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TP 7 THE EVENING WORLD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1020. 10BEL PRIZE GIVEN TO WILSON AND BOURGEOIS ii President's Letter of Acceptance Read at Formal Ceremony in Norway. OHRI 9TIA.N IA . Norway, Dec. 10. Presentation of the Nobel Peace Prizes for 1919 and 1920. which have been awarded, respectively, to Leon Bourgeois of Franco and Woodrow Wilson, toolc place here to-day. Formal anndunecment of the awards was made yesterday. A. message from President Wilson lind been received by Albert Q. Schmedeman. American Minister to Norway, and was read by hlrn dur ing the ceremony. WASHINGTON', Dec. 10. President WHson in lila letter accepting thu Nobel peace prlr.e sold: "In "accepting the honor of your nward I am moved not only by a profound irratltude for the rococnt tlun of my earnest efforts In the cause of peace, but nlso by a very iwlprrinnt humility before thu vastntvss of the work still called for bj tills cause. "May i not take this occasion in ttfpres tny respect for the far-slrhted wisdom of the lounder In nrr.mgln3 for a contljlntf eystcmB of awards' If there were but one such prize, or If this were to be the last, I could not, of course, accept It For mankind bus not yet been iid of the unspearf. able horror of war. 1 am convinced that our (feneration hac, despite it wounds, mad o notable nrocrcs. Hut It Is the iH-tter part of wlBdom lo consider our work as only begun. It VIII be a continuing labor. In In definite course of years before, uh there will be abundant opportunity fur others to distinguish themselves In the crusade Hgtunst hate and fear and war "Theie Is Indeed a peculiar fitness In thu grouping of these Nobel awards. The cause of peace and the cause of truth are of one, family. Kven on those who love science and devote their lives to physics or chem istry, even as those who would crcuto new and higher Ideals for mankind In literature, even so with those who lovo peace, there Is 00 limit set. Whatever has been accomplished in tho past Is potty compared, to tho glory and promise of the future." CLAIMS C0URTT0 SIT. 'First Sr.. ion on liceord There Will Ilenr Ilornnirli Bunk r. For tbe first time In tho history of Kings County, the Court of Claims will sit In Mrooklyn on next Tuesday. Thu three of the Judge will hem- argu mem in nil iiclion biought U de positors of Hip Horougli aiilnnt the Stnte of ev York. The depositors Want tn mike claims, under a ln. for a 6S per cent Iok.. due to Hie fn I In r of the bunk' some, .tears ago John C. Judge will represent Hie de positors. The question st lsue Is whether the claims jnuy etnbllsh It under the law of 1919, nnd Is u test cne, tn ascertain Whether tho State Is liable for losses Incurred by the de positors tn a Btnte bank. The Judges will sit It the Appellate Term lotut room of the llrooklyn Supreme Court. LAND AWARD OF $3,424,644. ' I nimlej Kstntr of llruoUlj n A.Uril ' "um for Army lla.r. l'edeiai Judge (larvln to-iluy HWarded SIMSS.GH to the estate of Wtll Inm . 1 I.ii lgley. wlioe pioprty,lii UiooIiImi on Gist. CM and 63d Streets was taken over for an aimy base dur ing tho war. The full amount asked for nas awarded. A board of apprais ers composed of army officers valued tlm pioperty at Jl.79(5.R:'2. An appeal will be taken from the de cision of Judge Oarvln. An 0 pen Letter to the Public 20 OFF lift in !: 3er Public llrfors UUni ttork want to un.oia Hid offrr Inn our ntlw t Si l fria-t OUfl itok of wholrtile rlothln coiikIHi of Men's and Youn Men's Suits st $12.95 to $30 urercoitsat to $n BTs Wool Suits at MacVinaws at . Oreruats at . . $5.0 . to $15 . $7.59 $10.50 to $r YOU DEDUCT nr. AT TIME OF YOUR PURCHASE. ' Yonra f tulr. 1 STANLKV MAM.T. I P ft to jou it lb Vtcterr m wrek dati It X M to 0 I' if. SMlirdm to 4 1- SI. OFF BROADWAY cAnnounce for Saturday c4t 34th STREET A Most Remarkable SALE of Women's Wraps and Coats at extraordinary savings, from regular prices Regularly - $49 to $75 VERY extensive purchase of ultra-smart coats, together with a very fine collection of coats from our regular stock which we have greatly reduced. The range of models is most exceptional, from loosely draped wraps to the straight line coat for business wear, each tailored with that care which reduces satisfactory wear to a certainty. The Materials: Luella, Plain and Heathercord Bolivia, Velour de Laine, Silvertone and Duvet Many lavishly trimmed with scalinc, raccoon, Australian oppossum, or taupe nutria. Each coat handsomely silk lined and warmly interlined. Six Hyles piftured.. FOURTH FLOOR Regularly $49 to $75 1 Store Closes at 5 P. M. Lord &Taylor 3 38th Street -FIFTH AVENUE 39th Street Em mm An Appreciated Gift A Victrold 'An intimate acquaintance with the art of Caruso, McCormack, Galli-Curci and other favorites is yours when the Victrola enters your home. The Christmas demand is greater than thetsupply, so order yours today. A Victrola in period design will give you botJi beauty of music and furnishings. One of these would make a luxurious gift. Period Models Handsome models in Adam design $1200.00 Chippendale design...'. $1250.00 f K Victrola X . $125.00 In walnut or oak. List of Christmas Records No. flz Cnntlque de Noel (Adam) French fcnrico Caruso 88561 12 Silent Night, Holy Nlftht Gluck-Keimcrs 87511 10 Adcste Fidulcs (with Male Cliorui) Latin lolin McCormack 7-I436 12 Holy Nlftht (Caniiquc de Noel) (with Lyric Quart.) 1 Lucy Marih1 Silent Nlfiht, Holy Nlftht Trinity Choir, Angels from the Uenlms of Glory Trinity Choir Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem Trinity Choir While Shepherds Watched Victor Oratorio Chorun It Came Upon the Midnight Clear Victor Oratorio Chorus 45115 10 355"! 12 .'5412 12 In a Clock Store Hunt In thu Ulack lorest Silent Nlftht, Holy Nlftht Christmas Hymns- Sclrcuon i Silent Night Hark! the Herald Angels Sing Adcste Fidelcs (with Chimes) Joy to the World jChrlstmas Morning at Clanccy's jcianccy's Wooden Wedding Victor Orchestra I Victor Orchestra "'M Neapolitan trio l l'rancis l.apitinol I.'l.;, Ur,l,rl Trinity Choir 171 12 is.tso in 10 Trinity Choir I oir rrinitv Clm;, t WMi Steve I'orter WX 10 10 liit I'll $1.75 1.50 1.75 1.00 1.J5 1.35 I..W .ss .85 .85 .85 Victrola XI $150.00 In mahogany, walnut or oak. A very popular model. XIV Victrola XIV $225.00 In mahogany, walnut or oak. fla 13 record albums. Victrola XVI Mahogany or oak. .. .$275.00 Walnut $312.00 Mahogany or oak (electric) $337.50 9 1 XVI Seventh Floor. M odt 34th STREET METROPOLITAN CLOTHES for MEN We Shall Feature Friday and Saturday A Very Special Collection of 'en's Overcoats and Ulsters at the revised price of .45 I When we say revised prices we do not mean that a slight, reduction in price has been iade. We have cut deeply into the price of every coat in the lot, and any coat you may select will prove to be the best value in a really high class garment that ever came your way. Ulsters, ulsterettes, and conservative button-through coats are included, appealing especially to those who have a penchant for fine merchandise. " Oxfords, green and Brown Heathers, and Dark Greys 1' t I IT '), Iff? ' en i I. t i 4JJ 1