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Newspaper Page Text
-' THUitB DA X, DECEMBER 9, 1920.' . . ; T. H - THE EVEN IN Q WORLD, The McCreery Holiday Fur Sale . There Arc Only 13 More Shopping Days Before Christmas James McCreery & Co. 5 th Avenue Half Price. Sale of Women s Sweaters lit-." 34th Street 1 Offers Beginning r Tomorrow A New Schedule of . ' ' Prices Revised To The Lowest Possible Level I f 195.0D J This provides without question the best Fur buying opportunity of the season. Every Coat, even though so low in price, measures up to our Quality Standard. Taken from our Regular Stock and REDUCED Hudson Seal Coat, 36 inches, with collar and cuffs of Squirrel or Beaver, miuamtai ubonu formerly 525.00 195.00 Hudson Seal Coat, 30 inches long, self trimmed. formerly 325.00 185.00 Hudson Seal Coat, 40 inches 'long, with Beaver collar and cuffs. 365.00 formerly 595.00 ' Hudson Seal Coat, 36 inches long-, with Skunk collar and cuffs. 445.00 . formerly 695.00 Black Pony Skin Coat, 36 inches long, with Raccoon collar and cuffs. 145.00 formerly 285.00 Mole Coat, 36 inches' long, with self collar and cuffs. formerly 485.00 285.00 French Seal Coat, 45 inches long, self trimmed. formerly 495.00 245.00 Hudson Seal Coat, 40 inches long, with Skunk'collar and cuffs. (illustrated below). formerly 7S5.00 ' 46'5.00 Beaver Coat, 30 inches long, self trimmed. formerly 685.00 Illustrated below). 445.00 IIole Wrap, 48 inches long, with large shawl collar. 425.00 formerly 625.00 Hudson Seal Coat, 45 inches long, with Beaver collar and cuffs. formerly 725.00 465.00 Taken from Regular Stock and REDUCED k Mink Coat, 42 inches long, (illustrated utarr. formerly 1650.00 825.00 Taupe Squirrel Wrap. uitustmud above), formerly 985.00 493.00 & Mink Coat, 36 inches long. 943.00 formerly 1885.00 -Mink Coatee formerly 1250.00, 625.00 Hudson Seal Coat, 45 inches long; with col lar, cuffs and deep border of Skunk. 643.00 formerly 1285.00 Broadtail Coat, 36 inches long, with collar and cuffs of Skunk, formerly 1400.00, 700.00 . Persian Lamb Coat, 36 inches long, with Skunk collar and cuffs. 422.50 formerly 845.00 J,65.00 Uo.oo No C. O. D. 'Fourth Floor) 5th Ave. James McCreery 34th St. Christmas Clubs In Vicinity of New York Save $4,650,000 Here is lilt; way this amount Is apportioned according lo the "Times": In Cirriitcr N'rw York ' Jll.'JnO.OOO , AdJiiiTiil Counties in New Jersey, 2,7011,000 Westchester County ' 7.10,000 $4,650,000 For tile past fifty weeks tliiiusitiuls of thrifty people have been regtiliirjy putting away money so n lo have a definite .sum to spend for Christmas (Sifts. The point now is to use this money judiciously to shop where a dollar huys the most. A store where Justice and Keouomy are ideals offers absolute assur ance oT VALL'li. Such a store is McCrccry's. Every Department Offers as Wide a Selection of Quality Gift Merchandise- as Will Be Found Anywhere 800:00 to 975.00 Dr 'mg Room Suites ' 437. 50 . Six-models to choose from An Walnut or Mahogany. (S-tlcnth Fluor.) I Toilet A r tidesEvery day Needs We do not forget, the everyday needs, even during the Holiday exeilemeirt. Nor do We forget lo reiuee standard loilet arlieles in proportion to the great reduc tion given on Christmas Gifts, as you will see in the following items: . I'.ilni Olive .Soup in if do.. arlous. 2.50 liar Castile So.i, large Imr. 69c Import cil Toilet Soap, ."I cakes ii liox. 1.35 Imported Toilet Soap. Ideal Itose. 12 eakes to box. 2.50 Imported Hutli Soap, li cakes' to box. 1.50 Imported Cologne Toilet Soap. 'i enkrs to box. 2.65 Carlton's Castile Soap. I do., enkrs to box. 1.35 Larn Castile; Spanish oil. :i cakes ill box. 55 C Witch Hazel, qt. site . . 69c I'eroxidc, lb. bottle 21c Odor-o-no, medium sue. . .40c I.isterlnc, large bottle 72c lmurlcd Itatb Crystals, iih Mirtcd odors; bottle. 85c McCreery Alinond.Crc.ini 22c .McCreery Antiseptic Dental Cream; large tube. 25c McCreery Ita.or Aid Shaving Cream; Iargr lube. 19c Talcum t'owdcr, Orange bull odor. 15c .li-rgen Talrum; Urge tin. .15c Tootb llruslirs 40c ltalli Spra.s 1.25 Knickerbocker llalb Spray combinations 6.00 Metal Water Hollies K15 McCreery "Iteliable" red ruli- be.r W.iler Hollies; '-' it .sire. 1.95 McC.rctrry. Syringes; pure gum; li it. nle 3.75 I'rieca include lax. Special attention to mail or phone orders. NoC.O. li's. (Main Floor) The Sort of New Dresses Women Enjoy Weajring Now Cost 16.75 They are modish types not the hucknoy, com monplace styles that usually bear a I(i.7r price mark. Some arc-designed for general wear, others are quite dressy affairs of Silk, Satin, Velveteen, Tricotine, Crepe de Chine or Wool .Jersey. . Also u Special (Jroup al 38.00 , Gowns that were regularly priced much higher. Many of the models included are suitable for the most formal occasions, others are street sjyles. Chiffon Velvet, Georgette Crepe, in nftcrnooji jind evening styles., Crepe Satin. Trieolelte and Tricotine in afternoon styles. , ' ( Fourth Flour) Cfjrtetmas Mt conomp This space is demoted each, day to a Qijt Suggestion of SMcCreery tfyaliry marked at a 'lon er price than net before 8.00 Silk Taffeta Pillows 5.95 Hound Silk Tafl'cla I'illows trimmed with plaiting and silk ruses. (Third Hoot j regularly 18.7. quality Brushed Wool as adornment. Some feature fancy weaves. A glance reveals their superiority. Every model Ijiis those little finished touches such as fancy hut Ions, guantlel cuffs, tas .seled sashes, etc. features found only in the more cosily Sweaters. 10.50 regularly 21.50 Sweaters of finest Mo hair Woolen Yarns and the hest tiialitv . double Worsted Yarns All the fashionable shades. As Christmas Gifts they are ideal for, Southern wear, Skating and general spqrls usage they have no equals in suuirtncss. All are Tuxedo styles. Many combine a heavy A'o a. o. n: So Eichnngtti A'o Cretlits Third Floor) Feather Neckwear Marabou and ostrich neckwear possesses n light, fluffy beauty which is not only extremely becoming to' all types and complexions, but mcciiis to enhance .the feminine eharm of the wearer.. Almost uh warm us furs, these choice novelties in capes and stoles are certain to1 appeal lo any woman as ji gift. '' Special I terns - Marabou Scarfs, silk lined, finished with tails.. regularly 0,75 4.75 11.50 Marabou Stoles, silk lined, finished with tails. . regularly 12.75 Marabou or Ostrich and Marabou Capes, silk lined.... regularly 0.7B, 7.75 Main Floor) Women's "Comfy" Slippers and Children's "Cosy Toes" Slippers Extraordinary Holiday Reductions F.vcry pair of "Comfy" and "Cosy Toes" slippers in our regular stock has been radically reduced. The advantage to holiday shoppers is obvious. There is a wide variety ot styles and colors, from dainty Satin boudoir slipper to fleecy-lined models Of Lambskin. I The reduced prices will prevuil for a limited time only. (Second Fluoi , Flexible Flyers From Toy Towne Uh, it's fun I xni To be on my icuy For tt ride on my Flerihle Flv r I could coast all day Upon m-j sleiyh I And ncvir, ncter tin t Ihc first sign of a snow flake every boj who i- a "regular feller" wants to be. out of doors on his sled. Christmas and sleds are almost synonymous in his mind, which makes Christmas without a sled no Christmas ut nil. Special Flexible Flyer Sled No. l 3.75 No. 2 4.35 No. a 5.65 No. 4.... 5.95 No. s 9.25 Flexible Flyer Itacers..5.25. Junior Racers 4.25 Haby I'ushers made of wood with Blue, Gray or White enamel finish. 18.50 (Fifth Floor) 0 "i 14 it .? "SM 4 '3 i t rt main, r- ' . JLj: . ..... if