Newspaper Page Text
'3f ..... , - . . V THE EVENING WORXD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1920. 1 RECORDS OF COPS Poor Children Being Fed ENKGHT U BACK T ON POLICE FORCE Commissioner Miy fcuinc Them Were Dismissed on Trivial Charges. In City Schools by League Inspired by Evening World .MANY FLAGRANT CASES. Personal Grudges Figured in Insli Police Assorts. Lunches Served by Private Agency, the City Having ; . Failed tu Do Its Part in ThiV : Important Work Organi , -saliun -Headed by Mrs. i Goddin. iiy Sophie Irene Loeb. Fir. It ., .4.. borne instances, Head- of i poud to com mto i.uwio :..h.i - Ono -parustraph .In a long statement trom Police? Commissioner Rtirlij.U. hlr.i was published to-day, so "The police Commissioner has U-jii t-ntieieed for ' ii'lubtatlu;; men jho wore dismissed from Hid sorvico by previous Police Commlaalonora. 'r:i? total ngmbor reinstated during the past three year ot this admlnvNtr.i t on mum fni-t -turpi- T1iey failed tu '.He. a'fV! r. 'lit' during tlie !ut no ream nd it h ilf f the MlKltol .-dministrution thirty-one members ttltl nedy und crlpi!ed clilldi-i'u ovMonood by tiio Installation lu-Uuj or u lunoli oorvlce Iti Public Suho-ji No. t, tho Gronx, by the School Cj'; dren'd Welfare League. "11 wa, tlio inspiration o! 'iSv Uienltig World's nrtlnloa that snurrod ,oui teagruo to dtriV" ti .icioinpllali tlui needed work, fcedlni? tno dick. th ticeay and crippled acMool children," said Mrw. .Samuel SI. Ooddln, I'roal- dent of the leasuo. und in charge ! or tho lunch work. Liy,t year wo save "4,000 quurta or milk' to school chil dren, and Irom nil .ndluatioti more wilj U- ueed' d tjila cotmuj; vtj.u'aue added Uwln u trie laxuy i.i in i-eumd -TV.. . ' , j-'f-lSKt. Mrs SAMUEL M GODOlrt.. - the force were ielnstatM. but, r.r i ,lUiijo:liios fn establishing luucac, l ourbe, things w alcli wen onfaely proper during Hut administration m e not considered at all 'proper during tho iprtsent administration. 1 mljriit say In patslmj lliat many of theBO men. who had rendered good servtca for fifteen or twenty years, weru dlo mlsfod from the deiiarttnont for comparatively U'iMal offonoPt!, and tuany of Uwm to't.'y pt aun il r'udiios." Hero .Ire the i cords 01 ooine ot men nho ihave been lelmitalcd Ly Commlibloner Unrlght's orders: Lieut. William Malier, when at tachfd to tho liast 32d Street station. cost In aliu Mihooto, consldtxablo suf fenns In already nuted In the 'schools, and tho coming: winter, under pre vailing conditions, 1 dreaded by th0B9 interested In tho children of the city. Tho campaign carried on by tola nowapapor. through whloli a laryw number of schools were equipped with lunch service and a fund rained by public subscription in the inter est vf tao underfed and p-ior ohll- idi.'n In thu- tcliuols, demonatrated tin: vrnat w.rl: tl.a' could l- aeoom I'liKiiixi bj bervliiB a nourishing rui inda inal at coat in nearly every school in the city. It was hoped that the Hoard ot Kdu- eutlon would then take the matter up and continue this beneficent activity was dismissed from tho Department j aU.J hy tl0 cy aa ft'n ,nlaf a,,. cm a charso of havlnjj borrowed I prlatlon for laiinolilnR tho syjttom. but ono iiicni'iifi of the School Hoard. Mrs. K. Ij. Murray, who was Chairman of Dip uummittei" oharsed with thih mrtt t'T. suet reded III holding 11 up M) long (beiainif it In K-llerally believed nh" is not in favor, of lunchea) that th money wilh unavailable. The continued dllly-dallyins by the School Hoard of this Important func Hon adopted by tho slty authorities has brought the bituation to where it In, making It necessary for outside I asenilen to t.tep In and do bomethiatf about it to save the children ' Tim School Children's Welfnie I.iiKue wis' formed for thfs purposv money from the widowed slstei f a in his T c ire lie !an (ravu the polienian's -.I..U r a note and a piece of prtipert which was in his1 wife's name. It was testliled at the trial that laher wanted the money for some one who would glvo htm better standing on tho Civil Servlco list for Captain. Aftor his dismissal he ob tained emploj-tnent with a fruit "eamnhip company in West Street. f'-w daj.-. urtor Unnaht b- 'aju. IVicu Coinmluskn r, Mailer Hylan. llorousli Proldent Hruck ner of the Itron. Jmlre Louih i Ulbbs. .tKdgo H.vun iif 'lnl.lren' Court, .lud.-e Otte . !: v jnU SlipIlK lif.e C. H. HYDE BROKE; DEBTS ARE $44,21 2, ASSETS ONLY $1 00 i.nv una m no r :i in lik en Maor (jiiynor, Whose v ' Partner He Had Been. diaries II. Hyde irna only $100 to offset debts of"iH,2l2. accord mx to a ! bankruptcy petition tiled bv the former City Oliainbiriuln, one time law partner of Jtnyor William J. Llay nor and who floured in the $500,000 raco trach-lobby tnvestlsation The liabilities Hicludo $20,115 judg ment on a note Hold bj Mtitv W. Mahon and Henry lleislnd. ex rotors j ot'i:lie Wllliain J. CuniutiKliain estate: William It. Jovce. No. 11.'. Hroadway, ( 110,000; PiHjplo'o 'friiht Company, No. IKS Monliirf'uo street, Hrooklyn, 3S.&H7. Mr. Ilydo was manager for Clnynor w-htn he wna tlcctcU ti the Rutiretne Court, and becamn counsel to te Sh- i-l ft et Klnp Cuint. rtnr iu !!,.' .lee: 'i .M.iV'',. I'de 'i . i ,e M - i titiu- rl i i ' . i nottticcd. Ho resigned wlmti urrulRii'-d on a charge of bribery and wan dis barred. Whin the Coutt -if reised his conviction Mr. II vit wan rrinHtnted. and now hiw u u ft lev a' Vc. I'lno .Street. In tll tvhen a LeKtsiadve iiiau'.-y n- mad Into race track luiby a'c t.ntle", h witness toMlflwl that .Mr. Hvde vs prceent Wiiuil JSOO.000 fund was Firbrartbed. Mr. Hyde loft New York for Florida on i.s house beat. Stoti-a-While. The liotiso boat Mopped ot) a mud bank in Florida and Mr. Hyde svas fouml IH'ih, Tile pitltion miH filed Tue-sday .it ter the Dlbttict Court KfricvcluSMl. ?lrlhlillnl. lirtK 1'neli In li l)nl l-'roni riiterni ir, Melei Steinbrlnk. special eennei to the Hoard of L'stlmati, wom busy to day with his Inquiry which r to .le tcrmlne whether or not the oity will alio. Urover A. Whaleti or Itolluiul & Co. ;o recover the cost of removing the ashes which the latter concern Jumped in the Court House lto. Mr. Ktelnbrlnlt spent most of the day KolitR over documents, some of which Imd been provided hy Samuel I'ntermyrr, counsel to tlir Lock wood Comndttee, "1 shall wait.'' lie h.ti.l. until I have nil th fae'.u hh, t.e I !,iv aiv rtiemiiietvl.itlnnf Ufei- 1, I: nd of Hst.iiiate " Mile O'ltrllly'i, I'uiienil nlniiln. The tanernl of Mllei o'ltetliy furnier Police Cnptsln. who died ycMurday 'it lib' heme. No TT5 Oulne'SHtreet. Hnxik ;n. will t.ike pluep Siitunlay neirnl'i with ii aiflH k' reipilein li Our IjiJv e' le-od ''elm--' t'hu' "i I'ntTMm V It.- ' . I. Ii, . ('!,.. VERDICT OF $45,000 ARREST 2 IN PLOT I FOR BOY'S INJURIES TO BOMB A HOME : J.n I ,;K i.. i .jiini id r.l.',it.n V.V'viw'M! .Illj ui'aT Hi- ' SiipireJ. ! A Mipimi, Cmrt Juiy Justice, I. Hrlidmr.O to-day awarded a verdict of lljumu itn.ilint j. .r .title A Ives' o ItKgltiald ItoWf, nreiileen, uf Na ' iH Kltth 'Avenic. tlrooklyii, and hl lnnthir, Aim Uowe. for Injurlon re ceived by the I oy when .'truck by nnJ rh v.itor In the hulldliiK at S'o. 4l( , t 2lt)i fttitrt Tlie uiothet and boy sued for JM.H'I'l. I 'lhe hoy, who In Hie titoit of hts mother, linn burn liieapltatvd since the 1 neeldent. He loM the slKht of Ilia rlcht I ', stlflernd ntriirtuivd none n id other' Injuries, ami wax In llnllevue llopltal I illitll Ills eime ratim up yesterday. Attorney tl.lbett P. S"ltier of No '2-J0I I llroailtt-iiy, -epivpeiilel the nietiirr nidi yon. I'lirrut lerrHinnl mi lHrm. Mm. Jennlu Hoffnrdlng iih1 her tins u.i ml, Nicholas, auuirelloil ttil niornlne! In ttielf npHrtiur-it nt No. 31:1 tiist 34th Kticet A minu'.o lutt- Hoffcrdliitr heul.l tie- ui'lrot site inline und nm tit tie- Klti'liv i ', lied 'liln ll" linil vji. .mi il Hitltl. Illtvi-I with WOOI -( Hi i ' i It el ''iii'iif Mi.N-lii- l!:i ii, wa .b Jersey I'.'lia' prin ht.ini HAnv. .ii kI Sib Mem Wtnoh motlnii by ttii pollue of Passsliil and Hsiiksnsack resulted In the Arrrstl lust nlf lit of twi; men who wire about, It I believed, i, ptnoe a bomb under tho home of Jontiih lit Urlgto, n con. ' tractor nf No ai M'c: Droad ny,! H.tokona.ick I Acting on u tip, lure polic-mcn fnjni Psjfiilc end live fioni llack-iunck hid near the U llrlgto placi and watohsd develoynnints. About S o'clock nt autoinobllfl stopped 240 ynrds fi-otu His I.ouks ftld twe men walked for trnrd, one cariylntt a bundle Whon tho clMht polk-enii-ii sufiouiidcnl them ivtth drawn ruvolviis the bundle was thrown to u acuta lot tnvpstlRstlaii showed It a-ss a bomb curefully packed in feutliei a and nttnoliwl to a tlueo- feet fusn. Tile men suld tin'j- neu (liuaeprHi Ato-' dlea. thlfty-five. of No 78 Myrtle Ave-I Ittii-. 1'iufFHlc mid Lout. Munlrimllo, I I tin -tin nf N'i. S! Astl'lon Str-t, 1 1'iiKi.ale 1I llrlgl'' atd .ie hud never tii'i'ii t'teni ii fore. ll. ree.-d threat enm ettris tlve iv-'Us mro an i rii,ull ' ,.' a l.u'lin-.' .Iirr'ot" led N I U. S. DECLINES AID TO CUT ARMAMENTJ iUbW horn r'rcMilenf .s.i Acl UtVausc d vnlry Isn't if l.cagu'i'. . l AalU.MlTON, Dec. . PrnMdtl Wilson has derliued Wie Invltatlen the LeKffue of, S'niions lo semi do gates to tkke part in the dlscuselons vt thu nisHrinanietvt Commission. HI tntiisoeo t, prrsident 1 1 jtu ns sayo Pft: "Tito l'1-osidtnt if tho United Htaij IS dedly interested In iMs quest) und is tnoit desirous or ro. operating .to this end, but as Hi. C.overmnent uf i the t'nlted .States is nt i member the Li'iMHir. lie does m it rcH jusnn- i in appointing v . mniiilsslun to tahgjjg even rt Ue facto participation in U dfJkbHriitloim ' the Cours'll or of 'til numiilsslon acting on behalf of -tkij CniinoM In tlio execution of provlslom In tho covi.nant o' Hio Lwgue oil Nation1 mm imtliwl 1 1 L new school luncn service munenru F i ,l Ml tlAAft 1 I.. V.t..v ro, relpstatum. ruined a new Snnncs,! nndope rated by the lea, rt-lal a-ftd una reinstated and asslffnel to tho JJast ,35th Streot .Station. Ho 1 1 ported thero by telephone and lm midlatoly want on twenty days leave. After the expiration of thia va ca ll n In- reported siuk, was ordi-od Approximately D00 children arc fed and served daily. This school was selected by the league for the reason that It haH a cardiac division, an un Rrnded division und several anaemic classes. Some children fti-e. able to pay for these lunches, yet many re pot i - btroro the police surKoonw. adjudged celve H.elr mid-day meal free. Potty as unfit for police duly and retired , edHds h" frVe'of' chV o on half. pay. Hurlng all thia -tUnu lie tIl0 undernouiished children. The wiaa drawing pay froni tho fruit com- luntdi consists of vegetable and soups, stewed fnilU, nee, breaa, nooaio puddlmw and sanilwiclies. pany. Patrolman Thomas Dent, ap pointed to the force In March, lS9t, was dismissed in January, 1911. He applied successively to every Police Commissioner for a rehearing of Ui charges on which ho was dismissed and was refused. Ho was reinstated by Enrlght on Sept. 22, 1019, after being out of tho Department for moro than elht years. Ho la now attached to the Hast 22d .Street Sta tion. Mounted Patrolman I'rank P. "Mal lon was found on the morning of Sept. 11, 1912. absent from ipost and lying down In a stable at 170th Street and Ogdon Avenue, tho Hron.x, with his uniform coat and cap off and ills horse tied in another stall of tho stable. He was dismissed on tho complaint of Inspector Schmlttberser. He wont to every Commissioner for reinstatement, but was unsuccessful until Enrlght came into office. On March 10, 1920, ho was put baolt on the force Patrolman Henry I'relloehr, at Inched to tho West 37th Street sta tion, wa.s dismissed fi-om tho Depart ment fur borrowing ?j from Prank Llguri. an employe of Victor Prince, operator of a moving plcturo theatre in thtit precinct, and falling to repay It. Ho was diptnlssod on March 6, 1917. liavinG falsely stated to Police Captain Mead that ho liad not bor ri"wd the money. Me was reinstated Juno U. 1918. On l-iy 9 nt that year while engaged In Midi nine subscription to Liberty Itonds lie was oliargi d Willi bavinif used indecent language to Walter Hullday of No. 135 West 71st Street, In tmnt of a restaurant at Hroadway and Franklin Street, and with strik ing Haliduy In the face with Ills iHt. Tie case came before DepJ)y ri;nml.sioner Leach and Hullday inne.Kud with his attorney and ask- I pi rmlssloii to withdraw tin liii'i. ngalliit I'n Moelii-. Commit.- i ' ii. r Lien i iri.tikci at that tune t the rase "t'eked to hnuvenwit'i I .iitluence," took the niatter undei ,-id- I iM-rnent and latter dismissed the I barges. riergt. Louis K. Bvent. in (hnili .i' a police launch on Muy IS, 19i)!. I ehaSUed with failure to intone ' isc'iiiiiui among the men 1n li u . enimand, with plaln cards v. ti, t itrolmen on the launch and r.n. i. to prevent a patrolman trom leawni, the l iunch wtthout wearing pi ( per i uniform. ' lloports had come to the Depart ment that poltcu launches were he.- 1 n.j used for "Joy rides" and other n. n police purposes and Inspector Kns.iell ordrnd tlio then Lletrl. Cost, gun to InvihtigUte. He fOUIld a io- .H-.-nian In a makejililft uniform ; lg 'o a sahwii with a tun usk'.ig 11-n- beer. Costlgan took him bai k 10 the liiiiiicli ' and there found Hieret playiug jioker , with patrolmen. For this Hveret was broken, being reduced to the rank ot putrolmi.ii. Commissioner Woods gae Hieim a rehearing, culling ill the, i bur the decision mi., unchanged. Ki,. right heard flu- c'i" in nun, Imi tievr:- CAltwl COMtlt.Lil. Ulul l-i-fitoivil fi-.eerel t..! his former rank. Ho 14 now on duly at the Clinton titreot Station. Hesldes this work this orrtnnlra- tlon Is serving milk and crackers to underfed, anaemic and crippled chil dren In all the schools of the limits. The Vice President of the Hoard of Kducation, Frank D. Wllsoy, in a letter to the league states: "Tho fact temajns that your league Is actually doing the work and tlio children ore getting what Is absolute- , y necessary to Improvo their condi tion in order that they -will get tho good of their schooling." While the children in this vicinity' are fortunate in having a School Chlldt en's League to help make them fit to get their schooling, yet there are thousands of children through-, out the city suffering and unable to I get this nld because of tho lnex- I plicablo reluctance of the School Hoard to perform its proper public; function in this connection in tho I interest of tho children of tho city, j A reception is being held to-day for the official Installation of the 1 lunch service. Some of the invited J puesto to the reception are us fol- j lown: Mrs. Oliver Harrlman, Mrs. j Oikley Khlnelandcr, Mbu Elisabeth I Mnrbury. Mrs. Irma II. Levy, Mayor I POST OFFICE SAFE ROBBED.! . 1 TlilricK (irt if-J.non In tnin In South YinikcTK llnllillim. 1 Thieve with a sledge haiiitiie: ani ! eold ehldol battered ofr Uhe safe ucor In fan South Vankerb Post UilU'u be tween i o'clock last night and J o'clock thi., morning and tulu jz.iuii 1 In stamps and several hundrel regit turod letter. Tliey also tora open I scores of ChrUtmati packayr.. The lObtiurs obtained entry to tae PoBt Otllee. whloli is loiated 011 ,Sou:li llrojdtvi4 , betweun Mor. U blre. t un-1 U1.I.111111 Avenue, oy prj nig Ihe ' -o i birj off a letii1 window. After lootl.iB the fiJ" the thieves carried tn leKl" 1. r.A et!e f anil t 'lirlwljiirta t.ii l.r.Ere into u yd ant stern uei diK. Mul !el;.- iii-eo ruinmauoii lh-oug:i Hi' iiix.iorsM .1I1U ioxe& I snot's 1 j ON SO GOOD SALE FALL & WINTER SHOES 'UNUSUAL REDUCTIONS 1 1 yessrsnjw' iLjgjggyJ MM Brutdwaf 1177BroiJwir 41 CotltnltSt. 1357 BrotJutj 215 Rrotdwar : F.fti it, fuetjr: RoAla j, Mu.-. BONWIT TELLER G,CQ fflte Specialty &Aop OfrywatLona PIFTH AVENUE VT 38 STREET I OR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY A Special Reduction Sale of DRESS BOOTS & SPAT PUMPS FOR WOMEN AND HISSES 10.00 Formerly 14.00 to 18.00 Very smart dress laced boots in patent leather, black or brown kidskin with satin tops, all black satin; button boots in patent leather with mat kid tops. Hand turned soles; ilouis 2VI heels. Dress pumps in patent leather, black or tan Russia calfskin, all black satin or kidskin. Hand turned soles; Louis XVI heels. Eight Button Spats in Gray or Fawn. ..Reduced to 3.50 NO C. O. D.'s NO CREDITS NO EXCHANGES BOMWIT TELLER &,CQ &Ae cSfectay cSAofi jT QrtpiruUionJ FIFTH AVENUE AT 36 STREET Exceptional Values, Friday, in NEGL1G E ESL H OUSE COATS and SILK UNDERTHINGS Corduroy House Coats t - nt Formcrlu lo. Widc-wale corduroy, lined throughout , with China silk. Albatross Negligees , An Formerly 22.50 IS.UU Straight model with Fckets und girdle; lined throughout with China silk. Crepe de Chine Chemises q jr Formerly ''f Envelope model with elastic top, trimmed with Valenciennes lace. Satin Bloomers , a. Formerly o.'Jo Washable satin with elastic at top a n d knee, hemstitched. it BONTELL" GLOVE SILK UNDERWEAR Very Specially Priced (Main Floor) Glove Silk Vests. . 2.75 In flesh or white: regulation or ribbon straps. Also with ulaaiic opera tops. Gloo Silk Vests 3.75 Etnbroid: i ( vests in various designs; ribbon sliculdtr straps. Pink onlv Glove Silk Bloomers 4.95 i Silk Union Suits 5.75 Superior quality silk in pink only; extra re-enlorccment at hack. Glove silk union suits in pink only. Regu lation or ribbon straps. "BONTELL" SILK HOSIERY For Women and Misses Pure Silk Hosiery i nc llox ol Three J.75 Medium weight in black, white, brown, grey or beige; lisle garter tops and soles. Pure Silk Hosiery one Uox of Three 8.50 .VO In medium weight or very sheer, in block, African brown or taupe Superior Silk Hosiery , nc lloxol Three 11.50 Medium and heavyweight silk in black, white, street and evening shades. Clox Silk Hosiery one Vox of Three 8.50 Z.VO Black or. African brown with open work or embroidered clox; lisle tops. Air ms M a IA1 irL. .sfclst Introductory Sale of Men's High-Grade OVERCOATS & SUITS at Savings of $I2 to $39 )j4MSv I b'Jy'- want to introduce the location of the New JAQAXfolgrs fc'll Store to all wise New York buyers 1 The quickest anil most effective way of accomplishinc this is by offering Clothing of our own make, as well as the Nationally Advertised Brands for which wc arc agents, at Most Drastic Price Reductions ! 1331 Here arc a few examples of our Phenomenal Vuluai- Men s tashionablf O'coaU $ Q 7 4 5 0 and Suits. Refined styles. J Kcgularly sold at anu HJ Men's smart models '"$90.50 worsicu anu i mtus. Ri-gtilurly sold tit $55 and $50 33 Men's Worsted O'couts in all i t lie newest models & colorings. P Regularly sold at $75 und $60 O coats & Suits of fine foreign C A fnhrirs. Imnnrted from Mnolanrl P .J) lgula'rly sold at $95 and $80 4450 55 Because our present Removal Sale cleared out our stocks bought when prices were high, wc are now in a position to takr full advantage of the big break in the woolen market. We'll let you share the benefit-But wc advise quick action. Money back with a smile. Alterations free. EXTRA! Merino Underwear 95c Brushed Wool MUFFLERS 52.45 1181 Broadway, Cor. 28th St. est & Co, Fifth Avenue at 35th Street Established LV79 Friday i Economy Smecial I 1000 Pairs T IN CALF LACE SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Sizes S to iolj 4.75 Originally 6.00 Sizes 11 to 2 5.25 Originally 7.00 r. Leathers and Lasts of the BEST & CO. standard NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS NONE C. O. D. ifrtrnifTtr AM