Newspaper Page Text
l THE EVENING WORLD; oATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1921. RICKARD IS READY TO POST SINGLE FORFEIT OF $100,000 A GALAXY OF NEW YORK'S YOUNG SKATING STARS DECISION OF FOUL This beautiful prize be come', permanent property of winning team in New York-Chicago schoolboys1 skating races next month. 11 E Referee Said 'Roy Moore Fouled Him in Bout at Pioneer A. -C. HARDEN PROMOTER AWAITING , WITHDRAWAL OF COCHRAN ! BEFORE PUTTING MONEY UP . I SAVED BIG WAGERS 10 on mm FV ft1 j Is Willing to Conduct Dempsey-Carpcntier Bout Alone if Lon don Partner Quits as Brady Did Mystery of Champion's Forfeit Cleared Up Speculation on Interpretation of Walker Law Which Permitted Other Titular Matches. By Vincent Trcanor. TTTi'n? Ja. k U.mpsey anil his manager. Jack Kearns, In San Fran A ci-ro. I'liales Cochran, otic of T Wi.liam A. llrady. who wants ready to Inquiries, and Bob Edgren, the arbiter, of prosent-day talk In the leant. Ho Is and what's wrong In Uie match, and there you arc. Meanwhile. Tex Hlckard Is chew- tng clears up by the minute in nts little olllce In tho tower of Madison Square Garden, answering nil iues tlons on the subject in an open, hon ost wny that Is distinctly his with out lwlng sure of Just where lie ne tunlly l at. For two days now ho has boon awaiting an answer from Cochran. In Ixndon, as to whether ho Is coins to withdraw like llrndy has from the match and all ugreo .mcnls to which they bound thetn ' solves legally two months ago. Up to a late hmir last night Hlckard hod heard nothing one way or tho other from 1indon. and outwardly wasn't disturbed over the Belay. INSTEAD.' Tex profcwed to feel Hatlaflcd with everything, come ril run this match, no matter what happenn, bcouiuso 1 feel in duty bound to do eo. I don't know whore It will come off." he said, "but I don't think 1 will have any dlflfculty In locating it In l rrood snot. I havo had no leas than, half a dozen communications from various States, ull of wblch . . . . !,. V.n,, nnil HllltlV ITlfim I Tl P Tl fcllC UVf. ...... - - - J - ' have lntervtewied anc personally m tnc Interest ot eeveml largo cities. 1 " t " B'tt ng away fronvbox hovo them all under connlderatlon. or particularly tho lUr botliV It and wnn the Umo comes on aiurcn i ;" i-....,.,.- .....i ,,. m, for naming tlie battlo ground 1 will broad Uoxornar, such as Gov. Miller do bo oronvpuy." lH s"1'1 to b' should be afraid to "Running the match alone, as It "stand up" for what was written In appears you may have to do. will oot the sUituto hook hint ear by legls you additional money !n forfeits, lators or his own Republican larty. wont It?" we asked. ' To "mend the Walker law at this . 'IMy deposit of f 33,333 In tho three- date, when something big and real, cornered partnership has already something which tlie people avo been placed with the truut company shown they aro In favor of Is onMhe ruuned In tho articles. Tho mlnuto I tapis, would be a narrow procedure bear that Mr. Cochran has with- on the part of tile legislators of the drawn from tho match, us Hnvdy says , present netmlun. he has. I Will put up the entire for- The Dempsey-Carpcntier bout In felt ot 1100,000 gladly. 1 want to Now York will mean tho circulation give Cochran plenty of Umo to think of tlionsands or dollars among Its tt over, for in duo respect to what hotel men and its merchants. Should Brady says nbout the London pro- all this money be ciurt. from our motor's withdrawing, ( don't bolieve i doors. ediuutcd off to Canada, which that he want) to. It's funny, how- H reaching out for It, or to some ercr. that no nasn i unnwercu my . oeblc." Hlckard spoko as if he meant every word ho said, and in doing so Is sim ply running to form. It bas been said ntf him that his word is his bond, and Vnnwlnir him intimately as we do for many years, It would be rather a late day in his great career to "fall down" on any contract ho has mode. No one could begrudge seeing him eon- j . . . . , I. I. hll. "f.nt,r,V""" 1W,V h.n? have turned so dlscouraglngly for him at this staice. THE mystery of the disappearance of Dompsey's forfeit, n bond for 50,000, has been cleared away to tho satisfaction of all concerned. Dated Nov. 20, the day on which It wafl by agreement iu uc iitni""'"-'. " " . , . was located in a saio nuro rw.uiun had himself loft it before ho uml Oompitey weni est. iuiiuwhik Hrennan fight. The funny thing In connection with It it that Kearns, smart fellow thnt he is supposed to be, didn't know it wits the real bond. Ho thought It was Just a copy. And we are constantly hearing about what Bhrewd, clever person managers of nirhters are. When Kearns comes . " . . . . .. ,iUft.1rt,n back to New ork some wlswicro may try to sell him Hrooklyn Hrldgo or tho shaving privileges or mo jo- lice Pepartment. ..... .i...i. nu l... s,.,n.l in iJTr , I uartlc ar trai soetloiL Isn't be In tills iiartleuiar transocuoa um i flustered about whether or not tho 1 J... 1 , ...111 n..... ft uinii'ii wim i n uml iiicton team, as that would plve mm a He says it will, and furthermore will (.i,.inre to be at his home for half or run Itself If necessary. It is evident ! the baseball ciuon at least. that he has (rrent faltb In the promot- J lng aiblltty of Hlckard. I Knel.lrr anil (latrrlttrr Lend. I C1HCAOO. Jan. 22. With little moie WIIHE the possibility of theUhan twenty-four hours to ro In tti. .., iw.i,, ., 1 six-day bike race, Krnest Koeklrr. lo. nl contobt iiolng held In Nov. t umntouri nml Charley Osterllter held York is remote. It would bo a lead of threo points at the end of the interesting ut this tlmo to know Just 110th hour or the grind. This pair had how Gov. Miller interpret the Walker "cored CCS Points In thospr nt, u nin,. , ,iiui ,in,i i, Madden and Magln were second with law. Being or a Judicial mind, he v , ,.. , ft , , wcro thln, recognlxett raw and knows that every- wfl, 51., thing on the statute book should be rewpected and entorced. The Walker v v. A. C llunln To-Mnht, Jaw permttA a Dempsey-Carpentler bout within tho llmlU or New York State, jui on ii iieruiium ii juo Lvnch-l'ete Herman championship match, the recent leonard-.tltchell bout for tho lightweight title, and evon the Dempsey-Hrcnnan battle In v,hlch the heavyw-eight championship was at stake. Why, Uien, should there be any talk, or even rumors, of the prevention of a meeting be- tween Carpentier and Dempsey? To our lav mind tho tireventton of such a promising pugilistic treat amounts to discrimination, and there's no for dlsorlml- night ns well place In the uul world nation. Mublo lovers m 1"'""'? " .,.1.1 ...... .. U 1...,l n.l..l,, SlllK lor lliwil oui .uru.'il CJUIU HOI, , and Tnovm fnmt bo warnwi that l'alr- . nanju, Mary Picklord and other stara the promoters. In London another, to break the contract. In Now York. Iloh Kdgrcn. the sole arbiter, In Los Angeles, and Tex Hlckard hero on the job comply with ull arrangements 1 entered into, It's no wonder the Dompsoy and Carpentier chainploiiBhlp match Is up In the air, so to speak. Dcmpsey's man ager. Kearus, says the match Is on, Urady Miya it Isn't. llickard Insists it's the best pugilistic attraction over staged, Cochran is too 111 In Ivondon to even answer cabled isn't worrying over the outcome the supremo Judge of what's right ho says everything Is O. K., and would bo burred from tho Now York screens. Of course, there is the chance of amending' the Wulkor law before July to make the big bout Impossible, but why In the name of nil that Is fair and square should a law which has proved so popular be even amended. The State U In need of all tho revenue It can postitbly get. This bout alone will add u consider able amount to It. Should this money be turned down u tainted? 3 1 131113 isn't' a public puntlmr adding anything to the State Treasury outside of boxing. This, of course, aside from the war lax. Haseball'ei receipts aren't taxed, nor are racing's, but there Is a bill in the Legislature which would pro vide a tax of 12 per cent, on tho hit ter sport. Sounds ridiculous, and Is. In view of the fact that racing bus paid little In (he way of dividends since the nntl-lcglsl.-itton of (low Hughes n time. Itaclng beic Is not a (1, .j i oilier suite .' w hopo not. EVENING WORLD'S What Happens Every Day 'llnlr llurarL llrllrra. M" Kuimle Durark of Sydney, N., i Australia's famous swimming olmmplon. has announced her periim- t ii cm wunarawai irom the competitive Iladd. Tho iibwh of her decision to race no moro has Juiit been received hero In a letter from an odlclnl of the Indies' Swimmlnu Association ot New South ralc. and It romi'.i an a moot unex- pooled sunuise. Previous reports from Sydney stated that SIIsm Durnrlt had nyiinry huiivii iiihl Aim , Kaw ,nto tnilnliiK for the iisieetlve , Vnlt of Mlsi Ilthelda Hlelhtrey or the New Yor'i Women's SwIniniliiK Associ ation, the Olympic champion. Mlnmr-llini'1 tinker to Itrlnrn. "Hoine-Uun" linker Is leudy to re Join the Yankees, nrcordltiK to de spatches received here last night His return to the big league Is contliiKPiit on the recovery or one of his children WHO in ill. innt-e pivui. imir oerii lltu.Iliplln). to Ket Ilaker to return to t, milnl, for H011lfl ,Imi ,,t tll former Home-Itun Klim never has liked the life on tlie road. It Ilaker returns It Is nntte eertnln thnt lie will not Olav Willi be Yanks, but will bo to tho Senators y announced that he '"..,.,,' ..i.... , ,.i ...i, ,.. '...i.. nUUlU t'W h IV l'"d lilu nfii- xMe nnl bouts of the nmatour wrest line tournament under tho auspices of me n univ , . ,,' ,u S I city club house, lentrai i.arK b0iu to-nignt. (.ornt. fTi. ,TII.r. i. . fnriieii iiefete.i 0$ "luffalo"''.! a hocHcy match hero yesterday by a score of io to 0. llnilc Truck Meet card. Many slurs of the metropolitan ills- '"ei w"i o neon in action at t ie .Ma wmte bii lour carmvai at uie inirie..-in SKlmBll. ArJR0,JLy, 'aH00!;!?"' .,to'i,.l,eI,u T!Z " h.,w U).,'tnr.1(1nr n.t ooV-ivn "T',','. ... . . , long isisnu touge.. I lit." "r.l I'.n. lrrri. CINCINNATI, Jan. .12,Uabc ltutli EVENING WORLD SEATING New York School Boys Start Training for Meet With Chicago Skaters -Great Enthusiasm Among .ocal Lads for Inler-City Ice Contest Next Month for Evening World Trophy. By Robert Boyd. A' LTHOrtUI the schoolboy Hkatei of New York have only two weeks to prepare lor their dual meot with Chicago, they arc hustling like "Trojans" under the watchful eye or Tom Howard, head coach, to be in condition to g-lvo their western rlvnls tho race of tliolr lives for supremacy on the too next month. The former Wanderer, Now York A. C. Hickey ntnr nnd coach at Yule for six years Is very much enthused With the calibre of the youngsters tho I'. S. A. Id. oflldals havo turned over to him to whip into Hhapc for the Inter-city speed races. "They nre a likely looking lot" Howiml remaiked as Ins eve followed a bunch of eye Mime 2,0 j-oungnters ranging from the OWN SPORT HISTORY. maltp .firry Herrmann. President or the Cincinnati Ileds. at least tM iloh - llTt lirtllll0r if tin n Irtn.nlr n f 1 w 1)a lnt0 iho rfili , ltellanrt Kleld when he shows here iniiKi-es. ine oaie ror tne f,. ,"'".y .a"1? flv" u t j ".nj 1.1.-1 1 iiiuiiii i ii i 1 i 1 1,800 can k nocK a "o inn niencners. Anil It lialie falls to prtHto one ;iIiiohr tlie nun (tods for the circuit, tho five will sec the game us Herrmann's guests. nip SiTlinmem Art World's llreard. NIIW HAYHN. Conn.. Jon. 22. A world's record for the 2.10-yard swlm niliiR relay ince was established hy tho al awlmmliiR team In a special event held In connection with the dual meet with I'rlncrton here lost iiiiiht. The tlmo was 2 minutes C seconds. The previous record was 2.10 2-5. made by tho New York A. C. team in 1915. It. ('. Klerrn Hid lflKli for (inmr. I10STON. Jan. 22. A Kuarantee of $in,0UO or CO per cent, of tho gate io eeliits. is offered by Itoston ColleKe to the collece foothill eleven or coual I standing that Nov. 5. win mjei them heio Clrnn Sttpri or Dm l "iii i'rani, HYIJNI3V. N. S. W.. Jan. 2' in tho leiond rerles of lawn tennis match tlie American Davis Uup team beat the Australian 3 matches to 0 yesterday. In the similes Cnpt. Watson M. Wash burn lieat J. 11. Huwke at I, 61 and William M. Johnston dcreuted 11. W. Hoath at C3. 6 .1. in the doubles William T. Tiliten nnit Johnston defeated Norma. U. Ilrook's and X'atrlck O'Hara Wood by n scoie oi iu a, : t, 7 a and e s. Allilrtlc (lull for Women. Tho Women's Athletic Cluhof Hrooklyn t ii u Ini'iirtinrfttml uniitu.ln., k. ...-. tt.. prcme Court Justice Asplna.ll of llroo'lil I 1 111 Purpose n inn clilb will be to en- couraBe exuert swiniinltiK and .ithc otblctle sports. Among the members are Miss Charlolto lloyle and Mlas Alleen HIkkIii, who won swimming hon ors In the Olympic names. The heatN quarters of tho club will bo ut No. 25 Clinton Street. Hrooklyn. Vrtrran (iiiinirr Win at IMiieliurnt. riNinil'HST. N. C. Jan. 22. A Ioi. ular victory was scored In the uiiuual , midwinter handicap irmiMiootlmr lour ,mmf.n, yPM(rd1. w1011 j,, KHey ! ' 'wt Aurora. N. V.. former New I Vork Mtato champion, led tho field with thiown. He fired from Hie eluhteen yard lllillk Keln-v la ov.,ntv-lv vnirs 0?il a.ul ih. gtn ho ion with it" served him for thirty, years. ages of twclvo to twenty, circling the twelvo-Iup track ut the Hrooklyn Icr Falacc, where tho races are to bo held Saturday. Coach Howard Is very well awaro of the ability or the speed skuters that have been developed In the Mid 'dle West. "You see." ho said, "out there tho climatic conditions favor the developing or skaters much more than here In the Kust, In our busy metropo lis. Not only are they favored with more natural facilities, but their un natural skating rinks, suoh us flooding the playgrounds Dy .Mayor 'rnomti son's Ice Skating Commit tee, hav broug-ht the Windy City to tho l'uio in the last few years as the jkatlng cen tio of the United States. Wh, out In Chicago the Muyor Is so Interested In skating that at times during tho win ter he will order a Htreet closed and tm- city department will flood it Un skating. Thero is only one method f developing skaters, and that Is give the youngsters a place to skato wh.le they are young. It 1 very much like mvlmmlng; to develop good material oil havo to start them young. Hut that is not tolling ou what I think of these boys of mine. Ono or lwo 'avq had real racing cxperienre In actual competition. Tho others are, you might say, novices In the rac ing game. However, they will round nto shape by the day of the races. Vhat they lack in real ability they will make up in lighting Hplrit. In athletics, you know, that means mak ing up for a multitude or hortcom ings. "With the squad or capable euaehes who have volunteered their services to iihsImI hip In ti-alninir tlm New Ynrk- lteam we will work Individually with ... .... . . . ' i !"B strokes, the piojicr way to set , - ... u.hh;o " 1 l"",H' ''anomriff up iiui wiuu iii iiio tfiiui i, iiiim uuuilt;ii for conditioning. i t , ilni,iin f tv, In the samo rink where tho New York boys do their dally tralnlnir and to their being nccustomcd to It, while on tho contrary thoir Western rivals will be racing on a strange track with one day's practice, a decided ad vantage rests with tho local team. This might seem like poor sports manship, yet II'h all In the came." "I am particularly impressed with tho elementary schoolboys. We havo some material here that appears nl most unDeatnmo. tor their years they urc remarkable. The high school hoys, senior una Juniors, do not an proach tho standard or the younger boys; they will need plenty of train ing: hut you Just say we'll he there ready to uphold tho traditions of the Nt w York schoolboy airainst Mnvni Thompson's best, In his Kastorn in vasion.' Ilrlniont Uoe ol Intend in (lull Hnelnir fiamr. In a statement which ho gave out yesterday, Major August Ilelmont cor rected tho Impression that tlie Incor poration of his famous Nursery Stud, at l.cxlnpton. Ky.. forecasted Jits rotlre incut from the turf, or a lessening of his intet est in the breedltiK Industry or racing. Tho first published reports or Die Incorporation had given rlso to such reports. "I merely incorporated thn Vurserv Stud to protect my entries In stakes of the mares and youngsters," gald Mr. Ilelmont. "Under the rules, In case of the death or the nominator, all entries nre void. The stakes are growmn to be so large that cnguKcments havo become a valuable asset, and that was my Idea of tho best way to protect them, and means no real ennnce in tne ownership. NEW ORLEANS SELECTIONS, First Ttaoe .Lottery, Corridon, Walter Tunibow. .Second Itace Alahony, Albert A.. Tableaux d'Honneiir. Third Itace- U.iv l.ily, Jirown Chuk. Trust Fourth Race St. Isidore. Homan, Warsaw. nfth Hnce On Hint). Pit, Altec. Sixth llace Capital City. Solid nock, Hoyden. Beveuth Haco .Frostown, Cheer Leader; i'air Orient. ELEME.NTARV HIGH SCHOOL dUHIORS ant ( Fistic News Tex Hickard ha.s signed up Jack Ilntton to defend Ins n lierwelght title in a hi teen-round bout ngnlnst Ted "Kid" l,ttw of Kngland. nl M'ld ison Siiunre tlarden i'eb. 7. This will be Hrltton's ilrst appearance In this State since tlie Introduction of the Walker bill. Tho match originally was .scheduled for Albert Hall in London, but 'owing to a disagreement over a referee, Dan '.Morgun, manager of llrltton, can celled the bout. nillj Munilf. tl Bfaten Utin.1 frathemeltlit whom KdUle Hancr la franmlng for tne da.a honora, makra hla local dtJiin In a ten-round liout avniztit inimt JlaUlinit 1111), the, rusvvd flaiUtn !Ad, at t.he Commonwealth rjirtinff I'lul) In Uirlnn. Hilly Inline, former A. A. U. dura plon anj Jimmy Taylor re alrnl ch in itiottirt ten-rourui etenl. ivur anu on rounil ajraiw wm preoide the doubto erent. Al IWrforil. tetpran boxlnx tiromoter of Haiti- more, ) that bla club lin wlrfd the manaarra of Urnny bronard. wuild'a champion llibtwclsht. and e Trmdlrr of rhiltdtinlil. rontfnrtir for tha title, an off.r of a putae for a fifteen-round bout lu a dicitlon u be held In llaltlmore. Tlautamwf'lghta will ao furnish the atar tutu of rounda at the Pioneer Sportlni Club In Kail Jllh street to-night when llfuny L'oHcr. Ike clftrr Italian noser, nierta Hobby Po)!e of the nrrt aide. tn the tin round Mml-nnal Tatay ttogaih. a hrotker of Ixmta llecaah of llrl(Utrt, will twtr. pundira with Soldier Uewn. Ulriie O'Harc, Uie vronuuns local lijht liMiy M.'.ln, who ecuml trw ilei'uuon orvr LUariin llurk.'. tho .No Orleans fihur, in a rifUen round go It New Orlcaiu the early part of thw wi. iwelred a pnnuitaw of l.f.l) for bi tlctory., O'llaie nali a big bit with tlie fi.'ht fana la Ike South by Ida ctner IkuIhj and kard but in. At the HUlgnwci.J Oroo Stwrtice Ottai on Situnlay eiculiu, Jan. ID, Johnny Arniinw. tb ltrookb-n lirajweiM, will jro iitlnt Jack Han lott, kfiolhrr "beary." Ut the aesil rioal of ten rouwla. A( Mi mrn Are hoary hJUem and game, rtfy uuirlit to furaiah an ttrtor.xtlnr scrap. Matchmaker Voj:niatJ eijnvla to ckaio the main go to-Oay. Uunv llowtrd. ehj I.khJ aiuldlow4lit, who has fuJtit tivo bouui wiuli Harry llreb Pitta burgh, w"l "k ou !enre Cluu, th middlt weltAt of Netr Cu.tW. il'a.. la a tcu-routal bout at a diow to be liroujlit rfl at rVronton, 1'a., on seat WlDdaj niaiit. lluaard tu b.n so. oroine In aU it Ills fiilltw and ho ought to tin Oh a lurd UatUe. Marty Croas of thw any will doa the e'otm proilpg In all cf hla flihtj and h ouibt to ii.-.a hliu booked to meet Jack Mturmrn, Uie A. 12 I'. niwt.nreiwlit otiaani.ion, fur flften round m tlie ouln go at th llidowal Oraer Hiioriiiig ('lab el to-nigtit. And: UllUniW of Portland. Me , U'llorl mcete Jack , fr ten rouiele - rrankle Maxwell ihe "Itarlem' Cidone ' who brake "Knockout 1'litl" IXImoul'a alanlni atreak of fltMcfa itialgnt iletortii. eapicu to repot on iUuulai .tiUU, Sal Soxuu Qua a'lta.ha t - i i ,r -r ' - - - and Gossip '.-. Oir'.lr IllUnran Mliwrll uid rmintfon 1.1" ni'h prilpd mllh Mnjr Kddle II t- Mihnii for n.-lzlit tnd rirncv. In thn olhrr 'weh-rrturi'l.r M)l StuUDon. Ihe fx-nutur. will cicit JUnia Illut of llirl.m. Ildl Andiron. U jfmiij banttai frDra Wo mlns. who r.erntlv rleftiu.i Youuji trick.7 l lh IMuartr Spurilux nub. I raxt romui; to the front unikf U.. mnj.-iu.iu uf hill. (Irurp. IIUI ihlnk. fchl. kid a coming champion and baa arraUKtd an rItM-round tmut with (late Martliall at Ncwburc on Krldav night at wblr'h a bis dflrzatton from Nrw Yoik will ittrod. The followlnj Tumdar An I d. run mffla Charlie L'olrr at tbe Woxlhaua A. U. la a tra-round erml-flnal. Jlta Jfontintntrr. tlie lrtati inidJlewmltit. ir nam vn bis wy to 1'anims, Where lw Is txioltM ii . f. nr0 rihta. SiontKoraory wim offwd soal j piirsm tot each bout and hi nui . r. Jack liojeni, Icb'. no Umo In slirnlne tho louli., t. If Ik- iie ! in wlntrtcz hla flsUm ttirre. he will try anj IW yi, hnaK of j,e glu& niiddlunrUhb 1 bertti Annttier a,llfirnia hrwiht ha rritol In ton for joat. iU i "Wild Jlill" Held, ttw 9nn TraiJ.-o fij.acr who knxl out WUlie lleelun in liw turtli nwnJ of their bout M no , N'vw Yir' IJy aftermim. I'al Mullui, hi , nuiujer. 1 tnnit to !co him un kt a bunt vrilu. I tlicr 11111 Ilrcnmu or Harry brnii. Walter (Tooni) Edd). the aenaallonal New Rni- land lUhtwaUtit. who haa not loal a dcclaloa alnce , ....,,, ... n. rff. h ,,, matched . ( mwt Jlmmy Ku4 of YotkrU1J ln ooe , twelte-round Inula to be held at the Star Spurting Club on Monday, Jan. 111. mruy Nable, east aloe bantamweight champion, who ni forced to cancel hla flftcin round twut wlm Willie Spmrer ai the Pioneer Snonlig nub lax Saturday night on account of an tnfeited arm, U tramlm agaui In aotlciatlon of tewral If'a'.t bla managir, Al Weill, haa In etore for tiiin. NaWe'a neu bout la whs Pity Joinm at the Hamilton OhJu, I'imiiw. on Iho STtli of tlie monlb. PauI ekunjwm, the lt'l boiTywvldht. and Jiclt Cliffunl, Ow Jlesidjn lwaiywtiirtit, will ot m the rrature tuut of un rouoda at Ike Kriviurt IU 1.) rMurtluc Hii on Monday uijt. In the other urn round o llwl (KM) Potter Harry Uranoon. Vwir Joe HIikw w. Aiely Johaitoo and Walter Tuozoifton vs. rJoMkr 7.'on.v la aix round boutd. Oixej Key. tl t aid fijlitcr. tnho added atwrjier knotiiout to hia 1W ou Saturday nlgU by a... Ja.'k Ucdanond in all ro uida at the Pio neer htxirtins Clilb, has been iraotkl)y tmtoli.d to uiuU Jimmy O'QaUy at a tbow of that elyb the fr WW in K.ibruar'. Keyiw luui won amerel fllt.ta with knockouts In the laat fiw montha. Al kleRae. who won a tecavnloal knockout rlctory incr WUlle Cetal wenaly, tlghut Sailor Job Kelly in tho aUr lout nf fifUi-a ninla at tho Won.Haien hium ni to-niaru. haiiy ro- cenUr foiiKht a fiftocn-rourid draw ultli Jutmny 1ifitig at the air cnab. In the meni-nrml iaji try llanw Trlile Aialenwn Ur ten morris Freddie lte. llrooWni'i Junior llrhtwelibt and I ftner awrrlna partner of U. nm losard. la undtr th iiiai,afftnm'i.i or Ia-w Kilne and la nptn to met i an nml nn wrlMllne tn.m 1-1 t Mine al.n haa Ja kir Moon i-otored f.atbeiwilgl.i undir h.. manage mnc M.o'e Iwiee Wet 1Ve Uartun en TuuOar. hiinu iv J Iwu ai the eat, .New Vwk A. A, , . SENIORS CLUBS MUST DEDUCT STATE AND FEDERAL TAX FROM FIGHTERS' PURSES. Herearter out-of-town boxers who perform In thU State will haxe their State ami I'ediral tax deducted by the promoters before thev receive their mono)'. It waa found tnat nghters com ing Xrom other States left New York without complying with the Income tax i jaw. The Stato Hoxlng Commission served imtf e on nil treasurers and match makers of tho clubs In the Umpire State to appear ut the commission's ofllce, where thoy were informed that in the future they would have to withhold tho tax from the boxers' share of the money or else .bo held responsible. Cochran Consider Contract Still Vnllit. LONDON. Jan. 22. The orglnal con tract for tho Carpentler-Dempsey box ing bout Is considered still valid by Charles B. Cochran, tho Ktisllsh boxlntt promoter, a party to the nKreement. I; , was declared In a statement authorized by his othca here rcafenlay. M Cocliran's associates said thej had no knowledge of luittioruy tor William A nradv of New York to speak in Mr. Cochran's behalf. Tho statement reads as follows: "Aii far as Mr. Cochran is concerned. the orlclnal contract for tho Dempsey- Carpentier fight holds. If Messrs. Hrady or Hlckard have withdrawn, that Is bo- vnnd our control, but ir It la true. Mr. Cochran offers 100,000 to hold tho fljht in London. It was stated that Mr. Coehran had not lienrd dlrectlv trom Mr. Ilradv. hut was Inclined to behove the rulins of the New York Ktnte lioxlui: Commission as to a max mum ailmission lee to tnc limit might havo caused him io gel out from under.'' Invito Oxford nnd Cnmbrldice (loiters. A combined Oxrord-Cambrldge golf team has been Invited to uartlcloato in the playmir of tho annual Intercollegiate co r cliaiiioionsniD3 next snrlmr. accora in IT to an announcement made night by A. Luclen Walker, Uaptaln ot thn Columbia team and nn official of the Collece Golf Afoclatlon. Walker said that ho had written to England a few days ago, and that while ho .1) id rfo Iden how the proposal would oe lliei lie uim Kri-iib iit.ties tnai un international flavor would bo prcient at tho titular events. The champion, ships will bo held nt tho lirrenwlch Country Club from June 28 to July 2. It Oxford and CambridKo decide to send their representatives here, the combined team will he ono of the most rormldablo in tho competition. Cyril J. H. Tolloy, presont British amateur champion, is playing on the Oxford team and doubtlosa would bo ono of tho membnrs ot tho combination. llli'Urrson Win Coif I'lnnl. HHLLEAin IIKIOHTS. Jan. .". -IU'. 1. 11. Plckerson or Clearwater won the annual January coir tnuriiu.'iKnt when 'he ucrcaiiii uraniianu nice o, i IJiiglewond bv ;i up end 2 to pluy, over; tv... On.lL Thn iliur. ..,, K0f..,. bad a lead of I up at thrt ,ii..rnln:: rouml. He cot an narlv ad. vantage of two holes anil iUco was al- ww ugaunc iu aTJi. ow-u. Tlio decision rendered toy Iteforee Bddio Tollock at tho 'Pioneer A. C. In.l VtVl ,1. r. - ri..A4 4MnH .I,..'' J sandi of dollars thaA wore wagered on PPaddy O'Qatty to defeat Ilay Moore, tho St. Taul 'featherweight. Until tho referco Intervened in th latter haVf of tho third round Moore was giving O'Gotty a isororo- 'beating. It was learned before tho start of the bout that a lot of money had been wagoned on OKJatty by his East Bldo admirers, -who constituted nlne tentha ot tho largo .gathering. The odds wore stated at 3 to 1 on aiooro l tn win, iwith numerous OXJatty takers Both flic judges who affiliated last night (dated that in thedr opinion tho New Yorker had not been fouled. The threo Judgos nnd referee wcro sum moned to oprjicar before the commis sion to clear up the bout that saved many thousands of dollars tor the com side. From, the ringside it was obvious that Moore was punching nt times below tho "dead line," but as ho is a closo Infightor and constantly in action, at no time did his infraction of the rules appear intontlonal. That the blows did not do any damage or tend to havo a physical, effect on O'Gatty was also apparent after exmlnatton by a doctor Tb' and the fact that tho east aider wus being soundly tura.ih.eii stamps the act ot tho referee as both hasty and faulty and u great injustice to Moore The decision was met with disap proval from tho non-partisan element at the ringside, bu,t the O'Gatty fol loweir, who comprised 90 per cent m one of the largest crowds that etr Jammed thoir way Into tho Plonc. i Wportlnj- Cluto since the Inception of the present State law, greeted it with rouncls or applause. Aa .Moore's low punching d.d not Impair the fighfmff ability or the New Yorker, tht referee could have used better Judgment If he had been more lenient with the disqualified fighter. Desplto tho fact that both men weighed above 12- pounds they were announced as bantams instead of real featherweights. In the semi-Anal, Jimmy O'Gatty knocked out Mike Carroll In the first round. Sammy Vogel, a former amateur, stopped Maxey Kaufman in six rounds nnd Joe Carter won tho Judges' decision over Stanley Mcu ghan in the opening six. French Athletes In Penn Games PHILADELPHIA, Jan J2 - Athletic authoritioa of the I'nlverstty f Pinn sjl'vanla are d,illy expecting a reply to nn Invitation sent to France asking the University of Paris to send a one milo to relay racoo here the lat ter part of April. The Ftench uni versity is said to have wmo j,Mod nuarter mllcrs. Invitations hiwc aleo ibecn sernt to McGHl University nt Montrml nnd Toronto University to send teams for various event. No contestants are expected fioni Oxford or Cambridge this year. Al though these English univetsitl vi have i standing invitation to partici pate In Ponnaylviinia's relay gamei year, it, was hardly expoclul they uld go to .the crponso of send ing oncu each year. An English team, however, is looked for In 1S22 Hartley- Cruilly- Whin Ilrllt. PltOVIDENCE. R. I.. Jan. 22. At the American Lesion show hero laat nlcht Peta Hartley, the crick Now York llchtwclght, gave Franklc Young Urltt of Now Uedford a sound thrash ing; In cleht out of ten rounds, win nine the referee's decision. The ransr- slde wrlEht.i were: Brltt 131 pounrfiC Hartley Ut pounds. Hartley led all the tt.i. and had Hrltt continually holding to avoid a knockout SchlensKI ThroiT linns I.nnler. At tho wrestling carnival hold last night at tho Olympic Theatre Carl Schlrnskl, tho heavyweight wrestler fiom TTllea, threw Hans I-'inler of New York, after 30 minutes, with a hend lock. Jack Feinberg, of the East Bldo, defeated William netts, tlio EnglUh middleweight 'wrestler, with a scissors hold after 40 minutes. r-Phila. Jack 0'Brien's- SYSTEM UliAI.TIf ASH ATHT.lTnO INf?nTUTI! i:cliiblrly for lliihliirea Men. Clai.rH IW-arin Moniluy, Jan. u., IU Noon I 1". Mr 8 r. 51. Mad'uon Sq. Garden SSJJjr0 llpen All Vcai ; S A. M 10 , M l l.lll ItKDI flNll IIOHV lll'IMHVt, IIOMMI T t I.IIT NO ITMNIIMKNT World's lllmtciit M'l-Jmtnlnn Pool Itun iilnx Trarl on Hoof, Handball Courti indoors un. out.lonrs Kvery form of bathe. Prliuii' lewm rooms Oatalox Membership, One Year, $100 Phono Ua4aT04a.I&l-l-IilOQ . ISKJxX MKaT - V .1 Jg"4 .... V !'