatlona had grown up from tho i.ld sivcat-shop &ytem and tlirfiugh ihelr unions had ihcen able tu Improve condition. He ald that they wanted to make It difficult fir any ciphyef 'o Ijrra Ikdown Iho conditions which .md been 'brought about by thu Jo'iff ngTit. Mr. 'SohlcsoinKfir po'.ntc out that r ovpr an emergency aroso in which Mif five Intoi nationals would he in o1vhI they would 'be ablo to eon-Vi-nl thf workers' end of tho ulluutloh l.v Uie fact that they all me "one hunUrnd" unions, or In other words. tha1 all workers ifn Ibalr roepectlve linen were union members. lie alpo said that later the tjelesatts would probably dtpcues n iii'ranKemont whereby members 01 onw union wlw e.rc idle and were capable of doliiK work In another un'on might ia irlven necessary porrnlcBlon to do po hh lontr as tneir 'previou non-cm ployment lasted. 395.000 CLOTHING wn form ONE UNION DAILY. 'iwrlht, WW, by Co. (the New WILSON A PATHETIC FIGURE AS HE LEANED ON HIS CANE AT MEETING WITH LODGE Couldn't Shake Hands, Needing Right to Sup port Himself Head Bowed Former Erectness Lacking. lly David Luwrcncu. (opeciai worresponaeni 01 1 nc uvc nlng World.) WASUDfOTON, D.w. 9 (Cop rlgiht, 1920). Thtmost striking invi dent of tho wcuk was tho pathetic mecttng' at tho Whtte House .'between .President Wilson and Ills political foe, Senator Ilenr)" Cubot Iodso of Mnsauchusotts. the lea tier of the Uo publican opposition. (Prom thoso who utood lr. tne Him Jloom and saw framed lu the !oor-tt-ay the cnfcetoled fUruro of the man who once thrilled tho world with his wqrdn conies a plctuto to-day to Vim writer that could not Tjut melt tlie toltterne.'a of partisanship and pub otltuto a coniolluar pymjiathy in these last days of tho Wilson Administra tion. 1 It hJ cuitoniary for Consrap.? 011 thv j day ftt ll j openlnc to send o com mlttco of tho two iHousea to notify tho I'reBldert4. that all Is In readiness to rccclvo nny communication ho may have. Senators Lodffu and Un derwood, and Hcpn'sentatlvoufXIondcll, Kordney and Champ Clark wero up pointed to so to the Whtte House fo that purpoao. WILSON ENTERS LEANING U.S HIS CANE. TJit-y were received in tne U:it. Jloom and stood In tho centre of -ho roum waiting for the door of tho Hod j Jloom to bo opened. An attendant j stood teido tho President as the ' door swung .open, luivln .'-uppoitc l i him '.n the '.ai;: 10 Jo ).-, but '.ho I'rcJiduit cnter.d Hie Blu i 11 ) j r. ' leiuilug on his -u L, ih, attenduu' blood aritic. Tlieic has b;tn a luisuadei'atuiidliuj ' of tho tlnut wortla which tho l'rccl-1 dent spoke. "You eeo, Gentlemen, II canuot yet dlspenso with my third leg." Tlio firet newspaper nccouuta teferred to thu fuct that Mr. Wilson did not shaki handti with his callers but failed to irlvo the. rear.on for this unusual attitude. Tim truth is that Mr. Wilson wished lilb uillers to understand that ho couldn't shake hand with them as ho needed his rlzht hand to support him self 011 his cane while his "ft hand (Continued on Twelfth V.isr. ) LEAGUE HAS FIRST ROMANCE. Sir (lArzi J'itor, lliuil of ltua illHn Hrlrul"li. Weill tu f.ctiRru, OEVrEVA. IXX. (Associftted Pren). Thu round of social functions con .ncted with tlio menthiB of the Assem bly in thl city was vricxl this mom- Ir.u by tlio nirrias" of Sir Georae K. Vaster, lit-ad of ,tho Cansdluti delon tlon, to Hiss Ju2sl AlUii. The ceremony took plxcj at 1U.30 o'clock ol Holy Trinity Churob. the bride belnij fiveu away 111 mirriajo by A. J. Balfour of tho BrUMi Mission. Sir titorae wa3 attunded 1y N. W. and ilr. Payne of the Canadian delrubtlun. Sir Ocorcu yoslor ts T3 ti J oi.I JIu wan born In Canada and haj bn prom inent In public Affairs moat of hln active life. 'Hiiico 1911 bn tuij beat! HJn'.jtur of Trado and Cominorco. .Mina .Ubm li tho dmtfhtcr of Kb- WIIIIuiu A-' SQUIRRELA MAN EATER. lu,. AttucU r ,lrriv J'111 in, r tvillii: Itk PiMiil. tianiual lloyati. a I'lno JlrouK. N. J., fanilfr. was tatvrely bitten by 'i rud squirrel uj:erday, llojan wan lakhia tho nut a whieli the llttlu unlma. aiu tored In Uollow tretr uii Uook iluui. tun.. lluf'i'.. w:. .ullii lmntlii coil h( tented ly l. irUlu, A I '"i'J,1';'; '""'I ..I.U JlJI..,! ..lid finally by biting hid hand so uevu-n It Hid to be dieiwsd by a payslcliib mm ! " Clrcttlntion Books Opca to All." Ilie l'rrxi rulilUliloc iork World) NEW 1TRINA HANNENBERG, MISSING GIRL WHO RETURNS TO HOME NO CUT IN TAXES E Chairman Fordney S"ays Will Take Nine Months to Revise Tariff. It WLVrilirNGTON', 15o. s.l'reient levenuu and tarlrr lawa must con tinue for a yar, Ucpubllcati leadnra of tho Iloueo agreed to-day after completing prellmlnai-' plans for ro vlslon of theso two tnenaurtw. Hopubllcan members of thu flonato Plnance Commltteo decided tj dufrr action on tho appeal of buslncaa men for postponement of Income tax pay ments and for extension of Inorcs. Ueclaton to deny the rollcf asked wan roac"aod after study of tho statement 'by Gcoretary of t.10 Treaa- uiy .Houston, who cald tho Covurn memt could not afford to rant cither of the measurts reaueutod. KnprofHintatl-a Kordnoy, Clwlrni.ui if tho Ways and Means Oumm tteu of the Jki'.iso, said ConerciK would by ehonlnsr rood Kpeed if a HcipiibMnm rovotiuo and tariff law wuro vn th" statut" 'bynks by th and of 1021. Ho ibi'llevni that at lo.-.t nfno months will bo reyulrixl In tho rnvlslnn of Lbs Ur ff :Stion? pio.ilttcm i.aa fiovolu,,e() to Mr. Pcirdlius'fl phui for d(ittnf vlr tually all of tho tlmu ,,f his otnniHte" to tho tariff for tho flint tduo m-infm of ivii. 'Ill" iipp-isution :d by ld.pi--nnntativo Nh-iinh.H Iin- rtJi. i -hew., t hanLR hi litM : uioi" 1., rortant than tariff cluin.:' . .1 r J fi.t lit Iji viituallly impo.-thUile fi r .1 s.wiitlflc Titiiff litl! wit.i ' ' comlltlcins " diKtui'bed .11 w ut Ayuarenuy rieeretai Mmik; ,11 . ilirgHStiiiii tii upeiiJ i !. nrnfits 'axes Is Uio un.y m. j, .n nhloji ays and mean- . 1 : 1 . r 1 . . momber HifTrt: Iteui i-aentatio I dt.jii-. lu' iih t'ier ih tron jppun,t.on tn Mr. Ifnunail.'w propusul tu . ti. .inn! tiyv ,1 I . per rent, and from s ti, U w: i.-enl "Tim i.i-cmnt hicriri,,. f.i-r. 1 .. high and.ouRht to bo ruiuced nut .n ;ra3a, as s&on as iKtslble," lie Hild. ' ' ' ' t Miss TRINA NENBERG OR TARIFF CHANG 0 ANOTHER YEAR YORK, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, MISSING PASTOR AND GIRL RETURN HE IS FORGIVEN Loyal Wife and hriena W I come Rev. Cornelius Deibel. Who Vanished Month SAYS "GOD SENT I Mock May Restore Ministci Silent on ' Woman Who Disappeared Same Time. The irtt v. Cornelius IVsnsi-i .ir tli. rirat Netherlands Itefonned Churc'n of Pinal-. K. .1., who disappeared In 11 cloud ol 1 ntiiors im Nov. 11. leaving behind his wife and eight chlldron, Is home again. Ho snye ciod cent him. And Miss Trlna Hannortberw, h momJ!er of tho jattle church, who dis appeared iwfien the paotor did. ir also at iliom. She hn3 mttUo no public statement. Such is the r.nd or posswdy tin. beylnnln? of a atranse ntnrj'. Tlio paator iras received with team and handclai3 by some of the men of his eonproxntlop. Hn hfis hcon -wolcomed by his family. Hoir the joTing- -wwii. nn was received at her home, iXn. 23 Pino Street. Is an fmanswercd irie-''-tton. After dan; last nlgnt a tiurlcab In wliloh s3io was rldlns alono dnrw up beforo tier father's house. !51ie allfrhted und went In. Slnco tlinn visitors have not !bcun received at her hwne. When tu: i.ast'ir urnt .waj .he left r. brief note to Henry Drost, he'-r-c-t.i!- rue ehurch consistor. It war a t ninal r-lsnatl"n, couplod with a jv'vi lor forjrlvoiioss for re Biipiln; on such "ahort notice." Ijurt nlsrht there ti-as a uioctln of the men of tlin oona-rcjatlon. tt wtis heCfl at tho church and thcro wcro about forty (present. It was called for the purptr."o of dlscuiislns the problem of gelling n now pastor. In tho of thu meeting 'Mr Uunsel wa.kcd In. followwl liy two of his tons, Richard and Cornelius Jr Ittchard to-day iravo out a tjiie'.vrlt Icn statement descrlbln3 wliat hap pened. ".Va father tnterod," Tie ia'.d, ""the men eoomed vorj" surprised. My fath er made a atatomcmt to thom as fol lows: "'I do not como Ui you as yout pat-tor nor a a member of tho con crcxittlon, tout etmply as a stiunser. and I 'hope you will forgive tho mis take 1 mado In icnlsnlnp from the church f atirupUy.' "For tho family, my father's ex planation of Ids abseuua Is satlefao lorj" to my mother und to us." There was added ibriuf noto from the pfuitor'a wlfo, who said: "My husband is back and 1 nm en Ulad to havu him homo aeuln." An 1' en'.ng World roportir v. .10 tallied ".'-it.-i men who were ut thu i Cent. in, mii up Twelfth l-.w,.i Classified Advertisers Important! ClAUtfied -rtl:nf; oopy for Th Hu.ian.v tVorla nbatild fy, jj, Tlin World offlcn On or Before Friday Pitudini Publication OUifttlud iitr(Miifii for Wte!i Uttyx fi--.vej DAILY AFTER 8 A. M. for p'Jbl1:t!on t io f&lloatnr Jay. EARLY COPY RlLtlw en PMttraiiH Wl. AMtitiu II u : OmlltW '-' WOULD. Jealous Wifex I Throws Acid on te oiflw QCS5IE. CUFFOfTB uMjra io I nuiK Mcr nusa'iiia Was Too Attentive, De clares Stage Beauty. LO.VDON. Duo. 0. Mills tir.v.:it Ulir foid, tho American dancer, who uo- ptared as complainant against Mrs. Huttje Klnsler In a I'ollco Court, do clared to-day that she was dlnlnir lu tlie Carlton Orlll when Mrs. Klnsler approached In tho moil thrcatcnlnc munner. "Crylu,?, 'J'll na your llfal' nhe drew u bottle from her pocket and threw Its contents ovor tiw," Nald Mlso Clifford with emotion. "Tho horrid stuff burned my dies a. Thlo lady has tho idea that her huaband Is pay Ins me too much uttentlon. That is perfectly absurd I would not permit it, .a evury ono knows who knows me." Miss Clltfoid aala further tnat when she was leaving her humt, uot long ago, she encountered Mrs. Klnsler. "She behaved In a way that cuussd every one to atop and look at me, which, of course, was ostromoly ob jectionable to mo," i,uld Mlsu Clifford. The Judse bound over Mru. Iltnslei to keep tho peter. Mlus Clifford haa appeared In various performances here, thu most notable, perhaps, the London Oliera Huusn revue, "Come Over Here" "SPANK HIM," SAYS COURT TO MOTHER Benny, Arraii;r,I ns Tunn', Di li unds Thirty Cents ;i Day tor Going to School. Tvuaiicy Day in the uuurt of Mag istrate liriiuirli was enllvnd this mornlnif 4iy & demunstratlon of In i:orrtlhllity on the part f Itrnjaitiln Ivdsnnd. eljlii ycArs old. uf No. t!3'J ItlvltiKtun Htrert. th.t ruusMj tUr vrath 'if tho yr-s1rltitf officer. Taku him nut And Iraxi film irut," e.-dnred fm :.Ul'ralo after Usnlv rnln had Ktatnued and voreumed until Ik uiu blus In thu fu. Uenjunln hud buuu brougal lt i ju.t iiiot,ir, Atro. Uarah Kassno.'. iitii 1 w.ij in img absented liltn- ' - - - . ,:; ,r,rr.-,xruVst!PiTTSBURGH co-eds e ' I ' I'114tr Otu.j , .il-l .'i i.nt -vflf.'. Uy Jic ..e. it .11 1 1 re.u.'.. tu -Mu.-.trut. "I., to apuiU hlBV" Maul.-trati. laid lie would illvt III' tw weaky in which lj uU'ju' a ' um. 1 lueii li, i i,ay uif 111,(1011. li.u. X. V. Ijo . J.- Ap uiiuu'; It. Jl . .Iipm.e(! ,f til" f'lU'.tt t I. il i ullw nil-Hi. (t'l .o .j.'d .,ff mr at U.t t irn t.l arte. Jaiuu.-v 1. Ih - . hup a.- 'n-lnj -liJ ' . tcr.loi rfaj bt.-ajis vf lla.U yrJr. "Circulation Books Opon 1920, AS FIRE THREATENS E Utilities and Matles Girls March in Order from Build- , in by Escapes. :jU IN UvVSl:MENT! t.nililren Sheltered in Houses Until Nuns and Firemen Get Wraps None Injured. i .iv :n triv. bacoment oi tlio L'tauline . '"niient, u large, nvo-:itory hirudin;; and day -hool lu font- act en of around at 19lh Htrrt and Unlnbrld- Avenue, tho llrpns, drove "pO pupils, , ra.n.Tln 111 affe from elftht io fifteen, from the olasn roomii jy way of tlie fire, escapes at 10.30 o'clock to-daj. neyond Ihconrenlenee from tlie cold neither the pirplhs nor tlie twenty foaolnnc Tiunn attstalnod any injury. The claries wero UlsmiBsed for the 3ay, nlthouffh tho fire was confined to tho basement. Matthew Qiremn, etiKlnrer of the arihtjol, disoovere.'l tho flro in a room iwljolnlrur tho TkjII.t room Which con tained thu ims meters. Au Cassuu opened tho door he was mot by u burst of biasing as from the plptu, the flltlnp.s of whloh had molted. Mother Constanta, the prlndpul, wnu tiotlfled and sounded the flro drill, commanding thu children to leave at once by way of thu flro encapen which open from every ro'nn In thu buildlnc and ure '(uipped with broad ntalr-miyi- i.-lth handrail. The fflrtc, cont leni und hiitlein. wuro nil on thu ground wlthtu two minutes, and after 1.01110 confusion wero sheltered In summer houeca on tho plot surrounding Uie school. Throe otiyUio uoatponlex wwkod an hour .Twforo tlio tolaee was undVr control. In tho meantime firemen and the nunu 'had obtained the ura'pa and liats of the pupils and Mie tay scholars! wero .unit to vhelr homc.4. Tho L'MUllno tx.mfiit !a no mint lu.Hhlonabln Catholic sclm.)! lu iui 1 if. SOLD STORAGE EGGS AS FRESH; FINED $100 Dealer CorivicteJ, ;inJ (-upeland Sai He Will Stamp Out "SviriJIc-s v llai'fi lasi!bers, who voi.djJts a 11,0 poultry market at .. L23I flee und Avenue, wiieto lm dlspla-u a nlrn TVorfh -Ivild Cuuntrj- liKZB," paid a tluu wf $100 In tho Munidlpnl Tiwii of thu Magistrate's Court to-day, luivinj bn found llty on Tuen duy ot .lulling oo'd-KtfitMCf egg as "fresn." ' lmplor C luadi 1,.' the A.o-1 nwi tduu of tho lluuid of lieatUi told MuRlstrulfi 'l.-uu-f!.' thai OlanRbRru mild him bi ju i, t!,M - ' " coula a Uo-en and vrhlto ui.r. at j ';cm.-:. Cuiiiinlhhioiiei 1 :opelaud doc'.irnj h. 11, detennlnO'l l. U-mp .u' lit "f ti 'i-' i d couiiliy M.( 11. 1.11I' DECLARE A REVOLT. I'll f ill 1.1:. 1 , .. 'ir':. iiiMt.w. ,.idnvsi.(Joi.O"'' . .1 ifl((ttcd ui t ..j .!. 1.' ' i I .l.-uralty ul l''i'.wl-j:i uhui f- wo nun ktuda.ui '...t,,J I'.iai. i'0'i.. 1 1" u . ikdr.iinvnt .tt - in. ..1. 11.. .'t.n imm ;o..t')ii. I'. Jn t .'i ut! .r.ii.g'1, t..c Ww.ntaV j'ti".'d Ae'.a'k.t1uii, im.r .t'.j wra.i I. ' . - ..jiiii 'jn-d to 'U'. . u'Jat.u.m 350 PUPILS CALM URULIN CONVENT in j.:ltl its. tiii'Olpiliij. honor Ay-IOo:iitrf..iunH! .-oriiiiilttee 10 havo oliai iU leu.'tii ";, 1 ir.d '.uUr..ioi tae ., for thu Inauilira o; wcsiui iuarit3. Hon of PiCitdsnt-slset Hwdlnj. to AIL" I lilt r rrl Hr-onJClM4 Mttltrr Vift Offlcr, Nrtr York, tf. V. SEZEO MlfTE TELL OF fremicr Much Impressed, It Is Said, by Report of Bishop of Perth. SINN FEIN ARMY TIRED. Leaders Said to Be Ready to Take Definite Steps to End Fighting. (jO-SUON, fc. O.--Pros0cts of an Irish truce, - which last ultrlit were BOticrally regnrdetl as havlrtff recwled al!nost out of sla-Ut. have Ix-en tu ived, nocordlnir to a late edition of tho Dally Mall, as a resultsif a prl ato interview between Mrr. Patrick Joseph Clunu, 1)1 shop of Perth, and Prentler Lloyd Oeortfo yesterday. Mgr. Clune has been prominent!! mentli'iied In recent Irish despatchet hj carrying on negotiations lofklnj; to a truco with Ip&iIcim tr Din Slim Kxlu moviimenl- The Dlshop, 1I10 utmipapur du clures, conxojed to Mr. l.lojd tleorxe what In effect wan a message from Michael Collins, Commander of the Htnn rein Army. It Is understood tho Impression was ijiven thai Collins and other Ulnu Fein Irudurs wero extrnmely "duBlmus of a trme and wero preparrd to takn ridlii'to Mtepj to secure IL Tho Dally Mall uJdH thM this fru mlui was much lmprcssod, coucliid Inr by sunnjt: "It may dotlntluly' he htutod that proupuctn fur a tcttlu ment aio much brlrht&r Man Um appear on the surface." Sliuii(ltiB Mnrl lloilKil-L'11 til (JnrU, ' LONDOf., I'tc. ) (Associated 1'rnss). A brief despatch reuelveu from Cork says them w.ia n ueueial hnld-iip cf thn puhlio la the nl.eota of Cork bu the auxiliary pultca l-tl nvenln?. firing wnn haard In various parts of tho riiy. A man lcavinjf I'lu.f.ri nu nhii dead. Thet-. wan muon alarm In the stront-i. wtdoh woro quickly deunrtud FRANK J. GOULD'S DIVORCE UPHELD ... . , . , . , f.oui: ot Csuaatlrm Dlsinisfi rev-. ifi.T Wile's Appeal cm .luii-- iV.l.)D PK'U. I'.Vki... iij - 'Tha Com t .11 .;j.atlun hi uphfild V.u .illiUy of to Vrnal!iea vourt'r ifntrmi u. flunk J. iould. thu (eftiitl( aettllnj tm iu"ltuii of Jill I. il'.otto.i 'if Die I'lonel, mniit-i Aniurl can tiivoriiu Till Vi fbil I'l-' cli 'lUic 1 '.u'l :... tua taliiod by Ji 1'aii ui Ap;u.tlj. I The I'mut of NhuUii-i ...)M mat Mia. ' (JoulU !ud no K'oniid on M'hli-i tu "On 1 . ,1.. 1... i-rf. , ..... ..r 11 . 14.'. rf'.l lm.'- . ' ' .,, -Mill . Il ruiif .1 r il 'ti .ut M'niin Hiimuii.iiii, LuiMUiillee atl.ieH. UA-nlN W').v'. lit. .1 --bSLUioii Kie-1 "I l''i..i.a ivhhIh 1 id NvlMin 11. M'.u .1.- I 1 1: -,. i.j! i-. . uii o'H'iii.' Ni.i th u'-i'i ti. .io. i tt. liavi L"i. 11 Hli'li ti I i') 1 H-J l'..'ld. ill M un. i' I i. mil. j,t(f.iiiMrM of the uti. Mm)iir or tne join SAND AND PEACEPROSPECTS IRELAND ROW BRIGHTER AGAIN JATESTHJ EXTPA H -r PRICE THREE CENTS , l -1 i RECORDS PRICE FIXING BY GRAVE L Brackett Protests to Lockwoqd Committee Against TakingjL Possession of Books. DEALERS PHONE GIRL ON STAND '$ ' I'M Fire Extingnislier Fixtures Delved- Into to Establish ' Another Combination. Tito LfMiicwnod Commltte jralncdi potwewlpn try seliairo foday of Ujo' last of the records f ttus VfcuWt and Oinvel Hoard of Trade. The rnlmite books tended tb sharr the methods' pursued tn fixing; prloea ae4 reyulatlnjr tho trade. PendJn TuiTher ltrvwrHgtlon Olt that lino the corrantttee went Into mn Inrruiry as to the ssdsteuoe ot a com btnatlon unot do aratonw.ttq sprtnlclor ftr protwjtlnn rwntractom The nmi of Almtrull Ut Mslsohetl In which one ef tho pnrtners is uai d'tstod to bn a brother of Cnalrnuv Almlmll of the Kxtmurdlrmry O'nind Jurj- rvn tiientloned ua Interested tit tho tnule, fhouxh uut a. member of the assuulatlua, Tlie rirt . wttiiew .r fh ur wai ' Mrs. Helon MauDomtld, Uio child-like lelephmio rlil for the fund and Cravu Hoard, fhostestlfled yrstoi-cUy that ho.T never Heen Secrutaft I'Atfzne V Clark, her miiployer, haa never nen paid, doe 1 not know wo belonu ut thu empty dunks 'in tho oft ' :, ,fce In which lie jitji and, thouRh shp' iiwi mn iiuji in mo mine vaoe and desks, known hhIMiib of the papefp In the. Sho brought tn bulk all rroords whtdh tvcr.noi pioduced yv terday. jt SANO AINU OIlAVtL HlNai MONOPOLIZED PIERS. Loniu-d Wiiltntalii, assuulttte uouo el to the roiiimlttee, opened to-daji ' ses-lirjy i-'Millns fivm the mliiuti tiuok of MfctHjuid and Un'ivel Ihiujd .if Trade. whiSsisWt, suj-ed. Ha found a record of a luTWi., i..whlcS a .protejit was mude u(qalnl0S sate of sand aiul a-mvcl ut the ducks to be doMvertHl In the Ibtillder'o own trimkx. It waV imlnttMl nut that tj rotall t-and and tfruvel dealers main! tallied plants ror tho snl and di livery of and, (ravel and broken stouo to dealei-s and that "sales dj tent tu' builders by other than ri tallre should b dlruourusvd aa fui 04 "Uitltt " ' At 11 anilrs t m-tflnra tho ralturo of tho board to ilnd a dock tw their, busliiesi on tho lower alaat Hlver wun dlsuujwed. This was lmpurtanti Mr. WalJatoln told the coimulttse; u,iu it dtiotMi how haid u was li at dock pilvtleKes und bttcaua the and oud Ui-uvel tluard of Trud) r...-. Hi... ... .llw Hll . " .. ..-Jl.v'..c.- .... ii.a vltl- able sund ajud ravel docks lu ilatj liatttto. Is AtioUnsx ainrttnif wuUlpiUzed iJai puruhase of all gravel oumln into, lite I murkut 'by ono gf thn memborn tu Va i "put at the dtupn'snl of rctaU ordurj lufiirentlally the inenMwrs of xiio I Pulldcia' bupph llurnau.) 'I Uu uounitarv at anotlier inretltw 1 . Til 1 'led members to msko dally. jt5 1 i-oru, in cirblo yards, as to the cjuan t'tleu reuulrud .by their custouinrs .ott pending contracts. It waa tatifl ihlj w.i' tu be dona for Ufa "ploy...- mini nutlju ot the wholtj ulfia as t . 1 lie needs of tho trade." At tlie In ut meeting at which mttil utca ro taken, Nov. 19. tlva Man? hattun &ul Company, Jx)t -3 .- a 'ir,i 4 t "A 1 11 iafai 1 'tariHh 1 aai. ' . . -iaasi iiU.aJuIfi.t'"', ' TiAilSfci. -.i.riwi&ii A