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MARGARET S. Mi WED MILLIONAIRE E. IConUnued Prom First Uage.) W 1(4 home of Charles U. Dillingham, the theatrical manager, In White Plains, I.Onfld there, -were only a few relatives i&'iind friends ot the brido and groom J tff present. 5 There U a romance attached, to the ' , wedding of Mr. Iitosaom and Mias Socly. Itobert Altken, the sculptor, jo was one ot Mr. Blossom's most Intl- ul mato friends. lie had a (studio In tho rid Arcado Uulldlnjr In Lincoln Square- ttc One day Mr. UlosKom dropped In for &4 a visit and there he found Mis Seoly POilnc for Mr. Altken for what studio S'ltalk call "The Clafwlq Head." Mr. lilnsaom was Introduced to Allxs Beely and It was not long before they fjbecamo warmly attached to each '"jjothor. , . ' After their uiurrl.tse Mr. and Mrs. 'juiossom lived for a while In a lodge called "Out of Sight." about two mile trom Nyack. JP, Mr. Hlossom died about two ymis !rfj)ngo. He was the author ot a number 'iot comic operas, written in collnliora iMltlon with Victor Herbert, among them tthe "I'rlnci'ss Pat," 'Alltcn," "Mile Modiste," "The I'riuvi Donna," also ''"Cueckcra," "The Yankee Consul" "FWr -Eichangc" and "All for the OU BOIS INDICTED ON GRAFT. CHARGE! (Continued From First Page ) f!ce to-day was Leo Oamb.mlel!a, i former policeman and now head of the Manhattan Detective Agency No. 2 JJtono Street. Oambnrdella ald to an Bwnlng World reporter that his agencv had had charge of protecting the property and employees ot certain printing firms whoso workmen wero on strike, but he stated that all motleys he had received" for thlH work had been paid by him to his own operatives He said he knew nothing at all about any payments being made to mem bers of the Police Department. Cant. Du Hobs wafl appointed to th department Jan. 21, IS!.'., prunioteij to Roundsman Nov. , 18, 131)2, to Lieu tenant. Doc. 7, 19to, and to Captain, May 4. 191? t'p.iu renclnng thf lat ter grade he was assigned to the Pop lar Street Station. Brooklyn, and on Jan. I, I91J, was transferred to Ute Wet.-tth' Btatkin, Manhattan and on Oct. 3. 1919. to the West 100th Street .Station und thence, on Jan. 1, 1920. io bis vrcaent post, the Atlnntlc Avenue Station. Urooklyn. COUNSEL FOR BAILEY ASKS FOR IMMEDIATE TRIAL. William J l'nllon, counsel for police Cnpt. William A. Itailey, Indicted lat week-In Special Proseetitor Charles 3. Whitman's Investigation of city and county affair, appealed to' Judge Craln in Oencral .Session to-day for iCn immediate U lal of Ivls crt- In' twipers served on District Attor ney Swann. Capt. Uallcy recites that lie has been a police captain for kIx vears and a member of the polite force for more than 28 tears: that Tie Is the support of W wife son. 1ich.- and mollicr and tliat Justice demands that he be given an opportunity nt once for vindication. He ousts that Ills ease go on the preferred calendar Judge Crain reserved decision. Onpt. Halley Is accused of accepting $300 from the Fur Manufacturers' Association for serviced given by the police ihiring w ntrlkc. An extensive shake-up in police administration became effective to day Police Commissioner Rnrlght late last nlrfht MintdrftiaTi(1l Hw order few the retirement of Onpt. Jit Hils. whl"h w-onl have become effective at midnight with o pension of J2.000 a year The retirement of Capt John 11. Hoyle Jr., however, became effective The other changes send Inspectut Charles A Formosa from the old 1Mb Inspection District in Urooklyn to the Sth Inspection Dlstrl'-t. Ktatcn Island. Inspector Thomas V WiNti inntn ns a good friend of the Enrlght nd ministration, was recalled from ritulcn Island to the new 11th District. Ilrook- r.iif. ' lyn; fnpctor IWrtwrfl JTHoywi w" tmnnrvired friyo' "i vM tih In the new nth Inspection District In Ittiiok Ivn. and Acting IttspioWir William T iHts v. h wnt fiiim the old Hth UrooKI.Mi. to the II' aduiiai ti t Tivi slon. Manhattan Davis is h futnrltf of Kn it n lit . who first made htm a Captain am! then an Acting Inspector SIX NEW CAPTAINS NAMED BY ENRIGHT Polli e I'omoiHslnner Knnghf to du appointed six new captains, seven lleHltenanls and rlftntn ser'geanf. The pnnnomins weref Knmi Lieutenant to Capjflln Michael Hlattery, Cornelius Carmody, Mleliuel T. Ahirn, PhUlp Atier. Jumes Wa!sh and John K. MrCliHth. Srrennt to l.leuteiianl- William K. Sinlivnn. Charlis llr'immeiliop, James ! Mrdiath. John Lenalmn, William (' Mi Kit) . Pntrii k J. Noble and John W I' Patrolman to Sergeant -Tlwmnn V Iturke. Palnrs Toidiey. Patrick J. Murnane, Itobert I'i-sclborn. James H. I. Wh Thrrm J. TlfAinr. Wi Xrimnn, KrVfertok & WeiM Janies F. I.vrvch. CliHrl KaU fT tVe J. Papp, Wllthim Keating, Jofo It Hfinken, .loee'pb Warslmw and Jacob Iv.v. B.onn nr.covn hand OVERCOATS $ C Richer M. COHEN Mil 7th At. Or. iTUi Opn n"'r Hhlh , Ther mmunSPECIAL S1.ihhb s Renewed 5 Phonographs 5 AT RIDICULOUS PRICES Taken in richting? for Iti-mlnKtun I'hoilOKrnnn durlnc the tiolldnjn Vnrlonx lukr. INSPECTION INVITED. Remington Phonograph CORPORATION 1664 Broadway. New York K. Clarence Jones Is a banket und broker, a horseman and sortNmnn, and. Incidentally, many times a mlll- (..-ionalrc. He Is the head of the bunk--jlng firm of K. Cluience Joints Co , wjof No. GOo Fifth Avenue. Fot mam -cnrs he has been identity with wmn feeOf ,the greatest financial transactions ibVhich have ofc'curred In Wall Sueet. tiJUe Is a montber -of tho Block, I'.x- i '"Change and Uic , Metropolitan, Law-, 'Vers. Liimlvs, Lnruhbiont' Y.aohl and "Ardsley ClU'bs. "yl la 1913 be' whs aued for breuch of by t Mlqx Katheilni. Ctxlle JJelden, who asked J'JC.OOO damages. 'fXhose who ivmcniber affairs of theat--KTical folic will recall that In 1903 Mr 'iLjones gave a dinno; to Miss Ftlul lllarry morn and ten guests in Luu.ion ishich created a sensation I0r'ts Uv IshncjiS. All the mco present, uctuid 'ijriS to dispatches of the time, re- ,T,ceivcd presents of gold chains, and the ,D,''omcI1 costly hand painted tuna, lift " J2',llrdln; nnMl nu lrrlltuBlinyaru' Washington; a c. jn is.- kpi- lj,.tor PrcltnghuV3i'n of New Jersey left tvhere to-d.iy for St. Aucustlne, l"la . where be will Join President-elect ikjtardng and a party of friends who will " Ko utoard the Scnutor' Jacht, the Vic toria, for a crubie. Mrs lielingliiiyiwi Is rcinaiuliiK lu lier Washington liuiur rndte'a oiiiliiBllnn Confirmed. ALBAKY, .-Jan. 19 The Sena'c t.. dav confirmed the nom' of Charles L. Cadle of flocjienter as Supei -"tiitendent of PuI-Ik- Vorlt. n't.- i tjtronc a'taek on ,,3. Walk' I I Ote 1 on Jiemoerrtl ' SI Vce; from Wholesaler to Consumer I ftfc M m P I Direct from Wholesaler to Consumer Cost of production means absolutely nothing in this sale. Every item in our tremendous surplus stocks has been priced at figures that have never been offered before. Take advan tage of this opportunity that positively will not be duplicated this season. You will get rugs at prices below the cost of manufacture. 9x12 Aminsfpr w.miiI. rful quality of All Wool. In beautiful 1 patterns. Regularly gold for 330 colors ii ml und mo 9x12 Seamless Velvet leading rug nulls. Made I Kegulur v the country's (ulne $52 50. . . . 9x12 Wilton Rugs A wonder fnnjxe . 9x12 Run 26 12 A wonderful range of designs with aud without fringe ' A hard weave Brussels, -made for wear. The S patterns are copies of the highest grade N iltons and Axiniiiiters S trailer Rugs at prices in proportion AMERICAN CARPET CO. 6 and 8 East 30th Street Open Monday Until 8 P. M. Open Daily Until G P. M. Brill Brothers Thrift consists not so much of saving; but of common sense in spending. Theodore Rooscv'elt. The Prices Were Quoting in Our in nio, i All Sales Final sjgj Vo C. O. D. y tin l iffi The Result's the Same L rtM, because l' V SOLD BY ALL HKTAILKUS OK UOOO MILK IN' CANS SHEFFIELD'S the Same AND you may always be sure of good cream sauces made from Sheffield milk canned. Sheffield comes to you as rich and wholesome as good bottled milk. Because it contains all the cream of whole milk; a tall can will make more than a quart of milk. So Sheffield milk, canned, is a real economy. Moreover, you will find it one of the handiest good things to keep in your pantry at all times. It will keep for days in a cool place after it is opened because it's Sheffield quality all the time. Sheffield Condensed Milk Co,, Inc. New York City Spell T-h-r-i-f-t in Emphatic Accents And to the man who realizes that it's twice as easy to make, money by shrewd investment as by hard labor, rthey will sound a call to action. The reductions arer almost unprecedented: the' clothing is of our usual high quality. Study the figures they tell the story. 14 If you know how to spend less than you get you have the philosopher 's stone. Poor Richard's Almanack' Nor was that the only good line tluit Hen Franklin ever penned. An other us "Wealth is not Lis that has il but his that enjoys it." A dollar wisely spent I9 a tource of solid satisfaction as long as Ike purchase lusts. And an investment in fjood appearance is one nliicli pays dividends six. teen hours a dnv in the k n o n I r d R c that jour clothes fitly represent you. Add to this the fact that I lie world pays you what it thinks you're worth and il thinks you're worth just about what YOU think you're worth as expressed liy your appearance. Then you II see why to buy at this sale is ''coraiqqn sense in spending," or, at Theodore llooscvelt said, "true thrift." $35, $40, $45 & $SO Suits Keduced to . . The Suits $55, $6oy $65 $70 & $75 Suits Reduced to $S5 $QOt$Q5,$ioq & up to $125 Suit's Reduced to $55 $35, $40, $45 & $50 Overcoats Reduced to The Overcoats $60, $65, $70, $75 & $So Overcoats Reduced to tS, $90, $95 & $too Overcoats Reduced to Including thousands of Kuppenheimer Overcoats & Suits ' $35$42$S5 Sale opens 8.30 A. M. tomorrow 279 Broadway 125th St., at "3d Ave. Broadway at 49th Street 47 Cortlandt Street 44 East 1 4th Street E I "1! ! J. i If fi ' s