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iro! THE EVENING WORLD, FRIDAY, DECEEBEB 10, 1920,, DEMAND TOBACCO MARKET BE CLOSED Kentucky Growers, Facins Bank ruptcy Because of Low Prices, Threaten Trouble. OWHNSBORO, Ky.. Doc. 10. Seri ous outbreaks arc threatened here he caust of the condition of tho tobacco market, low prices of which. It wan said, thronttn thu f armors of I lie Green Hivcr district with bankruptcy. Five hundred k outre, to.liwing a mtftlnK hero ycaicrday. marched to trio loose leaf warehouse, where they demanded that the owners close their places of buslncas until better prices ''could bo realized. l'ivo of tho beven warehouses) have agreed to close. Sales to-day wcro (3 a hundred stronger but the growers Insist the market be closed until prices reach a level which would Insuro them "a living wage." JERSEY PHONE RATE RAISED Btllltr Commlolnn r.rnnt. Incrcnuc Ankril li Hell "" TRENTON, Dee. 10. The New York Telephone Cotntnny huh I .eon granted tho Increased rate It sought, it was an nounced to-day l.y the Slate Public Utility Commission. The new r.itcs. with few modifications, will be 10 per cent., the came as those fixed during the war while the Government con trolled the property. Tha Commission also announced that It had denied tho application for In creased rates made by the Delaware and Atlantic Telegraph and Telephone Company. UlirM community rates will not be Increased. DAYLIGHT SAVING DOOMED BY G. O. P. Republican leaders' announced to-day that daylight saving Is over for New York. Assemblyman Charles H. Hells of Wuynu County, Republican lender, said ho would reintroduce ht bllt for tho repeal of daylight snvlmt and that It would be pad and signed by tho Governor. ' The announcement follows a confer ence at the headiiuar'ers of lb" Repub lican State Coniiiilltii'. It Mid tho law would be taki-n from the st-iluto books at thu i-arli-nl paisii.le moment after Gov.-clect Mt'Ur lanes mice, f be cities have fought lor daylight ivlnic and the farmers .gamut H. Gov Mil- Icr sympathizes wlili thy staliJ oX thu i futmuis. j KILL THIRTY MOROS IN FIGHT Siiltl lalanctern Heirnt ttrintits to IMncntr Cbllclrcn. MANILA. P. I., Dec. II). Thirty Moros were killed In the Sulu Islands In a tinttlc with the ' ilipplne i-onstabu-lary growing om uf effurls to en courage education of children, It was .earned her'- to-day In official ad vices from tli Governor of Join, the Philippine Province embracing the Sulu Irtlund. . An educational agent named Alaja nl, a Moro. was killed by ,,ir -n ,.n Psta Island when attemptlnu to In duce the Morns to send their rhll dien lo school. The onmtnbul.iry was culled out and In the ri 'ultnnt battle thirty Moron were killed and a number wounded A mimln-r of the constabulary were wounded, but nune killed. SHOOTS HOLE IN TIRE OF AUTO AMD GETS THIEF WHO STOLE IT Tourintr Cir Being Speeded Away When Policeman Opens Fire at It. David I.ait, a clothing manufac turer, of No. 333 South Tlfth Street. RiMoklyn. left his touring car In front of No. 1S3 Penn Street, while V visited relatives In the house, and when ho started fur homo at 1130 'lock. last night, there was no inuring car. Ho notified IM poller and a general alarm was sent out. Patrolman Otto Schwarx of the Mtagg Street Station saw tho oar an hour after he had been given the license, number. Ills command to itop the machine was followed by the occupant of the car speeding up whereat ho took a couplo of shots at tho tires and punctured one nt The driver Jumped out and the policeman chased him for several blocks, emptying his revolver at the fugitive. In a hallway at .Stags and Leonard Streets, the two men eamo tugetlirr anil It required a clubbing to subdue the prisoner. The latter said he wns .lames llainbel, right.-, n, of No. H! Greene Avenue, Rrooklyn. lie ua.i charged with grand larceny and operating a machine without a llcmse KRAMER BROS..,NC SELECTED RiLATS, MS, POULTRY c alb. AT A SUBSTANTIAL SAVINQ LcfiS New Zealand Lamb boneless To Round Roast Beef :.riddle Cut ottoni Round - OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE. 517 WEST IGTH STREET Tt (.Itel.WiCii i.. nel LllUflf. I I Lor f nw.e . A. 4, C-.,n, ... S 64lhSt 66tb 3l 57tb St RESTAURANTS. SHIPS AND FAMILIES SUPPLIED -C (itei.wicii i.. ne.i LiiUrfC I i (.or Oreenw.c i At & Cnr-ii 132 Brosd St., nr. South He" . Inrnnnhrn 93 Amsterdam Av.. nr Z0 Ninth Av.. nr Sfttli Si DllllllllltO J ,J5 Columbus A.. nr 777 Eighth Av., nr 47th St ( '147 Third A., nr 57tl Brooklyn Fulton Near Hoyt Pari 27 Rue d'Enghicn London 'Ml Piccadilly Wat America "Coast to Coast" West Thirty-Fourth Street New York (Sale at Three Stores) Newark Broad tfc West Park ti.ts it. OS 16.08 Special Sale of Lovely Xmas Blouses Largest Assortments of Exquisite Models at Lowest Prices Silk Pongee Waists) $0.98 Values $3.98 to $5 ) Adorable new Xmas blouses tomorrow in a profusion of scintillating innovations, the beaded models vying with the embroidered blouses, the tailored types rivaling in popu larity the over-blouses and tie-on models. New colors. Georgette Blouses ) New Spring Models) u 98 Fresh and dainty as can be the very thing for smarter general wear of Silk Pongee, in variety of tailored and embroidered modes. Some hemstitched, others trimmed with bisque laces. The low price is unprecedented. lift? En Exceptional Savings Opportunity Fur Collar Coats & Wraps Drastically Reduced Were $55, $65 and $75 Vkk and P The outstanding coat opportunity a climax event that over shadows all previous reduction sales in New York this season. If you intended to spend $55 or $65 or even $75 for a coat you can buy the kind you are looking for at this sale tomorrow. Bblivias, Silvertones, Sucdencs, Vcldynes, Silk Seal Plush, Wool Velours, Frost Glows, Etc. In Variety of Regular or Wrappy Models. Each Coat Richly Silk Lined and Warmly Interlined ! 35 d-of-Season Reduction Sale Dresses 28 $18 Our Former $40, $50 and $75 Values Sacrificed for Quick Disposal and A most extraordinary double offering of desirable cloth and silk street and afternoon dresses of fashionable character and superior tailoring. The first time such distinctive models of established vogue have been cut so low. Tricotines, Satins, Serges, Georgettes, Charmeuse Twills, Velveteens and Stunning l ambulations. These dresses arc thoroughly practical for immediate holiday and early Spring wear in excellent taste, superbly conceived and in wide variety. Money-savings in the fullest sense. tonsofwan.sth foi the people all ready for your comfort and happiness in our Pure Wool Blankets All Colors All Sizes Quality and value unmatched At Mill Cost Your money obtains great est values in buying history, MILL SHOWROOMS Suite 509 230 Fifth Ave. at 27th St. NEW YORK SUNDAY WORLD WA.NT8 WORK 4.EaT 6F SINGER" au im orled houtantl- to 'elect Fro Illl.tSS ,l') KSIJIKI cvi.t. K nm. e's of AM h.n "44C0aTUNDSX, vMm r . AS "ft. PPENHElM.lUNS&(5 34th Street New York . . Very Special Saturday Women s Trimmed Hats An attractive group of new Models in Satin and Faille Silks, variously trimmed with Flowers, Ornaments and Ostrich Motifs. Values to 15.00 8 5 Alto on Sale in our Brooklvn and Newark Stores noNDEiis it Makes Little Difference What You Need A World "Want" Ad. Will Go and Get It PENHEIM.vS 34tn bxreet New York Very Special Saturday About 225 Misses' Modish Coats Also Suitable for Women to 30 Bust Fur Collared and Plain Tailored Wrappy, Blouse, Belted and straight line Models in Bolivia, Frost Glow, Velour and Polo Cloth. Tailored, em broidered or trimmed with Australian Opossum, Nutria, Seal or Moleskin. Values to 65.00 45.00 Misses Wraps and Coats Charming new Models of Glorianna, Bolivia and Ondulctte, with collars of Opossum, Nutria, Squirrel or Mole. s Special 75.00 Misses1 Fur Collar Wraps A selection of youthful models in Corduvol, Veldyne and Velucia, trim med with Opossum, Nutria or Mole. Special 98.00 69-50 Ik Girls' Coats Reduced Sizes 6 to 16 The Season's Most Desirable Models for Girls and Juniors. Bolivia, Suede, Velour, Vclondy, Velvett Cameliontonp and Mixtures. Tailored or Fur Trim med with Australian Opossum, Raccoon or Nutria. Girls' School Coats .... Reduced to 25.00 Girls' Fur Collar Coats . -Reduced to 35.00 Girls' Fur Collar Coats. . Reduced to 48.00 Junior Fur Collar Coats. Velvet Fur Collar Coats. Girls Street Dresses Reduced to 69.50 ' Reduced to 79.50 Girls' Party Dresses J 48.00 A selection of pretty models in Satin, Serge, Jersey and contrasting combinations of Velvet and Jersey. 8 to 14 years 15.00 Chiffons, Nets, All Taffeta and combinations, variously trimmed with ruffles and rib bon sashes. Sizes 10 to 10 years. 25.00 i 1 1 ... sCSrs'. intuitu iV . yii iii ii iiiiai iii in ii II ii ii it