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'0 BROGAN ATTACKED WITH BLACKJACK Former Asslstnnl District Attorney Knocked Senseless in Mys terious Assault. E4wnrd S. nroRHti, n former AsMnt nt District Attorney, via blackjacked at C8U1 Street and Columbus Avcmip nl 1 o'clock this mornliiK. Hrt wiu bouivt for Ills homo at No. 123 Went 70th Street. Ma Ujr unconscious In iho street for onie tlnio, uivi when hi sonses re turned lie WHlkod to the Went CStli Street Station, where hi sculp wound was treated by k surReon from Klower llospltnl. Mr. DrOBRn. who Is now prnctlslm; law at No. 120 Ilrondwny, believes that the assault whs roumtltted by enemlex lie made while an assistant prosecutor. No attempt whs nimlp to stent Mr. llro fan's money or other valuables. StTPnnn xoriKTv nisnAsni. PHIUADRU'HIA, Dec." 10. After twenty-elRht years' activity In th equal sulTraCB fight, the Woman Suf frapo Society of Philadelphia County has dlsban'lnd. The recor.-s were or der' turned over to tw Pnn'v'vant-' Historical Society, and J 1.300 In the treasury will be dorm i id tn the Anna Howard Sha-i- " '"'i' funds. Qnnl:r l)rtr Allnmlnn vitlnRrs. PARIS. Deo. t1. Twcnty-flvp vil lages In the Albanian district of Jiiru elavJa have been destroyed by earth qmke, 'acrop'lnp to Amorl-an Iter Cross r ports from Valona. Th tiemtrs o?ourred In the Topeline district 353 Black C -. Jnt ifrornln with Sihrt. II t" hi iih HO. L0 OVINGTON'S is but seventy - five years old, while the custom of Rivinp Christmas Rifts is honored by centuries. Yet the ancient and honorable custom finds its modern expression in theshop that 13 three - quarters of a century young. OVINGTON'S "The Gift Shop of 5th Ave" 314 Fifth St. THE EVENING WORL D, FRIDAY, DECEMBER jp 1920. OBmmmBmmmammmmammmmBammmm n.lMIII HMOMl HAND OVERCOATS They Ui.l ' C Vo Hither. J Sn l.nwrr. M. COHEN ttS Tth At., cor, 17th St. SUiJtthtnt Fathluit for Stoat Women. 21-23 West 38th St. Just West of Fifth Ave. A Truly Phenomenal Sale ot Dresses for Stout Women Regularly 50.00 to 75.00 $1 Offering Savings from 21.00 to 46 00 There is one way to lower prices and that is to lower them! Lane Bryant has taken 350 of its highest grade (New Dresses and, in accordance with the spirit of the times, has reduced them to one-third and one-half bcloxo actual cost of man ufacture. MATERIALS: Fine Tricotines, heavy quality Crepe de Chines, high-grade Satins, superior Wool Jerseys and Serge. STYLES: New circular Tunics, lavish Silk, Bead and Wool Embroideries; new trimmings. Sizes range from 39 to 56, proportioned to fit the woman with large hips, long waist, small hips or short waist. Sale Friday and Saturday on Main Floor Practical Gifts for your Stout Friend A lovely Blouse or Sweater for Christmas is sure to delight the stout woman who is difficult to fit. Special for This Week BLOUSES heretofore 15.00 to 19.50 10.00 Made of finest quality Crepe de Chine, Pussy Willow Silk, Taffeta, plain and printed Georgette. .Some tailored, other lace trimmed, beaded, embroi dered and hand-drawn. SWEATERS heretofore at 17J50 12.50 A wide variety of pleasing styles in Knitted Wool and Shetland Wool. Two button Tuxedo models in fancy weaves and all shades. Extra size sleeves and full patterned hips. SIZES FROM 39 TO 56 Other Blousei, 2.05, 4.05- up to 79.50 Other Sweaters, 8.75, 18.95 up to 49.50 21-23 Wrut SSth VISIT OUR THIRD FLOOR DISPLAY OF SPRING 1921 STYLES FOR THE SOUTHLAND Clearance Sale Children's Shoes $2.95 For Big Girls, Misses and Children. High-cut lace and button shoes in dull and patent leather and white buckskin. Formerly much higher priced. Not nil sizes in each style. .fourth Floor. Lord &7ayIor 38th Street FIFTH AVENUE . 39th Street Mail and Telephone Orders Filled Phone Fitzroy 1900 Ask for Telephone Order Desk lf'or Slender Women Satin Corsets $4.25 HanJsomc pink brocaded satin, with clastic girdle top and medium length skirt. Well-made and daintily finished with fancy braid. Second Floor- Remarkable Sale French Slip-ori Gloves $1.95 pair Only Slightly Above Wholesale Cost Today Beautiful French gloves in the much favored Biarritz or Slip-on style are offered at a price we have not seen quoted in several years. It is a most remarkable value, presenting an opportunity to buy French gloves of a beautiful quality glace at an almost unbelievably low price. This) style is somewhat longer than the usual gauntlet glove and therefore particularly desirable for smart street or semi-dress wear. Paris Point Embroidery. Full Range of Colors. Black, white, tan, brotvn, beaver, also white with black and black with white. Ground Floor. Furs for Christmas Hudson Seal Coats (dyed muskrat) Unusually beautiful coats, correct in every detail and graceful in line, they arc fashioned of rich, lustrous. pelts, and every coat is handsomely lined. $295 Fox Scarfs $49.50, $69.50 Dyed Raccoon Scarfs $14.50 Fox Muffs $29.50 and $49.50 Dyed Raccoon Muffs $14.50 $375 Black Pony Coats $145 36-inch length, made of fine glossy skint Small Furs of Great Charm Wolf Animal Shaped Scarfs $29.50 Natural Skunk Scarfs $39.50, $69.50 Natural Skunk Muffs $49.50- Fourth Floor $425 Black Lynx Scarfs $69.50 Black Lynx Muff $69.50 Natural Mink Scarl $34.50 and $79.50 Beau :tf ul Fur -Trimmed Wraps for Winter 500 Beautiful Costume Blouses Less Than Cost of Materials $10.00 An unusual sale at a price that' docs not represent the intrinsic value of these ex , elusive styles. Crepe de Cliine Georgette Crepe Lovely Laces Orerblouses to the hip, tunic blouses, ornate effects, beaded, embroidered, color contrasts, unusual Parisian novelty ideas each the in spiration of a costume. Silk lined blouses of the high-style, expensive type that cost many dollars more at wholesale a week ago. .Third Floor . Entirely New Models, Values Exceptional Offered by the Misses' and Women's Sections $55.00 $85.00 Two models illustrated below. Two' models illustrated below. Smartly Tailored Tricot foe Dresses Less than cost $40.00 This Is the time to buy dresses because values, compared to those of a few weeks ago, are wonderful. This group of smart styles in excellent quality Tricotine, selections from our regular stock of street and afternoon models tailored gowns of the better sort very greatly re duced to create Extraordinary Values. Tricotines in Navy, Brown and Black. Also smart Checks in attractive colorings. .Third Floor . A Welcome Christmas Gift Glove Silk Underwear Exquisitely fine in quality, and 'splendidly durable. Every garment carefully designed and made. Vests Bodice style $2.95 Bloomers reinforced $3.45 ' Camisoles trimmed with lace or georgette crepe $1.45 and $2.25 around Flottr The two wraps at the left are of Suede Velours, silk-lined, with collars of Nutria and Australian Opossum. The two styles shown at the right are of Corduval, with collars of genuine Beaver and Australian Qpossum.' This is another splendid collection of fashion able draped wraps and straight-line coats made to our,order to meet the demand for models of dis tinctive style, quality and irreproachable tailoring. Moderately Priced A Choice of Many Styles. A Range of Desirable Shades. I'him Floor Women's Correct Brogue Oxfords $9.75 A new low price for these very popular oxfords for street and tailored wear Good quality tan calfskin built over a sen sible last, trim in appearance, comfortable and smart. The low military heel and winged tip recom mend it highly. Second Floor. if Annual Sale of Onyx93 Silk Hosiery Presenting memorable values in fine quality hosiery for men and women. Women's Silk Hose, full fashioned, with lisle top and sole, Black, White, Brown, Suede, Navy, Silver, Gold and a variety of colors, pair $1.65 The latest "ONYX" creation "Shere silk" a hose of the lightest weight and fine texture. Black, White, Brown and Eve ning shades, pair . i $3.65 Women's Silk Hose in seasonable weights; Black and White, pair $1.95 Women's All Silk I lose, with "Pointex" heel. Black, White, Browns and livcninr shades, pair $3.05 0 round Floor Women's open hose, in Black, White, Brown and other colors, pair . . . .$3.75 Men's Silk Half Hose The Man's Shop H t men s neavy wcigiu pure Silk, with lisle cuff, heel and toe. Black, White and colors, pair 75c Pure Silk, with lisle top and sole. Black, Cordovan, Navy, Gray and White, pair $1.00 All Silk, extra good qual ity. Black and colors, pair, $1.94 Fine Stationery 3,500 Boxes Reduced An assortment 'of fine quality writing papers, taken from our regular stock, has been considerably reduced for this Holiday sale 50C Box. Children's paper with pic tures or with crayons for coloring. Combination box of as sorted colors, 48 sheets, 24 cards, 60 envelopes. $1.00 Box. "Oceanic" Light-weight paper, with tissue lined envelopes 36 sheets, 24 envelopes; charm ing colors. "Oriental" Pin check paper, attrac tively boxed, 24 sheets, 24 envelopes, color lined envelopes. $1.50 Box. "Ragged Edge" The smartest stationery used today. Writing paper is popular Tarton in 6inglc or double sheets. Envelopes arc tissue lined in several colors. Just Went of Fifth Avenue gtreet . Tenth Floor. .Oround Floor- . .J 1MB 7. i