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, THE EVENING WORLD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1920. 1.3' BOY FAKED RANSOM NOTE. Vermont Yonngnlrr Wantrrt f(IOO nd t'laynl on Motlier'n Lots. IVtDE PAIIK, Vt, Iec. 10 Thu do tuind on Mra. JIaudo Laplant (or 00 runnom for the return of her mlssirth OTntpon-ycar-old ton, Grovcr, thrro Weeks ago was an Invention of the youth himself, according to t. con" alon that he Is lOlcKed to have maile to lay to W. R. Tncpy, State's Attorney of Uamotlle County and 12. (J. Itrow.i, a rrlvntr detective. IIo promised to a.! tils mother's forgiveness. On Nov. JO Mrs. Laplant found on ir 'loorstep n box containing a r.otp a inR that If ahe wished again tj sew h t son ho must place the ransom money In the box and leave It unBunrdeil or "his body would be disposed of." That naniu evening Laplant ivn." found apparently dazed In a tucaf house lie mild that while unlkti'i; liomo from the rnllroad station th-"; men In a closed automobile seized htm nil knocked lilm senseless. Later he said he escaped from a tree to nlilch lie had been tied and wandored to tne lucar nouse. Toklo DIsnvutTs IVurnlntr to ( nun. illnn Mlnnlitinrlr. TOKIO. Dec. 10. Responsibility for n. letter sent to Cunndlnn tnlsHlonarles at Changtno. Manchuria, by a mili tary commission, rIvIiik warning tlmt any uplritual or inuterlal assistance tfven Corcnn malcontents by lliitish missionaries would lend to n breach In tlio Kood understanding between Japan and Urent Hrltaln, nan been disavowed by the Korelun Olllce here. Tho llrttish Oovernnjent lias hern In formed thu Foreign Olllco had no knowledge, of tlio letter nnd olllcluls privately declare It tho work of a single ofMcer. 500 MIDDIES ARE POSTED. ANNArOMS, Dec. 10. "Tho Christ ram Tree." the list of midshipmen posted annually at the Naval Acad emy at this time to warn thono who must Improve In their scholarships or be In danger of falling; at ths snml-annual examinations, contains nbout 500 names, noariy one-fourtn of the avademy personnel. Of theso 176 belong to tho now fourth class. The number Is a little larger tRan usual, but It Is explained that tho passing mark has been raised from 25 to zn, and also tlmt midshipmen from schools, whereas formerly they all naa to pass entrance examinations. SAVE 40 Special Importer's Sale GERMAN ' DRESDEN BrlcatBrac THE DOLL St TOY SHOP 132 Cut I2lit Itrw. at L.ilnoton Au. I IPO 421 Strt.t, tt S. W. Cor. ct tin Av. , . , ... . ' r I W I ailfl) l ai FT . mpi vi m nww: have been admitted on certificates 1 1 bo Braidoir, Cm. 27th Stmt, Suit, toil WHERE THE RENT IS LOW OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST 144 West 34th St., 8MESLtt.! Sensible Xmas Suggestions Nothing will make your little C I r 1 f happier than A Smart Dress or Coat WHY not a dainty Georgette or velvet party frock, a pretty serge or tricotind dress? Prices are now reduced to almost wholesale cost. IN COATS, our handsome selec tion of new models of Broad cloth, Polo Cloth, Duvetyn and Velour Offers wonderful economies. SOLVE YOUR XMAS PROBLEM ATTHE GIRLIE SHOP MADISON AVENUE - FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK Tharty-fourth Street Thirty-fifth Street For to-morrow (Saturday) Am Important .Clearaoce Sale of 3,00 Pairs of Men's AlMeatheir Boots (the greater miiuimlber of Balta make) Bt $6759 8.75 & 9.5 perPir These are eKtrcordtnarEEy low' prices, made for the purpose of insuring a quick disposal. All sizes and various leathers (Mack only at the first price) are represented, but not in every style. (Sixth FEccr, Thirty-fourth Street elevators) For toniorrow (Saturday) Boys' Woolen Suits (Sizes 8 to 17) with two pairs of knickerbockers, at the greatly reduced price of $23.50 A Sale of Coys' Fyroisfnflogs ccrffiprislrag Boys' Pajamas, of outing flannel and other, cotton materials, in one and two-piece styles; a number of pat terns to select from; sizes 4 to 18 at fl Boys' Blanket Robes, in fright, attractive designs; sizes 8 to 18 at Boys' Blouses (neckband style) in various patterns; sizes 7 to 14 at tyQ Boys' Shirts, of woven striped madras; sizes 12 to 14 . neckband at 075 (Sixth Floor) IE D M A H FAMOUS FITTING FOOTWEAR PreWar Values in Useful Xmas Gif.s Eight Stores Full of Novelty Footwear for Men, Women & Children Dainty, attractive, useful footwear is always an accept able and highly appreciated Xmas gift. Friedman's h a s always been the headquarters for dependable Xmas footwear novelties at lower-than-elsc-where prices. This season the values are greater than you have seen in years. Our abundant variety enables you to shop simply and easily for your entire family. Buy Early. NEW YORK STORES: "TCVVV HOO BROADWAY, Nt.r IBIh HI 2188 THIRD AVE., Uttt 118111 ft 64J EIGHTH AVE., Nor 4I Et 293S THIRD AVE., Nr I'.M f: BROOKLYN" STORES: Vs6V mm 53 ri'l.TON ST. Nr. Smith St.. op. Mrt Th U27 BROADWAY, Sfr OroM! 379 KnicUrbodrr Are. IWrlcowltx Store. 5320 Filth Aft., Utti rn. "'"-. t? ' f It vS' 2 Floor 15W34&S1 The Home of 40 Famous Brands of Men's and Young Men's Clothe Octwecn Fifth Ave. & Broadway m Floor Shot ol ttt Kin. in tht Wur OPPOSITE WALDORF MOTEL OPEN DAILY TILL f P. M. SATURDAY TILL 9 P. M. JUNIOR' oys juvenue .75 Suits Formerly $15 $18 $20 THEN you examine these suits you will readily see J that they were well worth the prices they quoted previously. They were good purchases at their former prices, but at $5.75 are most exceptional. All arc beautifully tailored and styled throughout. Sizes 3 to 6 years Boys' Boys' Smart Mackinaws .Norfolk Suits d t 1 CJ with I and 2 pair of pants tyl.l.yb $14 85 Formerly $15, $18, $20 , ! Me Sizes 8 to 18 years Formerly $22.50 to $25 Sizes 8 to 18 years Boys' Juvenile dvercoats ijoys. Juvenie Overcoats $10.75 $16.75 Formerly $18.75 Formerly $22.50 to $25 Sizes 2U to 8 years s 3 (o Q ycarg Splendid Savings on Bo s' Furnishings Boys' Flannel Blouses 2.95 Formerly $3.45-$3.9; Boys' Flannel Shirts 3.45 Formerly $4.75 Boys' Shirts and Blouses of fine madras and percale. 1.95 Formerly $2.45-$'J.45 Boys' Velour-Beaver and Plush Hats at Half Price Boys' Outing Flannel Pajamas 1.95 Formerly $2.75 Two Piece Pajamas, trim med with frogs. Sizes 8 to 18 years. James McCreery Hi Co. 34th and 35th Streets BOYS' SHOP -Till 111) FLOOR Another Added Feature to "This Event! 7C0 2-PantG Suits Made of the Famous 3791 Parker Wilder Heavyweight Blue, Brown, Gray and Green Flannel Unmatched Anywhere Under 50 Also an Unlimited Selection of 1 vercoats Suits? . and u isters For Men and Young Men Made to Retail at $M UZ SEC . s ALL AT ONE PRICE Tnl:ty and In morrow vf nip lie olimnv of weeks of ama.iiiK valiir-KivniK. by this grcntost or nil putclliwoa, in which wc irT 700 2-Pants Flannel Suit?, worth ijt () also an nnlimiu-il sclcciioji of Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters at $27.50, ami wh oh wc guarantee are the same that stores excryw here are scIhnKat 8l0.8t5, W0. $r5 and 800. Come today or tomorrow for thu liiggest bargain smco before the war : Slight charge lor alterations made on garments. rGenuine RIontagnac Overcoats-, I ....... . i rvr Tr DPTill IT fiot IHAI VNtKt. lVJAUt. IU l.t.iiu ti si-a of the laiiums StursUcrs s ncn jj jfcmmm FA M unt a K 1 1 ill" cl'T lllu-U, full sulm l.ned. yiji&fjf 11 , .1.. .11..,..,! A n-ri-nl Mliri'lllHf of yI. S " IF these luxurious coiils at 10 crnls mi the eiialili-s u-. In sell lln-in. whiltf they lifU at practnally hall price. ill It Makes Little Difference What You Need A World "Want" Ad. Will Go and Get IL u 1 ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR 15 West Street i i j tl. Sth Ave. ami DruuiiwayJ ' Opp, Watdarl HoUl u 0pca Dally rill 6 P.M. Saturdav&.THl9 Ml.' " . - . - j - -Lt'- sTt