Newspaper Page Text
4 1 As 1 -1 A. t.he JEVKHiNG World, Saturday, jtanuary 22, 1921. Stock Market 1 CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS JJfear trtdtrs Rto market 1 Ahu. jimo . exerted 8trPff efforts to-day to do- AHiaOniuieri . Srrs place. During the first hour , tf prices of leading favorites down from jtn. oc . one to tbrep points. Hut the reaction I . i fonraix? isn't rpro-vcd to 1 only temporary. In the I f "JJJ final hour the market snapped bock An 4 ujt,. dv mar-ply, A tut In roost cases curlier Un ! 41 1 losses .-wore converted mto (rains run- i ) mine from fractions to more than a i J- "j"'..1'- 1'. IS 4V 4S ! li!. lJtS Net jae. sr. m; -- . I f-'l iw-. ... 1 Vnatf CrtAxi . V , Mm. Mres-Vd S SRS S3 SS lis TS point. Am. tr Jtajwr SeUlmr at Ui opening based Be' 0 vn tip rnriort'that' tire Ford Company -an 4h M 1 fcuvJotr ditjtoutty in arranging step- 1 Xn "B M vt m jMsatiy nocry fl nuncios Th.s-waH An BwJ 'dr .. M'i l.tor saJprplarncAtod ly rumo-ru of ad- WS etfttorml jTOWpiaims out 'n tlx price . fr.atra !, . :ss Of crude oil Jd of steel products. , .U Taj TI .. MS 'Hiss rerrmnpUou of a 7 per cent, re- r4ar . .. MAS tMmrai rate for call money wns also Am tvi-m ra n u'. rncod.aa a decidedly br.trch otrii- Am- VTo"; ? Mont- Predictions werr made that the w wnt, rxr tt H lank utatrnneut to .be i?ud after tli 7 , ckwo would make on ivrtronioly no- Atatmli .lt favorable rihcwlne. 1 Attttmn Jtr . .. . lUarlsh effort waji concentrated I au.. Bum. a tw. rlDCfpally on the ntecl and oil shares : Mi . n.f vr I n In UveoQ croupj Iosms at one time kimn lm .... w rati red from Tine to more than two,uiM. t iim, .x v points. But despite the rlporou.i ef- iun ihk .. niv forts of the hears they could ot 'jvifc Mom Sin exttnd the losses 'beyond thewe lie- tint, (km. rc ures. They encoumereu nucn uc- Mh. t p c icuif mand forstocka at the low levels mat they were forced to hastily cover I their commitment. Most of the bear ipTOpaajida. -was ridiculed in best posted quarters. The afceurdity of claims rewarding too bankioc position waa Miown ty the fact that th bank statement. When Issued, dliKJoscd an Increase In rosnrrM cX H, 500,000. Itcajtoa for thi 7 per cenL renowo.1 rate was found In the act that dnrrltis the week deposits o the United States In local institution deernasfd 103,13.0M. X brldk rjllr In prices wit In progress t th closo, with special ntxeoglii' be las ahnwn by motor, steei and papor sbarea. The ootlon market declined from go to 40 points. Wbel rose two oenta a buslitl. VwoXea exohumre rais ortn. I Wall St. Gossip llrth. Mod S p IVrt, Ikni il M?. lltljn nitl Trvrwt UU llUjn lUc Tn 94 Iram lira . . . SS4 Doit 0D A Boc. . JlntU it Hnprm . IB CAWo On: Od . . IT'4 Ikllf TwAliK t! Oiltf Fttralwm ... V Ciautiu Tiafto . IIS Coxnl tiU 40V Otto De I'm . SOU Ctandlw Moun. . . TO . Ac Oth... . c. u. t bi r... a. m . p. a. . 1. ru... C.&.1 ip F.7 .ef OUa M WMt UUe Ot Vfatt Tt'.. anu om 000 nt u. . . atnU ft Vmtmtj. Ctor Ooti. On) Ou A TliKUki I Camp Tkb II It. . M IVatU . . On luter-fW IKI' (lmt On7 .. (Vahn 01 Ocrn IVxSatM . . . Owial Btmi .... R 7B'i i'.i WV4 UK uuraitxr BONDS. Ubertr 3 a-3s opened, 9B.S, up M i . -). xx on off .Mr id 4 i-4(i 1 o i JSi0- sp M: vtory 2l-j';mL: 9TJB; 4j-4s. tXSO. up -OX D..ttl, tkmte OnnClUNQE OPLNXJ. 1 Dta 1c IU(M. tV. eterllnt dmiand. SJ7. cables. , t S.77X-4. oft 1-4. JTrtAch fxanca. de- j, i,i maad, .CiSi; cttbtea. .0C3C, Up .0OIL , Vimm. l'lnx ... IJro, demand. -3S1; cables. .03C, up 1 ('M nuiw .0004, Msrlcn, demand. .0iff7, cables, ftxat Tctu .. . .oltS, iu .OOSC Norway, kr., demand, 1 txn Up . . . .Ut2: cables. JStl. un .0020. Denmark. 0ui wu a 1. . iu4 . .r.t . .... 1 n .1,1 ,1 JU H WHIIII UU, Nld, UUU1U3, AMI, U) .0CCS1. Canadian dollars, demand, .IS 00, unchanged. Sweden, kr., de mand, 3160; cobles. .31S. Uelirtan franca, demand, ,0727; cables, .0723. Swiss tra&ea, demand, .1363; cables, .1070. GaUdcra, demand, .3311; cables, .2325. Pesetas, demand, .1349; cablco, .1X54. ArrontlnA peaos, demand. .7172, cables, .7B3S. Wic IMnl Jinn I (taamd (Mdlsr pT (la. Itact IM . Uocdefcii 1 Urt Mtcttam rd.. Gitt fi ni . I1bI A Jfikm tftnoio oa I Haap UcAan LuVuiHN1fl. I loMvln atr . TSie OmaoHdated dear Corporation hr. Oma. Gom. . declared. t3i regular quarterly 1 J-4 ' ff. iw. cent, dividend on the proferred'j uZJ?'..'. record Fd. IS. TIM Preasod Bteel Car Company di rectors at their meeting Knduy letxiiiwiumdcd the declaration of a 20 per cent, common stock dividend, thereby incrcasinc the authorized common stock, leaue tram S12.C0O.00O ot $100 par value to S&0.000.000. and the oxchanse of the 12,600,000 outstand ing preferred stock, par value $100. for an etroal amount of common fflocfc. StocQchcldeca have been asked to ratify these proposals at the annual meeUntr Feb. 18. American TAurdst Syndlcato nan passed Its semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent. Tattr Tvr lat. Uir. Mutn . In. Hit. ViTkM 1' Intnr Hxkii Innncitid Oil Inltnl CM JuM T . . . law Orti Ao Krta SvnucfMiIri . . Kt3M Ttr lhlrt ViUrr 07 ' oriM l W JC V x IP4 SOK 100 m 'su eov les K' M'i 17 S IV 4 '4 12 Mi nevi m 4014 7 311 VI ; 13H m x, s 14 16', IM. 1ft IMS i IS'i 10 7 at) II V. (3 MS IJWtt A Mom 4.1 4ri ( MS s 11 Kb M'4 SO '4 91 S 77'4 WV 1 :rts. n.t M4 MS S4 7V ST. SI '.i WW UA4 I2S S'A '4 1VV IDS Itl 4 IK. 44 S r 4ft tju 1U 4 m ji HI ll'.i M HI lS sou OB : jb n4 J CO', is M' 1A 10S M'i U its 4S IU4 14 K U 40 70S : res 74 ur. s IS!. w; MS 15 B4'i li 31', 4', IK U)4 4C 10', U' uti 108 V J 1 a', -- !' t - !4 t- ' 4.-. 4f. J- S 4IS S ' J- 4 H'l - A, K U K '4 W TV 4- 'i lib. 14, 11m 7 -4- 1U ysR4 '4 -- '."k - H 1i - I't 1 I '4 MS . r'4 llfi'4 14 !4 aw in im -w ws 40'.i - SOU I ! I W4 a 4 ass 7SW 4 3S Mil 4 ss U un; 4- u US '4 38'i ta 1 ID'S , '4 - U ru -- Ton r. IfinWl Jtlr ... JIM. Mnt. lat y Mu. Mr. M. K . lfv. t 'at.. K. t'rtrol Muni Corner . . . MolrlU HltV Ail . WWI,,1 (n4 .... Mn , Kl A T .... Pw. Mn. rm t Mrfbn. Jllf Nttkl Aim ... Nllml Onkat . X Un. A Sip rVrl Cjonrnl . , . N OfTftf. T AM Swr Tcrk OEtn) . w Yv rxek. . S I .1 B 4 II . N T (K A W Slfk 'U'i 10M .W I-, i'; 7' S U7i 1 13 '4 i4 1 '4 SB W 4 '4 1'4 11 tV. 71 S 314. It4 Nortullc A Wct THO I'.i No-irm rttUSc . . mintMMD r a R . Or,i,ia Olrffli' PwV (la . . fwie or i. ; 1 . Pn Auvt. rabrrl,. IVa.Amrr. rt. (if. Pin. Rn. IVnn 4rk (UXtl IVr' frt . . . . IWf MapgtiriiM , . . Ilt Oomatny . . IWUjm l'trollrlt rliana Amir . . . . Pram Oil . .. Pitts A TV tat T . road Unrnk W frnanl atari Ca . Pnllmaa tymxmt., I'tut jilrt Aurir.. I'otr Oil lftr dnar IbauiLif Itmaidm 'Tyvi . . Ri&cU Staal .... Kan Ikb A DM. . nn) Ototor. . .. rtajal tnttkM. T. . M. Jcanta taawl .. HI. L 4 Du ivu. (.. U A RonOmw W. U A llWoat 1. Haiv.TWetnrir . 8wm Cortif'T . . BRf'J TAT. Sifuiiir Oil . . . SkaKHMT ataaj Biwdhnn Pw 6cnlliMn to . .. 3citiUen nr t WS : J - WV 1 0 IV, OflK . 10 'i -1IC4 7H -t-14 H J Wl -dl't 4'.i 11 I4S no'i 40U I "l no Wl 74 Vi, H -- sr. 514 4. 14 . ' 12' - i'4 -l in rni . 16 MS 4'. lU lS 47 an H 52S 4 M 74 S 41 S liS :c i- as : MS tiv. 14 (41 1(17 K 50U tt'i KSS' SIS M Jl C'i I5S 21 S '. 4S 4(1 MS SJ 17 .CM 58 '4 Stan OD rf .V J p1 ll4 MeaariWanar . 1tnjn4xn ' StttlrfnW . '-i 1 Aiijouina Ilea SopnrtnrX) . . . Tana QaAoiuj . . Tntaa A- ltd!. . Tnx. A IV-. OaU. 'IlilrU Avruua Timaa S. 4uL MaJia 'naxnn I'mlnota Ttunarcav Od ... . rav A Will jura 1,'dJoo 00. ... . S 1 CKm Parrio . . . 't I rtilthl JkUo;. . . . I I t'ukl Prnll, S Uukal Id. . 1 Ta. Ilr. 1a. 0 i; I Va. K trail eftora. .. '.IP. I rotoa. AV-o. !!. 4U 44 It", II '4 S 7'4 4 ItAia 1i 1SS W IH US4 WS J5 3IS 4S S 11 AS ai ' s Kj sis 4 :iS J7H 47'. f.S ;r.s ns is m x, 17 '4 ,:i 'a II 14 M ItWU 4A si ; n4 K."4 Ml t IUi Jl 1 4U 11',. Ji'5 'i 4 '4 W 17 '4 4JI as as icr. .Nat Un r 4- J '4 IS - 1'. 1S1J 38 E6', ', loin I'S S V. H. tlaal A V. P. lUUirx II. S ankJtan. . . . P. 8. Rtt . . . r. s. ; :... 11 rah Ottvr UUti SanriOt.. . Vaiia4itlm MmtI. . Va Onx Ghemirml V;?Tkn IVabaah WalA y. A WoDa Imd ... . WM Vfrjknl WW rw C.TJ) V WrWdn L'naofl W rt Alrtrt IVnjursJbcmi . Wtirint A J. E Wharlin A L K ta? la Motor Wlri Oil !MIt7a-0rlao4 WoolrtrVi Wortih llitfn.t . . TrtaJ Halra. :..10( MS STi IS 4SS 1ftS S4S II IKS 10S 41 JUS lias M'i 1M4 Si HI MS 07 S 4'f ffl ;v4 Si 111; M "S 37 S S7 " ' 8S '.'OS IU ICS 70 MS S 44S 10 17 :n K.s H lit 4S. u:s s i'i MS in I OS ; 4AS 11(11. la K 4'i irt M'i iC'i 4S 07 14 M Sl'i 111'! fif.S KS ;ws ws 7S u jS fS 10s "0 w, 41 S s 1; 10 7S 110 4A'i laat 1i i"S M iU 14 U S s s 7!4 - IS .IS S 7 1 iKVi '4 111 '4 S 4- H 31 't 4- S 4 1M - S S - i as s 4S ri'4 I 11 - S Kj 71S - S as 'i aos w is v, ten JUS M 3S lf?S 47 S ; s 744 f S B7S - ;s 4IS IT.S s sr. I7' S 4- S IIS' S - s 14 W 4S 1'S - s 41 - s !W -- '.. IMS ', .14" lH'4 I MS - U'.i 21ft - MS - fS - 4S 4- .m lS -4:1 L'JS re MS - a2S -- ion .vis 381 SS 1!S 4.1 ltS 14 IS 10s fr. 41T .!S 119'. 4 :tc UHS vr, in Mi; . WW 48', 1 .4 i t 111s MS 4 9S 7S -;: TM ; - It)'! iS - 10S -7(1 17', OSS 44 S - 1A t 1 'Eugene Onegin'; New Offerings Chicago Opera; On the Screen JfflllSlC NeXt WCClC mAIrO 'Tatty" Artiiiekle In "Hrew-ttcr'8 Millions." ftoni the novti of Ororjc Barr McCutchcon and the By Sylvester Raiding. Tcnullrovgkys opera "Ktiitcne One Kln" found Its plnce In the sensm's repertory at the Moiropolltan Opera House last nlsht. Thero Is no need to retlse tho rmpmwlon recorded after a first hearing of It last year that PALS OF 65 YEARS MAKE "NIGHT OF IT" No, Nelson and Hevson Didn't ! Fight and Bftak Friendship of a Life Time. I.leiit. Charles 13. Neison snd rapt play by Vinr.holl Smith, will He the i.rBnk o Hawxon livo been rhiiniJi foe principal feature. Arbticklc plays 11 aKty-rtve year? and n-vcr had tt triple role. Brewster at two, Browstrr quarrel. at five, and HrewMer at twenty-five, -me two o:ti-iiniera iikiop a nisni ui when he Is called on lo ttpend n mil' If this nyk t the K tit t Oliibroom lion In a your .o as to Bt five null- liralhllt ier rivlni? frlendrlilp. a!o lions. There will also bn a third m- 'thp fiftieth anniversary of their enllst- ;he irtorv In too tenuous and thav 'lie rles of Kast Africun plcttirefl, it onm- . ment ns lllj?h Plrntes In tho Old GSth ne wtory is too tenuous anu ina . 11 e Alnjm.lne. The IleRlnient of Manhattan. They joined musks rarely rises above the pretty cor,J0 ff 't,lro, Wll, include the It,- Jan. id. 1871. IJeut Nelson, who Is also Onsi-inW... oreJuM-al Ums VnV'wVn the CIvll'woV' wltll the Im Giocondn, and voail olos. B9th prvloii-ly. Ba a muslclnn. and plenslnff. received it, at least, cordially. The performance wasn't the best jet a lare auoicncc .ij-, t. irom ii oiumjuuu, uitu ,vrn cjiv". ) 9 pri Tlif. rtlrl nnla tvnlv. Imrn lull a slnno's MlirAI T ! 1 t, fflA Ifllln'tl hrA. tt..n. f AA1. 1 nl.l 14 , , . . , . . . jvi lii I" " iiwiii null wiii'ii 111 in' win inai we nave nmra, aunouBn sir. ur d11ctOI) 0f opurbldden Krult" Will be ward 01 .Manhattan, attended the sani I ilea nine the tnunlc of Onojrln w'.t!i rfiarlosed. The storv. by Jeaiile Mac- 1 celioo! and church, and dipt, llewson the art that habitually is his and ph Json. ' is concorn.'d ltli a poor f rtol jrernotiati-d. with as much CTace as he s(.amstnms. married to a shlftlosH .' " thnlr vaiVitluns together s't could devise, an objectionable chum.:- hiiuv.-iml whn I si ilrcxsoil In tho flnrry 1 lininps Rills, jf. v . rvprv aiimmrr tor. Olaudla Muilo, who was Tatlaiu, 0( hor mwtress and Induced to sit at ' Tholr nlRht at the Klks passed wlth- .lnd .nr. .tuininciii, ivno was i.nniii, family banatiet for tne nurpoHe or "1" v ""k " hiuukh r,,i..ii.... ..,,. (liuiri.'lnr trhnw 1 over incinrnig 01 ineir ooynooa fnsrlniitlnir a loung n''"K " 1 daj.-, linnlvlng nanicn ami .lain, usliall) presence Is desired by the tnnstpr of pr.riou, stibjM:t for two oldtlmers with the house. The new rlnderpll.i falls faltv mimicirlps. In love with the yoiins inllllonatrc and a he reciprocates the afftvtion, V"1 nnur r V c iTr cm r knonlnc she ifl murrlfd. The clst'DUWtKl Ol 1 t, OUL.1J Is headed by ABnea Ayrcs. A .muu riyr risrTT WT A CTftD I ertv Held in Family Four Gen- ernt'iin; .it o. I8'i, Near Delancey Street. Viimnt Astor sohi the i Id Bowery both forced their voices, tho forme- vimetlmes to the point of dlsac.v ahkne.. Mr. Dxlur made an d miRtblc Prince Orwnin. Klora I'crlnl was Tsarina, in plaro of Jeanne Gor--lon. still Indlsnnsed. and Florence" In gram was OIku In placi of Miss I'cnni. landmark. Xe. 1S9, before sallin; for Europ this WeU. The deal was reported yerterday. bm details ro withheld. The plot Is ,55.4x1 !, with four-story bulldin;:, 7i.t feet north bf Delnncey Street where there li much development on acuount of the bridge approach. Tt e Astors had held it for four genera Hons. rinann I'olnt lnmnl to lllne. The Alumni Society of reason Tolnt Military Acsdemv will hold Its annuil beefsteak dinner on Jan. 26 at the Rlt. Ncvlns Street and Tatitbush Avf nue, Brooklyn, ond an appeal has b"en sent otit to every sraduite and former stu dent of the IVestcfflester iiAtltntion to belli mnke the affflr a bin success. Th committee In ehaire. headed by Walter I U Grady. No.69.1 President Street, promises minvl Interesting novelties, arid a large attendance 14 OTpected. Thore will be a vaudeville entertain ment and unique features reminiscent of old Clason. "DANDERINE" Girls f Pave Your Hair! Make It Abundant! Kathleen Howard was Filiplovna, and ,,. j,,fr rnrt'ton and the lllvoli lu -' Anirclo Ikida, Mlllo Pccco. Louis d'An- ,or,al w,n rmn out the 111m bill. The i &ciu ami .inani ieiimun cuuiiiiir-u inn ovf.rlule W1n i. from ".Madame llut- inst, Which was nearly the same as terlly" 1 la..t year's. Mr. Bodanzky conducted ,' with spirit. ClUTKUION- 'Tlio Inside of tin , .... ., . Cup." a picture of Win.iUin Ohuivhills Henry Hadliy conducted the nrst 0VPi ot.s into Its third week. Addi- numlier of the Philharmonic cieiy s tlonni fentures are ."My Barefoot Plop ' .u 7 concert at OameRlo Hall yesterday af ternoon. It was his own nrst sym phony, "Youth utid Iilfc," composed when he knew more about the former than tho latter, and still well worth hearirur for the virility of Its concep tion and the color of Its orchcstmtlnn Boy," a ballet and music. CAPITOl The film star v. ill tie Tom Moore 'ii "Hold Your I tor tus." a version of Hupert IIukIics's iioiv "Oar.ivan." Tho hero rises fnim . street cleaner to a position or power Mr. Htninslky wielded the baton ror i,..i,r rnmemv will bo seen in "i:i performancffl of ltichard Ktrauss's r;amps Out." one of Brnth Tiirl. "Till Kiilenplftre3." Dvorak's "Carne- ,nKton's comedie.s. There will ali val" overture aDd Bri.lnt-'HaenH'a G plrtures of Yellowstone Pari; T'ie minor piunu TOnwnu, in nuiuu i.i.- orotientra will piny soieciion, iroin sirlnlst waa Mien Ballon, formerly a child prodigy, now a player to be con Hldirrd seriously. 'Pajrlinccl." with Krik IU- sine ni; Blie prologue. Iyon Leonldow md Mile. Ciambarulll will lead the ballet STRAND ron?tance TalmndRe will tlcure In "Mamina'a Affu.r 1 in adaptation of the plnv 1 Il.n'i' Baron Butle.r A wealthy wldoiy nln hai n or nerves anil caiia .i ; S IS :t(i ta', s no 4 I t S OUTSIDE MARKET QUOTATIONS LEHIGH EMPLOYEES ACCEPT S-D AY WEEK! J llndotph an.UK pianist. Just back from a concert tour of Kuropc. Rave h rwiitaj at Aeolian Hall last nlffht Mr. tlanr, played brilliantly a pro Kramfne that Included sonata.s by Bee- tnoTen ano I'nopin. imu jriruis i me dooior w nenevcr ner nrnimn Hmaller compositions by Chopin. Liszt disturbed, plans to wed her d.uifrh e and hlrnsolf. He won marked favor to the son of a friend so that she m.i from a large and appreciative au- . keep her at home, whereupon theci l dlence 1 (proceeds to capture the doctor T-I ?ar Tamps Out" and the Pietorni The BiKnior.') Momini? Musloale , Hovjow will also 1v shown. I'oi in yesterday enlistnd the services of Nina overture the orcliestrn will plav .iplin Morgana, soprano; .loso Mardones. McGlne's Burleson " liasao; Isolds Mouses, violinist and MJslhl I.c')lzkl, pianist. Miss Mor-' IX)BW P VRW YOltK T1IKATBK Sana's numbers included tho waltz , i.hp attractions will include 'ilnl from Gounod's "Mlreillc" and Mana I summer M.nlness" to-morrow and 'ucca's 'The Old Mill's Grist;" Mr. , .Uondav; "'llie lint of tii Mi Mu.rcVones's songs were all Spanish : , hlonns." Tuesda ; Hdbai-t BfiTworth Mr. l.erltzkl played a Chopin sroup. m iria Own ltw," Wedneln ; and Miss MonTns-ri contnouuons in-j nPaa0 jirriscalr in "The Brenlune eluded the Bach-Krcltflor gavotte an(j polnt Thursdav; (Jeorpe Walsli in tlw I'mrnant-Krelsler praeludmm and .s'lrmber 17" and Olive Tell in i oller-ro. A lanse audience enjoyed the j "Winrfs of Pride," Frldii: and "Th- I proRTamme. i Jiioklms." with Monte Blue, t.itur- ! day. ' The Chicago Opera Association, Mary Ganln. the now general direc- 1 tor. closes its season at home to night, and will open a sl weeks' sea non in New York at the Manhattan Opera House on Monday nifflit. The bills for the llrst week are: Mondax. "Norma," with Kosa lluisiu Gabridla ' liitnanr.oni. I'orrert Ivimont and Vir ginia 1-w.ari. Glna Mannlizzi. con ductlnR: Tuesday. 'MIonna Vanna " with Mary Garden. Lucien Muratore and GeorRes Baklnnorr. Henri Monn ijonductiiiB; Wednesday. "Tosca." I with Yvonne Gall, .losiipb Hislop and Baklanon, Mr. Mnrinuxr-i conductini?: Thursday, "Jewels of the Madonna." i with Uon Ilalxi, Uaniont and B' -mini 1'ieiro Cimlni condiictinc; Fn- doy, "Carmen." wilb Mar Garden. Florence Macbeth. Muratore and B.iklnnofT Mr. Marinuzzi condiictlnK: Saturday matinee, "Le Chemlnenu," with Yvonne Gall. Dtifranne. Haktu noff and foutreutl. and Saturday mpht Hls'oletto." with Florence Mac- bcth, aitto Schipa and Titta Buffo. , Mr. Murlnusxi conductlnu both. Let Cuticura Be Your First Thought Always When the first tigris of pimplct, rrdrvesa. or rotmhntss appear ; smear uently with Cuticura Ointment to soothe nd heal, then bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water to cietnae and punfv. Finally dint on the ref rtshinu C nticura Talcum, a deli catelr medicated, exquititely Kentrd pow der. If used for every-day toilet purpoees, Cuticura does much to prevent tkin trouble. luiala lit) rr. w Hall. ArMraM- Calnra UkraurlM.Ort. tr Mal4aa,Ka " SolJevtrr wltrre Soaptte Ointmeal 2E and(( TateamSe. BWarCuliaara Saap aharaa witlaoul rout. Immediately after n "Dandenne"' tnas.iiijje oiir hair on new lite, lustre and wondrous beauty, nppem lnjt twice ns heavy and plentiful, In -1 cauic cncli hair scemi lo Hull" iiml thicken. Don't let our linir slay lifc 1 le, colorless plain or scra-iply. You, too. want lot of lonff, stroii'r, he.iutiJ fill hair. .1,7-crnt bottle of delight fill i "Damlerinc" frell"1ls vnur mmI;. 1 checks dandruff nnrl I ,-i ! 1 1 n tr hnir. 'I'll is si 111111111(111; "beaut y-lonic" prie In i tliin. (lull, fadinp hair thai Miutltfnl hri(ilitness and abundant thicknes- -1 All druggists' ch t. (jet rid of that unsiffitlt rash with Resinol A pure, healing ointment contain ing a gentle medication that nets Huickly and directly on siek skins, usually henling the Irritated npots. and restoring skiu health and at tractiveness. Don't Rife np wlien KeMnol Ointment and r.eslnol .Soap ran he obtained so easily from any drnggltt. 1'IV f Vr, St i fit 4 f( NEKS iXi ta r! 0 if i &ff 4. -1 ' 3 m 'ill'' ' i M B 'Pape's Cold Compound" Breaks any Cold in Few Hours Instant Belief! Don't stay MrlfTeil up' Quit blowing mill snuflling' A (Insc of "l'ape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three doses arc taken usually breaks up nn cold. The very first dose opens clogged nostrils and the air passages of I In head; stops nose running: relieves the headache, dullness, feverisliness. "l'ape's Cold Compound" arts quick, sure, and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without as sistance, tastes nice, contains no quinine Insist upon l'ape's! Advl. Grove's I is the Genuine 1 and Only B Laxative 3 Bromo J Quinine I tablets I The firt and original Cold and Grip tablet, the merit of which is recogniied by all civilized nations. Be cirtlol to srold Imltitioai. Be sure its Bromo WO 47 a' Tho genuine bears this signature 30c WHIM TO CO ANO MOWTOWTtM CENTRAL HUDSON LINE Neburih, Pout)hkeepm KiRflittn. Lv MoDdiy WednudtiT and Fr dn Frtnkitn it . it ? r m "They WORK while you sleepT' DANCING ACADEMIES. If your little one is out-of-sorts. I.uoiez'in Borf. that charmlrur and popular little artist, who bas been mlissfd from the Metropoiuan opera , . ,, u . .. rps.n Catiuc anil art- Company for lire yT- .w" ' JJ" j ing nnt'urallv look. Mother! sec if n fiwinnMi'iinnrn nn I1 rlfl.1V niCnL & I . . . it.Urrc "A ii,.hPT,,e " in tho cast ! tongue Is contril. I Ills is a sure sign will be Oieli and Scotti, Mr. Papl . li"t Its little slon Give "California Syrup ol Figs" only Say "California" (With It Goo l6rPcr Cent. Oil in Force bf i,t$00 WorkcTS , jn Sayre Shops. HATRE, Pa., Jan. 21. Kmvloyees of the Liehigh -Valley Bailroad shops toes announced that they had ac- i cepted the company's proposal of n I (five-day Week Instead of a six-day week, with a IS per cent, cut in the i force. : Under the now clan a committee roprosentinc the 1,800 workers will request the respective foremen every iFriday to remain away from work (Saturday. This will maintain the agreement calllnr for a six-day -week until conditions are such thai there wilt be full time work for all. TO FIGHT WOMAfTCHAIRMAN., DrmacratlC .?.ttc Oommltter yrowai VP.n pt'Unm Wrdari4ar. ALBANY, Jn. 12 William W IFsrley, Chairman ofthe Democratic State Committee, said to-day no mem ber of tne$tate Committee, would at tend th,e meetlnc of the New York State "Women's Daqaocritlo Committee in Ntw Tork WedriAsday. "If they -elect a chslrman, tlielr action nan hava no eifoct." said Mr. Farley, "ia to b official, she would either liave to be appointed by the State Com tnlttee or elected in some manner An arlgned y the State Conunittee." Mr. Farlay said the committee would meet shortly "to lake up several matlem of Importance." MILK ' WAGE INQUIRY ENDS. Decision 1 Be Annonaced liy Jodae Gnrvtn. The filial' meeting of the Board of Arbitration ta adjiiat wages it ths Kpiploj'ees of milk illntrlo-jtlnr; comp.i ne was hftid to-day and ullnollaeenlen. wa made that the report of IU decnlon will be slvojr o'Jt by Featral Judo IMwIn 1 Oarvin. It U expectsd that i' the lejMiet awards no lnreaa in the wiiployeeV waces the 1 1-1 per cent, reduction In mflk announced by tht tarmtra will be ffaaaed-to-tba sUaUc. Uuana llatti. I.w I I IXDI'KTIIUIJI I atlo Oar Ulf S IS 1 tt, CoIiiidU. rJamJil SW i J. I DO Mot 15V. 1st. 11V , lit rarrrll (! -0 tt IU llanra Ku'U A 114. U'i H'i 1IM1 iUara Kxilt It 14S US I4S . 100 IUbm KalU Tt- W K K !aiW lal.r UuUmt II ICVi II :m lalrr TTid! Mail . Mn (MS U . 100 Nor Xm riper . ... .IU i'i SS 100 rwfartlui Tin ... i IS IS SOO Kadla Una r is IS , SdO IUa U 1'. 'i, ', I (110 Trlaat'e Ktlm ,', UJiO I! S Steara I', IS IS 11. C l s Hals Cera IS ll IS SM rnitM la-. Cndj . . IS ', tS HTAMDAIUI Ul 701 S O af lnJUca aaar. . 71 7tS 7tS isvKFKNOterr oiia 11-40 'All.etf Oil U' IB l, UN ntrtoi Oil IS 1 1, I1M Hunan Wjomlrn I 1 ) TO) Oartb SjixJ J, i Jlj 1 SOU Ixonr on . .., ii, in in 1 J00 m TUrln Itt mi i; i, j IM0 ICuftrKTT. ltx 1, if, ),i, 1IKV) 'liril Oil i'i in ;( Ultnrtsli oil i, ; :w liu rwroi ni, jn, lie UannllM OU 16U IIS 15S 300 Mrrrl't OA 13 US 13 7(0 Mutro Ml 1; m jk, :1 .No Mm Oil ;s 514 s Suu Oaw Ml t tn ; ) 1'rOBCk Ml fH (Hi OU H rmlurrr A Kaf f, 514 514 4)4 llrd Bnc Oil t, H H llM) rtlan (Vaia Jl li 11 KWO fUmlui Pat T', T t im mini TVl O. S S WlO VWiirla Oil In I J MIMNO. 1JM Alt, Ilr M ,', 1, I CO) Ailanta I 1 1 1104 11 1 tnu s ; 1700 'lkx 3 3 3 lent) A, Mara M rj It 1100 Cainl Mia II 'I 10M Oaluraat A Jrnii ,', , 4X0 "CaliclHula M II 17 IT MM Coi1 SHtrr 7 1 7 I I M Cnwi (lelt IS 1 IS 40A4 Enim. Ulirr 3 3 a lliXK) 'r.iim. ('o.aui 711 U tt tlHi kurrlli tloth li li li i 1-00 'Uolil ( on, , t 1 t 1 1000 -Colli Prr top . A I ' 1300 r.oldfleld t'lertiiM ... 99 )1 71 ' 1000 'Colli Kewint 1 1 1 1JW Uo:d HUirr rid .... 1 t ill0 Gold Zen n 3 J3 Sharea 11(1 lln-ti MinJnr 4 Ido Iran llloxi JuailM iJltrnilan ... tS U IUm Mlnlaf ., l(l "Ifrlcin Dr IOIM Mr.Nimari 45ao 1eJ.'aaurm Crrarrat 11(10 Ua.olt Villt; IS 1UM) Uollifrl.irt 314 Mahrr lode w . 1(0 Miilailnl 1V0 'North S!ir , IM OpMr Hllirr 100 III ecu Con , U(M 'IUX Ci'tia Ua "Sin To- So Am r a n . 10M) S Sflirr iMit .. .. I'M mornH MM. . ... ISO TiMoeali Hrlmont . . 4O0I I'Dr.op.n CTua Ha; rco lanapih Kl isnfl Toia.Jlm 11 1160 Tannpab 1MIT . IM ItirKrvth Ml" 3!.00 Mt ti Contlmntil . 1C0 Uollrd Eutere ... jom vinorr .100 Wnt And C :ti) Whin, cam , IW Wllbert romutiK iio.sdcs WO-19 Brifloni I liorfw. SOOd Atnralmna 7l HOCO A 11 Trl i r .TOW) Anannrla la il 3100 Arooar A Ca 7a tOOO ncktrfim War) 7a 33 1W0 Tim I. A T fa JS.HrO Cma de Plana ISlHO Oalrna S O Ji r.w)0 O.rand Turn S ' IIKXH) rVan Urrllli0i Ta 3J . . ,10ft 1 (Vara IUa4na " 33. .. liono Slom-lllf C "St OOO ftinUirrn Ilr 7l 70O0 8 II Ikl Ti SOW 8 O X T 7a SI in.V K O N T la 17 tOOO M O N T ? a 100 ON T 7a M llrtV) .1 O N T Tt 31 :M Rml A Tool 7a conducting-. mnrh, liver and bowels are clogged with waste, (live a le.i spoonful of "California Syrup of lllth la lu I 4 4 I I A ' f. , 1 s . s si SS 'J9 M II II II 13 13 14 IS I'i tS 34 34 34 5S SS 3S IS U'i t', ' I 6 k A ; A A A s . 3 .1 l S 3 I A A A ! S 8 , IS IS IS 1 I 7 I 1 IA A t,. 1 If 17 1? I 13 15 li ' V. A IS IS IS JS IA -S 3 13 1 I 1 1( J 10 3 3 3 W,, IMS ns SB S KS S7S 7S Mia 7S P4S MS MS PUS MS MS !KI4 USH Bti MS MS tPl ion IMS tu 7 SO W S.iS IKS ICS ttS '' 97S MS WS 1S flS 1S trT 97 t7 101S WIS tOlS ins i'j;s 101s l; 103 ia: ltCl, 10fS IMS ii lie. in 11S IWIi 1S 3S 5S S The Oratorio Society's plans for its 1'," si ml in a few hours nil the con uvond music festival at the Munhat- t stinutrd tioison. uniliircslcil fund mill 1 tun Opera. House from Marvh 29 to i s0r ,ilc grntlv pass without griping. , April 4 are complete and the sub.- , j vo hllV(. ,ve H(U c-ti i 1 cl A, scrlption sale Is open. The six con- . again. Mothers cm rest ensy after jiving this harmless laxative, because it ncrr fails. Children dearly love its delicious, "fruity" taste. Full direc tions for babies and for children of all iigrs printed on each hotHe. Beware of counterfeits. Mother, you must say "California." If you don't say "C.ililoriiia" you may get an imitation lig s rup. will include presentations of Plerne's "Cblldien s (.'ruuadc, Bucii s "Mt. Matthew Passion," Klgut's "Dream of (Scrontlus," u Bach-Wagner programme for chorus and or chcHtra. Verdi's "Manzoni nequlom" and Marparct Anclln in a dramatic performance o "lphlg'onia in Aulis. The soloists enRugcd Include Mubol fliiirimin. Floieniv Hasten. Marie Suiidollns, Marffiierlte D'Alvarer. Or ville Harrold. Ketnald Werrenrnth, Boval Dadnun and Clarence Wliite. hlli. Wit It or DamroRch and the Sym phony Orchestra will play Chnus win's SN-mphony at Aeolian Hnll to-morrow afternoon. K. Bobert Srhmltz wilt be soloist In Sowerby's piano concerto. A Brahms pro gramme, with Fritr. Kreisler soloist, for Ciirneirie Hall on Thursday after noon in the Hintorical Cycle, Is nn lounccd. Josef l.horinne will be soloist with Mr. Stransky and the Philharmonic Orchestra at Carnegie nan to-inor-row afternoon. On Thunsday eve ning and Friday afternoon Rach maninoff will le soloist, and Beetho ven's fifth symphony will be played. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, founded by Theodore Thomas, of whloh Frederick Stock now Is con ductor, will give n concert nt i ar- . rrctTle Hall on Tuesday evening- The Cnpltol orchestra next week will plav selections from "Pngli.ic.l" nnd old melodies. "Favorites of Yes- terday": the Bialto orvhestra will plnv excerpts from 'Tji Oiocondn." nnd tlje, ntvoli orchestra the over ture from "Madama Butterfly" The Ktrand orchestra will play John Mc- i Ohle'i "IJurlescu." ; Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents Larger packages. j YUimn. VcJUU&l DANCING CARNIVAL NOW AT ST. NICHOLAS RINK 66th Street, near Broadway 3 Lessons (lrj 30c Not necessary to 4ake lesions. Lady Floor Manager will introduce you to suitable partner for danc ing. Learn to dance at this popu lar institution. lLY wl FOR SALE. 9 on y&nuiru 0 BUY NOW PAY LATER! Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry CASH or CREDIT CASY WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All Goad, Guaranteed. Law Prleai, r.0 LMI'LOVEIIS' im-EIlEM fid. CU. Urn, or rbone Cort 5867 AMERICAN diamond CO. SQUARE DEAL CREDIT JEWELLERS. 6 MAIDEN LANE 4TH FU00R. Don't stay bilious or constipated, with jour head dull, your stomach sour, gassy, upset. Take one or two Cfisrarets to-night sure 'for your liver and bowels nnd wake up clear and IU. Children love C.isc.ircts too No gri'i iiiL no inconvenience. 10, 'j.!, 50 cents dvt. HUNGRY BUT DAREN'T EAT i jLsytrla If tha trade mark of Barer Manufactura of Moosteatlcacldeatar of'SAllcrllcAd r Rudolph Ponx urtll Ifive a vloltn re cital nt Aeolian Unit on Monday eve nlnr and song recitals will be given Mrnairlal fr 1). . It, Chaplain. Ilt Aeolian Hall by Bleanor Reynolds, Fort Wufhiiigton Chapter, D. A. It.. ' contralto, on Tursdny afternoon: bv will hold a memorial service t j o'clo k' Grace Kerns, soprano, on Thursday to-morrow afternoon at St. Paul s , ening. Kiathleen Hart Bibh. mip-an.i Chapel. Fulton Street and Broadway. 1 w'" K're !,,r,v'!al "1 xh" Vrneo tor the Bev. John Chamhcria.n. wSowu Thit.e cn Tuesdav afternoon vicar of St Ann's llntinh i'oi tho Deaf ' " and Chaplain of Vort WashlnKton Chap- rr.of. Sumucl A. Baldwin will ee Floating Specks before the eyes, dizzy spells, palpitation of the heart, less appetite or craving for sweet or sour kinds of food are signs of self-poisoning by products of poorly digested or imperfectly eliminated food waste which have entered the blood. Beecham's Pills assist to restore normal action of liver, stomach and kidneys. Beecham's Pills DIAMONDS WATCIIES- JEWELRY ion credit r;-;; , r: I Excepuooal ,aluei asani rails lfelumullr illualraird Cauloi Frrr. ROYAL DIAMOND & tVATCII CO. ii MAIDEN LANE Phtna Jaha 143, Takf "Pape's Diapepsin" and eat favorite foods witliout fear Mh.V L'l.Ol'lllM O.N till. HIT. $1D0WN,$1WEEKLYJV, Suits $20-$25 Overcoats IIAMll.TOMAKTI to., Tallora, 171 llrwidwq. Hutci- I'm t i.miit St. HELPVy ANTED MALE. ler. of which Un. J 1. MarshtU a free or ran recital at City Collcc , 1 i V Kjji. wamrtamaaii nana, y MtoitKL- v j, .r lav i Sold by druggist throughout Jhvwwl1Xix.lAav 10c lit. V bAI.KSMKN orvr years ulio are aroktioui, of tioctivini; tbeir prrbent i.kiihki m jtfe, na oata a woadrrful ojyortimil ti offer jxju; no eriir rierK ncsain aa we leaoh ti .urn'ifi .alM. mansUip and ofW voi a ,ierjuarob uoaatiou 1 ahera ailtanceioienl it un.aniuil unlj hio of i oral iennal a.aearan.-t; .nd Al n.triea've will 1 oa coo'.dertsl: mirrwsl own preltnil Aac to Mr Siwtnlon. tri." llna.l.av runu 7ja SALl-.-sVIKN; lirnwerv - it r. . . . un',i iT te..ed bt Pro .bition sill fn.l -t ilianijceoua K ... t r.H , ' , 111'. UriM.I . , , iv Your meals hit hack! Your stom-nt-'i is sour, acid, gnssy nnd you feel blunted nf ter eating or on have lieavv lumps of imligrstinii pnin or lieaiLu-ln-, but never mint). Here is instant relief Don't stay upset! Kat a tnhlct m' l'ape's Diapepsin nnd immediately the indigestion, gases, aridity iiml nil stomach distress caused by acidity ends. Tape's Diapepsin tablets are the surest, quickest stomnch relievers In the world. They cost very little at drug stores Atlvt. HELP WANTED fEMALE sAl.b.iVi'JMIi-V aunivu oier .'4 n-.r. ol ae arc inlerrblnl m witrn; 310 ur mote .1 Call aitor 10 A. AL. U U. btMl Cur; joua qtt tVllala. . . No One Need Buy Cuticura Before He Tries Free Samples