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PLANS OPEN FIGH I FOR HIGH E R FARES .Interests Wliidi Failed to Win "Trick" Last Year Try ing New Methods. . (Special From 8taff Correspondent of The Evening World.) ALBAJfT, Jan. Tb bottle Is on Jralrart the traction, latcroeta In their , flsht for hlcher (arcs, and the lobby '-ILntd up on Uie outer walla of tbe lcisl&ture ban found a force already rmyod against It from within, and - tihls force ia arming Itself for the fray . Tbe J finks "grab" bill, whioh were ' the. scandal of the closing day of the jseaeion laat winter, are scheduled to fee ( introduced again ttiUi week. Mr. Jonas of Broome, who bUU occupies hia position on the Judiciary Com islttee of the Assembly, has an Boiboed that the blUa to be fathered by,hlm are identical with those whloa ware defeated by a close martin laat April. At that time "technical trickery" vaa resorted to in that the bills were tatroduced so late In the session that tt was thought by those behind Uleni that no public hearing could be had. f Tie time had lapsed for further oori ftldcration of bills in committee for the reason that all bills In committee . bad to be turned over to Uie Ilules "Committee. ,' The engineer of the Jcnks grab measure bad overlooked the fact that the Judiciary Committee hud been granted au extension on account of the Socialist ouster, which wan still In Its keeping. The Evening- World threw tho light of publicity on the situation and forced a publlo hear ing. The bills were puclully framed .in the interest of tbe New York trac tion companies and the New York Central llallroad, and hud they passed woujd have placed the public completely at the mercy , of those combined interests. 'Itearnlng by bitter experience that the bills can't be sneaked through the Legislature, the "Interests" lmve re- ' solved to come out this time In the ' Open, curtain that they have Uie accessary men in both Houses to npeed thorn, through In defiance of public '..opinion ncY publlo loss. The Brooklyn delegation, whioh . yesterday got together as a unit to gather and put before the Legislature ' all Information with regard to the EVEN! H)U LOBBY HOUSING INQUIRY mwamvr o e l d r.wE mm AV FOES TO HEARING TO-DAY Legislators to Hear Untcr mycr and Lockwood Late This Afternoon. By Joncph S. Jordan. (Special Staff Correspondent of The Evening World.) ALBANY, N. T., Jan. All th. arguments on the resolution broaden ing the powers of the Lockwood Housing Committee that will be hcn'ril thin afternoon and evening before the Joint opinion of tbe Senate Flnancr and Assembly Ways and Means Com mit teo will be In favor of the resolu tion but, notwithstanding, everybody hero In on tbe tip-toe of expectation as to the outcome. Contrary to all big fight In the Legislature, the opposition, which usually leads the fight, continue un der cover. The ominous nllcncx- of the opposition Is regarded In some quar ters as an Indication that the work of the banks. Insurance companies and workings of the 11. It. T., Its franohlst, .ts receivership, the methods of opera. Hon, the dlHconttiiuance of a number of Its line's to the diBcoinfort and In convenience of the public, Is the uucieus 01 me agming rorco arrayed ugaJrurt. the traction In tercets and their allies up the Htate. The people or llrooklyu fall to reconcile the crowded condition of the curs with the clamor of the II. B, T. that It Is losing money on the operation of Its viiHaiis lines. In their fight to secure the desired In formation the delegation realizes that the roads nnd their receiver have the United Htutes courts behind them, but cannot see where they are going to bo prevented from viewing and. studying public records In the end It Is the legislature, representing the people of the Rtate of New York, and not the United States, which must grant or refuse increased fares, nnd the Brooklyn delegation, counting on the support nnd co-operation of the representatives of the rest of Greater New York, believe that they can make their fellow rep resentatives from up.Htatc see the situation as It really exists and block tho Jnnks "grab" bill or nny other legislation which has for Its object Increasing fares for the traction In terests and tho Now York Central .'ft'" ' " ' other financial Institutions which wilt be affected by tbe resolution has al eady been done. In tho absence of the opposition. It Is not Improbable that members of the Joint committee will cross-cx-amlno Senator Ijckwood and Mr. Untcrjnjor. It is not only their privl. lege, but their duty to do so, and nothing would pleni both thene gen tlemen better, for it would serve the purpose of emphasizing points tliey will make. The Slate Hank Association hns been busy In Its-efforts to smother the rofHilutinn or to emasculate It. Ho have the insurance companies, as well us other llnanclul institutions, who fear that the Iirkwooil committee may delve too deeply Into their af falrsx Thene institution lmve, through their branches and repre- aentatives throughout tbe State, tried to reach every Senator and Assembly, man with their arguments against the broadening of tho committee's power. How many they havo reached Is prob lematical, ns well as how many ad herents they have In tl. Joint com mittee, which con bo told only by tho vote. New Yorit needs all the help It can get In Uin Joint committee und In both Houses. But It Is fmrrvl tlmt the Finance Committee will bo lurklntr In the thrco Democratic votes of New York, those pt Senators Walker. Itoylan and Twoomey. That was the situation I his morning, nil three men having made other nr rungniiients before they were noti fied of the hearing. With mgnrd to the three morrvbers on the Ways nnd Means Committee. Minority Insider f'harles Donohue sold that they would be on hnnd They are Hamlll of New York. Inlngor of Queens and Boas ley of Erie. aiAi if a m Hi to. m ts Tiadm Urk Golf Hose Specially Priced TE it for Golf, Skating, Motoring, J ' Tramping or any of the out-of-door Winter Sports, Golf Hose have become a pleasing and practical necessity Of extra quality Wools with hand-knitted turn-over tops in a variety of color com binations. Priced at $5.00 pair. Continuing Sale of Underwear and Shirts for Men For a short time we arc continuing our sale of Men's Underwear and "McCutch con Label" Shirts at . a reduction of 83 from our original selling prices. Men's Department: 33d Slreti Entrance Jmt Eait 1 F(JH AttntK James McCutcheon & Co. Fifth Avenue, 34th and 33d Streets IW m Wl vfl votm wi we wt wi tci wi mwimm wi vi vt vn it to OPPENHEIM. (SLUMS & 5 34tn Street New York Important Sales Arranged for Thursday Brassieres and Bandeaux Exceptional Value 1.00 All-over Cluny Lace Brassieres. Long waistcd V neck model. Bandeaux of figured Pink Brocaded Satin. Silk-Broche "Red fern" Corsets Formerly Sold to 14.00 Low Bust, long hip models of superior Pink Figured Silk Brochc. Sizes 20 to 32, suitable for me dium und full figures. 2500 Pieces Hand Made Philippine Underwear 2.95 Dainty Models Jn Nightgowns and Envelope Chemises, elaborately hand-cmbroidcred, hand sewn and ribbon drawn. Very Special Women's Silk Jersey Petticoats Very Special Value 2.95 All Silk Jersey or Combina tions of Jersey with Silk Flounces. Black and Pre vailing Street Shades. Women's Shetland Wool Spencers Unusual Value 1.85 Jacket model of Shet land Wool (as illustrated). Brown, Buff, Rose, White, Black and Navy. FURS Zero Hour for Furs Prices Smashed Never before and never again will you be able to buy real genuine Hudson Bay fura at so low a figure 66 lower than ever before Sale Starts Thursday, 9 A. M. Attend This Sale IT WILL SURELY PA1 VOU y. f 5,9 Connectlan With Any Other Establishment in (ha World If Ulmuftfiil 1 WKl m Wnt I TH,RTY"F0URYM6TRECf Extra Special dmA GENUINEHUDSON J)IUU BAY SEL v0? to tnucb u a mux) and atioKiUlj .abUac lorj ia ar and ipptnu)ca hare bta raduced ! th uouao allj low fifurc el $100, nukini il ponibU Im tmjbtij ran a real StaVceaL $10!l ? dirTa HUDSON BAY SEAL Jtlhll DOLMANS our meal Yww wonderful bargain; you roust aao them I. appreciate them Uruatuallj fine alum; hand aoroel lined, and made io the rtij neveai faabioa d10r HUDSON BAY SEAL Hi IZh COATS-raade ef H. TitlU letted akint: trimmed with larfe collar and cuffs of finest Bcarerette, fine brocade silk fining. Regular price S37S. NEW TROTTEUR MODEL C 0 A T made I genuine Hudson Bat Saab collar and cuffl ol genuine Mink; well made and well fined. A beautiful garment at a riiEculoujIr low figure. 41 1C BE.WERETTE COATS 2K I f.T eoroething new Fur r" that looks like Bearer and wears aa weU. A youthful model nicelj fined. A real extraordinary bargain dlTr HUDSON BAY SEAL J) I S W R A PS-words are T v futile in descriLing this beautiful garment Has big cape collar that is so popular and made of the choicest skins. A real bargain. AlOr HUDSON BAY SEAL Mi I nTfc c 0 A T-large collar V00' and cuffs ol finest quabtj of Bearer Reduced oalj dur ing this sale. db At the lowest prices em JK A 01 quoted we will sell forty T genuine Hudson Seal Stoles, 2 yards long and 14 inches wide. These are genuine Hudson Seal and not imitations. A Muff to match, $10.00. No greater bargain in all New York. Oof GENUINE ALASKA tbaJt) FOXES a magnificent t assortment ol Foi Scarfa, in brown, taupe and gray easily worth S90. 11 Mr"' sr.sBsai 1 'inru tj Itegxtltred Trade Mark 804 SIXTH AVENUE Between 45th and 46th Streeta K.NT1KK ULLLDLNa t- da. jowak-iIl Mi .sctwayaw: vara lyilaWHWlH HOST WONOIRFUL SAIK Of THE YfAR AU Wool. Sample SUITS&O'COATS mil tj Ilk An. Tallwi .50 Vllllt to MO VERY LARBt ASSOItTMINT COHEN'S, 265 6th Av. cw. ma au BndAUWAY' Fintl AKtMUt !ev Season W f ROCKS FOR A AMONG THK AOUEn STICKING FOUMRUNNERS OK THK AODB FOR SPRING- AKB THKSE LONTIW FROCKS OV CANTON CREPB" OK TAPFRTA SlLilO PRB.SBNT1NG PHBNOABNAL VALUES Ti HIS VARIED STYLE TOUCHES OF THE SPRING ttODK ARE STRIKINGLY F.APHAS1ZED IN THESE LOVELY FROCKS OF CHIFFON TAFFETA BY "WAY OlftBASOyF, BODICES BILLOWY DRAPED SKIRTS AND EMBROIDERY OF BRIGHT COLORED CHENILLK AND GOLD THRRAD 28 OO EADWORIC, GLISTENING AND SH1AMER1NG FORAS A CHARMING CONTRAST TO A TAILORED SlliHOUETTE WHEN THE BACKGROUND IS A DAINTY DELICATE CANTON CREPE THE- EFFECT IS IRRESI STABLE; DISPLAYED IN ALL THE NETN" SHADES OO-oo 'VimSL IIWMWMIIWIfIM ReConnedlan With Any Qiktr Estabrishmstit tn the World THOim-rOU RTW STRUCT EMPHATIC REDUCTIONS AARK THIS SALE OF CollakedYwt erwcaps FOR, OzEN AND AISSE,S UPTUOUS HIGH COST "WRAPS "WITH AN AIR OF QJIET ELEGANCE THAT DISTINGUISHES THE HIGHER TYPE OF FASHIONABLE. OUTER. APPAREL EXECUTED IN VP.L DE CYGNEOR BOLIVIA CLOTH, ELABORATED WITH DLEP ENVELOPING COLLARS OP-O OLB OR TAUPE NUTRIA 1 i I SUNDAY WORLD WANTS I WORK MONDAY WONDERS r.F. Mill ! in i I UaVslBHaBtsC&IUatUia.':