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Newspaper Page Text
THE. EVENING WORLD, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1920. FIVE MEN TO DIE IN CHAIR, TO-NIGHT j Cassidy Alone Has Hope in Final Appeal ,To-day to Gov. Smith. Five men will to to the electric chair At Sing Bine Prison tc-nteht unless Uov Smith rtprleves them or commute their eentence. All hope la saJd to hsc been abandoned save In the roae of Jamea P. ("Dull") Cassldy. on whose behalf a ipoclal appeal to We Governor Is to be made to-day. Court decisions yesterday denied CaMldy a new trlrJ Tho appeal on his behalf he Is an Imtxulttt. Voir of the doomtjd men h.ivc had tlx reprieve. They are Caesldy, Char ft MaLaurhlln. whooe counsel say ne I an Imbecile, too ; Joreph Milano mid Jof . Usfof. Two years a.po they Mllol Otto Fiala, an "old ticket agent. In the Urotix. The la Howard Maker, cor vlcted of the murder of William Da, reff, near Rochester. If all five go to the chair to-night t will be tho thl time five or more men have been elo trocuted In thla State at 'one time. PENSION ANGELE& CHILDREN. Mexican, tu .lid Orphan, ot Cm crnl ott Ip Mew York. MEXICO CTITV r- fl. TilO So vlt" I to-day. after culoglzlnc Oenaral 1'cllpe ' Ansele. former Villa leader, as one of ith republic's mort brilliant patiiitfl. passed u bill provldlnic for a pension oi six peBO dally for his daughter und two sons until they become of uko. The children, who now aro In hew York, were orphaned when tliclr fattier was shot lato last year after being cap ture.1 bN Carranra fo- c. the ho U ItlMInK thnlr InvsMd mother. Japan and Brazil have recognized tha new Mexican Government. a. Stem Brothers West 42nd Street (Between Fifth and Sixth Avenues) West 43rd Street Two Extraordinary Offerings for Friday and Saturday WOMEN'S SMART WRAPS $55.00 Regularly $75.00 AH Wool Nanette Wraps Exceptionally chic models, with large cape back collars of Mole, Taupe Nutria or Australian Opossum; silk lined and interlined. i i Women's Wraps and Coats Of Suedine or Duvette; smart graduated ortraight line effects; beautifully finished and trimmed with hardsome collars of Taupe Nutria, Scotch lole or Australian Opossum. Others with large cape collars finished with silk stitching or embroidery. $69.50 Regularly $110.00 Special Christmas assortments of MEN'S and WOMEN'S LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS At Especially Attractive Prices, Friday and Saturday Men's Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. Per doz.. $4.95, 6.00 and 8.50 t Men's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, with fancy initial, in Whits and Colors. Per box of six, $3.00 Women's- Pure Linen Initial Handkerchiefs. Pef box of . six, $1.45 and 4.00 Women' s Linen .Embroidered Handkerchiefs, assorted patterns in each box of six, $2:00 and 3.00 Women's Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. Doz. $2.90 and 4.00 Reduced for Immediate Disposal : WOMEN'S SEPARATE SKIRTS Three exceptionally attractive; groups at $7.50 12.50 19.75 (Form erly Priced fro vi $1 8. 50 to 29. 50) Plain tailored or pleated models for Sport, Street or Dress wear. Plaid or Striped Woolens, Serges and Velveteens. L .Small Children's WINTER COATS Priced for Immediate Clearance at $1495, 19.75, 24.75 Smart Models for Boys and QMs of i to .5 yjaxs. Brm lelotUj, Chinchillas, 1 and Wool Mixtures; many fur trimmed. Children's Brushed Wool Sweaters Sets Consisting of Sweater, Leggings, Cap and Mittens, in s d? 1 ( QC viceablc colorings. Sizes 2 to .5 years. Una umI value, ai P 1 JZjD An Exceptional Offering of WAVY HAIR SWITCHES u $5.00 Each Fine quality Naturally Wavy Hajr; made on three separate stems; all shades except, Gray. TOO BUSY TO RING UP FARES. flrt Arret Mndc on City'. Slaten I ln ml Cnr. Watchful wnltlnjt on tho part of two Manhattan dotectlvcu who wcro pUced on tho Stsleii Inland municipal Jrolley cars by Commlaxlonar Wlialen, that tho city's might bo projected chf.rced with petty larrony. . KMly car. lenvinp HI. O'orre for lllclimond. shnwrd fifty puimniKnr, ic cordlng o thp n-gister. The ilrt'CtHfA , rnnttlteft In thn nrrr.t l.nt nltrht nf I miv th.v .lili-.fAnr u lit- aulrl Thomas tvolly. thirty-one. of No. 105 1 hp w ,no. j'" tip ill nlxlv CasUeton Avenue. Now tln.hlo,.. a mo- fe.rM.IShcn'h" torman who was hold In 300 hall I whs urrcati'd Louis Graveure . , Exclusive Columbifi Artist i .appearing at Brooklyn Institute of Arts- & Sciences " December 13th Hear Graveure at this concert. Then hear him in your own rmme by means of his records made exclusively for Columbia. Be sure to attend this recital and note the individual qualities of his voice, which have pleased so many people. Then go to any Columbia dealer and ask him to let you play Graveure's records on the Columbia Grafonola. You'll find that his Columbia Records, as played on the Columbia Grafonola, reproduce exactly the same, qualities which delighted you at this recital. You actually hear him sing again COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY, New York tern JDroxners WEST 42d ST. (Between Fifth and .Sixth Avenue) WEST 43d ST. MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S 'tilts G? Overcoat 55-00 Less 25 Discount TAILORED BY THE KIRSCHBAUM SHOPS S SUITS rFine finished and unfinished worsteds, chev iots and fancy mixtures OVERCOATS Ulsters and uistercttes, tailored in warm, fleecy fabrics prRCENT DIS-OUNT ON OUR ENTIRE CLOiHING SiOCK Every suit, every overcoat, every leather coat, every raincoat.- $32.50 garments 24.38 cA saving of $8.12 $40.00 garments 30.00 oA saving oj $10 $45.00 garments 33.75 cA saving of $11.25 $50.00 garments 37.50 of saving of $12.50 $55.00 garments 41.25 cA saving of $13.75 $60.00 garments 45.00 cA saving of $15 $65.00 garments 48.75 cA saving of $16.25 70.00 garments 52.50 c4 saving of $17.50 Original closely-marked prices remain on all , garments. Discounts made at time oj pur chase. Slight charge for necessary alterations. MEN'S SECTION THIRD FLOOR jjVpdi Pricei Make Downtown Slif ppin? an Extraragance ESTABLISHED ISS0 rlHS, 125th Street, West A Close-Out of Spalding Ice Skates (At One-Half Off Regular Prices SKatera - men or voiien know the value of tr.e trade mark "Spalding" on sKatea. Every pair in tbi3 sale is "Spalding" marked. Some sirs are missing, but there are many good size3 in the lot. We have halved the prices on all we have on hand, in order to clcai them in a hurry. This is the list of sizes: XB litest), 10, toj, It. XC tires 10. 10-j.' 11.... rcg. 3M) 1.75 XDsUca 10. 10H. 11 XE BlzesO, 9W, 10H. 11- CH slie 10W DCUci8H. 9 HR &tts 0Vit 10 c XSiiici9, 9H. 10H. Shoe Combination Sets- SS2 she 8c rcg. 8.50 554 ilzcs 3c, Ad reg. 10.00 555 iUciS, 3Hc.W. Hd rcg. 15.00 SS6lie3c. 4c. SS7 Ue 7c rcg. 5.00 2.50 reg. G.5o 3.00 -4 Grades f4.25 (5.00 ::! 7:50 rcg. 18.50 9.25 Downs' ai's tre Thousands of Men's Si k Ties em for holiday Gifts All iiV Open-end Four-in-hands, fashioned in rich, lus trous silk, all new attractive j designs, made according to J Koch standards. 1 C Former Price $1.50 Main Floor. Important Reductions in Boys' Clothing Koch Standard Make These, are the highest grade suits, smart Norfolk models, made with taped seams, reinforced wherever the wear is heaviest, two trousers to each suit, both lined throughout. 7 Am &7 Third Floor LOT 2 Smart new suits, in man nish tvvrtd and cheviot mixtures; two trousers. LOT 1 -Fine quality cheviot and tweed mixture suits; two trousers. 14.65' 17.65 Formerly $19.75 and S22.50 Formerly S2S.00 and f28,00 SUcm 8 to 18 Beautiful Changeable Taffeta and Silk Jersey Petticoat . Actual Value $6.00 4'85 Excellently made petti coats in plain colors and color combinations. Includ ed arc mcssaline' petticoats, Jersey top and taffeta ruf fles, some with plcatings. Gifty Things Noted Makes of rarer Ir" silk ...2.95 $3.00 Women's Two-piece Flannelette Pajamas n..imdette in . 1.95 Of high-grade (ink and blue stripes Srennr' I Women's "Vanity Fair' Vesta Women's ''Kavser" ailKt- Vests 1.89 Italian slllc Envelope Chemise 2.95 to 6.50 "Kayser" Italian silk Cor-t Covers 1.39 Second Floor Wide Brocade Rilblbfomt . 3'48 Yd. Values up to $7.50 A beautiful assortment, in rich colorings, with and without tinsel embroideries, suitable for hand twes, cirdles and vdtinj. Slain Floor V w&V sV REMEMBER THE KIDDIES $ It The little ones measure the. success of Christmas by the A.tifi, nf thf I. 1 f t tht H w. .... O - - - - J . receive. In Koch Toyland You'll Find f Best Toys, Dolls I and Games Y At Lowest-in-the-1 City Prices Ik lA 1 to ml at ,(M .at lit t sr. or it 3'. :ti xj Ot '1 I- Si t